I was a priestess of the Goddess of Love and resided in the House of Beauty, the richest and most powerful temple in town. My days were spent mostly in the same manner, in the morning my sisters and I exercised in our well padded heavy plate mail with our maces and shields, honing our bodies into toned perfection. The early afternoon was spent in luxurious baths applying creams and cosmetics and the early evenings were spent in prayer. The nights were spent entertaining handsome male guests who donated very well to our church.
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Occasionally we would preside over greater festivals and holidays and some time would be spent in travel to other chapters of our church. It was a comfortable life but I was hardly happy. Something was missing and I hardly knew what. Some of our sisters became adventurers but I didn’t feel the need to slug through dungeons fighting monsters risking my life to become some hero and gain treasures and riches our church didn’t need.
One day I was at the market when I saw the new dark elf wizard everyone had been talking about. Her name was Talene and she had built herself a wizard tower at the edge of town, nestling against a city wall. Talene was hardly what I expected. The rumors about her had led me to believe she was a two headed troll but nothing could be further from the truth. She had silky white hair which framed the smooth blue-grey skin of her striking elfin face. Two gracefully pointed ears marked peaked through her hair marking her heritage. A tight red wizard robe left little doubt to her feminine curves.
My heart was beating faster for some inexplicable reason and when Talene noticed my stare, I thought of fleeing but something held me as she approached. ‘Hail lovely priestess, I am Talene,’ she said smiling. But the smile didn’t reach her eyes; they were lilac and had a predatory glint. Behind Talene was the hulk of her ever present body guard, I had also heard about, a seven foot tall half Orc with more muscle than I had ever seen on a man.
‘I am Esmeralda,’ I replied curtsying, ‘Welcome to our town.’
‘If all were as polite as you I might actually feel welcome.’ Talene replied dryly, taking my hand. Her touch was gentle and I didn’t pull back, even as she traced the veins in my hand with a finger in an inappropriately sensual manner.
‘Well your race is not usually known for it’s civilized ways,’ I said, wondering if she was casting some spell on me. It certainly felt that way as a tingling ran down my spine.
‘That’s certainly true,’ Talene laughed a little, letting go of my hand, ‘I am glad to be in your town rather than where I came from.’ I felt very curious about where she came from but she waved goodbye and left the market.
That night I was distracted and restless and certain the dark elf sorceress had cast some spell on me for I could think of nothing else but the waft of her perfume, her perfect hair and those glorious, scary lilac eyes. I didn’t think of asking one of the senior priestesses for help though. That would mean admitting a possible attraction to another woman and hardly appropriate for a young priestess of our temple.
I was therefore very pleased to hear that night, I had been chosen for a messenger journey to a chapter of our church. It would mean being away two weeks and would no doubt clear my head. I set out the next morning, riding the magnificent temple stallion reserved for such tasks. I was dressed in my plate mail and armed with mace and shield, but I hardly expected any trouble as I planned to stay on the road.
I was wearily approaching my first stop that night, a way inn that was adequate enough for someone of my rank, but as I went through the last stretch of forest before the inn, a deep unnatural sleep befell me and I knew someone had attacked me with magic.
When I awoke I noticed groggily that I was tied to a chair. My wrists, elbows and ankles were firmly bound together and a rope attached my wrists to my ankles behind and under the chair. Further rope around my waist and breasts pinned me to the back of the chair. Before me was a counter with a mirror and cosmetics were laid out. I was shocked to see in the mirror I was quite naked. Someone had washed my long red hair and combed it stylishly. Also someone had applied make up to the long lashes framing my large blue green eyes. Some rouge had been applied to my thick lips as well as to my cheeks.
‘Ah awake at last, Esmeralda?’ a voice purred, and I realized it was the dark elf Talene. I watched her approach from behind in the mirror. Her robe was unbuttoned and she wore tight silk smallclothes underneath.
‘You kidnapped me,’ I cried angrily struggling in my bonds but the ropes and knots were tight and secure.
‘Now, now don’t worry; no one will miss you for a while. I took every precaution.’ Talene replied caressing my shoulder.
‘Where are we?’ I asked, not liking the look in Talene’s eye.
‘In my tower in your town of course,’ Talene replied.
‘They will kill you when they find out. A lynch mob will come and burn you and your tower to the ground.’ I said matter of factly, trying to sound braver than I felt
‘Your concern touches my heart,’ Talene replied, ‘but alas I misplaced my heart a few centuries ago. I smuggled you back into town with an invisibility spell, even a thorough search by the guards didn’t give your presence away.’
‘What do you want of me?’ I asked with a suddenly subdued voice.
Talene smiled and reached down to pinch one of my pink nipples. I gasped in pain but my nipple went erect and I felt a rush of moistness down below in my private parts, ‘What do you think, lovely young priestess?’ the dark elf sorceress asked reaching around with both arms and cupping my pale round breasts, squeezing them hard. I closed my eyes for a moment hoping my pleasure was not obvious.
‘You are my beautiful slave now, Esmeralda and will obey me. If you don’t, I’ll have my body guard strap you down and rape you. Is that clear? Oh there he is now.’ The half Orc entered the room and stood menacingly, his arms were so muscled they were as thick as my legs. Talene’s eyes were cruel as she looked into mine via the mirror. I nodded fearfully.
‘Good’ Talene smirked and nodded to the half Orc. I was untied and my slender wrists yanked in front of me to be placed in heavy manacles separated by a five inch chain. A metal collar was clicked shut around my neck and some odd metal chastity belt was locked around my waist and crotch. Then the Orc carried me upstairs to a laboratory where I was shoved into a cage hanging from the ceiling. The cage door was banged shut after I was safely inside.
The cage was too small too stand up in or move around much but the bars were wide enough so I could sit down dangling my long slender muscular legs through the bars, while my manacled wrists held on to the bars higher up. Someone had even provided a pillow to sit on, how nice.
Talene entered and sat down at a table, picking up some papers and ignoring me completely after a glance. I stared at her partly in anger, but also partly in fascination.
‘Couldn’t we have just met in a normal way?’ I asked.
‘This way pleases me much more,’ Talene replied, ‘now be still or I’ll gag you.’
I was quiet and hours went by as I watched her performing alchemical experiments in her lab and taking meticulous notes in her books. She walked with an unearthly grace and her slender curvaceous figure and high breasts were beautiful to look at in her open robe. I should have been afraid for my life but after some hours I nodded off and fell asleep with my head leaning against the bars.
I awoke to Talene’s prodding me and she passed me some strips of meat and a cup of water which I wolfed down eagerly. I was famished. I also had to use the privy pretty badly and told her so but she ignored me.
‘What are you working on?’ I asked.
‘Potions,’ Talene replied, walking over and giving me a sip of one she was working on. I felt a rush of healing magic suffuse me, easing the pain in my sore wrists and back. ‘I brew potions and sell them in town, a very good way to make a living.’ Talene continued.
‘What’s going to happen to me? I asked nervously.
‘Nothing if you are a good slave.’
‘I don’t want to be a slave.’ I retorted angrily gaining in bravery.
Talene smiled wickedly and went back to work.
After another long hour the Orc came and unlocked the cage. He carried me up another staircase and let me do my job in the privy, watching me with a leer then wiping me down roughly. After that Talene came in and stood close as the Orc held my shoulders bruisingly hard.
‘Time for bed, my pale beautiful slave.’ Talene said brushing her lips briefly against mine, sending betraying shivers down my spine. The two of them unlocked all my metal restraints and carried me over to a large open chest in front of a canopied bed. They began wrapping me in long swathes of cloth. Before I knew it I was completely mummified from head to toe so tightly wrapped that only Talene and her Orc holding me up kept me upright. I was then lifted by both of them and placed into the chest. I began to scream but the sound was muffled from my wraps. I heard the chest top slam shut and a very amused maybe even aroused little laugh that could only come from Talene. Then silence.
I screamed again in fear, bucking about but the chest was barely big enough for me and I couldn’t move much. The only thing I realized was in my favour was that I could breathe. I lost my sense of time and wasn’t sure if I slept and dreamed or just hallucinated but eventually after what must have been all night, I heard the chest opening. I was lifted out of the chest and unwrapped. It was the Orc and he was alone.
When I was a bit steadier I punched him hard in the face and kneed him in his balls. I was strong for a woman and combat trained, but he was three times as wide and had combat training himself. He twisted my wrist painfully behind my back and flung me against a wall. I lost consciousness.
When I woke up I was lying on my stomach on some leather platform with a headache. My arms hung down and were spread out and tied by the wrists with rope to the front legs of the device. More ropes pinned my waist and neck to the device. My legs were also spread out and strapped with leather buckles to the back legs of the device, in three places. My female parts were very exposed and I couldn’t move at all.
‘Now that was not smart, my dear’ Talene said, walking around me and caressing my back. She reached underneath me and squeezed my nipple almost gently. Then she walked behind me and began licking my vagina and clitoris until despite my fears and ordeals the night before I was mad with desire. Before I could climax she moved to the side again where I could see her and began rubbing her own nipples and fingering herself. While I watched in fascination as she masturbated herself the Orc entered me from behind. He was so big I gasped in pain. But I was well greased from Talene’s prior ministrations and all three of us came nearly in unison.
After that I was untied but too winded to fight. They had to half carry me down a few floors and I was stuck in a slightly larger cage. They manacled my hands behind my back and tied my elbows together with rope and left me a little while. Later the Orc brought some food and water in bowls and placed them next to me. I was famished and swallowed my pride and bent over to eat like some animal. My face was all messy but I savoured the gruel and water I had been given.
Talene showed up after an hour or more and looked at me through the cage. ‘Are you going to behave now?
I shook my head, ‘No way you bitch.’ The night in the chest had made me recklessly brave.
Talene smiled, ‘I thought you’d feel that way.’ She opened the cage and dragged me out. I kicked at her but I couldn’t get much leverage. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me along the floor to a wooden pillar. The orc came to help and the two of them untied me then retied my wrists in a cross in front of me as I struggled. My wrists were then lifted over my head by a rope running through a ring high on the beam. Higher and higher I was pulled until I had to stand on my tiptoes and my shoulders burned Then the rope was tied off on another ring to the side.
Talene fondled my breasts a little and caressed my curving hips and buttocks. I thought of kissing her but spit at her instead
‘I am glad you have a little fire in you, Esmeralda but now you will regret defying me.’ Talene said brandishing a nasty looking whip. My eyes widened in fear. ‘You can surrender anytime’ Talene said, and struck me hard ripping open my breasts in the front. I screamed in pain but the next whip stroke hit my mouth cutting open my lip and cheek nastily. I began to bleed. After five strokes I surrendered and passed out.
This time when I awoke I was lying in a bath and Talene was washing me and holding up my head almost tenderly. I reached up to my face cautiously but there was no sign I had been whipped, my face was as smooth as ever.
‘I ran healing potion over you and washed the blood off you, but don’t except such treatment again. ‘Talene said.
‘I am your slave now,’ I replied, meaning it. I was ashamed to have given up so easily but I didn’t want to be whipped ever again.
Talene studied me with those unnerving eyes and nodded.
I spent the rest of the morning in slender manacles which connected my wrists, waist and ankles, cleaning the various rooms of the tower with rags and was fed again at lunch time, plus given some privy time.
The afternoon found me back in my hanging bird cage in the lab with my wrists and ankles in heavy manacles, and my throat collared. I stayed meekly quiet. I was dreading the night coming on as I imagined being stuck in the trunk again but this time Talene bathed me luxuriously then tied me to the bed, spread eagled to the posts with ropes and gagged with some big rubbery ball strapped to my head in a kind of animal like harness. I submitted to all this on my best behavior.
Talene checked my bonds then blew out the candles and fell asleep next to me. A few hours later I was awoken to my breasts being squeezed and fondled. It was dark but by her lovely scent I could tell it was Talene. I gave in to my helpless arousal and when Talene took off my gag, and straddled me I sucked and licked her until she climaxed. She returned the gag but not the sexual favors and it took a while for me to calm down and fall asleep again.
This was repeated many times that night and I begged for release but she never let me climax. By the morning I couldn’t even sleep anymore despite being bone weary. Talene cackled wickedly and the Orc showed up.
‘My pet and I have to go out for a while but we will leave you in good hands.’ Talene said smiling that smile that wasn’t really a smile.
They dragged me downstairs and tied me to that awful beam with my wrists crossed over my head and stretched up till I was on my tip toes. Talene let the Orc fondle me a little but not anywhere the place that begged for release. Then Talene pulled an odd little device out that looked like a small man’s prick. She spoke some words of magic over it and it began to vibrate at a low level. She gently inserted it into me then locked the chastity belt over it.
Talene kissed me full on the lips then gagged me with the harness from the night before, before leaving.
There I remained for hours, stretched hard by my bound crossed wrists over my head, my calves burning from being forced on my tiptoes and my jaw aching from the gag. But all I could think of was the near orgasm I was nearing with the low level vibration going on in me. I couldn’t expel it either because of the chastity belt.
When Talene and her bodyguard returned I was in a dazed mixture of pleasure and pain. I probably would have done the Orc at this point. Talene smiled and sent the Orc away, then spoke more words of magic. The vibration increased until I finally came harder than I ever had before. As Talene masturbated herself watching me I climaxed over and over and over again until I passed out hanging by the wrists.
When I awoke this time I was outside again, dressed in my plate mail and lying next to my horse who looked at me curiously. I was in the forest near the way inn, one day journey from my home town. They had freed me, or had I been dreaming? No my aches and pains were definitely real.
I decided to continue my journey and hurry to make up lost time. I could have ridden back and gone to the city watch but…..it didn’t seem like I really wanted to.