Jen adjusted the shoulder strap of her frilly pink and yellow sun dress. She tilted her head to the left. Her golden blonde hair flowed over her shoulder. “You know I’ve never modeled before.”
The studio flash units fired simultaneously as Mark depressed his Nikon’s shutter button. “It’s hard to believe that someone as beautiful as you hasn’t been the apple of someone’s lens.”
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Jen smiled. “You’re sweet, Mark. I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Just the ones I want to have sex with.” Mark winked.
“Not in a million years buddy!” Jen turned and lifted her dress, flashing her white cotton panties at the photographer.
They both laughed. “Now lean forward just a bit and turn to the right.” As Jen obeyed, Mark snapped another picture.
“So tell me Jen, what inspired you to email me those pictures of yourself?”
“A couple of the girls in my dorm said I should contact you. They both modeled for you and said you were a great guy. Someone I could totally trust. And they said the work was fun.”
“That’s nice of them to say.” Mark lowered his camera. “This can be a pretty rough business. I try to be professional – but fun. You need to joke around now and then.”
“Yeah, they told me you were a pretty funny guy.”
Mark lifted the camera back to his eye. “The pictures come out much better when the atmosphere is light. A relaxed model puts out much better...” He snapped another picture. “You know what I mean. She puts out much better vibes…”
Jen laughed.
“You’re very attractive, but you don’t strike me as the model type. You’re way too smart.” Mark motioned for Jen to lift her chin. “Why are you really here?”
Mark lowered his camera. “Huh?”
“It’s a long story.”
“Try me” said Mark as he raised the camera back to his eye.
“Well to make a long story short, I’m taking a class from this really hot art history teacher that I have a crush on. The books are real expensive, though - over $500! I may have to drop the class.”
“He’s a lucky guy.” Mark set his camera on the table and sat down next to it. “I have to be honest with you. The money you’ll make from this photo session won’t put much of a dent in your art book fund. Fashion pictures don’t sell as well as…” Mark cleared his throat. “You know – those other types of pictures.”
Jen crossed her arms. “I’m not posing nude!”
“I know that - and I respect your decision. I’m just telling you the facts. If you’re doing this for the money – well, that’s where the money is.”
Jen sighed. “Okay, let pretend that I’m curious. If I were to pose nude, how much would you pay me?”
“For most amateur models, like your friends, I pay $75 per hour. But you are exceptionally photogenic. I’d pay you $100 per hour. But I don’t want you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing.”
“Thanks Mark. I know that.”
“Okay, I’m curious too. What do you have against posing nude? You have an incredible figure. Are there religious reasons or something?”
“No, it’s not that. It’s just this; when you put nude pictures of yourself out there, they’re always out there. And you can’t pull them back. And you’re right. I’m not going to do this for a living. Right now it may not be a big deal. But someday I’m going to be a lawyer and having something like this in my past could really mess with my professional career.”
Mark paused for a few seconds to think. “Suppose we disguise you a little? You could wear a dark wig and we could change your makeup.” Mark walked over to the side wall and retrieved a wig with long black hair. “Here, try this on.”
Jen put up her blonde hair and pulled the dark wig on over it. She walked to the mirror and studied the effect. “It certainly makes me look different. But it wouldn’t work. I have four older brothers that are on the Internet constantly. And I know they surf other places besides the sports sites. They’d still recognize me.”
“Hmmmmm. Disguising attractive women isn’t really my specialty … unless of course…” Mark walked over to the closet and retrieved an ominous looking leather contraption. “How would you feel about trying this on?” Mark tossed it toward Jen who caught it with both hands.
Jen twisted the thing around in her hands. It was a brown leather harness with a black ball attached to it. She put the ball up to her mouth.
“Here, let me show you how that works.” Mark stood behind her and gently pressed the ball up to her lips. “Open wide.” Jen did. He pushed the ball into her mouth and pulled the rest of the harness back and over her head. The leather strap that the ball was attached to wrapped around her head and forced the gag deep into her mouth. Two other smaller leather straps formed a triangle around her nose and met at her forehead. Mark expertly fastened the entire contraption around Jen’s head.
They turned toward the mirror. “Well, what do you think?”
Jen studied herself from all angles. “Hhhhmmmmmmmnnngggg.”
“Yes, it will put a damper on the conversation.”
Jen giggled and analyzed her reflection a little while longer. Then her eyes lit up. She started nodding her head, Yes, Yes, Yes! She reached up to remove the harness.
“Here. Let me help you get it off.” Mark expertly removed it from her head.
“That” said Jen with an excited smile “would work!”
“Of course you know I couldn’t just take pictures of you wearing only that. I’d have to add some other bondage gear, too. Would you have a problem being tied up?”
“No, not at all. My brothers used to tie me up all the time. I actually kind of liked it. They never took my clothes off, though - but I think I could get used to that.” Jen started to undress. “Let’s get started right away. Before I lose my nerve!”
“You got it! Let me go get my ropes.” When Mark returned, Jen was standing next to a neatly folded stack of clothing. Mark dropped his ropes next to the pile and closely inspected his model.
“I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve photographed a naked girl” Jen quipped.
“No, it’s not. I’ve probably see more twat than your OBGYN.” Mark continued studying Jen’s body. “But rarely are my subjects as gorgeous as you are. You’ve got the most perfect large natural breasts I’ve ever seen. And the rest of your proportions are phenomenal. What a spectacular ass. You remind me of another Jen, Jenny McCarthy – in her prime, before she had the kids and all that.”
“Thanks Mark, one of my old flames used to call me Mack for just that reason.” Jen giggled. “I hate to ruin your fantasy - but her boobs were fake.”
“No shit? Shows you what I know. I don’t see any birthmarks or other blemishes that would give you away. You do need a shave, though. The downstairs carpeting doesn’t match what’s upstairs now. We’ll have to darken your eyebrows, too.”
“No problem.” Jen’s breasts bounced gaily as she skipped over to the dressing room. “I’ll be right back.”
“You look simply stunning” said Mark as Jen emerged wearing only her wig. “Can I please have sex with you – right now?”
Jen grinned mischievously. “You might have better luck with that after you tie me up.” She turned and placed her hands behind her back.
Mark walked over to his model and expertly wrapped rope about her wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. After double-checking the knots, Mark stood in front of his neatly bound nude model. “How does it feel?”
Jen started hopping around. “Fantastic! This is a blast. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my brothers used to torment me. To be honest, I usually had to pester the heck out of them before they’d tie me up. WHOOOOAAAAA!” Jen lost her balance and started to tip over.
Mark caught her in his arms before she hit the floor. “You’re a natural” he said as he stood her back up. “Most girls get claustrophobic at this point.” He grabbed the ball gag harness off the table and completed his model’s outfit. “Let’s take some pictures!”
For the next two hours Jen had the time of her life. Mark untied and retied her several times. Each position felt sexier than the last.
“Okay, now put your hands on your hips and smile” he directed.
“Mmmmmnngggfffff!” replied the hogtied brunette as she struggled playfully on the mat.
“Sorry. Couldn’t resist.” Mark snapped several more pictures. “I’m running out of time here. I have an engagement I need to prepare for. Let me try just one more position before we wrap up for the day.”
Jen nodded. Soon she was bent over, her torso parallel to the ground, her wrists bound behind her back and pulled up toward the ceiling. A three foot spreader bar separated her feet. One rope connected her collar to the center of the spreader bar while another rope pulled the head harness back toward her wrists, forcing her to face forward.
“This is the Strappado position.” Mark paced around his model. “Do you feel okay?”
Jen nodded her head up and down the tiny amount she could. She playfully swayed her dangling breasts back and forth by shifting her shoulders. Then she wiggled her hips invitingly.
“That’s the last straw” said Mark as he walked behind her. “I’m going in.” Jen giggled as Mark took several extreme close-up pictures of her ass and pussy. “I’m definitely going to need to change my shorts after this one” he said as he adjusted his pants.
Mark grabbed a chair and set it backwards in front of Jen. He sat down with his legs spread, his arms resting on the chair back. “I have to go soon. I’d like you to come with me. I have a proposition for you.”
Jen looked at him from behind the leather harness straps. “Hmmnnnnn?”
“In addition to this photography business I own a gallery in town where I sell my photographs. It’s a very upscale little store that does quite well for me. Tonight I’m hosting an exclusive, private, VIP showing for some of my best clients.”
“The theme? I’m glad you asked. Tonight the theme is ‘Medieval Wench’. It’s basically a bunch of my awesome erotic photographs - nude and semi-nude women posing in a Dark Ages, Medieval-style setting. As you might have guessed, there’s a pretty heavy bondage and torture theme in the images.”
“How can you help? Don’t rush me now. I was going to get to that.” Jen groaned and rolled her eyes. Mark smiled and continued. “Since these are some of my best clients – and believe me, they spend a boat load of money on my stuff – I always have a live model at the gallery to make the event special. Susan was scheduled for tonight. But she could use a break - and I’m sure my clients would appreciate a fresh face tremendously. You’d be posing pretty much the way you are right now, except for the medieval theme. Instead of ropes you’ll be shackled and chained. The showing is only going to last for an hour but I’d be willing to pay off your entire book fund - $500 - for all of today’s work.”
“You concerned about my clients? Sure, they’re a bit kinky – but they’re totally harmless. These are people I’ve dealt with for years. There’ll be fifteen to twenty folks tops. And I’ll be watching you like a hawk. Nobody will touch you, I promise.” Mark leaned forward. “So what do you think, my little wench? Are you interested?”
Mark waited patiently as Jen considered his proposal.
“Mnnngggh, mmnnngggh!” she said as she nodded her head “Yes” – as best as she could.
“Fantastic!” Mark was beaming. “They’re going to love you. I’ve got to make a few calls and get some equipment together. Do you want me to untie you now or –“
Mark stopped in midsentence as Jen emphatically shook her head “No!”
“You’re a natural” repeated Mark as he left to gather his equipment.
Downtown traffic was very heavy. Mark deftly navigated his black Porsche into the carpool lane. “I knew you had ulterior motives inviting me here” quipped Jen as they breezed past the nearly motionless mass of cars to their right. “I wonder if I’ll recognize any of your clients.”
“You just might. There are a couple celebrities in the group. And I think one is on the city council. That’s why everyone comes in through the back door.”
They parked in a dark alley behind Mark’s building. Mark unlocked and yanked open the heavy security door. He led Jen down a long hallway, through a comfortable large waiting room, and into the main gallery.
Jen gasped as he flicked on the lights. “This is so cool!”
The gallery was a large, circular room. Framed photographs adorned the walls between suits of armor, lances, swords, shields and some antique book cases. The walls and ceiling were painted a gloomy dark medieval red. In the center of the room was an elevated circular stage.
Mark and his model stepped up on to the stage. “This will be your home for the next hour or so.”
“Nice” said Jen as she began disrobing. “I’m going to be the center of attention.”
“Getting nervous?”
“Yes!” said Jen as she undid her bra and handed it to Mark. She put her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slid then down toward her ankles. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“The things we do for love.” Mark smiled. He walked out the exit door with Jen’s clothes and returned with a large, heavy trunk filled with shackles, locks and chains. “These restraints will be a bit heavier than the ropes I had you in this afternoon.” He held out a bronze set of wrist cuffs. “They look authentic but as you can see” – he opened the cuffs – “they’re well padded and quite comfortable. Or so I’m told.”
Jen put her hands behind her back. Mark fastened the medieval style cuffs over her wrists and closed them off with a padlock. “You’re right. I love the way the foam hugs my wrists. These are way more comfortable than your ropes.”
Mark spread Jen’s feet three feet apart and used chain, shackles and padlocks to fasten her ankles to metal eyebolts in the stage floor. He placed an authentic looking bronze collar around her neck and fit a heavy leash chain into the padlock before locking the collar. The leash chain dangled between her breasts, ran over her belly, and stopped just above her knees.
“Be right back.”
Jen stood silently in the large creepy gallery – a naughty nude maiden, wrists cuffed firmly behind her back, legs spread and ankles shackled to the floor. She loved the feel of the leash chain as it bounced between her breasts. Jen imagined a real knight hiding inside the suit of armor across from her. It made her feel very sexy. She began rhythmically thrusting her pelvis toward the imaginary knight. This caused the leash to swing like a pendulum - back between her legs, over her pussy and back out again.
“Having fun?” Mark walked through the door with a step ladder.
“I really like your gallery. It has a very special ambiance.” Jen smiled slyly as she continued swinging the chain toward her knight.
Mark set the ladder down behind her. He opened the padlock in her cuffs, added a chain, and relocked it. As he scaled the ladder he pulled up on the chain. “Bend forward slowly until you’re parallel with the ground.” Jen complied as her wrists were pulled skyward. He locked the chain to an eyebolt in the ceiling. Jen’s leash was now on the ground. Mark locked it to a third eyebolt in the floor.
Mark folded up the ladder and stepped back. “You look simply incredible.” He slowly walked around the well shackled nude medieval wench, stopping behind her. He crouched down and looked up at her between her legs. “Now this is a million dollar view.”
Jen laughed. “And you’re getting it for the bargain price of $500. I think I deserve a commission on everything you sell tonight.”
Mark returned the laugh as he pushed the ball gag into Jen’s mouth. “I’m sorry” he said as he fastened the harness over her head. “I didn’t hear what you said. Could you please repeat that?”
“There’s a good lesson here somewhere for a future lawyer.” Mark padlocked the harness shut.
Jen giggled.
“You’re right, though” said Mark as he fastened a chain to Jen’s harness. “I found that having a live model easily doubles my bottom line.” He pulled Jen’s head back toward her wrists, forcing her to face forward, and locked it off. “Comfy?”
Jen shook her head “yes” as best as she could.
Mark jingled a ring of keys in front of Jen’s eyes. “Let’s hope I don’t misplace these - or it could turn out to be a very long night for you.” He winked. “It’s almost time. My clients should be arriving any minute. During the show just try to relax and be as quiet as you can – unless you need me. Then make lots of noise. And don’t worry. Under no circumstances will I leave you alone with a client.”
Jen nodded confidently, knowing in her heart that Mark would die before he let anything happen to her.
“For security reasons I make everyone gather in the waiting room before I let them into the gallery. It heightens the anticipation. Plus I can make sure the back door is securely locked. I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes with the group.”
Jen nodded. She was looking forward to being alone with her knight again. Mark grabbed the ladder and disappeared through the door.
As she waited, Jen explored her limits. She wiggled her bottom. She rotated her shoulders, swinging her dangling breasts from side to side. She bent her knees slightly and arched her back, moving her bottom backwards and forwards. She tried to smile - and giggled instead when she realized that she was one very helpless nude wench.
Jen closed her eyes and let her imagination roam free. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt more alive. Her heart was racing.
It seemed only a second later that the door to the gallery opened. Mark was the first to enter. He was followed by a very unique variety of BDSM photography enthusiasts. Some were very well dressed. Others wore jeans. Most were men, but at least a third were women. Some of the clients seemed very impressed with tonight’s model, while others didn’t seem to even notice Jen at all.
The last person to enter the gallery was a very attractive, well dressed woman in her early thirties. Her powerful reaction to the model chained at center stage was unmistakable. She slowly circled the helpless brunette wench, as if in a trance, carefully studying the nude model from every angle. “Mark, this girl is wonderful. Is she for sale?” the woman inquired jokingly.
“No, Samantha. She’s not. But I would be more than happy to provide you with some exceptional photographs.”
Samantha - now standing in front of Jen - unconsciously reached out for one of the helpless girl’s dangling breasts. “May I?” she asked the bound model.
Jen squealed in anticipation of the unsolicited touch.
“No touching Sam! You know the rules.” Mark was firm but polite.
Samantha, suddenly awakened from her trance, stepped back quickly. “Oh I’m so sorry.” She turned away, embarrassed, and walked toward the photographic display on the wall.
After spending some time working the room, Mark walked over to check on Jen.
“How are you doing?” he whispered.
Jen was silent - but there were tears in her eyes.
“Are you okay? Are you still upset about Samantha? Do you want me to release you?”
Each of his rapid fire questions was answered with a firm nod of “No”.
“What is it then? Why are you crying?”
Jen answered with a high pitched whine.
“I’m not very good at this. I guess we’ll need to play twenty questions.”
Jen nodded.
“Is it about Samantha?”
“Oh don’t worry. Sam is harmless. Gorgeous, smart - and harmless. I’ve been trying to get her to go out with me for years but haven’t had any luck. She always tells me she’s afraid of getting hurt.” Mark tapped his finger on his cheekbone. “But now I think I know the real reason.”
Jen winced again. Another tear fell from her eye.
“What? I don’t get it? It’s about Sam… Let’s see. I know she’s a teacher somewhere.”
Jen nodded her head. (Yes!)
“You know her?”
“Oh. You think she recognized you?”
“Naah. There’s no way. I bet your mom wouldn’t even recognize you.” Mark was getting frustrated. “So what the hell is so special about this teacher?”
Jen’s eyes widened. She nodded slowly. (Yes)
“She’s your art teacher?”
“You’re a carpet muncher?”
Jen groaned. (Yes)
“No shit? Boy do I suck at recognizing you guys or what?” Mark shook his head. “You do have a little love sausage now and then don’t you?”
Jen giggled. (Yes)
“Cool. Well now I think I understand.” Mark wiped a tear from her cheek with his finger. “Don’t worry, I can fix this.”
The hour passed quickly. Interest was high and sales were brisk. Jen loved the attention she was getting from many of Mark’s clients. Especially Samantha – who politely kept her distance.
The dim ceiling lights flashed twice. Mark began ushering his guests from the gallery to the waiting room. Before she knew it, Jen was once again all alone – with her knight.
Mark returned to the gallery about five minutes after ushering out the last guest. He had a blanket in his arms. “Normally this is when I’d release you. But I have a plan. Just play along, okay?” He wrapped the blanket around Jen’s body, covering her nudity completely. “Be right back.”
After another five minutes, the door opened again. “… and I don’t know what else to do” said Mark. “You’re the only person I trust.”
“Because I’m a girl?” Samantha entered the gallery.
“Well, yes. I admit that’s a huge reason. I’m not going to trust a guy in here alone with Mack.”
“You could call a locksmith.” Jen squealed. Samantha laughed. “No, I see your point.”
Mark faced Jen. “I am so, so sorry about forgetting those keys. I just have to run back to the studio. It won’t take but thirty minutes at the most. Samantha has kindly agreed to keep you company till I get back.”
Jen nodded her head. Mark could see the fear in her eyes. He winked and walked toward the exit. “See you soon!” he said as he closed the door behind him.
Samantha extended her hand toward Jen and pretended to shake. “Hello. My name is Samantha. Mark tells me your name is Mack.”
Jen nodded her head. (Yes)
“That’s a unique name. Is it short for Mackenzie?”
Jen giggled. (No)
“Never mind. You can tell me another time.” Samantha stepped up onto the stage and looked down. “I don’t know how you girls do it. Your shoulders must be killing you by now. Would it help if I massaged your shoulders?”
Jen nodded. (Yes)
Samantha got up on the stage directly behind Jen and began massaging her shoulders through the blanket. She stopped. “Okay, this might sound silly but it’s really hard to effectively massage you through this blanket. Can I get rid of it for now? After all it’s just us girls here – and I won’t be seeing anything I haven’t already been seeing all night.”
Jen giggled and nodded. (Yes)
Samantha carefully removed the blanket. She moved back to her position behind Jen and continued massaging her arms and shoulders. Jen closed her eyes and moaned.
“It feels nice, doesn’t it?”
Jen’s moans of relief grew louder. She shifted her hips from side to side, subtly grinding her bare bottom into Samantha’s legs.
Samantha, instantly recognizing the cue, leaned forward and cupped Jen’s dangling breasts with her hands. Jen gasped with pleasure.
Suddenly the attention stopped. Jen whined with disappointment, unable to look back.
“Don’t fret. I’m still here. I’ll be right back.”
Jen relaxed. Then suddenly - “Mmmmnnnnggghhhffff!” The feeling of Samantha’s naked body rubbing against Jen’s was electrifying. Samantha again reached forward to cup Jen’s breasts. As she did, Samantha’s breasts pressed into Jen’s back.
“I wanted you from the moment I saw you.” Samantha moved her right arm down between Jen’s legs and explored her moist pussy with her fingers. Jen moaned appreciatively. “I don’t know how to explain it.”
Samantha moved so that she was sitting underneath Jen. She reached up with her mouth and lovingly sucked Jen’s breasts. Jen looked forward helplessly, the harness keeping her head fixed.
“We don’t have much time” said Samantha as she began kissing Jen’s chest and belly on her way down to Jen’s lap. She slid down toward the edge of the stage between Jen’s legs and leaned back. Soon she was looking directly up at the target. Samantha’s mouth tongue skillfully and passionately attacked Jen’s unprotected pussy. The gag mercifully muffled the helpless wench’s screams of pleasure. Soon a crushing orgasm wracked her body. Jen breathed heavily as the ecstasy slowly faded.
“That was fun.” Samantha kneeled behind Jen, hugged her legs, and planted a long, heartfelt kiss on her right butt cheek. “There’s something to remember me by” Samantha said as she rubbed her index finger over the prominent hickey on Jen’s ass.
Samantha pushed a folded business card into Jen’s hand. “I hope we can have coffee sometime, Mack. Please call me.”
Samantha quickly dressed as the roar of Mark’s Porsche echoed in the alley. She finished covering Jen with the blanket mere moments before Mark burst through the door with the keys.
“Thanks for helping me out, Sam. You’re a life-saver.”
“No problem at all Mark. It was my pleasure.” Samantha winked at Jen as she sauntered toward the door. “It’s getting late. I better be going. You can expect an email from me in the morning with my order.”
The following afternoon Jen sat nervously in the back of her art class. The instructor, Professor Samantha Walsh, seemed preoccupied. Her PowerPoint presentation, entitled “Art of the Dark Ages”, was exclusively devoted to paintings depicting young women suffering through various restraints and tortures.
Jen - back to her customary unbound, ungagged, blonde self - had walked right past her teacher when she entered the hall. Although there was eye contact, there was no recognition.
Jen took a deep breath as the bell signaled the end of class. She pretended to search for her homework assignment in her backpack as the rest of the students filed forward and deposited theirs on the large desk at the front of the hall. Samantha finished packing away her laptop and projector just as the last of the students filed out through the exit doors.
Jen, walking slowly down the steps in her frilly pink and yellow sun dress, watched as Samantha stacked the homework assignments into a neat pile. Before she reached the desk, Jen panicked and veered off toward the exit. She was almost out the door when –
“Don’t forget to give me your assignment!” Samantha graciously called out to her. “You may lose points if you hand it in late.”
Jen took another deep breath. She had to go through with this. She pulled both of the heavy exit doors shut. Professor Walsh did not tolerate late comers disrupting her lectures, so when the doors latched, they locked. No one would be able to enter from the outside. This was imperative, considering what Jen was planning to do next.
Jen removed the folder from her backpack as she walked back toward the desk. Her hand was shaking slightly as she handed her assignment to Samantha. Samantha looked at Jen thoughtfully. She sensed something was off. “Are you okay? Can I help you with something?”
Jen turned and slowly pulled up her dress. Samantha watched silently as Jen’s bare derriere came into view. She recognized her love mark immediately.
“It’s you!”
Samantha spun Jen around, looked into her eyes – now with a sense of complete recognition - and kissed her deeply. A joyful Jen passionately returned the kiss.
“I didn’t sleep a wink last night” said Samantha. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
Jen started to speak but Samantha put her hand up to Jen’s mouth.
“No. Please wait” Samantha said urgently.
Jen nodded, deferring instinctively to her teacher’s authority. Samantha motioned for Jen to turn around. Jen put her arms up as she felt Samantha lifting the sundress up and off of her body. Jen stepped out of her heels to complete her nudity.
Samantha reached into a desk drawer and removed a length of soft cotton rope. Jen did not resist as Samantha bound her wrists behind her back. The next item from the drawer was a bright red ball gag. Jen accepted it into her mouth without complaint.
Samantha guided Jen into a sitting position on the desk – leaning her back and spreading her legs wide. She bent forward and teased Jen’s clit with her tongue. The caress hit Jen like an electric shock. “Now I recognize you!”
Samantha, buoyed by Jen’s reaction, once again licked, sucked and teased the helpless, nude girl. Within minutes an orgasm rocked her pupil’s willing body. Jen reclined back on her arms and struggled to catch her breath as the ecstasy receded. Samantha took the opportunity to tie Jen’s ankles together. She positioned Jen so that she was lying lengthwise on the table. Samantha used her last length of rope to tie Jen’s bound wrists to her bound ankles.
She rolled the hogtied co-ed onto her side and sat down at the desk. As Samantha lovingly stroked Jen’s gorgeous, vulnerable body with her hands, she took a deep breath. “We need to talk.”
Jen was silent but attentive.
“I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you right now. I’ve never been more powerfully drawn to anyone in my life. And I’m very afraid - because I don’t know a thing about you.”
Jen nodded.
“I can’t believe you’re really here - and that you’re my student. No matter how this ends, you’ll have to drop my class immediately!”
Jen nodded. (Yes)
“I feel like this infatuated little teenage girl. These feelings I have for you are so damned overwhelming.” Samantha ran her fingers through Jen’s long soft hair, as she struggled to control her emotions. “But I’m 33 now. I’m smart enough to know that I can’t just trust my feelings.”
Jen nodded in understanding. (Yes)
“I’m afraid to let you talk because I’m afraid that we might not get along. And I don’t want this incredible fantasy to end.” Samantha reached her hand between Jen’s legs and inserted her finger into Jen’s moist pussy. Jen giggled and moaned happily. “You’re even more beautiful as a blonde.”
Samantha sat up straight and took another deep breath. “Okay, let’s be serious here for a minute.” She looked directly into Jen’s eyes. “Did you vote for Obama?”
Jen shook her head. (No)
Samantha frowned.
“Do you eat meat?”
Jen shook her head enthusiastically. (Yes!)
Samantha frowned again.
“Are you pro-choice?”
Samantha sighed.
“But you really, really like where you are right now - naked, gagged, hogtied – even on this hard desk and in this cold classroom?”
Jen giggled. (Yes)
Samantha stood up and began undressing. “Move over, you!” She slid her naked body next to Jen’s. She put one arm under Jen’s head slid her free hand over Jen’s bottom to pull her close. Jen gasped when their breasts touched.
Samantha kissed Jen on the cheek. Then she looked past Jen and surveyed the large empty lecture hall. “I see your point. This isn’t so bad at all.”
Jen rubbed her face against Samantha’s arm. “And you really, really like me, don’t you?”
Jen nodded. (Yes!)
Samantha laughed. “And I really like you, too. Well I guess that’s as good a place to start as any!” She winked at Jen and slid her body down the table.
Jen squirmed with pleasure as Samantha devoured her breasts. She moaned loudly and appreciatively as Samantha’s fingers manipulated her pussy. Within minutes Samantha skillfully brought her deskmate to another uninhibited, crushing orgasm.
“I bet you didn’t see that lesson on the syllabus.” Samantha chuckled as Jen once again struggled to catch her breath. “I hope the janitors didn’t hear you.” That provoked a quick, frightened glance - followed by a giggle.
Samantha held a very content Jen in her arms for what seemed an eternity. Finally she knew it was time.
“Well here goes nothing” she said as she jumped off the desk, rolled Jen on to her belly, undid the ropes, and removed the ball gag.
Jen immediately jumped off the desk and ran into her nervous former art teacher’s arms. Jen kissed Samantha tenderly.
Her first words were: “We’re gonna be fine”.
Three months later, as Jen and Samantha were having coffee at an outdoor café in town, a black Porsche whizzed by. Moments later Mark arrived at their table with a large picture frame case. “Hello ladies” he said as he took a seat.
“Mark, can you tell Jen that we need to get our guys out of Iraq? They’re getting killed over there for nothing. She simply won’t listen to reason.”
“Come on, Sam. We haven’t been attacked here at home for years since we invaded. Why? Cause all the terrorists are getting killed over there! We need to stay.”
“You two crack me up” said Mark as he lifted the case onto his lap.
“Oh can I see?” Samantha reached for the case. She opened the flap and gazed at the photograph with obvious pleasure. She turned to Jen. “You know, you really do look like Jenny McCarthy – when she was in her prime, before the kids and all that.”
“I take that as a compliment” replied Jen as she looked at the stunning nude portrait of herself.
“You should” said Mark. “I’ve already had three hundred orders for this picture from my web site.”
Jen playfully smacked Mark on the shoulder. “You better not…”
“Don’t worry. This is an original - a one of a kind – and probably the last of its kind. You’re a lucky woman, Sam.”
Samantha leaned over and kissed Jen on the cheek. “Yes, I am. I really, really am.”