Part 1: Afternoon
Sweat was pouring down Logan’s face. His air conditioner was broken and with his car stationary there was no breeze to cool him. The traffic had been stopped for ten minutes, with absolutely no movement. He got out of his car and scanned the two lines of stalled traffic. It was stopped as far ahead as he could see.
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“Must be an accident,” the driver of the car behind him said. He was also standing outside his car, and was smoking.
“Yes,” Logan replied. “I wonder how far ahead it is.”
It was early afternoon on Saturday in the middle of February, the hottest part of the day in the hottest part of the year. The sun was burning down from a cloudless blue sky.
Although Logan had shut his engine off, most drivers kept theirs running to power their air conditioners. The truck in front of him, a diesel, was also idling and the fumes were beginning to make him nauseous. He walked to the edge of the verge where the air was cleaner and a small eucalyptus tree offered a little shade.
He was feeling very frustrated. He had been looking forward to the Singles Club barbecue all week. It was being held at Sue’s house. She had said she would invite a friend who was new in town, and she thought that Logan might get on well with her. Logan found it difficult to meet attractive girls; he was disfigured by a scar that covered much of the right side of his face. He had been severely burned when he had rescued his dog from his parents’ burning house. Well-meaning friends had tried to fix him up with girls, but these were invariably plain and sometimes ugly. He told himself that he had no chance of ever going out with a physically attractive girl, and instead should look for inner beauty. Although that seemed both sensible and prudent, he found that such beauty was insufficient; without at least some level of physical attraction he found he had no desire for sex. He realized he was being unreasonable, but remained optimistic. Perhaps this new girl would be the one. Sue had said she was OK looking.
He had never been to Sue’s house before. The directions were straightforward; proceed East along the highway. Go one kilometer past a petrol station to where the road bent to the right. Immediately after this bend turn left onto the road leading to Sue’s house. The junction was marked by an unusual tree; it had two trunks that spread apart then curved inwards. The trunks and the lower branches enclosed a shape that looked like a heart.
He wondered if there was any way to bypass the traffic jam, but decided he was really stuck. He couldn’t even turn his car around; a barrier prevented access to the two lanes in the other direction.
He regretted he didn’t have his sketch pad with him otherwise he would be able to do some work. He was employed by the local television station as a graphic artist. He also did a little freelancing and had a project due the following week for an ad layout. For a hobby he liked to draw pictures of nubile women. His favorite pose for them was as chained slaves; if he couldn’t have them in real life he could at least have them in his imagination. He had posted several of these drawings on his website and had received fan mail, almost exclusively from men. He wondered if he would get fan mail from women if he posted drawings of chained men, but decided he would probably still get it from men, mostly from poofs.
Fifteen minutes passed with no movement of the traffic. The heat was oppressive and the sparse branches of the tree offered only scant shade. He noticed a car four places ahead of him pull onto the verge, drive forward and turn onto a side road. Action, any kind of action, seemed better than inaction in the stifling heat. He got back into his car, started the engine, pulled onto the verge and followed the other car.
As he turned onto the side road he realized he had made a mistake; there was a long line of stationary cars waiting to get onto the highway. But he felt cooler with the car moving and the windows open, so decided to see where the road led.
It didn’t go very far; after a kilometer it bent to the right, went straight for another half kilometer then ended at a barricade. As he approached the barricade he passed the car that had started ahead of him heading back towards the highway. The driver waved his hand at him to indicate that there was no way through.
He reached the barricade and discovered that it was guarding a washed-out bridge.
He turned his car around and was driving slowly back towards the highway when he noticed a dirt trail to the right leading into a eucalypt forest. He decided to explore it; perhaps it would lead to another road.
As he drove along it, two cars passed him in the opposite direction. His hopes sank; they must have had the same idea as he and had discovered the trail to be a dead end. It led to a small clearing where another car was in the process of turning round. Logan parked his car and got out. The trail continued beyond the clearing but became narrow and rocky, more suitable for a four-wheel-drive car than his Honda Civic.
He was anxious to get to the barbecue and meet the new girl, so decided to investigate the rocky trail in the hopes that its condition might improve further along. He took his water bottle and hat, locked the car, and began to walk.
The trail curved around the side of a hill then descended. Although rocky he thought he might be able to drive it at a very slow speed. But it was narrow and if he got stuck turning around would be difficult. So he continued to walk.
The trail flattened out and after another hundred meters he saw someone in the distance through the trees to the right. Rather than continuing to follow the trail he thought he would ask the person if they knew where it led.
He left the trail and walked through the trees. As he drew closer he saw that the person appeared to be a female archer. She had her back to him and was dressed in an olive green top and tights. Her hair was a mass of golden curls. She was holding a bow and shooting arrows at something out of sight.
He stopped. He didn’t want to disturb her if she were hunting something. But he was not sure that hunting was allowed in the forest, it probably contained koalas.
He crept closer, moving as quietly as he could.
The woman was standing at the edge of a clearing firing a succession of arrows at a target fastened to the trunk of a large eucalyptus tree. Since she wasn’t hunting, Logan walked up to her.
Even though he made a noise by treading on a couple of twigs, the woman continued to shoot at the target and did not turn round. He thought she was either deaf or too engrossed in her target practice.
He stopped behind her and watched. She was pulling a succession of arrows out of a quiver slung across her back and using a gold-colored bow to shoot them at a circular target. This had concentric bands of red and white, but the bull’s eye was a red heart instead of the normal circle. She seemed to be a very poor shot, she was missing the target completely and there were no arrows sticking into it.
“Yes, I know. I’m a very bad shot,” said the woman in a mellow voice.
She stopped shooting and turned around to face him. He immediately saw that his perceptions had been incorrect, she was he!
The man was dressed in a tight-fitting tunic and tights. The tunic stopped just below his waist and the tights revealed the outline of a large and erect penis. He was wearing rather unusual shoes; they were made of brown leather and had pointed toes that curled up. His face was androgynous; he had smooth hairless skin, and clear blue eyes. There were no visible wrinkles or blemishes, and he seemed to exude an air of youth and vitality. With his golden hair framing a smiling face, Logan thought he looked beautiful.
Logan was surprised at himself. He had never been attracted to men, but there was something about this youth that caused a flush of sexual arousal. He felt confused, ashamed that he would react in this way.
The youth was smiling expectantly at him and Logan felt compelled to say something. “What are you doing?”
“I’m practicing,” the youth said in a gentle voice as if Logan has asked a sensible question. “I really am a bad shot. And it’s caused all kind of trouble.”
“You don’t seem to have hit the target.”
“Yes I know.”
Logan found himself increasingly attracted to this youth. He didn’t know what was happening to him, he had never felt like this before. He was torn by several conflicting emotions. Part of him wanted to deny the feeling, to walk away and repress this unnatural attraction towards the youth, but another part wanted to remain, to learn more about him. Logan had completely forgotten his original purpose in leaving the trail.
“My name’s Logan,” he said, stumbling over his words.
“They call me Desire,” the youth said.
Logan thought that a strange name for a man. He had heard of Desiree as a woman’s name, but never a male equivalent. He remained silent, surprised by his roiling emotions.
Desire continued to smile, then offered Logan his bow saying, “Why don’t you have a shot? Perhaps you will have better luck than me.”
“I’ve never used a bow before.”
“Oh, it’s quite easy, I’ll show you how. Hold the bow here,” Desire said placing the bow in Logan’s left hand. He pulled an arrow from his quiver and placed it on the bow. “Hold the arrow and string with your fingers like so. Now gently pull it back.”
Desire had touched his hand, and Logan was so overcome with emotion that he hardly knew what he was doing. He felt a strong compulsion to kiss Desire, and was so busy fighting this impulse that he could hardly pay attention to his instructions.
“Pull it back further, all the way. Good. To hit the target you have to aim above it. Higher, like this,” Desire said adjusting Logan arms.
Logan could feel he had an erection. He was so embarrassed he could hardly think.
“That’s right, now release the arrow.”
Logan relaxed his fingers releasing the arrow and Desire stepped away from him. Logan felt a little sanity returning to his mind and watched the arrow as it soared towards the target. It missed high and to the left, even missing the tree to which the target was affixed.
‘He’s no better as an instructor than as an archer,’ Logan thought as he watched the arrow disappear from sight.
A second or so later Logan heard a scream from the direction of the arrow. “Oh my God! I’ve hit something,” he cried.
“I believe you have.”
“Was that a person or an animal?” Logan asked. The scream had sounded human, but could have been an animal.
“I think you’d better find out,” said Desire making no move.
Logan hesitated, then handed the bow to Desire and began to run in the direction of the scream.
As he passed the target tree he realized that he was no longer overcome by the strange sexual attraction that Desire had been exerting on him, but now was only thinking of locating the source of the scream. He was thankful and did not look back.
The ground beyond the target descended into a dry creek. On the opposite bank was a tree, and tied to the tree and facing him was a woman.
She was dressed in a khaki top and skirt and was wearing brown sandals. She was blindfolded and appeared to have something sticking out of her mouth. There was a chain around her neck and her wrists were tied to branches, stretching her arms behind and above her.
As he approached her she started to beg. “Oh please Billy, don’t do it. Let me go; I promise I won’t tell anyone. Let me go; I didn’t mean it. Things can be like they were before. Oh please Billy, please, please.”
Logan looked around wondering if Billy was nearby, but couldn’t see anyone. The girl sounded so desperate, he realized this was unlikely to be a game; she seemed terrified of what Billy might do.
As he drew close he saw that the thing next to her mouth was a gag. Its strap went round the back of her neck, above the chain, but the ball of the gag was on her chin just below her mouth. There was a bruise on her forehead and dried blood below her nose. An arrow was lying on the ground in front of her, presumably the one he had shot.
“Billy?” the girl asked.
“I’m not Billy,” Logan said. “I’m Logan. Billy doesn’t seem to be here.”
“Are you a friend of Billy’s? Have you come to do his dirty work for him?”
“No, I don’t know who Billy is. I just happened to be walking by.”
“Thank God! Can you untie me? Quick before Billy comes back. He’s going to kill me.”
“Who’s Billy?”
“He’s my boyfriend. Or rather was. I never want to see him again.”
Logan undid her blindfold and removed it. He gasped. The flesh around the girl’s eyes was swollen and discolored with bruises.
The girl blinked and said. “Billy did it. He was stonkered and beat me up real bad this time.”
“This time?”
“Yes. He’s done it before, but never like this.”
Logan untied her hands. She rubbed her wrists and then scratched her arms saying, “God, I like to tie that maggot up and let him get bitten by the mozzies.” She reached behind her neck and undid the gag strap and said, “I’m very thirsty, do you have any water?”
Logan gave her his water bottle. She took a swallow and handed it back.
“Thanks I needed that. My name’s Chloe by the way. I’m really glad you came along.”
Logan was examining the chain around Chloe’s neck. It was wrapped around the tree and padlocked. “Do you have key to this padlock?”
“No it’s Billy’s.”
“I don’t see how I can release you without the key.”
“Can’t you smash it with a rock or something? I’ve got to get away before Billy returns.”
“I don’t think that would work. I really need a hacksaw.”
“Oh God. I’ve got to get away before he comes back. He’s going to kill me when he does. He’ll probably kill you too if he finds you here.”
Logan looked nervously around. “Why did he leave?”
“He said he was going to get a spade so he could bury me. I don’t know if he meant it or not, but it sure sounded like it.”
“I think he would have killed you already if he was going to. Perhaps he’s just tying to scare you.”
“You don’t know Billy. He beat me up after he tied me here. I pretended to be unconscious. Maybe the bastard thought he had killed me. He almost did. With the blood in my nose and the gag in my mouth I couldn’t breathe properly, but I managed to force it out after he left.”
“How long’s he been gone?”
“I dunno. Maybe an hour.”
“I heard you scream. What happened?”
“Something hit me, I thought Billy had returned and was trying to kill me. It looks like someone shot an arrow at me,” she said indicating the arrow.
“How come it’s lying on the ground if it hit you?” Logan said, unwilling to admit that he had shot the arrow.
“It bounced off. But don’t stand there yabbering away, get me out of here. We can’t be here when Billy returns.”
Logan examined the chain again. It was padlocked around her neck, and another loop encircled the tree trunk. There was no way she could slip out of it. The padlock was large and strong. The tree itself was quite massive and would require a chain saw to cut. But Logan saw one possible way to escape. “I think we might be able to bend the links open,” he said. “They’re not welded. It’s a cheap chain.”
“Just like Billy. He’s a cheapskate. Which seems funny considering how he’s such a rich bastard. Anyway bend the damn links and get me out of here.”
“The chain’s much too strong. I need some kind of lever. Perhaps I could use the handle of my car jack. My car’s parked a kilometer or so back.”
“Don’t leave me here. Maybe if Billy sees you here he will let me go.”
“I thought you said he would kill me too.”
“Well, yes. He might.”
“I’ll go back to the car. There’s a traffic jam on the highway, that’ll probably delay him. But if I see him coming I’ll turn round and come back here. What does he look like? He doesn’t have golden hair does he?”
“No, he’s got brown hair. He’s about your height only fatter. He didn’t shave today and he was wearing a khaki shirt and shorts and wrap-around sunnies.”
“OK, I’ll be back soon.”
“Please hurry.”
“Yes I will. Don’t worry.”
“I ought to warn you he’s got a gun. So stay clear of him.”
“Thanks I will.”
Logan ran up the hill till he was sure the was out of sight, then slowed to a walk. He didn’t want to overheat, and also didn’t want to run into Billy.
He passed the target tree intending to inform Desire about Chloe, but was surprised to discover that he had disappeared. There was no sign of either him or his target. All traces seemed to have vanished; there weren’t even any arrows lying around.
Logan was worried about encountering Billy and anxiously watched the trail ahead as he walked, but reached his car without meeting anyone. He decided to take the entire car jack back to Chloe. He thought he might be able to force a chain link open with the handle, but if that failed he might be able to get the jack between the chain and the tree and crank it open to break the chain.
He looked around the clearing. There were no other cars or people visible so he locked the car and began to walk back to Chloe.
He reached the spot where he had met Desire. He was tempted to call out, but decided not to. He didn’t want to renew his acquaintance with a man who had sexually attracted him, and was worried about making a noise in case Billy was within cooee. He continued on towards Chloe.
“Thank god you’re back,” Chloe said as he drew close. “What took you so long?”
“I came as fast as I could,” Logan replied, a little upset by her criticism.
Logan picked up the jack handle and found that he could insert it into a chain link. He tried prying the link open by levering it against the tree but the end of the handle simply dug into the bark without affecting the chain.
“For Gods sake, hurry up. Billy’s going to be here soon. He shouldn’t have taken this long to drive home and come back.”
“We’re probably safe for a bit. The traffic jam on the highway seemed like a major one. Nothing was moving when I left; that’s why I’m here. I was trying to find another route.”
“Well don’t take too long. Traffic jams don’t last forever.”
Logan was getting a little tired of Chloe’s impatience. He was working as fast as he could. He thought she ought to be more patient, to be more appreciative of his efforts. But he realized that she was under a lot of stress, so didn’t say anything.
He placed the baseplate of the car jack against the tree trunk and, using it to protect the bark, was finally able to get some leverage with the jack handle. He forced one link open and then released the chain. It was still padlocked around Chloe’s neck but now had three loose ends hanging down; the original one and the two he had just made by breaking the loop.
As soon as she was free, Chloe put her arms around Logan and kissed him. He was surprised and gratified; he hadn’t been kissed for a long time.
“Thank you,” she said. “Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
She slung the ends of the chain over her shoulder and headed into the bush.
“My car’s that way,” Logan said pointing towards the target tree.
“We can’t walk on the trail, Billy might see us,” she replied. “We’ll keep to the bush.”
Logan picked up the arrow and examined it. The tip was made from a gold-colored metal. It had originally had a sharp point but it was now bent and slightly flattened. The shaft was wood and the feathers were curved, each one looking like half a heart. He wondered how it had bounced off Chloe, perhaps it had struck the chain around her neck. No wonder she had screamed, she must have thought Billy was trying to kill her with an arrow.
He followed her into the trees.
After they had been walking for a while she asked, “Which way’s your car?”
“I don’t know, I was just following you.”
“I was trying to parallel the trail, but I’m not sure any more.”
“I think it’s this way,” said Logan and began to walk a little to the right of the line Chloe had been following.
Now that Chloe was behind him, Logan could hear her mumbling about Billy. “The fucking bastard. I hate him, I hate him.”
Her thoughts seemed to be entirely centered on Billy. Despite her bruised and swollen face, Logan had thought she was attractive and had hoped she would like him. But as with so many girls he had met before, she didn’t seem to want to get to know him. She hadn’t asked him any personal questions, and her kiss had simply been an expression of thanks, not an indicator of affection.
His thoughts were interrupted by Chloe. “Could you hold this chain for me? Its getting heavy and I’m rather tired.”
Logan was carrying the car jack in his left hand, so took the bunched up chain in his right hand, along with the arrow, and continued to walk.
He thought how strange and unpredictable life was. He had once fantasized about leading a captive girl along chained at the neck just like Chloe. He would have led her to his camp, tied her to his bed, then fucked her all night long. But the reality was different. Chloe seemed indifferent to him at best, and he didn’t feel any inclination to force himself on her.
Logan decided to veer more to the right. The sun was setting and he thought they were lost, although he didn’t want to admit it. Chloe was still cursing Billy under her breath. He thought she might have been trying to extinguish any lingering feelings she had for him. He had read that abused women sometimes become dependent on their abuser and find it very difficult to end such relationships.
“This way,” Logan said giving the chain a gentle pull to redirect her.
It was never clear whether this pull contributed to the accident, or whether Chloe would have tripped anyway, but she stumbled over a tree root and fell into Logan. He was carrying the arrow with its metal tip pointing backwards and she fell onto it before she struck the ground.
“Ow! You stabbed me,” Chloe cried accusingly.
“I’m sorry,” Logan said as he helped her to her feet.
“It doesn’t matter,” said Chloe, “I just want to thank you for saving my life.”
She put her arms around him and kissed him on his lips, harder and longer than before, an affectionate and passionate kiss quite unlike the previous formal thankyou kiss.
Logan was surprised. He hypothesized that now she couldn’t see his face clearly she found him less repulsive.
He kissed her back and hugged her, and as he did so dropped the chain. This caused her to choke and move back.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
Chloe gathered up the ends of her chain and as she did so Logan noticed a dark stain on the front of her top.
“You’re bleeding!” he said.
“It’s nothing.”
“We ought to look at it.”
“Very well, if you insist,”
Chloe pulled her top over her head, awkwardly feeding the chain through it. She then took of her bra, exposing her breasts. Logan saw that they were firm and round, but he also saw that her chest was covered with bruises. Billy had clearly beaten more than her face.
She was bleeding from a wound just below her left breast. She lifted it trying to examine her injury. “It’s only a scratch,” she said. “It doesn’t hurt.”
“I didn’t think the arrow was that sharp,” Logan said feeling the tip with his forefinger. But it was; a sliver of metal dug into the end of his finger.
“Ouch! I don’t know why I’m still carrying this goddam arrow,” he said and flung it away into the undergrowth.
He looked again at Chloe’s bare breasts. Despite the discoloration of the bruises, they looked so attractive he reached out a hand to touch them. “You have beautiful breasts,” he said.
“Thank you,” she said taking his hand and pressing it against her right breast.
Logan felt his penis expand and rise to an erection. He bent down to kiss her left nipple and as he did so she her put a hand behind his head and pressed him into her.
“Oh god, I want you so bad,” she said. “I have to lie down, this dam chain’s strangling me.”
She sat down pulling him down with her, then lay back. He found himself lying on top of her.
She kissed him passionately.
He kissed her back and became even more aroused. He said, “Do you want to make love?”
“Oh yes. More than anything. But I can’t.”
“You can’t?” Logan asked in surprise. He felt a terrible sense of disappointment; he thought she was going to say she had some horrible venereal disease.
“No; I’m wearing a chastity belt.”
“A what?”
“A chastity belt. You know, a metal thingy. That’s what the arrow hit. Lift my skirt and you can see it.”
Logan knelt and lifted her skirt. Sure enough there was a polished steel belt around her waist, locked to a wider one that covered her pussy and disappeared under her crotch.
“Did Billy do this to you?”
“No I did it to myself. I was going to dump him and didn’t want him fucking me anymore. It’s a long story. I don’t feel like telling you now, I just want to hold you.” She reached out and pressed her hand against the front of Logan’s shorts. Encountering his erect penis, she said, “You poor man. Lie down and let me take care of you.”
Logan lay down and Chloe unzipped his fly and pulled his penis out. She grasped the shaft tightly with her hand and looked at him to see his reaction. He smiled so she moved her hand up and down his penis a couple of times making him gasp. Then she leaned forward and took the head of his penis into her mouth. He felt her teeth gently caress the widest part of the head, then she took him further in. She closed her lips around his shaft and her tongue began to caress the underside of the head. Logan felt he was rapidly approaching a climax.
Chloe began to move her head back and forth, all the while caressing him with her tongue. He could feel his penis touch the back of her throat at the end of each stroke. He held the chains at the back of her neck and helped her move. The pleasure was too intense for him to last long, he came explosively, thrusting his penis into her mouth and moving her head more vigorously. She kept her lips sealed around his penis as he continued to ejaculate.
When it was over she lifted her head and smiled at him with a closed mouth.
“Oh wow, that was fantastic,” Logan said.
Chloe opened her mouth to show that it was empty, then said, “You’re welcome.”
“That was wonderful. With your chains I couldn’t help fantasizing you’re my slave.”
“If you want me to be your slave, I’d love to be one.”
“I want you to be whatever you want. I want you to be happy. I don’t know why, but I think I love you.”
"Oh god, I love you too.” Tears came into her eyes. “I’m so happy. Hold me tight, like you’ll never let me go.” She moved up and Logan embraced her tightly. They began to kiss.
They lay there kissing for a long time. Logan was overwhelmed as emotions of love and happiness and tenderness towards Chloe repeatedly washed over him.
When the intensity of his emotions finally began to abate, Logan opened his eyes and saw that the sun had set. He looked up and saw stars through the branches of the trees. “Much as I would love to lie here all night,” he said, “I think we’d better get up.”
“Yes, I’m beginning to get cold.”
They stood up. A half moon was visible and by its light Logan saw Chloe’s bra lying on the ground where she had dropped it. He picked it up and handed it to her.
She brushed off the invisible dirt and put it on.
He picked up her top and helped her put it on and pull the chains out through the neck opening.
Chloe handed the ends of the chain to Logan. “I’m your captive slave. Take me wherever you want.”
Logan smiled and kissed her. “I’ve always wanted a slave. I’ll take good care of you.” He kissed her again.
He was not certain which way they should go, but had a feeling that the trail was below them, so set off down the hill.
“I’d love to have my hands handcuffed behind me,” said Chloe. “Then I’d feel like a proper captive. You didn’t happen to bring any of that rope did you?”
“No. But in any case that would be too dangerous here. You might fall and hurt yourself. I don’t want any slave of mine getting injured.”
“I can see that I’ve been captured by a loving master.”
“Yes you have.”
They stopped and hugged each other once more and kissed passionately, their tongues intertwining.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” remarked Logan. “I’m not normally this forward.”
“Me neither,” replied Chloe. “But I feel so incredibly happy.”
“So do I.”
Somewhat reluctantly they began to walk again. They had traveled only about fifty meters when they came to the trail.
“I think we should stick to the trail,” said Logan. “I can’t imagine Billy would be looking for you after dark.”
“OK, but I’m still afraid. Let’s be very quiet so that if we hear anything we can hide.”
“OK,” he whispered.
They walked silently back to Logan’s car without incident.
Part 2: Night
“Where do you live? Let me drive you home.” Logan said when they were sitting in his car.
“I can’t go to my place. Billy will find me there. I have to hide out somewhere.”
“I can take you to the police station, you can have him arrested.”
“Are you kidding? His father is the town’s lawyer, and he’s real close with the police and the local magistrate. No, if I complain, they’ll probably find some way to arrest me instead of him.”
“What do you want to do then?”
“Could I stay with you tonight? I can figure something out tomorrow.”
“Sure, I’d love to have you.”
She leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you, I promise I won’t be a nuisance.”
“I’ll tie you up if you are.”
“Yes master.”
The traffic jam had cleared. Logan drove to the first junction where he was able to make a U turn, and then headed back towards his apartment.
“Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?” Logan asked.
“That would be lovely, I’m starving.”
They stopped at a MacDonald’s. Logan parked at the far end of the parking lot away from the other cars; he didn’t want anyone seeing Chloe and asking questions about her neck chain or bruised face. Chloe nervously scanned the cars looking for Billy’s red Holden, and was reassured when she failed to spot it. She waited in the car while Logan went inside to buy cheeseburgers, fries and coke. They ate in silence, each lost in thought.
When they arrived back at Logan’s apartment they both took showers to clean up. The wound under Chloe’s breast seemed to have healed almost without a trace, and Logan could not find the place where the arrow had nicked his finger.
Chloe looked so sexy in her chastity belt and neck chain that Logan’s penis was in a permanent state of erection. He was embarrassed by it and kept a large blue towel wrapped around his waist.
“Do you have something to cut this damn chain off?” Chloe asked.
“No. I don’t have anything. But I can buy a hacksaw tomorrow. I don’t suppose you have the key to the padlock anywhere?”
“No, that hoon Billy took everything with him.”
“How are we going to get your chastity belt off? It looks pretty formidable.”
“I do have a key for it, but its back in my apartment.”
“So we can get it tomorrow?”
“Yes, but I don’t want to go there in case Billy’s around. Maybe you can get it for me?”
“Sure, do you want me to go tonight?”
“No, it can wait till tomorrow. It’ll be safer then.”
“If Billy’s hanging around I don’t think he would attack you in daylight.”
Logan didn’t reply immediately. He was feeling uneasy about stealing the girlfriend of an obviously violent man. But he was so much in love with Chloe that he wanted to protect her and so brushed his fears aside.
“OK, I’ll go tomorrow,” he said. “Tonight you can sleep in my bed.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”
“No, there’s room for both of us.”
“This dammed chain seems to be a little rusty. I don’t want to mark your sheets.”
“We’ll put a towel under it, I’m sure it’ll be OK.”
Logan arranged a towel on the bottom sheet and then got into bed. He kept the blue towel around his waist still feeling embarrassed by his continuing erection. But he needn’t have bothered. As soon as Chloe got under the sheet she reached out and seized his penis with her hand.
“Oh wow, you’re so hard! I would love to feel you inside me.”
Logan explored her chastity belt with his hands. It dug into her waist and pressed on her pussy so tightly that he couldn’t easily get his fingers under it.
“Isn’t this chastity thing uncomfortable?” he asked.
“Yes, but you get used to it.”
He moved his hands up and felt her breasts. She flinched.
“Sorry, I forgot about your bruises.”
“It’s not that, it’s just that your touch felt so sexy.”
“Do your bruises hurt?”
“A little. But its OK, I can live with them. You can touch me, just as long as you don’t punch me.”
“I would never do that.”
“No, I don’t think you would.” She moved closer and kissed him.
Logan’s mind was racing with erotic thoughts. He decided to ask Chloe if she would fulfill one of his favorite fantasies.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Ask me anything you want.”
“Do you mind if I handcuff you? It’s long been a fantasy of mine, to make love to a beautiful woman in handcuffs.”
“Well master, you can handcuff me if you like, but I don’t think I’m particularly beautiful, and I am wearing a chastity belt.”
Logan kissed her, said “Thank you,” then got out of bed. His penis felt harder than ever and he thought he might have an orgasm just thinking about what he was planning to do. He went to the closet in his spare bedroom and returned a carrying a pair of handcuffs and a padlock.
“Roll over onto your front,” he said. He pulled her arms behind her and handcuffed her wrists together. She did not resist him.
“Hands behind my back!” Chloe said. “How naughty of you. However shall I resist you?”
He double locked the cuffs, then padlocked them to one of the chains hanging from her neck.
“Oh, now I really am your prisoner.”
“No talking now,” said Logan getting back into bed, “or I shall have to gag you.”
“How cruel of you,” said Chloe. She said it lightly as if she would not mind being gagged.
Logan rolled her onto her side and began to gently massage her breasts. Her nipples were hard, and he rolled them between his thumb and fingers. She closed her eyes and moaned.
Seeing that he was turning her on, Logan bent down and began to suck her nipples, first one and then the other. He played with them, gently biting them and licking them while continuing to suck.
Chloe’s moans grew louder. “Oh god, this it wonderful. I think I’m going to come,” she gasped.
Logan sucked harder and was rewarded when she began to make little panting sounds and move her hips. He continued to suck and pull on her nipples with his teeth until she stopped moving.
“Did you come?” he asked.
“Yes, it was fantastic. There was nothing I could do about it. It was heaven.” She wriggled forward and kissed him on the forehead. “I love you so much.”
Logan straightened up and kissed her on the mouth. “I didn’t know you could come in a chastity belt.”
“Oh yes you can. You can’t touch yourself, but you can come. They’re such wonderful things; frustrating and sexy at the same time.”
“I don’t think men can come when wearing one,” he said.
“No. That’s one advantage of being a woman. Would you like to wear a chastity belt?”
“Not really. It doesn’t sound like fun.”
“It does to me. Think how horny you’d get after being locked up for a few days. The sex would be wonderful.”
“Well perhaps some day if you really want me to.”
“Maybe some day,” said Chloe dreamily.
Logan could feel his penis between Chloe’s thighs. It was touching the hard metal crotch of her chastity belt. He felt so sexy he began to move his hips, hoping to find enough friction to reach a climax.
“You must be very frustrated,” said Chloe. “Let me help.” She lowered her head and began to wriggle down towards his penis. Logan put his hands behind her head and helped by pushing her down; he was so eager to feel her mouth around his penis once more.
He felt her soft and sensual lips enclose his penis, and the wonderfully erotic sensations as she began to suck and lick. Holding the back of her neck chain in one hand, and the back of her head with the other, he began to push her head rhythmically down onto his penis, while at the same time moving his pelvis back and forth. He hoped he was not being too hard on her, but he was so close to a climax he couldn’t control himself. He quickly reached the point of no return and then the orgasm took over. He didn’t want to hurt her and tried to restrain himself. He wanted to be gentle but his passion was so great that he couldn’t prevent himself from thrusting vigorously. He could feel his semen spurting into her mouth. His climax seemed to last for half a minute and all the while Chloe managed to keep her lips around his shaft.
When it was over he pulled her away and lifted her up. “Thank you, that was wonderful,” he whispered.
“That’s OK, it was good for me too,” she whispered back.
He moved her head closer, still holding her neck chain, and kissed her. He held her tightly and felt her breasts pressing into him. He was so happy, so full of love, that he thought he must be close to heaven. He could feel her heart beating. He wanted to savor the moment and make it last forever.
His mind began to drift and he fell asleep still holding her neck chain.
Part 3: Morning
Logan was woken by a kiss. He was lying on his back and felt Chloe pressing against his side. It was light and he opened his eyes to find the sun streaming in through the window.
“Oh wow, I slept like a log,” he said. “How about you?”
“Not too good. My arm kept going to sleep and I was thinking about Billy.”
“I’m sorry," Logan said, turning to kiss her. “You should have told me, I would have released your handcuffs.”
“That’s OK. I liked lying next to you. It made me feel like I belonged to you.”
Logan felt his morning woodie pressing against Chloe’s chastity belt. Her face looked worse than ever, the bruises were turning blacker. “Your bruises look pretty bad. Do you want me to take you to a doctor?”
“No, there’s nothing they can do. And they’ll probably ask a lot of awkward questions. I’ll be fine.”
“Do you want me to release you?”
“That would be nice. I need to go to the bathroom.”
Logan unlocked her handcuffs, and she went to the toilet. Afterwards he could hear her taking a shower. He thought it must be difficult for her to do her business wearing tight steel underwear.
“Do you have a washing machine?” Chloe asked when she returned to the bedroom. She was still naked except for the metal belt and neck chain.
“No, I use a Laundromat.”
“When you go to my apartment could you get some clothes for me?”
Logan had a shower and then made breakfast, a simple one consisting of cereals and boiled eggs. He was not much of a cook.
“I’ve been thinking,” Chloe said. “You can get a key to my apartment from my parents. They have a spare one.”
“OK,” Logan said. “Then I’ll go to your apartment and get the key to your chastity belt and some clothes. Is there anything else you need?”
“Yes, I need some makeup. You’ll find some in the top drawer in my bathroom. Could you bring what you find in there?”
“Yes. Anything else?”
“I think that’s about it. I can do my hair later. Oh, and don’t forget the hacksaw.”
“No I won’t.”
Chloe phoned her parents and said she had lost her apartment key. She was sending someone over to pick it up, a new friend called Logan.
He drove over to Chloe’s parents’ house. It was a modest house in a development of similar looking houses. Her mother opened the door and reacted in surprise when she saw his scarred face.
Logan was used to such reactions and didn’t mind. “G’day, I’ve come to pick up the key to Chloe’s apartment,” he said.
“G’day. I’m Chloe’s mother. Do you want to come in while I get it?”
“No, that’s all right, I’ll wait here.”
“What did you say your name was?”
Logan thought she wanted to learn more about him before handing over such a precious item as the key to her daughter’s apartment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself. My names Logan, Logan Coolidge, and I’m a friend of Chloe’s.”
“I’m glad to meet you Logan. Why didn’t Chloe come herself?”
“Well, she says she’s not very presentable and wanted me to get few things from her apartment; makeup and stuff.”
“OK, just a minute.”
Chloe’s mother disappeared inside her house and reappeared a minute later with a key.
“Here it is. Give my love to Chloe and tell her she doesn’t need to be presentable when she comes here.”
“I sure will. Thank you for the key.”
Logan drove to Chloe’s apartment. In was in a long building on a quiet side street. Before getting out of the car, he looked carefully around to see if he could spot either Billy or his car. Everyone seemed to be indoors and there were no red cars.
Logan got out of his car and walked cautiously up to the door of the apartment and rang the doorbell. He was not sure if Billy had a key or not. He suspected Billy might have one; he and Chloe had seemed pretty close. Even though Logan hadn’t seen Billy’s car, he feared he might be inside the apartment. He thought Billy might have discovered that Chloe had escaped, parked elsewhere and be waiting inside for her. If so, Logan would pretend to be a magazine salesman. He rang twice but no one answered the door.
Logan inserted the key and slowly opened the door. All was quiet. He looked around and was amazed at how tidy it was; no empty beer cans and other trash as in his apartment. He headed for the bedroom closet where Chloe had indicated she kept the key to her chastity belt. He found it, and a good many things besides. There were several bondage items in the closet: two pairs of handcuffs, two thumbcuffs, a few lengths of chain, rope, and a leather hood. He picked up the thumbcuffs and decided to take them with him. He didn’t have any and thought he would like to try them out on Chloe. Two pairs meant he could bind both her big toes and her thumbs.
He looked around the bedroom with its neatly made bed and his eye was caught by a framed print of Sorayama’s. It showed a slender and shapely girl in a sexy costume and golden chains. He wondered if Chloe fantasized being that girl. He would ask her, and perhaps help her fulfill her fantasy.
He took a plastic bag from the kitchen and then moved into the bathroom. He found her makeup drawer and emptied its contents into the bag. Finally he went to her clothes closet. Chloe had not given any indication as to which clothes he should bring her, so he decided to select the sexiest he could find. He was pleased to find a short leather miniskirt. It was brown and he thought it would match the brown sandals she had been wearing.
The phone rang, but he ignored it. He thought it would probably be Billy phoning, and speaking to him was the last thing he wanted to do. The phone continued to ring while he searched for more clothes. He found a beige top and put that into another plastic bag along with the miniskirt.
The telephone finally stopped ringing. But then began to ring again. He continued to ignore it.
Logan was tempted to leave without taking any of Chloe’s underwear, he thought it would be sexy for her not to wear any, but finally decided she might be annoyed at this omission. He located her underwear drawer and selected a black thong, the skimpiest he could find, and a black bra. Putting these into the plastic bag, he left the apartment and checked that the door locked behind him.
He drove to the hardware sort and bought a hacksaw. There was a florist next door, and on the spur of the moment he bought a dozen red roses. He would give these to Chloe as an expression of love.
As he drove back to his apartment, he wondered what making love to Chloe would be like. Would it somehow be sweeter knowing that her sex had been locked away, or would he be disappointed? He decided it didn’t matter. The sex would be an expression of love, and love was more important than sex.
He rang his doorbell to give Chloe warning of his return then unlocked the door to enter. He was expecting a warm welcome from a loving Chloe anxious to have her pussy protector removed, but instead he found her extremely agitated and distressed.
“My mother just phoned,” she said. “Billy’s been in a serious accident. They think he might not survive. He’s in intensive care. I have to go to the hospital to see him.”
Logan felt a black arrow of despair pierce his heart. Chloe was not over Billy; she still loved him and now would go back to him. “When did it happen?” he asked dully. “Your mother didn’t say anything about it when I was there this morning.”
“It happened yesterday. Billy’s parents have been at the hospital all night and only just phoned my mother to tell her. They tried phoning me, but of course there was no answer.”
“How did your mother know you were here?”
“You told her your name and she found your number in the telephone directory.”
“I’ve brought you some roses,” he said hopelessly as he handed them to her.
“Oh thank you,” she said and kissed him lightly. “They’re lovely. Did you get a hacksaw?”
“Yes, I did,” he said producing it from its paper bag.
“I can’t wait to get this damn chain off. Can you do it now?”
Logan made her bend over the kitchen table and began to saw one of the links at the back of her neck. It was quite difficult since he had to hold the link to keep it still and prevent it digging into her neck. Chloe tried to help by holding the other end of the link.
The cutting proceeded slowly since he didn’t want the saw to slip and cut anyone’s fingers or Chloe’s neck. Finally the blade went through the link and he released the chain. He could see the marks the chain had made on her neck, and there was a discoloration from the metal powder produced by the hacksaw.
“Thank you,” she said. “Do you have my clothes?”
“Aren’t you going to remove your chastity belt?” Logan asked, handing her the bag containing her clothes.
“No. If I do I will be tempted to make love to you, and I want to get to the hospital as soon as possible.”
This made Logan feel even more depressed. Chloe had used her chastity belt to deny Billy sex, now she seemed to be using it to deny him sex. Perhaps he was destined never to make love to her.
“You picked some pretty revealing clothes,” Chloe remarked as she dressed. “This thong won’t even cover my chastity belt.” She left it in the bag.
“I thought they would make you look sexy,” Logan said.
“I forgive you; you didn’t know we were going to the hospital.” She took her makeup and went into the bathroom.
She emerged a few minutes later. Makeup covered most of the discoloration of the bruises, but her face still looked puffy. “This is the best I can do, can we go now?”
“Sure,” Logan said dispiritedly and led the way to his car.
On the way to the hospital, Chloe said, “Can you drive faster?”
Logan reluctantly increased his speed slightly. It seemed that the old Chloe had returned; she seemed so impatient. He realized she had not put the roses in water. They must be wilting, their dying symbolizing the ending of Chloe’s love for him. He glanced at her sitting beside him. Her short skirt had ridden up exposing the front of her chastity belt. Normally this would have been sexy, but now it didn’t seem to matter. His heart ached.
They entered the hospital. Chloe asked after Billy and was directed to the Intensive Care Unit. On arrival they discovered that Billy had been moved out of intensive care and was now in a recovery room. His mother was with him and the nurse said that she would let her know that Chloe had arrived.
The nurse returned and said that Billy’s mother would be out in a minute.
“What happened to him?” Chloe asked.
"Are you family?” asked the nurse.
“I’m his girlfriend.”
Logan’s heart sank even further.
“They say he drove his car into the heart tree out on the highway. He wasn’t wearing a seat belt and was thrown through the windscreen. He received extensive lacerations to his face; I’m afraid he’s going to need plastic surgery. He’s also partially paralyzed. We don’t know the full extent yet or whether he will recover.”
“Do you know what time the accident happened?” Logan asked.
“I’m not sure, but I think it was early afternoon.”
Logan realized that it was Billy’s accident that had caused the traffic jam on the highway.
A minute later Billy’s mother came out and Chloe hugged her.
“I’m so sorry,” Chloe said, “I came as soon as I heard.”
“Thank goodness you weren’t with him. His car collided with a tree. It must have been terrible.”
“Could I see him?” Chloe asked.
“Yes, but he can’t talk. He’s been badly hurt. He’s all bandaged up, he’s hurt his face and he can’t move his legs.”
Chloe motioned to Logan, “Come on, I want you to meet him.”
Logan followed Chloe into the room. Billy was lying on a bed with tubes sticking into his nose and an intravenous drip in his arm. His face was bandaged leaving only his eyes visible.
“I’m really sorry you’ve had an accident,” Chloe said.
Billy blinked at her but didn’t say anything.
“I want to say something to you, and I want Logan here to hear it as well. He’s the person who found me and rescued me. If it wasn’t for him I’d be dead. I want you to know it’s all over between us. After what you did to me yesterday I hated you and wanted you put in jail where you belong. But now I feel only pity for you. They say you might be paralyzed and if you are, that will be your punishment and your prison. But if you recover I don’t want you coming after me. I won’t tell anyone what you did to me, but if I ever hear from you again I will go to the police and tell them all about it. Logan here is a witness.”
Chloe paused before continuing. Logan felt hope rising within him, he hardly dare believe it.
“This is goodbye. I never want to see you or hear from you again. I’m going to move on with my life. I really don’t care what happens to you.”
Chloe turned and walked quickly out of the room. Logan nodded at Billy, whether to acknowledge him or to confirm what Chloe had said he could not say, then followed her out.
Chloe hugged Billy’s mother again. “I’m so sorry. I hope he makes a full recovery.”
“They say he’s out of danger. Will you be visiting again?”
“I think not. It’s over between us, it ended before the accident.”
“Oh!” Billy’s mother said in surprise. She stared suspiciously at Logan.
Logan returned her stare with a neutral expression. He was used to people staring at him and knew how to return such looks as if challenging them to say something. It worked as it usually did and Billy’s mother looked away.
She spoke to Chloe. “Well goodbye my dear. Thank you for coming.”
Chloe and Logan walked out of the hospital. He was not sure what mood she was in so cautiously asked, “Is there anything I can do?”
She stopped, turned and embraced him. “Yes there is,” she said and kissed the scar on his face. “You can take me home and make love to me. I can’t wait to get this damned chastity belt off.”
Chloe and Logan were married on Valentine’s Day the following year. Billy was paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair. He did not attend the wedding. Logan told Chloe about Desire and admitted that he had fired the arrow that struck her. They returned to the forest and searched for the arrow, but never found it. Logan was tempted to believe that his meeting with Desire had been a figment of his imagination, but Chloe swore she had seen the arrow and had been wounded by it. Years later, and finding himself still in love with Chloe, Logan finally realized that Desire was a better shot than he had pretended to be.