It was 7.30 on a warm late spring morning and Laura Wilson lay buried in the comforting embrace of her luxurious goosedown duvet. A gentle breeze drifted through the bedroom window. She had heard Maggie moving around the house already but had steadfastly refused to surface or even open her eyes, as she knew that she had the day off. She smiled to herself and wriggled deeper into the cotton womb which currently consumed her.
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It was now three months since Laura's discovery of Maggie's secret life and her own growing predilection for inescapable bondage, bisexual coupling, forced orgasms and a reversible dom/sub relationship with her housemate. Though the friends were now very comfortable with each other on a physical level, they both still sought male partners for more conventional relationships. Laura had recently taken up with a guy called Graham. He was unaware of Laura's love of bondage, and they were still at the early, hand holding, stage of their courtship. Laura was waiting to see how this tryst developed before potentially scaring him off with a latex hood and a pair of hinged handcuffs.
Over the last few months Laura and Maggie's shared sexual activities had grown by leaps and bounds and most areas of the house had seen one, the other or both of them writhing in ecstasy or doing as much writhing as their bonds would allow. Hooks had been screwed into ceiling beams and then disguised with hanging ornaments and the bed-frames were now supplemented with a multitude of secure restraining points.
They had been helped in this expansion of their games by the discovery that neighbour Mr. Tompkins, [owner of Goldie who had played a key role in Laura's revenge on Maggie for hoodwinking her into playing bondage games with slimy Jake] was a keen woodworker. Not only that, but in return for some backhanded supplements to his pension he had constructed some interesting restraint devices for them, which were now parked in the girls’ cellar. Whether or not he believed he was making stage props for an avant-garde dance troupe was immaterial, they were now the proud owners of a sturdy pillory and stocks, a large St Andrews cross and a clever conversion of an old barrel to what Laura always referred to [usually with a simultaneous slight shudder of recollection] as the Tickle Torture Box.
From the period when Goldie had been staying they had borrowed a dog cage which had been used to transport the slobbering hound in the back of Maggie's car. Before returning the light steel contraption Laura had spent several uncomfortable nights crammed inside in a strict hogtie, gagged, blindfolded and with elbows and knees tightly secured to the cage bars. Her immobility became a major frustration when Maggie had carefully positioned a low speed vibrator just grazing her aching labia without allowing her sufficient stimulation to achieve any orgasmic release...
Similarly Maggie's bondage wardrobe and accessories had expanded. Laura had enjoyed dressing Maggie in a rubber body suit, complete with mittens and feet, which contained remote control dildos and an ingenious locking system which meant the wearer was totally dependant on a third party for release. Laura had toyed with Maggie for hours, before leaving her locked in the pillory overnight. Her gagged pleas for release [both physical and mental], well muffled by a matching all-encompassing latex hood, would have melted the resolve of a sterner Mistress than Laura the next morning.
Jake meanwhile had completely disappeared from their lives. After a week of inspired revenge from Laura he decided it was in his best interests to give tie-up games with Maggie a wide miss, as he was not sure his scrotum could take much more mistreatment. Maggie did not really miss him and was currently pursuing a bloke who worked for another company in the same building as they did. He seemed very intelligent but then compared to Jake the waste paper basket was an A student.
Laura opened her eyes at the sound of the bedroom door opening. She saw the alarm clock saying 8 a.m. - far too early for a day off - closed her eyes again and prepared to snuggle down once more.
It was Maggie, who having crept closer to Laura’s bed suddenly tugged the duvet off her flat-mate’s bed and bounced up and down on the mattress. Laura tried to ignore the vibrations and creaking noises and with eyes still closed and a forced degree of decorum asked Maggie what on earth she thought she was doing? Listening to a giggling Maggie, Laura then pointed out that it had been agreed that she was taking today as a duvet day and, if she didn’t mind, actually snuggling up in said duvet was an integral part of her scheme for the morning of her day off.
Maggie continued to laugh. “Surely my dear you would prefer a rope day to a duvet day? She emphasized the point by grabbing Laura as she lay there, attempting to ignore the intrusion, and tickling her sides and arm-pits. Laura squealed and attempted to cover up the more vulnerable areas of her ticklish body, which unfortunately for her made other areas, such as the top inside of her thighs, a little more accessible to Maggie’s questing fingers. Laura continued to wriggle, started to curse and finally gave up holding back her laughter.
“Ple-e-e-e-ase stop, no-no-not there, ha-ha-ha-ha” gabbled Laura as Maggie used her body to pin her flat-mate to the bed. Slowly the tickling and prodding dies away to be replaced by a more sensual use of her fingers, as Maggie slipped a hand between Laura’s thighs and began to gently stroke her labia. Laura groaned and continued to make guttural back-of-the throat noises as the stroking quickened and became a little more pressured causing her arousal to awaken. At the same time, Maggie dipped her mouth onto Laura’s accidentally proffered right breast and began to flick her tongue across the turgid nipple.
“This isn’t fair” moaned Laura as she felt Maggie’s index finger slide between her lips and her thumb brush her clitoral hood.
Maggie continued to tease Laura until the poor redhead thought a climax was inevitable – at which point Maggie stopped doing anything other than giving the hardening nipple a mild nip with her teeth.
“That definitely isn’t fair” groaned Laura “come on, you can’t stop now, please …”
Maggie’s eyes gleamed as she whispered into Laura’s ear “how about a trade, a quick bit of bondage and I will make sure your needs are catered for during the rest of the day”.
Laura needed no second bidding “okay okay whatever just get on and finish me off for pity’s sake!” If Laura had seen the look on Maggie’s face at her immediate acquiescence she would have been worried.
30 minutes later a sexually sated Laura had been to the bathroom, had a shower and got her head together. She came back into the bedroom to see Maggie laying some clothes out on the bed. “Come on, time is a wasting and some of us have work to go to” said Maggie. Laura bit back a comment that if it was up to her she would still be asleep under her duvet and picked up the first item of clothing. This was a pair of sheer black open crotch footless tights. “Pretty subtle” mused Laura to herself as she rolled them up her shapely legs. The next item was also “subtle”, Maggie’s red rubber unitard, which had grown too tight for her to wear, even for fun. This was a bit of a tight fit even for Laura and involved a lot of wriggling and pulling. While Laura was shimmying her way into the unitard, Maggie was pulling her hair into a pony tail. Once the garment was in place, Maggie slipped her hand between Laura’s thighs and unzipped the crotch using the concealed zip. The tightness of the rubber forced Laura’s nether lips to protrude proudly. They both realized the apparent dampness was not an after effect of Laura’s shower. “Really really subtle” thought Laura. “Right” said Maggie “while I get some rope from my room, you ought to do some limbering up; you know how stiff you are until you have done some exercises”.
As Maggie strode out of the room Laura had a rueful feeling that agreeing so easily to this escapade might well have been a mistake as it was likely to be somewhat extended and probably quite demanding. Pushing these thoughts to the back of a mind, Laura began her stretching.
On her return Maggie asked Laura to sit cross-legged in the centre of her bed and then to fold herself into a full lotus position. Laura assumed the position. As her feet locked inside her thighs, Maggie intervened and pulled Laura’s feet up. The effect of the natural pressure of her thighs on her ankles caused the soles of her bare feet to lie uppermost. Laura began grumbling as Maggie secured each of her ankles to the opposite thigh, tightly tying her crossed calves, and even tying Laura's big toes off with a loop of string round her adjoining thighs.
Laura was not very happy as she could already feel the severity of this leg tie. She asked how long she was going to be expected to cope with this, a complaint which quickly built into a bit of a rant demanding that Maggie leave her alone and go to work. In response Maggie glared at Laura and shot out of the room only to return moments later with a ball-gag head harness. "Tied up girls should be seen but not heard" said Maggie as Laura tried to scoot away down the bed but she had no hope of avoiding a determined Maggie who basically wrestled her to the mattress and with the assistance of some nipple pinching eventually inserted the gag and fastened the straps loosely. This left Maggie sitting on Laura’s chest holding her arms in the crook of her respective knees. Laura was glowering but had finally fallen quiet. Maggie took opportunity to tighten the harness to its full extent and then stimulate Laura with her fingers, licking the juices of her arousal from the tips of her manicured nails. She ran her fingers over Laura's nose, which wrinkled at the familiar scent...
Laura was helpless, and realized straightaway how vulnerable she was to whatever Maggie wanted to do. In fact Laura luxuriated in the fact and if she could have smiled would have beamed at her flat-mate. As she lay there, her breathing returning to normal, a small ball of desire started to roll around inside her, picking up pace as Maggie’s fingers begin to move to a faster rhythm, strumming her very soul as they flickered over her clitoris. Laura's eyes rolled back into her head and she uttered a deep stifled drawn-out groan. Maggie took that as an appreciation of her nimble fingering and smiled at her unseeing captive, who was drifting into another world as the first steps of the long march toward the first orgasm of the day began. Then without warning Maggie stopped and sat back - after again trailing her glistening finger tips across Laura's flaring nostrils. Laura groaned in frustration! She knew better than to even try and finger herself whilst her hands were still free, as the consequence could well be an even longer extended period of frustration as Laura knew only too well from past mistakes.
Maggie clambered to her feet, and quickly turned Laura over so as to lie her face down in the middle of the bed. Securely grasping her elbows, Maggie pulled them back behind her back. Crossing the arms she expertly applied a box tie: arms behind back, wrist to elbow, tied very tightly at crossed forearms. This left very little wriggle room for Laura who tried to gain some respite from what was a quite unforgiving position –but nothing budged, there was no give in any of her bonds. Maggie sat her upright but Laura’s vigorous straining and twisting caused her to fall on her side.
Maggie righted her, and then lifted her off the bed to sit on the bedroom floor; then gave her left nipple an affectionate squeeze and sighed. "Well I guess I had better get off to the office, we can't both laze around all day. I have left a bluntish knife out on the landing so all you need to do is squirm your way out of here and cut yourself free. Be careful with the knife, and try to be a bit more controlled in your movements, I do not want to get back tonight and discover you lying in here like an over-turned tortoise! I assume you can squirm okay?”
Laura grunted in the affirmative and set off rolling on her nylon-clad buttocks, grunting with the effort. Maggie was surprised. "Hey speedy, that looks far too easy. But I have an idea to give you a bit more of a challenge".
A short cord was quickly tied off to the small D ring on the top strap of the ball gag harness, which was then pulled forward to the ropes binding Laura's calves. Using her hand between Laura’s shoulder blades to help the process Maggie gently took some of the slack out of the rope between the D ring and her feet. Laura grunted as position steadily became more arduous. When it was tied off Laura’s upper body was set at a 45 degree angle with her nose about twelve inches clear of the sheer black hosiery of her legs. Groans and grunts of displeasure continued to emanate from Laura.
"That looks better, though I guess I had better test the whole package is secure" muttered Maggie. She dug her nails into Laura’s ribs and watched with cruel delight as Laura’s attempts to evade her fingers were considerably more limited and all the bindings remained as they were. Pausing only to trace a languid finger along the bare soles of Laura’s feet in order to spark another bout of nasal screaming and groaning, Maggie stood up and went to the door.
“I’ll see you later. Don’t forget we are supposed to be going out tonight with Helen from work, we should be back here about 6pm to get changed and then go out clubbing. Ok?”
Laura grunted a response and made her first attempt to bottom-walk her way across the room with the added complication of the more restrictive tie. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of fur at the door and Gandalf strode in, a little stiff legged and no doubt wondering why Laura had not been in the kitchen half an hour earlier to open a tin and feed him. He wandered across to the bundle that was Laura, brushed against her and made his usual plaintive no-one has fed me for a fortnight and I may soon die’ yowl. Laura merely grunted in reply and continued to squirm towards the door. In an attempt to gain her attention Gandalf sat down in front of her and started a fairly cursory self-washing routine.
Part of Laura’s mind was distracted by the sight of Gandalf’s rough tongue on its fur licking mission and she shuddered at the recollection of her treatment by several hungry cats when being “tortured” by Jake. Mainly however she just grunted louder in order to get the cat to move and save her having to go round him. The effort required to bottom-roll across the room was pretty strenuous, and even with the light breeze through the window she was beginning to perspire quite heavily. It didn’t help that the opened crotch on the unitard meant a very close and intimate contact at all time between the carpet and her groin, which was beginning once more to heat up.
Gandalf took the hint and walked over to the end of the bed, jumped up and settled down to wait for the possibility of breakfast. With a clear path, Laura wriggled forward and was between the end of the bed and the half-open door when disaster struck. She had not heard the bee fly in to the room but Gandalf most certainly had. He watched as the insect circled the room on a slow downward spiral. Gathering his aging body for a definitive spring he waited until the bee was about a foot above his head and sprang forward and up. What he would have done if he had caught the bee is not known, but he missed by some way, collided with the door and fell back into Laura’s lap. Laura was momentarily stunned and then she let out a despairing moan. Flying cat plus open door had equalled a closed door! She thought perhaps it had not closed properly and was still ajar – but her hopes were dashed as a thoroughly disorientated Gandalf struggled out of her lap and in so doing pushed the door closed so the catch clicked shut!
Laura closed her eyes and cursed her bad luck, cats in general, flying insects, Gandalf in particular, Maggie, her aching shoulders and hips, Maggie again and then leaned back against the bed. “Don’t panic” she thought “there must be something in here I can use to get out of these ropes”.
An hour of slowly combing the room for anything both sharp and within reach turned up nothing which could help her. She was feeling very tired with the effort of moving herself around, not helped by the attentions of her now starving cat which at one point stood with his front claws gripping her nylon clad thigh while his tongue traversed the sole of her foot and flickered into the recesses between her toes. Only Laura’s prolonged and frenzied noisy reaction stirred the cat to desist from this inadvertent teasing.
Eventually Laura gave up and lay down on her side next to the bed. The room was warming up as the sun shone full force through the windows, and her efforts had worn her out. She tried to relax and without realizing it started to doze off.
She was woken some time later by the sound of someone knocking on the front door downstairs. Shaking her head as much as she could, she glanced above her and saw it was only 3.15pm. She was amazed she had managed to sleep for so long. She heard the knocking again. Who could that be? Too early for Maggie, and anyway why should she knock? Perhaps it was a special delivery parcel – but she couldn’t think what she or Maggie had ordered. As she couldn’t do anything about it, she relaxed and waited for the mystery visitor to depart.
She was then shocked to hear the front door opening, and an unfamiliar voice calling her name. What was going on? At least it seemed unlikely to be a burglar, unless burglars were polite and tried to introduce themselves.
Laura braced herself as she continued to hear movement downstairs, and then a voice from the stairs once again calling her name. “Laura? Are you asleep? It’s Helen from work, Maggie asked me to drop off this dry-cleaning”. Laura froze – she had come round early, no doubt with Maggie’s key, and was about to discover that her co-worker had a secret life. Perhaps if she stayed quiet, Helen would leave the dry-cleaning and then wait downstairs for Maggie or even leave. Either way she might escape discovery.
Her hopes were dashed on two counts – Helen discovering a blunt knife on the landing and an increasingly fractious Gandalf mewing desperately at the door on the realization that another option for can opening/ food delivery was available if their attention could be attracted. Laura groaned and once more cursed her flat-mate and that damn cat.
“Here kitty kitty” said Helen as she turned the handle on Laura’s bedroom door. As the door opened Gandalf shot out of the room in search of a litter tray and food, almost tripping Helen up. As a result the bedroom door slowly swung open. Helen stood frozen, staring into the room. From her angle she could see a pair of sheepish eyes, some leather strips, black nylons and some engorged pouting lips whose dark pink state matched what appeared to be some very tight and restrictive rubber clothing.
“Cool” said Helen, unable to take her eyes of this constrained bundle of sexuality. “When Maggie said you were all tied up on your day off, I assumed you were doing chores. But this looks like much more fun!”
Laura knew Helen from work, not as well as Maggie did admittedly but then she doubted that any other of her co-workers had introduced themselves by flashing their engorged crotch at them.
Helen’s first action was to sit Laura back upright and ask if she was alright, to which Laura gave a grudging grunt of agreement. Helen dashed downstairs to get some water and on her return unfastened the gag harness and let Laura finally relax her jaw muscles. A few mouthfuls of water later and Laura felt considerably better. She felt even better when Helen released the leg ties and let her stretch out on the bedroom floor. An attempt to zip shut the crotch panel on the unitard nearly caused an involuntary circumcision so Helen continued to let Laura display her charms to the world. She then helped Laura to her feet and, realizing how wobbly she was, helped her lie face down on the duvet on the bed.
Helen was a tall slim woman of 26, with straight black hair long enough to hang to nearly her waist. She was a dancer by profession, attached to the agency that Laura and Maggie worked for, currently supplementing her dance earnings working as a part-time office help. She was quite curvy for a dancer and from Laura’s few conversations with her, it appeared she was single, very sociable and had a penchant for throwing herself into new social activities with total enthusiasm until the novelty wore off.
Laura quickly began to approve of her new found friend as she kneaded her shoulders and legs to remove some of the stiffness. Laura found it odd that she had made no attempt to unfasten the tight shoulder and arm harness but was so happy with even partial freedom that she did not mention it. Instead she explained what had happened, what she had been doing – but left Maggie’s part in the debacle hidden for now as she thought there was a greater chance of keeping the embarrassment of being discovered a private matter if she pretended it was a bit of self-bondage experimenting gone awry.
Eventually Laura’s explanation wound down and, with the gentle ministration of Helen’s hands working the muscles of her back and legs Laura began to doze off again.
She woke suddenly when she felt something being fastened around her ankles. As she tried to twist round and see what was going on, her head was grabbed, mouth forced open and some cloth was forced inside. She had to assume this gag came form the washing basket as it tasted both intimate and yet disgustingly sweaty. A hand was clamped over her mouth to make sure she could not spit it or them out.
Laura felt Helen straddle her back and lean down until her mouth was by Laura’s ear. “I think you have been telling me porkies. I do not think this was a mistake of yours that went wrong. Maggie has been dropping all sorts of hints to me in recent weeks about fetish wear, latex, a little bit of friendly domination and so on that I had assumed she was a bit kinky that way. So while you were in here snoring like a Gloucester Old Spot (Laura blushed at the observation) I did a bit of exploring in her room down the hall. And guess what I found – Fetish Central!!”
Helen paused and Laura felt her weight shift as she reached around on the bed. “Now as it turns out this might just be my lucky day as I have always quite fancied being a dominatrix – and here is all the gear I need plus one pre-packed submissive – you!”
Laura began to squirm on the bed but was hampered by the depth and softness of the duvet. She became distracted as Helen slid a finger between her legs, parted her lips and began to gently tease her clitoris and her inner lips. Lost in the moment, she was caught unawares as the gentle erotic message ended abruptly. She then froze as what appeared to be a bag came down over her head, which she quickly realized was one of the hoods from Maggie’s “dressing-down box”. Helen tugged the hood into place making sure the two slits in the front lined up with her nostrils. There were no eye or mouth apertures. Laura tried to make plaintive noises but the panty gag and hood combined to muffle her cries to near silence.
Helen put her head close to where she thought Laura’s ear was. “Now you just lie here like a good little slave, I am going to do a little more exploring and see if I can decide what I would like to do to you. Just so you do not move around and hurt yourself I think this will help prevent accidents.” Laura felt one of the discarded ropes from her earlier confinement being fed through d-rings on the sides of her ankle cuffs, the rope was then fed up to her forearm ropes, the slack taken out and the cord tied off. Laura panted through her nose at the tightness of the hogtie, then made a more derogatory grunted comment at Helen’s departing comment about how appropriate the tie was for someone who snored like a member of the pig family. Laura heard her bedroom door click shut and then lay fuming in the darkness. Was Maggie only capable of making friends with sex maniacs and amateur sadists? And where was Maggie – surely she should be home by now to sort this mess out?
After what seemed an eternity to Laura’s sore muscles, especially in the enforced isolation of the eyeless hood, Helen bounced back onto the bed.
“I have a deal for you. Either you can be untied, go to the bathroom and then be subjected to an interesting idea that has just occurred to me, or you can stay as you are until Maggie and I get back from clubbing. And in the meantime I will think up ways to make your situation a little more … challenging”. As she spoke Helen leaned over Laura and started to suck her toes, one by one. Despite the tight bindings and her stuffed mouth Laura curveted, twisted and turned in a vain attempt to get away from the lascivious ministrations of Helen’s teeth and tongue.
“Unh-bay, Unh-bay” shouted Laura which Helen interpreted correctly as agreement to the bathroom break and change of position.
Twenty minutes later Laura was sitting on her bed suitably refreshed, trying desperately to get some feeling back in her arms and legs, and hoping her shoulders would one day have a full range of movement again. She was wearing ankle manacles firmly locked on and connected with a six-inch chain and a further chain was attached to both a D-ring on a leather collar padlocked around her neck and the solid headboard of her bed. She was still wondering where Maggie had got to, when her reverie was broken by the arrival of Helen from Maggie’s room (and toy chest) with an armful of rubber, leather, chains and rope.
“Break over young lady, time for some fun” announced Helen. She pulled Laura’s arms behind her back and fed them into a column of leather. Laura recognized the leather single-sleeve glove and was relieved that Helen had picked up the larger of the two such restraints which Maggie owned. The glove was quickly zipped up and Helen tightened straps at the wrists, elbows and upper arms. Next came a ball gag which Laura failed to recognize, with a hole through the ball and a length of plastic tube sticking out the end. The simple strap of the gag was padlocked behind Laura’s head and another hood, with a hole for both mouth (and tube) and nose this time.
Laura felt straps running around her chest holding the single-glove tight to her back then she was rolled over and her legs parted.
“According to the packet this little wonder came from it is the most sophisticated teasing vibrator to date, which senses arousal and tailors its effects to keep the lucky recipient of its powers in a constant state of near orgasm. But never quite getting there, which I imagine should be quite tiresome after a while!” Helen laughed. “Lucky old Laura gets to go for a trial run, so open wide!”
The well lubricated ribbed dildo was slipped deep into Laura and she groaned and shook her head as Helen’s fingers played a tattoo on her labia. “Now we can’t have you losing your new toy so I have brought you some assistance”.
Despite the sensations starting from between her legs and an accompanying tingle in her nipples, Laura was aware of what felt like rubber pants being pulled up her legs. It became quickly obvious that in fact a very small sized thong which needed both Helen’s hands to slide it up to her groin. Finally the thong was pulled up over Laura’s hips, and without the use of her hands Laura seriously doubted it could be removed. To ensure that could not happen Helen tied a short cord from the ring at the end of the single glove onto the buttock-crack-cleaving string of the thong. Laura thought this was the equivalent of riding a piece of cheese wire and made several noisy but incomprehensible comments about Helen, her parentage and so on. Helen ignored the grumbling and tightly fastened straps above and below Laura’s knees and around her ankles. Meanwhile the vibrator was beginning to crank up and Laura had more to concern her than the loss of the use of her legs.
Despite the titillating buzz from inside her, what happened next left Laura very puzzled. Helen got off the bed and there was a great deal of rustling, a wooden creak and then she felt her duvet being rolled around her. What was going on?
She felt the “duvet roll” being tugged down off the bed and eventually fell into what seemed to be a trench. Laura realized that Helen had emptied the linen box at the foot of her bed, and had pulled her, wrapped in the duvet into the box. She tried to wriggle but the mass of duvet stopped her making any serious impression on getting out. She felt some movement by her head and the tube from her gap was pulled and then became fixed. She heard Helen tell her that the tube was fed through some decorative pokerwork so there should be no problem with breathing. Laura agreed in her head this was a good thing as the vibrator continued to build up waves of pleasure and she anticipated an orgasm within seconds as her muscles began to clamp around the dildo.
Any second now … and then nothing! The vibrations had stopped! Laura swore and gritted her teeth. At the same time some of the linens which Helen had removed from the casket were dumped on top of the duvet and the lid securely closed. Laura resigned herself to complete immobility and a probably fruitless attempt to have an orgasm without her body reacting and tripping the shutdown switch on the dildo. This looked like it could be a long night – Maggie might not realize until tomorrow that she was trapped in here. Assuming Maggie ever returned that was.
About an hour (and approximately ten near orgasms in Laura’s terms) later, Maggie let herself in the front door. It had been a long day, and she was glad she had told Helen to come over early, meet Laura and get themselves ready for a night on the town. She was quite surprised to find the house seemingly empty, other than a frantic cat licking the pattern off an old saucer. There was not even any sign of a note from the others, which was odd. She wandered upstairs and decided she needed a shower first and foremost.
Meanwhile buried in a large volume duvet and a whole pile of cotton sheets and pillow cases Laura was struggling. Not that the struggle was observable even if the chest lid was open as her every small movement was dampened by the other contents and she could not even turn her body from the odd angle which Helen had dumped her in. No, the struggle was more internal, desperately trying to achieve the relief of a single decent orgasm before she went completely insane. Each time this terrible vibrator started to work its titillating task, she would resist reacting to the tempting vibrations until there was a sizeable ball of orgasmic fire burrowing deep within her. Then at a point when release seemed inevitable all it took was a minor spasm – a jerk of her hips or a clench of her vaginal muscles - would kill the encouragement of her artificial lover virtually stone-dead and leave her gasping in frustration through her gag. The girth of the vibrator filled her fully and she was unable to move the vibrator to better stimulate the more sensitive area around her g-spot. And the incredible tightness of the thong across her loins meant her clitoris could receive no direct stimulation, which again reduced her chances of orgasm.
Worst of all about thirty minutes ago she had got so close to orgasm that she had finally come, but in such a tiny and inconsequential manner (like a handheld firework compared to a blast furnace) that it did nothing to abate the fire within her but instead appeared to stoke her desire even more. She was half-sobbing with frustration as the vibrator started to caress her sensitive membranes once more.
Opening her bedroom door Maggie was astounded at the sight before her. Lying on her bed in a tight hogtie was Helen. She was wearing (Maggie’s) black PVC catsuit with zippable crotch, a very large ball gag that forced her jaws wide apart, and a pair of hinged handcuffs which were attached by a short chain to a spreader bar which was tightly fastened between her knees. Helen was mewing piteously and desperately trying to insert a key which was held in her left hand into a keyhole on the handcuffs. Sadly for her she had made the mistake of not testing the cuffs out before her self-bondage experiment – if she had then she would have known that the cuffs had to be reversed from their present position to enable the wearer to unlock them.
Maggie did not know whether to be angry at this intrusion into her private life and belongings, or to be delighted that her suspicions of Helen’s kinkiness were now well confirmed.
She dropped her bag and walked over to the bed. She ran her hands up and down Helen’s body, caressing the firm curve of her breasts and buttocks. Her fingers wandered across the exposed soles of Helen’s feet, causing the trapped girl to buck, writhe and snort. Maggie decided to find out what had been going on. She undid the clasp on the ball gag and helped Helen to expel the large invader from between her teeth. A considerable quantity of drool followed the ball, some running down the front of the cat-suit, the rest dripping onto the bedcovers.
“Oh Maggie, I am so sorry, I was just messing about and the cuffs got so tight and then the key wouldn’t fit and my shoulders are killing me …” blurted Helen.
“Yeah, whatever” said Maggie. “Where is Laura?”
“Ah” said Helen “She … er had to go out and see a friend, so she suggested we go clubbing without her and she will see you in the morning”
“Oh, and who has she gone to meet?”
Helen tried to think of a name that would seem plausible as she guessed Maggie would not be enthralled at Laura being locked in the linen closet with only a tormenting dildo for company. “I think she mentioned an old friend called Jake” she offered tentatively.
Maggie looked at her long and hard. Something was wrong but what? The only way Laura would willingly go to see Jake would be hand-remove his pubic hair and feed his willy to a starving animal. She decided to investigate a little further which meant distracting Helen for a while. She smiled at the bound girl who was trying hard to look innocent and worthy of release from her predicament.
“Okay, but I need a shower and to sort something out. You look happy enough as you aware Helen, but perhaps I should make you a little more comfortable?”
Helen started to say that unlocking the handcuffs was all she needed to be very comfortable but was cut off in mid-sentence as Maggie pushed the ball back into her mouth, tightened the strap around her head and pulled Helen onto her side. Maggie quickly unzipped the crotch panel and breast zips of the cat suit. She looked on the floor where someone, presumably Helen had been rifling through her playthings. A quite nasty pair of nipple clamps were spotted and quickly transferred to Helen’s exposed nipples, which brought a squeal of protest from behind the large blue ball. This was echoed when Maggie pushed a vibrating egg inside her vagina and zipped the crotch closed. “Now I think I can help you a little bit more” said Maggie as she tied a rope tautly between the centre of the knee-spreader bar and the gag strap. The effect when Maggie rolled Helen back onto her stomach was to tighten the tie and lift Helen’s breasts clear of the bed. “Just remember there is always a price to pay for comfort” said Maggie, who then walked out of the bedroom.
Her first stop was in Laura’s bedroom. All seemed quiet but Maggie was surprised that Laura’s bed was stripped. There was no sign of a note or anything to indicate where Laura had gone and Maggie was about to return and interrogate Helen again when she noticed a duvet corner sticking out of the linen box. Surely that was the duvet off Laura’s bed that morning. Going closer Maggie knelt by the box and was astonished to hear a stifled groan and moan from within. She then noticed the small plastic pipe sticking out of a hole in the end of the casket.
Throwing the lid back she started to burrow through the pillowcases and sheets until she hit something soft which recoiled from her inadvertent touch. Lifting the duvet she found herself staring into the eyes of Laura, sweat-soaked, hair plastered over her face and a wild look in her eye only slightly tempered by the pleasure of discovery.
“Are you all right?” said Maggie. Laura nodded then groaned and tried to wriggle her body. Maggie pulled up more of the duvet and spotted the end of something cylindrical inside Laura’s mini-thong which was buzzing away. She reached in between the top of Laura’s thighs and flicked the off switch. Laura relaxed and moaned happily.
Maggie quickly made her mind up that Helen needed a lesson in manners and playing safely. She looked down at Laura and said “I am really sorry you have suffered like this and I will make it up to you later, for now though it will be better if I leave you in here for a little while in order that I can sort out Helen. You don’t mind do you?”
Laura quickly realized she did not have much of a say in the matter, as changing Maggie’s mind on a course of action was usually difficult and even more so when trussed up and stuffed in a wooden box. She nodded. Maggie smiled, replaced the contents of the chest and clicked the lid shut.
She stood up, and walked back to her room. Helen remained on the bed, in some distress as the clamps were right on the ends of her nipples and the exaggerated upright stance she found herself in was tweaking her back.
Maggie pretended to be sympathetic and released her from the various ties. Peeling Helen out of the cat suit gave Maggie an opportunity to fully appreciate the firm young dancer’s body. She suggested Helen get a shower and then come tidy up the mess in the bedroom where most of Maggie’s scene clothes and toys were either on the floor or piled up.
Helen said that sounded a good idea. When she came out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, Maggie told her that when she returned she wanted to find the room spotless and a naked Helen waiting for her. As a special treat before the two of them went out she would show Helen some of her best bondage ties which she was sure that Helen would enjoy. Thinking she had got away with tormenting Laura, Helen was only too happy to go along with the suggestion.
Maggie took a quick shower and headed back to the bedroom where she found a naked Helen waiting patiently. The details of a plan had coalesced in Maggie’s mind of how to teach Helen a lesson. She selected the longest of the coils of rope hung on the back of her closet door. "I think you're ready for something a little more advanced Helen."
Helen obediently sat down in the chair but Maggie shook her head. "You'll need to be standing up for this, at least at first".
Maggie doubled the rope and found its centre. Helen stood facing her with her arms at her side and the rope was placed over her head as if she were being awarded a medal; allowing the two long ends to fall to the floor. Placing her hands on Helen’s shoulders Maggie spun her around. Reaching around Helen’s back she took one end of the rope in each hand and drew them behind Helen’s body, crossing them in the middle of her back. Helen tried to turn her head to see what was happening but Maggie spun her around once more. Again she reached around Helen’s body and brought the ends forward around her waist. Helen merely looked puzzled. “But I'm still completely free." She waved her arms.
Maggie grinned lasciviously. "Now we come to the interesting bit."
She turned Helen away from her again and reaching down pulled the ends of the rope back between her legs. She took her left hand and placed it behind her back so it rested against her left buttock, with the palm facing outwards. Taking one of the rope-ends she pulled it very tight, causing Helen to wince, and then began to wind the rope around her wrist. After several turns of Helen’s wrist the rope was knotted securely with a complicated square knot. Maggie quickly but effectively repeated the tying process for Helen’s right wrist. Helen shifted a little uncomfortably at the tightness of the binding ropes but realized that Maggie was by no means finished yet as the two ends of the rope still hung free. Helen decided to see how secure the wrist bindings were by trying to pick at one of the concluding knots with the fingers of her other hand. Maggie noticed what she was doing and smacked her backside firmly with her open palm leaving a distinct red hand-print.
“Ow, that stung” said Helen,
“It was meant to” said Maggie, turning Helen around to face her again.
"Is making me dizzy part of the challenge?" Helen asked.
"That was the last time. Now be quiet" said Maggie as she drew the ends of the rope forward. Maggie noted that she had judged the length of the rope well. About two feet extended from each of the wrist knots. Pulling the ends tight across Helen’s hips she knotted them together, using her knee to steady the first turn and prevent slack from creeping in. The wrist knots were pulled into Helen's bottom as her hands were drawn apart. Her arms, pulled straight down the length of her back could now not be moved at all. This part of the tie was completed with a series of tight knots in the centre of her abdomen.
Helen stepped over to the mirror and examined her predicament. The rope dug into the creases at the tops of her thighs as she moved, with a pulling effect on her labia. She wriggling experimentally, flexing her body, pulling and twisting her arms but the rope was snug against her along its entire length. She felt completely trapped yet very accessible and felt a blush start at her groin and spread over upper body as her libido started to crank up. She was not really surprised to see Maggie appear in the mirror behind her carrying a second length of rope.
Maggie wound the rope six times around Helen's waist and arms which were now drawn tightly against her body, the coils level with her elbows, any slack was removed and it was then knotted it securely in the middle of Helen's back. There were two eighteen inch long lengths of rope left over beyond the knot. The first one went up to the loop of the first rope behind Helen's neck. Maggie threaded it underneath this, pulled it back down and drew it tight and knotted it to the waist rope. Helen winced as felt the original rope grow taut, especially around and across her upper body.
Maggie now knelt between Helen’s legs and realigned the rope at the top of the thighs to run alongside her pouting labia. Helen said nothing but turned a darker shade of pink at this intrusion about which she could do nothing. Then the second loose end was threaded behind the rope running up to one of Helen's wrists from between her legs, across and behind its opposite number then back up to the waist rope. It was pulled very tight and knotted off. Helen felt the original rope grow very taut, particularly around her lower body. Any attempt to flex her hips caused a reaction in her pussy and she felt a wave of warmth flow around her groin. She wasn’t sure if she was imagining it but she thought her growing dampness was beginning to dribble down the inside of her thighs.
"Well that is it complete – the website where I found it called it a G-String tie. What do you think?"
Helen evaluated her predicament. Everything was now very snug indeed and the rope bondage harness was very stimulating. "Wow. How do I get out of this? There does not seem to be a weakness in the binding anywhere. What's the secret?"
"The only secret is that when tied properly, as you are, unless you cut the rope there's no way out of it. So I guess I can do what I want with you now".
Helen started at the darker and more menacing tone that Maggie had used.
“And frankly Helen, given the liberties you have taken with Laura today I think it is about time for some payback! “Oh no, you don’t …” said Maggie as Helen attempted to skitter out of reach. Maggie grabbed her arms and pushed her to the ground. Lying face down with Maggie astride her bottom Helen could barely wriggle and had no chance of escape. Grabbing a couple of rope lengths off the bedroom floor Maggie quickly but securely frog-tied Helen and then spun round on her comfortable human stool and grabbed some of Helen’s hair.
“Ow, that hurts” cried Helen.
“Well do not fight it then. I am merely going to comb and plait this unruly mess into a long pigtail and it will be a lot easier on you if you stay still”
Muttering various imprecations under her breath Helen lay still while Maggie plaited her long black hair – when complete this styling also included a thin length of cord woven into the pigtail and extending about two feet from beyond the end of it. Satisfied with the situation Maggie stood up and hauled Helen upright. Because of the frog-tie ropes she had to help her waddle over to the bedroom door.
“What are you going to do to me?” asked Helen, not really wanting to know the answer.
“Well first of all I think you ought to have some time to consider your actions, somewhere where you will not be disturbed for a while. And I know the perfect spot – Laura’s walk in closet.”
The pair made an oddly appealing sight as they passed along the landing and into Laura’s room. Maggie kept Helen moving forward, the effort of which was leaving Helen not only breathless from the effort but also somewhat aroused from the ropes between her legs which caressed her every movement as her trussed legs swung from side to side.
Once into the bedroom Maggie opened the closet door and backed her inside and onto the side wall, below a sturdy clothes rail. She briefly let Helen slump against the wall then grabbed the free end of the cord tied into her hair. Pulling it upwards caused Helen to start squealing, which Maggie ignored while quickly tying the cord to the clothes rail. Helen was forced to stand upright on the flat of her feet, her bound hands waggling in the air behind her. Maggie stepped back into the bedroom and returned with a harness gag attached to a small pump ball. “I think before we go any further I ought to save the neighbours from your noise, so open up please” said Maggie.
Helen glared at her without opening her mouth. Maggie sighed and grasped Helen’s nose tightly. Within a minute or so the recalcitrant mouth was opening to breathe and Maggie slipped a small penis shaped gag between her lips, carefully avoiding any opportunity for Helen to bite a finger. The harness was quickly fastened around the subdued Helen’s head and once in place was tightened buckle by buckle until the straps were indented in Helen’s face. Maggie grinned at Helen and started to squeeze the pump ball. Helen’s eyes widened as the rubber penis expanded to fill her mouth as a thick rubber ovoid. This was followed by some squeaking noises and anguished eye-rolling – at which point Maggie gave three additional hard squeezes to the ball, then detached the apparatus from the harness. She leaned forward and pinched Helen’s nipples hard. Minimal sound made it out into the room from behind the mouth-filling gag.
“Good” said Maggie “now there are just two things I need to do”.
Standing up she grasped the hair rope and untied it from the rail. As Helen started to slump, Maggie pulled it upward several inches until Helen was forced onto the ball of her feet and was starting to make panting noises down her nose. Fastening the rope off on the rail securely with a double knot, Maggie squatted down in front of Helen and noted that her eyes were glistening.
“Perhaps you should have thought about the consequences when you were tormenting Laura earlier. Now in order for the punishment to match the crime perfectly I think you really ought to spend some time with the twin of my new friend who you so casually introduced to Laura, not least as this will give me a chance to see how long it will run in maximum torment mode on a fresh set of batteries.” Helen’s eyes opened wide as Maggie reached behind the closet door and picked up a familiar ribbed vibrator with metallic sensors along its ten inch length.
“Looks like you are already pretty wet down there so let’s … well let’s plug and play”.
Maggie slipped the vibrator into Helen’s slit and flicked the end switch to on. As it would take a few minutes to set itself up to play with its new victim, Maggie improvised a crotch rope from an old silk scarf lying on the closet floor, tying it tightly to the rope fore and aft of Helen to make sure the vibrator did not move during set-up or playtime.
Helen had begun groaning within seconds as the vibrator shocked, wriggled and vibrated into her vagina, all the time recording her physical reaction so as to anticipate an oncoming climax. Already Helen was beginning to understand the predicament she would need to navigate between hanging by her hair and the tiredness she was already feeling in her calves as she balanced on the balls of her feet.
Maggie leaned forward again, kissed Helen on the forehead and said “good night” as she closed the closet door. As she did so, a series of groans were terminated in an exasperated snort as the dildo continued its repeating process of torment and denial. The closed door silenced the steady stream of whimpering. Maggie crossed the room to the linen chest.
She quickly opened the chest, removed the linens and lifted Laura out to place her on the bed. Quickly but carefully she removed the straps, single glove and gag which had pinioned Laura for quite some time. It took both of them to remove the thong which had cut into the skin above Laura’s hips. Maggie half-carried her into the other room as her legs and arms were not much help.
Once they were out of earshot of Helen in the closet Maggie hugged Laura and apologized again for what had gone on.
Laura looked at her and a smile started to creep across her face. “Do you think it is too late in the day for us to call Mr. Tompkins to see if Goldie and her cage are available this weekend? I have a feeling that Goldie could get to quite like Helen, and it would be nice to have a pet around for a few days. Mind you I think this evening perhaps we should see how she likes our barrel conversion? Bags I get first go with the goose feathers!”
Maggie grinned back at her and kissed her tenderly on the lips. She could see that their girl’s night out clubbing in town would have to wait – a few hours of Laura’s sexual inventiveness sounded like a lot more fun. Well maybe not for Helen …