Part 1
My Master has never beaten me, his methods are more torture and endurance than anything. He is training me for a special task, how to be a whore. I am a man of medium build in my forties and I crave my Master’s approval. I mentioned that he has never beaten me, in fact, he has never laid a hand on me. My Master instructs me how to bind myself step by step. I have no timed release system, I simply hang on until my Master instructs me to release myself.
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A typical session goes like this. My Master instructs me to remove my clothing, we are usually in the basement of the house where no one can hear my moans. After I am completely naked, Master folds the clothes and sets them aside. He lays out the gear to be used for the session which can last from 15 to 45 minutes to even longer sometimes depending on his wishes.
The last time lasted for about 25 minutes, but don’t let the short time fool you as the shorter sessions are more… how shall I say, intense…
Master handed me a device he invented just for that session which was a PVC tube which I placed on my penis. This has to be done first because I get so excited. The tube is a little smaller than my penis, so it is a nice snug fit, and it keeps me from touching myself which is what Master wants, as this is training and not for my pleasure unless Master gives me the ok to relieve myself. He then handed me a broom handle, it is larger than most handles, has a 1.25 inch diameter, remember, this is “whore in training” and since I am a man, I have no need for the penis as a whore, but need to have my anus enlarged… this particular tool is 8 inches long, and has a hole drilled through the end to attach a rope, but that will be used later. Master instructed me to suck on the handle and work it as I would another man’s penis, and then he had me insert it. I bend over and lean against the work bench until it is nearly all the way inside. This rod does not have a tapered end to make is stay in, so Master hands me a chain and lock which I secure to my waist. Then he hands me a rope, which with some difficulty I thread through the hole in the end of the rod, and push the rod back in deeper, and then I looped the rope around the base of my penis a few times, nice and tight, and then back between my legs and up to the chain around my waist and tie it off tightly. Then Master gave me another piece of rope and instructs me to attach it to the tube on my penis and pull it down as far as I can and then attach it to the back of the waist chain. Once again the point is driven home that I am a whore in training and have no need for a penis and since I have the offensive thing, I should be tortured for having it. All during this session, Master has me standing. My penis is encased in pvc pipe, and pulled down and back between my legs, and just when I think Master is done there, he hands me another piece of rope and instructs me to run it under the back of my already straining penis and pull up, so it is being pulled back and now front, I attach the rope to a dog collar around my neck. Master uses simple things to train me, so he next hands me a clothes hanger, one with clamps on it for hanging skirts, another reminder of my whore training, he instructs me to attach each of the clamps to my nipples and then hands me a one quarter pound weight to attach to the hanger, and informed me if the clamps slide off either one of the nipples, he will add another item to the list for the session.
Like I said, I do not use release mechanisms or anything like that, Master has me lean against the workbench again to make sure the rod in securely in place, then he hands me two small dog collars which slide over my wrists with a little work, which are connected by one of those things you use to hang keys from a belt, this one has clips on each end. Master hands me a belt and I secure my ankles together and kneel and lean back against a sawhorse which he has secured to the floor, and then I place my hands behind me and using a short chain running from the belt on my ankles, I attach my wrist binders to the chain and I am secure. If I lean back it drives the rod deeper into my rear end and if I arch my back, it pulls mercilessly up and forward on my aching penis. And I have to remember my Master’s warning about not letting the clips slide from my already sore nipples. Getting into this position has only taken about 5 minutes, so the rest is the training. Master instructs me to be patient, and to relax often so the rod will work its magic, so I will feel the joy of being a whore, screwed in the ass again and again. And learning to enjoy it.
In all my rocking, one of the nipple clips slides off, and Master follows through on his warning. Like I said, Master never lays a hand on me and has never beaten or whipped me. So he carefully selects one of the ropes wrapped around my penis and pulls back, ever so slowly until it is nearly pointing behind me, then he secures it to the sawhorse and walks away and turns off the lights leaving me in very dim light from the one very dirty window in the basement.. The only way to take produce any slack is to lean farther back and driving the rod the remaining 3 inches into my anus.
Part 2
Master is displeased with my weak story printed earlier this month, so he has decided to remedy that. My last training session was much more intense than ever before. As usual I took off my clothes and Master folded them and put them away. He instructed me to place a piece of the pvc pipe over my penis, but this time it is considerably smaller in diameter than before, plus it is narrow, and then he has me put a smaller piece on too, with a small gap between the two, and then he has me put on one more that is even smaller. Next he hands me a special device which has a hinge and a clip, it is another piece of pipe, which he has me place behind my balls against my body, it closed with a click as it latched, this item also has another piece of plastic super glued to it which runs between my balls, separating them. So my penis has swollen into the tubes, causing some discomfort and with my balls being kept apart, they are more sensitive than ever before. Master then pulls out a penis gag and instructs me to insert it into my mouth and work it like the real thing while it is going in. There is an odd looking wire hanging from this device, but I do as ordered and strap it into place. The gag also has a click when I secure it. Master has never used these devices on me before, but I just figured he was trying something new. Little did I know what was to happen later. I secured leather cuffs to my ankles and attached a spreader bar of 30 inches. Master handed me 2 alligator clips with wires dangling from them and I placed on each nipple, savoring the pain, and unable to do anything more than moan softly because of the gag.
Then master had me lay face down on a weight bench, it was narrow enough for my nipples to straddle it, my penis was hanging over the end, and Master had me slide forward so that it was touching the underside of the bench, he secured the spreader bar to a hook in the floor and strapped my wrists to the legs of the bench. This was all new to me, since before I restrained myself and I was the release, but I was in no position to protest or resist. Master then wrapped a dog collar around my neck and after securing it, he took a dog leash and looped one end over my straining and purple penis and fastened the other end to the collar, pulling it back and pressing it against the balls.
Then I heard him pull something big and heavy out of the closet, since he was behind me, I could not see it. I heard him pop something open and then heard what sounded like something sticky or slippery being smeared on something. I heard him pull it closer and then heard him fasten chains to the bench. He then walked in front of me, checked my bonds, and took the wire hanging from the penis gag and plugged it into something under the bench, then I saw him pull gently on the wires attached to the alligator clips on my nipples, at first I thought he was just testing to make sure they were secure and then the ends disappeared under the bench and I heard a soft click. Then he pulled out another wire, but this one had no insulation on it, he showed it to me and then went around to the side and I felt him work it gently around my swollen and aching penis. I felt him tie it together and then another soft click.
He put a blindfold on me, and leaned down and whispered into my ear that my “whore training” was about to become very real. I heard him walk away and then felt him probing my butt hole with something much larger than he had ever used before. At first he worked it gently and as I relaxed and allowed the intruder in, he pushed it farther and farther, and I could feel the pressure, and then he pulled it back just a little and then left it there. I didn’t feel myself pucker around this like in the past, it was stretching me more than anything I had felt before. Then I heard a switch turned on. And it all began, the intruder began working its way out and the back in, slowly. It never came all the way out, but remained inside me just enough to keep me impaled. I laid there a while getting use to the intruder in my backside, and then the penis gag began doing its thing. I had seen them online where they inflate, however Master had obtained a special one that moved the penis in and out, several inches. Sometimes it would be about 2 inches and then it would slide in to at least 6 inches, and I found that if I worked it with my tongue, it would stay deep less often. So while working the penis gag and being stretched by the intruder, I had forgotten about the “wires”, but they reminded me they were there, I began getting soft shocks on my aching nipples, and when I didn’t work the penis gag, the shocks increased in intensity, and even though I wanted to cry out, I couldn’t because of the gag.
And then the wire wrapped around the base of my cock woke up, and began shocking me, and since I was sweating, the shock area was not restricted to that area, even the tip of my penis was jolted. So I began bucking the best I could since I was secure to the bench, like a woman does when she is on the verge of orgasm, the harder I bucked the softer the shocks down there, but the more pressure I put on the leash running from the collar to the penis, so no matter what I did, I either got shocked or pulled on my already very sensitive organ.
Just when I though it couldn’t get any worse, the intruder began driving into me faster, at least twice as fast as before, which caused me to jump and pulled on the nipple clips a bit which reminded me that I was not going anywhere on my own. After what seemed like hours I began to lapse in and out of consciousness and then thinking I was only dreaming about it only to be jolted by another more intense shock. So then I would begin the bucking again and begin working the penis gag, until I felt my tongue was going to bleed.
Then the shocks stopped, and my gag was undone and pulled out, but the intruder was still busy in my behind. I didn’t care about that at that point. I heard a chair pulled up to the bench and a penis was pressed against my lips, I opened my mouth obediently and sucked it inside. I still had the blindfold and had no idea who this was, and since have never tasted my Master’s rod, didn’t know his smells enough to know if it was him or not. I worked this rod with my tongue and lips and nibbled and sucked and could hear someone moaning, then he came and when he did, he pulled hard on my leash until I licked him dry. He pulled away, and then someone else took his spot on the chair. Before I could even take a breath I felt another penis there, larger than the previous one. I quickly opened my aching mouth and accepted it and began working on this one. This guy didn’t let me do it my way, he did the rocking back and forth like he was fucking my mouth, and hair from his balls tickled my nose and I felt his balls bang into my chin. He also pulled on my leash, but not at the end like the first one. My own balls were aching and nearly numb from the constriction and the shocks, and my penis was completely numb from having the circulation restricted for such a long time. But the intruder was still doing its job, and then I heard someone walk behind me and slap my ass, and then the intruder slowed down for a few moments.
I heard Master’s voice telling someone that I was just a whore and they could to what ever they wanted short of killing or maiming me. Then the intruder began to speed up, slowly at first and then it felt like it was going to tear me apart as they cranked it up higher that it was before, much higher. And then the shocks began again, and it felt like the intensity was much stronger this time, also. All this while I still had the second cock in my mouth. I did my best to resist biting down when the shocks hit. I could tell that he was feeling the voltage, too, because he would twitch a bit each time I would get zapped. Then it happened, amid all the shocks and the intruder in my backside, I had a mind blowing orgasm, I nearly passed out from the release of pressure, but I had to make this guy come. He realized what happened and he pulled out. I felt the intruder stop and heard it being pulled away. Then I heard what sounded like plastic being ripped or something like that and someone grabbed my hips and began probing my ass again, this time it felt a little larger than the intruder, but I could do nothing to resist, and I relaxed best I could as he slid his larger than life cock into my asshole. He held it there for a moment and then slammed in as far at he could and then pulled nearly all the way out enjoying the tightness and slammed it in again. Amazingly this felt really good to me, and I began moaning through the shocks. I had never had a real cock in me before, but since I consented to my training, I had no choice but accept and try to enjoy it. Finally after several minutes of the real thing in my backside, he came inside of me, he slammed in as far as he could and reached around me and held onto the bench as he pumped me full.
I laid there reveling in it all, and Master stopped the shocks, and tenderly removed the clips from my on fire nipples. Then he removed the wire from around my penis, removed the spreader bar, and loosed my wrists from the bench. I still had the blindfold on, Master instructed me to stand and he secured my wrists to a hook in the ceiling, I was glad of this since I was very wobbly on my feet. I heard him pull the intruder machine away and put it back into the closet. And also heard him move something else heavy. He then released me from the ceiling and instructed me to kneel. The leash running from my cock to my neck was still in place and I had to arch my back slightly to relieve the strain. I heard another chair being put in front of me, and then caught the slight scent of perfume. Master secured my ankles to my wrists and instructed me to lean forward. I tried to do this but was nearly immobile the way I was restrained, so Master got behind me and pushed me forward and I fell in between the legs of the woman in the chair. I expected her to grab my head and position me in the best place to pleasure her, but she did not. Instead she grabbed my leash and pulled on that to place me in the best position. I went to work, savoring the sweetness of her aroma, when I slowed down, she would pull up on the leash, yanking on my over restrained penis, but I got the message and would speed up even more than before, she began to buck and rock in the chair and in her excitement she kept pulling up on the leash. While I was working on her, Master had placed a small but long dildo into my ass, and when the woman came and was spent, she pushed me back and I fell on the dildo and it was rammed in deeply, and this one had the tapered end so it stayed firmly in place until Master was ready to remove it.
I had no idea what was next on my Master’s agenda for me, but soon found out. The chair was removed and Master rolled me onto my stomach on the floor. My wrists were still fastened to my ankles and I still had the blindfold on. Master removed the blindfold and I saw that a video camera was set up on a tripod and a few regular cameras were on the work bench. Master sat on the floor on a pillow and pulled me over to his bulging crotch, he instructed me to unzip his pants using my teeth. It took a few pulls since I could only use my teeth but I finally got it open far enough for his penis to spring out. He then told me to give him a blow job, since I was his little whore. I rocked forward the best I could and began sucking and licking his balls, savoring the sweat and enjoying the saltiness of his pre cum as he was beginning to get excited, then I rocked forward a little farther and was able to lower my mouth over his engorged meat. I licked and sucked and tried my best to make him cum. At this point I was getting very tired and my tongue was very sore. And since I was on my stomach, my penis was pointing down so it allowed me some slack on my leash. Master realized that I was not doing my best and he grabbed a short stick and took my leash and wrapped the leash around the stick a few times and then began turning the stick like he was tightening a turnocutte on a wound. Pulling my cock back farther than before and thus pulling my neck back farther. I realized what he was doing and got back to business of pleasing him. I licked and sucked like a crazy person like my very life depended on it, and after a few minutes of this torture, he came, and I gobbled up every drop. He released the stick and then he released the leash from my neck. He rolled me back onto my back and released my wrists from my ankles and told me to put the alligator clips back onto my nipples and clean and put the equipment away while still naked. He gave me permission to remove the restraints from my penis.
He also told me to go upstairs and bathe, but not to remove the dildo in my ass until the following morning, and to sleep with the penis gag in place, along with the wrist and ankle cuffs secured like before for the night.
Master informed me that he filmed the event so I could watch it and see how his little whore in training did. And so I could get the story right when I put it online so all others could enjoy my training experiences.