Part 1
Here's how it started. I do a lot of self bondage and was getting ready for another session. I live in a two story duplex and will put a key to some handcuffs upstairs in the last bedroom in the hallway. I like some pain while I am in self bondage so I first put some hot sauce on the head of my dick and let it rest on it for awhile then rinse it off, this gives me a burning feeling which really makes me horny. Now I take some clothes pins and cut the tops of them off so that I can't move them up against the wall to remove them. Now I put them on my nipples.
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Next step is to go in the garage and put duct tape tightly over my eyes so I can't see anything. Now I handcuff my hands behind my back and turn around in circles. I will now have to to work my way to the key upstairs to free myself.
After about 20 minutes I finally made it to the living room and was ready to feel my way to the stairs and go up and free myself. At this point I heard someone opening the door and was in shock and immediately lost my hard on. I ask who it was and it was my landlord. She is a pretty blond named Robin and is 40 years old but could easily pass for 29. She said she was coming in to see if my duplex needed a new rug and wanted to know what in the world was going on. I felt totally embarrassed and felt like I wanted to crawl into a hole. I told her I was into self bondage and ask if there was anyway she could just leave.
She said that she was totally turned on looking at me and had always had a fantasy seeing me naked. Once I realized she was turned on by my naked body totally helpless I got a hard on again.
She said she was going to join me in my bondage, and I ask her not to but she said I had no say in the matter. The first thing she did was pull the clothes pins off my nipples and I could hear them snap and it gave me quite a sting. She said this would be happening quite often.
She then called two of her girlfriends and told them what was happening and told them to come over and bring their digital camera to take some pictures.
She said I had a lot of pre cum coming out of the head of my dick and wondered why. I told her about the hot sauce I put on it which acts as a cum magnet but that it was cooling off pretty good now. She said she wouldn't stand for that and and was going to put more hot sauce on my dick but not before scrubbing it really hard with a rag which made it pretty raw. OUCH! I told her that I wasn't into that much pain and she said she didn't care.
Now I really needed to pee really bad but she said not to until her friends arrived. She lead me into the garage and said if I peed before my friends arrived she would open the garage door and leave and shut the door into to house so my neighbors could all see me.
Her friends arrived and were taking a lot of pictures of my and giggling quite a bit. She finally told me I could pee on the floor and I did.
Now she told me it was time to squirt some cum for them. She had some kind of lubricant on her hand and started playing with me. It didn't take me long to squirt cum in her hand. Now she said she wanted me to lick it off and I told her there was no way I could do that. She said all I needed was some good reason to do so. So after pulling the clothes pins off my nipples for about the 10th time she put some kind of alligator clips on them. I got on my knees and licked it all up.
I thought this would be the end but it wasn't. She took the alligator clips off my nipples and said it was time to go for a ride in the car. So they led me in the house and pulled the car in the garage. Robin put me in the middle of the back seat and she and her friend got on each side of me.
We took off and her and her friend were rubbing their hands all over my body and pulling on my nipples. Robin was really jerking on my dick and I told her if she didn't stop that I was going to cum. She said she let my cum once and that I was not allowed to do it again and to keep my mouth shut or she would put the alligator clips back on my nipples.
I couldn't stop from cumming and squirted it all over myself and her hand and it was dripping on her car seat. This made her very mad and she was calling me all kinds of names and told me to get out of the car now. They stopped the car and I pleaded with them not to make me get out in this condition but she said what ever happened now I deserved it. She put the clothes pins back on my nipples, and I asked her to at least take the duck tape off my eyes and she refused. She said this ws a pretty busy road and a car would probably be coming by pretty shortly.
I couldn't believe how this had ended, standing outside naked, hands hand cuffed behind my back, clothes pins on my nipples, can't see a thing and my cum all over me.
I felt so helpless, embarrassed and vulnerably. What in the world would I say to anyone that pulled up. What happens next you wouldn't believe. But thats a story for another time.
Part 2
I was terrified as to what might happen next. It would depend on who pulled up and what they would do with me.
After what seemed like about an hour I heard a car coming down the road. I really started to panic and wanted to take off running and hide but that was not possible since I had duct tape over my eyes. I was completely helpless and would just have to endure whatever happened.
The car stopped and I heard two car doors slam. To my embarrassment it turned out to be Trisha and Cathy two girls whom I worked with. They wanted to know what was going on and I told them how I got in this situation. I ask if there was anyway they could just take me home and not tell anyone about it. They said they would take me home but not before having some fun with me.
We got in the car and started heading toward their house. They said they shared a house out in the country. Cathy was driving and Trisha was in the back seat with me. I told Trisha the clothes pins were hurting my nipples pretty bad and ask her if she would take them off. She said no problem but jerked them off and that hurt terribly bad, my nipples were getting pretty raw at this point.
They said they knew some more of the girls at work that would probably love to come over and join in on the fun. I heard her call 4 of the girls from work. I pleaded with her not to do this as I couldn't handle the embarrassment and humiliation. She said I would handle whatever she decided. She was tugging at my dick and said I needed to get a hard on but I told her I was not horny at all and she said she would take care of that when we got to their house.
We got to their house and I could hear some dogs barking which really scared me. She said that if I didn't make any sudden moves they wouldn't bit me. I hated it that my dick and balls were hanging out there and they could hurt me pretty bad. I could hear them give me a good sniffing and fortunately they took off.
I asked if she would take me inside as I was really chilly being outside as long as I was. She told me they lived a long ways off the road and no one could see me who didn't pull up the driveway and would leave me in the back yard. She took me in the backyard and tied my handcuff's to some kind of pole so I couldn't move.
The first thing she did was to get a garden hose and sprayed water all over me. I was shivering from head to toe and begged her not to put me through this. She said that was though and I would need to handle it.
Now she said it was time for me to get a hard on before the girls showed up, she said she had a pill that would guarantee it. I told her that I would not take it and she kicked me in the balls so hard that it brought me to my knees. She said if I didn't want more of that I would swallow the pill. I didn't want any more of that and swallowed it and after about 30 minutes my dick was so hard it felt like it was going to explode.
She wanted to know why the head of my dick looked so red and I told her about the hot sauce Robin had put on it after scrubbing it really hard and that it was very sensitive now. She liked that idea and said I might as well have it done one more time, I told her I couldn't stand that kind of pain again and she said I would stand whatever pain she wanted me to. She put some hot sauce on the head of my dick and Kathy came up with the idea to put some on my nipples as they could tell they were very raw having the clothes pins being jerked off them so many times. My nipples and dick were burning very bad and I told them I was not into this much pain and they said that was just too bad.
Trisha put the clothes pins back on my nipples and said the girls should start showing up shortly.
With being so cold and my dick burning I needed to pee badly. I told them so but they said I would need to wait until everyone showed up. I told them I didn't see any way I could hold it any longer. Trisha grabbed my dick and held it firmly and Kathy went in the house and got some tape. Trisha put some tape on the head of my dick and now there was no way I could pee until they took it off.
Trisha decided to take the duct tape off of my eyes so I could see what was happening
Now the girls from work started to show up and I was able to see them, first it was Mary, then Gina, Stacy and Marilyn. I felt like I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
They all came in the back yard and were staring at me. Trisha said I could now pee and pulled the tape slowly off of the head of my dick which felt like a thousand needles being thrust into it. It was hard to pee with them all looking at me but I had to go really bad. Trisha had me pee in a bucket and then poured it all over my face and body. They seemed to get a good kick out of this.
They were all taking pictures and videos of me and were rubbing their hands over my body and pulling on my dick. They cut me loose from the poll and put a dog collar around my neck with a chain on it and took turns leading me around the yard.
They got the hose out and sprayed me down again to wash my pee off of me. I was so cold I could barely stand it.
Now they had me lay on the ground and tied a rope around each ankle and the pulled me upside down hanging from the swing set with my legs apart. They were all drinking quite a bit and I was afraid as to how far they might take this. For some reason Kathy came up and hit me on the balls pretty hard which was painful and that scared me even more.
Trisha said she was going to get some bolt cutters and free my hands. She said they wanted me to jack off and squirt cum on my face and in my mouth I told her there was no way I would do that and she said if I didn't that everyone at work on Monday would have pictures they took today on their computers.
She freed my hands and told me not to take the clothes pins off my nipples until I squirted my cum. I had to do what she said as I couldn't have everyone at work seeing pictures of me like this. I started jacking off and it took a long time but I finally squirted my cum on my face and in my mouth. I just couldn't believe what was happening to me. I took the clothes pins off of my nipples and they decided to leave me hang there and party for awhile.
They finally had enough and lowered me down. Trisha said they would take me home and had some shorts for me to put on when we got to my duplex but I would have to make the ride back naked. She got some twine and tied my handcuffs together in front of me. Marilyn had a van and we all got into it. Trisha said she wanted me to start playing with myself and had some Vaseline she wanted me to start rubbing on my dick. I tried to refuse but she once again said if I didn't want the the other employees to know what happened today that I better do it.
I started rubbing it on my dick and after about 20 minutes I told her that if I couldn't stop I was going to cum. She said I couldn't stop rubbing on my dick and I better not squirt any cum. As hard as I tried I had an orgasm and squirted cum in my hand. I hoped no one would notice but it was dripping through my fingers.
Trisha noticed that I had squirted cum and said since I didn't obey her that I was going to have to get out and finish the trip back to my house on my own. We were about 3 miles from where I lived. I asked if she could a least give me the shorts to wear and she said there was no way she was going to do that. I couldn't believe I was standing on the side of a road completely naked again and tied up, at least I wasn't blinded.
I didn't know how I could face any of them at work on Monday, but for now I was just concerned how I would get home without being seen. I thought I would hide in the woods until it got dark and make the trip to my duplex.
Unfortunately my pain and humiliation was not over.
Part 3
The girls took off and now it was time to hide in the woods until it got dark. As if I wasn't cold enough it started to rain, I just couldn't get any kind of a break. I would give anything to have some clothes to wear to warm me up.
I started pulling on the twine with my teeth and worked to untie it. It took awhile but I finally freed my hands. It felt good to be able to move my arms but I felt so cold and miserable I could hardly stand it, but I would have to endure it until it got dark and I could make my way back to my duplex.
After what seemed like about an hour the rain finally stopped. I heard a vehicle pull up and stopped on the side of the road. It was Trisha and her friends. They yelled at me to come out from the woods as they wanted to talk to me. I told them to just leave me alone as they had humiliated and tormented me enough.Trisha said that if I would come out they would give me all the pictures and movies they took of me so I wouldn't have to worry about anyone at work seeing them.
I was tired, cold and thirsty and against my better judgment agreed to do what she said. I came out of the woods and could tell that everyone except for Marilyn was pretty drunk. I was going to go back and hide in the woods but they all jumped on me and wrestled me to the ground and managed to tie my wrist behind my back and then they tied my ankles together so that I could only make short steps when walking.
Trisha laughed and told me what a fool I was for believing they they ever had any intention of giving me the pictures and movies they took of me. They helped me to get into the van and Marilyn started driving us to their house. Trisha said they were way to easy on me last time and now I would know what real pain was.
The first thing she did was to put some alligator clips on my nipples and this pinched my nipples horrible bad and I begged her to take them off and she said they would stay on them until we got to their house and if I opened my mouth one more time she would leave them on even after we got there. I didn't open my mouth for the rest of the way there.
Once we got there Trisha took the alligator clips off my nipples which in itself hurt pretty bad. I told her that I was thirsty and wanted to know if I could have a drink of water. She said that would be just fine with her. She reached down and grabbed the bowls the dogs drank out of and and put it on the table and told me to have at it. The water was pretty slimy and had a lot of dead flies in it so I told her I couldn't drink that and ask her for something else. She said it was either that or nothing. As much as I hated to I bent over and started slurping it up. I felt so humiliated with all of them watching me drink out of a dog bowl.
Now they pushed me to the ground and Trisha got an old dirty wet rag and stuffed it in my mouth and then put duct tape over it so I couldn't scream out. The girls held me down very tight so I knew something painful was about to happen. It was hard to tell what kinds of ways to hurt me they might have been thinking about while I was in the woods especially since they were all getting pretty drunk.
Trisha came out of the house carrying a jar with two red wasp in it. I couldn't even imagine what she was going to do with that. I could tell the wasp were pretty agitated. To my horror she held it upside down and unscrewed the lid and quickly put the jar over my dick with the end of it touching my pubic hairs. It didn't take them long to start stinging me on the head of my dick. It felt like two needles being stuck in my dick with a thousand volts of electricity going through it. I tried to scream out but could only get a muffled sound out. It took all of them to hold me down. Trisha could tell this was hurting me really bad and quickly pulled the jar off and the wasp flew off.
They helped me up and to my dismay I saw that Trisha had gotten the alligator clips out again, only this time they had some string attached to them . She put them back on my nipples and led me over to the swing set. She took the string and and tied them to the top of the swing set so that I would have to stand on my tip toes. My nipples and dick were in terrible pain but I could say nothing. They seemed to get such pleasure out of tormenting me.
Gina came over and poured a bucket of ice water over me. It was so cold that it took my breath away. I was so cold and hurting I hoped I wouldn't pass out as I wasn't sure how much damage having the alligator clips ripped off my nipples would cause.
Marilyn was standing in front of me with a hot cup of coffee, she gave me a kind of sinister look and I was afraid of what she was thinking. She walked over to me and slowly poured the coffee over the head of my dick. I would have cried out but all I could get out was another muffled sound. She was the last one I thought would want to hurt me.
I was really scared and my ankles and legs felt like they were on fire they were hurting so bad. I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to keep from ripping the alligator clips off my nipples.
They finally decided to lower the string so I wasn't standing on my tip toes, what a relief that was. Kathy came over and pulled my dick up and took some duck tape and taped it to my belly so that my balls were sticking out. I had to wonder what in the world they were going to do now. They took turns throwing tennis balls at me trying to hit me in the balls. They each took a couple throws and fortunately since they were so drunk I only got hit in the balls twice, but when it did it hurt so bad it about made me want to throw up. If I didn't have the alligator clips on my nipples I would have been bent over in pain.
Trisha said it was time for me to get a hard on again so she took the duck tape off my dick and then took off her blouse exposing her breast. She was so sexy that I immediately got an erection. She put some Vaseline on her hand and started playing with me. As much as I was hurting having her rub her hands on my dick gave me an intense orgasm she seemed to enjoy me squirting my cum in her hand.
I saw another car coming down the driveway. An older woman got out and hearing them talking it appeared to be Trisha's mother. She seemed horrified by what she saw and told them to let me down. They took the alligator clips off of my nipples and I fell to my knees. They pulled the duck tape off of my mouth and pulled the rag out and then cut the string between my ankles. Her mom said to leave my hands tied behind my back until she knew what was going on.
She ask how I had gotten in this situation and I told her the whole story. I mentioned that I was into self bondage but had never intended for anything like this to happen. She said that I got everything that I deserved.
She said for me to get into her car and she would take me home. I ask if she could free my hands and give me some clothes to put on and she told me to just get in the car and keep my mouth shut or she would leave me here with the girls.
We took off and I could tell she was really checking me out. She put some kind of lubricant on her right hand and started rubbing my dick, she said she wanted me to squirt some cum for her before she dropped me off at my duplex. I had gotten off several times but was still able to get a good hard on. My dick was pretty sensitive and it didn't take to long for me to have an orgasm. She held her hand out over my face and told me to lick my cum off or she wouldn't take me home. I had no choice but to lick it off.
We finally got to my duplex and she cut my hands loose and told me to get out. I was worried that Robin might not have left the door unlocked when she barged in on me and ask if she could see if it was open. She said that wasn't her problem so I got out of the car and quickly headed toward the door, fortunately it was open and I finally made it inside.
It was good to be home but I knew that my life would have to change. I had to move as I couldn't face Robin again and I never went back to work as I knew the girls would never keep what happened a secret. I just hoped the pictures they took of me wouldn't show up on the internet, but that was most likely just wishful thinking.
Part 4
I had moved and gotten a new job and thought all of this was behind me.
One day at work on a Wednesday I had gotten a large envelope in the mail. To my horror it was a large picture of me when I was hanging from the swing set jacking off in front of the girls I used to work with. It was from Trisha and simply said if I didn't want everyone where I work now to have one of these on Monday that I would call the telephone number listed on the note by Friday.
I don't know how she found out where I was working now but I had no choice but to call her as I liked my new job very much.
I called her that evening and she informed me that the girls wanted to have another bondage session with me. I told her that I wasn't interested in doing that again. She said if I did not agree to do it this Saturday that she would be mailing copies of the picture that I got to several employees where I worked at next week.
I agreed and ask her what she wanted me to do. She said that she wanted me to drive to within a mile of her and Cathy's house naked and park on the side of the road and wait for them on Saturday at 10:00am. She said I was to have no clothes in the car and they would give it a good inspection to make sure I didn't have any. I wasn't sure why she wanted me to park a mile away but I agreed to do so.
I didn't tell her but the thought of this was turning me on.
I left Saturday morning about 9:20am, I was completely naked and had no clothes in the car. It was a chilly fall day and I hoped they would do my bondage session inside.
I was kind of scared that something bad might happen on way. What if I broke down or got in a accident as it was about a 30 mile drive. It would at least be very embarrassing.
I got to the intersection she told me to meet them at and waited. Trisha and Cathy showed up right at 10:00am according to my clock radio. I got out of my car and they wanted my car keys so I gave them to them. They ask me to put my hands behind my back and they tied them together and then tied my ankles together so I could barely walk.
They gave my car a through inspection and there were no clothes to be found.
They had a tag that said slave Lee attached to a safety pin and I said there was no place to pin it on me since I didn't have any clothes on, they said they had that worked out and pinned it through my left nipple. This was starting out pretty painful right at the beginning. I hadn't expected anything like that.
We got in their car and headed toward their house. I ask Trisha if I could have something to wear as it was a chilly day. She said she would be happy to give me something to wear so I wouldn't have to show up completely naked. She proceeded to put clothes pins on each of my nipples and told me to shut up as now I was wearing something. This didn't hurt that bad except for the nipple that had the pin through it.
When we got to their house I knew why they didn't want me to come there. There were
about 30 girls from my old work place there. I would have turned around and headed back home if I was in my car. She said they had all seen the pictures of me on the last bondage session and wanted to see one in person.
To my surprise this was turning me on and I got quite a good size hard on.
She put a dog collar on me and paraded me around in front of the girls. They were all taking pictures and videos of me. I felt so humiliated having all these women seeing me naked, and it was clear I wasn't going to get to go inside.
Next she lead me to a table that had a dog bowl with some wet dog food in it and told me I was going to eat it but not before cumming on it. I had no choice as they could blackmail me all they wanted with the pictures they already had.
She had tickets of all the girls names in a jar to see who was going to get to jack me off and cum. It turned out to be Sarah, she came over and started jacking me off and after a few minutes I had an orgasm and squirted my cum on the dog food. I bent over and started eating it. It was so embarrassing eating dog food with my cum on it naked in front of all these women.
Now they lead me over to an old john boat filled with water and a lot of garbage and dead bugs it smelled horrible bad. Trisha took the clothes pins off my nipples and put alligator clips on them with weights on them this hurt horribly bad especially the one with pin through it. She through a red cherry in it and said I would have to retrive it with my mouth and would not take the alligator clips off my nipples until I got it and spit it on the ground.
I got in the boat and the water was so cold I could hardly stand it. The smell just about made me sick and my eyes were burning so bad it was horrible, they must have put some hot sauce in the water. I finally got the cherry and spitted it on the ground. She took the alligator clips off of my nipples and they gave me a good scrubbing with soap and water to clean me up.
Now she tied some twine tightly around my balls and had me kneel down and loosely tied them to a stake in the ground that there was no way cold be pulled out. She got the alligator clips back out and had string attached to them she put them on my nipples and they lifted me up about half way up so that I was not standing of kneeling. She tied the string to the swing set so now I couldn't stand or kneel. Every now and then one of the girls would come over and hit me in the balls with a plastic baseball bat which would make me want to jump up but all it would do is pull really hard on my balls. My legs were about to give out when they let me down.
They finally were done with me took untied my balls and took the alligator clips off of my nipples and told me to pull the safety pin out of my nipple myself. It was hard to do but I finally got it pulled all the way out.
The girls left and Trisha and Cathy took me to my car. They gave me my car keys and told me to go home. I ask if I could have at least a towel or something to wear and they refused.
They gave me my car keys and I started heading home. About half way back my right front tire went completely flat. I hated the fact that I was going to have to change a flat tire naked but I had no choice. I got out of the car and got the jack and proceeded to take off the tire, if a car came down the road I would just have to duck for cover. I got the tire off and went to get the spare and noticed it had a big gash in it and was completely flat also.
I realized that they must have had someone puncture my right front tire just enough so that they knew it would go flat before it got to my home and then slash my spare tire.
I would give anything to have some clothes to put on at this point. I had no choice but to hide in the bushes and make the long walk home naked when it got dark.
I wondered if this was the last time I would have to be humiliated in front of all these girls.
Part 5
It had been about a month since the girls did my last bondage session and things seemed to be quiet. Then I got a call from a friend of mine and she told me she had seen some very embarrassing pictures of me on the internet jacking off, eating my cum and tied up naked.
I knew I had to call Trisha and see if there was any way to get these taken off. I called her and she agreed to meet with me but she wanted me to drive to her house naked. I told her I was not going to do that again as I did not trust her at all and I did not want to go through the nightmare from her last bondage session she had with me. She agreed and I headed toward her and Cathy's house.
I got there and said I had some money in my savings and I would give it all to them if they would not post the naked pictures of me on the internet. She said that would be fine and asked if I wanted something to drink and I told her a glass of tea would be fine. I drank the glass of tea and then I passed out, I don't know what kind of drug they must have put in it.
When I woke up I was in the middle of a forest, stripped naked and my hands and feet were tied to stakes in the ground and I was spread out completely exposed.
There were about eight people with Cathy and Trisha who I didn't know including two guys, this was really embarrassing. To my surprise Trisha was naked and she is the most sexy girl I have ever seen and my dick got hard as a rock.
The first thing she did was to come up and kick me in the balls very hard and told me I was to never tell her I wouldn't do something she told me to do.
I have very little hair on my body except for my pubic hare and my head. She wanted it clean around my dick and shaved off my pubic hairs.
She said this could be a very short or a very long bondage session, it all depended on me. She taped a battery powered vibrator to my dick and turned it on. She said all I had to do was not squirt my cum for ten minutes and it would all be over and I would get my clothes back and could go home. They were all taking pictures of me but Trisha would not allow them to take any of her.
She put a bowl of water on my belly and had the head of my dick over it so if I squirted my cum it would go in the water and she told me I would have to drink the water with my cum in it. As hard as I tried not to I had an intense orgasm and squirted a lot of cum in the bowl.
She said since I did not have the will power not to cum the bondage session would continue. She said the first thing I was going to do was to drink the water with my cum in it. My cum looked all white and stringy and the thought of drinking it discussed me and I told her I coundn't do it. She kicked me in the balls so hard that I just about threw up and said if I didn't want more of that I would drink the water. It was hard to do but I drank all of it.
Now she had a push pin with another tag on it that said slave Lee and said I could make the decision to pin it into my right nipple or the head of my dick. I told her to pin it into my nipple, and she pushed it all the way into the tip of my right nipple. Then she put an alligator clip on my left nipple.
Now she lit a candle and was dripping hot wax on my dick and nipples. They were all getting quite a kick watching me getting tormented naked.
There was a creek next to us and she threw my clothes along with my billfold into it and just kept my car and house keys with them. My clothes were now long gone and there was no way to get to them.
Trisha said they were now going to leave and untied my right hand. She said I would have to untie the rest of me by myself, they had a lot of knots in the ropes so I knew it would take a long time. She said if I followed the trail to the road and made a right it would be about four miles to their house and they would give me the car and house keys and I could go home.
I started to untie myself and heard couple hikers coming down the trail and at first started to panic but then hoped they might free me and give me some clothes to wear and take me to get my car and house keys. They checked me out took some pictures of me and told me I was on my own.
It took a long time but I finally freed my self, it was dark and I headed to their house.
It was really cold and my feet were freezing. I felt so vunerable and would give anything to have some clothes to wear.
I made it to their house and they were having quite a party. I knocked on the door and went inside and they were all staring at me. To my surprise I was quite turned on and my dick was really hard. I asked Trisha for my keys and she said no problem but I would have to jack off and squirt my cum in front of everyone first. I had no choice and jacked off and squirted my cum, at least they didn't make me eat it.
She gave me my keys and I ask her if I could have some kind of clothes to wear for the trip home and she said no way. I got in my car and started heading home, I got whin about 5 miles from my house and my car just quit running. Now I realized they had siphoned most of the gas out of my fuel tank so that I would have to leave my car and walk home naked in the freezing cold. They sure were not cutting me any slack and made this as much as a nightmare as possible.
I guess I was just going to have to except the fact that this was going to be with me for the rest of my life. Every time someone looked at me in a strange way I would have to wonder if they had seen pictures of me naked on the internet or any where else since so many pictures had been taken of me.
Part 5
I had no choice but would have to start walking home naked. When I got out of the car I was shocked at how much the temperature had fallen, it was really freezing now. I started making my way back to my house as fast as I could.
I got about halfway back to my house and was terribly cold and scared. Being stranded outside at night was scarey enough and being naked made it that much worse. I heard some shuffling in the woods and knew some animals were following me. I felt as vulnerable as a person could possibly feel.
I had been ducking for cover whenever a car came by but now decided I was going to take the risk and flag down the next car that came by as I just couldn't take the cold anymore and I figured I had at least two to three miles to get to my house. And to add to it it was now starting to snow.
I saw a car coming down the road and as much as I hated to I just stood there and was waving to it. They pulled over and there was a man and a woman in the car and they wanted to know why a man was standing out in the cold completely naked. I told them the whole bondage story and about my car and ask them if they could just give me some gas and take me to my car so that I could go home.
They wanted to know how I could pay them since I obviously didn't have any money at my disposal. I told them I would pay them later and they said they didn't want to do that but they might make a deal with me.
They said they were into bondage with each other and had always thought about doing a bondage session and filming it to another person but never had the nerve to ask anyone before. They said if I would let them do a bondage session with me and film all of it they might consider that as payment. I was so cold I told them I would do whatever they ask. I have to admit this was giving me a pretty big hard on.
He told me to get into the front of the car and and stand there with my hands behind my back and they would discuss it. I went and stood in front if their car with the headlights on and waited for their decision. I dont' think they realizes how cold I was standing there naked with it snowing on me.
It seemed like a long time but they finally told me to get in the back seat and they would fix me up after having a bondage session with me and filming it. I gave him my car and house keys and got in the car.
They turned around and headed toward their house, we passed my car so they knew where it was.
We got to their house and went inside, it turns out they are a married couple and his wife seemed to be really checking me out which made my dick that much harder.
The husbands name was John and he told me to go in the garage and we would get this started. I went in and waited for them. The floor was cold and very dirty but at least the garage was heated.
They came in and told me to lay down as they were going to hogtie me. I didn't feel very comfortable about this but had no choice anyway. I laid on the floor and let them tie my hands and feet together.
They put some clothespins on my nipples and told me they wanted me to have an orgasm and squirt my cum on the floor. I said I didn't know how I could do that as my hands were tied unless one of them jacked me off. They said to start humping the floor like a dog until I squirted my cum.
I started humping the floor and it took awhile but I finally squirted my cum.
Now they wanted me to lick it all up and eat it, I told them it was hard enough eating my cum without gagging but the floor was so dirty that I just couldn't do it.
John took the clothespins off my nipples and put something called chip clips on them and they were very sharp and corrugated on the ends that they hurt worst than alligator clips. He said they would stay on my nipples until all of my nasty cum was licked off the floor.
I couldn't stand that kind of pain and licked all of my cum off the floor and ate it.
Now they untied me all but my hands. They took me to a closet put me in it and told me that is where I would spend the night. It seemed like forever but morning finally came. They said it was time to finish this bondage session up, but we were going to do it outside. I looked out the window and there seemed to be about three inches of snow in the ground. I wasn't looking forward to going out there naked.
They led me outside and untied my hands. They said they wanted me to jack off and squirt my cum in the snow before giving me some gas and taking me to my car.
I had no choice and jacked off and squirted my cum in the snow. Now they wanted me to scoop up the snow with my cum in it and eat it, as much as I hated to I did as they ask. This was so humiliating to me.
They said they were done with me and took me inside. They gave me a two gallon can of gas and said they were going to take me to my car. I ask since they were done with me if I could have some clothes to put on for the trip back and they refused.
We got to within about a mile of my car and they told me I would have to get out and make the rest of the trip back on foot. I begged them not to make me get out and walk the rest of the way to my car naked but they refused. He gave me my car and house keys and gas and told me I was on my own.
I finally made it to my car, I was shivering so much I could hardly get the gas in the tank. But I finally got it in and headed home. I finally got home and knew I was never going to Trisha's house again as I just kept making matters worse.