Celia stared across the conference room table at her counterpart, Burk. As usual, he was studiously ignoring her while the meeting continued unabated into it’s third hour.
While many would assume he had no interest, Celia knew otherwise. She knew that his studied detachment was a conscious effort to avoid being driven to distraction by her during this meeting, a distraction that Celia was already managing to accomplish simply by gazing every so often in his direction.
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She noticed his breathing becoming more shallow, as he forced himself not to return her look. She noticed him fidgeting every so often, ostensibly to be more comfortable in the leather chair he had been confined to for hours now. She noticed him scribbling nonsense doodles as he tried to think of something else besides the beautiful blonde woman sitting across the table from him.
Celia loved it.
She and Burk had a mutual secret, one that would scandalize the firm if it became common knowledge, and so they had remained most discreet in their personal trysts.
The firm they both worked for was an interior design company. Basically, the most wealthy would contract for their services to decorate the vast mansions that the top 1% of the very wealthy built as a refuge from the drudgery of making millions of dollars a day at whatever company they owned.
Almost a year earlier, both Celia and Burk had been working on the same mansion, when they found themselves in the basement together. With no one else in the house, they’d taken to joking around, and unlike the usual stiff office coworker relations that were the norm while in the office, they’d had drinks at lunch and were joking around a bit while finishing up the final touches for the house that afternoon.
As Celia got to know Burk a little better outside of the office environment, she found herself becoming more and more attracted to him. The drinks helped reduce her inhibitions, and soon she found herself flirting shamelessly with him as they finished the day’s tasks.
The client had been quite circumspect about exactly what he’d intended to use the basement for, and there’d been a mix-up in delivery dates for certain decorative items.
Well, at least they thought they were decorative items when they showed up to inspect the newly arrived merchandise. Their surprise had been genuine when they realized that the work crew just leaving as they were arriving, had installed a fully operational dungeon in the basement!
One thing led to another, and soon both were cracking jokes and horsing around with the new installations. Cell phone cameras clicked on heads jokingly poking through stocks, or exaggerated displays of false panic at being locked into a suspended cage.
All in all, they were having a wonderful time.
Then Celia, in a most uncharacteristic move, had backed up to a column in the center of the room and slipped her wrists through manacles chained over her head. She knew there were keys to everything on a ring on the opposite wall, and nervously biting her lip at how her co-worker would react, she “inadvertently” clicked both manacles shut and locked.
Feigning surprise, she looked at Burk with large blue eyes as she finally realized she needed to say something to either give Burk a more blatant hint - or to laugh it off and get him to release her.
However, no words were needed as Burk stopped in mid-laugh, staring at her. He was really, really….really…staring at her. Starting at her face, his gaze traveled down her stretched body.
Her thin white cotton blouse, tucked into her pencil skirt, was pulled tightly across her flat stomach and bulging breasts. Breasts now heaving from her own heavy breathing. In her excited, and somewhat slightly inebriated state, Celia was utterly embarrassed to realize her swollen nipples were plainly evident as they created small identical conical shapes at the apex of each breast, protruding so obviously that she swore later that she could actually see the slightly darkened circle of her areoles through the thin fabric.
Her skirt, snugly form fitting and designed to ride naturally high on the waist, pulled upwards even further, exposing a generous amount of thigh. Her legs accentuated by the high heels Celia habitually wore.
She knew she looked good, and she knew this was a most provocative position to place herself in - she just wasn’t sure how her coworker would react.
“Ah, do you mind. I didn’t realize they would lock so easily like this….” She let her voice trail off, trying very hard to keep her tone neutral, and hoping Burk would respond as anything but a gentleman, all the while staring him straight in the eye with the most inviting look she could manage without being even more blatant and screaming “Fuck me already!”.
She wasn’t disappointed.
Wordlessly, instead of retrieving the keys, he was in front of her in seconds, his arms around her, kissing her full and deep as both of Celia’s legs rose up on either side to wrap around his waist and draw him in even closer, her own weight supported only by the manacles around her wrists.
Her skirt was forced up to her waist, and her thong panty was ripped to shreds by Burks efforts to remove it, pulling uncomfortably into her cunt as he pulled and twisted at it. Somehow, such discomfort only made it better for her as she felt the fabric slide into the folds of her outer labia before being pulled away roughly.
When Burk did enter her, it was in one swift motion, causing Celia a sharp intake of breath at the suddenness of it, and then Burk was thrusting on long slow forceful rhythmic motions. Celia, conscious on one level of the pain in her wrists, her fists squeezed into tight white knuckled fists, nevertheless found herself ignoring the pain and discomfort as she thrust her own pelvis out to greet him with each motion, moans of ecstacy rising hoarsely up from her throat. She gripped as tightly as she could with his every withdrawal, then relaxed with his every plunge, until she felt him increasing his tempo.
Faster and faster he thrust, and Celia met him movement for movement, until both were screaming out in release and Burk leaned tiredly into her hanging body.
“Damn, I didn’t even get you undressed first.”, he grinned at her.
“That’s ok, you can take care of that for round two.”, she demurred back to him.
Though the owner didn‘t realize it, three things happened that afternoon. His dungeon was thoroughly “broken in” by the two miscreant coworkers, Celia realized it would take days for the inadvertent bruising on her wrists to fade, and both Celia and Burk would discover a common love for bondage games.
Ever mindful of their coworkers and company policy, however, they’d both kept their relationship a secret out of fear that it would be forced to end. Being coworkers themselves, however, it proved easy enough to always be on the same teams, working with the same clients, and finding ample time in the vast mansions they decorated to repeat their original rendezvous - although never again with the type of dungeon gear they’d had access to that first time.
As such, they’d had to become more resourceful, purchasing their own gear, but always small enough that it could be carried unobtrusively in a gym bag. Had their clients realized their very expensive silk sheets were already being sweated over by one very horny and bound blonde woman, with a very horny and motivated male coworker - before they ever moved in, their firm would have been destroyed.
And so it went for most of the previous year, until a rather unusual home came up for decoration. It was in the process of being built, leaving them lots of time to plan ahead for their “inspection day”, and Celia’s imagination took a real flight of fancy at an idea that just popped into her head one day and wouldn’t go away.
She discussed her plans with Burk, only to have him express his usual initial concern. Burk was always the more safety conscious of the two, and since he could be counted on to reign in her impulses, Celia felt no qualms at voicing some rather outrageous ideas sometimes in the firm belief that he would keep her from going too far.
Burk, for his part, was becoming nervous that Celia was getting bored with him. His nervousness led him to acquiesce to her idea without much grumbling, surprising Celia as even she thought it might be just a little bit over the top herself.
The mansion was for a bachelor and restaurateur who’d made a fortune. His home was decadently decorated with all manner of what a bachelor without any real taste thought was attractive. Nude representations of Greek goddesses lined the corridors, and nude paintings hung in every bedroom. The showers were all built for multiple occupants at the same time.
As part of his mansion, he’d insisted on a huge curving salt water aquarium. It made three gentle curves as it crossed the main room of the house, and was easily 20 feet wide, 15 feet deep, and some 75 feet long. The tank was built in three sections, with three foot diameter portals between the three tank sections.
While the tanks themselves were 15 feet deep, the glass actually only went up some 14 feet, the remainder being hidden for an indirect lighting effect from above, and the water surface could even be observed from below. Additionally, the aquarium was designed such that it could be viewed straight through, from either side.
As Celia had seen the installation proceed, she’d had to contract the services of a pet store that could provide sufficient fish, coral, and plants to populate the aquarium. Eventually, floods of correspondence poured back and forth as minute details of what was to be provided were sent back and forth between client, firm, and aquarium supplier. It was incredibly boring, and Celia took to just passing the information back and forth mindlessly. What did it matter really, they were all just fish, right? The amount of detail involved was truly mind numbing.
Still, Celia put on her best demeanor, and even smiled at the customer’s flirtations, as well as his subtle - as well as not so subtle - advances, and with a batting of her eyes she promised him something special for his new home. She assured him the aquarium would be fully stocked and provided for such that it would be the center of his - or any guests -attention when she was done with it.
As her work progressed, her imagination bloomed from her boredom. From those initial musings, she’d worked up a plan to give Burk a really good show.
Upon gaining his agreement to help her - for which she really was silently surprised by his quick acceptance - she had begun to research a custom rubberiest who could make the particular item she wanted.
After a series of email exchanges, measurements - and a substantial down payment - the clothing designer got to work. Added complications were the fact that the clothing designer was located in Europe, and Celia was located in North America, and that there was a language barrier so communication was difficult as well. In addition, the measurements had to be metric to satisfy the clothing designer, and Celia had to remember her old high school metric classes to remember how to convert inches to centimeters.
Eventually, the garment was completed only a week before the final “inspection” she and Burk planned to have of the home. The date she selected was a day before the owner planned to return from a trip out of the country, so she knew she’d have plenty of time to enjoy herself, as well as give Burk a good time for humoring her. The client had been quite specific in telling her exactly what time he would arrive back home, obviously hoping she would accept his inferred invitation to visit. Celia had no such plans of course, as she planned to spend the remainder of the weekend fully nude, collared, and living in a pet kennel in Burk’s garage as his “pet”.
All of which brought Celia’s thoughts back to the present. The meeting manager droned on in company-speak, boring the hell out of everyone involved, and at that moment stopped and looked straight at Celia.
“Oh, by the way Celia, do you have those spec’s for Burk for the new house? The owner wants “Mediterranean/oriental”, whatever the hell that is.”
Roused from her thoughts now, Celia took only a split second to focus. “Of course. Here they are, Burk.”
She slid the large manila envelop across the table to Burk, who eyed the heavy thick package suspiciously. He knew his coworker well, and was not about to open the package right now. There was no telling what was inside!
Celia, smiling innocently, leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. Burk, in that instant, had an idea of what was waiting for him that evening.
Giving the meeting a few more minutes to run, in order to clearly show that they had moved on to another subject that didn’t require her participation, Celia stood and quietly excused herself from the meeting when the manager was turned away again to his dry erase board, droning on into excruciating detail about some completely inconsequential minutia of his presentation. Leaving by the door, she looked back just in time to see Burk fidgeting again, glancing at her ass.
Smiling serenely, she clacked down the corridor in her stilettos, every inch the business woman again, and returned to her cubicle. Shutting off her computer, she gathered her things and quietly slipped out.
Burk stared at the manila envelop, wondering what Celia was up to now. He knew what she had planned for the evening, and knew he was her safety net, but he also knew she loved tormenting him with her teasing.
But then again, with a woman that looked as good as Celia did, and who shared his own dark secret of bondage, he was willing to put up with a lot of teasing for the sex alone!
The manager droned on longer and longer, and Burk wondered if he would continue until closing time.
Celia arrived at the mansion, still dressed in her business attire. She was so horny by the time she arrived, she actually had a wet spot on the back of her skirt! Fortunately, it was a gray plaid material, so it should go unnoticed. Gathering the box from the back of her SUV, she let herself into the mansion with the office key and proceeded to the main room.
Pausing, she pulled a comfortable leather chair over to the center of the room, in a perfect position to look at the central portion of the huge aquarium, and pulled out a battery powered digital clock with an oversized face. Setting this on the floor in front of the chair, she glanced at the brightly colored fish on the other side of the glass and smiled, but didn‘t take time to really look closely, as she would get a much closer look shortly. She then left the box and crossed the room to the stairs curving up out of sight.
Arriving at the floor above, she opened a door on the end, and stood in the doorway looking out on a small grated landing at the top of the aquarium. The water was a good eighteen inches below the landing, and looking down through the metal grate she could see the bluish green water rippling about.
She would definitely need help to get out.
She then propped the door open, turned on the manual override for the timed overhead lights of the aquarium, and returned downstairs to the box.
Sitting on the edge of the leather seat, she slipped her stilettos off and stood once more. Unzipping her skirt from behind, she slid it down her long legs and carefully laid it on the arm of the chair. Next, she unbuttoned her blouse and likewise folded it neatly, and laid it over the skirt.
Her reflection in the aquarium glass, if she had not been in such a hurry, was that of a rather tall, blonde, blue eyed woman, with generous D-cup breasts, ample hips and long legs, dressed in a bra, garter belt, and stockings, but nothing else.
Her buttocks were firm and tight, as was her stomach, and her breasts were full and natural.
Her pubic area was completely shaven, and she had an almost eerie glow in the low lighting as she had made it a point to not tan at all for the past month. She really wanted to stand out when she was in the water.
Her blonde hair was an almost platinum color, and large gold hoop earrings swung about from her ear lobes.
Burk felt his eyes drooping from boredom. The manager seemed to be catching a second wind now, and Burk observed his coworkers glancing pointedly at their watches, or making exaggerated gestures of stretching their aching limbs.
The manager, however, seemed completely oblivious, continuing with his business-speak presentation that used so many buzz words he was borderline incomprehensible at this point.
Burk, however, was beginning to sweat a bit, knowing that Celia was counting on him to be at the mansion within the hour.
Celia had finished undressing, and now stood totally nude in the large home. Again sitting on the edge of the chair, feeling her firm ass sink into the cool leather cushion, she withdrew the first rubber garment from the box and carefully slid her feet into it.
There were written directions with the garment, but they were written in French, and Celia didn’t know how to speak that language. Besides, she rationalized, how difficult could it be to get dressed in this thing? As such, she simply tossed the instructions back into the box and forgot about them.
She had not had a chance to really test it before, other than to try it on, but was confident in her ability to swim while wearing it as she had found a much simpler and cheaper version of what she now wore at a local costume shop. A midnight dip in her condo’s swimming pool had sufficed to give her confidence enough that she could indeed swim with the far more expensive version she now was slipping into, though she would be forced to do so in a rather unorthodox fashion.
The cheap version, of course, had disintegrated after the first swim, as it really had not been designed for actually getting wet. But Celia hadn’t worried too much - she had learned what she needed to.
Burk was getting very nervous now.
The manager showed no signs of even slowing down, and his coworkers seemed resigned to pulling an all-nighter to get through the remainder of the meeting.
Burk, of course, had other responsibilities, but couldn’t state clearly what he had to do. He needed an alternative excuse, and began to think frantically of something to say to get out of the meeting.
He was feeling almost like a trapped animal who couldn’t escape, and understood how some animals would actually chew their legs off to escape a steel trap.
He felt almost like chewing his own leg off to get out of this meeting, come to think of it.
Celia, her feet now firmly placed in a point in the center of the fin, and locked in by the sheer tightness of the garment, began to roll the rubber material up her legs. As she did so, her ankles were forced together, then her calves.
The material, dark green with scintillating sparkles somehow embedded into the material, shimmered from false scales that flashed iridescent in the low light of the mansion. The material, starting a deep dark green at the large fluked tail, gradually grew lighter in shade the farther up her legs she pulled the material. By the time she had it midway up her thighs, it was almost translucent, and the scales were miniscule.
At this point, Celia pulled out a tube of personal lubricant from the box and carefully spread out the rubbery panty like portion that was fashioned into the garment. She had instructed the clothing designer to install protrusions at certain locations, that would work at her cunt and ass as she swam.
After many email exchanges, and some additional really truly embarrassing measurements, the clothing designer had seemed to understand what she wanted and proceeded accordingly. He’d even asked if she wanted it to vibrate, but Celia had responded by insisting she wanted it to operate “naturally”.
Celia now examined the small mini-plugs more closely, noticing a small dimple like hole in the center of each. The plugs themselves seemed to be firm, but covered in an almost jelly like rubbery material that squished about as she lathered on the lubricant.
Closing the tube and setting it aside, Celia worked the last of the garment up over her thighs and hips, carefully spreading her labia and setting the nubs at the entrance of her cunt and ass, before pulling the remainder up to within the last few inches of material. It took a lot of effort, as she had to force her thighs apart to work the plugs in, and the material really didn’t give hardly at all, but it was well worth it in the end.
As she pulled it up tighter, the built in panties pulled the plugs into her body orifices, and Celia found herself moments later rubbing at her clit, her hand slid between the ultra tight garment and her shaven mound. She was on the verge of an orgasm already, when she forced herself to stop.
She really had to get on with it if she was to be ready before Burk arrived.
Reaching back into the box, she next pulled out a small can of spray on adhesive she‘d swiped from the art department. She didn’t want to lose her costume inadvertently, and after it was over she could easily peel it off regardless. But in the meantime, it would remain quite secure, even if it would sting like hell to get it off later.
Rolling the last of the garment up over her waist, she smoothed out all remaining wrinkles and finally gazed at her brand new tail.
She made quite the mermaid!
She also noticed the little nubs were already at work, arousing her cunt and worrying her ass.
Brad was almost frantic now.
It was easily an hour past normal office hours, and the manager seemed intent on explaining the history behind a particular device, going all the way back to the Renaissance!
The guy just would not shut up! Didn’t he have a life to get back to?
Celia pulled a pair of rubbery gloves from the box, and applied the spray on adhesive once more to her hands. The gloves were fingerless, and went to her elbows.
Next, she eased herself down onto the hardwood floor and lay flat on her back. Her breasts rolled to each side, enticingly pointed and aroused. Celia pulled and tugged at her nipples, glorying in the feel of the rubber gloves over her breasts as she squeezed awkwardly with closed fingers, then began to rub at the front of her fish tail portion, exciting her already aroused clit.
Finally, taking a deep breath of determination and ignoring her most urgent needs a little longer, Celia reached once more into the box and withdrew a small plastic packet of industrial grade adhesive.
This stuff really would stick!
Pinching off the end with her teeth, she awkwardly applied a small amount to the palm of each glove, then tossed the remainder back into the box.
Laying flat once more, Celia carefully placed her gloved hands on her thighs, palm down, and slowly counted to thirty. As she counted, she noticed the palms of her hands getting hotter and hotter, almost uncomfortably so, before it began to cool down. Once she was done, she tried to move her hands and found it impossible. It had already set.
Flexing her body experimentally, Celia found that the plugs worked their way about exactly as she’d hoped they would. Already she could feel her juices flowing as her stretched labia were stroked by the plug at her cunt, and her ass tingled at the constant rubbing by the other plug.
The only thing missing was clitoral stimulation - but Celia was hoping to have Burk take care of that when he “rescued” her. She figured that the orgasm she would experience then would definitely be one to remember!
Grinning devilishly at her own success, Celia then rolled over onto her side and began her long arduous journey towards the aquarium entrance upstairs.
Brad finally had enough.
If he stayed any longer, it could be really dangerous for Celia. If he left, he could be endangering his career.
Deciding Celia’s life was more important than career, he finally stood.
“Well, if I’m going to go over this material tonight, I’d better get home now. I think you’ve covered everything I need to know. Nice presentation Paul.”
The manager looked over his glasses at Burk with a bit of surprise, then glanced at the rest of the table and noticed the half-asleep staff.
“Oh, of course. I guess I got carried a way a little bit. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Paul turned his balding head away then, to gather his final thoughts and sum up the meeting over the course of the next hour.
However, his staff had different ideas, and immediately pounced on the opening Burk had given them to escape their torment as they all rose, almost as one, to gather their things to leave right behind him.
Celia had made it to the stairs. It had been exhausting, and the constant rubbing and nudging of her built in plugs had been most distracting, but once she realized she could roll she had made pretty good time - even if her large breasts had continued to alternate between swaying about over her torso, or getting crushed beneath her, either way they had constantly been in the way.
The plugs, on the other hand, had worked far better than she had anticipated - even without the vibrating feature suggested by the garment’s creator. She’d already found herself on the verge of orgasm several times just in the process of crossing the floor! But she’d been good, and had stopped herself in time before she came. She really wanted to delay her final pleasure as long as possible today.
Now she stared up at the flight of stairs, wondering if she would actually make it up before Burk arrived.
Working her way onto the first step, she managed an almost sitting position with her back to the second step, that allowed her to use her elbows now to steady herself. This was the first time she’d actually bent at the waist, and she felt the plugs rubbing at her neither orifices more strongly now, and luxuriated in the sensations it was creating in her body. She couldn’t help it, and managed to work her ass cheeks forward and backward on the step for a few minutes, causing the plugs to work back and forth in turn and exciting her cunt to new heights.
As she managed a more vertical sitting position on the bottom step, in order to try to work the plugs a bit more energetically, the plug at her ass forced it’s way past her sphincter in one sudden thrust. This had not been planned really, and Celia was surprised - painfully so - at the girth the designer had used for that particular plug as she screamed a small cry of shock as she felt her sphincter stretched beyond her anticipations!
She’d never allowed Burk to take her anally, and was surprised at the feelings flowing up from that part of her anatomy now that the initial shock and pain had passed. In the future, she’d have to possibly reconsider that particular aspect of her relationship with Burk!
Shaking her long blonde hair out of her eyes now, she proceeded to work her way up the stairs, one painful step at a time. She would hook one or both elbows on the next step up, then kick with her encased feet inside of the false tail against the lower step, causing her body to reverse arch with each painful step up the staircase, her breasts again making their presence known as they rolled about enough to almost knock her off balance as she thrust her pelvis into the air.
With each thrust of course, she felt the plugs work their way more securely into her now well lubricated body openings.
Occasionally, she would slide down a step or two, and panic would race through her as she feared she would tumble all the way down the stairs without pause, but eventually she made it to the top landing and lay still catching her breath.
This had been harder than she thought it would be! Of course, it also had been more pleasurable as well!
Burk accepted the heartfelt thanks of his coworkers for rescuing them from the meeting, even as he rushed to his cubicle to retrieve his briefcase. Pausing only long enough to check quickly what was in the manila envelope, he had quickly turned his back to his coworkers to hide his discovery.
He’d found Celia’s thong.
He had to make a conscious effort not to get a hard on immediately.
Pulling the garment from the envelope, he allowed the silk to play through his fingers a moment, catching a brief hint of Celia’s aroma and perfume before balling it up into his fist. Since it was little more than three threads and a silk triangular patch, it disappeared completely just as his coworkers began to rush past to leave.
Rushing himself just as fast as he could, he left the office and literally ran across the parking deck to his own SUV, jumped in, tossed Celia’s thong into the passenger seat, started the vehicle, and was revving out of the parking deck even as the manager was finally leaving the conference room to find a completely empty office, devoid of staff.
Celia rolled her way over to the aquarium entrance now. Positioning herself on the edge of the door, she looked at the harsh metal grating and gritted her teeth.
The door was only three feet wide, and so she couldn’t roll through. She would have to somehow crawl her way inside, and that meant she would have to be grinding her own breasts into the metal grating of the landing.
She wasn’t looking forward to this part of the adventure.
Forcing her knees to bend within the extremely tight mermaid tail, she scrunched forward a bit, then slid over the threshold onto the landing and cried out in pain as the tender flesh of her breasts scraped across the grating.
Rolling onto her side against the door frame, half in and half out of the doorway, and suffering the continued pressing of the grate against her shoulder and arm, Celia paused to collect her nerve before continuing. Looking down, she noticed a very slight trickle of blood on the outside curvature of her right breast and sighed.
“Well, it’s not that bad, it will heal ok. Just have to be careful not to do THAT again!” she said to herself.
Celia then used her elbows and the tail of the mermaid outfit to push herself further onto the landing. A few more minutes of careful positioning, a few more painful scrapes on the grating, and she was laying on her left side at the very edge of the platform, the grating pressing painfully into her arms, and even inflicting pain through the tight latex mermaid outfit. Her left breast rested on the grating in front of her, her right breast rested on top of the other. Both heaved with every gasp.
Taking a deep breath, she looked out over the water once more.
Burk should be here any minute, and she wanted to greet him from under water. She couldn’t wait here until he arrived, as she couldn’t see if he was present or not, except by either going back out onto the landing, or looking out through the glass of the aquarium walls. Once in the water, even at the platform, he would be able to see her from outside of the aquarium.
After Burk “rescued” her, she intended to go home with him as his prize. As such, in the back of his SUV, there was a large wire pet kennel she was to spend the weekend sleeping in - at least when she wasn’t servicing her master.
She was also to ride home in it, completely naked, under a canvas tarp. Her own collar awaited her downstairs in the box, with the name “Cunt” on a silver name tag dangling from the metal loop on the front.
She so looked forward to it!
Burk was gunning it across town. He’d already blown several stop lights, but he was running very late. Celia might even now be in the aquarium, and he was still miles away.
He had become quite panicked at the thought of finding Celia already in the tank, drowned.
Celia took a deep breath. She knew from her previous experiments that she would go deep underwater before rising again, and she needed the air.
She was acutely aware of her senses then. The smell of the salty water below her, the accompanying smell of the rubber and latex garment she was wearing, the smell of her own perfume, even the smell of the hairspray she’d used that morning when she dressed for work.
She was also acutely aware of how painful the grate was, and all the while the tingling sensations developing in her groin with each heaving breath she took.
Hyperventilating just a bit more, she finally held the last breath and rolled over into the water with a huge splash that coated the walls and landing in salty aquarium water.
Billy Bob downshifted the pickup truck as he approached the stop light. Just as he was about to apply the breaks, the light turned green, so he shifted again and gunned it.
Burk never saw Billy Bob, as his SUV crossed against the red light, tires squealing as he cut a sharp left turn through the intersection.
Billy Bob cursed heartily at the crazy driver, screeching to a halt as he stood on the brakes and waved hand gestures through the driver’s side window.
He had a good look at the accident as the freight truck the next lane over plowed into the driver’s side door of Burk‘s SUV, crushing in on Burk even as his last conscious thought was of Celia being unable to get out of the aquarium without his help, and perhaps even now in danger of drowning.
Celia suppressed her panic as she hit the water. Her impact on the water’s surface stung sharply, then was immediately forgotten as the initial cold shock hit her. As with a swimming pool, the water felt extremely chilly at first, but she knew she would get used to it quickly enough. After all, the owner had fish to keep alive and they didn’t like cold water.
They liked balmy reefs.
She felt her hip and thigh bump into some obstruction on the way down that abbreviated her descent, it was probably part of the coral reef display, and then she was rising again.
Heaving up out of the water so far that her breasts were bouncing about in the surface ripples, Celia gasped for a fresh lung full of air through the soaked mat of hair that covered her face, just before she sank below the surface again.
This time, she was more in control.
Feeling herself slowing in descent, she looked around to see herself in a miniature version of a coral reef. Vibrant blue, red, green, and yellow fish darted around frantically, panicked at the sudden intrusion of this strange pseudo-mermaid.
Celia gave her tail a few experimental kicks and was delighted to find herself plowing through the water effortlessly now, just under the surface, her large breasts swaying about below her body with every thrust.
The mansion’s owner had been specific, in that he wanted each of the three aquarium sections set up to show a reef, with a shipwreck in the center section.
Celia now swam about the reef, diving down, looking wondrously at the detail put into the display, noticing the shells, the burnt orange colored coral contrasting with the lighter yellowish colored coral, the swaying fronds of living creatures such as sea anemones, even the occasional starfish, and was quite happy with her accomplishment now.
With every kick and bend of her legs, she felt the plugs working their magic at her aroused sex and ass. Combined with the forced holding of her breath, she couldn’t help it and almost drowned as her first orgasm erupted through her body despite her best efforts to hold it at bay.
Kicking upwards to the surface again, she splashed about gasping for air again before plunging back down to explore some more, her concealed companions continuing to worry away at her cunt and ass the entire time.
With a suppressed sense of satisfaction, she planned to explore the entire aquarium this way!
But once more, more urgent things first - air!
Giving a powerful kick, she rose upwards again some ten feet, surfacing with a splash, and gasping for air again before she plummeted right back below the surface.
Celia accidentally breathed in salt water before she managed to propel herself again above the surface and take a deep breath before sliding back below the water.
Kicking again, she managed to sputter a bit before attaining more air in her burning lungs, even as she felt the tingling of yet a second orgasm approaching.
Celia found the combination of danger and arousal most exhilarating, even if she was gagging when she surfaced.
The ambulance arrived moments after the wreck, blue smoke still arising from the hood of the SUV as oil, anti-freeze, and transmission fluid leaked out onto the pavement. The fire department showed up moments later, but would take over an hour to extricate Burk from his mangled vehicle.
He was completely delirious and babbling, and slipped in and out of consciousness until the medics decided to give him a mild sedative to kill both pain and consciousness.
Celia swam about, cavorting with the sea turtle that somehow had quite illegally made it into the aquarium. By now, she’d figured out she could go to the surface regularly and just float on her back to rest a bit and get plenty of air. Then she noticed the gate at the far end of the first aquarium chamber.
Deciding she’d spent enough time in this portion of the aquarium, she swam under the surface, then dived, her horizontal tail giving a splash at the surface resembling that of a whale, as she propelled herself downward to the bottom.
The opening was closed off by a steel gate. The gate wasn’t really locked, so much as it just had magnetic contacts instead of a real lock that kept the gate closed. Celia, on her third try, managed to force it open with her shoulder and slip through.
“What do we have here, nurse?” the doctor asked as the hospital gurney rolled through the emergency room doors.
“Car crash. Seems he blew a red light and was turned into a hood ornament.”, the nurse responded as she applied more pressure to a lower abdomen wound that refused to stop bleeding as the gurney left a trail of blood on the floor as it was rolled down the hallway.
“Well, that sucks for him. How bad is it?”
“The EMT’s feel he has massive internal injuries, but we won’t know for sure until we get him into the MRI unit.” The nurse was now packing more compress material into the open wound. “He obviously has open surface wounds.”
“No time for the MRI, we need to stop the bleeding before we do anything else. Get him to OR one, I’ll be right behind you.” the calm, seemingly unconcerned doctor said.
“Oh, by the way, we may need to get someone from animal rescue over to his home address.” The nurse acted as if being bathed in a stranger’s blood was an everyday occurrence for her.
“Why’s that?” Again, the doctor seemed as if he could have been discussing the weather for all the concern he displayed.
“He kept muttering about his “pet” in the ambulance, at least until they got tired of hearing it and knocked him out.” The nurse found another gauze from somewhere and shoved it into the massive red pond she was working on. “He also had a pet kennel in the back of his vehicle.”
“Oh, well that can wait till tomorrow I’m sure. We’d best get this guy into the OR and see if we can save his life first. What‘s a little wet spot on the carpet compared to his life?”
Celia swam through the opening, looking out over the devastation of a false ship wreck. Timbers poked up here, an anchor poked up there, a cannon lay on the other side of the tank, and a chest of treasure spilled out onto the sandy bottom. Given the wealth of the client, it wouldn’t have surprised her in the least to discover the treasure was real gold.She’d seen it being placed when the crews had installed the tank, but this was the first time she’d seen it from the inside herself - and it was certainly the first time anyone had seen it from inside the tank under these circumstances!
Looping about, she thrust with her finned tail again, and noticed that the plugs seemed to be getting larger - which of course was impossible!
But it wasn’t impossible.
The language gap between Celia and the rubber clothing designer had resulted in a most devastating misunderstanding.
When Celia had insisted that the plugs act “naturally”, the designer had taken that as a challenge, and responded accordingly. The result was a truly diabolical design.
The plugs were not simply short protrusions. They were hollow with a latex tube fitted over them, and inside the hollow center the collapsed hollow rubber “finger” was packed. The tail portion itself was designed with an integral pump action feature that would inflate this “finger” with water.
Every time Celia bent her legs, it drew sea water in through minute pores hidden under the fish scales behind her knees. Every time she straightened her legs to kick, this sea water was then forced up through small tubes hidden under the surface of the scaly skin, and filled a reservoir between Celia’s thighs, just underneath the plug locations.
As pressure in the reservoir built up, the “fingers” would begin to roll themselves out - much as if one reversed the fingers of a latex glove, then blew air into the open wrist portion of the glove, forcing the fingers to distend outward. The influx of sea water caused the same effect, and even now both “fingers” were extending deeper and deeper into Celia’s body cavities.
The designer’s maliciousness went even further, in that the “fingers” were not the same diameter all the way to the end of their length. At the end of each, the material expanded into a large bulb shape, and the only thing restricting it’s final diameter was whatever it was inside of at the time.
In Celia’s case, that meant her vagina, and lower colon.
Celia, unfortunately, was completely oblivious to this design feature, and didn’t realize that every kick and thrust was going to ultimately add to her discomfort level - at least after an initial pleasurable experience, anyway.
Had she read the instructions, or at least had taken the time to try to figure them out, she’d have realized that there were two small bulges on the very back edge of the tail, at the waist line, that when pressed would relieve the built up pressure allowing the “fingers” to deflate.
Even with her hands bound to her sides, she could probably have figured out a way to apply pressure to the bulges.
Paperwork, however, had never been Celia’s strong point, and thus she continued to swim about with the nagging feeling that something was happening at her nether regions, but still unsure what it was.
“Well nurse, let’s get him into the IC. He’s lost a lot of blood and he’s not out of the woods yet. We could still lose him over the next few hours.” The doctor really was one of those monotones that showed little emotion.
“Do you want to revive him now,? The police have some questions for him.”, the nurse asked.
“No. They’ll have to wait. I want to induce a coma for at least a week to give his body time to recover. If he survives that, the police can talk to him them.”
Celia was now certain something was amiss.
First of all, despite repeated checks through the glass wall of the aquarium, she had not seen Burk in the chair yet. The clock indicated that he really should have been there by now.
Was he hiding somewhere, just watching her? She couldn’t believe that he wouldn’t at least walk up closer to get a good look at her breasts pressed against the inside glass - he was usually that horny and perverted!
Secondly, the plugs had somehow taken on a life of their own, and she felt herself being filled up inexorably, despite her best effort to tighten her vaginal muscles up to stop the incoming plug. In spite of her predicament, she was aroused as she had never been before, and was experiencing multiple small orgasms, punctuated by massive orgasms every so often that left her kicking for the surface for air.
Gaining any relief at her ass, of course, was out of the question as the plug held her sphincter muscles wide and there was nothing she could do about that particular device at all, even as she felt it slide in and out ever so slightly, and felt her behind being filled to capacity like it never had before!
Then Celia decided it was time to try to find a way out, since Burk seemed determined to torment her now by leaving her in here for whatever reason.
Had he grown tired of her? Had he become exasperated by her continued suggestions that went farther and farther in their little trysts? Had he decided to stop being her safety mechanism?
She then remembered something vague about a small access platform on the other end of the third tank. She couldn’t remember the details, but she knew it was there. IF she could get to it, she might be able to get out now and somehow find a way to get the mermaid costume off and get some relief.
Kicking downward towards the bottom once more, Celia hovered only inches above the sandy bottom, feeling a slight tickling as her nipples brushed the sand and sent both a flounder as well as a horseshoe crab scurrying away in a cloud of disturbed sand.
Momentarily blinded, Celia pressed forward until she felt her forehead bump into the next gated opening. Digging her fin into the sand and generating even more vision obscuring clouds in the water, she finally felt the gate crack open and Celia was through.
Kicking towards the surface, Celia tried desperately to keep holding her breath and ignore the growing presences in her body, now obviously getting larger and larger with each passing second, as well as the feelings generated as her labia slid back and forth over the stiffer base of the plug, and her sphincter likewise slid back and forth on the base of the plug in her ass.
The massive orgasm ripped a scream from her throat as she hit the surface, gasping in great lungfuls of air once more as she splashed her head back and forth to clear the soaked hair from her eyes. She really wanted to just remain still, letting the waves of pleasure pass through her, but the need to stay afloat and keep breathing air required her to keep kicking even as the orgasm sent her mind reeling.
Then she was on her back, water rippling in waves about her breasts, breathing again, passing across the tank towards the other side. Pausing, she managed to hold her place in the water long enough to look over and see the platform.
It was at least 6 feet above the water line!
Despondent now, Celia broke down crying in frustration as she felt more ripples of promised pleasure coming from her excited cunt, even as she struggled to stay above water.
Then she saw the fin slicing through the surface, a slightly taller vertical tail swishing back and forth in the water just behind it.
Practically every human being on the planet would instinctively know what type of creature had such a combination of fin and tail, and Celia was no exception. The shock caused her to freeze, which in turn caused her to begin to sink. Her building orgasm, either ignoring her terror or being fed by her terror, continued to grow.
She allowed herself to continue sinking, until she could see underwater, and the sight sent a shiver of raw fear through her, as she was face to face with a shark! It’s unblinking black eyes surveyed her, then turned away to circle her again.
Sinking further, Celia realized there wasn’t just one shark, but several, swimming around in circles around her! Further down, more coral reef awaited, and Celia saw at least one moray eel poke out and snap at a passing fish before withdrawing back into his lair.
Fighting her now rising panic, she tried to swim off to one side only to have the sharks follow her. A more analytical part of her mind registered that they were probably no more than four or five feet long, but to Celia it didn’t matter. In her current position, they were more than capable of killing and eating her - or just eating her alive, for that matter!
She remembered something about how sharks were attracted to noise and splashing, and that seals made a certain silhouette when at the surface - a silhouette that it occurred to Celia would look quite like her mermaid outfit!
But she need air again, desperately!
Trying to kick as softly as possible, Celia rose to the surface slowly and managed a few breaths of air before sinking once more.
Kicking her way backwards underwater, doing everything she could to keep track of all of the sharks at once, Celia felt her shoulders bump up against the wall of the aquarium.
Unable to get behind her, the sharks seemed to lose interest and circled away now, but Celia was trapped on the far side of the tank. She’d have to somehow pass the sharks to get back to the gate, and even if she got to the gate, she wasn’t sure how she could open it with her hands bound to her sides.
She’d never been more terrified in her life and - bizarrely - she felt another rising orgasm coming on!
How long could she swim like this? Even now, the automatic lights were beginning to dim, and Celia could see nothing but blackness in the room beyond the aquarium glass. The two natures within warred with each other, one grasping for survival, the other grasping at pure unadulterated pleasure.
Rising higher, her back still to the wall, Celia broke the surface again and managed to work her way over to the corner. With her shoulders in the corner, all it took was an occasional swish of her tail to stay in position, and so Celia waited for rescue as the aquarium lights dimmed yet again. Eventually, in spite of the danger, she felt herself coming again, and did her best not to thrash about as her eyes rolled upwards in both pain and pleasure.
The plugs had expanded inside her past the point of pleasure now, and she had begun to experience sharp stabbing pains as the plugs sought to grow even larger with every kick of her tail. Celia, still completely unaware what the operative mechanism for the plugs consisted of, blindly continued to kick her tail to stay afloat even as she felt the intruders inside of her grow to fill every nook and cranny to overflowing.
The thought of going through the night, trapped in the darkness with sharks, was finally too much for her. Obviously something was wrong, otherwise Burk would be here already. She had to get out on her own, and so finally Celia took several deep breaths and prepared to dive while she still had at least a small amount of light left to go by.
Finally diving face first, she managed to kick off from the wall with her tail and shoot straight to the bottom, working her tail madly in an effort to get across the tank before the sharks paid her any further attention. They tended at the moment to circle about at the mid point of the tank, so she was passing below them. She hoped desperately she would pass unnoticed, and continued as fast as she could, determined not to come up for air until she was through the gate.
Settling near the bottom, she wedged her body into the circular opening, and pressed her shoulder to the metal gate. Then she realized this gate wasn‘t like the first, she couldn’t just push it open, she had to pull it from her side!
Forcing herself not to panic, she studied the situation, ignoring the agonizing pain in her groin from the over inflated plugs, a pain accentuated by her doubled up position, and came up with a plan even as one of the sharks decided to pass nearby, apparently curious once more.
Celia slid her body out of the opening just far enough to flex her finned feet through the gate bars, then worked her legs from the knees down to force the gate open.
It worked!
Easing it open further, the gate banged against her knees as she then realized she had to somehow hold it open until she could get through, but with her legs trapped between the bars in this position, she couldn’t keep it open.
The shark passed close again, this time so close it swam through strands of her blonde hair. Celia’s eyes were wide in fear as she got far too close a look at the perfect sea predator. Then it was swimming away again, making yet another circuit of the tank.
Running low on air, she finally had to give up, pull her feet from the bars, and kick to the surface. As usual, the plugs worked back and forth in her ass and cunt, constant reminders of their presence, and constantly teasing her body with yet another promised orgasm in spite of the pain she was experiencing.
She really didn’t know how many more orgasms she could take, especially in her current predicament!
Gasping, Celia took only a few seconds of heavy breathing before she dived again. She didn’t want to stay here all night, and she had no choice anymore - she had to get out.
Descending to the gate once more, she worked her body back into the opening, only this time she reversed the direction of her feet where they went through the bars, and shoved hard. This time the gate opened and banged behind her knees.
Doubling her body, she craned her head and neck around and fit herself through the gate while her finned tail kept the gate open.
Then disaster! Her feet were stuck, and she was only halfway through the gate! Somehow, she had to extract her feet from the gate bars to get through.
Working her body back and forth, completely ignoring how her breasts swayed about with a mind of their own, she scrunched her body into almost a ball shape and then started wriggling her feet as hard as she could.
It was taking such a long time, and she felt herself running out of air now. She gritted her teeth, forcing herself not to breath, forcing her mind to overcome her body’s natural functions to gasp for air some 15 feet below water, her lungs burned for oxygen, and she felt herself getting lightheaded then.
Somehow, terror succeeded where rational thought failed, and despite eyes clenched shut, Celia felt her feet come free of the bars finally! Straightening her body out, she felt the plugs once more burrow their way even deeper into her body as they expanded farther now, but Celia could actually force herself to think of other things as she frantically, and quite inelegantly, kicked her way to the surface to gasp for air.
Propelling herself as far as her waist out of the water, Celia took a huge lungful in then, before descending once more. Flipping over, she took what rest she could as she floated on her back, forcing herself to calm down now in spite of her giddiness at having survived.
Glancing down her own body, she wasn’t sure if it was real or her imagination, but it almost looked as if her lower abdomen were swollen, as a result of the foreign device penetrating her cunt so remorselessly.
The one thing she hadn’t counted on, in getting through the gate however, was that it would not swing back closed again. The curious shark found the opening, and glided through like the primitive predator it was, on the prowl.
Celia looked down past her own body, past her breasts and stomach, past her flexing knees and finned tail splashing the surface, and saw the dreaded fin once more slicing through the water surface, only yards from her, and couldn’t help it. Splashing about frantically, she dove down to try to hide in the coral and shipwreck debris, as the torpedo shaped killer flew gracefully through the water only feet above her head.
Glancing towards the end of the center tank section, Celia saw the next underwater gate, still standing open from her previous passage. Casting another glance at the shark circling above her head, she kicked her way across the bottom, a cloud of disturbed sand marking her passage.
Hitting the gate opening without stopping, Celia pushed through without hesitation, even as more sharks came through the open gate at the other end.
Rising once more to the surface, Celia fed her starving lungs fresh air as she hurried her way across the darkening tank to the platform.
Huddling in the corner again, back to the wall, tail keeping her afloat, freezing and thoroughly soaked from her extended stay in the tank, Celia looked up at the grate less than two feet over her head. If she’d had her hands, she could have reached up and pulled herself out.
As it was, that wasn’t an option.
Bobbing up and down, and try as she might, she was unable to get anywhere near the platform, even as she kept glancing backwards over the water surface.
As the lights of the aquarium finally timed out, Celia huddled under the platform in the corner, both terror as well as pleasure and pain ripping through her body in alternate cycles.
How long could she continue swimming?
As the final lights faded to blackness, Celia thought she saw a vertical fin slice the water on the opposite side of the tank, and for the very first time, dejection overwhelmed her spirit and Celia broke down, sobbing as her world faded to blackness.
The client arrived at his new home early the next morning, and was slightly surprised to see an SUV already parked in his driveway. Pulling around, he opened the garage door and parked his sports car inside. Leaving the garage door open, he entered the main house, wondering if the blonde bimbo he’d flirted with had decided to take him up on his offer after all.
“Hello? Who’s here? Helloooooo….? Celia, is that you?”
The client wandered through the house, finally coming upon the main room. The aquarium writhed across the length of the space, just as he had imagined when shown the plans, and a swirl of colors flashed back and forth as schools of fish swam about.
The client walked over to the leather chair, so thoughtfully placed in the position of best advantage to view his new home, and noticed a woman’s clothing arranged neatly on the arm of the chair. An opened box lay on the floor beside the chair, and a woman’s pair of black stiletto shoes were arranged neatly beside it.
A lacy bra and garter belt were haphazardly tossed into the box, and the client couldn’t help but pick them up and run his fingers over the material, noticing with delight the size tagged on the inside of the back strap. Then he noticed the collar laying in the bottom of the box, and picked it up.
“Cunt”, he read from the name tag. “Oh man, this is too good to be true!” he exclaimed.
The client noticed the clock on the floor. “She even wanted to know when I returned! But where the hell is she?”
Then he sat in the leather chair, wondering if Celia had also, not too long before, sat in it herself completely naked, thinking of him.
Then he looked up into the aquarium, and his jaw dropped open.