Skye is a 29 year-old woman with a passion for self-bondage. I first met her on a site for rubber fetishists and was drawn to her simple honesty. After discovering the wonders of latex, she had been introduced by a friend to the world of bdsm where she had tried self-bondage for the first time. She and her friend had subsequently gone their separate ways, and Skye realized that she had much to learn and asked for suggestions or helpful advice.
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This is where I came in. As a lifestyle dominant with over 12 years of real life experience in the scene, and with no current partner on whom to focus my energies, I decided to write her a letter. I wrote, recommending a couple of sites (utopiastories and grometsplaza) where she could harvest many ideas for self-bondage, and suggesting that if she didn’t see what she wanted she should contact me.
Back came a letter thanking me for my suggestions and an explanation that the interest in self-bondage arose from a natural shyness as well as recently becoming single. Feel free to pm or chat.
Well, if my experience is an accurate reflection of many other dominants it was refreshing to find someone who had the courtesy to reply to a message and was also obviously genuine in her desire to learn more. I wrote back, giving her my Yahoo Messenger address and warning her that once Pandora’s Box had been opened the lid could never be replaced.
Skye wrote back that she had read my stories here on utopiastories and sent some of her writing to me for comment. She contacted me on Yahoo and we chatted about her experience and her desires. It was obvious to me that a new angle on self-bondage was desired, and I was happy to provide that stimulus.
I wrote the following message to her.
You will need:
Four pairs of pantyhose – used, with runs, is fine - as they will be abused!
Duct tape
Wrist cuffs
Clothes pins (2)
The panties you wore to work today
10 feet length of chain
Padlocks (3)
Latex swimsuit
What you must do:
If you have not already done so, undress and remove all your clothes including the silk panties under your latex ones (I hope they are wet?)
Go into the bedroom with the all of the items from the above list.
Put on your swimsuit.
Take one pair of the pantyhose and turn one leg inside out so that it can be fitted inside the other leg.
Place both of your legs into this one-legged pantyhose and pull them up to your hips.
Use lengths of duct tape to wrap both legs tightly together at ankles, below knees, above knees and just below the top of the pantyhose.
Take the clothes pins – pull out your swimsuit and place a pin on each nipple under the swimsuit.
Take two of the remaining pairs of pantyhose and cut the legs at roughly halfway so that when they are pulled on over your hands they go above your elbows. Don’t do anything with them yet.
Take the 10 feet of chain and loop it around your bed head so that the ends meet at the middle of the bed.
Push the wet panties into your mouth, as a gag. Pull the remaining pantyhose over your head so that your head goes down into one of the legs. Wrap the remaining leg loosely around your neck to keep it out of the way.
Use several turns of duct tape over your mouth and round the back of your head to keep the panties deep in your mouth.
Pull two of the pantyhose feet over one hand and up over your elbow. Tape them in position at wrist and above and below your elbow. Fit on the first wrist cuff and padlock it.
Pull the two remaining pantyhose feet over the other hand and repeat the taping. Fit and padlock on the second cuff.
Lie down and place the final padlock above your head, next to the two ends of the chain.
Wrap a couple of lengths of tape around your eyes.
Lock the two ends of the chain to the wrist cuffs.
Enjoy yourself.
Write to me after you have finished to let me know how this worked for you this evening, Skye.
PS. Remember to have the scissors nearby in case you have trouble releasing yourself.
This is the reply that came the following morning at 2 am.
Well! It’s just about 1 am here and I'm finally free....
Let me tell you about my day...you will have to excuse me if I ramble...I get that way late at night.
I waited with great anticipation for your note to arrive. I had trouble concentrating on my work because I was thinking about what might be in store for me at the end of the day. Imagine my frustration when I tried to open the document only to find that I could not get at my instructions....I was not a happy girl...damn computers...they are so frustrating at times...
When this note arrived I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had to read it all right away. Now I couldn't wait to get this underway but first I had to meet my training commitments and stop off at Home Depot.
Upon reading your note I realized that the chain I had would not be long enough for the purpose it was to serve. So I got out a tape measure and measured the bed all the way around to make sure I would have enough.
I did what you suggested this morning and wore a silk pair of panties under my latex ones...yes indeed they were more than a little moist by evening. I thought it would be good if I wore them (panties and latex) when I went running as well. After 90 minutes of training I could tell they would be up to the job they were intended for.
The man at Home Depot was very nice and he cut me two lengths of chain about 6 inches longer than I needed. I told him as well that I wanted to be able to link them together if the need arose. He showed me a little thing that he called a redi link. It looks like a link of chain that is open on one side. Once you put the two pieces of chain inside the link you can close the opening with a nut type of arrangement. So being a resourceful girl I bought six of them as well. They actually came in handy.
I must have been quite a sight at the store with my arms full of chain and stuff and a roll of red duct tape. No matter - I got away from there and back home in no time.
I had all the items you mentioned on your list and got underway. My heart rate was up from the anticipation, and I was nervous as anything
The one thing you didn't mention in your note was the key, so I got that first out of the freezer and set it on a plate on the nightstand. I ran the string to the middle of the head board and secured it with a piece of my new duct tape.
Your instructions had only told me to secure my hands to the chain. I had thought about that for a few minutes when I read your note, and that's when I had made the decision to buy the second length of chain - for my legs and feet.
It took me a few minutes to wrap the chain around the bed at the top and the other chain near the bottom. I pulled them as tight as I could and made use of the redi links to hold the chain together. When I was done there was about five inches left over, laying in the middle of the bed.
I got naked in less than 30 seconds and into my suit in even less than that. I had to struggle with getting the panty hose over my legs and up over my hips. But then again that's the whole idea. Duct tape was next as you described. All I could do was wiggle my legs a little bit. This is where the chain at the foot of the bed came in. I used duct tape around the chain to secure my ankles to the bottom of the bed.
The clothespins hurt like hell! Man they hurt at first. When I tried to cover them with my top again, they kept popping off, so I just left my top down. I was reminded of them with every movement What a way to get a girls attention!
Next were my arms and the cuffs. The left arm was easy, I had a little more trouble with the right arm because I no longer had full use of my fingers and thumbs but I did eventually get it cuffed.
Finally the gag and the pantyhose over my head. The gag nearly put me over the top. The taste and smell of the wet silk panties was overpowering. What a sensation! I fumbled with the tape until I had enough around my head to make sure the panties weren't going anywhere soon.
Now my eyes. It's an interesting sensation to have no sight. It didn't take me long to realize sight is a wonderful thing and shouldn't be taken for granted.
I really had to work at getting the lock ready to fasten my hands to the chain. The point of no return. I go through my check list in my mind. Do I have the key? Do I have a pair of scissors? Can I feel the lock when it's closed? It's now or never!
Silence. Only the sound of my breathing.
I can feel the clothespins. They still hurt. When I wiggle or move they remind me I have nipples. I resolve to remain still.
A thought just occurred to me. I'm blind and immobile and I won't know when the ice has melted from the key! Nobody can hear ice melting!
Time stands still. I can hear every creak, every door open and close, every sound.
I can't tell you how long it took for my arms to start to cramp but they did. It kind of took my mind off my nipples. I got restless and tried to move around, but I only managed a small amount of movement. Damn clamps - whose idea were they anyways?
My pussy it telling me that it is enjoying this. My arms and legs and those nipples are telling me otherwise. I concentrate on my pussy. It helps if I use the small amount of movement in my legs to rub them together. I start to get a reaction but I know that I will need more than this.
Now I'm restless, with cramps in my arms and my jaw is starting to ache. My NIPPLES HURT and I am frustrated because I need to work on my pussy
Finally, after what seemed an eternity I decided to try the key. It took me a while to fumble with the string, but eventually I managed to pull the key onto the bed and into my hand, only to find out that it was still not free of the ice. This is not good. I started to think about my release and how much longer it would be. Another eternity - time literally stood still for me.
Finally, yes finally, the key is available to me and I start to fumble with the locks..That was not easy either. It took forever to get the key into the lock and turn it.
The click when the lock opened was the most satisfying sound to hear. First to come off were the nipple clamps. AND MORE PAIN as I remove them. How diabolical is that? Now to find the scissors and cut away the material around my head. Finally sight, and I clear my mouth of my silk panties - they are thoroughly soaked!
Now my hands and finally my legs. I won't be wearing any of those pantyhose again
I'm free - free at last. I've been bound for two and a half hours, and pure fun all the way!
I loved it...start to finish...I loved it!
Now I must finish something that was started not that long ago. Me and my little friend have some work to do......off to bed to scratch an itch!
Dave - thank you again for the idea and the instructions. I really appreciated your efforts. I had a great time!
This is a true story. When she is ready, I am certain that Skye will find the partner of her dreams. Me? I’m more than happy to have helped her a little along the path that so many of us know and love. I wish her joy and many more bondage experiences.