Part I
As so often upon returning home, I paused at the sign at our door: Barbara & Donald McClennard. Even after the 5 years we’ve been married, I still often can’t believe she is “mine” and has taken my name, yet the proof right there, in front of my eyes.
She had music on and hadn’t heard me coming in, so I managed to surprise her in the bedroom (where she had been changing into something casual) and grabbed her around her waist. Quick as she often was, though, she spun around and had me on the bed before I realised the initiative had moved hands.
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“Nice try honey, keep practicing” she smiled and went downstairs. We had similar playful bouts when making dinner, and while eating it.
After dinner, she said “Donald, I feel like a game tonight. In fact, I have prepared something before you came home…..and I want to be in charge this time.”
She paused and gauged my reaction. What else could I do but nod in agreement?
We often played around with one being boss, and I was always in awe of how she combined her female erotic charm with firm leadership.
She had seen my eyes and knew enough.
“Very good. I want you to strip, fold your clothes and go to the living room.” she simply ordered.
I did and stood to attention, wondering what she had hidden underneath the blanket on the sofa, I had not noticed the heap before.
She walked around me and inspected me, as a sergeant tends to do. She seemed satisfied with the recruit that evening. Her hands & nails inspected me here, there and then here again.
When she stood behind me, her nails run down my spine, making me tingle and almost twitch with excitement, yet I had to stay in position. She squeezed my buttocks briefly, then pulled my arms behind me.
“Hold them still for a moment, in a minute you won’t have to bother anymore” she said, and proceeded to pack my arms in our leather armbinder. When she had finished buckling it shut, I had a solid package behind my back, and I was almost helpless.
I said “almost”, as I could still walk of course.
Barbara turned me around a few times to admire the sight.
We both love arm binders, not only for the strictness if you wear them, but also for the posture it forces the torso into.
Her breasts seem to get a size bigger when I have (s)trapped her in, and she says my chest is a size bigger too.
“Hmm, you look good, honey, good enough to be put on display” she murmured and kissed me, gently at first. “But if you were on display, we would not want you to walk about, now would we?”.
She paused and let the words sink in. I still had her kiss in my mind, and was not sure where she was heading. I found out quick enough.
She produced our leg binder from under the blanket, the strong one in which one of us is sometimes suspended from the big beam in our living room.
I looked surprised, as I did not see any lifting gear around. I wondered what Barbara had in mind, as no doubt she had a clear plan for tonight.
She usually has, when she takes charge.
She put me next to the sofa and packed my legs just as tightly together as my arms already were, including the hip-strap. I stood immobile, unable to move about, careful not to fall over.
“Hmm, lovely my dear. As always it lovingly accentuates your buttocks” she said, with a gently kiss on the subjects.
“And now it’s time for you to contemplate for a little while” she said, and put the ball gag trainer in the place where they usually go.
I mmf’d a bit, but could do nothing. Yet I quietly enjoyed the feeling she was giving me, her control, her love for me. I could trust her, nothing would happen to me but an evening of excitement.
Yet Barbara seemed a different mindset, as she left me standing there (me and my manhood, that is) and proceeded to clean up the kitchen, the living room, in fact, preparing as if there was a guest coming.
I looked at her moving about the room, and wondered what she was up to. I couldn’t ask, but even if I could, she wouldn’t have told me.
Upon being finished, Barb sat down on the sofa, waiting, casually glancing at me occasionally, when the doorbell rang. She jumped up and headed for the door. Obviously she had been waiting for someone, yet she made no sign to hide me, or anything.
What on earth…?
When she came back into the room, she had a lady with her, a pretty appearance of almost 6 feet, short brown hair, sporty figure, heart shaped face. Very feminine, yet with a determined walk and look over her. She looked at me (bound, gagged and naked) as one would look at the furniture of a friend whose house you visit for the first time. She nodded approvingly, apparently she liked what she saw.
At first I was shocked of being on display like this, but when I saw the proud face with which Barb introduced me (“And this is Don, my darling husband. As you can see, he is very excited to have a surprise guest” winking at my excitement down below), I started to enjoy myself. Heck, not much else I could do, with all the straps holding me firmly in place & muffled.
The ladies sat down and talked the usual “Glad you’re here, how’s things?” kind of talk. Meanwhile I racked my brain who this lady could be, I had never seen her before. They completely ignored me, which surprisingly enough aroused me, as if I was a butler or statue.
After some more chit-chat talk, the Lady took out a small gift from her purse, with a certain look at me I was not sure what to think of. The wrapping paper produced a leather cock ‘n ball strap. “When you told me what you were up to, my dear, I reckoned it would be just the finishing touch. I use them quite often on my men, you must know. They look great and helps them hold out longer” she said, casually as if she was explaining a kitchen appliance. The lady proceeded to put the straps around my manhood and my balls, with obvious experience, and with “firmly locked in place” a mild understatement.
I twitched at first when her strange hands touched me in places where only Barb touches me. I could not defend myself, or I would fall over. I looked at her hands going about my manhood with a quiet confidence, and my manhood itself was not too unpleased with what she did ….until she pulled the buckles tightly shut and I could not help groaning.
As bondage lover I had to say the result looked pretty neat. After the first gulps and surprise, I could feel my manhood and all being tightly held and squeezed, in a way it had not been before.
And I thought I had seen & felt quite a few “experiences” with Barb’s skilfull hands over the last few years.
Barb had looked very interested at the lady packing up my manhood, she obviously wanted to remember how to apply it herself next time.
When all buckles were in place and my last ‘hmmmmpf!“ groan had trailed away, she turned to me, finally spoke to me as if I was there. “Happy fantasy, my dear! Tonight is my little gift for you for the 8th anniversary of us meeting.” I must have looked puzzled, for she added: “Of course you remember, dear, your fantasy of me enjoying another woman while you watch helplessly. Well, you are pretty well helpless, and I am certainly going to enjoy myself!” she smiled mischievously. She kissed the part my lips that were not covered by the trainer & gag, whispered “Trust me dear, you’ll enjoy this” in my ear, patted me on my buttocks and turned around to her mystery guest.
“Oh Lauren, it looks lovely, thank you very much. I am sure Don enjoys it too. Let me thank you!”
She hugged Lauren, and kissed her on the cheeks.
Lauren returned the hug, they held position while their eyes met.
Lauren’s eyes, which I could see, seemed to ask “Right here? Right now?” Apparently Barb’s eyes, which I could not see, were affirmative, for their next kiss was not the usual “thank you” on the cheek, but a tender mouth-to-mouth one, careful at first, getting stronger by the second.
Their hug got stronger too, as their hands started to explore each other, to caress each other’s curves.
I could hear their breath getting deeper (I knew the sound of Barb getting excited ever so well), and saw their hands moving to the clothing openings.
The conversation was done, the body talk had taken over.
I was feasting my eyes on what I saw, right in front of me. I had totally forgotten my predicament.
Mysterious Lauren proved to have a lovely figure when her clothes came off, Barb used her hands to explore and enjoy every curve Lauren had. The same Barb, whose figure and skin I know so well and have enjoyed so many times, was being explored by Lauren’s hands.
It seemed they had done this before some long forgotten time ago, and were doing their best to catch up.
When they lay themselves down at the couch, Barb positioned herself so that she could look at me, while Lauren added her oral skills to her manual skills in pleasing Barb.
I saw her wink at me, seeing I was enjoying the sight. Indeed I was, even more so when Barb became active on Lauren too.
I knew and enjoyed Barb’s oral skills, yet it was a feast to see how delicately she applied those same skills on the lovely skin and openings of Lauren. I had never known or suspected my Barb to be equally at ease with a woman as she was with me.
Were on earth, or better, when on earth, had she learned this?
Was she still learning and practicing since she had been with me?
I had never seen this Lauren before, or had heard her name being mentioned, yet here she was, obviously intimately familiar with Barb and vice versa.
Barb’s surprises for me for this evening were not finished though. Just when they seemed close to climaxing, Barb suddenly got up and produced a silk scarf from somewhere.
She stood in front of me and smiled a mean little smile.
“I think you have seen enough for tonight, my dear. I guess you can guess the rest” she said deviously and proceeded to blindfolded me delicately, yet mercilessly. I protested through my gag, but as you can guess, to no avail.
I concentrated on my ears and nose, could imagine how she walked back to the couch and positioned herself with Lauren again (on top, underneath, side-by-side? Damn, I wanted to see!!).
Alas, I could only hear, could only listen, listen to the moaning, breathing, lapping and wriggling (judging by the sounds of the couch anyway).
It did not take long until their tempo increased, increased again, until their gasping became mild screaming, not-so-mild-screaming, followed by that universal sound of a woman climaxing, or better, two women climaxing, right under my nose.
I could hear panting, some whispering. After a minute or so, someone got up and walked about, I could hear the other one sighing and recovering her breath.
When the first one returned, the ladies reshuffled on the couch and suddenly I heard the familiar sound of a wine bottle going Pop. It must have been Barb who had walked into the kitchen.
After the gurgling sound, the familiar clink of two glasses gently hitting. Someone said “Here’s to good times”, the other one replied “and to good women!”.
Perhaps I was straining too much to visualise what they were doing by the sounds, but for the life of me I could hardly distinguish Lauren’s voice from Barb’s. I really had to guess who said what.
I also could not register their actual conversation, just snippets and words.
“So glad you called the other day”…..” ages since we last”….”still that delicious tongue”….”When were you last here?”…. .”heavenly lips”….”business in town”….
After a while, they apparently had recovered, I heard them get up and move something about.
Then they came to me, I could feel their warmth, then their hands and nails teasing me on my naked skin.
“Don, you did great, we never heard a peep” I heard Barb saying gently in my left ear. Now I knew who was caressing and gently blowing my manhood, that must be Lauren.
“We had our fun, you now deserve some as well” Barb continued. She positioned herself behind me, it seemed she was standing on something.
I could feel her wriggle about around my buttocks, at the same time as I could feel Lauren doing what men dream about with her hands, her lips and her mouth in front of me.
I could not believe it, she was heavenly delicious, I yearned to see her lovely face around my manhood. Yet all I could do was feel, feel her caressing my skin in ways Barb had never done, my manhood straining against the straps, yet the skin feasting on the treatment.
Until…suddenly…Barb took hold of my hips, put something solid between my buttocks and penetrated me firmly. I yelped underneath my gag.
She held on to me and moved the strap-on dildo in and out, with firm movements. She had never done this before (and believe me, we had tried a few things in our years together), and I was surprised, to put it mildly.
Yet after the first shock & surprise, it felt not bad, even good, to be taken up my behind by my lovely wife.
Her mysterious friend continued to please me up front, I could not move about nor could I scream out my pleasure. The senses I had left were overflowing me with pleasure impulses, shuddering my body and shivering up & down my spine.
I moaned for all I was worth, for it was how I felt: great.
I came with a violent explosion, for I had been building up tension ever since Barb ordered me to strip.
Barb had yet another surprise. When I came, her dildo squirted some cold liquid inside me, I could feel it flushing. It was yet another kick-feeling, adding to the explosion my senses were rippling through me.
My knees buckled under all the excitement, if it had not been for the strong legbinder holding me up, and the 2 ladies, I would have collapsed on the spot.
They laid me down on some cushions on the floor, on my back, and cuddled themselves next to me. Barb had somehow undone the strap-on from herself, it was still stuck inside me, clearly poking in me while I lay on top of it.
“Seems like you found yourself quite a hunk, then, Barbra” I heard Lauren saying, while her hand and nails toyingly travelled across my chest, my hips, my lips, my manhood.
“Uhhuh” Barb said softly, her face gently rubbing my chest, her nose smelling my skin. “Don is just the stud I need, he is the first who can tame me…..except for now perhaps” she added, biting gently in my ear.
This went on for a little while, the ladies talking about me across me, as if I was not listening or not even there.
After a while it seemed they had recovered enough, Lauren asked if there was “some dessert” left. She whispered something in Barb’s ear, who giggled and left briefly. When she came back, they fumbled with my head trainer gear. The ball gag came off, and was replaced with a ring gag.
“Don, I am sure you can give Lauren a bit of dessert, to finish off her evening just nicely. You can, can you?” Barb said in my ear.
Before I could really “mmpf” any reply, Lauren climbed on top of me (thank heavens I was on some pillows, my arms were still underneath me) and gently sat on my face. The skin of her legs smelled delicious, felt very soft on my cheeks.
“Here Don, here is your dessert. You eat, and I’ll enjoy the ride” she said.
Her lips were very smooth, shaven like a babie’s bottom. Through my ring gag, I started pleasing her as best as I could.
I love a cleanly shaven “entry”, and she tasted great too.
Barb must have watched for a little while, I heard her say “heck, as if I’m going to sit around idle here” and straddled herself across my hips.
My manhood had recovered enough and was again fighting against the straps.
I felt great. I was still bound, helpless, gagged and blindfolded, but now I was actively eating this lovely & mysterious Lauren, while my lovely wife was riding me gently.
I had the impression they were somehow caressing each other again as well, while both on top of me.
Whatever. I did my best to enjoy myself, and them.
It took some time for me to come, as I was concentrating on at least three things. Not that Lauren minded, I believe she came, shuddering and all, 3 or 4 times in my face, splashing her juices all over me.
I don’t know about Barb, my mind was too full.
What happened then I do not clearly remember. I was simply exhausted. My tongue was numb, my body was aching from the tight bondage and the weight of 2 ladies on top of me.
Somewhere in the distance I heard some sounds like a goodbye (hugging sound, kisses, “Fabulous to see you again my dear”, “we must do it again sometime soon” and such), then some silence.
It felt Barb was watching me, while summarizing the evening and events, or perhaps she was simply revelling in the memories of a great evening.
Finally she gently removed my blindfold, and the ring gag.
My eyes blinked against the sudden light, my mouth struggled to get his normal feeling again.
Barb looked devine, radiating the glow of a totally satisfied woman.
“How are you my dear?”, she asked lovingly.
“Exhausted, sore, angry, surprised…in short, I feel absolutely great!” I said after a moment.
She released my arms and we cuddled on the cushions on the floor.
I kissed her, finally, for the first time that evening.
I looked at her, a question in my eyes.
She understood the question, smiled.
“Nope, I will not tell you who she was. You don’t need to know, and it would spoil the memories of this evening. I can see you enyoyed it, I enjoyed it, she enjoyed it. If you trust me, that should be enough.”
The way she said it, I knew that any prodding would be useless, so I didn’t.
When she had released my legs, she supported me to stumble to the bedroom.
We have a special bed for after love making. It is made like a ship’s bunk: only 2.5 feet wide, with padded boards by the side.
This is where we collapse after a night of heavy lovemaking, our naked bodies crammed closely together, maximum contact between our skin, our sweat mingling.
She lay herself on top of me, her head on my chest.
Some sweet nothings were whispered, some last kisses and we were gone.
I believe my last thought was how I could top this next time I would be in charge ……whenever that would be.
Part II
It had been a few weeks since my wife Barb had surprised me by living out an old fantasy of mine: I had been bound helpless while she played with another woman I did not know.
It had been quite a boost to our love live since. Not that we needed one, yet it still was.
I had been considering & fantasising how I could top her surprise, for the occasion I would be in charge.
Well, of course I had been in charge for a bondage evening or two (couldn’t wait that long), but that had been with the two of us.
One evening, after dinner, Barb suddenly told me I could be in charge tonight. Only then did I notice our bondage gear box was already in the room, something which should have set me off.
Somehow I knew this was not going to be like other evenings when I was in charge, if only because she told me so, but the box promised some preparation or prepared plan.
Just when Barb told me, the doorbell rang. I went to open it and was pleasantly surprised to see a pretty lady of about my height, in a nice form-hugging summer dress. I was struck by her short cut bleached hear. Despite the masculinity of the coupe, it enhanced her femininity.
“Hi, you must be Don” she said as she walked in as if she was home. “Barb told me to be right on time. You can call me Lauren. I understood this tells you exactly what to expect of me”. As she spoke, she continued into the living room, not waiting for my answer.
I looked at her, my thoughts racing back to that evening when Barb had a mysterious Lauren for a visit, while I stood bound, naked and gagged. That Lauren had expertly put a cock'n ball strap on me, and proceeded to play with Barb, in my full view.
Who was this lady Barb had arranged, and what could I expect of her?
When I arrived in the living room, Barb was standing by the sofa and our bondage gear box, she had just greeted “Lauren II”.
Lauren turned around to face me. “Well Don, I am here tonight for you to play with, and it will be Barb’s turn to watch this time. I understood she has something to make up to you”. She paused briefly, watching her words sink in.
I looked at Barb, who had kept silent and winked at me. Her eyes said to me “Well, I am certainly not in charge, the floor is yours!”
What on earth had she been up to this time?
Lauren had watched our unspoken exchange and seemed satisfied. She opened her office-bag, which I had not noticed thus far, I had been too taken aback. It was quite a size for a lady, now that I did look at it.
I could see a collection of coloured foil, bondage rope & tape. “I understood you’ve played bondage games mostly with leather so far, perhaps it’s time to expand your skills. I’ve brought a few things I learned to like”, she said as if she was selling books.
After the first surprise settled in and I got to my senses, I took a closer look at Lauren and her suitcase. She seemed someone who also liked switching between being in charge and being submissive. Her appearance told me she’d be in charge with me tonight.
“Well, …er, hm, Lauren, that’s surprisingly generous of you. Yes, I like playing with leather, but now that you mention it, and now that I look at you, perhaps it would be very interesting to learn about rope or tape. How do you suggest we start?”
She said nothing, yet her eyes told me “Well, what would you have in mind yourself?”.
I looked at Barb, who stood ready “to take orders”, to Lauren and her sporty figure under the summer dress, and took a decision.
If I was to be in charge, fine, I would take charge. I had never played with Barb in front of anyone else (or the other way around for that matter, yet tonight, both Barb’s looks, Lauren’s looks and my “outstanding revenge” for the evening with Lauren 1, gave me the courage to step into this adventure with Lauren 2.
“Right, here’s what we’ll do. Barb, you strip and get ready to be packed. Lauren, I’ll bind Barb first how I would with our own gear, then you can show me what you would do with your gear. Meanwhile, Barb will get you a drink…..after stripping, of course”.
Barb looked at me, somehow proud how I quickly had taken the evening into my hands. She dropped her dress, showing she wore only a black thong underneath.
Lauren looked pleased, both at my initiative and at the sight of Barb. She sat down on the couch and watched what we were up to.
Not waiting for a reply, I went for the bondage gear box to select some things, while Barb got a glass for Lauren.
What Barb did not know, was that I had prepared my own surprise some days ago. She would have a premiere tonight.
First I took out her corset, a heavy duty blue leather one with buckles. After closing a corset around her, Barb has a wonderful hourglass shape, accentuating her hips and buttocks in a very exciting way. She whispered “Make it tight tonight, dear” and didn’t give a peep when I did.
Next, I put on her hood, again a leather one with buckles (I don’t like laces much) without the blindfold and gag, not for now anyway.
She whispered the same thing as with the corset, and I buckled the hood tight as well. Again, not a peep, except some shiny eyes looking at me.
I kissed her gently on her lips, while I glimpsed at Lauren who sipped her white wine while looking at us. A smile danced around her lips and in her eyes.
I turned Barb around and told her to bend over. I caressed her lovely buttocks, slapped them lovingly. She must have known what was coming.
Expertly moving my fingers around her thong, I could quickly feel she was already a bit wet from excitement. I could lubricate the butt plug up front first, before I inserted it where butt plugs usually go.
I wriggled it a bit around, to make sure it was well in place. It was the largest one of our collection, I could hear Barb hold her breath when I pushed it in. But again, no peep or any sound of protest. When I was in charge, she let me be in charge.
I then inserted a fairly large vibrator up front. It went in smoothly, indicating she was enjoying my initiative thus far.
She had not seen which vibrators I had chosen, but she knew as soon as I activated them with the remote control. I put each to Full Power, and she gave her first "peep" so to speak: she moaned in quiet pleasure. As Barb can get quite wet when fully excited, I was glad she had a thong on, otherwise the toys might have fallen out quickly.
Occasionally I had glanced at Lauren, my eyes indicating I would not mind doing the same to her. She noticed and recognised my look, and returned the smile. It did not tell me if I would get such a chance though.
I pulled Barb up to stand up straight. She had her eyes closed. She did not see me putting the remotes away (else she would have known the little pleasure machines were there to stay for quite some time), grabbing the leather strap breast binder. She raised her arms as if in trance when I motioned her to, and I did not need her whisper to close this one tight as well.
Barb's full breasts look absolutely gorgeous when bound, they really come to full attention, proudly pointing forward, her nipples just screaming to be kissed, caressed, or played with....which of course I did.
I caught a glimpse of Lauren nodding approvingly, taking a sip of wine.
I was enjoying myself. Not only was I doing one of my favourite hobbies (making my lovely wife look pretty in Bondage), but I had my fan-club cheering me on, so to speak.
I let my hands wonder over Barbs's lovely curves, tickled her on the edges of the corset, hood, her lips or her breasts. This drove her crazy, and she hummed for more....which of course I didn't.
I gently pulled her arms backwards, and slid the armbinder over them. We both love armbinders, it gives a great posture. If anything gives you the feeling of being totally helpless in somebody else’s hands, it was having your arms securely bound behind your back. No defense, your front is open to whatever the other one wants to do with you. Deep down we had the trust in each other of course, but the kick was always there, that nagging voice inside: “what will he/she do with me?”. When what the other one did turned out to be exciting, the kick was ever so great.
I buckled it shut, and she must have thought I was ready now.
With the corset, breast binder and armbinder, Barb looked magnificent, proudly standing straight, displaying her accentuated curves with pride. I could hear the humming inside her, yet one could not see she was being powerfully pleased internally.
And now my surprise was due. The package had arrived just the day before, the timing could not have been any better. I told her to lean against a chair, as I pulled the box from underneath the sofa. Her eyes told me she had not found it previously. Lauren noticed Barb's surprise too, and looked with curiosity.
It was a pair of ballet boots, lovingly shiny in PVC, with heels of almost 8 inches.
"Well Lauren, you can see I had been moving to non-leather things, tonight is the premiere" I said, with a bit of pride in my voice.
Barb looked surprised, she had recognised the boots for what they were. She sat down on the side of the table and stuck a foot out.
I smiled. Even when not in charge, she would try and take charge.
On purpose, I took the other foot and carefully put a boot on. It took some effort, but fortunately, Barb is fairly athletic and we got it on. I laced it tight, occasionally looking at her eyes. She looked excited, and gave me a clear OK without words.
The second boot went on and was laced as well. I helped her to stand up and balance her. She needed some balancing help, as she did not have her arms available.
Yet when she stood, she stood with pride. Normal high heels already give a beautiful sway to a woman, and ballet boots have the double effect. Not that she dared walking, but Barb's whole posture was beautifully feminine, not helpless at all. Her buttocks & hips well rounded, her breasts pointing forward, her torso at full "attention" with the arms behind her, and now the 8" heels making her a tall Amazon too.
God, she looked great.
I stepped in front of her for a kiss and the final touch. Our eyes met, hers were lovely.
I kissed her and told her how terrific she looked. "And you can enjoy it in silence, my dear" I added, as I locked the inflatable gag to her hood. She moaned briefly, her eyes told me "whatever you want, I am absolutely yours". As with all the things tonight, I pumped the gag up until I was sure her yaws were tightly pressed against the hood. Barb enjoys being fully filled, it made her feel more helpless then merely being bound. Hence for her only large butt plugs or vibrators, and gags.
I checked if she could breathe all right through the tube in the gag, we always do.
I kissed her breasts and sat down next to Lauren to admire my packed wife. From a brief distance, she looked like a stunning statue, looking at us helpless yet proud. She knew she looked great, she had seen my eyes.
All in all, I had been busy for a little while. Lauren's glass was empty, I refilled hers and took one myself.
We toasted " to lovely woman in lovely bondage".
"Well, she sure looks good, I like the caring yet determined way with which you put everything on her, Don. Was tonight the first time you tried the ballet boots?"
I nodded, looking at them again. Barb wobbled a bit to show them off.
"I can see why you like leather, it looks good on her. Yet, would you mind if I show something different on Barb? I promise she will still look beautiful, just different" she asked.
Without waiting for my nod, Lauren got up and walked over to Barb. Barb stood motionless, her eyes following Lauren's every move.
"I need a bit of field research of course, to prepare myself" Lauren said casually as she walked slowly around Barb, admiring her up close. Yet her voice trembled a bit when she said this, and I could see her breath being high in her chest. Lauren II was not that much in charge after all, I noticed.
Meanwhile, she trailed Barb's curves with a finger, or a nail in strategic places. They were admiring moves, and I was proud to watch my wife, MY wife, being admired. Lauren felt Barb's breasts within the straps, tested the freedom of her arms, caressed the thighs. It was obvious: our visitor liked a bound woman just as passionately as I did.
Tenderly, she unbuckled the armbinder, then the breast binder. She massaged Barb's breasts when they were released, I could see the skin marks of the buckles. It seemed Lauren gave them a 'welcome back, boys' treatment. Barb took it all in, standing just about balanced in the balletboots, her arms free for now.
Lauren seemed to get out of her reverie, got some blue coloured rope from her bag and turned to me.
"Watch this. Take at least 12 meters of rope, it can replace both your binders." she said.
I got up to look carefully, I wanted to make sure I could repeat this later (just as Barb had studied how Lauren I had tied the cock 'n ball straps to me)(since then, I had already experienced that she knew).
Lauren II crossed Barb's arms behind her back and tied them together with a loop. The rope was looped around Barb's chest twice, once underneath and once above her breasts. Some clever knots came together above the arms, some rope was still left. Lauren pulled this over the shoulders and pulled the horizontal loops together between the breasts. This already squeezed them a bit. The ropes came back through the knots in the back, and were then pulled very gently underneath the armpits. The loops were bundled again, now outside the breasts, and it was all tied off neatly.
Barb's lovely melons were now completely surrounded by rope, very well held and pointing forward. It looked very creative, and held her arms too.
I clapped in admiration and raised my glass to Lauren. "I must agree, truly a wonderful alternative. You have my full attention. What's next?"
Lauren took in the compliment, took out another bundle of rope, red this time. "I was thinking of showing a body harness, but Barb seems a bit full, with the corset, the hood and all." She thought for a second, turned to me and smiled. "Why don't you strip too, I'll show it on you instead. Give Barb something to see...".
I thought for a moment, looked at Barb (who returned the look hopefully), looked at Lauren. I noticed her nipples were sticking out. "Heck,I'm supposed to be in charge tonight" I thought.
"What a wonderful idea, Lauren, but....I'll need to practice what I've seen of course. So...ladies first" I said, motioning with my glass to her dress.
She smiled, did not flinch and proceeded to undo her dress. She knew just how to do it both casually yet erotically. When her dress fell, I needed a sip of wine, for my mouth suddenly had turned dry.
I had sort of guessed the lovely figure with the feminine curves, the lacy bra was just her type too. What took my breath was the stainless steel chastity belt she was wearing. I leaned over to study it more closely. Strong, polished stainless steel, padded around the edges, clearly locked shut.
There would be no getting in or underneath, so much was clear.
She had read my thoughts. "I may be here to play tonight, and help you bind Barb, but your manhood goes only into her, that's where it belongs!"
I leaned closer to inspect it. Truly a fine piece of work: clean, shiny, solidly locked, impregnable, yet giving the bearer almost full freedom to move about. I wondered where the key was, in her purse or safely at home?
Suddenly I heard a quiet humming beside me. I looked up and saw Barb standing next to me, she had hobbled over in her ballet boots, all hooded and gagged, yet her bright eyes were studying the chastity best as I was. The humming came from the 2 toys inside her, loyally doing their work. Her thong must be working hard to keep the slippery beasts inside, I knew that much about her.
I smiled.
I looked at Lauren, who had seen our looks and proudly turned around to show the creation around her shapely hips. At the same time, Barb and I turned our heads and looked at each other. We knew, as we saw the eyes of the other: Barb had one of those belts coming her way.
“Well, you’ve been dreaming enough now, don’t we have something to do here?” Lauren called us back from our reverie.
She waved a rope at me, a smile at her lips. “I was going to put something onto you, remember? Your Barb is too full already, so I’ll teach you on yourself…”
I looked at both ladies, each of them looking at me. What a great evening this had become.
I took off my pants and shirt, and enjoyed the surprise look on Lauren’s face when she saw my own thong. I don’t like this modern fashion of large boxer shorts, I prefer to feel as much cloth moving about my skin as possible.
Lauren did not wait too long though. She stepped to me and said softly: “watch carefully, I shall do this only once.”
She proceeded to put a rope-web onto me, with knots up front and back, and loops of rope around my chest making a net out of it.
I stood proudly and enjoyed the sight. A lovely naked lady, except for a plate of steel, was wrapping me in a delicately rope web, teaching me “the ropes”, while my own wife stood next to me, bound in ropes, ballet boots and a gag. She studied all Lauren’s moves with great care (I knew those eyes), probably imagining the next time she would do his to me as well.
When Lauren was done, I examined the result. It felt good, my upper torso was well packed, yet my arms and legs gave me still complete freedom. And equally importantly, I could bring out my manhood anytime should it be required.
I decided I liked it and wanted to learn this trick too. I took a blue rope from her collection, to try the same on her.
She shook her head. “Sorry dear” she said, “too short. Try the green one, that’s over 12 meters.”
I did, and managed to put a similar net around her. Oh, what lovely skin she had. Of course I had to touch her in various places, had to guide the ropes around her curves, her breasts, etc. I made sure to take my time to enjoy myself. The result was pretty good for a first timer, I had to think. I had some rope left at the front though, around her hips. On an impulse, I pulled her close to me with those 2 ropes and quickly looped them through my own web. She was now skin-to-skin with me, or better rope-to-rope, and could not get away.
After the initial surprise, she looked in to my eyes, close up.
“Was this part of the web, or am I now failing your exam?” I asked softly while moving my mouth closer to hers.
“I think this pupil is learning pretty darn quickly” she murmured just before my lips sealed off any further words. We took our time exploring each other’s lips & tongues, our bodies joined loosely at the hips by some rope.
When I caught my breath briefly, I saw Barb looking at me. I grinned and let my hands roam across Lauren’s buttocks & breasts, and kissed her some more. Barb’s posture, balancing on her high heels, showed a mixture of both envy and admiration….I kissed some more.
I released Lauren of our rope connection, let my hands caress her curves underneath the rope web one last time…for now. “Allow me to try something else, my dear teacher” I said smilingly, and took out some tape from her bag. I motioned her to raise her arms and proceeded to tape her breasts in a way that jutted them upwards and forwards. Hers were just the right shape and size: nice & large to put tape around and make them bulge when bound, but not too large to sag or hang.
When done, we both admired the result, I gently caressed and kissed her “packed fruit”. I was having a ball, this lovely lady who was showing me new tips ‘n tricks in bondage, with live teaching!
And in the background Barb was studying all our moves, I knew she’d be able to repeat the tape & rope “grips”…..
“Well done, Don, you really learn quickly. Shall we try something else on Barb? I just thought of something we can do with her and to her” Lauren said, and moved over to Barb, completely at ease in her steel “cage”, rope harness and taped up breasts.
She took out the gag and released the buckled hood. Barb’s face appeared, sweaty, radiant, making funny faces to get her muscles moving again.
Both Lauren and me caressed her, kissed her gently here & there & back, keeping her on her boots and in ropes. She took it al in, enjoyed being pampered briefly. I whispered some sweet nothings in her ear which Lauren couldn’t hear.
Not too long of course.
Lauren motioned me away to show me something. She wrapped two colours of tape around Barb’s head, until it was packed like with the hood, except for nose and mouth. It looked great, with the red and black tape making their own pattern. Now Barb had to guess our other moves, just like I had to last time with Lauren 1 when Barb blindfolded me.
I kissed her a last time and whispered “I’m having a magnificent evening, my dear. I hope you can guess or imagine the rest”, before putting the gag back in and pumped it up like I knew she wanted me to. She protested feebly, she had been weakened by the previous hour or so of being gagged, bound and vibrated.
I felt her thong, it was dripping wet and indeed straining to keep the toys in. The humming was gone though, the battery had run out. Fortunately we have more then one and I replaced the old vibrator with a fresh one. She moaned and wriggled in both protest and delight, I could feel her shudder in tired delight. She’d have to work hard to enjoy the feeling of the vibrations, fight her own body not to enjoy the orgasms too much, while at the same time trying to hear through the tape what we were up to.
Briefly I wondered if I should make extra noise with Lauren on purpose, so she’d know, until Lauren caught my attention once more.
“Don’t you agree your Barb looks wonderful in the rope and tape?” she asked, admiring Barb from various angles herself. I could only agree. Not that leather was out for me, but Lauren had certainly given us a great looking alternative.
“And we ain’t finished yet” she said, holding out a roll of light green foil. “Watch what this will do to the picture we have now” and proceeded to wrap many layers tightly around Barb’s upper torso, adding another transparent layer over the corset and the arm & breast bondage. I watched, as my wonderful Barb was transformed from a trussed lady into a mummified lady. Her breasts were pressed by the foil, screaming soundlessly for mercy. I could see the ropes being pressed into her flesh, while Barb’s posture showed me she was wondering what we were up to.
Again, it looked good. What had I been doing all these years of bondage play, limiting ourselves to leather straps and stuff?
This evening with Lauren 2 was turning out to be a great eye opener like I could never have imagined.
Lauren was about to wrap Barb’s hips & buttocks, when I stopped her on an impulse.
“No, wait, I have a better idea” I said, and took hold of the foil. I helped Barb to lie down on the sofa, face first, her weight pressing even more on her poor breasts. I folded her legs backward until the heels of the ballet boots pressed into her buttocks. “Now we wrap her up” I said and motioned Lauren to wrap each leg separately.
When we were done, we turned Barb over to sit on her knees, her buttocks clearly impressed with the heels. This way, her thong, her buttocks themselves, and therefore her sex, were still open.
“Hmmm, clever move, hadn’t thought of that one. How lovely & typically male to think of the openings” Lauren murmured while she hovered over Barb to inspect our work.
“And I ain’t finished yet either” I added, having grabbed another roll of foil myself. I took Lauren arms and bound them behind her back with the foil. In effect it became a foil arm binder, transparent yet with a nice colour. I had taken the pink foil she had brought. It looked lovely on her. I wrapped the rest of her, not all of it of course, but including her legs. I then helped her lie down on the sofa herself, just far enough away for Barb to notice…yet.
I had enough foil left to connect her hands to her feet, in a foil hogtie so to speak. When I was done, I sat down to admire the view. I was quite proud of myself, not only how quickly I was learning these new materials, but also how great it looked. I felt an excitement inside I had not felt for quite some time: the feel of new excitements, new teasers, new arousers.
Lauren had taken it all in with open eyes, she almost studied how her pupil was doing. She wriggled a bit in her new foil costume, I had the feeling this was not the first time she had been wrapped like this. She smiled at me, her yes told me she liked it too. I could see the steel underneath the foil, it gave her the confidence nothing serious could happen to her that night, she was safe to enjoy herself. She seemed to like what I had done to her, her eyes gave me a compliment.
I could no longer wait for her verbal compliment though. My manhood had been on the edge of bursting, no, exploding for quite some time with all the excitement in front of my eyes.
I dropped to m y knees, took my manhood ou of my own thong and shoved it, without much asking, into her mouth. Mysterious as she had been al evening, Lauren switched from being in charge from being told what to do without hesitation. Her lips and her mouth did precisely what I had been longing for, and were good at it to.
I held her head and moved it in the rhythm I wanted. Whether it was a few moments or a few eternities I did not notice, just that my explosion felt enormous and fantastic, and that she swallowed it all without a pee p of protest.
I collapsed in front of the sofa and needed some time to recover. I admired both ladies while I did. Barb must have noticed something, smelled it perhaps (I knew her instincts good enough for that), Lauren had rested her head on the sofa too.
After I caught me breath again, I repositioned Lauren on the sofa (guess where I put my hands underneath her chest to re-position her? Yeah, right!) to have her face right in between Barb’s thighs. I pulled the thong to the side and motioned Lauren she had a job to do. By now I was not surprised anymore she showed no hesitation to eat Barb like there was no tomorrow, obviously Lauren 2 had similar expertise in pleasing ladies like Lauren 1.
Knowing Barb and vibrator, she must have come already many times, yet when Lauren got going, I could see she had another wave of orgasms. I always was so envious of women and their capability of multiple “bangs”.
I enjoyed the sight for a while, seeing Barb was being given a reward for holding out so well all evening.
When I thought they had had enough, I took them apart and repositioned them. First I gave Lauren a drink, then cut the foil between her hands and feet, so she could sit upright on her knees.
Then I removed Barb’s gag, gave her a drink too and a deep kiss. I knew she recognised me in the way her tongue reacted to me. I whispered into her ear “You did great, my dear. If only you knew how terrific and how lovely you look tonight. Prepare for one last treat”. I put Barb on her knees. She was so tightly packed, roped and wrapped, her only movement was in her hips.
Lauren had guessed what I was up to. I put Barb and Lauren together, both of them on their knees, in Barb’s case with her ballet boot heels pressing into her bums, their breasts touching through the foil in which each was wrapped.
I took out two rolls of tape from Lauren’s collection and taped their torso’s together. They could not possibly not kiss, as their heads were forced together. While I was taping, Lauren cast me an admiring look: “Well Don, you really learn quickly”, then she let her tongue explore Barb’s tongue. The feeling was obviously mutual, Barb has eagerly enjoying the opportunity to be active herself, finally.
I watched for a moment, proud of the double lady statue I had created, looked at all the bondage underneath the foil wrap. What a wonderful sight. I hoped this Lauren would one day return, who knows what Barb would be up to next time if these two were in charge tighter over me?
My manhood tingled with excitement on the thought and the sight.
We have a large sofa (on purpose) and I sat behind Barb on my knees as well. I lowered her thong and the butt plug almost fell out.
I slowly put my manhood inside Barb’s rear entry, and slowly I caressed each of these lovely ladies, who somehow remained proudly in charge even when tightly bound.
I could feel Barb enjoying both being pleased orally up front by Lauren and physically a the back by me, her husband and lover.
With a bit of stretching my arms, I managed to caress almost all of their curves while I slowly moved in and out, until I blew my second explosion of the evening into my lovely wife.
It was a signal for all of us to collapse, a heap of bodies, limbs, rope, foil, you name it, we were very much intwined. When I thought we had recovered a bit, I released Lauren’s arms & legs. “Thank you ever so much, mysterious lady”, I said. “You have given us not only a fantastic evening, but a heaping lot of inspiration” I added with a kiss. She took the compliment with a smile, and asked me to keep the rope harness, the breast tape, and most of the foil n place. “Don’t worry, my dear, I can show myself out and unpack myself, I’ll enjoy the feeling while driving”.
She got up, blew me a kiss, gave Barb a last one and indeed showed herself out, erotically wrapped & packed underneath her summer dress.
I needed some time to get to my senses after Lauren had left, I could not believe the evening that had happened to me.
Carefully and slowly I unpacked Barb, who was sweaty, totally exhausted, yet totally satisfied. “Oh my dear, I am so proud of you” she whispered. “It was so wonderful to feel how you took charge after I surprised you. I could really let myself fall into my bondage, knowing you’d protect me and take care of me”. She would not let me unpack her completely though. She wanted to sleep with the boots, corset and tape hood still in place.
I carried her upstairs and we cuddled up in our post-love-making ships bunk, where we fell asleep.
Is this the last surprise Barb has for Don? If not, what could she have in store next?