- Author - Mike Calsum
- Rating -
  [ 2.87 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2881 of 2955
- Story Codes - m-self, consensual, self-bondage
- Post Date - 1/27/2009
Hey whats going on guys? Before i tell you my self bondage adventure, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mike, I'm 19 years old, and I'm from a very boring town in New Jersey. In my town there really isn't a lot to do besides, well, tying myself up. I'll get the once in awhile White Castle or Taco Bell run, and unfortunately, i still live with my parents. Well that's enough about me, lets get to the part were i tied myself up and went outside while my parents were home. Did i get caught?!?
It was a Tuesday, i had Tuesday off from school, but my parents still had work. My dad gets up around 6:00am to get ready, and my mom gets up about 8:00am. My dad is always the first one out of the house and my mom is always the last one. That mourning i got up at 9:00am, just in time to catch my mom leaving the house. She asked me if i had plans today, and i told her that i did. She asked me if i can deliver this package to my neighbors house that accidentally came to our house. I was relieved, I thought she was going to make me do something that would take up the whole day, that would have meant no self bondage (shes does that often). So i quickly ran to my neighbors house, dropped it on the door step, rang the door bell and ran back to my house, they are very talkative people. I went down to my room, and quickly got all my things together. Handcuffs, some cable ties, two padlocks, and a baseball belt that i had adjusted perfectly for my thighs. I began to set up the situation. I really didn't have a plan, just kinda thought of stuff off the top of my head. I had first set it up so i wouldn't have to leave the house, but then i thought of a much better situation that turned me on a lot.
Here was the plan. My house has an alarm, and my room is in the basement. i have a backdoor that leads to under my deck. I was going to tie my feet up with the cable ties and put a padlock on the cables holding my feet together. Then i was going to make three loops with three different cables, starting from the padlock that is holding my feet together. These three cables will secure the hogtie. Between the second and third cable loop i will put a padlock. Then i will get the handcuffs and put the third loop around the chain of the handcuffs, then handcuff my hands behind my back, i will then be securely tied up in a hogtie. My plan with the keys goes as follows, the key for the padlock that is in between the second and third cable loop will be right outside my backdoor under the deck. The key for the padlock holding my feet together will be by the shed which is about thirty feet from the backdoor. Then the key for my handcuffs will be on the other side of the property. In my backyard, i have a fence, so i decided to do this naked.
The time has come, i got my keys together and put them in there spots. As i was doing this another idea hit me. That idea was to set my house alarm so i will be stuck inside until my parents get home to shut off the alarm, then i will have to be tied until they get home, AND i will have to go around my yard naked, and untie myself while they are home. I new it was risky, but i decided to do it anyways. when i get inside from putting the keys were they should be, i went up to set the alarm, making sure that i did not lock the backdoor, then i would be in trouble. I went down and got to work tying myself up. I cabled tied my feet together, and secured them with a padlock. the then made my two loops and put the padlock on the loop, then made my third loop. I then put the handcuffs in the loop and handcuffed my hands behind my back. So there i was, hogtied in my house, naked, and the only way to get out was to wait for my parents to get home, take the alarm off, wiggle my way to the backdoor, slide it open with my chin, or feet. couldn't really do it with my hands, then wiggle to the key, unlock the padlock that's in between the second and third loop, then i would be able to stand, hop over to the shed, unlock my feet, then run over to the handcuff key, then unlock my hands. I was turned on, and became very hard.
After about 3 hours tied like this, i started to loose feeling in my feet, i was really happy i didn't use that baseball belt for my thighs. My wrists were started to get cut up from the handcuffs, i just wanted one of my parents to come home and take the alarm off. After another what seemed to be an hour i started to panic, my heart rate jumped, and i became nervous, started thinking of stuff like, what if they went out to eat, or what if they said they were going to be home late tonight and i just forgot. About another forty-five minutes later i heard a car pull into my drive way, then i heard a car door slam. I waited, then the door opened and the warning alarm went off, it wasn't loud, but if you didnt turn it off in thirty seconds, it will get very loud. It was my mom, and i prayed for her not to come downstairs, and she didn't. All she did was yell down to me that she was home. I yelled back okie dokie, and got one with getting outside. When i finally got to the backdoor, i tried to open it with my chin, but that didn't work. I then had to reposition myself, and try to open it, with my toes. after about five minutes, i got it open wide enough to get my body threw the doorway. I hurried and got to the key to unlock the first padlock. It was a little challenging getting it unlocked but i did. When that was unlock i tried to stand up. It was a little difficult with my hands handcuffed behind my back, feet tied together, and in bare feet, cause it kinda hurt my feet to try and get up, plus the fact i was naked. Eventually i got up and hopped over to the shed. If my mom were to look out of the kitchen window, she would have a perfect visual of me hopping to the shed naked and bound. I hoped she didn't. I Finally got to the shed and realized that i cant unlock my feet, with my hands handcuffed behind my back. This means i had to hop across the property to get the keys to the cuffs, then hop all the way back to unlock my feet. I wasted no time in doing so, just to get out of plain view if my mom decided to look out the window. It took me about ten minuted to finally get there, the bottom of my feet were killing me. I got my hands free, now i just hand to hop all the way back. It was a little bit easier this time since my hands were free. When i got there i unlocked my feet and ran in my house. My wrist and ankles were cut up and my feet were pale. It felt so good to get them off. I told myself that i will never tie myself up again, but that night. i tied myself to my computer chair. I couldn't resist.