Of all the part-time jobs I’ve ever been through, and of all the ones I could have ever chosen, I’m probably happiest with my choice to be tutoring ESL now around my school schedule. I make my own hours, set my own wages, and best of all, I get to tutor Katherine.
At the age of nineteen (one year younger than me), Katherine is just about every single ESL tutor’s wet dream. Hailing from the distant land of Korea, Katherine is sweet, naive, and innocent. At least that’s the impression she seems to always give. She told me she was often quiet or soft-spoken, no matter who she was around. However after only a couple weeks of tutoring her, our sessions had often evolved into hour-long conversations where she would just talk her sweet little head off.
She’s also gorgeous. She’s five-and-a-half feet tall and barely over a hundred pounds, with long raven hair and large black doe-like eyes. All her features looked so soft, including her little moist pink lips that I always secretly wanted to kiss for so long.
Teaching a girl like that is a curse really. I never asked her out or made a move on her in any shape or form. I often kept my hands to myself and always acted like the professional teacher. Every day was a struggle to not ogle her whenever I had the chance. She was very happy with me as her teacher, especially when she felt so open to me. She lived alone here without family and found a companion in me as well as a teacher. But there was always more. Although it pained me, I never even so much as dropped a hint that I wanted to be closer to her. She was my first student, and I didn’t want her to be my last. I didn’t want to be known as the evil ESL tutor who molested all his students. However she always made the lessons go on longer than they should have, even when we were long finished learning anything and had started up idle chatter. And although I kept my hands to myself, she often would have one of her own on my leg, on my arm, even on my own hand (although I would not grab back, in case she wasn’t sending me the signal I thought she was sending me. I’m fairly clueless with girls really).
Today, the dark-side got the better part of me.
The lesson began innocently enough in her empty apartment. I decided to teach her how to give compass directions in English. Soon I was getting her to give directions from the hospital to the library, the library to the bank, and so on. Then I decided I would spice up the exercise by writing down a robbery scenario – a criminal robbed a store, and using the directions I wrote down and the fake map we drew up, she had to find where the criminal ran off to. Then it was time to teach vocabulary – I chose to teach her robbery-themed vocabulary this time. There were the common words – suspect, criminal, witness, hostage, etc. Then there were more complicated words – gunpoint, ransom, getaway, hideout, and so on. We went through them as I got her to use the words in complete sentences. There were three more words I had used in the list, as I (ahem) thought they would be useful in describing a hostage situation; bound, gag, and blindfold.
“Bound?” she asked in her incredibly soft and lovely voice. “What... like a jump?”
I laughed. “No, not exactly. Well yes, that’s one meaning of the word, but let’s think of one that would have to do with our theme...”
“I don’t really know what it means then...” she looked perplexed.
“Well... think about when you want to attach things together. You would be ‘binding’ something.”
“Oh... so you’d be keeping the hostages together?”
“Not exactly. Let’s say you wanted to make your getaway, but you didn’t want anybody to follow you, what would you do to force them to stay?”
“Oh! You would tie them,” she said while nodding.
“Yeah, you would tie them up, or have them bound.”
“Right, have them bound...” she looked at the word and moved on to the next. “What’s ‘gagged’?”
“Ok, well... it has to do with the last word. You would do this to someone if you didn’t want them to yell or say anything to alert anybody nearby...” I was trying so hard not to let myself get turned on by our current subject-matter.
“Ooh, you mean you cover their mouth...” she said as she motioned the delicate palm of her hand over my lips. “Right?”
When she took her hand off my mouth, I answered “Exactly” while shifting my legs. “What about the last word?”
“Blind... blindfold? Is that to cover the eyes?” she guessed.
“Yeah, good job,” I said.
“But what’s that thing you wear in bed?” she asked.
“Huh? You wear a blindfold to bed?”
“Um yeah,” she said as she affirmed and stood up. “Hold on.” She walked towards the night-table beside her bed and opened a drawer. From it she took a black mask which people often use while asleep and sat down beside me again to show it.
“Oh yeah,” I said. “That’s a blindfold. Or just a mask. But when you rob someone, you blindfold them so they can’t see what’s happening.”
She put the mask over her own eyes. “While they’re tied up, right?” she asked as she put her wrists and palms together behind her back as if she actually was bound. I was so happy she was blindfolded, else she would have seen just how interesting this lesson became for me.
“Yeah, and gagged sometimes too,” I managed to say. I desperately got rid of my hard-on before she took the mask off. When she did, I asked “so how about we make up a dialogue now? You have to use as many of our new vocabulary words as possible while I keep up the other side of the conversation.”
“Okay,” she said, looking a little disappointed about something. “That should be fun.” She played with the blindfold in her hand.
I thought for a second. “Ok. How about you be the robber, and I’m the guy you’re going to rob?”
She thought for a second, and then her face seemed to light up. Whatever she had in mind, she kept it to herself. “Ok, sure.”
The dialogue which ensued was entirely improved and made up as we went along.
“Welcome,” I said in my best bank-manager voice. “How are you doing today?”
She pretended to stick me up with a gun. “Hands up! This is a robbery. I’m going to make you open up the vault at gunpoint.”
“The cops are already on their way!”
“The cops will never find me as a suspect. You are the only witness.”
“What are you going to do?”
She gave a sly smile, as if thinking of pulling off a joke. “I’m going to make you my hostage,” she said in a low voice. She quickly got out of her seat and walked towards the closet. “And I’m going to make a ransom for you.”
“Hmm? What are you doing?” I asked her, out-of-character.
She dropped out of character as well. “Actually I wanted you to uh...” she seemed pretty nervous to be asking whatever she wanted to ask. “Can you maybe just show me how three words work? I’m still kind of confused abound ‘gagged’ and ‘bound’.”
“What? Uh... how can I show you?”
“Umm...” she thought about it. “Just do it to me?” What she did right then almost made me blow my load; she walked by to me holding a couple long thin ropes, some bandanas, and, to my enormous surprise, a pair of handcuffs.
In silent shock, I complied. I took a piece of rope and asked her to turn around. She turned her back to me and crossed her hands behind her back, her palms facing out to me. I took her soft hands and tied her wrists together. Not too tight – in fact I made it very loose. I didn’t want to hurt her, mark her, or make her think I really wanted to tie her up (even though I did). “So yeah,” I said. “Now you’re bound.” Then I put my hand over her mouth. “And now you’re gagged.” Then I picked up one of her bandanas and tied it over her lips. “Now you’re gagged... with a gag.” She nodded quietly. “Want me to untie you now?” she looked disappointed again. I didn’t know what to do or what message to get from this. One moment I’m tutoring a beautiful exotic princess, the next I have her (badly) bound and gagged in her basement.
When she was untied, we decided to continue the dialogue. She jumped right back into character as the criminal.
“Well...” she said, while still in character. “First, I’m going to make you bound so you can’t move.”
Out of pure shock and excitement, I could not say even a word to react to what was going on. I simply let her stand behind me, grab my wrists, take them behind the chair and slap on the handcuffs. Then she took one rope and tied my ankles to the chair legs. With the other rope, she secured my upper body to the back of the chair. I never said a word the entire time when she was done.
“What are you doin-” I started asking nervously before her soft hand securely covered my mouth, not letting another sound escape.
“Now I’m going to blindfold you so you can’t see anything,” she whispered in my ear. She took the mask and put it over my head. The mask covered my eyes so well that I really couldn’t see a thing. Her hand still covered my mouth.
“And now I’m going to gag you so you can’t yell or say anything.” She took her hand off my mouth. I felt her pull a knotted bandana between my teeth. The knot was as big as the ball on a ball-gag, and the bandana was so tight that I could not push it out. She really had me tied up and gagged. I couldn’t escape no matter how hard I tried to press against the bonds. Trying to talk to her now only made me “mmph”. I had a feeling our dialogue was over. I was tied much more securely than I ever tied her. She really didn’t want me to get away. The worst part was that I couldn’t even see how visible my boner was thanks to the blindfold. However I figured it was pretty visible when I felt Katherine’s hand straddling my leg, crawling towards my groin. I felt her whisper in my ear “looks like you enjoy being my hostage”.
Her long fingers felt my groin through my jeans. The sensation only made me feel harder and getting harder only made her respond with more fondling. I felt her fingers work my belt buckle, then the button and then the fly. Then the only thing between her hand and my flesh were my boxers as she kept feeling me. I felt my pants slide off as she removed them, down to by bound ankles. Then she did the same with my underwear, and now rubbed my groin between her long, smooth fingers and the soft palm of her hand. I let out a muffled groan. Now I felt her sit down on top of my knees. With her other hand, she reached to my lips and pulled out the knotted bandana. I was un-gagged, but not for long. Something else took the bandana’s place. Pressing against my mouth, I felt the flesh of her breast against my lips and tasted her nipple with my tongue. It filled my mouth as she grabbed me by the back of the head and pushed me towards it. She moaned as I licked her flesh and nipple. Then I started moaning into her breast as she brought me close to coming. With that, she pulled her breast out of my mouth and kissed me with full force. At that moment, everything exploded with pleasure as she finally brought me to climax and back down.
It took her actually quite a while before she finally untied me, during which time we simply talked while she left me on the chair still bound, cuffed, blindfolded, and half-naked. Eventually she undid the ropes and took off the handcuffs.
The lesson had gone on longer two hours than it should have. We started in the mid-morning, and now it was already past noon. But she asked “do you have anywhere to be?” before I decided to leave.
I said “no”.
I was about to pull my pants back up before she stopped me and said “alright, because I’m still confused about some things. Can we do the dialogue again? The other way around?”
“Uh...” I probably could have figured out what she meant, but I wanted to be sure first. However wasn’t wearing pants or underwear anymore. I was completely naked from the waist down.
“This time, just pretend you’re robbing me down here, like you’re a thief pretending to be a tutor.”
“What?” I asked. “Um ok... how about you get us started?”
She got into character and put on a fake expression of worry. “Mister... what are you going to do to me?” she reached down and stroked me. “How come you’re not wearing any pants?”
I whispered in her ear “I’m going to make you my hostage. Now turn around and put your hands behind your back so I can really tie you up.” However I only took the handcuffs and securely bound her wrists behind her back. Then I took some rope and tied her feet together. After this, she sat down on the floor to her knees, and she looked up at me with pleading eyes. I became erect again. When she saw this, she moved her head forward and started to put that sweet little mouth of hers to good use. It didn’t take long before I nearly blew another load. However, I didn’t want it to end. Before I could come, I made her stop and walk towards the bed. I held her from behind and hand-gagged her while using my other hand to touch her all over her body. She squealed with excitement as my hand passed over her back, her breasts, her stomach, and then down to between her legs. I stroked it and rubbed until she became incredibly wet as her bound hands kept touching my groin. Then I took the same knotted bandana she gagged me with and put it in her mouth, and then used her own mask to blindfold her. I pushed her on to the bed and untied her feet to pull off her pants and underwear. I unbuttoned her shirt and removed her bra to reveal her perfectly round and delicious breasts, which I tasted and kept licking as she kept moaning and moaning. She lay down on the bed now, keeping her bound legs open for me. She looked at me with a confident look of desire. I went between her legs and gave her all the pleasure she could ever want as she moaned and screamed through the thick gag.
It was far from our last session together. To this day, I still teach Katherine to speak English as a second language. However, now I teach her something possibly more valuable on our daily meet-ups as well, and that is the art of bondage as a second language.