- Author - NIH
- Rating -
  [ 2.62 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1801 of 2955
- Story Codes - f-self, consensual, self-bondage
- Post Date - 11/27/2008
I slept bound a few nights ago. A pair of leg irons locked together, a pair handcuffs locking my wrists together behind my back and a chain running between the two.
When I sleep bound, especially in an "uncomfortable" position, the bondage usually is reflected in my dreams. I might be in public, handcuffed with my wrists behind me and nobody thinks anything is wrong
Or I might have flashes of myself fumbling with keys, none of them working. Or (the best) sexual dreams where the dreams transform from lucid to "regular" (probably because the mind knows the wrists are still trapped and you find yourself cuffed again and again)
I love these dreams. It's not easy to start having them (since you have to be comfortable enough with your restraints to get to REM sleep, but uncomfortable for them to still be noticed), but having these dreams is very rewarding for me.
Getting back to the story, I was dreaming about walking around some kind of castle with Master. I was cuffed and instead of stairs, there were these narrow slides which you could only slide down (not up) if handcuffed.
None of the above really matters, it's just there for context.
I woke up, blindfolded, groggy. I could feel that my nightgown opened a bit during the night, my breasts were almost exposed. The bottom had ridden up. I felt... very horny. I spread my knees and pushed my crotch up, presenting my pussy, expecting him.
I licked my lips and quietly, almost in a whisper, called out.
But just as the word had left my lips, reality came crashing down. Master wasn't there. He wasn't coming. Ever. I broke down completely.
People sometimes use the expression "like I was punched in the gut", and I hate it because it sounds like a cliche, but that's how I felt.
The happiness, good memories of Master were replaced in a split second with the bad memories of loss, the funeral, the difficult days afterwards.
Even the sexual tension just completely dropped out, throwing me further down.
Everything just flew through me. Or I flew through it. I don't know.
Physically, I lost control and just laid there, gasping for air, limp, crying on myself for a while, soaking the blindfold with my tears. My stomach tight.
After a while, I realized my wrists had gone numb because I was laying on the handcuffs and the ankle chain was pulling down on them. Getting all that pent up stuff out helped. It wasn't bliss or happiness, but it was a profound sense of calm and inner peace but also one of loss. I slowly came back to the real world and shuffled over to my release.