She knew torture would be inevitable when she received her license to kill. So, she faithfully endured the intense mental and physical torment to prepare herself for the worse. But, even the long rigorous months of training could not prepare C.O.N.T.R.O.L. Agent 0038DD, Sheri Stonewall, for the devious torments of Dr. Emila Sinstra.
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Agent 0038DD lay naked with her arms spread above her head and her legs pulled wide apart. The leather cuffs, buckled tightly around her wrists and ankles, were bolted to the cherry wood floor. Her firm round ass lay atop of a 4-inch-thick stainless steel pressure plate.
A small puddle of sweat lay around her torso. Droplets trickled down her sides tickling her mercilessly, forcing her to use her training and remain calm and keep her ass firmly planted on the pressure plate.
Her long red hair stuck to her as it absorbed most of the drops of sweat forming on her forehead. The thick white cotton cloth covering her lower face also absorbed some of the moisture. The rest reflected the moonlight coming in from the western window.
She decided not to waste any strength in an effort to call out for help, she was to well gagged. A Novocain saturated sponge filled her mouth, numbing her lower face and throat. She doubted she could make a sound. But, even if she could, the stretchy ace bandage holding the sponge in and wrapped around her head at least a dozen times would block any sounds. And, if that didn't stop the sound, the electric tape wrapped over the bandage or the cotton cloth tied over all of it would.
Besides, no one occupied either of the bungalows next to hers. And, she was positive her bungalow had been deserted.
So, she focused her concentration on keeping her ass on the chilly metal plate.
She was very proud of the fact that she had personally thwarted every attempt Emila Sinstra and K.A.O.S. had made to destroy the peace talks. But, to have fallen for such a simple and obvious trap by accepting a drugged drink from a handsome admirer, really stuck in the pit of her stomach.
Awaking naked and bound once again in front of her nemesis was disappointing. But, when Emila explained she would be using her, to trigger the bomb that would kill all the peace negotiators, she was crushed.
If she failed to keep the proper weight on the pressure plate, it would transmit a signal to a detonator that would trigger the explosion.
Agent Stonewall figured she only had to keep her ass on the plate for a maximum of 24 hours. The treaties should be signed and all parties have left the area by then. She could do that easily.
But, the evil bitch added a slight twist, by slipping a huge dildo between the bound agent's legs, after injecting a super aphrodisiac into her right buttock. Her parting words rang loudly in Agent Stonewall's mind. "Each orgasm will increase in intensity.... Eventually, growing to the point where the spasms will force your body to tense and lift that cute ass of yours off the plate...Then, you'll have to live with the fact that your failure was responsible for all those deaths..."
Agent Stonewall could still feel where the woman's fingernail circled her nipple and sensually teased its way down to her clit, as she continued her gloating.
"For the rest of your life you'll know you lost to me.... Of course that will only be until you let your perfect ass fall back onto the pressure plate... You see once pressure is put back on it, it will trigger another transmitter that will activate a bomb in the pleasure toy between your legs, ending your life... I will miss having your body around to pleasure me, but, that is how it must be....."
"MMMMGGGGPPPPHHHH!!!!" Agent Stonewall loudly try to moan, as another huge orgasm racked her body. Her ass remained on the steel, even though, the muscles in her arms and legs tensed nearly forcing her from it.
She lost count of the number of orgasms she had overcome, but, knew she was close to the edge of her endurance. She fought the tears forming in her green eyes. She determined not to give in.
The bolts holding her wrists and ankles to the floor refused to give any. So, she knew escape was not happening. All she could do was to hold out until she saw the morning sunlight come through the window. That would be the only way she could know she had not failed.
Sweat poured down her now. She couldn't believe she had endured 6 more orgasms.
She panted through her nose sucking in as much oxygen as her lungs could take. Focusing her eyes and centering her total concentration in preparation for the next powerful jolt that she knew was only seconds away.
Her whole body seemed to vibrate and pulse in unison with the devilish device torturing her. She could tell this would be the worse or the best depending upon your perspective. The first electric spark rushed over her and she silently screamed, her head rolling back and her arms pulling against her bonds. Her legs spasmed pulling her thighs down toward her ankles. Then, an uncontrollable eruption exploded within her. She dug her heels against the hard wood floor and arched her back high into the air.
Over the buzzing of her tormentor a loud distinct click filled her ears, followed a few seconds later by a loud thunderous explosion off in the distance.
Agent Stonewall felt the bungalow tremble and she silently cried in defeat.
The dildo continued its assault as now she fought to keep her ass lifted high into the air.
The sounds of sirens along with her panting filled the bungalow. Depression was slowly sweeping over her, but, she had to fight on. She determined to escape and have her revenge on Emila.
Her back began to tighten, but, she kept her hips lifted high.
"That's quite a lovely and sensual pose," a deep male English voice said casually. "I must admit I'm very..... impressed..."
Agent Sheri Stonewall turned her head and with a puzzled look stared at the elegantly handsome upside down image stepping from the room's darken shadows.
He was just over 6-feet tall and looked very dashing in his perfectly tailored tuxedo.
"Bond, James Bond...." He answered her unasked question. "I volunteered to be the Ministry's contact and assist C.O.N.T.R.O.L. on this peace mission."
He stepped next to her nodding his approval of her physique.
"I can see why dear Emila enjoys sparing with you," he grinned.
Agent 0038DD suddenly became very aware of her vulnerability.
"I thought you'd never lift that cute arse," he grinned. "I was beginning to think I wasted my time changing the transmission frequencies."
He stood over her enjoying the sight before him.
"The explosion wasn't at the peace talks. I redirected the frequency codes." He continued, drinking in her beauty. "The explosion you heard was the secret K.A.O.S. headquarters here. I suspect poor Emila may be ousted as the organization's head now. I do want to thank you. I doubt if I would have been as unnoticed if you had not been such a lovely distraction."
He knelt and casually adjusted the dildo.
"There, no need to worry about that little device discharging prematurely," He grinned. "Now, shall we discuss my reward for rescuing you."
Sheri Rockwall swiveled in her low back office chair and looked through the open doorway into her livingroom at the young man sitting quietly on the sofa.
"There, that gets it started," She smiled. "I appreciate your indulgence. If I don't make myself start a story on time, I'll never get it written."
"No problem, take your time..." Harlon Masterson smiled, waving his hands nonchalantly in front of his face. "There's no rush... We'll leave when you're ready. I didn't know you were an author. May I ask what the story is about? Or, is it private and on a need to know only basis."
The young man nervously stood and made his way across the room from the soft velveteen covered sofa through the doorway and to the desk.
"It's a romance spy novel," Sheri answered, turning her chair to make room for Harlon at the desk. "Actually, I'm writing it for a dear friend to post on his website. So, sure you can read it, but, only if you let me know what you really think of it."
In truth, she didn't care what he thought of the story. She only wanted to use it as an ice breaker to find his true feelings about tying and gagging her.
She had become weary of investing her emotions and time into dating a man for weeks or months, only to discover he didn't share her passion about bondage. The emptiness left in her after so many failed attempts at finding her soul mate began to form a callus on her emotions.
Her best friend and coworker, Benita Morgan, talked her out of her first inclination to open her door to him completely naked, holding a dozen coils of rope, and saying 'tie me, gag me, enjoy me'.
Instead she opted for this slightly more subtle approach.
Although, she did fill the desk drawer on her left with several coils of white cotton clothesline and left it open enough so he could get a good view of its contents.
She reset the cursor to the beginning and smiled as Harlon leaned closer to her to get a better view of the screen.
Having him here ended the debate that had raged within her for some time now.
The thought of having a more personal relationship with her student entered her mind as soon as Harlon began to bind her to that chair in the school auditorium during his audition to be propmanager. By the time a month had passed and he had her securely bound to the railroad tracks on the outskirts of the city, she had to daily fight the urge to invite him to her house for personal tutoring sessions.
Sheri had been professionally bound many times before, having taken a job as a model for a group of bondage photographers to supplement her income as a substitute teacher for the Delta City school system. It took 3 years after her graduation from college before they offered her a full-time job as art teacher for Delta City High School.
The extra money was nice, but, the pleasures she enjoyed while bound and gagged could have been ample reward.
However, once she accepted the teaching position she had to stop bondage modeling to keep a proper image. But, after 4 months away from it, she began missing those wonderful pleasures.
Fortunately, along with teaching art, she was the faculty sponsor for the school's Drama And Film Club. Therefore, she got to choose which plays and film scripts the club could use. Also, which students did what or played whom.
The club suddenly became one of the most popular, particularly within the male student body.
She was fairly certain it wasn't their love of the theater that prompted Harlon and the rest of the football team to join.
Instead, she had an inclination that her long red hair, green eyes, and the way her clothing hugged her 38DD/25/36 inch figure was more influential. Particularly, the way her tight sweaters highlighted her curves.
She decided on a script for the club to film that filled her personal needs as well as was suitable for the school and quickly cast the male hero and villain roles. But, when none of the female students wanted to play the part of the damsel in distress, which she had banked on happening, the students all agreed that she should play that part. So she 'reluctantly' agreed.
But, then, she had to audition for a good propmanager.
Several students tried out. However, the fact that his parents own the local hardware store and contributed most of the supplies needed for sets free or at cost, she chose Harlon for the job.
Not to mention that the knots he tied were secure and very effective. Not just rope wrapped loosely around her body like most of the others wanting the job had done. With very little effort she easily escape from their bonds.
But his, not only could she not escape, she could barely feel any of his knots loosen, no matter how fervently she struggled. And, he was the only one who thought about or suggested using an effective gag.
Sheri giggled in her mind thinking back on those 6 wonderful weeks of being bound and gagged in various fiendish ways while playing the part of Nell Fenwick in their version of THE ADVENTURES OF DUDLEY DO-RIGHT.
The young man, who's face was presently inches away from hers, had bound her every time as professionally as any of the riggers or photographers she had worked with previously.
But, something about Harlon made him different from them. Even simple plain ties brought a warmth to her soul and her libido.
Many times during the filming she was so thankful for the different gags he used to fill her mouth and cover her lips. They prevented her from leaning closer to give him a kiss and kept her from begging him to come to her house to rehearse every night.
She hated that she had to just settle for the short rehearsals prior to and while filming each scene. That was barely enough to keep her satisfied. And, after the filming ended, the dreams she'd have of him tying her here, there, and everywhere imaginable, she would wake feeling so hot and horny.
Yes, the rest of that year and his senior year were difficult for the 24 year old teacher to say the least. They worked together on 3 stage plays and 2 more short films. All of which seemed to have a fair amount of bondage in them and she as the lead and Harlon the propmanager.
On Benita's wise advice, she forced herself to stay out of his life while he attended college.
During that time she was never without a date. It was just that none ever met her ultimate satisfaction.
When Harlon graduated, she was involved with another man. It also didn't work out, but, sadly by then Harlon had moved on with his life in another city. She continued dating with the same discouraging results.
Then, 3 days ago Benita told her Harlon had come back to the city to manage the hardware store. His father became ill and he immediately left his upper management position with a national hardware chain to take care of the family store.
Sheri could barely wait for classes to end that day. She raced over to Masterson's Hardware and bought the rope, that is now resting in her open desk drawer, making sure Harlon not only saw her, but, waited on her as well.
She thought she was going to stroke out waiting on him to ask her out before she left. Which he finally did after they chatted for nearly 2 hours.
His knee bumping the open drawer snapped Sheri's mind back.
"It may be a bit more risque than you're used to," she said to worn him as she studied his face. "Some of my interests may not lay along the same lines as most other teachers you know."
"OH MY GOD!" He gasped, his eyes widening in horror. "Oh my god!"
Sheri's heart sank. She had hoped so much that he would feel somewhat the same as she. But, the look on his face and sound of his voice, made her feel his repulsion.
"I'm..... sorry...." She cried softly, turning her chair away from him. "I'd hoped.... that you'd... That you'd understand, how much I enjoyed you tying me before and that I missed it ....sigh.."
She quietly sat for what felt like hours, but was only several minutes, her face turned away from him. Then, she slowly began to rise from her chair.
"There's no need in wasting our time," she sniffed, lifting her left hand to wipe away a tear that had formed. "Just go... I'm sorry....."
She felt him wrap his fingers tightly around her right wrist.
His grip grew tighter and tighter and he was pulling her back lifting her arm over the back of the chair as she was forced to sit.
By the time she realized it wasn't his fingers holding her wrist, he had pulled her left arm back and had slipped her left wrist through the rope he held in his hand. He pulled the ends of the rope and Sheri felt the matching clovehitches tighten locking her wrists together.
"What are you doing, Harlon?" She asked. "Stop! I don't want to be tied out of sympathy. So, just stop nowwwwwwooooo...."
He cinched the rope between her wrists and looped the ends around her waist pulling her firmly against the back of the chair.
"Harlon!!!" She said. "Don't.... Stop....You don't need to do this.... Harlon!"
He ignored her ranting and knotted the ends together locking her into the chair.
She continued pleading with him as he pulled more of the cord from the drawer and made 8 turns of cord around her legs below her knees before knotting it, then, cinching it tight. He did the same above her knees, then, retrieved another coil of rope and turning his back to her, bound her ankles, cinching them tightly together.
"Look at me, I said, you don't need to do thisssssooooohhhh.." Sheri said, trying to get him to look at her.
Her protests seemed to be falling on deaf ears as he took another long coil of rope and forced her elbows to meet.
Two perfectly formed large mounds of purple cashmere protruded boldly from Sheri's chest. She felt the ropes tighten around below them and her forearms as he looped the cord around her. More cord went around above them and her upper arms locking her securely to the chairs back.
As much as she was enjoying the feeling, she hated that he was doing this out of pity so she continued her torrent of pleas.
He forced the ball gag into her mouth and quickly buckled the head harness it was attached to tightly around, forcing the ball deep into her mouth. She had forgotten it was beneath all the rope.
"MMAAMMOOMM, MMMOOMM..." Sheri screamed fighting his effort to buckle the harness.
She turned her head and looked in him full in the face.
He bleached white. His eyes widened with a sudden look of fear as he gazed into her eyes. Then, color rushed into his cheeks and he spun scurrying out of the office to disappeared from her view through the livingroom.
"MMAAMMOOMM! MMAAMMOOMM!" Sheri screamed into the gag, struggling against the ropes holding her securely.
Harlon panted loudly, his hand reaching for his chest. He thought his heart was about to explode. He had to get away from her and get control of himself.
The moment he saw his Goddess step through the door of the store he was transported back in time 10 years. Once again he became that awkward 16 year old foolish teen, head over heels in love with a fantasy woman.
She was still as beautiful and perfect as the day he first saw her sitting behind the teacher's desk in homeroom. Her voice, that of an angel, called his name and pointed to his seat. He drowned in those magnificent green pools staring at him. From that point any desire to study dissolved in her presence, all he could do was aimless stare at her lost in his daydream's of adventures with her.
He had been so nervous walking from his car to her front door, he worried he may vomit. And, when she opened the door wearing that tight purple sweater and leather skirt, he nearly turned and ran away.
Harlon didn't know where in the house he had ended. He bent at his waist and leaned against a door.
It opened and he stumbled into the room falling face first onto the soft luxurious bed in the middle of the far wall of the room.
A pink satin comforter covered the bed and the sensuous aroma of her perfume filled his head.
"OH MY GOD!" He thought to himself. "Her bedroom....."
He finally fulfilled one of the goals he had dreamed about so long ago. He had been to her house along with others in the drama club many times for meetings, but, he had never entered this holy of holys.
He sat on the bed, drinking in the euphoric atmosphere as he slowly explored this Xanadu.
The closet door on his right was ajar and something caught his eye. Reluctantly sliding off the bed, he went to the closet and hesitated momentarily before pulling the door open.
His eyes widen, the air in his lungs rushed out of his mouth, and his knees buckled.
"NO! IT COULDN'T BE!!!!!" His mind screamed at him.
His eyes watched his trembling hand reach into the closet and slowly pull out a tiger striped spandex and nylon catsuit and hood.
Spinning it slowly around on its hanger, he studied the costume, recognizing the pattern of the brown, orange, and white stripes. And, across the buttocks area were the letters 'LA TEEGRA'.
"IT IS HER!" He gasp.
Not only had the woman of his dreams accepted an invitation for a date from him. But, through a strange quirk of events, he has discovered she is also one of the bondage authors he enjoys reading as well as the real life model behind his favorite online superheroine storyline.
He fought the thoughts running through his mind and the erection he had been trying to hide from her was now about to burst through his trousers. He had the woman of his dreams, whose stories and pictures were downloaded on his computer, bound and gagged in the other room.
What should he do? He glanced around the room once more.
Meanwhile, Sheri stared at her reflection in the computer monitor's black screen. She felt an odd sensation beginning and building. Suddenly, her body tensed and began to quiver uncontrollably.
"MMMMMMMOOOOOMMMMMAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!" She screamed into the gag, as an enormous orgasm rocked her body.
Panting softly filling her lungs and body with much needed oxygen and trying to compose herself, she realized that had not happened in a long time.
The gagged image on the screen began to laugh at her.
"MEE MEE MEE MEE" Sheri laughed recalling the first time she had an orgasm while bound without an extra stimulation.
Oddly enough, Harlon had bound her then, too.
He had wrapped her tightly from head to toe in bandages for a play the club was doing for Halloween his senior year called THE MUMMY TAKES A BRIDE. The bandages were very tight and secure and covered her completely. Only, her nose had been left uncovered. She wanted to time how long it would take to wrap her and stand her in the sarcophagus leaning against the back wall of the stage.
That was what she had told him, anyway.
Harlon had done is normal excellent job leaving her quite immobile, and, it took less time than she thought. So, she was ecstatic to be able to keep this scene in the show.
A scream sounded from the front of the stage. Harlon ran to see what happened and wound up having to take an injured student to the nurse, then, drive him home.
By the time Harlon had remembered her and came back, Sheri had spent close to 4 hours in the sarcophagus. And, she had 2 very intense unexpected orgasms. Blinded by the wrappings she didn't know if there were others on the stage and had heard her muffled moans of ecstasy.
The sound of Harlon's footfalls in the livingroom brought her mind back to the present.
"MMMRR MMIIMM MU MO?" She asked.
He just stepped around her and began clicking on the keyboard, Then, he moved her webcam from one side of the desk to the middle aiming it at her.
Sheri's eyes widened after he stepped back behind her.
There she was filling the screen.
"MAMM MRM MU MOMIM?" She wondered.
He said nothing, but, spread a 6-inch wide folded purple satin scarf across her lap.
She looked down at the scarf and as she lifted her head a purple blur dropped past her eyes.
"I remember you prefer having a wide over-the-mouth gag to cover your lower face." He whispered in her ear as he pulled the second purple satin scarf tightly around her mouth, chin, and ball gag. She could see his wide grin in the monitor as she watched him knot the scarf tightly behind her head.
He lifted her chin turning her head left and right admiring her.
The feel of the scarf over the ball and harness sent another warm rush of pleasure through her.
She was enjoying the image on the screen when he lifted the other scarf from her lap up to her eyes. Sheri began uselessly shaking her head no.
"This will help preserve your identity should anyone else happened to link to your webcam." He whispered, pulling the scarf tightly over her eyes. "I'm connecting it to my cellphone so I can keep an eye on you while I'm out getting our meal and making a few other stops..."
He knotted the scarf, then, holding her cheeks with both hands gently kissed her on top of the head.
"Please do struggle," he said, opening the front door. "I'll be watching....."
Sheri didn't know how long he was gone. And, after the third climax racked her body she didn't care. All she knew was when he returned she wanted to return the favor.
Suddenly, the bonds holding her torso to the chair loosen and she felt herself being lifted out of the chair to her feet. It was difficult to keep her balance and she toppled forward. but, she didn't fall, someone caught her.
She felt herself being lifted onto someone's shoulder and carried out of the room, where she was seated in another chair.
Her arms were released and the feeling massaged back into them.
But, before her blindfold and gag were remove, her arms were tied to the chair arms and she felt more rope lacing her tightly to the back of the chair.
"I promised you dinner and a movie," Harlon smiled at her lifting a glass of water to her lips.
On the dining table in front of her lay a wonderful candlelit meal and a television/DVD combo.
"Thank you," Sheri smiled, after taking several sips of water. "And, not just for the water... "
He smiled and began feeding her, telling her his true feelings and the pleasure he got from reading her stories, and about finding her Teegra costume.
She did the same while he ate, explaining she did Teegra as a favor to a friend, but, enjoyed it so much she continued. She told him how much she hoped to find a man who would share her passion for bondage.
Just as they finished Harlon sighed and confessed to reading the last entry in the open diary, that was on her dresser.
"I shouldn't have, but, as nervous as I was couldn't stop myself. I wish I'd known that you felt that way years ago."
She started to get angry, but, was actually relieved that now he knew how she felt. Besides, tied as she was what could she do.
Both knew they had found who they wanted.
They finished their wine and she asked about the television.
"It's for the movie," He said, getting out of his chair and clearing off the table. "This one isn't at a local theater. Actually, it's a triple feature...But, first desert...."
"Open up!" He said, tying a large knot in one of the scarves.
Sheri smiled, then, took the large knot deep into her mouth and cooed softly as he tied the second scarf tightly over the first.
Minutes later she was giggling into the gag. Harlon had had all the videos of their plays and films converted to a DVD. And, he had somehow managed to video all of their rehearsals. He had them added to the DVD in a bonus area.
Sheri would glance back and forth from the screen to Harlon and each time he was staring at her and smiling.
Two hours later the DVD ended and Sheri watched Harlon evenly space and seal 4 large C-clamps on each piece of the doorframe between the livingroom and office.
"You need to use the restroom and put something comfortable on," Harlon said, after he freed her from her bonds. "This first date has to end and I want it to be in an unforgettable way."
"You don't want to spend the night?" Sheri asked, as he released her.
"Not on the first date," He answered. "That adds anticipation for the second...."
"MY GOD!" Harlon GASPED, nearly losing it when Sheri walked back into the livingroom dressed as La Teegra. "You read my mind."
"You want anticipation, you got it." Sheri snickered.
The spandex costume hugged her body like a second skin. Black leather thigh high boots and matching shoulder length gloves covered her arms and legs.
It took all of Harlon's will to not succumb to his lower region's pleas.
And, Sheri didn't help by prancing and teasingly maneuvering around him seductively as he strapped a leather body harness over her torso and leather cuffs on her ankles, above and below her knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, and biceps.
He attached ropes to the harness at her shoulders, chest, and waist. Then, he had her stand on a rod he connected to the bottom C-clamps on the doorframe's sides.
He tied the shoulder and chest ropes to the clamps on the top of the frame.
Sheri could feel the support of her weight shifting from her legs to the harness.
Next Harlon tied a rope to each leg cuff.
Sheri watched her legs spread wider and wider and get closer and closer to the frame as he pull the ropes through the clamps. He tied them off when he saw she couldn't move her legs.
He placed her hands on her hips and tied the wrist cuffs to the strap around her waist. Then, he pulled the rope connected to her elbow cuffs to the nearest clamp, tying it tight, keeping her elbows pointed at the doorframe. He connected her bicep cuffs to another clamp, locking her arms in position.
Using more coils of rope, he crisscrossed her body with the rope over and over, tying it to a different clamp with each turn.
When he finished he looked at her and pointed toward the computer monitor.
"OH MY GOD!" Sheri gasp her eyes widening behind the hood's mask.
The image on the screen looked like she had been bound in a large web, dangling from the doorway in the famous superheroine pose of hands on hips and arrogantly jetting her chest out.
He then slipped the hard rubber penis gag into her mouth and tightly buckled the wide leather panel over it.
"MOLEEME, MO ME!" She pleaded.
"You want me to do what?" He snickered, kneeling down and removing a final item from the bag he brought back with him. "Just one final thing for you."
He snapped a telescoping rod to the rod between her feet and raised it level with her thighs. He showed her a large vibrator and slipped it into the opening on the upright rod adjusting it so the tip was just a millimeter away from the very wet area between her legs.
He plugged the power cord into a wall socket and turned it on.
The humming sound filled the air, but, Sheri could not feel it.
"So close yet so far," Halon grinned, turning toward the livingroom.
"MMMA MMMAAA MU MOOMM?" Sheri begged through the gag, as the lights went out in each room of her house except for the one keeping her form well lit.
"I'm going home to turn on the computer in my bedroom and log into your webcam," Harlon whispered into her ear. "Then, you can imagine what will happen...."
"MMMOOO!!!!" Sheri screamed.
"I'll be back in the morning and we'll discuss a second date," he smiled and left the house.
Sheri twisted and turned, unable to free herself or move any closer to the vibrator.
"He knows me all to well," she thought to herself and wondered what their second date will be like.