Chapter One: Who, What, Where, Why?
“Well welcome back to the land of the living Jessica.”
I stood in front of the girl as she finished coming out of the drugged stupor and struggled to sit upright on the loveseat. Her wrists, covered in long kid gloves, were crossed and firmly bound behind her back. More white cord around her ankles, just above the black pumps with 4” heels, held her legs together, all very basic, but effective.
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As she shook her head to try and clear the last cobwebs I gripped her chin with my right hand, loosened the scarf cleaved between her lips, then used my left to pull the wad of sponge out of her mouth. Holding a bottle of water to her lips she drank automatically and when she finished I set the empty down on a side table and immediately slapped her across the face. That shocked her just long enough for me to jam the sponge back between her teeth and cover her lips with a piece of tape.
“There now, you’ve had a drink and I don’t have to listen to the Who, Where, What and Why screaming bit.”
Jessica was fully awake now. The long blonde hair framed her face falling to rest on the fur collar that trimmed the neckline and lapels of the hip length leather coat she wore. It was tightly belted around her narrow waist. A snug tweed skirt ended just above her knees as she sat staring at me.
I suppose it was a bit strange. The last thing she would remember is getting home and closing the door on a date that hadn’t worked out as planned. Then she wakes up in a strange place, bound, gagged and looking at a thirty something woman nearly six feet tall in thigh length leather boots with pencil thin 5” heels. The rest of the figure was covered from wrists to neck in a skintight black leather cat suit while the face was dominated by a pair of the coldest blue eyes she had ever seen.
Moving in to sit on the other cushion beside her I again took her chin in my hand and held it so she faced me.
“Let’s start with the WHO. I am a professional leather Domme. You don’t need to know my name because anytime that lying little mouth of yours is not full with a gag and I give you permission to speak, you will address me as Mistress.”
“WHERE - gets the same answer, you don’t need to know. Suffice to say you are in my workplace where I have everything needed to complete your training. Yes, you heard correctly, training,” I said as her eyes went wide.
“WHAT - is a bit more interesting; this is payback time and you, my dear Jessica, are the one who will be paying back, big time! Too understand completely you also need to know WHY.”
“For most people one marriage lasts a lifetime based on mutual love and trust. For others they don’t always work out. In your case there are three marriages and you are not yet thirty. It seems your current husband got a little suspicious some time ago and has been in contact with, not only your first two, but also a few boyfriends you’ve been seeing on the side. Or should that be on your back?”
Sponge filled or not, Jessica managed to get some fairly loud, if muffled, noises out of her mouth while shaking her head in denial.
“What are you saying no too? I haven’t yet told you what they found. Still, I guess, a guilty conscience is very close to the surface and you must have a very, very guilty conscience!”
“You seem to have started in your late teens telling the current boy friend how much you loved them, taking anything they could give you and all the time you were lining up the next guy. Husband number one Paul, is still working two jobs to pay off the bills you left as he tried to prove his love by giving you anything you asked for. Number two, Harry, is now living in luxury and laughing all the way to the bank. You see he was almost bankrupt just trying to make ends meet after you cleaned him out when he won the lottery. That solved his money problems but he is still very, very bitter.”
“Number three, John, saw the writing on the wall and decided it was time someone else got properly screwed – you!” The three of them, along with a few boyfriends who popped up, contacted me. I lowered my regular fee for them because, when I’m finished with you, I have a client who will pay a great deal for a new, beautiful and unwilling slave.
Incidentally, the boyfriends included Fred, your date tonight. In fact it was he and John who set you up and delivered you to me.”
“Fred didn’t really get sick so he couldn’t come in to enjoy your favours and John was not really out of town on business this weekend. Your last drink was nicely timed to kick in as you got home and then they helped me bundle you up.”
“Predators like you don’t have many friends but, if anyone does ask, you are on the west coast setting up a new office for John’s real estate business.”
Jessica’s eyes were wide and her head still shaking as I reached out and fingered her ear lobe. “You must be the only girl on the planet who still uses clip on earrings. I understand you consider your beautiful body a shrine and don’t believe in punching holes in it; I’ll be changing that. You certainly opened the doors to the shrine easily enough if it would get you something you wanted though, didn’t you?”
“They gave me all sorts of notes about you. You like to show off that head of hair so much that you don’t wear hats or any head covering well, like it or not, that will also change. Listen carefully while I explain. At the moment you are just tied up. A few simple cords, a wad of sponge and a strip of tape. In the next few hours I am going to introduce you to what is called bondage. Very strict bondage and very uncomfortable bondage, then after leaving you to think about things for a few hours, your training will really begin.”
“You’re mine now Jessica; I own you and I am going to make you wish you had never been born. Starting now it is payback time!”
Grabbing a handful of hair I pulled her towards me sliding my other hand inside the neck of the sweater she was wearing under the leather coat. My crimson nails found the top seam of her bra and slid underneath it, pushing down until my hand could cup her left breast, I found her nipple between my thumb and finger.
“They tell me that you’re a softy and you can’t stand pain. You get a tiny paper cut and whine about it for hours don’t you?” I put pressure on the nipple, twisting a little, watching as tears formed in the corner of her eyes and a squeal came from behind the tape. “Oh yes, we are going to have fun.”
Standing up I went to the other side of the room and wheeled over the cart filled with my toys.
“Now let’s get to work.”
She had no place to go and no way to resist as I loosened the belt of the coat, reached around under her sweater to unclip the bra so both of her lovely orbs popped free, then pulled on the nipples until she was in the middle of the seat. Taking two pieces of thin cord I knotted one around the base of each breast then ran them out to opposite arms of the loveseat.
A pull here, a knot there and she was held in position where she had to stay still while I worked on her or those 38 D’s would suffer.
“Now just co-operate a little Jessica or I might decide that all those blonde curls are getting in the way and shave them off.” That got a look of complete fear and she went rigid; boy did she love that hair.
As a first step I piled most of the hair up on top of her head and pulled a snug rubber hood down over it and the rest of her head. A strap around the neck closed with a small padlock at the back and the only openings were small metal ringed holes under her nose.
“Now then Jessica, I know you can hear me and I’ll continue to let you know what I’m doing. I mean you will feel what’s happening to you but I’ll tell you the details as we progress. Just to drive your situation home I’m going to do two things. First, we untie your wrists and the left one gets secured to the armrest on that side. Now use your right hand to feel the back of your neck.”
“That is a padlock so the hood will not come off until I use the key.” She ran her gloved hand all over her head and then back to the padlock before I grabbed the wrist and tied it to the opposite armrest. “So, you are blind and gagged under that rubber but there is one other thing you need to understand and that is I will show you no pity. If you decide to fight what’s happening to you, or don’t immediately do anything I tell you, then this can, and will, happen.”
As I spoke I took a simple spring-loaded clamp and allowed it to close over her nostrils. The reaction was delayed for just a few moments as she felt the clamp and then realized she was not getting any air. She started shaking her head and then her upper body but that reminded her of the cords around her breasts and she made it worse by sliding forwards off the seat to her knees.
It probably seemed like a lifetime but, in reality, was only thirty seconds before I removed the clamp and waited while she recovered. I studied her position with the arms pulled back and sideways in a big V, the taunt cords around her breasts and her tied ankles tucked under her.
“Well Jessica, do you understand me?” The rubber covered head nodded and then she tried to relieve the pressure on her breasts by lifting herself up with her knees.
“Stay put. I did not give you permission to move.” There was an audible sob but she sank back down.
That was lesson number one, well learned and driven home.
It was a while later that I finally used the key and peeled the rubber hood off. Her upper torso was laced in a heavy leather corset combination that covered her from the neck to the top of the hip length ballet boots. Under the tight leather across her chest I had just taken the two pieces of cord already in use and knotted them several times around the base of her breasts. That had drawn a few whimpers from under the hood.
Jessica’s arms were firmly secured inside a leather single arm binder with the only bare skin at her crotch and, now, from the neck up.
She was on her back with each leg, encased in laced leather ballet boots, tied wide apart to posts that were nearly three feet tall. Very vulnerable!
“Your hair doesn’t look quite so fashionable now.” I told her as I brushed some of the sweat soaked strands away from her eyes. “But I want you to see what comes next. Have you ever let one of your sugar daddies use the back door to your shrine? No, well this is called a butt plug Jessica. It is hard rubber with a nicely knobbed surface, it is 6” long, 1 ½” thick and the last 2” are rather special.”
I held it close to her horrified face. “See, the end is about the size of your thumb but watch when I click it on.” She stared first at the plug, with the end moving in slow circles, then up at me. More tears and head shaking became moaning as I turned it off and she watched me pull on a pair of latex gloves.
I did, at least, use some lubricant before setting the plug in position then I used my left hand to pinch her nose. That took her mind off the lower body muscles and I rammed the toy home in one smooth motion of my right arm.
“Now we must not forget to enshrine something in the front must we?”
“I have quite a collection of dildos and you will be happy, well maybe not, that I let your husbands pick your first one. Unfortunately for you it is, shall we say, a little nasty; you must have really hurt them with your love as long as the wallet is full lifestyle. You can see it is much larger than the plug and it looks quite smooth doesn’t it? But watch what happens when I press this little button, all those little hard rubber spines pop out.”
“I suppose that wouldn’t be too bad but it should be a very interesting feeling when the butt plug starts moving. Now first we stick a little plug in that pee hole of yours so you don’t damage all of my lovely leather equipment and then…! Wow, just two pushes and that slid right in didn’t it?”
“So first I push this little button and then flip this switch, they are new batteries by the way, then this nice wide strap from your arm sheath comes through here and buckles at the front here. Hey, I got it to the last notch so that should feel nice and snug.”
The whimpers were continuous now as the toys started their work but I ignored them as I untied her ankles and flipped her over. A few straps around her legs, several more clamping her arm binder to her back and I bent her legs up until I could strap them to her thighs.
Gripping her by the shoulders I slid the twitching form up a slanted board and tightened a waist strap to hold her body in place so I could sit in front of her and work on her head.
“See this Jessica? These are electric hair clippers. I am going to take off your gag and the moment I hear a word out of your mouth you get a Mohawk. Another word and you’re bald; understand?
I hooked a nail under the edge of the tape over her mouth then, after pulling on a clean latex glove, used my right hand to dig out the sponge. As she worked her jaw I held the clippers in plain sight raising an eyebrow as I looked at her.
Jessica got the message but the corners of her mouth curled down, the tears started anew and she began to sob. If I hadn’t known her background as a self- serving bitch I might have been moved, but I did and, besides, I was enjoying myself.
I finger combed her damp hair to the back of her head using my left hand to get a good grip on it then wiped her face clean of the smeared makeup, sweat and tears. A rubber plug went in her left ear and I tilted her head so I could get the hearing aid type speaker installed inside her right ear.
Another rubber hood, this one with an open face, covered the rest of her head in a tight embrace.
“I know you can still hear me through that little speaker Jessica so stop crying and open your mouth.”
Just for a moment I spotted a glimmer of resistance in her eyes as I cupped her chin in my hand. “Don’t be stupid now and make things harder than they already are. I have you laced, strapped, bound immovably in tight leather; there is a rotating plug up your ass and a rubber porcupine in your ‘shrine’. Now open your mouth – wide.”
Her lips parted slowly then her mouth opened and I pulled down a bit more on her lower jaw to fit the solid rubber piece over her teeth. The hard rubber had pockets top and bottom that curved around her teeth like an athletes’ mouthpiece holding her jaws wide apart.
Jessica’s eyes tried to follow my hand as I fitted the needle valve in the middle of the gag. A couple of squeezes of the pump bulb enlarged the rubber bladder enough to press her tongue down and partially fill her mouth. I unhooked the pump and screwed a cap with a sharp point into the valve.
The black vinyl tape was 2” wide and I started under her right ear, across her lips and on around her head. Each time the tape crossed her mouth I pressed it down until the point of the cap poked through; that left me access to the gag valve.
Constantly smoothing out air bubbles I used the entire roll until Jessica’s head was completely covered except for a strip from just above her eyebrows to under her eyes. Even her nose was covered with only the nostrils, which were flaring as she worked to get air, free of the tape.
I spoke again into the microphone clipped to the leather collar of my cat suit. “So you don’t like anything on your head covering up that hair you’re so vain about? Well Jessica, right now your hair is a damp stringy mess covered with a tight rubber hood under several layers of tape and I’m not finished.”
Bringing over the mannequin head I put it where she could get the full effect of the leather casque in all its glory. Her eyes became even more horrified, if that were possible, as she studied the black leather helmet with all its straps and laces.
While she was doing that I used my camera to get several shots of her expression, making sure the helmet was in the pictures along with body shots of her predicament.
“I promised Paul, Harry and John a souvenir of your first session; those eyes of yours are enough to prove that it is you in all those lovely restraints. Now let’s see how this helmet fits, shall we?”
“The blindfold part goes on last Jessica so you can see these two little leather tubes inside the nose section. Guess where they go? Yep, right in here like this, then the rest comes over and I can start lacing it down the back. Doesn’t that feel nice and snug?”
“Almost done Jessica; once I get this grommet in the middle of the gag strap over the valve cap like so, I can attach the pump again and a few more squeezes will really expand that bladder. Now I can tighten the strap until the bulges in your cheeks disappear. Just like that and last but not least here’s the blindfold and a few more straps to keep everything beautifully tight.”
I released the waist strap allowing the helpless form to slide down to the floor and then dragged it a few feet to a metal hasp set in the floor of my workroom.
“I’ll admit this is a little bit of over kill Jessica but this short chain from your neck is padlocked to the floor so when I add the final touch to your bondage initiation it will act as an anchor.”
As I said this I slipped a long strap through the ankle bonds, then up to the ring at the top of the helmet. Slowly I pulled the end through the buckle and Jessica’s head was forced up and back increasing the pressure on the hogtie.
“There now, you will be enjoying that position for a few hours giving you plenty of time to think about the trail of broken hearts and empty bank accounts you have left behind you. Just one more thing before I turn off the speaker system and you will be deaf on top of everything else.”
“I told you it was payback time but I haven’t said how long your sentence will be – think about that too bitch!”
Chapter Two: The Installment Plan!
Jessica was in my salon chair and I used pressure on the back of her neck to hold her head still as I forced the thick, stubby, rubber penis gag all the way in until the flange settled over her teeth and inside her cheeks. The gag was attached to an upright post that, in turn, had its base welded to a metal bar over her lap between the two armrests.
I hooked a strap in the D ring on the collar around her neck pulling it tight to the same upright. That kept the gag in but left the rest of her head, from the collar up, completely free and accessible yet immoveable.
From the neck down Jessica was anything but completely free and accessible. Mind you, she would have been accessible but for the fact she was sitting on a huge butt plug attached to the seat of the chair. As I had pushed down on her shoulders to make sure the plug was completely buried there had been some very loud pleading, which I ignored.
Her legs, still encased in the laced ballet boots, were folded back and strapped along the sides of the chair seat and, once I was sure the intruder was firmly in place, several other straps across her thighs held her down on it.
As for her ‘shrine’ it was equally full but for the moment, not receiving the full benefits of the set up; that would come later.
Her arms were locked up between her shoulder blades, I hadn’t yet managed to get them in a full reverse prayer position but it was close. Straps over her shoulders, through openings in the top of the chair back, crossed between her breasts then back to buckle behind the chair.
Her eyes followed me as I pulled a very professional looking smock over my tight leather outfit and buttoned it up to my left shoulder. The fact that it was made of a pale pink rubber probably had her wondering what was going on. Then, when I worked a pair of elbow length rubber gloves in the same colour over my hands and the tight sleeves of the smock, I could read the question in her eyes.
After wrapping a rubber cape around her neck I turned the chair on its swivel base then tilted it until the back of Jessica’s neck settled in the curved rest at the front edge of the sink.
“I know how much you love those blonde tresses Jessica. Everyone has told me how they are your pride and joy. Well, right now they are in a damp, scraggly mess and we need to do something about that.”
Unable to move her head the girl looked at me as I leaned over and smiled down at her, her eyes searching mine for any hidden meanings; but, for the next hour or so, I hid them too well.
Her hair was a mess but, hey, rubber hoods, sweat and leather helmets tend to do that. After two washes and a conditioning I wrapped her head in a towel and shifted the chair upright again, turning it away from the mirrors.
An hour later I had her lovely blonde hair falling in soft waves to just past her shoulders. Very smart bangs curled down her forehead almost touching the arched eyebrows and I began working on the makeup. I even managed to paint some colour on the lips stretched around the gag. She really was a beautiful young lady, it was a shame her heart had been so full of dollar signs.
I turned the chair around so she could see herself in the big mirrors.
“There now, doesn’t that look better? Every hair in place and a nicely made up face if, that is, we don’t look too closely at the cheeks bulging around the gag. Enjoy what you see Jessica, I’ll be back in a few minutes to start changing the picture.”
I was still wearing the rubber smock as I returned to stand behind Jessica; in my left hand I held an ice-cold cocktail. From behind my back I brought my right hand up, where she could see it in the mirror, holding the electric hair trimmer.
I spoke as the horrified look grew on her face.
“A couple of days ago I met with your husband, John, to give him the souvenir photographs I had promised from your first session. He told me that he had been taking a closer look at the books at his real estate company. It looks like you were not satisfied with cleaning out the bank accounts so you tried embezzling too.”
She couldn’t shake her head and the gag stopped any understandable words but as I spoke, her eyes closed and tears escaped from the corners.
“Since you stole from him and could have ruined his business I promised myself I would steal something from you. I’ll start with the bangs.”
As I put my glass down and thumbed on the switch of the trimmer her efforts to move or speak became desperate but against the restraints she didn’t have a hope.
Three times I pressed the trimmer around the hairline at the top of her forehead; bye bye bangs. Hello tears!
“John found that you had siphoned money from six deals so I have decided we will do this punishment in six installments. That was number one, I’ll be back soon for number two.”
My thoughts were that the wait and anticipation would be almost as hard on Jessica as what I was going to actually do, so I left again for half an hour. Sipping my cocktail I watched through the one-way mirror planning the next steps.
The next time I went in I settled the trimmer just below and behind her left ear then ran it up over the ear to the front hairline. Another swipe a little higher and then I rubbed some gel over the area and used a new razor to shave it clean. Just to rub things in I picked up a handful of the cut off curls and set them on the counter under the mirrors.
“That’s one half of a Mohawk Jessica and installment number two!”
Thirty minutes later I came back and did the right side; number three.
Her tears just would not stop and she was bordering on hysterics. I’ve heard of vanity but she obviously loved that hair to a point that was hard to fathom and I was using it against her. Before leaving the room again I checked that her gag was properly fitted and took up a minimal amount of slack in the strap then made sure her nose was clear.
I took my time with number four, standing beside the chair stroking the mane of blonde hair left down the middle of her head. Lifting the longest strands at the top I trimmed off the back then twisted the topknot and held it straight up from her head.
“Say goodbye to it Jessica and hello to being bald.”
The trimmer severed the rest of her hair in two very, very slow passes. Picking up a new razor I got rid of the stubble and then massaged in a fragrant lotion until Jessica’s scalp gleamed. With a damp cloth I wiped the smeared remains of makeup from the tear streaked face and left her staring at the sight in the mirror; the tears had stopped!
“Just sit and enjoy your new look Jessica. While you’re doing that I must remind you about the count. That was number four and I promised six installments to this punishment so what, you might wonder, are five and six. This doesn’t count!”
As I finished speaking I reached under the cape, flipped the switch on the very large dildo that had been patiently waiting in the front entrance to her shrine, then left her to stew.
When I came back I wiped her face again to clear the perspiration caused by the constant stimulation of the vibrator.
“Your hair wasn’t the only hang up was it Jessica? There was another one!” I looked at her in the mirror and gently fingered her right earlobe with my rubber- gloved hand.
Jessica might be a thief and a gold digging bitch but she wasn’t stupid. Her eyes and the renewed muffled sounds forcing themselves around the gag told me she knew what I meant.
I let it really sink in for a few more moments and then picked up an antiseptic swab. Less than a minute later her shrine had two more holes in it than before.
Installments five and six!
“Those are just the beginning, I have many more planned and I’m not talking about just your ears. Normally I would put a couple of keepers in until those heal and later I will but, for now, I have these lovely big dangly earrings for you. The stones are green Jessica; the colour of greed.”
Chapter Three: Invading the Shrine!
There was a ring set in the crown of the head harness and I reached around to feed a narrow strap from it to another set in the leather at the point of her elbows. She was on her stomach so, as I pulled on the strap, her head came up and, sitting in front of her, I could now look directly at her face.
“My Jessica, Maria just told me she had a wonderful time while you two were together. I suppose you might not see it that way but we will see how things went when I explore all the work she did. I really needed that vacation it was very relaxing and Maria was so happy to house sit.”
“She is such a good friend and capable as a part-time Domme. She is also very, very capable of running the four or five tattoo and body piercing parlors she owns. When I explained about you and told her she could do whatever she liked, except tattoos because I wanted to save them for another time, she just volunteered to look after you for me. Wasn’t that nice of her?”
When I got home Maria, over coffee, had not told me what she had done just said that everything was nicely healed and ready for use. As requested, while I was away, she had only taken off Jessica’s reverse prayer arm binder and ballet boots to check for circulation or other problems.
She told me that she had fed my unwilling guest about an hour ago and made sure she was well hydrated so I could have fun for the next few hours without worrying.
Before leaving she gave me a large leather covered jewelry box along with a sealed envelope and told me not to open them until I was ready to ‘decorate’ Jessica; I thought that was a strange thing to say!
“Well now my sweet, the first thing we have to do is get rid of that nasty stubble on your head. I’ll just go and change out of these traveling clothes and then we can get to work.”
I think it was, perhaps, the fact I returned some time later wearing one of my black leather cat suits with high-heeled knee boots and my hair pulled back in a tight ponytail that got her attention. Either that or it was when I removed her head harness and clipped the bit gag down to the table with a short chain at each end.
“That should help you keep your head still, Jessica and since I am going to use a straight razor, you really do need to keep it still.”
She didn’t move a muscle while I pulled on a tight pair of latex gloves then lathered her head and scraped off the hair that had grown while I was away.
“There now, this astringent might sting a little but it will soon make you feel more comfortable and put a lovely shine on your skin.”
That, of course, was only until I made her very uncomfortable.
To do that I moved a padded bench over next to the table she was strapped down on. The ends and one side of the bench were straight but the other long side formed a wide V. At the apex of the V was a threaded hole and in that I screwed a large butt plug. A few inches in from that was another socket that took a solid metal post with a wide leather collar hanging from the top.
Before loosening the straps holding her down I fitted a spreader bar between her booted ankles, with that and her arms locked between her shoulder blades with the reverse prayer leather pouch, she was still helpless. I used a heavy belt around her waist and then the ceiling pulley to lift the bitch, swinging her over the bench.
Tying off the pulley rope I scooped a big blob of lubricating jelly from a handy container into my latex covered hand and coated the butt plug. As she swung around I worked another handful up her rear passage.
Discarding the gloves I positioned her over the bench and lowered her on the plug. When the bulbous tip disappeared I used my free hand to twist her body back and forth while controlling the pulley with the other. In no time the plug was completely buried and I tied off the pulley rope while strapping each ankle to the ends of the bench. Her spread legs now followed the edges of the V and her weight was on her buttocks with the plug buried inside her; everything else was completely available to me.
Straps across the top of each thigh, very close to her crotch and others at the knees removed any possible movement from her legs.
Getting rid of the belt and pulley I pushed her upper torso back against the post and buckled the collar around her neck. With her arms in the reverse prayer her chest was already thrust forward and now the collar just accentuated that position. The fact that Maria had not removed the narrow straps around the bases of Jessica’s breasts meant they now presented them in a very inviting manner.
I exchanged the bit gag for a nice big ring gag and stood back to study my victim.
“You really pissed off those husbands of yours you know? They gave me carte blanche just on the promise of a few photographs for their scrapbooks. So far I’ve introduced you to expert leather bondage, shaved your head of those blonde locks you were so proud of and put holes in your earlobes to invade the shrine you called your body.”
I poured myself a glass of chilled white wine and sat in a comfortable chair in front of the helplessly restrained woman. “Now let’s see what Maria has given me to work with.”
My scarlet fingernail easily slit open the envelope and I studied the sheets of paper inside. One was an outline of a female head and torso with numbers on little stars all over it; the other sheets explained what each star represented. Oh WOW!
“Well now Jessica, Maria suggests I start at almost the top and that she has left a surprise for the very top in the bottom of the jewelry case. So let’s open it and see what she is talking about.”
The box was quite deep and almost eight inches square; when I lifted the lid I gave a gasp of anticipation at the gifts she had left me. There was a tray with several compartments. Each one held some of the bits and pieces that I was to use and the box was deep enough for more underneath.
I consulted the instructions, selected a couple of things from the tray, and then stood back up in front of Jessica.
“Let’s start with these little barbells that go at the end of each eyebrow.”
Maria was obviously a consummate professional; I unscrewed the ball from one of the barbells slid the rod easily in place and replaced the ball. The other was just as simple. In quick order I emptied another compartment and installed six studs around the edges of Jessica’s ears. The original holes I had punched in her lower lobes were left empty, as were two at the very top of each ear.
It was a bit more delicate to get the small studs in each nostril because they had tiny rings that rested against the outside of her nose.
I took a short break and a sip of wine while again reviewing Maria’s notes because the next step was somewhat complicated.
After taking a tissue to dry the tears that Jessica was producing I separated the parts of the next item, pulled on a clean pair of latex gloves and used two fingers of my left hand to capture her tongue through the ring gag. The longer rod of this barbell went down through the piercing in the tip of her tongue.
Then I folded her tongue under and fed the rod back up through the center piercing. A thin ½” square stainless steel plate slipped over the end of the rod and the other ball screwed down to hold it against the top of her tongue. With that, very effective gag in place I removed the ring gag and let Jessica close her mouth.
Now things were really going to get complicated and I had to do everything exactly right. From the box I took the two acrylic lip forms and set them close at hand. Maria had pierced four tiny holes along Jessica’s top lip line and four more under the lower one.
Gently, hey I am a Domme and she’s a bitch but I didn’t need blood all over the place and that could happen if I made a mistake, I fitted the tiny, hinged pins along the inside upper edge of the top form through the holes in the lip line. Satisfied, I got the lower one in place and then pushed in on them until the hinges allowed them to fit snugly against her real lips. With my two thumbs under her chin I applied finger pressure and, with a faint click, the strip magnets in the forms sealed them together.
Jessica now had the most gorgeous pair of very real looking luscious and brilliantly coloured lips and they were part of her hidden gag!
It was time for the next tray and from it I selected a short, three-stranded gold chain. It attached to the small ring on her right nostril and the clasp on the other end went through the hole Maria had made in the little triangle of cartilage where the cheekbone met the opening of her ear. A second one draped across her left cheek.
There was another slightly larger ring for the septum of her nose and it held a teardrop diamond that rested just above her top lip.
I realized that the stones were fake but really appreciated Maria’s thoughtfulness. Every stone so far, except the nose diamond, was a deep emerald green and that reinforced my lesson to Jessica about how her greed had led her to this pathetic state of affairs.
Heavy multiple teardrop earrings went in the bottom of each ear using the first holes I had punched in Jessica’s shrine.
It was time to move down.
The long fine gold chain split in two for just an inch or so partway along from its center and each of those strands had small gold rings joining the chain. I fed half the length through a D ring in the front of her collar then took the one on the left and settled the rings at each side of her nipple. According to Maria’s body map her nipples had each been pierced twice. The box gave up another barbell and, after removing the knob at one end, I fed the rod through one gold ring and then the hole pierced at the base of her nipple, slipped the second ring over the end and screwed on the knob.
The length of the chain was perfect because with a little bit of tension on it I was able to attach the other side to the base of her right nipple. Now the two ends fed through the ring I clipped through her navel piercing and down so the rings in the ends hung just above her clit.
Maria’s instructions indicated that I should use the smallest possible barbell and I did. Jessica was panting through her nose by the time I finished pulling on the ends of the chain until the rings lined up and fed the rod through them and her clit.
The sensation would be a constant now because as her chest rose with each breath it increased the tension on the chain and transferred it to her nipples and clitoris. It was somewhat Machiavellian but I was not finished with her yet.
Another matching set of multi-strand earrings hooked through the holes at the tip of each nipple.
Now we were at the main entrance to Jessica’s ‘shrine’.
Temporarily I took a couple of rubber covered clamps and snapped them on her lower lips pulling them apart with elastic bands to the straps holding her thighs.
Moving a chair in place I pulled on a clean pair of latex gloves and went through the process of inserting a catheter. Once it was in place I ran the flesh coloured tubing down the side of her vagina between the inner and outer lips of her vulva and back under the edge of the bench. A piece of tape held it there with the rest hanging down into a closed container on the floor.
The dildo was definitely not from Maria. I had carefully selected it from my stock of toys because it was one of my favorites with it’s devilishly design.
One, two and then three latex covered fingers made their way into her vagina, feeling the butt plug pressing against them through the wall but finding very little lubrication. I glanced up to Jessica’s face and saw in her eyes that my latest efforts had indeed got through to her so hard mentally that her body was not responding as it normally would.
I had no sympathy for her but I was a good enough Domme to gently move my fingers and stroke the nub of her clit until, despite herself, the moisture began to appear. I also coated the dildo and spread a bit more lubricant inside her before it was time for my special toy to find a new home.
It slid in very easily now that she was properly lubricated and, once I had it buried so nothing showed except the ring at the end of the base, I released the clamps and slipped the tapered hasp of a small gold padlock through her lips and the base ring.
There was a distinctive click as the lock closed.
Taking a small compressed air canister I pushed the needle valve in the base of my toy and triggered it for just a couple of seconds. Even restrained as she was Jessica’s body reacted. The air pressure would have expanded the dildo and also popped out the dozens of tiny rubber nubs from it’s surface.
The second last thing in Maria’s treasure box was one very heavy multiple stranded earring and I slipped it through the holes at the end of Jessica’s lower lips. Two at her ears, two at her nipples and the last hanging between her legs, what a picture they made. Blazing green jewels swinging gently with the slight movements her body made.
I took quite few minutes then to work on her eyes with my makeup kit until they stood out in a far from subtle way with arched brows, green lids, heavy lashes and dark liner.
Under the last tray was a simple tiara and I settled it carefully on Jessica’s gleaming skull. Just like the Egyptians it came partway down her forehead and then curved even lower to rest near her ears. From it came posts on either side and I pushed those through the top holes in the ears and screwed on the end knobs. That locked it to her head.
“Well now Jessica, the box seems to be empty. I guess that means your shrine is about as violated as it could be.” I gently ran a finger up and down the nipple chains making her shudder. “I’m sure you can feel each and every one but I have another way just to drive home what you’ve got yourself in to.”
“I’m going to be sitting in my nice comfortable chair with the rest of this lovely wine and a book I started on the plane back. I will be able to see your eyes and if I glance up and they are closed the punishment each time will be a fishing weight added to hang behind one of the five lovely earrings you’re wearing. So keep your eyes open.”
I pulled a wide full length mirror over in front of the bitch!
Chapter Four – Bitch Tickling!
I was extremely comfortable lounging back on what I called my reclining pleasure board. That’s really what it was; a board measuring three feet wide by six and a half feet high softly padded with a kid leather covering. The bottom edge was anchored to the floor and the top reclined back about fifteen degrees off the vertical.
Halfway down two wide padded ‘arms’ jutted out at forty-five degree angles supporting my buttocks and thighs. My legs bent comfortably at the knee over the ends of each arm allowing my stilettos to rest on the ends of two other supports near the floor.
The last two ‘arms’ at exactly the level of my elbows were, in fact, for my arms. I could rest on them while, just to each side in easy reach were small side tables for my wine on one side and needed supplies on the other. A leather padded head and neck rest completed my pleasure board.
Jessica, on the other hand, was far from comfortable. Maybe it was because she was hanging upside down in front of me.
Wide cuffs around each ankle, themselves trapped in the thigh high ballet boots, had heavy-duty D rings. Snap hooks at the ends of cables from the electric ceiling pulleys clipped to the D rings and pulled her legs apart to a maximum spread eagle position.
Studying the helpless form, savoring how I had prepared her and, even more, what was going to happen for the next hour or two.
It was a couple of days after her ‘shrine’ had been adorned with the gifts from
Maria. I had recovered from my jet lag and was feeling in need of some sexual relief. With Jessica available to play with the answer was a no brainer!
The thigh high ballet boots were part of her regular training so they were already tightly laced in place. I had made her walk on those agonizing toes to the bathroom for a nice cleaning out then it was over to the set up before I tripped her to lie face down on the floor. The heavy cuffs went around each ankle and I clipped them together temporarily.
Jessica’s arms were encased in shoulder length kid gloves with her hands folded in fists laced, in turn, inside heavy leather bondage mitts. Those were just clipped together behind her back with a small padlock.
Sitting on her lower back I removed the padlock and forced her arms up across her back until the mitts settled in the crook of the opposite elbow. Thin straps through the mitt rings and around her biceps held them in place. A couple more straps around her forearms and one longer strap around both arms just above the elbow locked them immovably across her back.
The arm pouch was made of much heavier leather; it had wide straps across each shoulder and back under the armpits with another wide one anchored around her waist. There was a large reinforced D ring at the point of each shoulder.
During all this there had been a lot of muffled grunts around the ball gag jammed behind her teeth. When I flipped her over, sat on her stomach, then unbuckled the gag strap and popped the ball out it changed to tearful whining about how sorry she was.
“Too late Jessica. If they hadn’t realized what was happening you would still be screwing everyone in sight out of their money. Well, let’s make up a new word to describe you. Ah yes; you are now the screwee!”
After toweling off Jessica’s bald head and wiping her face I fitted the rubber helmet to line up its openings at her eyes, nostrils and mouth then flipped her over again and started closing the laces down the back of her head.
When that was done I rolled her over and shoved in a large hard rubber penis gag, it had flanges to go under the lips and tuck inside her cheeks plus a threaded hole in the center about 1 ½” deep. Straps from it went up each side of her nose to meet at the forehead and then over and down to get buckled to the wide gag strap. Another thin strap went under her chin. There was no way that gag was going to move.
Settling back on my haunches I took two curved pieces of plastic tube and held Jessica’s chin with my left hand as I fitted them in her nose. Small studs through the holes pierced in the side of her nostrils kept them in place. I made sure she was breathing evenly through the tubes that now sat across each cheek before the flared ends rested just level with the bottom of her ears.
Little clips set in the rubber of the helmet snapped over the tubes to hold them in place.
Jessica’s eyes were full of tears again but this time I didn’t use a blindfold. I wanted her to see everything that happened.
Adjusting the cables from the four ceiling pulleys I snapped one on each ankle D ring, unclipped her cuffs and activated the mechanism to lift the little bitch to the right height. The other two cables now got attached to the D rings at her shoulders and up they went too.
Once she was suspended in front of me, at a height that allowed me to stand and face her, I smiled and, lifting her chin just a bit more, screwed a dildo into the socket of the gag.
A couple of short bungee straps with snap hooks on the ends attached to either side of the helmet. I let them dangle until I was ready.
A visit to the bathroom for a few items, then the kitchen fridge for some more, and I returned to settle comfortably on my pleasure board. I was wearing one of my crotchless kid leather cat suits that clung comfortably to every curve of my body. I left the gloves off to retain complete tactile feeling in my fingers; this was going to be a trip to remember.
Settled on the recliner board I played with the pulley controls until Jessica’s crotch was readily available just in front of me. Now I lowered the shoulder cables until she hung almost vertically and reached for the squeeze bottle of lubricant.
Pushing the nozzle inside her rosebud I gave it a good shot then used some more on the butt plug. This allowed me to force the hard rubber toy deeply inside Jessica until the bulge near the end popped through and her ass muscles closed around the narrower shaft at the base. There was no way that would be expelled without some help so a crotch strap was unnecessary. It would just crowd my work area anyway.
I fitted a small plug in the opening of her urethra. With what was about to happen I didn’t need any involuntary spurts getting out of her bladder.
Using the controls I lifted Jessica up a bit and then guided her head towards my own love tunnel.
Once the tip of the dildo was in position I clipped the two bungee straps to hooks in the board on each side of my waist. That was the reason for the nose tubes. I expected to be producing a fair amount of juice and, if I hadn’t installed them it would drip directly down into her nostrils and they were the only source of air she had. Not a good idea. This way she was getting air from either side of the dildo and staring directly up at my leather covered ass.
Snapping out of my reflections I reached for the tweezers.
I mean her head was shaved but not this area. Maria had pierced Jessica for the rings without getting rid of all this nasty hair.
Oh well, let’s see if I grip this little blonde hair with the tweezers and then pull?
“Oh yesss!”
The reaction from Jessica was to move the only thing she could, her head. The dildo had gone about halfway in. I flipped her nipple ring with a finger while I settled the tweezers on another hair up near her clit.
“Oh my God!”
A dozen hairs later and I let the orgasm wash over me.
After a little while I unhooked the bungee cords and activated the controls for both sets of cables until Jessica hung almost horizontally. That would let the blood drain from her head but it left me, still breathing hard, looking at her crotch. I gave it a little shove and she swung away then back against my hand.
I pushed a little harder and this time stopped her partly with my hand and partly with the knob of a dildo that slipped a little way inside her glistening sex. This was fun. I left the dildo inside her and pushed her away again. This time I stopped her swing with the palm of my hand against the base of the dildo. With two more shoves it was buried and I was ready to do some more bitch tickling.
One part of my mind wondered how many hairs there were before her cunt would be clean. The other sensible part wondered how many orgasms I could stand.
I decided that it would take at least another three sessions for her over the next few days.
For me five would be good - for tonight!
Chapter 5: Justice for Jessica!
Even through my kid gloves I reveled in the sensuous feel of the fine leather as I lifted the hooded cloak out of my closet and draped it across my arm. It was the final touch to my outfit of glistening dark cherry coloured leather and a fitting sight for Jessica to remember on her last day with me.
I posed for the camera in my full Leather Domme glory as I checked the monitor. The camera had allowed Jessica to watch me as I dressed while the other was focused on her in my ‘work room’. It, along with the microphone close to her head and the speaker up here in my bedroom, let me keep a check on the highly uncomfortable young lady while I bathed and dressed.
The cloak would cover the tightly fitted long sleeved jacket that looked almost black until the light would catch it revealing the deep burgundy of it and the calf length skirt. The stiletto heeled knee boots were black as were the kid leather gloves tucked up inside the sleeves of the top.
I gave my makeup and hair a final check in the mirror and then made my way down to Jessica. Only her eyes could move and they watched fearfully through the tiny lenses as I entered the room.
I reflected on how the day had started for her several hours ago with me releasing the ropes that had held her overnight in a wicked hogtie and, as she groaned through the ball gag when her legs straightened, I had hauled her up to sit beside me on the couch.
With her arms locked behind in the single arm glove and booted ankles strapped together she had no say in the matter as I toyed with one of the rings piercing her nipples.
“I have some good news and bad news for you Jessica, would you like the good news first?”
“I’ll assume that little whimper was a yes. Well today is the last day you will have to put up with my gentle ministrations because, in a little while, you are going to your new home. I mentioned that I had a buyer for you but those plans have changed and you’re not going to Thailand. That’s the good news.”
“Now the bad news. You remember when you, shall we say, came to stay with me a few months ago what I told you about your husbands? I told you that husband number two, Harry, had won the lottery but what I didn’t tell you was how much he won.”
I gripped her chin and turned her head to face me, dabbing with a tissue at the dribble escaping around the gag, and then whispered to her.
“You really should have been nicer to him Jessica because I think even you would have had trouble spending the several million dollars he got.”
Her eyes, if possible, got even wider as I smiled at her and nodded.
“After they met and handed you over to me things got quite interesting. Harry took a liking to your first husband, Paul, and helped him clear up the debts you had saddled him with. He even set him up in business and Paul is a very contented young man with a future to look forward to other than paying through the nose because he made the mistake of falling in love with you.”
Much to my delight a tear trickled down Jessica’s cheek and I knew she was starting to regret what she had done. Too late, I thought!
“Oh, and by the way, husband number three, John, has found that his real estate business has taken off with the current housing boom. Of course it makes a big difference not to have you screwing things up by embezzling everything you could get your hands on.”
Now the tears were really flowing but I had no sympathy for her. She had thought about no one except herself and her own creature comforts for years and hadn’t given a second thought to who got hurt along the way. Until now - when it was her on the receiving end.
“Now Harry has been building a lovely house down on the coast and, in return for a very large fee, has been here several times when you could not see or hear to watch me work on you. It seems he is quite fascinated with my profession and that new house has a very nice little dungeon I designed for him. Guess who its first occupant is going to be?”
“Yes indeed, ‘Master’ Harry has bought you back from me and I have thought up a nice uncomfortable way to deliver you to him. Won’t that be fun? And, if you remember, Paul made his living doing auto body repairs. Well in his new business he was happy to modify my Escalade for me and you are about to find out just how talented he is!” I pointed across the room at a tubular metal frame that looked vaguely like a chair.
I must admit that Jessica didn’t seem too pleased but then, with that nice big ball gag stretching those crimson lips, she wasn’t in a position to put up an argument.
I let her watch as I spread the rubber cat suit out on the floor and, opening the strategically placed zips with their Velcro cover flaps, turned it inside out. Opening an unlabeled can I used a paint brush to coat the rubber.
“This suit is going to be just a little bit small for you Jessica, but the rubber will stretch and this lubricant will help us get it on you.”
I didn’t mention the other ingredient in the can, she would find out about that later.
Moving back to Jessica I added a blindfold to help me control her as I forced her to the floor, buckled a stiff collar around her neck, snapped a 12” piece of chain to a floor ring and started to get her completely naked except for the arm sheath.
It took some doing, and a couple of swats across her breasts with the crop to get her to co-operate, but I worked her feet and legs into the skintight rubber. When the suit was up to her thighs I forced each rubber covered foot in a leather, heelless, knee boot and spent several minutes lacing them as tightly as possible.
Once they were on her feet were arched until they were almost in line with her shins. They forced her toes to a point that ended with a tiny sole no bigger than a silver dollar.
After flipping Jessica over on her stomach I buckled a strap around each ankle and connected their D rings to floor hooks about 18” apart. Taking off the arm binder I tied each wrist to floor rings on either side of her body then released them one at a time while I worked each arm in the sleeves and her hands into the gloves of the suit.
With the form fitting rubber in place over her shoulders I left all the zips open and the tight hood hanging down her back for the time being. With very little trouble I then strapped each wrist, hooked them to a ceiling pulley and hauled her upright.
Now my unwilling playmate was stretched in a very mild spread eagle with everything completely available for me to continue my work. Removing the blindfold and ball gag I pushed a rubber plug in her left ear and the tiny speaker in her right. I wanted to be able to chat with her, read gloat, as things developed. That done I worked the open face rubber hood up over her bald head then tightened a thin roller buckled strap around the base of each breast.
Snapping thin gold chains to her nipple rings I fed them through small holes in the suit then closed the zip from between her bulging breasts to underneath her chin. That pulled the rubber skin even tighter and I spent a few minutes smoothing out any air bubbles making sure the suit was tight against every inch of skin. A couple of tugs on the ends of the chains and her nipples popped through the holes.
The almost rigid body corset fitted around her from the hard throat protector to just above her hips. The nipple chains fed through small openings. From down the sides to the back it was double layered but it was the first layer I started lacing with the aid of a long handled pair of locking pliers. I settled the two teeth in opposite grommets and levered on the handles until the tool locked holding the edges of the corset together. It was then easy to lace that part of the closing before moving the pliers up another few inches and repeating the process.
After a few minutes I shoved a gag back in Jessica’s mouth to muffle the groans. By the time I got up past her shoulder blades the tool was not longer necessary and I finished the lacing without its help.
Lowering her face down on the floor again I’m sure she knew what was coming. Over her time with me I had trained her arms and shoulder muscles to accept the reverse prayer position until her forearms touched along their full length.
Once her arms were laced in position with a couple of additional straps reinforcing their melded position I pulled the second layer of the corset over them and laced it closed from the back of her neck to the point of her elbows. When I rolled her over it was hard to tell she even had arms.
The dildo was, shall we say, multi talented and I worked it up inside Jessica until I could tuck the base under her outer lips. Making sure the tiny clamp was holding firmly to the ring in her clit I laced together the rings down each side of her vagina. They came together easily with a few tugs on a fine stainless steel chain threaded through them locking in the dildo.
Feeding a small wire from the dildo through to the outside I did up the crotch zip thumbing the cover closed over it; her rosebud was still available.
Leaving Jessica for a while I made my way over to the frame that was sitting on four small wheels and pushed it over beside the helpless girl.
Prominently sticking up from what resembled the seat of the frame was a large hard black rubber butt plug that I coated with lubricant from the same tin used on the inside of the suit. Then a heavy smearing of rubber cement went on the curved base of the plug.
Fitting a wide belt around the middle of the girl’s torso I hooked it to the ceiling pulley then fitted a spreader bar between her ankles and lifted her off the floor. Controlling the pulley with one hand I used my other to guide her over the frame and its waiting intruder. Once she was in position I stood between her legs and very slowly lowered the leather and rubber encased form.
Reaching around I spread her cheeks and continued to lower the pulley until the plug was buried and her buttocks settled into openings formed by two circles of the metal tubing. The base of the plug covered the opening in the suit and the rubber cement would seal it. A couple of straps held the top of her thighs firmly against the frame.
Removing the spreader bar I settled each leg into one of the curved channels made from shallow ‘U’ shaped tubing and bent them at the knee to follow the channel. I forced each booted toe in a round metal clamp and tightened the screws to hold them in place.
Jessica was now in a seated position and I laced leather sleeves around each leg and its channel from ankle to thigh. I had what I wanted, she was completely unable to move her lower body but there was nothing in the binding to interfere with her circulation. Now to do the same to the top half.
The back of the frame was made of more metal tubing that formed a basic triangle with the point just behind the butt plug and the sides, when I pushed her torso back, ran up the outside of her locked arms and then across the shoulders. Simple shoulder and chest straps held her against the frame and the heavily boned corset removed any possibility of movement except for the rise and fall of her leather covered chest.
Taking a break to allow Jessica’s body to settle, and for me to enjoy a cup of tea, I watched as her breathing became more regular and then quickly moved to take the last ounce of slack from the bindings holding her to the frame. Tears started flowing down her cheeks, around the gag strapped in her mouth, and over the tight rubber.
“Tears again Jessica? Surely you know by now that they don’t work on me so I would save them if I were you. You might be glad of the moisture over the next few hours.” Using a few tissues I dried her face and then studied the rubber covered head, held rigid by the throat protector, trying to decided which of the two or three ideas I had would be best.
Mind made up I retrieved what was needed from one of the drawers and set them on a table where Jessica could see what I had selected. If she could have shaken her head she would have, but she couldn’t so reverted to some gag muffled screams.
Settling myself straddling her lap I pulled the table a bit closer and then removed the gag. Whoa, where she got enough air to make those screams was beyond me but it made it simple to slide the dental brace in place. Twisting the screws to spread her jaws even wider ended the vulgar names she was calling me and I just smiled at her – evilly!
The hard rubber clamshell gag slid in, and with help from my two thumbs, behind her teeth and using a pair of tweezers I attached the two halves to her tongue studs. Taking off the brace I put pressure under the chin to close her mouth and worked a strip of rubber across her teeth and into her cheeks. There would be no drooling around that. A 4” piece of tape closed her lips and then I reached for the roll of electrician’s black rubber tape.
“Ever since I saw a classic bondage cartoon I’ve loved wrapping tape around a helpless girl’s head Jessica.” After five or six turns across her mouth I smoothed out the tape and she had ‘that gagged look’; I grinned at her. “You’re lucky I didn’t do what they did in the story and tape your whole damn head. But we do need to add a few more things.”
I coated the twin nostril tubes with some more rubber cement and worked them up in position. The cement would peel out when the tubes were removed but, in the meantime, made a firm seal. The rubber goggles were the type worn by racing swimmers with lenses not more than 1” across. And then, with a flourish, I held up the leather discipline helmet that was one of my favorites.
Jessica didn’t seem to agree!
Climbing off her lap to stand on my own 5” heels I moved behind the frame to start fitting the helmet.
After making sure the extensions on the nostril tubes were through the two holes under Jessica’s nose and the openings at her eyes fitted snugly around the lenses of the goggles, I enjoyed myself by slowly lacing the helmet closed.
Tugging the edges together was made easier because the throat protector that doubled as a posture collar held her head so stiffly in position. Once I was down to her neck, and the laces neatly tied off, a strap fed through several loops and buckled closed at the back.
The gag strap was actually two straps joined with roller buckles under each ear and I again stood in front of Jessica as I looked in her eyes through the goggle lenses and pulled the strap ends through the rollers.
“Is that snug enough for you? Hummm, I think it will go a little but more let’s see. Yes now that is really tight isn’t it?”
As I gloated at the helpless girl my thumbs pushed the locks closed on the gag buckles and I tucked the strap ends neatly in the loops designed for them.
“There now I’ll just wheel you over in front of this monitor and you can watch while I get ready to take you home. I want to look my best because by this evening Harry will have made me a much richer woman. I might even convince him to let me continue his lessons using you as the reluctant model. That would be fun for of us although maybe not for you. But then you don’t really have any say in the matter do you?” As I spoke I stroked her leather covered cheek and bent down so she could see me grinning at her.
After taking a leisurely bath and dressing I had returned to finish getting Jessica ready to travel. I was quite proud of the idea I had come up with and intended to use it frequently in my business. Now was the time to try it for the first time and I relied on Paul’s skills when explaining it to him. The talented young man had not let me down.
Turning off the monitor and other equipment I pushed the frame containing Jessica into the elevator that serviced my dungeon and we rose up to the garage level. When I had the frame next to the side of my Escalade I dropped the cloak on the driver’s seat and then opened the front passenger door. Paul had modified it so that, while it still looked like the door on a production model, in fact it slid back along the side and completely out of the way.
There was no passenger seat. The horizontal arm of the hydraulic lift John had loaned me just cleared the top of Jessica’s immobile head and I hooked the three cables from it to ring bolts on the frame.
Thumbing the controls as I had been shown Jessica’s body rose out of the wheeled base and I kicked it aside so I could guide the lift arm with its helpless cargo inside the Caddie and over the four short posts that were welded to the floor. I lowered the frame until it settled in place and spring loaded pins locked it in position.
Unhooking the cables I maneuvered the lift until I could attached them again to the shell of the front seat. Before moving that in place I leaned in the doorway so Jessica could see me and explained to her what was about to happen.
“Aren’t you lucky you get to ride up front with me? When I get the leather upholstered seat shell in it will look perfectly normal except you will be inside it. There is a back panel that snaps in place. Oh and the headrest has what look just like speakers on either side but when I hook up your nose tubes to the back of them that is where you will get your air. I suggest you start breathing very slowly and evenly.”
I moved the seat into position close to her and then fiddled inside before settling it in place and closing the locks.
“There will be lots of, shall we say, distractions for you on the trip because several of the upholstery buttons have little secrets. The ones at the middle of the headrest are really dark glass that matches the leather so you will be able to see through them. I’ve just hooked your nipples to these two and the wire from your dildo to this one and we are almost ready to go.”
I closed the front door and climbed in behind her to snap the back of the seat in place. Paul had done an amazing job camouflaging his work. It would take someone really studying the set up to see anything out of place.
Moving my folded cloak to the supposedly empty passenger seat just added to the normality of the picture as I settled in the driver’s seat and plugged the wire from the upholstery buttons in an outlet for the audio system.
Once we were on the highway heading for the coast I spoke to Jessica again.
“Those little shots you are feeling in your nipples and the dildo are completely random but tied in to the car’s audio system. It’s a little program I designed that will increase or decrease in intensity depending on the music I select. Now for the masterpiece of my justice for you bitch. You remember the lubricant I painted inside that rubber suit? Well it also contained some very special flakes of material. They are small but of slightly different thickness and there are dozens of them all over you.”
“So Jessica when you start to sweat the moisture will activate a few of the thinner ones and they will start to itch like crazy. When those are dissolved the itch will stop but by then the thicker ones will start and I estimate you are going to be very uncomfortable through the whole tip. The fact that I have you absolutely unable to move a muscle means that you can do nothing to alleviate my little torture toys.”
“I feel like listening the 1812 overture to start with and shall I turn up the heat?”
I could have sworn I heard a muffled scream coming from the empty seat beside me!