John saw Kate’s profile on a BDSM dating website. He was seeking the Mistress/girlfriend of his dreams, and Kate seemed to be exactly what he wanted, but he doubted she would respond. She was 15 years younger than him and her photos showed a beautiful red-head artistically posing in a variety of fetish-wear. He wrote a respectful letter of introduction and was both thrilled and surprised to receive a response. It turned out they shared many of the same “vanilla” interests and chatted online effortlessly for hours, followed by more great phone conversations. Kate finally agreed to meet him for drinks and the chemistry was undeniable. Two martinis later, Kate said:
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“I really enjoyed our evening and would like to see you again and see what develops. I know you want a Mistress, and I am looking for a slave, but you are not to do anything or even mention ANYTHING that has to do with the “lifestyle”. If you so much as make a handcuff joke in my presence, I will disappear from your life. Nod your head if you understand.”
John thought about their prior chats and phone calls. The few times he had tried to steer the conversation to BDSM or anything fetish-y, she had artfully changed the subject. He was dying to talk to her about the interests they had in common---interests that John had been obsessing about for years.
Despite his disappointment, John dutifully nodded his head: “That’s a good boy” said Kate. “One more important rule: You are not to touch me unless specifically instructed to do so. Again, if you so much try to hold my hand, you will never see me again. If you understand, put your hands in your pockets”.
Arghhh!! John was a total gentleman, but he had been stealing glances at Kate’s smooth thighs and hint of cleavage all night and had been plotting to somehow move in for a hug, a kiss or even just an excuse to massage her bare shoulders. He certainly wasn’t going to blow his chance with her, though, and stuck his hands in his pants pockets.
“Good boy—I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me. I’m going to leave now---I want you to wait 5 minutes here before you leave”. Kate stood up and gave John a little pat on the head: “Call me tomorrow night at 8:00”.
That was 3 months ago, and John had gone out with Kate twice a week on average and they talked on the phone almost every day. John had absolutely fallen in love with her, and the urge to talk about his wants, needs and fantasy interests was consuming him. He had seen Kate in everything from cocktail dresses to pajamas, but never a hint of the corsets, stockings and boots that she wore in her pictures on the website. He also was bursting with the desire to touch or be touched by her. He thought he had a chance when they had gone to Las Vegas for a weekend, but at the front desk she asked for a room with separate beds. Occasionally, she would tap his arm to make a point or “accidentally” brush his thigh --- her touch was so electric to him that he would instantly get hard. He found himself thinking about her every waking moment and would masturbate several times a day, thinking about all the things he wished she would do to him.
Kate had demanded nothing from him: John did all the thoughtful things he thought were appropriate, like open doors, buy flowers and other small gifts for her, but she never seemed bitchy or demanding. The only thing she insisted on was alternating paying for dinners, movies and other activities. John sometimes wondered if she was really dominant, but every once in a while she looked at him in a way that he couldn’t remember being looked at before---she seemed to be looking at him like she was appraising a piece of property. The difference was subtle, but it always gave John chills.
Tonight was John’s birthday. Kate told him that she would plan the evening—he should be dressed for dinner out and she would pick him up at 7:00PM. This was a touch strange as he had always picked her up in the past. He didn’t think much of it though---John enjoyed his cocktails and perhaps she expected that he might celebrate with an extra martini.
Kate knocked on his door precisely at 7:00. She looked absolutely stunning in her “little black dress, pantyhose and heels. John had a strong pantyhose fetish and could barely help himself from staring at her perfect legs encased in the sheer black hose. They got in the car and she drove them to his favorite steakhouse. He had taken her there on their second date. When they got to the restaurant, Kate grabbed a rather large tote bag from the back seat. She usually favored a small clutch that just held her phone and keys, and John thought that it might hold a birthday gift for him. If he only knew....
She had reserved one of the large circular booths in the center of the restaurant---the “see and be seen” table. The waiter came over to take their drink order. John opened his mouth to order his favorite drink when Kate interrupted and asked the waiter to give them a few minutes. She reached into the tote and pulled out an envelope that appeared to be a birthday card and handed it to him. He began to thank her and she “shushed” him. She said: “Be silent and open the card”.
John unquestioningly followed directions and carefully opened the envelope. Inside there was a handwritten note:
Dear John,
For the last three months I have been testing you to see if you had the patience, obedience and temperament to serve as a My slave. I know it hasn’t been easy for you to resist touching me and avoid speaking about your wants and desires. However, the wants and desires of My slave must always be secondary to My needs and it was important that I see that you were able to just enjoy being in My presence.
John noticed that his hands were trembling and sweaty. He looked up at her and saw she was looking at him in that “appraising property” way. He attempted to compose himself and continued reading:
Tonight is your final test. While I enjoy my dinner, you will be given a series of tasks to perform. You are not to speak for any reason—just follow instructions. If you successfully pass this test, there will be no turning back---you will walk out of the restaurant as My slave.
Mistress Kate
John was now trembling almost uncontrollably and his hard cock was pressing uncomfortably against his pants. He looked up at Kate and she said just loudly enough for anyone listening to hear: “If you understand and agree slave, nod your head twice”.
John dutifully nodded twice. “That’s a good pet”. She reached into the tote and pulled out a small wrapped gift-box with another card attached and handed it to John. “Take the package to a stall in the bathroom, read the card and do what it says”.
John took the package to the men’s room, avoided chatting with the attendant and headed for the last stall. He locked the door and opened the note:
"Mistress owns every part of you, but wishes to take possession of your useless penis first. You are to remove your underwear, attach the enclosed object snugly and lock it. When you are finished, return to the table."
John opened the box and immediately recognized what was inside. It was a new CB3000 chastity belt with a padlock. He saw that the key was missing from the box. In his profile on the BDSM site, John had written about his experience with such a device, so Kate knew he would understand what to do with it. In order to take off his underwear, he had to remove his shoes and pants first. He prayed that the attendant was ignoring the extra activity in his stall and went about disrobing. I took him a few minutes to select the correct ring and spacers, but he finally succeeded in getting a snug fit that wouldn’t cut off his circulation and would render his cock and balls trapped until the device was unlocked. He took a deep breath and clicked the lock shut. He then put his pants and shoes back on, stuffed his underwear in his pocket and quickly left the restroom.
When he got back to the table, Kate was casually chatting with the waiter and enjoying a glass of red wine. John must have looked a little disheveled because the waiter asked him if he was okay. John nodded hastily and was relieved when the waiter left the table. Kate said: “Give me your underwear—you won’t be needing them anymore”. John reached into his pocket and hoped that nobody was looking as he passed his briefs across the table. Kate stuffed them in the bag and then took out a second package which was a bit larger than the first. She handed it to John and said: “I think you need to go to the bathroom again slave”.
John hastily returned to the bathroom clutching package #2. The attendant gave him that “Why didn’t you wash your hands last time” look but John hurried back to the stall where he had locked up his penis and opened the card:
"A proper slave must always have its ass filled so that it is always ready for whatever its Owner chooses to use it for. Attach the plug to the harness, adjust the straps, lock it and return to the table."
The box contained a medium-sized pink plug, a leather harness with a ring attached a small packet of lubricant and another padlock. John had worn a plug before, but it had been a long time and he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. He dropped his pants, squirted a little of the lube on his fingers and slowly began working them into his anus. His cock began hardening painfully against its new plastic prison and he tried not to grunt too loudly. He heard other customers talking in the bathroom and he was sure they knew something strange was going on.
After he was able to work three fingers in, he took a good look at the harness and figured out how to set it up so the plug wouldn’t (couldn’t?) come out. With some difficulty, he allowed the plug to invade his ass and finally felt it slide all the way in. He pulled the strap between his legs, guided it to the side of his/Her penis and pulled it tight. He then put the lock through a hole in the strap and attached it to the ring in the front of waist-strap.
Click---John now examined his predicament. His penis was painfully pressing against the CB which he couldn’t remove and it was clear that he had done a very good job of locking the plug inside himself. There was no question that he stuck until She chose to unlock him.
With the plug inside him, John walked verrrrrry carefully back to the table. Kate was about halfway through a beautiful filet mignon and she barely looked up as he gingerly sat down. “Awwww....My slave looks a little bit uncomfortable!” This time she said “slave” loudly enough for a diner at the next table to look over inquisitively. John’s face turned as red as the lobsters being served at the restaurant.
John sat there watching Kate devour her steak when he felt something on his leg. He looked down and saw that Kate had removed a shoe and was sliding her stocking-clad foot up towards his thigh. For what felt like an eternity, she teased his crotch through his pants, moving the chastity cage from side to side. Between the plug filling his ass and her beautiful feet in his lap, his cock stayed painfully as erect as the CB would allow.
“Slave, I have one more gift for you”. Kate pulled what I assumed to be the last package from her tote. It was the size of a jewelry box and had another note attached. “Read this note here slave”. John opened the note:
My Darling,
If you are reading this note, then you have passed the dinner test and are certainly qualified to serve Me. As cruel as this test has seemed, I truly care for you and am as excited about having you belong to Me as you are to serve. These are the terms of your enslavement:
1. You shall address me as “Mistress” at all times except when family members are present.
2. Your cock belongs to me. You will only be unlocked when bound so that the CB can be properly cleaned. You know from my profile that I adore long-term chastity and it might be weeks before I choose to allow you to cum.
3. Your ass belongs to me. When we are together, you will wear the locked plug harness at all times.
4. Unless you are at work or have another obligation approved by Me in advance, you will be at my home.
5. You will do EVERYTHING I say without question or lose me forever.
I promise to love and treasure my slave and make sure that no real harm comes to it. Even though you will exist only to please Me, we do share many interests and I can assure you that many of your dreams will come true.
Mistress Kate
John looked up and saw that Kate had a broad smile on her face. She said: “This is the final step. There is a final symbol of devotion in that box that you will never be able to remove. Open the box and look at it. Think about everything that has happened this evening. If you wish to leave, I will hand you two keys that fit your “undergarments” and you will be free to go. If you wish to be mine, just bow your head.
John unwrapped the package and found a rectangular leather case inside. He opened it and found himself looking at a beautiful men’s gold necklace. He picked it up and noticed that the hasp was actually a tiny lock. He felt tears in his eyes---he had always fantasized about belonging to the woman of his dreams, and Kate was definitely that woman. He obediently bowed his head.
Kate took the necklace from John and told him to turn his back to her. She gently put the necklace on him and clicked the lock shut. John turned back around and saw the wait staff approaching with a large piece of cake with a candle in it and they sang a rather off-tune Happy Birthday to him. John blew out the candle but no wish was necessary—it had just come true.