- Author - Night Nurse
- Rating -
   [ 3.64 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1731 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, reluctant, bondage, latex
- Post Date - 3/15/2007
Willoughby was thinking of not going. He had always been shy of girls. With a name like his, they always seemed to get round to eventually making fun of him. He had never got beyond the first date. Sex is right out of the question for him. If only he had the nerve. It was a matter of luck that he saw the dirty piece of paper in the street. He picked it up to throw it in the rubbish bin, but it puzzled him. He had to look at it. It was an advert for a singles bondage club.
“I wonder what sort of girls go there. They must be an easy target to head for and see if I can pick one up!” he thought to himself. He noted the address, date and time of the next meeting, Friday the fourteenth of February. St. Valentine’s Day. He decided that he would take a chance. Willoughby had to do it if he wanted to lose his virginity. He is twenty five for Christ’s sake and it was about time he became a man of the world. Willoughby made up for the lack of sex with a little bondage, so he had a little equipment to play with. He looked at the pictures on the advert and made his mind up. He had to go!
On the day of the club meeting, Willoughby selected his head mask. He put on his leather jacket and off he went with the mask in his pocket. There seemed to be lots of people going his way. Some wore bright coloured latex, some were in black leather. But they all seemed to be oblivious to the stares and comments they were getting. Willoughby wished he had the nerve to walk to the club like some of them. One girl was dressed as a slave girl in a bikini with see through pantaloons and a tiny, tight waistcoat that flattened her chest. He could see her nipples standing out against the satin material. She had a collar around her neck and one girl was leading her by a chain attached to it. Her hands were chained to the collar. She could not lower her hands to protect herself. Another girl was slapping her bum with a table tennis bat. Willoughby wondered why she never cried out. Then he noticed the gag in her mouth. Perhaps she needed rescuing.
He went to step up to them, but four other girls turned up and they all started to laugh. Even the girl in chains had a happy look on her face. Willoughby followed them to the club. He stopped a little way back and put the head mask on. He zipped up the mouth piece and tied the laces up as best he could. He had to hurry to catch the girls up. Perhaps he could lay one of these. They reached the door and Willoughby heard the bouncer say “Oh, so this is the bride to be? Okay, in you all go. Have a nice hen night!” “So that is what it is all about”, Willoughby thought, “Her hen night”
Willoughby was next. “Sorry mate, you can’t come in!” said the bouncer.
“Because mate, you are overdressed. Look at some of these turning up now!” Willoughby looked round. There was a tall girl in black latex that might as well have been sprayed on. It left nothing to the imagination. She was wearing the highest heeled shoes he had seen which made her walk erotically towards the club. She looked at Willoughby and smiled. A youth came along in a pair of black leather shorts. Willoughby felt downhearted. The bouncer was right. He might as well have been going to the local bingo hall. The bouncer saw his face. “I tell you what mate. Pay your entrance fee and I will see what I can do for you. I am about to have a break. We have some stuff in the stores for such a situation as this” As he said it, his relief turned up. Willoughby paid the entrance fee. “Come with me. Don’t argue or else you will be out of here faster than a cheetah on a motorbike”
Willoughby followed him through a maze of corridors. They stepped into a room and the bouncer introduced some girls to Willoughby. “Take care of him. It is his first time in this place and he does not know anybody. If I were you mate, I would just let them get on with it and you will be all right!” With that the bouncer left. Willoughby was nervous. The girls sensed this and they really showed they were not going to make him feel they were stitching him up. They started by getting him to remove his jacket and shirt. Willoughby felt embarrassed, but the girls put him at ease. It did not take long before he felt he had known them all his life.
“Remove those!” said one of the girls pointing at his trousers. Willoughby gulped but before he could react, they grabbed his belt and quickly slid his trousers down his legs. Following their orders, he stepped out of the trousers. One girl handed him a bag. “Remove your boxers and slip these on. We will turn around!” Willoughby opened the bag and removed for all intents could only be described as a pair of swimming trunks in Lycra. They were too tight really. He struggled on with them as best he could. The girls turned round. “Oh for crying out loud! Why so you make such a big fuss over such a little thing?” Willoughby pulled harder and got them over his hips and snuggled the waist into the right place. The girls told him to rearrange himself so he was pointing upwards. He reached into the shorts and adjusted himself. “That’s better!” one of the girls exclaimed.
A leather harness was brought out. It had straps that went over his shoulders and around his body. There were D links everywhere. The girls put it on him, clipped the shorts to the harness and adjusted the strap. Willoughby looked at himself in the mirror.
“I can’t go out dressed like this?”
“Why, who will notice you. Especially when you have that mask on properly, who can see your face?” That made sense to Willoughby, but it did not stop him feeling a fool. The girls assured him he was perfect. They make him take off his shoes and socks and they were collected by the girls and put into a bag and was locked into a storeroom. One of the girls started to rub Willoughby through the shorts and he quickly had such a strong erection, he overcame the material of the shorts. “Wow, you had better get onto the dance floor before I lose control of myself” one of the girls exclaimed in a thrilled voice.
Willoughby was just about to leave the room when one of the girls snapped one half of a pair of handcuffs on his wrist.
“What’s that for?”
“You will see!”
Willoughby went out of the room and onto the dance floor. He could not get the feeling to want to start dancing, but the music soon had him in its rhythm. He was soon swaying to the beat. But the handcuff was nuisance swinging about.
The lights were low so even if he had not got the mask on, no one would have recognised him anyway. The lights did brighten for a bit and he saw the girl in the latex outfit dancing with her friends from the hen night. The lights dimmed, but Willoughby was now entranced as the flashing coloured lights hit her outfit and reflected his way. She was like a brightly coloured rainbow, no, more like the Northern Lights with speckles of light coming his way. Green, red, blue, yellow, ultra violet, orange light hit his eyes. Extra laser lights of all colours started up now, Willoughby was spellbound by the sight of this girl. If only he knew who she was and perhaps he could get to meet her.
The lights went up and the dancing carried on. Willoughby was completely taken by the way her muscles changed shape as she moved in her dance pattern. The shoes were causing her leg muscles to tighten as she stepped. He watched as they sprang back in to shape as she retraced her dance steps. She started to turn. Willoughby was appreciative of her pert bum. The cheeks were moving up and down in some hypnotic display. “If only I knew who she is” Willoughby thought. But even though he did not know her, he was glad he came.
He watched as she slowly stepped towards the bar. He gait was a perfect rhythm of perfection. All her muscles were rippling as she walked. She had left her friends dancing. That is when Willoughby hit upon the idea that he should go for a drink as well. He sidled up a few feet away from her. She ordered her drink and the round for the rest of the girls. Willoughby watched as she gracefully allowed her bag to slip from her shoulder. He had never seen it done like that before. “I must pluck up courage to meet her!” he thought again. He went to say something, but he backed out of it. The girl took some of the drink, came back for some more, but left her drink on the bar. Willoughby thought it might be an idea to stay where he was for a moment. He watched as the girl gracefully walked towards him. Her hips were swaying gently to the rhythm of the music. Her steps were like that of a giraffe. They were elegant and graceful. She reached the bar and stood right next to Willoughby. He was in heaven. But said nothing. The girl reached over to towards the bar. Willoughby was standing holding his drink in his right hand while the hand with the cuff on was resting on the bar. Willoughby went to take a swig of the beer and before he knew it, the girl put her hand into the empty cuff and locked it on her wrist.
“What, what do you think you are doing?” Willoughby asked.
“I have been dancing away all night as sexily as I could to try and grab your attention. But if the horse won’t go to the water, the water must come to the horse!” She replied.
“Take these off of me!”
“Can’t. The keys are in the cupboard where the girls locked them on you!”
“How do you know about that?”
She shook her head. Willoughby was dragged onto the dance floor. All the girls in the hen party cheered. It did not take long before everyone was cheering. Willoughby could not understand what was going on. But the girl kept dancing and stopping him from leaving the floor. He could only go along with the girl he was dancing with.
The hen party girls took the collar and wrist cuffs off of the bride to be and stuck them in Willoughby. He was so taken aback by this sudden rush of attention by the girls he could not stop them. The gag was put in his mouth. He was unable to say anything as the girls all kept dancing around him. One by one they took it in turns to make sure his lunch box was well and truly on display. The only rules they had set was they were not allowed to use their hands. Only the girl could. And she made the most of that advantage. But Willoughby loved it when the girls turned and rubbed their pert bums up and down his obviously aroused member.
Eventually the music stopped. “Time to go to another club!” the girl told him. Willoughby tried to stop them, but they dragged him from the club leaving his clothes behind. When they reached the next club, Willoughby recognised it as a gay club. He refused to go in. The girl removed the gag. “I don’t know why you are worried. They will leave you alone. It is just that this club starts at eleven and goes on until five or six in the morning!” Before he could say anything the girls shoved him into the club. A biker type with leather jeans and an open waistcoat looked him up and down. His eyes light up when he saw Willoughby and how he was all trussed up. But one look form the girls told him to back off.
The girl sat down with Willoughby next to her. She started talking. “You still have not recognised me have you?”
“Sorry, but no”
“You know that shop where you go and get your trousers?”
“Yes, what about it?”
“You remember there used to be a young girl there, all pimply faced and rather dowdy?”
“hmmm” Willoughby’s eyes went into the top of his head. “Jane?”
“That’s right you great loon.”
“It can’t be you. You look entirely different. But what is all this about?”
“You clod. I have got make up on. I am not allowed to wear it like this in the shop. I have been trying to catch you attention ever since I first set eyes on you. I love the shyness of you. You are so gentle and, well, this has proved you are not gay. And you could have attacked me and raped me at times. I wouldn’t have minded. Especially if you tied me up so I could not stop you!”
“Bondage you dope. I love it. I notice you are not objecting to it either!”
“Well, no I have never tried it before but it is sort of well, I don’t know, sort of freedom in a sort of way!”
Jane grinned at him. She knew she had got him hooked on it. She did release the wrist cuffs so he could have a drink. Going to the toilet was awkward as one at a time had to stand outside the door while the other went.
Going home in the daylight was better. He now realised what the other side of the story was when he had seen these people going home. Especially when he realised his keys to his flat and the handcuffs were back at the first club. He had to stay in Jane’s flat and sleep next to her. He wanted to take her that night, but they were both too tired.
That was a year ago. Now after many hours of bondage, and many sex sessions later, Jane and Willoughby tied the knot on St. Valentine’s Day back at the club. Everyone who was there that night Jane had captured him turned up to cheer them on.
Jane wore a white rubber micro wedding dress and Willoughby wore a black latex suit. It was far too tight really, so he had to go commando in the outfit. All the guests wore bondage equipment. Even the vicar was clad in rubber.