I really do not know where my love of rubber and latex started from. I recall being turned on when I found some ‘top shelf’ magazines all about rubber, Atomage being one. Previously I had been a stocking & suspender man, so I still tend to veer towards rubber stockings and nice clinging underwear rather then voluminous mack’s.
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Is it the smooth..(yes another magazine title from way back..), appearance of rubber? The touch of it, the encasement of one body, the aroma, or just that it’s a fetish. Well I suppose it’s all of those.
My next step was to purchase my first rubber garment. I visited a local sex shop, all naive I was nonetheless desperate, these were days before internet shopping, and any fetish was all very low profile and hush hush. So there I was in this sex shop looking at the rack of latex garments, all underwear, and disappointingly mostly for women. The shop assistant noticed my interest and showed me a catalogue. My interest was dawn to some Bermuda shorts with a sheath. No sir we don’t have those … we do have these however, and showed me what they laughingly called ‘dancing shorts’. These were similar to the bermuda’s I wanted but were for the gay market with the sheath designed to be internal.
I looked at the garment, dipped latex, damn the aroma was intoxicating, I could feel a warm sexy sensation in my groin.. I’ve got to have these I thought, and invention being my watchword here I thought well turn them inside out .. and I have what I want! after the material is not ‘sided’. So the purchase was made. I could not wait to get home and try them on.
At this time, still a teenager I was still living at home with my parents, so discression was necessary, their attitude to straight sex was Edwardian enough, a fetish would be out of the question.
Then an opportunity came, fortunately within a few days, during which time all I could do was to hold the pants and enjoy the feel of the latex and the aroma. Having read in the magazines about talking the garment I set about it. Here was the first disappointment, the talc… Mums as I didn’t use the stuff, killed the aroma of the latex. We live and learn, it was not until about 20 years later I found unscented talc in the shops.
With my pants well talked, and a raging erection I began to pull them on.. wow! what a feeling this was amazing as they slid up my legs and around my bottom. Here came my second disappointment, small sheath, large erection, the two don’t mix. First it felt like I was going to skin my man way back to his base!!.
Pain however is good at killing an erection, well at least diminishing its vigour for a while, so in we get.
Heaven is your first latex garment from the moment they were on me I was hooked the sensations all round me were simply marvelous. I strutted around for ages before the inevitable… I had to masturbate. Disappointment number three, pre cum is now oozing from the end of my penis, mixing with talc makes a solution more like glue then lubricant. But yes the deed was done, and it still was simply sensational. I wanted to repeat the experience over and over, so did so over a couple of months whenever the opportunity presented itself.
The question of lubrication began to from itself in my mind and various solutions presented. Still very shy I always steered towards something already in the home rather than anything from the chemist which would raise eye-brows, KY was never on display in those days.
Solution… baby oil.. yep there’s some of that about, and it sure is slippery.
Next opportunity I proceed to talc up the main part of the pants and tip a little baby oil in to the sheath. As I slid into the pants, with a full blown angry erection oh what a beautiful feeling the tightness of the latex gripping my penis sensually as it slid in.
Here is disappointment number four, yes baby oil degrades the latex and soon they split, tearing apart I was devastated.
During the following years I purchased more items of latex, and refined my techniques for wearing and caring for the garments.
One of my next purchases was some stockings and suspenders. Now I am most definitely pure hetro, not a cross dresser, but I wanted a catsuit, had no source of supply of one at that time, and must admit I still do enjoy the coverage of stockings combined with the exposure it affords of ones genitalia. Coupled with a shirt I am mostly covered in latex but with ‘access to all areas’!
Now comes the barren years I married, but my wife didn’t share my love of latex, not that that I was ever able to admit my fetish to her, she wouldn’t even wear rubber gloves for doing the washing up as she didn’t like the feel so I reckoned the chance of my fetish being accepted in any way was a no-starter.
Now on my own I have my own house and am able to again indulge my fetish. I have rebuilt my latex wardrobe, extended it to a level I didn’t think possible and with the power of the internet one is able to look into the worlds of so many other peoples fetishes, and yes so many match my own .. afterall you are reading this voluntarily aren’t you?
That is where I met Dee, through one of the rubber/latex devoted sites we began to correspond. It became clear we shared a love of latex. Although Dee expressed a vague desire to be Bi she has not really explored that avenue other than a quick grope and snog at a fetish club she once visited. Dee was also leaning slightly towards an experience in heavy rubber
I am too shy to dare to be seen out in my latex gear.
I am intrinsically dominant but also have a niggling desire to try being dominated, only trying would prove weather it works for me.
I bit the bullet and asked to meet her, at first she was a little reluctant, but then after I suggested a short intro in normal clothes at a public place to ‘sus each other out’ she agreed.
When I saw Dee I was pleasantly surprised, I had though maybe a dog or a girl who had lied about her age.. but no, there she was as described!, forty something years pleasant figure shapely not overweight, shoulder length hair and a face one could happily wake up beside, (If you want a tale of stunning beauties with statuesque figures go for the crap novels In real life it just doesn’t happen).
Well that meeting went pleasantly enough as Dee agreed to our next meeting being with us both being dressed in latex. Dee had told me she was divorced for several years, her husband had shown her the pleasures of latex, but had moved on to leather which she didn’t warm to. Now her children were grown and moved away she was looking to go back to her nursing career.
I could hardly contain my excitement and was desperate to get it arranged quickly before some other guy found her on the net. I had to contain my urgency and a date was fixed for a week or so ahead. A coin was tossed and the decision was made for her to visit me.
The day in question arrived; my anticipation was almost beyond endurance, my erection all day up and down like a department store lift, especially whilst I was dressing. I was tempted however thought maybe save the best for later, so left the cat suit and opted for a latex shirt, ok so I’ve had it a while and it now fits tight, holding everything in tighter, one must make the best of.. a pair of latex bermuda’s with exposed penis, socks, and again.. being inventive a garment rather like a jock strap made from a pair of damaged sheath pants, consisting of the sheath and ball pouch held by suspenders worn incorrectly, the close front suspenders going from the rear under the crutch, clipped behind the ball pouch, and the longer rear suspenders taken round the hips to clip above the sheath holding all in place for as long….. or short as one requires. The sheath I lubricate with play lube which has a slight warming sensation as well as a pleasant taste.
This outfit topped by a knee length cape.
Dee arrived, what a stunning sight she had worn a grey latex mackintosh, black latex on her legs and black classic style stiletto shoes, she parked her car and approached the house, couldn’t take my eyes off of her and wondered what she might be wearing underneath. Once inside I took her bag and showed her to the spare room where I had laid out all of my toys, and nervously offered to take her coat. Dee took down the hood, her hair was tied in a pony tail behind her head, took off the mack to reveal a maids dress in Latex. She could see the delight in my eyes as she put a small maid’s cap on to complete the outfit then as she spun round for me to admire her, the white latex frills under the black of the main dress lifted to offer the view of a stocking top. I think she could see the erection beneath my cape. I could certainly feel it!
Dee smiled and asked me to wait in the lounge whilst she put on her gloves and said then she would bring me a drink. This is where the role play begins I thought to myself, and agreed. A few minutes later Dee came in to the room her gloves just short of the cap sleeves of her dress at near shoulder height. Stunning I told her, simply stunning. Dee asked me to remove my cape, I stood and she took it from me, as she passed she knocked against my erection with her hip, turning before she hung my cape she gently held it and told me as her servant she would be tending to my every need, although some sooner than others and went to fetch drinks.
Shortly Dee returned with my drink, I handed her a note which I had prepared earlier, it was our safe word, as agreed anything was acceptable other than scat, beastiality, peadiaphilia. Beyond that any time either of us felt uncomfortable on hearing the safe word, all activities would cease immediately. Dee agreed the word, which was about as non sexual or mis-understandable as I could think of.
Dee then suggested she clean a little. As I sat back I was treated to the sight of her beautifully resplendent in her shiny rubber dress the sounds of her movements and the aroma flooding my senses. For a while I sat there drinking all the sensations in, but I knew I couldn’t last too long I would have to touch her so very soon.
Dee must have picked up on my thoughts looking at her skirt she said …. ”oh sorry sir I seem to have some marks on my dress”, at the invitation I suggested she wait. I returned with the shiner and proceeded to ensure any marks were removed. Slowly I allowed my hands to roam over her latex encased body she stood still for me as I worked; only uttering the odd moan. Dee had a sweet figure, breasts nicely swelling and a promise of such lovely nipples swelling as I caressed her. Whilst fetching the shining liquid I noticed Dee had added to the toys in the spare room.. Thoughtful I mused to myself.
I was by now itching for some more action and suggested to Dee that as a careless maid she must be punished for marking her dress. Dee demurely just looked at the floor.
Taking this as agreement I proceeded to apply handcuffs to Dee securing her wrists behind her,
I took Dee to the empty room where I have conveniently situated hooks and pulleys. Fixing a rope to the handcuffs I gently pulled on the rope which was fed through a pulley hanging from the ceiling
I then fitted a leg spreader holding her legs about a foot apart, little did she realise that this device was worked on a ratchet and could be doubled in length, and with cuffs on Dee could not release the ratchet..
I then returned to the rope and began pulling the effect of pulling her secure wrists behind her made Dee bend forward at 90 degrees, on her high heels her leg muscle definition was enhanced, bent forward her ruffled black and white Maids dress rode up revealing her stocking tops, the suspenders now sexily pressed into the flesh of her bottom and thighs, she moaned again as she must of felt my gaze settling on her white rubber knickers, showing the line of her vagina. My erection was throbbing but I knew I must prolong the inevitable so long as I could. Walking up close behind her I pressed my erection into the line of her vagina, again she moaned. Wow I could almost come from this now, but no not yet. Still admiring her form I moved around in front of her placing the tip of my rubber covered penis at her mouth. Then she used the safe word … I withdrew and headed for the rope.. “no she said” apologising explaining she had to test the safe word. I returned, by the time I was back to her, her mouth was open and she accepted the rubber covered penis into her mouth sucking gently and hungrily, I lent forward and caressed her breasts, I could feel her nipples hardening they felt nicely protruding, good just the way I like them. But again I was nearing orgasm and withdrew from her mouth. I went to the spare room and fetched a toy, selecting a medium sized butt plug, and gas mask I returned. Squatting to look Dee in the eye I showed her the mask and toy she smiled so I fitted the gas mask. She hadn’t noticed the tube and re-breather bag attached, but then hey I had kept it hidden from view. I fitted it on Dee and replaced her maids cap on top although rather precariously, it suited. Moving around to her rear I began lowering Dee’s knickers, pleasantly surprised she knew to put them on over her suspenders, subtleties like this can be lost on girls brought up on tights.
I then touched Dee’s vagina, too my delight I could feel no pubic hair, but as I was gloved needed to check, no none, splendid beautifully lipped and clearly moist I had to give a little kiss…. So very tasty maybe a little nibble .. Dee moaned again so I stopped. I then gently inserted the butt plug into her vagina moving it around un-inflated, then I gave it a few pumps, mmm… I could her muscles reacting. I took a small finger of lube and gently tickled her anus with it… Dee wriggled then, so I increased the pressure, just as I felt my finger would pop inside her I stopped. I deflated the butt plug and removed it; satisfied it was now wholly lubricated with Dee’s juices I pressed it to her lubed anus. As she gasped it slid inside of her and it was given a few quick pumps to ensure it stayed in. I allowed the bulb pump to dangle between her legs, an eerily almost obscene image but oh so sexy.
Moving around in front of Dee I picked up the re breather bag and placed my finger over the vent pipe which allowed a small amount of fresh air into the bag. Several breathes later Dee was panting and moaning, not in pain but in enjoyment. I released the pipe clearly she had enjoyed the sensation of oxygen deprivation, so I repeated this for a while. I then stood before Dee and removed my Jock strap. My erection was fierce and standing proud before her, clearly she was trying to get closer to it. I then moved around behind her and took hold of her hips now with the butt plug pipe hooked around my finger out of the way, guiding my motion gently I began to move forward and felt her lips on the head of my penis. As her lips began to part I put a further 4 pumps into the butt plug. Dee flinched at this and moaned, at the same time I entered her vagina fully sinking all I could muster inside of her. At this time she came in a groaning orgasm pushing herself back onto me as hard as she could. I stood my ground then as her orgasm subsided I began a slow rhythmic thrusting. I could feel her muscles gripping me as I thrust in and out of her, a further 2 pumps on the butt plug bulb and I could feel everything inside of Dee tightening up, but that was about it for me and I came inside Dee then in a gushing orgasm, after I stayed there for a couple of minutes inside her legs feeling like jelly. I reached forward and again placed a finger over the vent pipe, several breath’s later Dee was starting to gasp, letting go of the butt plug pipe I reached around and rubbed on her clit, a few rubs was all it took and Dee had her second orgasm, just as guttural and lasting as the first.
As I withdrew from her I again thought how good it must be to be a woman capable of multiple orgasms. I released Dee and left the butt plug in place as she continued her maids duties and cooked a meal, it turned me on to see the pipe curling out of her panties and pump bulb dangle between her legs like so.
That was the first meeting next time I would be visiting Dee at her house, and yes I did get off and masturbate many times on the memory of that evening until a respectable time before we were due to meet again. I wanted to ensure I again had a full sack for our next encounter.