Her light pale blue eyes pleaded, while her bound body tingled with anticipation.
Drool trickled out from under the leather hood and flowed slowly down her neck onto her small shapely blue/green breasts. They glistened in the soft glimmer of the white Christmas lights decorating the wheel to which she was bound.
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The reflection of the lights danced off of the tinsel that covered the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room she was in.
"mmmmmpppphhhhh!" She moaned, pushing her freshly shaven muff as far as her bonds would allow toward the two women sitting at the table and smiling at her. "mmmmmmmpppphhhhh...."
She was spread-eagled to the X-frame support inside the wheel. Tinsel, looped around her arms and legs from her wrists all the way to her shoulders and ankles clear up to her thighs, held her to the wooden frame. More of the silver bindings had been looped through the center of the X and around her waist.
Although only 4-foot tall, her figure was ideally proportioned. Her B-cup breasts were firm and shapely with large deep blue areolas and long thick darker blue nipples.
The redheaded woman, at the table, stood and walked over to the wheel.
She rolled and pinched each nipple between a finger and thumb, drawing louder and more pronounced moans from the bound smaller woman.
"mmmmpppphhhh....mmmmppphhhh!" The small woman begged, pulling harder on her bonds and her nipples growing noticeably larger.
"Struggle to your hearts content," she grinned, continuing her assault. "You and I both know tinsel is as unbreakable for you as steel is for me.... Why don't you use your magic and teleport away.... Awe.... You, can't...It prevents that, too...... Maybe, help is on the way.... Don't think so..... You know it blocks any magical attempt to find you or sense your magic.... You'll be with us for as long as we desire....."
"mmmmmpppphhhhh....mmmmppphhhh!" The small woman begged, again lifting her pelvis toward her tormentor.
"Does our pretty little Elfette want a tongue lashing?" The dark haired vixen grinned, joining the other at the wheel and running a perfectly manicured fingernail back and forth over their captive's pussy. "Perhaps, just a quick finger tickled for now."
"mmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnn..." Elfette quivered as the woman's finger slipped between her dark blue labia and slowly tormented her for a few moments, before, purposely sliding out over her swelling clitoris.
"Oh, my, those magical juices are wanting to flow, aren't they....." She giggled, holding her moist finger up. "Care for a taste.....heehee...."
Using the tips of their tongues, both women began licking the finger sensually, like a popsicle.
"We need to.... mmmm..... give her, her snack, before we get to involved." The first said, sucking the other woman's finger deep into her mouth, then, slowly pulling it out. She connected a thin clear glass tube from the outer rim of the wheel to the lower of two plugs in the hoods gag panel.
The upper plug controlled the inflation level of the butterfly gag filling Elfette's mouth, which, at present, was set on maximum.
A small valve connected the tube to a rubber hose and shortly after she opened the valve a thick muddy looking fluid filled the glass tube.
Taking a step back, she turned a switch on the wheel, then, both women returned to the table and their seats.
The wheel began to turn, slowly at first, then, increasing with each full spin.
The vanilla flavored mixture oozed around the inflated gag and Elfette had learned, over time, to suck on the gag to get the mixture to flow quicker. The spinning did not effect her, but, did slow the speed of the mixture, prolonging the time before she would be brought to fulfillment.
"Such a pretty little elf and an amazing discovery....Worth every penny I paid you." Rebecca Melchant, the dark haired woman and owner of Melchant Department Stores, grinned, taking a sip of tea.
"Yes, years of observation, testing different doses, and patience paid off last Christmas Eve..." Dr. Judith Presscott answered, brushing her red hair from her cheek. "Vanilla extract, of all things, neutralized her magical immunity to our drugs. An extra dose of it in her milk and cookies allowed the sleeping pills, I ground to a powder and put in both, to have an effect.... Once she passed out, some bindings of tinsel and a gag of leather and she was ours."
Judith took another sip of her tea and smiled.
"Sending the same elf to deliver gifts to the same children every year gave me the opportunities needed to find the proper doses of extract." She smiled. "It took several years to find the right dose, but, once I discovered this elf enjoyed chatting while under the influence of vanilla extract it was just a matter of time, before I learned all of their secrets... How tinsel blocks their magic..... Their memory altering hypnotic voice.. How to create a magical ice ball to see if people are being naughty or nice.... To teleport anywhere and become invisible.... That the elves do....."
"Do it all.... Who could have guessed that all the stories and myths are so wrong...." Rebecca sighed. "That, Santa Claus is just a figurehead, and, Jessica Claus, his wife, is the one in control and is the power behind the whole Christmas thing..."
"All that magical power at her fingertips....And, just a dose of this..." Judith waved a bottle of vanilla extract in the air. "Could weaken her magical defenses and allow us to capture her, then, share her magic as well....."
"MMMMMmmmm....Do you think it will have the same side effect on her as it has on our pretty Elfette?" Rebecca asked, her eyes taking on a lustful glow.
"We can only hope.....heehee...." Judith, laughed. "Oh, look....I do believe Elfette has finished....."
Both women watched Elfette strain against the tinsel holding her, as the wheel slowed to a stop, with her upright. She thrust her pelvis out, searching for something to fill the rampaging fire burning between her legs and consuming her entire body. She tried in vain to free one of her hands or feet, but, she remained tightly bound.
Her eyes glowed a deep rich blue and were wildly searching the room. Her breasts and nipples had enlarged to twice their normal size. She flailed her head madly around, the effects of the extract driving her into a frenzy.
"MMMMMMPPPPHHHH....MMMMMPPPPHHHHH!!!!!!" Elfette screeched at the two women through the gag, her eyes intently locking onto them.
"Every midnight, for nearly a year...And, I still can't get over it..... Every time.." Rebecca said, staring at the bizarre spectacle before them. "I've never seen anyone affected so quickly by an aphrodisiac......"
"Or, so completely......" Judith added, her eyes mesmerized to the sight. "It seems to never ease, no matter how many times she orgasms..... The next one is just as powerful."
The aroma of sexual pheromones filled the room and slowly washed over the two women lighting a fire in each.
Judith was the first to begin removing her clothing. Rebecca was just seconds behind.
They leapt toward the wheel, like a pair of wild dogs catching the scent of a bitch in heat.
Giving the wheel a half turn, spinning Elfette upside down, they knelt and each locked their lips around one of Elfette's nipples and began to imbibe.
Loud sounds of delighted slurps as well as muffled moans of pleasure echoed throughout the room.
Each woman drank and drank from the fleshy nozzles only stopping when Elfette's body would quiver and spasm in an orgasmic fury. Then, they would lap up the juices and cum that flowed from between her legs down her abdomen toward her chest, only to return to her nipples and wait for the next volcanic eruption.
They continued this until Elfette's breasts were milked completely of their magical liquid. Then, the wheel was spun another half turn and the women alternated using their tongues to force climax after climax from the over stimulated Elf, licking up every drop of her delicious magical juice each time.
While one devoured Elfette, the other one would use her tongue to stimulate the other, all the while fingering herself. Then, they would switch so that each could enjoy Elfette's magical well.
An hour passed, then, another, then, another, before Elfette's body spasmed in a final forced orgasm, and, she passed out.
Rebecca and Judith lick the last of the magical juices from the elf's limp body. Then, staring into each others eyes, they attacked.
In a fit of lustful rage, they drove their tongue deep into each others cunt. Locking their arms around the others waist, they rolled around and around on the floor, bringing each other to climax again and again, until, they joined Elfette in peaceful slumber.
They awoke a few hours later. It was midmorning Christmas Eve day. Rebecca bathed and dressed for her meeting while Judith prepared Elfette for the day.
Ankle and wrist cuffs secured to bolts in the wall kept Elfette spread taunt. Eyelet's had been screwed into the wall, outlining her entire body. Tinsel woven back and forth through the eyelet's crisscrossed over her, keeping her secured.
"You're sure you can handle this alone? You know she won't be." Judith said, as Rebecca entered the room. "We can't lose this opportunity, or, we'll have to wait another year....."
Judith added a third padded leather gag strip over the hood gag.
"Not a problem, the bait is set and we know things about her, that, she doesn't have a clue we know...... Besides, little Elfette, here, is our bargaining chip...." Rebecca lifted Elfette's chin inspecting the additional gag, before, slipping her finger into Elfette's moist cunt, getting a muffled moan in response. "She'll come to us on her own....Or, we'll continue to drain Christmas magic from her sweet Elfette....."
Judith made sure tinsel covered the doorway of the hidden room as they left.
“That salesgirl, Sally, should be in the dressing area by now…” Rebecca said, circling her hands around in front of her. “She better be on time or else….”
A cloudy sphere the size of a basketball formed inside of her circle, then solidified into a smooth clear ice ball.
A blurry image of a petite blonde slowly cleared. She was pulling a tinsel covered box from a locker.
"Don't worry, we're both gaining more magical abilities with each feeding...." Rebecca grinned, staring into the ice ball. "By tomorrow morning, we'll be enjoying a Yule breakfast of Mother Christmas, herself..."
Judith gave Rebecca a hesitant nod of approval, as she watched the blonde's image fade.
"Sally is about to open the box, I need to get there, now..." Rebecca said, laying a finger aside of her nose. "I swapped her elf costume for Elfette's yesterday.... Once out of that tinsel box, the suit’s magic will be able to be sensed..."
"I'll keep an eye on you, just the same, if you don't mind." Judith sighed.
Rebecca gave a nod of her head and disappeared, leaving an aroma of peppermint in the air.
Judith swirled her hands as Rebecca had done and Sally's image filled the crystal ice ball between them.
"WHAT THE..... I CAN'T GET INTO THIS TINY THING......" Sally Wentworth screamed from behind the curtain in the dressing area of Santa's Castle, in Melchant's Department Store.
She held a small green and white elf costume up to her chest.
"Where is Elfette?" A female voice asked from her right.
Sally looked toward the voice and saw a very cute smaller woman dressed in a green and white dress, exactly like the one she was holding. Her hair was silver, her eyes a soft pale blue, and, her face and hands were a blue/green tint.
Sally stare at her dumbfounded.
"Who are.... Did THAT BITCH hire yo....." Sally started to say.
"Where is Elfette?" Another female voice asked from her left. "You have her dress."
Sally's head turned slowly, not wanting to stop staring at the small woman. Eventually, she looked at the other woman.
She was an older looking woman. Her short snow white hair sparkled and her eyes twinkled. They were the deepest blue that Sally had ever seen. The red and white dress covering her from the neck to the floor was immaculate.
Movement from behind the woman drew Sally's attention. She saw what looked like the form of a woman completely wrapped from head to toe in red and green ribbon wiggling on the floor.
Muffled noises came from the bundle.
"Har...ri...et...." She gasp, recognizing the voice coming from the ribbons.
"WHERE IS ELFETTE?" The smaller woman again asked, turning Sally's body to face her.
"What the hell...is an.. Elfette....and, what have...you done...to Harriet?" Sally sputtered.
"She doesn't know anything," the older woman said, opening her hand and waving it at Sally's feet. "We need to look elsewhere....."
Red and green ribbons flew out from the sleeve of her dress and began wrapping themselves tightly around Sally's legs, forcing them together.
Sally bewildered by the ribbon wrapping itself around her legs could not stop the small woman from grabbing the elf costume from her hands and stuffing a wad of red and green silk cloth into her open mouth.
Before, she could react and force the wad out of her mouth with her tongue the older woman waved her hand at Sally's head and the ribbon began to wrap around it sealing the silk in.
Once finished wrapping Sally’s head, the ribbon tightened, forcing her chin up and the packing deeper into her mouth.
"MMMMMPPPPGGGHHHH.....MMMPPPGGGHHHHH....." Sally protested, as the woman waved her hand over the rest of Sally's body sending the ribbon around her arms and torso.
In seconds, Sally was completely cocooned in the ribbon. Her arms held to her sides and her legs sealed together as one.
The smaller woman lifted Sally's bound body and lay her next to Harriet‘s bound body.
"Now what do we do?" The smaller woman asked.
"You step through that door over there and do their jobs," Rebecca Melchant ordered, appearing instantaneously behind them. "You'll smile at the kids, get your pictures taken with them, help the guy pretending to be Santa while he listens to those miserable kid's wish lists and, then, when the store closes.... You will come to my house. We'll have some tea and crumpets and discuss the future.... Yours, mine, and Elfette's....."
The older woman glared at Rebecca at the mention of Elfette.
"Yes, I have her... She is well... A bit tired, and, very sexually satisfied...." Rebecca laughed. "But, if you don't do as I say... She'll pay for it... Do I make myself clear, Jessica?"
Jessica Claus' face furrowed.
"Yes, I know who you are and what you control...." Rebecca said, victoriously.
"And, you are one of Elfette's elfin sisters, I assume..." Rebecca said, pointing to the elf. "Don't do anything foolish... Just cooperate and all will work out..."
"I'm Andeolette, leader of the elfin guard." the elf said, handing Rebecca Elfette's costume. "You'll need this to keep her warm…. Anything happens to her, I'll..."
"You'll what?" Rebecca huffed. "You're threatening ME!"
She glared at Andeolette, then, pointed toward the door leading out of the Castle.
"If I didn't need you to stay here and be Santa's cute little elf, I'd take you with me and show you just what a threat can be..." She said, ushering the two women to the door.
Jessica touched the elf on her shoulder and reluctantly stepped through the door.
"Seeing how I can't take you with me," Rebecca said, nodding her head back toward the wiggling red and green ribbon cocoons on the floor." I think I'll take those two gifts, you've kindly wrapped, with me, to open in the morning.....I know I didn't ask for sex slaves in my letter to Santa, but, you obviously know me very well.... heehee... I'll see you two in a few hours, When you've finished your shift..... Don't be late or foolish...."
Rebecca introduced her 2 new employees to her Santa, then, returned to the bound women.
Judith watched Rebecca in the ice ball.
She bundled Sally and Harriet's cocooned bodies against her, before, she lay her finger aside of her nose and gave a nod. All three women disappeared.
The delightful smell of peppermint filled Judith's nose as Rebecca appeared with her 2 bundles. She helped her carry them into the playroom.
Elfette had watched her captors lay the red and green cocoons in one of the corners of the playroom, prior to Judith forcing the feeding tube into her gag. She was curious as to their contents, but, that was hours ago. Now, they were the last things on her mind.
She strained against the tinsel holding her securely to the wall.
The vanilla extract was having its normal aphrodisiacal effect on the poor elf, but, this time there was no one there to give her the relief she needed and wanted. In her desperate state, she could not concentrate. All her mind could do was listen to her body's overpowering craving for sexual release. She did not care that events were taking place in the parlor above her that would effect her future and the future of every person in the world.
"Would you like a cookie, Jessica?" Rebecca smiled, pouring more tea into Jessica Claus' cup. "They are delicious, if I do say so myself."
Judith thought she heard a growl come from Andeolette, when she offered some cookies to her. Unable to resist, Andeolette selected 2 of the tasty treats and gobbled them down hastily.
"Cookies are, I hate to admit it, a weakness...." Jessica sighed, watching her elf grab another cookie before Judith pulled it away. "And, yes, I'll have one."
She dabbed her lips with a napkin after finishing her cookie and sipped the last of her tea before she spoke.
"Let me be blunt.... What is you want? You have beauty, wealth, and power.... What else is there, that, would drive such a lovely women, as you two, to kidnap and torment a kind and good elf, like Elfette?" She leaned forward. "Surely, it's not you just being naughty, is it?"
"I assure you it has nothing to do with being naughty," Rebecca said, placing the cookie platter on the serving tray behind Jessica. "It's more a need..... A need for ultimate....."
She gave a quick nod to Judith, who had slipped unnoticed behind Andeolette.
"POWER!!!!" Rebecca said, lunging at Jessica from behind her.
She clamped her right hand over the startled woman's nose and mouth, her left wrapped around Jessica's chest. In her right hand she held a chloroform soaked white cotton pad. She had placed it in a zip lock bag, then, on the serving cart.
"MMMMMMPPPPHHHHHH!!!!!" Andeolette screamed, reaching for Judith's hand that was sealed over her nose and mouth, also.
Judith had slipped behind her, unnoticed, with another chloroform pad.
Jessica and Andeolette, both, fought fiercely trying to break free of their grips, but, the vanilla extract laced tea and cookies weakened their defenses against the drug. Being unfamiliar with such things, neither attempted to hold their breaths. And, unfortunately, neither took a deep breath on Rebecca and Judith's initial attack, so, as they became dazed and confused, they sucked in even deeper amounts of the anesthetizing fumes, pushing their body's closer and closer to unconsciousness.
Being smaller the chloroform worked faster on Andeolette. So, before, her eyes closed for the last time, Jessica watched, helplessly, as her guardian elf's body went limp and lifeless. She saw the glee in Judith's face and heard Rebecca's voice fade in her ears.
"You are mine now, Mother Christmas......"
Jessica's arms dropped from Rebecca's forearm to her lap and her eyelids fluttered close.
"MMMMMMPPPPHHHHMMMMPPPPGGGGHHHH......MMMMMMPPPPPGGGGGHHHH!!!!" Elfette screamed, as Judith and Rebecca dragged their unconscious victims into the room. "MMMMMPPPPHHHHH....."
In her over stimulated state, Elfette, did not recognize Jessica or Andeolette, she only saw her two Mistresses as the answer to her needs. She pulled on her binds, thrusting her pelvis out and jiggled her magically enlarged breasts, as she had so many times before to get their attention.
But, this time, they ignored her, as they stripped the women completely.
She screamed into her gag and snorted through her nose. Repeatedly, she banged the back of her head against the wall, trying to gain their attention. But, they continued binding the other two women.
Andeolette was cuffed to the opposite wall. Just as Elfette, eyelet's were screwed into the wall around her and tinsel laced over her to keep her secured. However, instead of a hood, a head harness with a 2-inch round leather ring gag was forced into her mouth and
buckled behind and over her head. A 'D-ring' in the top of the harness was tied to an eyelet above her head, keeping her head lifted up and against the wall.
"MMMMMPPPPHHH......MMMMPPPPHHHHH!!!!!" Elfette attempted again to get their attention, as they began the process of securing Jessica to the wheel.
First, they tied her waist to the middle of the X support with tinsel. Then, her limbs were spread out taunt and tied to the frame with more tinsel. A neck and gag posture collar, with a 2-inch diameter feeding tube built in, was tightly laced around Jessica's neck and lower face. Next, Rebecca buckled the over the head side straps, keeping the gag securely in place. She added a padlock to each buckle to make sure it would not be removed easily.
Effete continued screeching at them as Rebecca checked all the bindings and gags on the new captives and Judith used a syringe to inject a drug into each.
"That will keep them out long enough for us to enjoy Elfette and get some rest. And, these timers will send the vanilla extract mix through the tubes after they awake." Judith grinned, putting the syringe on the table. "Does our little Elfette want us to play with her?"
"MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!!!!" Elfette screamed, nodding her head up and down.
She watched them teasingly remove each others clothing. Her body responding to the pleasure she would soon feel. Her gagged moans of hope increased as Rebecca and Judith stepped over to her arm in arm, kissing each other passionately.
Hours of lustful sexual ravaging passed before Rebecca and Judith finally drifted off to sleep upstairs in Rebecca's bedroom. They lay in each others arms, dreaming of the pleasures that awaited them upon awakening.
Rebecca felt something being forced into her mouth.
"mmmmmmmmmm...." She moaned, thinking it was Judith's tongue making an attempt to wake her as she had many times before.
She tried to wrap her arm around Judith, but, it did not move.
She tried her other arm. It too was frozen, motionless. She opened her eyes.
Darkness was all she could see.
Suddenly, she felt a thick vanilla flavored liquid flood into her mouth. She tried to lift her tongue to stop it, but, it was pressed flat to the bottom of her mouth by whatever had been slid into it.
"MMMMMUUURRGGGLLEEEMMMMMMUUUURRRGGGLLLEEEE!!!!!" She choked trying to speak while the vanilla mixture, she and Judith had forced Elfette to swallow, flowed into her mouth.
"Don't fight it, dear....' Jessica's voice whispered in her ear. "You'll enjoy this. Not only does it contain that delicious vanilla extract, but, also a mixture of Elfette's, Andeolette's, and my juices......."
"MMMMMMMMMMM....." Rebecca moaned.
"We milked and masturbated each other, with much pleasure I do say, and, filled several gallon containers with all the magical juices you enjoy to drink." She lifted the blindfold from Rebecca's eyes. "And, you will drink it all.... And, more....."
Rebecca's vision cleared and she grimaced at the sight.
Judith was bound, as they had bound Andeolette, across the room to the wall. The ring gag kept her mouth open and a large tube had been sealed into it. An upside down gallon milk jug was attached to the other end of the tube and the last of the muddy liquid in the container flowed into the gag. An empty jug sat on the floor next to Judith's bound ankles.
Rebecca knew she was bound the same way, except she felt the posture gag collar tightly wrapped around her neck and lower face.
"GLUB....GLUB....GLUB...GLUB..." The sound of Judith drinking the mixture as quickly as she could filled the silence.
Fresh tears ran down Judith's cheeks and a dejected expression filled her face.
"MMMMmmmmmm......" Rebecca screeched, between gulps of mixture, at the sight of Judith's bloated stomach.
"Get with it, dear.... She's 2 gallons ahead of you..... Don't worry, she and you will get your girlish figures back." Jessica grinned. "We've got to get all 4 gallons into you before we go...."
Elfette stepped out from behind Jessica and slipped 4 of her fingers into Rebecca's pussy.
"This will get her to drink...... It did me.....heehee....." She chuckled, wiggling her digits and sending sparks of sensual electricity through Rebecca. "She'll be a good one, she will..... Very, very fertile...... Just like the other...."
She kept fingering Rebecca, forcing her to gulp down more of the mixture. Soon, after 2 enormous orgasms and 3 gallons of the liquid, her stomach matched that of Judith's.
Tears filled her eyes.
"Had you checked on Sally and Harriet, you would have found that 2 of my other elf guards had switched places with them." Jessica laughed.
Two new silvered hair, blue/green skinned, green and white dressed female elves stepped forward.
"They teleported in as I teleported Sally and Harriet out, while, you were forcing Andeolette and I out of the dressing area." She smiled. " I knew you'd take the cocoons. I figured you'd be to preoccupied to search them.... So, they waited for you two to fall asleep to rescue us. And, capture you........"
She attached the last container of mixture to the tube.
"This is such a wonderful aphrodisiac, don't you think.... I nearly attacked all 4 of them as soon as I was released... But, we were able to control ourselves... Well, mostly we were...heehee...." She teased Rebecca's left nipple between her finger and thumb.
"Little did you know that by imbibing from Elfette's magic for a year, you join us as magical Christmas creatures, with all its blessings and curses....."
She softly kissed the hardened nipple.
"You will live a very, very long life with us at the North Pole..." She grinned. "You'll be constantly fed enough of this mixture to keep you permanently aroused and filled with a sexual passion like you've never known....."
She turned and watched Elfette and Andeolette remove Judith from the wall and retie her arms behind her back at the wrists and elbows. The ring gag was replaced by a huge red ball gag and harness. Tinsel was looped around her upper chest over and under her breasts, then, cinched to frame each breast.
It was then that Rebecca noticed Judith's breasts were nearly quadruple her normal C-cups.
"MMMMMMMULGPMMMMMMM....." Rebecca gasp.
"Yes, quite lovely, aren't they..... And, a necessity I must add....." Jessica continued, toying with Rebecca's nipple as she spoke. "Yours will be as large and lovely, too. You see you and delicious Judith are to become breeders......."
She let the word sink in before continuing.
"Elves do not reproduce. They do enjoy sex, but, cannot make little elves." She smiled.
"It takes a human egg, fertilized by the sperm of pure goodness and grown in the womb of evil to make an elfin child. You and Judith are just evil enough to fit the need. So, for the next 400 to 500 years you two will be bred to be the mothers of the next generation of elves......"
Rebecca nearly choked, stunned at this information.
"Don't worry, you'll have help birthing them.... Elfette is in charge of the nursery... She will make sure you take good care of your babies..... And, remain fertile.... And, are impregnated as soon as possible after giving birth...."
She removed the final empty jug and rubbed her hand around on Rebecca's swollen abdomen.
"There, now to get you prepared...."
Rebecca moaned as her arms were bound behind her, but, the sound of a deep male voice grabbed her attention.
"HO! HO! HO!" The voice echoed coming through the door of the playroom.
A giant of a man entered. He was dressed in red and white and stood at least 7-foot tall. His hair and beard were white as the snow and his massive frame filled the doorway.
Judith was led over to him, first.
He removed his coat and unbuckled the 5-inch wide black leather belt of his red trousers.
"MMMMPPPPHHH!!!!!" Judith screamed into her gag at the sight of his 16-inch long 3-inch thick cock. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
The elves bent her over and held her. He cupped her breasts in his enormous hands and inserted the tip of his huge penis. Judith's muffled scream filled Rebecca's ears.
Judith felt as if she were being ripped in two as the entire shaft entered her.
The pain was excruciating.
Tears filled her eyes and she cried out.
Then, the vanilla extra aphrodisiac overtook her and she began to rock back against his thrusting. Her cries of terror and pain became moans of delight and pleasure as climax after climax washed over her. When he finally spewed his seed into her, her body quivered, she bucked back and forth, and her pussy seemed to be sucking every drop of fluid from him. She had never had an orgasm as huge or as long before in her life.
He pulled out and sperm dripped from Judith's filled pussy onto the floor.
Judith took a deep breath, her mind and body still on fire.
Then, she shivered.
She felt movement inside her. The baby was already growing.
"Your turn," Jessica said to Rebecca. "What's the matter? Why do you think they call him Santa Claus... He is after all, Father Christmas.... As you will learn....."
Elfette led Rebecca over to the huge man.
"Don't worry, you took such good care of me....I'll do the same for you...." She grinned, positioning Rebecca for her first breeding.