Part 1
It was one of those rainy days when she just didn't want to leave the house. Ella heard the rain before she opened her eyes, and then her roommate Sam knocked on her bedroom door. "Hey, I'm heading out to Newbury Street. I'll be back later tonight!" Ella relaxed and wanted to drift back to sleep, but grasping she was now awake; got up, brushed her teeth and went to grab some breakfast.
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Realizing she had the apartment to herself the whole day, he mind wandered to the kinkier side yet again. She'd seen some pretty crazy stuff on her ex's computer and after they had broken up, it always stuck with her. She had perused the internet and seen even more stuff, and even gotten some experience with self-bondage over the last year. She hadn't really been kinky with Reed (her Ex), but now it was occupying more and more of her thoughts. Because of that, she'd gone to many of the different online fetish stores and now possessed quite the expansive fetish wardrobe and a whole mess of toys and gear. Sometimes Ella wondered if dropping this on a new man in her life would send him screaming. She rationalized her own behavior by labeling anyone who wasn't a kink as boring or afraid of their own sexuality.
After breakfast, Ella decided on a long session of self-bondage. She was alone and no one would bother her, so why not indulge herself! She went to the shower, stripped down, and hopped in. At 27, her body was in decent shape - nice curves, no flab, but no six pack either. She'd just lost another ten pounds, and was proud of her flatter belly. Dark brown hair with dirty blond streaks went down to her shoulders and framed a spritish face with highly arched eyebrows and bright green eyes. She had large C cups and a smallish waist. Ella thought she could always do more sit-ups and hit the gym more often, but that was hard - so she was happy with her body for the time being. She quickly showered and did her hair. She had the oh-so-popular straight bangs and the boys seemed to like her style at the bars. However, she wanted to get just a little sluttier than normal today. In her exploration phase she'd seen many of the fetish models and fallen in love with their makeup - over time she was able to emulate these styles very well. So today: fake eyelashes, ultra-smoky eyes, and blood red lips with a thick layer of gloss over them. She was excited to see how great her lips would look with a big ball gag between them later.
She caught her hand sneaking down to her clit and stopped just before she started to touch herself. The denial was always the best part... Ella had just been to the spa and was now completely hairless down there - although it hurt, she always thought it made her feel so much sexier - even in her pjs...
Makeup was done, now onto her outfit for the day. Ella kept all her fetish wear in a box at the bottom of her closet - with a lock. The last thing she needed was Sam or a random party guest finding a latex catsuit hanging in the closet! Today, however, was a corset day. She loved corsets - the tightness, what they did to her figure, and - when she'd worn her tamer versions - what they did to men. She had gotten a very expensive number from Westward Bound - red and black with buckles in the front. It had shoulder straps and really made her breasts the center of attention. First though, would be her crotches latex thong. Using a little shine spray, she got that perfect gloss on it and started to feel herself get wet. She slipped it on, and situated the opening so she could have full access to her pussy. Next where the stockings - although she desperately wanted latex stockings she settled with her full fashion black stockings - the cost difference was huge and these stockings looked and felt great. Now the corset went on - she buckled herself in without lacing up first and connected the four garter straps - that was always easier without the added constriction of the corset.
As for lacing, this was hard by yourself - but she'd gotten pretty good at it. Grabbing both strings, she yanked and felt the first big pull inwards from the corset. Now she was really turned on. Still holding the strings, she scurried over in front of a mirror to check herself out. She could see her bright right pussy and was always stunned by how different she looked in this outfit. Another quick pull and she was in as far as she could go herself. She made a quick bow with the set of laces and walked back to her closet. Next, it was shoes - but first she grabbed her 2.5" ball gag (w/ chin strap), a matching set of black leather locking cuffs with collar, some black clothespin style nipple clamps, and her large wall outlet "massager." "Brookstone really is the biggest seller of vibrators, huh?" she said to the vibrator, as if it were a person... She tossed varying lengths of chain onto her bed and carefully laid out her gear next to it. She went to her nightstand, got her zip lock bag of small master locks and their accompanying keys - except one. She had one with a small piece of string attached to it in the freezer. She saved that for last though.
Trying desperately not to touch herself and getting increasingly wet, she grabbed her 5" open toe heels with an ankle strap and put them on nice and tight. She scooped up her set of shoulder length latex gloves from the box - these, like her corset, were still shiny from her last application - she need some lube her get her hand in, but once they were on they felt great and looked even better.
Ella walked over to the freezer and got the cube that was her safety net. She relished the feeling of her stockings between her legs and the sound of her heels on their hardwood floor. The cube was big enough that it would take about 3 hours to melt. It was the key, with a loop of string frozen in the cube. When it melted, the slack would make the key fall safely to her bed, but still be on the string above her bed so as not to get lost!
Ella took the sting end of the cube and tied one loose end to the small white hook above her bed. It hung swaying slightly back and forth with the key suspended about 3 feet from the ceiling. Now she was ready - and she needed to work fast because she could barely keep her latexed fingers away from her now-swollen clit.
She sat on the bed and made a quick crotch chain out of one longer length of chain - one lock in the front to connect the end to the middle - then down between her legs. She tried to make it tight, but didn't want to hurt herself - well not that much! Pulling it up to the small of her back, it met the loop around her wait - another small lock and it was going nowhere. She looked around and took the collar - 2" thick with a big O ring on the front and a locking buckle in the back – Holding it up to her throat, Ella made it tight, but not too tight, "Safety first," she said out loud and then heard the satisfying click of the lock. She put the keys next to the ones from her crotch chain. Soon she'd have a small pile of brass keys on her nightstand.
She moved to her cuffs and got more excited with each click as she moved from wrists to ankles, locking each one on and adding to her key pile. She couldn't keep her hands away from her clit and rubbed herself just a little – pulling away after only a few seconds… Ella got on her knees and looked at herself in the horizontal mirror across from her bed. She loved how she looked and felt powerful, but was about to be helpless. That dichotomy is what she loved so much about bondage.
“Shit,” she said. “I knew I’d forget at least something.” She swung around on her knees to her nightstand and grabbed two Velcro straps. She’d gotten two these at a crafts store – they were really good for keeping her vibrator in place during a session. When she turned around, she caught another glimpse of herself, this time bent over on her knees with her ass in the air. She could she her whole pussy in the mirror and it looked like it was covered in morning dew. Ella had to hurry now otherwise she’d lose her nerve and just go over the edge right here! She plugged in her vibe into the light timer next to the bed and set it for 5 minutes. It was set at intervals after that – she wasn’t a machine after all. She looped the Velcro straps under her garters on the right thigh and slid the vibe under the loops on the inside of her thigh. She tightened the Velcro straps and pressed them securely. The head of the vibe now was pressing hard against her crotch chain and clit. She sat back on her haunches facing her mirror, took two longer lengths of chain and looped one around her right thigh making sure to feed the chain through the D ring on the ankle cuffs. She rotated the chain around till both ends met at the at the D ring and “Click,” she was in one half of a stringent frog tie. She quickly repeated with the other leg, and “Click” she was bound.
Ella squeezed her breasts out of the cups of her corset a little – just so the nipple was exposed. She took the nipple clamps and slid one end through the O ring on her collar. She put attached one to her right nipple and winced just a little when he put it on – it subsided into a dull ache and zinged back to life with each little tug. She finished off with the left nipple and just a little more pressure by loosening each screw just a touch. She tested her situation by throwing back her head. Her nipples immediately screamed and so did Ella, loving the slight pain, she moved onto the final steps.
Ella loved ball gags. It really added to the helplessness and she love the feeling of something in her mouth while tied up. It was such a violation and just could not do bondage without a gag of some kind. Her mouth parted and she put the ball in, giving it a slight push to get it to go behind her teeth. She then buckled it extra tight behind her head, forcing the ball deeper into her mouth. Ella knew she’d have a hard time explaining red marks on her face afterwards, but she was lost in the feeling now.
There was one last piece of chain left and three locks. She connected the three link chain to her right wrist with one of the locks and moved her hand behind her back. With her left hand, she grabbed the other two locks. Straightening her back, she connected one lock to the center link in her wrist chain and locked that to her crotch chain. Next she moved her fingers to support the last lock while she looped the last link and D ring together in the lock. A gentle push and “Click.”
Ella sat on her bed pulling on her chains in every which way – she paused for a moment to see her red lips and white teeth arching over the large red ball gag. In her struggles, Ella fell over on her stomach and started to grind into the vibrator as best she could. It was fruitless; all it did was make her wetter. She was sure there was a puddle under her now and that only made her hornier until – YES!!! The vibrator engaged and in about nine seconds Ella came, and she came hard. She bucked back and forth in her frog tie, arching her back pulled the nipple clamps and made the waves even more intense. She screamed into her ball gag and only high pitched muffles came out. As she subsided, the vibrator did not, torturing her. Ella giggled into her gag for ten minutes and then the giggles turned back into moans. Maybe three hours was too much, she thought to herself. But then, she rolled onto her back and lost herself in her bondage – she couldn’t get out, nothing could stop the vibrator, and she came again. This orgasm really pushed her, he struggles in the chains were getting increasingly loud and the headboard of her bed was slamming against the wall with each wave of ecstasy. Had Sam been home, Ella would have had a hard time explaining the noises!
Ella calmed back down and the upstairs neighbor banged on the floor – the universal signal for, “Shut up you slut!” Realizing she had to be quieter, she maneuvered towards the headboard and rested her back on a pillow… The vibrator would shut off soon according to her timer – giving her a rest for a little while. Ella struggled to get back up on her knees, but the combination of the crotch chain to the wrists and the nipple clamps made this more difficult than Ella thought it would be. When she got back up, Ella saw herself in the mirror again. Her hair was mussed from writhing and her make-up a little worse for the wear, but still hot. She was breathing heavily now and the inside or her thighs were covered with her juices – that only reignited the fire in her loins.
The vibe came back on with a blast. Ella tried desperately to hold herself on her knees, but came violently again. More moaning escaped from behind the gag and he pulled so hard on her wrists the chain dug in even deeper – the vibrations reaching her asshole now and sending her to another level. In the throws she heard the neighbor pounding on the floor again, but she didn’t care.
Over stimulated, she couldn’t take the vibrator for much longer. Ella squirmed on her belly trying to get the vibrator away from her clit and the crotch chain but to no avail. Finally, extremely frustrated, she wrapped the cord around her ankle and pulled it from the wall by rolling over twice… Resting on her back and breathing heavily, she fell asleep only to be woken by a cold, wet key hitting her in the chest. Her eyes fluttered open, and behind the gag, she was smiling.
Part 2
Two weeks had passed since Ella’s crazy day all wrapped up in unforgiving chains. Although Ella had been busy around the apartment and at work, she crammed in going out with her roommate Sam every day last weekend. Now she was exhausted and wanted this upcoming weekend to herself. Sam was going to visit an old flame in Miami and Ella would once again have the apartment to herself.
It was only Tuesday and her thoughts of Friday were tormenting her from three days off. Ella’s desk was in a cube farm at a large insurance company. She was basically a spreadsheet jockey and ran reports all day long. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either.
Around 2:00pm, Ella went to her hotmail account and opened her last email from subshop.com. Seeking to amp her self-indulgences up a little, she had ordered a full 2.5” ball gag head harness. It was expensive, but if it was good enough for www.modelstied.com, it was good enough for her. It was going to arrive on Friday according to the UPS tracking. The next email in her inbox was something special. Ella had pulled the trigger on latex stockings finally. After her bonus, she went straight to www.westwardbound.com and gave her Visa a workout. Ella knew what she wanted and made a beeline for a latex maid’s outfit on her wish list. She had always dug these, and took her fetish outside last Halloween, and wanted to amp it up again. Her Halloween costume was cheap, and something she could get anywhere, this new uniform was a work of art. She wanted to complete the latex look so latex stockings with a white seam and white tops were in order. Of course, those stockings wouldn’t stay up by themselves, so she ordered a simple black latex garter belt with six garter straps. All told, it was a lot of money, but she didn’t feel guilty adding a butterfly vibrator that had thigh straps to stay securely in place! In an attempt to increase her available self-bondage positions, Ella also purchased a telescoping steel spreader bar, in black.
The frog tie was fun, but variety is the spice of life!
The order from Westward Bound would be showing up on Friday as well. She could barely wait, and hunkered down for the rest of the week at work...
Friday finally came and with her boss taking a half day, Ella felt she could leave early. She checked her email at 2:30 that afternoon, and saw that both packages were at her apartment. That was all Ella needed. Not being able to concentrate on anything else, she gathered up her stuff, and got on the T to go home.
The ride on the T out to Allston was uneventful. She ran into their upstairs neighbor, Hunter, while they were both getting off the train. Ever since her crazy day in chains, Ella had been nervous to seen him, but now she had to walk three blocks to their building with him, making small talk. She thought he was cute, but didn’t think there was anything there, especially since she was mortified he had heard her in the throws of several bound orgasms. They knew each other from several parties where she, Sam, and Hunter had all randomly been invited to. “What’s up Ella. Half day today?” Hunter said. “Oh no, my boss took off early, and it’s Friday, so what the Hell.” Hunter nodded, and said, “Me too, gotta love getting out early, you and Sam partying this weekend?” The small talk continued this way for the rest of the walk until, in the mail room, Ella said, “I have to grab some packages, so I’ll see you later?” “Funny, me too. I just ordered a new digital camera. I can’t wait to start playing with it. Did you get anything good?” As the concierge was getting the packages for Ella (the concierge recognized her and always grabbed her stuff as she walked into the building), she could feel her face turn bright red. Her mind was racing and she had this paranoid feeling that Hunter knew exactly what was in those boxes. Thank god for discreet shipping! “Uh, I don’t know. I think it is from my parents or something, they’re always sending me stuff.” “Cool, I only get cookies on my birthday.” He responded. The concierge came back with two medium boxes for Ella, and she was mortified to see the large Royal Mail stamps on the Westward Bound package – she only hoped Hunter wouldn’t notice and call her out. She signed the clipboard at the front desk, and said, “Well, I’ll see you later. Have good one.” Hunter told the concierge he had a package and turned to Ella, “Yeah, hey… me a couple of my friends are going out for drinks tonight. You and Sam want to come with us?” “Um, I don’t know,” Ella just wanted to get upstairs now, “Probably not, I think I’m just going to chill tonight. See ya.” And she darted away while Hunter was signing the clipboard.
Ella walked over to the stairs and shot up to the second floor, avoiding the elevator for fear of Hunter’s prying eyes and questions. Ella went into their apartment, dropped the boxes, and took a knife from the “stuff” drawer they had in the kitchen. Staring at her two brown boxes, she couldn’t make up her mind which one to open first. After a quick deliberation – she attacked the box from xxxx.com. Ella drover her hands into the box and they hit leather as she fumbled through the packing paper. As she pulled out the head harness, she felt herself getting a little wet. It was beautiful though, and she started to think maybe 2.5” was maybe too big. The head harness was intimidating and she was excited to put it on. She brought the large red ball up to her lips and opened as wide as she could, but couldn’t get her teeth around it. Ella wasn’t one to turn down a challenge, so she moved her jaw around, stretched out a little, and tried again. She got her teeth around it a little, and then pushed hard and popped it behind her teeth. Now she was full blown horny and realized she had to do the gag last. She wrestled it out from behind her teeth, and set to opening the box from Westward Bound.
Ella opened the box carefully and cut the packing tape. She put the knife away (knives and latex don’t mix) and pulled out the most magnificent latex French maid uniform she’d ever seen. It came with a small white headpiece and a white latex apron. The smell was intoxicating, and she further explored the box. The stockings were fantastic, and seemed a little small, but they would stretch. The garter belt would fit her well, and the vibe looked like a lot of fun. She was also a little intimidated by the spreader bar, as it seem rather strict, but she was all about new things. Now Ella knew she had to start prepping before she couldn’t stand it any longer.
Ella had been busy since her last adventure, but she did have time to think about her next session. She looked for a good place to set up a strappado position. It would be tricky, but very hot. Right off the main entryway of their apartment, she put a very large eye bolt into a beam she knew would be supporting that hallway entrance. Sam didn’t seem to care or even notice, so Ella was in the clear. Scurrying about the apartment, getting ready for the evenings activities she was getting even more excited. First Ella got her latex shine, and shined the newly acquired items to a lustrous gleam. Next, to the mirror! Fake eyelashes, body glitter to accentuate her breast line, and wet red lips. Trading in her smoky eyes, Ella applied a light blue eye shadow and heavy red rouge. She put her hair up in a little bun to give further credence to her role as a maid. Next, Ella went to her closet, and got the fun box – still locked away from anyone but her. Laying out her outfit, new gag, heels, cuffs, collar, chains, locks, new vibe (with fresh batteries), and latex opera gloves (still glossy from last time) made her ridiculously wet, she felt like her dress pants were going to be ruined!
Ella had everything set and started the process. She had her same looped string and key in the freezer with on difference. It held two keys, one for the strappado chain and one for a wrist lock. This section would come last. After getting naked, lubing up her legs, arms and most of her midsection, all the while keeping her fingers away from her now swollen sex, she fastened the garter belt around her waist and started on pulling the stockings up her legs… The compression from the latex felt and great and looked even better. However, it was taking her some work to get them on, and get them straight. She knew vibe would have to be on her person throughout this ordeal, so she tucked the control into under the tight garter belt and pulled the straps up over her hips. The butterfly was now nuzzled in her increasingly wet pussy and sitting right on her clit. This almost set her off, but Ella remained calm and soldiered on. Finally, she clipped all six garters onto the tops of the stockings, and picked up the dress.
Any maid in this uniform was begging for a serious fucking. The white latex petticoat came down about 1 inch under the outer dress and just barely covered her ass cheeks and gave a great view of her garters and the tops of her stockings. Ella stepped into the dress, pulled it up over her hips, and zipped up the back. Realizing it was really tight, she had to adjust her tits to sit just right, but it felt great. Before putting on the gloves, she added a small white latex headpiece and tied the apron around her waist to really complete the outfit. The short slightly-puffed sleeves of the dress left a little skin exposed after she slid her gloves on. Ella fastened her locking collar around her neck and used one of her many locks to start her bondage. Now it was time for the cuffs. Due to the latex gloves, she had to pull each one a little tighter than if she was nude. This only added to the feeling of the bondage and the locks kept that her helpless – each click was making her so horny… Click, click, click, click – all four were on and the keys where in a nice pile on the floor. 5” heels went on last and the outfit was done… Ella had to go to the mirror and see the fruits of her labors. She was stunned. The latex doll in front of her was the epitome of a latex sub. She bent over to check out the rear view, and loved the white seams on her legs – there was a great framing of her sex with the garters and the skirt gave that flirty edge to it.
Ella couldn’t stand it any longer; she turned on the vibe and almost lost it before quickly shutting it off. She could feel herself dripping down her leg and knew it was now or never to make it happen. The ball gag was next. Ella opened as wide as she could and shoved the ball behind her teeth. Like the first time, she really had to push the ball in, but it was in. She yanked each of the four straps as tight as should could, buckled them, and was now gagged to the extreme. Ella relished the feeling of the huge ball that was now fastened behind her teeth. The drool was already starting to come out of her mouth! To the freezer, and then to the eyebolt, she attached her safety mechanism. Ella knew the strappado wouldn’t be that strict, but it would be a lot of fun. She had already hung the chain from the eye bolt and now locked her crotch chain around her waist and right over the vibe – pushing it deeper into her pussy. Ella placed the spreader bar on the medium extension and locked it on to each ankle. She was now very unstable on her heels, and had to use the wall to keep from falling over. Ella picked up the last three locks and a piece of chain three links long. Trying to center herself under the eyebolt was difficult and she wanted it to be done right.
She looped the lock around the chain, and then around the D ring of her left hand. This was the part of the process where she always started to shake a little. She was so horny and so excited about the predicament she was about to be in. With the other two locks in one hand, she flicked the controller of the vibe onto “Random” to keep her guessing for the next hour or so. She was on the edge of orgasm, but forced herself to concentrate. Ella put her hands behind her back and locked the chain to her right D ring as well. She bent over while holding onto the chain from the ceiling. She pulled her arms up the chain as far as she could and slid the lock into the center link between her wrists. It took Ella about 30 seconds to get the lock into the hanging chain, but as soon as she heard that “click” indicating her imprisonment, a wave a pleasure washed over her.
She screamed into her gag and only high pitched squeals came out. Bent over, with her arms up behind her, she was in heaven. The vibe switched gears, and Ella had a moment to recover. She was staring at the floor and the spreader bar between her legs when the vibrator went back to a consistent, high powered, buzz. Ella started to thrash around, and stressed the chains to their max. She couldn’t move too much as her legs were almost completely immobilized but it felt good anyway. The fact she couldn’t close her legs was a new sensation to her. That, coupled with the new vibrator, was really tormenting her. In the moments after her orgasm, she started to giggle a little as the vibe really started to tickle her.
Drool was now making its way down her chin and forming a small puddle by her spreader bar, but she didn’t care. The new vibe was relentless and the position made feel like a true sex slave. When the next wave of pleasure came, she screamed into the gag, and started to kick around within her bonds, it kept going like this for at least a minute. Ella wasn’t even paying attention when she heard a knock at the door.
If the person at the door had been there for more than 15 seconds, they definitely heard her cumming. Ella’s heart was racing as her soaked and spread pussy was lifted in the air, facing the door. Ella was trying to stay still and not make a sound when she realized she didn’t lock her door before starting her session. The ice melted just then and the keys swung down to hit her bound hands. “Please go away, please please please,” she thought to herself as she fumbled to grasp the keys. But the vibrator didn’t care; it was buzzing away and driving Ella to the next level. “Ella, we’re heading out for drinks, we’ll be at Wonderbar if you want to meet up.” It was Hunter. She was relieved it wasn’t Sam as he knocked again, and called for her again … A little too relaxed, the vibrator bought her up to orgasm out of nowhere and she screamed into the gag as she climaxed. Ella was writhing around trying to stave off the pleasure to unlock her wrists. She tried the first key on the center lock. Nothing. On her right wrist? Bingo, she snaked her wrist out and swung around to work on the center link, standing up straight. Just as she was getting out of that last cuff she heard Hunter, “Ella, everything alright in there?” Ella got the last lock of the chain and pulled/jumped herself towards the dooor as she saw it crack open.
What happens next? Choose your own adventure!
What happens to Hunter, what happens to Ella? You decide! Leave leave comments here and tell me more self bondage or a discovery...