Chapter 1: Introduction
Kyle was a good looking forty two year old, and had lost his wife two years earlier. Now, after the initial grief, he was venturing out into the dating world once again; only things were slightly different this time.
Apart from being nearly twenty years since he had done this sort of thing, he had now decided he wanted a certain type of partner. That was one who also indulged in his passion for bondage.
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Although his wife had gone along with this interest in bondage and let him tie her up, it wasn't the same as participating with someone who craves the domination.
He always had that distant hope that she would develop a liking for it, but it never materialised. He had always been extremely grateful for her participation in something that at best she was indifferent to or more likely just went along with to please him.
But knowing this left him with feelings of guilt that out-weighed the pleasure gained from their occasional bondage sessions.
Consequently, his new girlfriend or partner should also crave this participation in a bondage lifestyle.
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Kyle had located, via the internet, a meeting at a local-ish pub of a bondage group. So he had made his mind up to go along with the intention of meeting someone of that persuasion. He was apprehensive to say the least, not just at the thought of entering a room full of strangers, but would they be his age, would they be mainly men, would they all be experienced in these sorts of meetings?
Not only that, would whoever he met want him for who he was and or for what he was. So, all these thoughts had been going through his mind as he drove to the meeting.
Pulling into the car park ten minutes before the start time he was surprised to find there were just two adjacent spaces left, over in the far corner. He drove over to the two spaces and was just about to reverse into one when a sports car sped into the car park and stopped just short of the space he was going to reverse into.
The attractive woman in the sports car beckoned him into the parking space before driving into the last remaining space; such that their driver's doors were next to each other.
Consequently, as Kyle got out of his car and stood up he could not but help notice the way the woman's skirt had ridden up in the low seated position of her sports car revealing her stocking tops. With the image still lodged in his mind he walked to the front of his car and stood there looking for a sign of some kind indicating where the meeting was.
He was not sure what he was expecting to see, 'Bondage Pervs – this way' flashed through his mind as he still felt unsure of himself, but he needed to do this if was going to fulfil his desire.
Walking on a few steps he was aware the attractive looking woman, who was now out of her car was also standing looking somewhat lost.
They both wandered around to the front of the pub to the main entrance and Kyle held the door open for the late thirty something woman to enter; taking a look at her figure as she passed by with "Thank you".
They then both stood just inside the door still looking for signs to the meeting. Kyle building up his courage said "Are you here for the meeting?"
The woman taken a back somewhat replied, "Errr no, well sort of"
"I'll take that as a yes then" Kyle said with a smile "A first timer like me I imagine".
"Well, yes" she replied.
"How about just getting a drink and sitting over there" Kyle suggested pointing to a table "and watch how things progress before we take the plunge?"
"Errr, Ok" she said, realising she had just agree to sit and have a drink with a perfect stranger while her attention was elsewhere. However he appeared nice enough and the place was full of people so nothing was going to happen.
"Oh, I'm Kyle by the way".
"Pleased to meet you Jodie, what would like to drink?"
They got their drinks and sat down at a table that allowed a good view of most of the bar area. Both scanning the area they concentrated their attention on the two or three groups mingling by the bar, but none showed any sign of being anything than people meeting and having a drink.
"It's not easy to tell who's who is it ". Kyle commented "It would be a bit embarrassing to wander up to the wrong group and ask – Are you into bondage".
Kyle then suddenly went red as he thought ' Oh hell there might be more than one meeting here, she might be at a completely different meeting'.
But his fears were unfounded as she replied "Oh yes, I would just want the floor to just swallow me up".
Kyle continued "But I suppose they could all be part of the group, it's just not that easy to tell without mingling with them".
"I thought I was ready to meet people but now I'm here I feel I need to build up a bit more courage" Jodie said.
"Well there is no hurry, well not as far as I am concerned". Kyle replied.
So they sat there chatting and watching the crowd looking for signs of bondage lifestyle, but none really appeared.
After twenty minutes or so of light conversation the topic of bondage finally came up.
Jodie had obviously been thinking about the subject for a few minutes as the question was one that would normally be asked part way through a conversation, not as an opening line.
"Your wife or partner not into this sort of thing? Oh I'm sorry that's rather personal. It's just that is what was going through my mind. I'm making this worse aren't I. They say when in a hole stop digging. Just forget I said anything and I'll just shut up."
"No, it's fine" Kyle replied. "She died a couple of years ago, but no she wasn't" "Oh, I'm sorry" Jodie apologised.
"It's not a problem; I'm over it now, hence my visit here. She used to participate and let me tie her up and have sex but I could always tell she was just doing it to please me. So I always felt guilty and I knew she wouldn't object unless I went over the top. Consequently, we only did it now and again." Kyle explained.
"That's a shame" Jodie replied "But I know exactly how you felt. I've been divorced about eighteen months. My husband couldn't appreciate my need to be dominated and although it wasn't the only reason for the break up, it was a major factor".
"There seems to be an awful lot of people leaving" Kyle said rather breaking up Jodie's flow. "Do you think we are a little earlier?"
"Maybe" Jodie replied a little put out.
"Well I was wondering if you would like to get something to eat, in the restaurant on the other side of the bar. Then we could continue this conversation."
"Yes, Ok." Jodie replied now realising she wasn't being given the brush off.
Chapter 3: The Meal
Moving around to the restaurant they took a table in one of the dimly lit booths.
"Sorry about that" Kyle said once they had sat down "I rather cut you off mid story in there, you had just explained about your divorce."
"Oh, yes Tom, that was my husband" Jodie continued taking a large gulp of her drink; perhaps to gain courage. "Didn't get the bondage and domination thing at all. When I asked him to tie me up he just got a couple of scarves and gently tied my wrists in front of me. Not really what I wanted."
Jodie took another gulp of her drink. "So I took things a step further. I had bought myself a proper boned corset, made to measure, jet black it's beautiful.
Anyway so I dressed in my new corset, it took ages to get it laced tightly, and then seamed black stockings, black 5" heeled shoes with a strap that buckled around my ankle. I was getting really turned on at this stage."
Kyle sat there mesmerised trying to visualise Jodie in her corset and seamed stockings.
"I lay on the bed and tied my ankles together with some nice white rope I bought from the local DIY store. It was such a contrast to the black stockings I didn't know if I could hold on for Tom to arrive. Anyway I then made a big-ish loop from more rope and then doubling it a couple of times I put my hands behind my back and wriggled my wrists through the loops so I was sort of tied up."
"This sounds absolutely marvellous" Kyle drooled.
"So I then called Tom up to the bedroom for something special." Jodie explained.
"And" Kyle said, having difficulty containing himself.
"He came in and said You look extremely sexy! So I thought things might be looking up but as he started kissing me he also started untying me!" Jodie said in a disappointed tone.
"Oh what a downer. It all sounded so good up until then." Kyle commented. "Did it ever improve? I always hoped Mandy, my wife, would grow to like it but it never happened."
"Well, once it did." Jodie said with a smile. "I had bought a bright red ball gag, and having dressed in my corset, again with seamed black stockings and 5"heels, I asked Tom if he would tie me and gag me."
"And did he?" Kyle enquired hoping the story would develop.
"Yes and it did improve but not quite in the way I expected." Jodie continued. "I said I wanted to be hogtied, so after explaining what that was; Tom proceeded to tie me up.
Firstly he tied my ankles together with the white rope and then my wrist together behind my back with more rope. Finally, using a loose end of the wrist rope he tied it to my ankles, even though there were another four or five lengths on the floor."
"So you got here at last Jodie!"
"No, there must have been a couple of feet of rope between my wrists and ankles, plus it was all loose. I pulled one wrist out almost immediately! So I really lost it, telling him he was useless and couldn't tie a Christmas parcel!"
"Oh so how did he react to that? Did he storm out?" Kyle asked.
"Well yes, but not immediately. He said I always had a big mouth and picked up the ball gag and thrust in my mouth.
I tried to fight him off but one wrist was still tied, so he put a knee on the free arm while he buckled the ball gag really tight. Then he pulled both my wrists together, palm to palm, and retied them but much tighter.
He told me he was a really good Boy Scout, as he wound a few loops around them, and then cinched them in the middle. Then he did the same with my ankles."
Jodie swallowed the last of her drink as Kyle indicated to the waiter to bring two more drinks.
"I thought he was leaving the room but he bent down and picked up more rope and came back and wound a rope around my legs above the knee. After a few turns he cinched he cinched it, then he began winding rope around my arms just above the elbow.
This I was not expecting and he pulled it tighter and tighter until my elbows were almost touching."
The waiter approached with the drinks causing Jodie to pause and her cheeks turned slightly red.
"By this time my mind was whirling with his actions and my anger" Jodie continued "and also because I was becoming extremely turned on. He then said 'Improving am I?' in an angry voice before taking another length of rope pulling the rope around my ankles up as far as the rope around my wrists and tying it off leaving me in a stricter hogtie than I had ever imagined."
Kyle sat there wide eyed "Wow, that sounds amazing!"
"Well, he wasn't quite finished, and I don't know where he learnt this one but he braided a rope into my hair and pulled it back to my wrists and ankles pulling my head back.
Then, and this part really did for me, he took a couple of pillows and put one each side of me so I couldn't roll over on to my side. I was stuck laying on my stomach in a strict hogtie with my back arched and my head pulled back!"
"Then what" Kyle asked excitedly imagining Jodie with her head severely pulled back by virgin white rope braided into her long jet black hair.
"He said 'See how you like that' and stormed out slamming the door. Jodie said "He must have thought it was a sort of punishment, but I was in heaven, even though it hurt a bit."
"How long did he leave you Jodie?"
"Not long enough! I squirmed a bit and managed one orgasm but I was just building up to a second when he back came in, in a terrible state saying how sorry and cruel he had been and he untied me.
I was really confused, I felt sorry for what I had said and how he must now be feeling, but it was so nice and I was so close to the second of what could have been a few more orgasms!"
"So you never got to repeat the situation?" Kyle enquired.
"No that was the beginning of the end. I knew I could never ask him to participate again, so the corset, ropes and ball gag are all still in my bottom draw. Anyway, hadn't we better order this meal" Jodie said taking another sip of her drink.
They ordered the meal and continued chatting until it came. When they main course had been cleared away Kyle, having built up sufficient courage said "I don't think I want to go back into the other side of the bar and meet the group."
Jodie looked a little disappointed.
"This is because" Kyle continued "I've found someone already."
Jodie now looked a little confused.
"That's you Jodie; I just wish I'd met someone like you years ago." Kyle disclosed.
Jodie taken aback paused and looking thoughtful said "Yes, I can't see any point meeting the group as I feel comfortable with you and I also want to take this further."
The sweets arrived and they both sat silently eating a peach melba and a chocolate torte, while contemplating the last couple of sentences.
Once the sweets had been cleared Kyle said "Of course you realise that there some rules you need to obey, and one of them starts now."
"Oh, and that is?" Jodie asked.
"Ok, are you wearing knickers Jodie?"
"Of course, what sort of girl do you think I am?" Jodie said indignantly.
"Submissives are not allowed to wear knickers unless specifically instructed to do so, so you need to remove them." Kyle instructed.
"Ok" Jodie replied with a cheeky smile "I'll just go and powder my nose."
"NO" Kyle said sharply "remove them here please Jodie!"
"Here at the table?" Jodie said in astonishment.
"Here at the table" Kyle repeated.
Jodie was just starting to think perhaps Kyle wasn't someone she wanted to take things further with when she realised that she was starting to become turned on. After all wasn't this what she had been craving, being dominated, doing things that she didn't always want to do. So after a few more seconds thought and a slightly increased state of arousal she agreed.
"Ok then" Jodie said as she looked around to make sure there were no waiters coming her way and no one was looking.
"Hurry up Jodie, are you always going to be so disobedient." Kyle said sternly.
Jodie started wriggle while hitching her skirt up, exposing her stocking tops and suspenders, not that Kyle could see as he was the other side of the table. Then she hooked her thumbs in either side of the top of her knickers and started to pull them down squirming and wiggling violently. She was wearing her favourite black lacy bikini style knickers, and these were by no means inexpensive.
After a few seconds Jodie had managed to get her knickers past her thighs and down to her knees. However this process had caused them to roll themselves up and pulling skirt back down she let the knickers fall to floor. She then bent down and slipping her feet out of her shoes and stepped out of the knickers.
She then sat back up as Kyle said "Give them to me please."
Jodie scrunched them up in her hand and passed them over the table to Kyle. But rather than just put them in his pocket Kyle first lifted them up and sniffed them smiling slightly he said "I see your beginning to get aroused."
The thought of Kyle sniffing her knickers and then being able to assess her state of arousal was embarrassing but also heightened her state of arousal.
Then further to her dismay he laid the knickers on the place mat in front of him and began straightening them out in full view of everyone. Having straightened them out he turned them over front upper most and began carefully folding them. First he folded the left side to the middle, then the right to the middle, and then he folded the left side to the right, effectively folding them in half before picking them up and sliding them into the top pocket of his shirt. This left the crotch visible above the top of his pocket.
Jodie stared across the table at the attractive man with the damp crotch of her still warm knickers peeking out above his shirt pocket. This had the effect of increasing her arousal as she felt the top of her inner thighs becoming slightly damp. If this continued she thought I shall have a damp patch on the back of my skirt.
This concerned her greatly and caused her to act before fully thinking through her plan. She needed to get up from the table fairly quickly, then before she realised, she said "Shall we skip coffee here and have a leisurely cup back at my house?"
Kyle was slightly phased for a moment then said "Sure" as he signalled to the waiter he wanted the bill while Jodie was wondering what the consequence of her hasty move was going to be.
Kyle looked at the bill and quickly tossed a few notes on the table that resulted in a generous tip; he didn't want to wait for the change and risk Jodie changing her mind. He stood up and offered Jodie his hand to help her get up from the table before they made their way back to their cars.
Chapter 4: Submissive Position
Jodie explained her house was about ten minutes drive away and he should just follow her. They pulled out of the car park and went a couple of miles down the main road before turning off into the country. After a few more miles they turned into a tiny country lane and then about a mile down that into a gateway and up a longish drive to a large old style house.
Jodie parked her car in front of a double garage and got out and locked the car. Kyle pulled up in front of the second garage and then followed her to the front door.
Jodie opened the door and led Kyle up a couple of steps into a large hall with a staircase ascending on one side, putting her handbag and keys down on a side table.
"Ok, move to the middle of the hall and stand still" Kyle said.
Jodie a little confused did what she was asked.
"Now Jodie, remove your blouse."
Jodie removed the beige coloured blouse as Kyle looked on paying particular attention to her breasts as she pulled her arms back to release them from the sleeves.
Kyle walked towards her and held his hand out for the blouse.
"Now your bra"
Jodie was apprehensive about removing her clothes for a man that she had only just met but her state of arousal was such that she would do just about anything at the expectation of what might follow.
Twisting her arms behind her back to release the bra hooks caused her to thrust forward her breasts, that once released from the frothy material jutted out firmly from her body. The erect nipples indicated that she was indeed aroused and as Jodie handed Kyle the bra he said "Nice breasts Jodie you have obviously looked after your body, very pert and an ideal size and shape."
"Now, your skirt please."
Jodie reached to the back of the waist band, again thrusting her breasts out, as she released the black skirt and it dropped to the ground. Bending down and stepping out of it Kyle eyed her pert rounded bottom and also the movement of her breasts.
Jodie stood up and held the skirt out for Kyle to take, which he did. Then he walked over to the side table and laid Jodie's clothes on it. Walking back towards her he instructed
"Now Jodie take note because you need to remember this position, it is you submissive position that you hold when not being instructed to do otherwise."
Jodie nodded.
"Feet about two feet apart." Jodie moved her feet to the required position.
"Then hands behind your head, fingers interlocked." As Jodie raised her hands to behind her head her breasts lifted slightly and took a more prominent position.
"Fingers interlocked." Kyle repeated and Jodie complied.
Kyle then walked around Jodie taking in the sight of this extremely attract woman stood to attention in only stockings suspenders and high heels.
"Ummm, nice." Kyle said as he cupped and lifted her left breast as though weighing it; this bringing a shiver and a sigh from Jodie. Then he slid his hand around her waist then down over her pert bottom, then walking around in front of her he slid his hand down between her legs.
Jodie inhaled sharply and sighed again as Kyle's finger slid into her wet slit.
"Oh" he said causing Jodie to frown. "Do you know what they call girls who are always wet?"
The question was rhetorical as before Jodie could answer Kyle said "Sluts.... we call girls who are always wet sluts. And do you know what we do to sluts?"
Jodie realised there was no need to answer.
"We have to punish them!" Kyle said sternly.
"But" Jodie said before being cut off mid sentence.
"Did I give you permission to speak?" Kyle barked
"I didn't" Jodie stuttered as Kyle barked.
"I just told you, you need permission to talk and you did it again. Now go and retrieve you ball gag from your bottom draw."
Jodie started towards the stairs and took her hands down from her head.
"Put those hands back behind your head" Kyle shouted.
Jodie complied and started to climb the stairs. She was aware Kyle's eyes were watching her which only made her more conscious of her wiggling bottom as she ascended.
Having retrieved the ball gag from her bottom draw she was then unsure what to do with it. He had already told her off for not keeping her hands behind her head, so would it be Ok to walk back down normally carrying the ball gag, or should she hold it in her hands behind her head.
Then again should she put it on? He hadn't told her to, so what should she do? She decided on a compromise, she put the ball in her mouth so she could carry it but not buckle it and leave the straps hanging; that way she would still have her hands behind her head and also carry the gag.
As she appeared at the top of the stairs Kyle's eyes were already on her. She wiggled her way down the stairs and walked up to Kyle.
"Well done Jodie, now I think you're learning. Now buckle the gag, nice and tight! If I think it's too loose I will tighten it another couple of notches."
So Jodie had to gag herself and tightly, tighter than she would have liked because if she did didn't do it tight enough Kyle would do it still tighter. With it tightly buckled Jodie noticed Kyle had wandered off around the house, so not being told otherwise, she retook her pose in the centre of the hall with legs two feet apart and hands interlocked behind her head.
After a few minutes, in which Jodie felt her arousal turning into frustration, Kyle reappeared. I think that cup of coffee would be nice now Jodie. So assuming she was supposed to make it she started off towards the kitchen. As she took her first step she almost released her interlocked hands, but luckily remembered and walked to the kitchen holding the pose.
Arriving in the kitchen with Kyle in close proximity she decided that she would start preparing the coffee. So she released her hands and started assembling the items required. Kyle didn't comment so she felt slightly easier and started preparing the coffee. When she looked around again Kyle had disappeared.
With the coffee now ready and no sign of Kyle she resumed her submissive position in the middle of the kitchen.
This really started her thinking. How could she have ended up near naked except for heels, stockings and suspenders standing in the middle of her own kitchen with hands behind her head and breasts thrust out and a bright red ball gag in her mouth. However this minimal bondage was having its effect as she wanted to be further restrained or to have sex or ideally both.
After a couple of minutes of fantasising, she realised Kyle was expecting her to bring the coffee to him. So keeping her hands behind her head she started to see where he was. She spotted him making himself at home in the lounge, so she went back to the kitchen and put everything on a tray to carry into the lounge.
But, she thought, How many cups? I am allowed a cup? If I put two he may think I am over stepping my position? Then she thought I've only been doing this half an hour and already he has me thinking like a slave, how can this be?
However Jodie's less submissive side came though and she added a cup for herself and carried the tray through and set it down on the coffee table in front of Kyle. She then stood up and resumed her submissive position.
Kyle gave her a stern look and said "We have a visitor coming?"
Jodie shook her head.
"Then who is this cup for?" Kyle enquired.
Jodie answered from behind her gag "Mmmeee" and nodded.
"My, you're a disobedient girl Jodie" and with that stood up and walked over to Jodie and again slid his hand down between her open legs.
"You are wetter than ever" he said pushing two fingers into her.
Jodie shut her eyes and her head tilted back as she groaned with pleasure.
"You are such a slut, I'm not sure what punishment to apply" Kyle said as he moved his fingers in and out, but Jodie was lost in pleasure and hadn't heard a word. The next thing she knew was the significantly moist fingers were under her nose and she smelt her own arousal.
"I shall have to give this some consideration" Kyle said thoughtfully.
Give what consideration Jodie thought? What is he talking about? Her thought train was interrupted as he said, "Pour the coffee please Jodie, and you may pour yourself one."
Jodie poured the two coffees wondering when he would release her from the ball gag.
"Now come and sit next to me and I will remove your gag" Kyle instructed.
Jodie was now concerned that sitting next to Kyle she would leave a damp patch on her expensive sofa, however she was in no position to argue. She sat down and Kyle gently released her from the gag, it producing a 'plooop' sound as it was pulled out. Then Kyle kissed softly on the lips, causing her to almost grab him and pull him close for a real deep long kiss; but she managed to resist.
This submissive role play was much harder than she had thought; previously she had always imagined the bondage restricted what you could do, but this was mainly physiological. She was really turned on but having to fight her own desires.
Kyle started to drink his coffee and talk about how nice her room was decorated and how nice the house was in general. In fact he was now almost a different person from the one that had been ordering her about earlier. Consequently her replies were normal and by the time they and finished the coffee she realised she had gradually been released from her submissive position back to normal life.
This was confirmed when Kyle suggested she might be cold and perhaps she should go and get a dressing gown after she had taken the tray back to the kitchen.
So back in the kitchen with tray put down she made her way up to her bedroom without assuming the submissive position. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she saw Kyle looking at her though the open door and he made no comment, so she had read the situation correctly.
A few minutes later she reappeared in her dressing gown and Kyle met her at the bottom of the stairs.
"Well I suppose I should go now Jodie, I have really enjoyed this evening." Kyle said.
"Yes, me too" Jodie replied.
"How about I call around about 8pm tomorrow, we could progress things further?" Kyle suggested.
"I think that would be delightful Kyle"
"Very well Jodie, I will see you at 8 and I hope you will be suitably dressed." Kyle said in a slightly sterner tone as he moved towards the door.
Jodie moved in front of him and opened the door to let him out and he gave her another light kiss on the lips as he exited. She closed the door then leant against it as she pondered on his last comment - I hope you will be suitably dressed.
What exactly did he mean, she thought she was released from her submissive role but now she would be thinking about that until he returned tomorrow. Was that his intention to keep him in her mind and have a sort of control over her when not even there!
The night was going to be a long one.
Chapter 5: Claudia (added: 08/26/2009)
Kyle was enjoying his shower as he began getting ready for his second meeting with Jodie. His mind had wandered onto their last meeting, how sexy she looked and what would she wear tonight. This brought his mind around to what should he wear?
Normally he would dress casually, not really thinking about what was suitable; this uncomplicated approach had always resulted in, even if he said it himself 'a good look'. However tonight was different; he was now a 'Dom' therefore should he dress to reinforce this position?
Should he wear black or dark clothes, display a day's stubbley growth on his face to get that slightly rugged look? He thought that although the stubbley growth may look good it may not be so comfortable for Jodie, depending on how things developed that evening.
He also decided he didn't want to play at being a 'Dom' with a second identity, he wanted to be able to be himself, if it didn't work. . . well that would be the chance he took.
So consequently he decided to dress in his normal casual style.
Once ready, he set off in his car leaving plenty of time; just in case something held him up. Finally he turned into the tiny wooded lane that led to Jodie's driveway and house. This brought to his mind how remote Jodie's house was; it must be at least a couple of miles from the next property and he smiled as he went past the little red post box. Here in the middle of the countryside all on its own was a little red post box, at least half a mile from Jodie's; who would post letters here? Still smiling he reached her drive, turned in and slowly drove the 300yards to her house; yes this definitely was a remote spot.
Jodie had not slept well. The adventure with Kyle had been in her mind and dreams.
When she awoke, she was thinking about the previous evening; what might he do to her tonight?
During day she tried to work, but other thoughts filled her mind. Luckily this was a day when she was able to work from home and so no one would know of her lack of progress. Later in the afternoon, her thoughts came back to his orders, 'Dress properly'; but what does this mean?
She had only met him once, but she knew that this was what she had yearned for.
Consequently, dressing properly was important; but what was dressing properly?
This was a question that a woman asks herself for every important event.
He had told her she was a slut the previous evening; should she now dress like a slut?
Ok, she wouldn't dress casually, nor would she dress elegantly; but maybe a little elegance and a touch of sluttyness.
She browsed her dresses, tried some and finally decided on a short black dress. Usually this was very elegant, but without bra and panties and with black stockings, suspenders and high heels, would she be the sort of slut he would like?
Finally she took a shower and afterwards applied her makeup; but more heavily and darker than usual. A dark red lipstick, shiny on her lips completed her look; then she dressed.
When dressed she looked in her mirror; was this really Jodie, Jodie the business woman or another woman, Jodie the sexy slut? Her nipples were hard and visible through the dress and she also saw the visible lines from the suspenders.
She now had half an hour until his arrival so she went back to lounge. How to await him?
Kneeling near door, pussy and breasts visible or just open the door and say Hi?
Jodie was nervous!
Then again should she undress and await him naked?
What did he have in his mind? Was he going to continue with the bondage session from yesterday or take her out first? Or would he want to have sex with her?
Jodie went back to her bedroom, preparing the room for sex and searching for her sex toys. She found the blindfold just as she realised that her pussy was dripping wet. She went to bathroom and cleaned herself fearing her juices would stain her dress or perhaps the seats of his car.
So she went to a drawer and took out a white lacy thong and stepped into it and pulling it snugly around her pussy. Maybe he would allow her to wear it for going out? So she didn't leave a mark on his car seat; or perhaps they would go in her car, so it would be her car seat.
But what if he decided; 'Jodie in panties' was not properly dressed?
Jodie's eyes went to clock, only 10 minutes till he arrived so she decided to go downstairs taking the blindfold with her. How should she greet him? Jodie had a wild fear someone else may know about her secret fantasies, but she had two options: opening the door to him or leaving door slightly open.
She decided to leave the door slightly open and she felt a rush of excitement through her body as she looked out. No one was visible; but why should there be, her house being in such a remote spot. So she closed the door, but not completely and went into the lounge. Here, she decided, is where she would await Kyle.
She stood behind the back of the sofa, leaning forward to rest her arms on its back. Her skirt pulled up her thighs exposing the top of her stockings. Would the site of this arouse him? Was this what he would want she thought to herself? She decided a little more sluttyness was required so she lowered her thong until it was around her knees, spreading her legs to prevent it falling further.
Like this she had panties for travelling in the car, if necessary. He had said no panties and strictly speaking she was wearing them, but, not as they were intended.
She then fitted her blindfold, then in a further act of sluttyness reached down to the hem of her dress and pulled it up further exposing her suspenders and butt to anyone who entered the lounge.
So there Jodie awaited Kyle. Still feeling very nervous about being found by someone else, maybe a neighbour, she was about to give herself to someone without knowing what would follow; but there was also that excitement: acting like a slut.
He had shown her the slut inside herself and she was only doing what he ordered. Jodie felt wetness between her legs and it starting seeping down her thighs.
Kyle reached Jodie's front door, but to his surprise he found it slightly open.
He knocked and called though the opening, "Hello. . . Jodie. . . are you there?"
He heard Jodie reply "Come in I'm in the lounge".
Kyle entered, closing the door behind him; then made his way into the lounge.
What he saw was something he was not expecting. He wasn't quite sure what to expect but this wasn't it!
Jodie was standing with her back to the door. She stood behind her sofa, bent over at the waist facing the large window.
She was wearing a mini dress, the back of which was folded up so her nicely rounded butt was completely exposed. Kyle studied her arousing form, the shapely spread legs flowing out of the 6" chrome and black heels, the black stockings held up with black suspenders. A nice white thong completed the vision; however the thong was not covering her pussy, it was pulled taut between her spread knees.
Moving around her Kyle could see she was blindfolded by a thick leather blindfold; it is also obvious she was aroused! The nipples of her bra free breasts were trying to force their way out of the thin material.
Kyle was slightly phased by the vision; he was pleased with her choice of clothes, but the pose; the panties around her knees and the dress pulled up exposing that delightful butt just threw him.
What was I expecting he thought to himself? I suppose she should be dressed as she is but she should be holding the 'Submissive Position' I had shown her yesterday.
"Well Jodie" he started, a little unsure of himself, "I see you have dressed quite provocatively, but you are not in your submissive position. I took special care last night to point out that this was how you should stand when not being told otherwise. I see I shall have to inflict some form of punishment to help you to remember."
Kyle reached forward and slid his hand between Jodie's legs. She arched her back as a shiver ran up it and sighed as his fingers slid through her wet slit.
"Wet again Jodie, you are such a slut!" Kyle exclaimed "and why are you wearing panties?"
"I'm not really" Jodie explained "I thought if we went out in your car I may leave a stain on the car seat."
"Did I tell you to speak" Kyle said in a slightly stern voice.
Oh, I'm in trouble again Jodie thought, I bet he asks me to go and get the ball gag again.
"I will be the judge of whether the wearing of panties is necessary" Kyle said "so please remove them, then go and get your ball gag."
Jodie stood up and brought her legs together.
"Stand still" Kyle commanded "while I remove your blindfold."
Jodie stood still and Kyle removed the blindfold and handed it Jodie.
"Put this back when you retrieve the ball gag please Jodie."
Jodie stepped out of her panties and picked them up, she was just about to walk towards the door when she remembered how she had been told to walk the previous evening. So how was she to carry the panties and the blindfold?
I suppose I had better carry them in my mouth as yesterday she thought, so she scrunched up the panties and put them in her mouth. She now tasted her own arousal from the wet crotch of her panties, then she slid one end of the blindfold strap in her mouth and bit down on it so as not to drop it.
She then put her hands behind her head and interlocked her fingers. In this position her breasts were pulled upwards and thrust forward; her hardened nipples forcing at the material of her 'little black dress'. She made her way out of the lounge and up the staircase to her bedroom. Her butt wiggled in the 6" heels, it still being completely on display as she had not been told to pull her dress down and being a nice fit would not slip over her butt on its own accord.
She could feel Kyle's eyes burning into her as she ascended the stairs but she dare not look around to check. She reached her bedroom, released her hands to open the door and entered. She took the blindfold and wet panties out of her mouth, placed the blindfold in the bottom draw next to the ball gag that she now picked up. She placed the ball in her mouth, exited her bedroom, closed the door and put her hands behind her head once more. She then descended the stairs and went back into the lounge to find Kyle sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.
Buckle the gag properly" Kyle said without looking at her and continuing to read the magazine. Jodie buckled it tight, as the previous evening.
Kyle was still reading the magazine so Jodie thought she should resume her submissive position, so she again put her hands behind her head and then moved her feet about two feet apart. After about five minutes, during which Jodie' was getting a little annoyed, Kyle put the magazine down and stood up.
"Now Jodie" he said "We need a slave name for you? When released from your submissive role you will be normal, smart business woman Jodie; unless told otherwise. However, when you are in your submissive role you will be 'slutty Claudia'. Is that clear Claudia?"
Jodie, or Claudia as she now was, nodded compliance.
"Very well Claudia, we shall be going out. You may bring a small handbag with you, but make sure it is small. You have two minutes".
Jodie quickly went to her room and came back down with a small black handbag and was met by Kyle as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
Kyle opened the front door for her and Claudia exited. "You are released from your submissive position now Claudia" Kyle said and Claudia lowered her hands to her sides.
Kyle walked across to the passenger side of his car and Claudia followed. She thought maybe she would be driving his car but slightly unexpectedly she found that he opened the door for her to get in, then waiting until she was comfortably seated, closed it.
She thought how strange this was as only a moment ago she was his 'slave' now he was treating her like the Lady of the Manor.
They drove out to a picturesque site where a small public house sat on the bank of a river. They sat on a picnic bench overlooking the river with a glass of wine and chatted and laughed about everything and nothing; everything except sex and submissive relationships. Claudia found she really enjoyed his company even without the sexual element.
After an hour or so Kyle suggested they should be leaving so they made their way to his car and as before he opened the door for her and closed it once she was seated.
It was just becoming dusk as they turned into the small lane leading towards Claudia's house.
A few yards down the lane Kyle stopped the car and said "Ok Claudia, please remove your dress, you may get out of the car if necessary".
Claudia was completely taken aback as there had been no lead up to this. She hesitated slightly while she gathered her thoughts then opened the car door and got out. She reached up to the zip at the back of the dress and pulled it all the way down, then after slipping the dress off her shoulders she allowed it to drop down her legs.
She still held it with one hand so not to allow it to fall to the ground and bent forward to step out of it. In bending forward Claudia's breasts swung forward allowing Kyle a rather pleasant view.
Claudia's mind was racing as she thought about the fact that she was standing on a public road in only stockings, suspenders and 6" high heels. What if a car comes around the corner?
She also felt a slight breeze blow across her breasts causing her nipples to harden.
Claudia then got back into the car and closed the door sitting with the dress on her lap. "You can put the dress on the back seat" Kyle instructed.
Once they were on the move Claudia felt slightly more relaxed but she was getting slightly more aroused at the situation and what might follow. The thought of staining Kyle's car seat also came into her mind and she clamped her thighs tightly together.
Halfway down the lane they reached the little red post box and Kyle stopped the car again.
"Could you just post a letter for me" Kyle asked "It's in the glove box".
Claudia opened the glove box and sure enough a letter already stamped was there. "There's only one collection a day" Claudia offered.
"Post the letter please" Kyle said with a slightly stern reflection.
Claudia closed the glove box, opened the car door and got out clutching the letter. The letter box was on the other side of the road and about 15ft behind the car so Claudia would have to walk a little way. She was listening hard for any other vehicles and looking up and down the lane for any one out walking.
With no one in sight she did a short stepped tottering jog in her 6" heels to the letter box; she didn't want to be out of the car any longer than was necessary.
Kyle watched in the rear view mirror, her breasts moved nicely as she jogged, and her butt had a nice wiggle.
Claudia heard the letter hit the bottom of the letter box and turned back towards the car as Kyle engaged first gear and accelerated away leaving Claudia stunned.
Her stomach had butterflies and her heart missed a beat, as she watched the car speed away leaving her provocatively dressed and almost naked, in the middle of nowhere. She started to run after the car but within a couple of seconds realised this was pointless; but she still kept running. Her breasts were now moving quite violently so she clutched one arm across them, partly to stop them moving and partly to cover herself.
Kyle must have been fifty yards away when she saw the brake lights come on and the car stopped. Still in a state of shock Claudia ran, well as quickly as she could in 6" high heels, towards the car. It took what seemed like ages to reach the car but the whole adventure had only lasted a minute at most.
As she approached the car, the passenger's door opened and she quickly entered looking straight into Kyle's beaming face.
"Did you enjoy that?" Kyle enquired. Claudia gave him a frosty looks as she sat down and closed the door. She was about to have a go at him as she felt a wave of arousal sweep over herself along with a sort of sense of achievement.
"I...." she stuttered "I...thought you were going off and leave me there, my heart missed a beat. However, I do feel quite aroused now."
Claudia now became aware of the increased dampness between her legs and noticed she was sitting on a towel; Kyle had planned this all along!
"The thought of being seen in this outfit or caught in that predicament seems to have hit the spot" Claudia said "maybe you should make me run a little further next time".
Kyle just smiled thinking Claudia might regret that comment as he drove the remaining ½ mile or so to Claudia's house.
"A coffee would be nice Claudia, and put your dress away please" Kyle said entering the lounge and sitting down.
Claudia went into the kitchen and put the coffee machine on while she went to put the dress away, remembering to hold her 'submissive position' thus she held the dress in her teeth, by its label as she proceeded up the stairs.
On returning she put the coffee on a tray, with two cups as yesterday, and took it through and put it on the table in front of Kyle. Again he was reading a magazine and did not look up, so she took her position of hands behind her head and her legs spread about two feet apart.
After a few minutes, during which Claudia's legs were becoming uncomfortable in the 6" heels, Kyle said "Pour a coffee for me please."
Claudia poured his coffee and was just about to pour one for herself, when Kyle said "Just for me"
Claudia a little shocked retook her pose.
"Now Claudia" Kyle continued "I have some instructions for you. Firstly you will send me photos of all your clothes, bras, panties, suspenders, skirts, tops, etc and also shoes. I will then instruct you which clothes to wear and when. You may choose yourself it I have not given you instructions. You may wear panties when not in your submissive role unless I command otherwise. Is that clear"
Claudia nodded.
"Secondly you will buy yourself a collar. This will be a suitable dog collar; you will decide it is suitable by trying it on in the shop. I have seen some nice red ones with little jewels.
Thirdly you will go and get this collar engraved with your name, 'Slutty Claudia'. If asked about the collar or the name you will explain the collar is for you. Is that also clear?"
Claudia swallowed at the thought of doing all this in front of strangers.
"Very well; you may pour yourself a cup of coffee Jodie" Kyle said "Then come and sit"
He called me Jodie she thought, I must be released from my submissive role as she poured herself a cup.
They then sat and chatted for some while before Kyle announced he was leaving. Jodie felt a little disappointed as although she had been aroused during the incident in the lane no touching or anything else had happened. She was hoping there was going to be a little more physical submission.
As they reached the door Kyle said "You have done very well tonight Jodie so when I have gone you are to bring yourself to orgasm while thinking about the events of earlier tonight." He then smiled and kissed her on the cheek.
"Oh by the way I shall expect you to send me the photos in the next day or so, and you should have your collar by the next time I call".
Jodie gave an "Ok" and with that Kyle left.
Chapter 6 The Collar
Jodie was due in the office the following day so dressed in her normal chic but business-woman look. Nice lingerie, but practical, heels but not too high maybe 4" with a conservative skirt and top.
At lunchtime she drove out to a shopping centre that she knew had a pets centre. She entered with some trepidation and casually browsed the items until she came to a rack containing dog collars. An elderly couple were in the process of choosing one and she slowly wandered up the long rack displaying various types of collars.
Just looking wasn't too stressful till towards the end of the rack she came to a range of collars in various colours; these also had the jewels that Kyle had mentioned. Butterflies in her stomach gave her a tense feeling.
She selected a red collar as Kyle had instructed; it was about 1 1/2" wide with white jewels at regular intervals. It did look quite attractive Jodie thought plus the D-ring for connection to a lead was midway along its length, so when at the front, the buckle would be the back and out of sight. Although Kyle hadn't mentioned anything about a lead it didn't take a genius to imagine a lead would be connected at some point.
The label on the collar said 16", was this the correct size? Oh why didn't she think to have measured her neck first so she would know which sizes to try. She pulled it round into a circle and did it up on the loosest hole. It looked far too big.
She then readjusted it so it was on the tightest hole; it still looked too big. There was no way to determine if it was the right size; she was going to have to try it on.
Another person then appeared and stood next to her, he was her age and quite handsome. He looked at her, then the collar in her hand. Oh I hope he doesn't start talking to me Jodie thought as the butterflies in her stomach took over again.
Panicking slightly Jodie quickly put the collar back and went off to look at caged birds, hoping they would calm her nerves. After a few minutes she wandered back to the collars; the young man had gone and the elderly couple were just moving away with their selected collar.
Jodie again picked up the 16" collar and looking around slipped around her neck. She fumbled with the buckle and finally engaged the strap pulling it to a suitably tight position. No matter how she tried she couldn't engage the pin through the last hole; in fact she couldn't find the last hole.
What she needed was a mirror, but where was she going to find a mirror in pet store; even the most dedicated pet owner would likely not show their pet its reflection in a mirror.
Should she buy all three sizes; then select the correct one in the privacy of her own home. She looked at the price tag, £16. That's nearly £50 in total she thought, plus wasn't doing this and getting that buzz was what it was all about? She now realised she was quite aroused and quite wet.
She removed the collar and picked up the next size down a 14" collar; again she did it up in her hand to assess the size, this looked better. Sliding the collar around her neck she engaged the strap first time and pulled it tight enough so it was a snug fit around her neck.
Finding the appropriate hole was again difficult and she finally managed just as the man from earlier reappeared but this time with the sales assistant. They both gave Jodie a strange look as they walked past down to the other end of the display. Jodie now having decided this was the correct size, frantically tried to take the collar off, but the harder she tried to undo it the more confused she got pulling the buckle the wrong way.
From the corner of her eye she could see the man and the sales assistant talking and looking at her. They must think I'm some sort of pervert she thought; should I walk past and say it's for a party?
Deciding this was probably worse than saying nothing she finally managed to remove the collar and almost at the same time the young man and the sales assistant turned and walked away around the corner of the display leaving Jodie on her own once again.
Feeling slightly more relaxed she was just about to start towards the check-out when the elderly woman from earlier came up from behind her saying "That's a lovely collar dear, what sort of dog is it for?"
Taken completely by surprise Jodie replied "It isn't, it's for me" Then realising what she had said she quickly walked away towards the check-out.
Typical; there was a queue, what's more the man from earlier was being served by the assistant who had given her the 'perv' look at the display; there was an elder man next, then Jodie.
The sales assistant and the man again gave Jodie a strange look as the elderly woman Jodie has confessed all to, also joined the elderly man in the queue. She looked Jodie squarely in the eye and said "That collar does suit you dear, I hope your master likes it".
Jodie was surprised by the comment as the elderly man looked at the collar then towards her and said
"Yes, a really good choice my dear, is the rest of your costume red also? It's so erotic"
This comment completely stunned Jodie such that she was no longer embarrassed, even the disapproving looks of the sales assistant couldn't phase her now. She was just thinking what the elderly couple got up to in the privacy of their own home.
The remainder of the day passed slowly as Jodie just wanted to get home to try her collar again and see how she looked wearing it.
When finally home she made her way to her bedroom. She thought she would enhance the look by removing her out clothes so she was standing in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom wearing a black plunging uplift bra and matching suspenders and panties with black stockings.
She slid the bright red collar around her neck and did it up, being able to see what she was doing in the mirror helped greatly. On almost the tightest position the collar was a comfortable snug fit. She twisted it around so the buckle was at the back and the D-ring was at the front with the little jewels equally spaced either side.
She did a few little poses and thought how it added an extra sexy look to her already sexy outfit and pose. Enjoying the feeling this created she decided to remain dressed like this while she prepared herself a light meal. She pranced around her kitchen as though in a lap dancing club then perched on a stool at the breakfast bar to eat.
She was totally engrossed in her mood, sitting with legs crossed, then legs wide apart as if displaying herself to punters in the imaginary lap dancing club. She did the little girl lost pose, the tip of one finger of her left hand placed on pouting lips while the index finger of her right hand stroked slowly up her pussy.
This was starting to get her really aroused so she went back up the full length mirror in the bedroom and stuck the same pose, repeatedly running the finger up and down her pussy through the thin lacy material of her panties. Soon the wetness of her pussy was soaking its way through the material; she let out a little sigh as she rubbed a little quicker and a little harder.
Ripples of pleasure started to lap over her body to such an extent she moved over to the bed and lay down. Then pushing the material of her panties aside she slid a single finger into a hot, slippery love hole.
Her breaths quickened as she then withdrew the finger and circled her pussy with the occasional circle around and over her clit. As this continued she could feel the initial tremors of an orgasm building.
Quickening the movements the tremors built, until with a sigh and a loud cry; she came.
Lying on the bed recovering with her mind drifting she became aware of the door bell ringing. Who on earth could this be so early in the evening? It was barely 6-30pm.
Chapter 7 The Long Walk
Jodie quickly pulled a bathrobe around herself and went down to the door. Opening it from behind the door, so only her head was visible, Jodie looked out to see Kyle standing there.
"Hello Jodie, I don't suppose you expected me" Kyle said smiling.
Jodie's face also lit into a smile "No, won't you come in Kyle" she said opening the door wide, then wondering what her make-up looked like after the exertions of her orgasm.
"Would you like a coffee or something Kyle" she asked.
"Yes a coffee please would be really nice" he replied.
"Have a seat in the lounge Kyle, I'll bring it through" Jodie said hoping she could then pop up to the bedroom and check her appearance and make good any blemishes.
"The kitchen will be fine" Kyle commented walking through to the kitchen.
Hell ! Jodie thought as she lead the way to the kitchen, now what do I do? She put the coffee on and stood slightly conscious of her appearance when Kyle said "I think you should lose the bathrobe Jodie and let Claudia out".
Jodie's mind raced, what was her state of dress? Were panties straight or twisted up from the ecstasy of the orgasm, were the tops of her thighs glistening with her love juices?
Then another thought hit her, if she was going to migrate from Jodie to Slutty Claudia the panties would have to go! What would Kyle do, ask her to deposit them somewhere or ask for them as in the restaurant on the first meeting?
If the latter and he sniffed them, then she would be lost, he would know of her orgasm or at least her arousal.
She was still trying to think of a way out as she undid the robe and slipped it off.
"Oh, very nice Claudia" Kyle commented "I was not expecting such an arousing site." Claudia tried to stand tall and proud although she felt like trying to hide her sexy assets.
"Please pass me the robe Claudia; then remove your panties" Kyle continued.
"I must look a mess, I wasn't expecting you, in fact I was just going to have a shower, you must...." Claudia said in a never ending stream until abruptly stopped by Kyle.
"You are now Slutty Claudia, you do not speak unless spoken to. You must learn to control your tongue". Kyle said sternly.
Claudia stepped out of her panties and scrunched them up in one hand moving it behind her back trying to hide them – thinking along the 'out of sight out of mind' theory.
This in hindsight probably only made Kyle more aware that something was amiss. He held out his hand. "Panties please Claudia".
Claudia reluctantly opened her hand and let the panties drop into Kyle's hand. "Claudia!" he said instantly. "These are soaked, you slutty girl. First you talk without permission now this. I think this punishment may bring both misdemeanours to the fore in your mind!"
Kyle held the panties up, then turning them inside out he scrunched them into a ball. "Open" he said as the love juice soaked panties approached Claudia's mouth.
Claudia opened her mouth and Kyle pushed them in. He had obviously taken care to scrunch them up as the soaking crotch lay on Claudia's tongue allowing her to savour her own juices.
"Now" Kyle said sternly "Go to your room and get your wrists cuffs and put them on. But don't link them. Oh and take the robe with you."
Kyle passed the robe to Claudia who laid it over her shoulder then placed her hands behind her head. This pose together with the uplift bra she was wearing created an even more delicious cleavage. Claudia wiggled out of the kitchen still wearing her 4" heels and up to her room.
She first hung up the robe then located the wrist cuffs and buckled one on each wrist. She placed her hands behind her head again before returning to the kitchen. Kyle had already poured a cup of coffee and was sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar.
Claudia took her submissive pose in the kitchen and awaited further instructions from Kyle.
"Have you the photos of your clothes ready for me yet?" Kyle asked "I see you have purchased the collar."
Claudia shook her head to the first question and nodded for the second. Her mouth being filled with the love juice soaked panties prevented any answer. The taste of herself filled her mouth and although the panties were soaked they still seemed to dry her mouth out; she really wanted a coffee.
Kyle sipped his coffee slowly. "Come to me and turn around" he commanded. Claudia did as he requested. "You may lower your arms ".
Claudia again did as requested but as her arms reached her sides Kyle pulled them behind her back and snapped the link that had been dangling from one cuff to the other.
A wave of excitement washed over Claudia as she tested the bond between her cuffed wrists. "Now turn around and kneel" Kyle commanded causing butterflies in her stomach as she complied.
Kyle put down his empty cup and then reached down and unleashed his hard cock from his trousers. Claudia stared intently at it as it was only a few inches in front of her face.
The soaked panties were then pulled from her mouth as Kyle put a hand behind her head and pulled her onto himself.
Claudia's mouth was now filled with another different tasting intruder.
"Now then Claudia, you being constantly aroused and wet, show me how good you really are".
Claudia moved her head back so just the tip of his cock was in her mouth; then began slowly circling it with her tongue and sucking slightly. This continued with little thrusting movements of her head so his cock slid deeper into her mouth.
Kneeling with her wrists cuffed behind herself made balancing slightly difficult, plus the floor was none to soft and her knees were starting to hurt. Her movement got slightly stronger and more deliberate as she heard Kyle moan slightly.
Rolling her tongue around the head of his cock seemed to bring the loudest moans so she concentrated on this with the occasional deep plunge.
Sensing Kyle was approaching an orgasm, as he started to trust back; she started to think what should she do when he started to cum? What would he do?
Should she pull away, then he would cum in her face or over her breasts and over her bra. She didn't like cum over her face.
Or should she let him cum in her mouth? Then should she spit or swallow? Would he tell her what he wanted?
She was rolling her tongue around the tip of his cock resulting in a long louder moan from Kyle. Leaning forward to allow him to trust deeper into her mouth, she over balanced and her head lurched forward until her nose hit Kyle's pubic bone.
However this meant the full length of Kyle's cock thrust into her mouth and down her throat making her gag as he came. Being this deep inside her, she had no choice but to swallow while trying to regain her balance.
With her head still resting against Kyle she felt him shudder as his knees trembled. Finally pulling her head back and off Kyle's cock; coughing and spluttering she regained her balance.
She looked up at Kyle who had a distant look on his face, but a satisfied look also.
"Very good Claudia" he said pushing the panties back in her mouth.
Claudia was less than impressed at this action with the taste of his cum deep in her throat and mouth.
"I just need to clean myself up a little Claudia, please show me to your washroom." Claudia rose to her feet somewhat unsteadily and led the way.
Kyle entered the washroom while Claudia waited obediently outside.
When he came out he returned to the kitchen and Claudia, with hands still cuffed behind her back followed. "I think you deserve a coffee Claudia" Kyle said sitting on one of the breakfast bar stools and poured two cups of coffee.
"Turn around" Claudia turned around and Kyle removed the link between the cuffs and slipped it in his pocket. "Now let me remove those panties so you can drink."
Kyle lay the panties on the worktop next to his coffee and beckoned Claudia to sit on the adjacent stool.
Kyle then engaged Claudia in conversation of a non-sexual nature and they chatted for some while. After another coffee and a few biscuits later she looked up at the clock, they had been chatting for a couple of hours, yet it only seemed like minutes. They did appear to get along very well.
Noticing Claudia look at the clock, Kyle said "I think it's time we were going out".
Claudia was about to reply – Now? Where? – but remembered her lowly position in time.
Kyle rose from the stool and turned and walked into the hall, Jodie followed close behind. Then on reaching the front door Kyle opened it for Claudia, but still dressed in only bra, suspenders and stockings and heels, she stopped.
Surprised at being expected to leave the house in such a state of undress, she said "Shouldn't I change first Kyle?"
"Will you never learn girl!" Kyle said in an annoyed voice that hurt Claudia. "Open" Kyle continued and the love juice panties again approached Claudia's mouth. She dutifully opened her mouth and the stale love juice soaked panties entered returning a cold bitter taste. "This will be the standard method of keeping you quiet I fear".
Standing holding the door open Kyle twisted his head with a nodding movement, indicating Claudia should leave the house. Claudia walked a few steps out into her drive way feeling the cool evening breeze across her butt and the tops of her thighs. They still being slightly wet from her earlier activity, the breeze gave her quite a cold feeling, not to mention the thought of being semi-naked in the open.
Kyle pulled the door shut; then held up Claudia's set of keys to show that they weren't now locked out. He walked across to his car and opened the passenger's door for her; Claudia got in and felt the coldness of the leather seat on her exposed butt.
Immediately she thought how she had likely already made a damp patch on the seat. Kyle closed the door and went around the car and got in. Claudia was nervous, where was he taking her dressed like this, she was likely to get arrested if found in a public place wearing no panties and just bra, suspenders and heels.
They drove down to the end of Claudia's drive and turned right onto the little lane as dusk was just turning to darkness. The lights of the car shone brightly, lighting up the trees and hedgerows as they sped down the lane. After only a minute or so Kyle slowed down and stopped in the middle of the lane, then he reversed backwards off the lane into a gap in the hedgerow into a field. With car now completely off the road and the engine stopped Kyle turned to Claudia saying, "Now Claudia, I want you to get out close the door then walk around to my side of the car."
Claudia opened the door an slowly got out looking intently towards the lane, with no one in sight she closed the door and walked around to Kyle's side of the car as ordered.
Kyle had already wound the window down as Claudia approached, "Turn around with your back towards me and your wrists behind your back." Kyle instructed.
A shiver ran down Claudia's back but from the excitement of the situation and the 'clink' as Kyle used the link to join the cuffs behind her back.
Claudia pulled at the cuffs feeling her restraint and her exposed helplessness, her breasts heaved as she took a deep breath. She felt the increased dampness around her pussy and how the breeze resulted in a cold feeling.
"Now Claudia, we are only a few hundred yards from your drive way so it shouldn't take you long to make your way home. It's 9-45pm now, so I shall expect you home by 10pm." Kyle said starting the car and engaging first gear.
Claudia felt a ripple of fear and also excitement, she tried to complain but the love juice soaked panties in her mouth just resulted in "Yuuuuuarrrtttmeeee" response. The car pulled forward and Claudia walked a few steps alongside looking at Kyle with a pleading 'please don't do this, don't leave me here' look. But Kyle wasn't looking and turned left into the lane and drove off leaving Claudia with her dripping pussy exposed to anyone that came along.
Standing on the edge of the lane Claudia watched the car drive away, she was hoping as last time he would stop a little way down the lane. Making her think he was leaving her but really just doing it for effect, but he had gone much further than last time and there was little sign of him stopping as the lights got further away until they disappeared around the corner.
Taking a step or further into the lane to try and see further around the corner all Claudia could see was the light from the headlights getting further away as they lit up the trees a distance in front of the car.
Now it was confirmed that Kyle was indeed leaving her there to make her own way back home Claudia tried to take stock of her situation.
The moon was shining brightly through the gaps in the cloud giving her surroundings an eerie feeling; the branches of the trees casting menacing looking shadows.
Suddenly she saw a figure lurking about 20 yards away on the other side of the hedgerow. Claudia stood stock still, part in shock and part not trying to attract their attention. After a few seconds and with no moment from the figure Claudia wondered whether her mind was playing tricks on her.
Should she move and attract their attention? Surely they would know she was there after all not a minute ago a car with head lights blazing had dropped her off and sped off down the lane. Perhaps the figure was further back in the woods at that point and hadn't seen her get out. What should she do?
She waited a little longer; still no movement so she tried to back into the gap from where she had come; then hide behind the edge of the hedge. Slowly so not as to make a noise she took a step, then another. Finally she was behind the hedge. She peeped over the top and looked intently at the figure; still no movement. A cloud scudded across in front of the moon and everything went dark for a few seconds.
Oh why had Kyle left her here alone and exposed; or was this another trick? Was this an accomplice?
Kyle had never mentioned anyone to her in any of their conversations and she didn't think he would bring anyone into their relationship – well not so soon anyway. She took another look, surely if it was a person they would have moved by now?
She decided she was not going to stay there all night, so she started to creep step by step along the other side of the hedge. She got closer and closer; still no movement. Then as she was now only a few yards away she realised it was not a figure at all just a broken branch sticking up from the hedge.
The moonlight had indeed played tricks with her mind! However the sense of vulnerability had aroused her.
Once again she took stock of the situation; so there she was; wrists cuffed behind her back, gagged by her own panties which resulted in her pussy being on show, wearing a black uplift bra with a plunging front, black suspenders stockings and high heels, alone and about ½ mile or so from home.
She then recalled her comment to Kyle after the last adventure 'You will have to make me run a bit further next' how this had come back to haunt her.
She listened hard for the noise of any approaching vehicle and looked both ways for the sign of any lights. Although this was a very quiet country lane, cars did drive along it from time to time.
She started towards her house, the 'clack, clack, clack' sound of her heels on the road seemed to fill the air. She started to jog a little; short little steps that caused her breasts to bounce rhythmically.
After a 100yards or so she was getting tired so she slowed to a walking pace. 'Clack, clack, clack' the sound of the heels still rang out. Until now she had never realised how loud they were, so loud in fact they drowned out other noises. Other noises, she thought and turned around. To her horror she could see the lights of a car approaching. Now frozen by panic the sound from the car was clear, had she not have been jogging she would have heard it approaching; now what was she to do?
The vision of a semi naked girl with cuffed wrists caught in the headlights like a startled rabbit went through her mind; but hell it made her feel so horny!
The car was two or three corners away so its occupant or occupants wouldn't see her until they were quite close. She had perhaps 30 seconds until they were on her!
What should she do, let them find her and pretend she had been attacked? She instantly dismissed this as would bring in the police and would be too dangerous and embarrassing.
So hide in the ditch to her right, it was quite deep, muddy and had painful looking nettles in it; this would be a last resort.
Looking down the lane away from the approaching car there were just hedges on both sides. Looking back towards the car there was a gap in the hedge, but it was 20 yards away, could she get there in time?
She would have to try, if not there in time she would have to hide in the ditch. She ran as fast as she could in her heels, now thinking it would have been better to have slipped them off, but it was too late now. Stopping to remove them would take too long. She could see the headlights getting closer; she tried to run a little faster, but heels and her wrists cuffed behind her back were a real handicap.
She realised she wouldn't reach the gap in the hedge in time and was just about to slide into the ditch when she noticed there was a large tree in the hedge row a few yards before the gap in the hedge. The trunk of the tree stuck out past the line of the hedgerow by about a foot or so.
If she pushed into the hedge just behind the tree it is possible they wouldn't see her. Still running as fast as she could she reached the tree as the car rounded the corner. Not being able to stop herself in heels her momentum took her into the hedge next to the tree giving her more cover than she imagined or hoped for.
The car went past, but as she was still face first in the hedge Claudia didn't see whether those inside the car had seen her or even being looking in her direction.
She tried to pull herself from the hedge, her hair was caught in some small branches and her stockings had been snagged. When she managed to free herself the car was a considerable distance away and moving further away all the time. If whoever was in it had seen her they would have stopped by now.
Claudia looked down at her torn stockings through the strands of her hair that now hung down in front of her face. Her wrists being cuffed behind her back, she could not move the hair from her face other than try and flick it back into place with violent toss of her head. This worked to some extent but as she started to walk towards her house once more the strands fell back down again.
Now the panic had subsided she realised the tops of her thighs were damp, her arousal was intense. She wanted to pleasure herself, but there was no way she could reach with her hands; cuffed as they were. She rubbed her thighs together trying to increase the physical sensations. She hoped Kyle would do something to her to release the sexual tension when she reached home.
She flicked her hair back out of her face again and repeated this a couple of times before she decided to forget it, she would just have to look as though dragged through a hedge backwards; which under the circumstances was not far from the truth.
Now stopping every few steps to listen for approaching cars and constantly looking around Claudia slowly made progress towards the driveway leading to her house. She rounded a corner and could now she the end of her drive only 100 yards or so ahead. This lifted her spirits and she did a short stepped jog once more.
Her breasts again bounced to the rhyme of her jog, jutting out due to the uplift of the bra and her wrists cuffed behind her back, they felt as though they might jump out of the bra cups at any moment.
She reached her driveway and with a breast heaving sigh and turned into it. The stony drive way was not that easy to negotiate in high heels so she tried walking on the grassy verges at the side. This however meant her heels sunk in, but eventually she found the grassy strip running down the centre of the drive between the wheel tracks was a fairly smooth and hard enough to not let her heels sink in.
The light from the windows of her house was lighting her way and she could see the front door open. Kyle was standing there waiting for her.
Kyle waked a few steps towards her and putting his arm around her shoulder said "You have done very well Claudia, and it is still a couple of minutes to 10. The experience had lasted less than 15 minutes but surely it was longer, the incident with the car seemed to have lasted ages.
Kyle lead her into the hall closed the door then led her into the kitchen where there was a nice smell of coffee and sat Claudia up on one of the stools with her back to the breakfast bar.
"Legs apart" Kyle commanded and Claudia spread her legs out in a 'resigned to whatever was going to happen' movement. However she was surprised by what happened next.
Kyle went down on his knees between her legs and his tongue licked slowly up her slit. Claudia let out a loud sigh that was muffed by the panties still in her mouth.
Kyle licked again; another sigh. Then the licks got slightly quicker and reached up to her clit; his tongue delicately circling around it, then darting back down to her slit trying to push its way in.
More licks and tongue probing and clit sucking was soon increasing Claudia to a state of ecstasy, she was moaning with head thrown back and eyes closed. Kyle changed from tongue to fingers probing her hot wet slit with rhythmic thrusts. Claudia, when logical thought was possible, thought how expert his tonguing and fingering was!
More thrusts, then his tongue returned to darting in and out and licking her slit and circling her clit; this finally brought her to a huge orgasm. She moaned and cried out loudly, louder than she thought she had ever cried before, but the panties were holding so much back.
Still surrounded in clouds of ecstasy she felt Kyle pull the panties from her mouth and release the link from the cuffs allowing her arms to fall by her sides. Then while still feeling the last remaining ripples of the orgasm she felt herself being swept up in his arms and carried into the lounge.
Kyle lay her down on the sofa. Claudia opened her eyes as Kyle placed a soft kiss on her lips.
"There Jodie, lay and rest a while" Kyle said.
Picking up on 'Jodie' and not Claudia, Jodie releaised she was released from her submissive role and put her arms around Kyle and pulled him onto her lips for a long kiss.