- Author - Debra Darling
- Rating -
   [ 3.30 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1571 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, consensual, bondage, cross-dressing, humiliation, torture
- Post Date - 1/14/2009
Debra stood helpless in the middle of the dungeon. So far the session she was involved in was rather simple and she had not quite figured out where it was going. It was rather exciting but clearly there was much more yet to come.
She had arrived on time, dressed as usual. That meant cross dressed wearing normal female street appropriate attire. Of course she knew her Mistress did not like this but then that was part of the whole scene. Her Mistress had ordered her to strip down to her scanties, which she did.
She had removed her cashmere sweater and the A-line skirt. She had chosen a “fifties” look for this trip. The sweater was soft and creamy in color. The skirt was coal black. Now they were gone, as was the button up the back blouse with the Peter Pan collar she had worn underneath the sweater with just the collar showing. Gone also was the full length nylon slip. She then stood in her long line bra, a garter belt, panties, stockings and pumps. The shoes had narrow heels about three inches high and very pointed toes.
Mistress had smiled as she admired the long, very long, scarlet painted nails on Debra’s fingers. The smile looked almost evil and she placed a small ball in the palm of Debra’s right hand and then curled her fingers around the ball until the tips of her nails just touched the base of her hand. A mitten of unusual construction was then pulled down over the hand. There was a hard, hollow ball that completely covered the hand, enclosing it. When it was in place, Debra could not open her hand at all and her nails were pressed even more tightly against her hand.
Mistress then took a can of powder of some kind and sprinkled it liberally into what turned out to be the long arm of a glove that stretched all the way past Debra’s elbow. There were small buttons at the wrist that were now fastened. Then a leather cuff was pulled tightly around her wrist and a snap hook with a rope attached was used to lock the cuff in place. The rope ran off to a fastener on the far wall.
The process was repeated on the left hand and soon Debra stood with her arms pulled out to each side, each hand totally captive in its round prison.
Mistress wrapped a corset around Debra’s considerable waist. This was a lovely satin garment but Debra could tell it was steel boned and of very sturdy construction. The front busk was fastened shut with a series of strong steel clips.
Next, Debra watched as Mistress pulled her bra cups away from her chest along with the heavy, silicon forms that created Debra’s bust line. Again the can of powder came into play as the inner side of each form was sprinkled before it was allowed to return back to her chest. The same procedure was used with her panties.
Finally, her shoes were removed and replaced with CFM hooker heels. The shoes were peep toe D’Orsey pumps with straps that came up over the instep and around the ankle to fasten them tightly to her feet. The shoes had no flex as they were platform style with a four inch platform under her foot and ten inch high pointed spike heels. Mistress used a shoe horn to get the shoes on before she fastened the buckles. Debra’s brightly painted toe nail showed at the opening at the front of each shoe.
Mistress then laced the corset as tight as she could. Every time Debra thought it could go no tighter, Mistress would work the laces and get yet a little more restriction. When she was finished, Debra could only barely breathe. Her middle was squeezed painfully tight as here ample waist had been constricted at least six inches. She felt lightheaded already as her bosom heaved with every tortured breath.
As a final touch, Mistress tightened the ropes that held her arms outstretched. The ropes were pulled until Debra’s arms were straight out from her shoulders. The result was that she could move ever so slightly frontwards and backwards before the strain become too much but she could not move from side ot side at all.
That was when things started to get interesting.
Debra felt the floor beneath her feet begin to move. She looked down and realized she was standing on a sort of a treadmill. As the floor move back she was forced to step forward to relieve the strain on her arms. The floor kept her walking a a brisk pace but not one that was impossible to maintain.
That was it. Nothing more. Mistress was busy cleaning up and working on some of her equipment. Debra was ignored. She just kept walking but she soon discovered the evils of her position.
A half hour went by. Her arms were beginning to object to her enforced position. Her waist was in pain from being squeezed so tightly. She was gasping for air and beginning to perspire. Her feet were hurting as the extreme height of the heels forced all of her weight forward and began pushing her toe further and further into the narrow opening at the front. She already felt like the leather was going to cut her big toe in half and each step was becoming a blaze of pain.
Now Mistress began to share the rest of her punishment. Mistress told her that like most women, she was wearing a shoe that was two sizes too small. That was why they were so tight to begin with. Mistress then also shared with her the nature of the powder that had been used on her in various places. It was a powerful itching powder that was activated by body heat and sweat. Soon she would be itching the length of her arms, her ass and crotch where they were covered by her panties and of course, her breasts.
Mistress then told her what was going to happen. She would be walking for another hour while her various pains mounted. By then she would be begging to be released and to get those awful clothes off of her body. At that point Mistress would begin to bargain with her. So much punishment for each little bit of relief.
A slight loosening of the corset laces? Twenty strokes with a cane across her panty covered bottom. Unfasten a shoe strap? Twenty more strokes with a cat. Remove the corset? Mistress would practice with the single tail using her crotch as a target.
By the time she managed to rid herself of all of her feminine finery, Debra would be a mass of bruises and welts from waist to knees. The punishment would do its job. She would hate those clothes with a passion. She would not put on female clothes again.
At least not until the next time.