- Author - BSC
- Rating -
  [ 2.48 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1982 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, consensual, chastity
- Post Date - 4/14/2009
Although she was 3000 miles away, my Mistress and I had discussed me wearing a padlock on my balls and being under her control for 24 hours. This spring it came true.
One morning, I woke up to her email with instructions on how it would work...
Today you will be wearing a padlock and be under my control for 24 hours.
FedEx will be delivering a package to you this morning. In it, you will find a padlock.
The moment you get it, hop on the Internet for a quick video session with me.
Keep these numbers handy...
FedEx, UPS and the mailman all delivered to my house at about the same time - between 10AM and Noon. With FedEx, then UPS then the mailman usually showing up in that order.
Sure enough, at 10AM, FedEx showed up and delivered a package.
Opening the box I found the padlock - and what a nice piece it was. It appeared to be very well made and expensive. The body was made of hardened aluminum for light weight, the hasp was made of boron alloy for strength and the key hole was the cylinder type for pic and drill resistance.
Heading upstairs I got on the computer and noticed she was waiting on-line ready for our video chat session.
She looked so hot in her leather outfit which cupped and exposed her incredible breasts.
The first thing she had me do was strip naked - I did.
I told her that I was excited about this. She said she could tell that ;-)
Before I put the lock on, I asked about how my escape would work and the fact that we were using a keyed lock - but there were no keys here. We had talked about maybe using a combination padlock so she could give me the combination remotely.
She said that a combination padlock is not secure enough. She knew that I could defeat it by possibly breaking it or by maybe guessing the numbers. A good keyed lock was the only way to go, she said.
She explained that she had 3 keys to the lock and that she had actually already sent them to me using 3 different carriers (as a backup to each other) all arriving the next day. One would come from FedEx (Overnight), one from UPS (Red), and one from USPS (Overnight Express). The tracking numbers to the 3 packages were provided in the email so I could track them myself on-line.
Satisfied, nervous and excited - I obediently focused the camera on my crotch and followed her directions.
"Grab your balls and pull them away from your body." - I did.
"Put the hasp around your ball sack." - I did.
"Swing the lock body around and line it up." - I did.
"Snap it shut and be mine Slave!" - I did, and I was. Shivers shot down my back.
She had me until the first package arrived the next day.