- Author - Mister_Quiver
- Rating -
   [ 3.36 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2025 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, non-consensual, bondage, kidnapping
- Post Date - 3/15/2008
Jen normally stayed home on Friday evenings, but tonight was different. She was usually a shy, quiet girl, but she had a great week at work and decided it was time to go out with her coworkers to a local hang out after work. She stopped by her house in the country on the way to freshen up and to change clothes. A short black leather skirt, a gray short sleeve satin shirt which accentuated her size 34 bust, and her 4 inch black heels, paired with her shoulder length brunette hair and her 5’5” athletic frame and crystal green eyes made her irresistible. Add her 25” waist, and she became the fantasy girl of many a man. Underneath, she opted for black seamed stockings, a satin garter belt and black lace panties and black lace bra. Though normal attire for some women, for her this outfit was very daring. Conservative was her middle name. Divorced for 7 years, she mostly stayed home and out of the social circles most of her women coworkers frequented. She had few friends outside of the office, hated the thought of the dating scene, and decided to wait on fate to bring a man to her. ‘Maybe this evening will speed fate along,’ she giggled. She quickly finished up and with her heart pounding with excitement, she almost ran to her car, feeling so deliciously naughty at the thought of the looks she would soon be attracting.
Hours later, and after many daiquiris were in her system, she realized how late it was and how tired she was quickly becoming. She told her friends she was leaving and stuffed the last of the men’s phone numbers in her purse. As she drove home, she reflected on how big a hit she was with her outfit as she had received many phone numbers from all types of men. For the first time in a long while, she felt confident and sexy. She even considered going back next Friday as well!
She pulled her SUV into the garage and clicked the garage door opener to close the garage door behind her. Entering the dimly lit house, she flipped on a light and tossed her purse on the couch as she headed to the kitchen for a quick snack before she went to bed. Her heel hit something on the floor. She noticed a small earring on the floor and stooped to pick it up. Puzzled, she wondered when she had dropped it, as she didn’t recall wearing it for a few days prior. Then she saw something that made her gasp. On the living room floor was pictures and papers, all from the coffee table in the center of the room. It appeared as though the table had been cleared off. As she walked closer, she heard a noise in the next room. There was someone in the house with her! She spun and made a dash for her phone. Just as she reached for her purse and the phone within, strong hands grabbed her arms and yanked them behind her, pushing her face down onto the floor. She panicked and tried to scream, but her breath was knocked out of her. Her lungs burned for air as one hand pinned her wrists together behind her back and another hand snaked around her face, clamping hard over her mouth. She wailed against the hand of her attacker, but barely any sound escaped. She tried to kick, but as soon as her legs tensed, her attacker pinned them to the floor with his own. She fought for air and tried to roll away, but she was held down too firmly. The hand covering her mouth suddenly released her mouth and she opened her mouth to scream. As she did, the hand stuffed a thick wad of cloth between her lips, silencing her. A separate piece was wound over her mouth and the hand holding her wrists released them, to pull the knot tight in the gag behind her head. She instantly reacted by trying to push off her attacker, but he was too heavy. She felt the gag wedge deep in her mouth as the knot was tied firmly, and her wrists were quickly wrenched behind her back again. Cold steel encircled each wrist and she tried to scream again into her gag. She was being handcuffed! Her screams only came out as squeaks, and her hands were quickly locked tightly behind her. Next, as she squirmed under her attacker, the same feel of cold steel wrapped around each ankle. In mere seconds, she had been thoroughly gagged and handcuffed. Her heart pounded in her ears and she began to feel lightheaded at the lack of air she was able to get through her nose. The weight lying on her slowly eased as her attacker got up and his strong hands dragged her to her feet. She spun around and almost choked at his sight. She had seen him at the club!
“Hello, Doll,” he said. “Remember me? The guy you blew off at the club? I figured I would stop by and take some valuables, but I never dreamed you would come home so soon.” She watched his eyes dart over her body, and heard a small whistle of appreciation. “Damn, and I thought you looked good from across the room at the club. You are really hot!” She yanked hard to pull away, but he just tightened his grip and laughed. “Oh no, Doll. I plan on us getting to know each other a bit better….Lets say we talk in a more comfortable room …” He spun her around and to her fear, started pushing her toward the bedroom. She squealed and tried to lunge away, but his grip just crushed her arms tighter to her body as he pushed her along. Her cuffed ankles and heels bounced over the thick carpeting as he half pushed – half carried her to the bedroom.
Once inside, he guided her to her bed and pushed her onto it face down. She instantly attempted to rollover and twist her face off the soft satin sheets that were threatening to smother her, but his firm grip on her ankles held her in place. She felt the cuffs around her ankles loosen and heard the clatter as they fell to the floor. He then bent her legs and forced her ankles against her butt and her cuffed wrists. Her knees were splayed open and her attempt at closing them together was impossible. Something cold slid under her left thigh and closed around her ankle and thigh tightly, binding it in place. A leather belt! In mere seconds, her right ankle and thigh met the same fate – strapped tightly together with a second leather belt. Two more belts followed, one on each leg, closer to her knee than the first, welding her legs into position and leaving her feeling incredibly exposed. His body shifted on the bed and moved higher, his powerful thighs and his weight pinning her in place. She moved her head back and forth, trying to keep her nose clear of the soft sheets, and tried to regain her breath. A fourth belt slid under her elbows, and she felt the leather begin to pull her elbows together. Closer and closer her elbows moved, and the more uncomfortable the pressure became. Just as she began to wail and struggle once more from the pain deep in her shoulders, her elbows touched, and the belt was buckled in place. Her wrists now rested between her heels, as the belt had forced her arms perfectly straight. Her arms were almost useless now, as very little movement was left. She now knew what it felt like to be totally helpless. But, even worse was the fact that she felt her pussy getting wet. Feeling her face turn a crimson shade of red, she couldn’t believe her body was responding like this. What type of sick person was she? How could she possibly be feeling this way? She felt so embarrassed and scared. What else did he plan to do?
Her question was quickly answered. His weight no longer crushed her to the bed as she felt him get up. She managed to roll onto her side and ease her breathing, while watching with fearful eyes at what he was going to do. His features were somewhat masked by the darkness of the room, but the moonlight cast an eerie glow throughout the room that allowed her to watch the shadowy figure as he started going through a black duffel bag. She had never seen the bag before, and her breath caught as she realized it was his, and probably contained even more evil devices for his plans. She realized she was covered with sweat from her struggles, and the cool air of the room was making her nipples hard under her shirt. At least she was still clothed, she thought. Her short leather skirt had ridden up her thighs, and the tops of her stocking and the garters were clearly exposed. She wiggled to try to get the skirt back down – fearful of what might happen if he saw her provocative underwear. Her attention diverted momentarily, she jumped when she realized he was standing next to the bed, watching her. She froze. Her heart leaped in her throat as a mass of items spilled from his hands onto the bed. Too dark to make out what they were, she began crying from fear. He wasn’t done. She realized he wasn’t just going to rob her and leave. His hand reached out and began to softly stroke her cheek. She sobbed behind the gag and tried to pull away from his touch. He slowly climbed back on the bed with her and reached for something in the pile. A metallic sound and the sudden gleam of moonlight on silver metal made her scream in fear and struggle wildly. He held her face down on the bed and she felt cold metal touch her thigh. She held her breath as she waited for the sharp pain of the knife. Instead, she heard the unmistakable sound of snipping. Cool air brushed across the backs of her thighs and her butt. Scissors! He was cutting off her skirt!
Panic struck her again as she struggled to push him away. She tried to plead through the gag, but only garbled noise could be heard. He held her down firmly and she felt her skirt being pulled away, exposing her lace panties, garters, and her lower body. Sobbing into her gag, she tugged hard at her restraints in vain. There was no give anywhere. Exhausted, she lay limply in place, resigning herself to her fate. The scissors began their dance again, this time tugging on her beautiful shirt. She buried her face into the sheets and quietly cried as her lovely shirt was cut to pieces and pulled from her body. A few more snips, and her bra and panties were also removed. Her nipples instantly turned rock hard against the satin sheets, and the cool air across her wet pussy made her shiver. She stiffened as his fingers grazed the soft skin of her exposed ass. He began slowly and softly rubbing her bare ass, saying not a word. She began to relax from his soft and soothing caresses. Too soon, the hands stopped to grip her hips. She instantly came out of her trance and wailed into her gag as he flipped her over onto her bound ankles and arms. Pain coursed through her legs and arms as her weight settled on them. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her upright onto her knees and balanced her inches away from his body. She swayed in his grip, sat on her heels and tried to steady herself. Her eyes locked on his, and she held her breath. She didn’t see the dark, steely eyes of a killer; instead she saw warm, deep green eyes. Sensual eyes. Soft, sexy eyes…..She looked away quickly, feeling ashamed once more. Here she was, bound and gagged, about to be raped, and she was thinking her rapists’ eyes were sexy! What was wrong with her? She felt his stare at her full breasts displayed before him, and hoped he wouldn’t notice the wetness creeping down both thighs. She felt a tiny ache deep inside her body, and it made her restless. She shifted her position and his grip hardened. It slowly relaxed as she willed herself to look into his eyes again. They were like magnets, sucking away her resistance and forcing her to look into them. They were friendly eyes. Bright and shining in the soft moonlight….
Seconds turned into hours as she felt herself being sucked away into those glistening orbs….the eyes of a…..a……rapist! She tore her eyes away and jerked away from him. Caught off guard, his grip slipped and she fell onto her side, a chance to escape suddenly realized…..