Part I
She struggled because there was nothing else to do but it wasn't to get free, she already knew that was impossible, it was to prevent her muscles from atrophying and her mind from screaming even if, physically, she was currently incapable of doing anything of the kind.
Mentally she was alert enough. She could still remember the jab of the needle in her upper left thigh and the hands that had held her tightly as it was emptied into her but right now everything else, apart from the fact that she was held rigidly to a chair, bound tightly and blindfolded and gagged, was just a blank....
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The panorama before them was breathtakingly strange to anyone even vaguely accustomed to Space. To all intents and purposes they were floating in a total void, there was thick velvety blackness all around them as usual but where that blackness would normally be tempered by stars and solar systems, galaxies and supernovae, here there were none. It was simply an area of vast, untrammeled, darkness.
The curly haired woman with the short and strikingly purple hair who was nearest the observation port turned slowly to the man standing just a few feet away from her and said slowly,
"Okay, and this is where exactly?" before he could speak the tall, tanned, woman standing close to him and garbed in what appeared to be little more than tiny scraps of weathered leather and open toed boots turned her head,
"The Clouds of Osian, Nurse Larah," she intoned sonorously whilst carefully studying the nurse, who was dressed in the shortest of white, short-sleeved, uniforms that also showed a generous amount of plump, fresh, cleavage and continued, "It is an entirely natural and expected phenomenon and should cause no concern whatsoever..." but Larah had already turned her head away and muttered,
"Yeah, says you!" under her breath whilst the tall woman with the long dark hair continued almost unabated, "Scientists and Astronomers refer to this as the Birthplace of Worlds, it is simply an area of thick and now fortunately inert gas, that cuts out all light and would, under other circumstances, have eventually formed a small solar system but the star that should have been created here simply failed to ignite leaving a kind of..."
"...Devil's Workshop!" Strangely no one turned to look at the newcomer who had just entered the nerve center of The Auriga. Not because they were ignoring her but because the voice they all heard was in their heads and could have come from anywhere on the ship.
The only man in the control room said quietly,
"C'mon Ella, you know they're only rumours, myths, half-truths..." but the newcomer, slim, boyish and waif like in a dark blue cat suit and barefoot, her boots in her hand, would not be deterred. As she got closer to the group she pointed to the tall woman with her free hand but no sound came from her lips.
"They're not myths, they're not rumours and they're NOT half-truths Zill, ask her! Ask Gorrinda! She downloaded it all last night. I know she did. I felt it, even though she blocked me out soon afterward!"
Zill, dark haired, graying slightly, broad shouldered and well built, sometimes referred to as Captain, sometimes as Lord Zill, a title he despised, turned slowly toward his tall, female first officer with a half smile on his lips and said quietly,
"Not like you to deny anyone access to that mind of yours Gorrinda, even though it's your fundamental right to do so of course..." Gorrinda smiled in turn.
"It is somewhat inconvenient to have one's thoughts available for a Telepath to read at the most inopportune of moments Captain, even a benign Crygian Telepath like Ella but I have nothing to hide. I was simply downloading ALL the available data concerning the so called Devil's Workshop in order to sort fact from myth... and, purely for information purposes, I did not block her from my mind last night or indeed at any other time!" Seemingly intrigued by the pure black vista in front of her, Nurse Larah turned in Ella's direction and with a grimace whispered almost imperceptibly,
"Wanna see what I'M thinking right now, Ella?" Apparently oblivious, Ella stood directly in front of the much taller Gorrinda and stared as best she could into her eyes.
"I know you don't mind me looking at your thoughts, Gorrinda. I know you've signed The Statute but last night you were impenetrable. I tune in from time to time, just to make sure everyone is alright, just like Zill asked me to when we're in places we've never been before but when I tried you..." she let her eyes drop to the floor and her already pale features seemed to drain of blood. After a moment she continued but her voice was just a whisper of pure thought in their minds now, "... it was as if a wave of darkness flooded into my mind. It was like I had fallen into a pit of deep, dark, despair. I couldn't sense anything, no thoughts whatsoever! All I could find was a feeling that seemed somehow to come from within myself and yet HAD to be from outside..." it was strange for Ella to be as intense as this.
Sensing that she needed a prompt, Zill asked his question in the same soft tone as the voice in his head
"What kind of feeling, Ella?" She turned to the Captain, her pupils no more than tiny black pinpoints now; almost simultaneously he heard her voice in his head.
"It was something I've only ever felt once before Zill, it was bad, really, really bad. No, no, worse than bad! Evil! That's what it was. It felt like pure, unadulterated evil!"
Although she couldn't see, she had a pretty good idea how she was fixed. Tied would not have been the correct word for it because no rope had been used this time but she was still almost perfectly immobile.
Surprisingly enough, or maybe not under the circumstances she was in, every effort had been made to make her as comfortable as her restraints would allow but nothing had been spared to ensure that not only could she not break free but that she had little or no ability to move or indeed to speak, see or hear either.
She didn't know where she was but from the vague breeze that from time to time rippled across her body causing goose bumps and, maybe more importantly, allowed her body to betray her by erecting her plump, pink nipples; she guessed it must have air-conditioning of some kind. Those very goose bumps also suggested that she was still naked because they literally seemed to form everywhere. Everywhere on her body, even in the places that had once been covered by her panties but the strange feelings she had down there were not just caused by Goosebumps, however.
She had been shaved, she was sure of that even though she couldn't remember it happening. Her pubic area felt strange, prickly but somehow clean, fresh and disturbingly vibrant but that was not all.
She was in a kind of chair, the nearest thing she could think of would be a dental chair. It reclined slightly and was thickly if not luxuriantly padded but she felt more vulnerable just then than she had ever felt in her entire life.
Somehow she had a vision in her head of how she actually looked. It was almost as if she were outside of her own body now and looking at herself from behind. She could see the back of the chair and very little else apart from bare arms held rigidly above a head in an X formation by a rigid and gleaming steel bar fastened by thick, softly lined manacles that kept them rigidly wide apart.
She knew that she had to be looking at herself but it was hard to tell because although her head was visible, it was covered by an all-encompassing helmet of what had to be black leather and it had no visible apertures or openings.
She stared at this vision fascinated. Fascinated and maybe not so strangely aroused, even though the truth was that she had felt the first pangs of excitement when she first started to become aware of her predicament, shortly after regaining consciousness.
Suddenly another thought dawned on her.
She had been threatened with this!
She had been threatened in some previous place and time!
It had been described to her in almost perfect detail, which was probably why she could see herself so clearly in her mind's eye right now. It had been described to her and she had been so fiercely aroused that the panties that she no longer wore had become almost instantly soaked with her own arousal.
She remembered being embarrassed, mortally embarrassed but also unbelievably excited as well. Thoughts seemed to be leaking through the anesthetic haze like sunlight through fog now. She felt the bulging of her cheeks and realized what they must be stuffed with. Those same soaking wet panties that had been the cause of her previous embarrassment but they were not alone.
Suddenly she was back in that room. The room where all this had started and a voice was saying.
"Oh! So you really like this kind of thing do you? The sensors showed your blood pressure and your pulse rate going sky high when we talked about it earlier but I thought it might be that Ion Storm we were going through. Guess I really do know a SLUT when I see one! No, don't try to answer. Remember, I already told you that hypo would freeze your vocal chords as well as your motor functions and I'll be giving you another quite soon! You'll be paralyzed until I get you properly fixed in the other chair and then you'll be out of everyone's way for a while!" she remembered her eyes closing and then that unmistakable voice was ringing in her ears again.
"Oh wow! You guys must be really horny, or is it just you, you cheap slut?"
Despite the drug she could feel even the lightest touch on her body. Her dress had already gone but the cool air on her lightly clad form felt somehow luxurious. She shivered as soft but experienced hands slid up her thighs. She was beyond screaming. She was beyond almost any physical movement at all when she felt her crotch being fondled fleetingly and her panties being ripped from her body.
The argument continued, Larah had sided with Ella and for the most part Zill had kept his own counsel because he knew that Gorrinda was capable of subduing most opposition without his help but now there was talk of leaving the place.
"You listen to me Gorrinda, I know you come from a world where your word and the word of your people is law but you ain't got no power over me and I want to get out of this fucking hellhole right now!" Suddenly Larah was aware that she was being studied closely. Much too closely for her own comfort. There were not just one but three pairs of eyes watching, seemingly, her every move. It was Zill who spoke first, that same amused look on his face that had been there earlier.
"You know Larah, for someone who claims not to like Caroline, you seem to be talking a lot like her at the moment!" Gorrinda's attention seemed to have been grabbed for a second by the array of controls and read outs in front of her, she turned her attention once more to the Nurse and with a quizzical expression on her face said quietly,
"The Captain makes an interesting point, Larah. A point rendered even more compelling by the fact that Caroline no longer appears to be on board ship even though the last place she seems to have visited was the Sick Bay!" Zill moved closer to Larah, the smile still playing around his lips. He spoke as if he were in deep thought.
"Now that's strange, Larah, very strange! Because I'm quite sure that the last thing Caroline said to me was that she was going to Sick Bay to have a pair of Spikkies implanted so that Ella wouldn't have to translate for her all the time. Isn't that right Ella?" They all heard Ella's soft melodic voice in their heads.
"That's right! She found herself at a great disadvantage not being able to understand everything that was said to her and she'd resigned herself to the fact that it might be a very long time before we could get her back to her own planet." Ella paused for a moment, her eyes taking on a far away look, then she turned to face Zill, "I scanned her last night, shortly after she entered sick bay but I haven't been able to make contact since, I assumed that it was because she had needed more anesthetic than we would and was sedated but I still can't make contact."
"Mmm." Captain Zill was now so close to Larah that his lips were almost brushing her right ear. He spoke softly, as if to himself, his eyes looking far ahead into featureless space, "So, if that's the case and Caroline no longer appears be on the ship, where in the Galaxy could she be?" He turned his head now until he was looking straight at the purple-headed nurse. "What do YOU think Larah? Only nobody else seems to know and I value your opinion!" Larah remained silent, already she was trying, as imperceptibly as she could, to move away from Zill but in so doing had bought herself closer to the navigation console and its thickly padded Comms Chair.
She could feel the upholstery on the bare backs of her knees and did her best to move away but Zill was now standing directly in front of her, blocking her exit.
"What's the matter, Larah?" he asked, as quietly as ever, "Somewhere you need to be?" If Larah could speak she chose not to. The Captain was much closer to her than she wanted him to be right now and out of the corners of her eyes she could see both Ella and Gorrinda moving silently toward her as well. She had one chance and one chance only but even as she tried to bolt from the room so Zill put out his hand and pushed her backward just hard enough for the chair behind her to make contact with her knees again and force her to sit down abruptly. Suddenly she heard Gorrinda's voice drifting through her panic. A voice that sounded smug even for her.
"Would you like me to use the chair restraints, Captain? The ones Omalley rigged up after the Batavian ship invasion?" Zill stood in front of Larah, hands on hips, a triumphant smile on his face.
"Yes please Gorrinda, I'd almost forgotten about them and I'd like that very much!" Despite herself Larah was scared, she tried to stand up but Zill simply pushed her back down again. She was about to turn her head, she was about to scream, she was about to kick out at the man who would not let her get up when there was an audible click and her attempts to struggle her way out of the chair and the difficult situation that she was in were nipped abruptly in the bud.
She was looking at that chair again but this time she was staring at it as if from the front. She guessed, quite rightly as it turned out, that a combination of the anesthetic she had been given and the sensory deprivation that she was currently experiencing were causing her to hallucinate.
She had always been fascinated by the idea of being made helpless in the most stringent and ingenious of manners and now it seemed that her dream had come true.
She was totally naked, her body held in the most unyielding of "X" shapes by rigid poles between both her wrists and ankles. The chair reclined backwards at an angle of 45 degrees, taking a great deal of the strain from her limbs. Fingerless bags of leather had been pulled over her hands and taped tightly place, preventing the use of either her fingers or her thumbs.
Her head was enclosed in a thickly padded leather hood but before it had been pulled over her head, her ears, still slightly sore from the insertion of the Spikkies, tiny computerized devices that would translate anything said to her into her native English, had been filled with what felt like dense rubber cones. Likewise, her mouth had been stuffed not only with her own panties but also with the warm, musky and ultimately arousing counterparts of her captor.
Mouth bulging, senses reeling, the panties had then been secured in place by turn after turn of what had to be sticky bandage. So unexpected had this event been that her eyes had been closed when the thick sticky pads were placed over her eyes, depriving her of sight and bound in place with more bandage.
When the nasal tubes came they were soft, almost sticky from the lubricant and redolent of rubber. She wasn't really sure when her first orgasm came but it was probably around the time she felt her entire head, from neck to crown, being swathed in the even pressure of layer after layer of the soft white, (she assumed), bandage.
Shortly after the wrapping had finished she felt her head being lightly caressed by unseen hands and then the leather helmet was tugged into place. She wondered idly if her feet and toes would be encased in leather the way her hands had been and then she realized that it was unlikely because, unlike some of the creatures this crew had obviously come across in the past, she did not have prehensile feet or toes.
Her body was now in an almost constant state of arousal and when the unthinkable happened, when knowing fingers began to insinuate themselves around her sensitive upper thighs and she was literally helpless to do anything about it whatsoever, then her breath quickened and she seemed to be swept up in a kind of whirlwind of orgiastic feeling but the instant that her head bucked forward in response to the maelstrom of emotions within her, so the caresses stopped.
Now all she could do was wait in anticipation, quite literally a hostage to fortune. She was almost relieved when she felt more pressure on her head. Felt it being eased back against the padded headrest of the chair and something being ratcheted down against her forehead.
A head restraint! A head restraint to further subdue her and finally deprive her of any significant bodily movement.
She lay on the chair silent and unmoving. Wanting and not wanting anything else to happen in unequal measure. When the fingers did return however, they went straight for their target. One pair slipped easily between the shaven and almost liquid lips of her vagina, whilst the other pair sought out and found her engorged and excited clitoris.
She wanted to scream. Not in fear or panic but in sheer exultation of the strangely wondrous feeling of being pinned down, of being helpless and of being violated all at the same time.
She wanted to scream but all she could actually do was scream in her head and hope that that violation would never stop!
"What are you doing, bitch?" Larah wanted to sound braver than she actually felt whilst Gorrinda was looking down at her, staring at her with a bemused expression on her face.
"I was simply wondering, Nurse Larah, why it was that you didn't appear to have any underwear on!" For a moment it seemed as if Larah was about to spit on the floor beneath her but instead she turned her head and muttered quietly,
"Screw you!" Her facial expression unreadable, Gorrinda turned to Zill, who was watching Larah closely and said,
"Captain, I still fail to understand how one person can dislike another so intensely and yet somehow manage to replicate all their local idiomatic phrases, their vocal patterns and indeed their dialect..." Now it was Ella's turn to look truly blank. Zill turned to her and said kindly,
"She wants to know how Larah can hate Caroline and yet still talk exactly like her!" Ella's face brightened whilst Zill turned his attention once more to the woman in front of him and asked simply,
"Larah, where is Caroline?" She knew it was bravado but to do anything else would be to lose face, something that, to an Estantaran like her, was far, far, worse than death. Looking her Captain squarely in the eye she said,
"You're always interfering in my life Zill and up to now I've just let you but you've gone too far this time! So just fuck off out of my face and let me go, otherwise..." Even Larah knew when she had gone too far. Even Larah knew that she had very little to bargain with, except maybe the life of Caroline Russell and that had never been her intention.
Zill studied her once more and had to admire her for her sheer audacity.
The chairs on the deck of The Auriga had all been modified by the Ship's Engineer following an incursion by a renegade group of female Batavians who were little more than Space Pirates and had sexual organs similar to, but much larger than, a normal humanoid male. Their intention was to hijack the ship, sell it for salvage and either rape, kill or enslave the crew. Now every chair on the bridge incorporated restraints similar to the ones in the Brig and in the Stasis Chamber.
Larah was now imprisoned in one of those chairs, her arms and legs stretched out in a bizarre "X" shape, held in place by rigid steel poles that were in turn attached snugly to her wrists and ankles by thick metal fetters and manacles. Ella had already removed her white stilettos because she had tried to kick out ineffectually at Zill despite her restraints and she now lay in the chair at a 45 degree angle, barefoot and with her tiny dress so far up her thighs that her lack of underwear and the shaved condition of her pubis was visible to everyone.
Slowly, purposefully, Zill knelt beside her and looked deep into her eyes. After some time he gripped her chin and held it delicately but firmly, preventing her from even trying to look away from him. Voice little more than a whisper he said,
"Gorrinda, I want you to engage the head restraint. Ella, scan her! I need to know where Caroline is, right now!" But the sound of the head restraint clicking into place and holding her head snugly against the headrest seemed to infuriate her even more.
"Don't you DARE scan me, you mutated bitch! If she even tries to enter my mind I'll have her declared rogue and get her isolated in Stasis for all eternity, so help me! And you Zill, you I'll..." her words were cut thankfully short by Ella who, without preamble, had stuffed the socks that were inside the boots she very seldom wore into the wide open mouth of the Ship's Nurse. As she raised her head to look for something to secure them in place she heard the well-modulated tones of Gorrinda behind her,
"Excuse me, Ella but I believe that I am holding what you require in my hand!"
She had lain there for what seemed to be an age, oblivious to everything, so shaken by the multiple orgasms that had literally ripped through what seemed like every part of her body that she was incapable even of rational thought but now something was happening. Something that seemed to draw her fragmented attention together and focus it like a laser beam.
She couldn't hear, see, speak or even move but she could feel and right now she could feel a kind of low vibration perilously close to her sensitive abdominal area and her mind started to wander again.
"See this chair, bitch?" It was shortly after the implantation, shortly after the second Hypo that should have revived her but which in reality only succeeded in freezing her vocal chords and paralyzing her entire body. Her captor had looked at her and laughed realizing that she could do little other than drool. Her mouth, her arms, her legs, her entire body, felt completely numb.
She felt her mouth being wiped with a soft cloth.
"My, my, how quickly you people turn into quivering vegetables! It would be very nice to keep you here for a while, a couple of faans or maybe even a braach. I could put you somewhere, somewhere where you wouldn't register on either the life support systems or the sensors. I could say that you left the ship in one of the LifeRafts in a futile attempt to get back to your home planet, whilst all the time I'd have you here at my total mercy. My little "Earthen" Guinea Pig! My little Play Thing! Oh, you'd be so sweet and, and, I wouldn't even have to be here because I can program this chair to operate at any time I want and all I have to do is watch the results on that little magic eye above us that records everything that goes on this room."
She tried to look up but she couldn't and she knew that she should have been appalled and terrified in equal measure. She would have expected her pulse to race and her breathing to quicken from fear but it wasn't fear that she was feeling right now, it was pure, raw, excitement.
She still had her panties on but nothing else, her shoes had been disposed of and her dress had been torn from her body. She was sitting in a small chair completely unlike the one that it seemed would be her ultimate fate and she was currently bound very tightly with soft white rope. Rope that held her hands behind her back and squeezed her elbows tightly together. That encircled her shoulders and her breasts like a halter and weaved its way down her body, holding her thighs and legs together, trussing her ankles to then weave its way back up through her crutch and round her neck, making every movement she could possibly make difficult but ultimately very exciting.
"Look at this Caroline!" She felt her short hair being grabbed not quite as roughly as she had feared, "Look at this you little Earthen Bitch and remember that in a few secs time this will be happening to YOU!"
She watched in fascination as the chair seemed to whir into life. She could hear it vibrate at first and then, her mouth dry as dust in anticipation, she watched in horrified fascination as not one but two replica penises began to sprout from the flat bed of the chair in roughly the same place that her vaginal and rectal areas would be if she were laid flat against it.
The continued vibration dragged her back to the present. She knew she had been lubricated both front and back. She remembered the voice telling her how good it had felt to penetrate both her holes and she could feel the strange gooiness there. It was probably her bottom that felt the strangest because she had never had anything up there before but even now she wanted, almost craved, something to happen.
She couldn't see but she could feel the vibration increasing. All her muscles seemed to be tensing and untensing by themselves in a kind of continuous cycle. She realized that she must also be connected to some equipment that might interfere with her muscular control; something that would send electrical pulses through her body.
She realized now that she was little more than a slave. A slave to her own whims, to those of a third party and also to the pre programmed whims and idiosyncrasies of a machine. A machine totally incapable of feeling. A machine that would simply keep doing whatever it had been told to do to her. She shivered and mumbled against her stuffed mouth as she felt the much thicker than average artificial penis enter her well greased back passage and she screamed in exultation as the other vibrating monster entered her dripping wet, already lubricated and totally accepting vagina.
Ella shook her head sadly,
"It's no good Captain, Larah is the only one on this ship who hasn't signed The Statute, I never scanned her mind, I only ever checked for her vital signs, that's all I could do then and I can't scan her now!" The Captain stared down at Larah who had been quiet since Ella had sealed her mouth shut with the sticky bandage from the Ship's almost redundant Medicaire kit so thoughtfully supplied by Gorrinda.
Zill was angry and it showed. He turned to his First Officer,
"I'm assuming that what Ella tells me is completely true, Gorrinda." she nodded sagely.
"Indeed it is, Captain. The Statute of Capria is an opt- in document that should be signed by all persons who work or come into contact with Telepatths of all forms! If the document is not signed then that person is deemed to automatically have the right NOT to be scanned by any Telepath, at any time. Failure to adhere to this can be penalized by a heavy fine or in the worst cases, permanent seclusion, in stasis, on one of the Psyche Realms of Stygia.
Zill stared off into the incalculable distance once more and then he suddenly walked toward the gagged and helpless Larah as if abruptly coming to a decision.
"Mmm," his voice was so low now as to be almost inaudible, "So I can't have your mind scanned to find out where the newest member of my crew is. The newest and most vulnerable member! Well, I just have to accept that for Ella's sake, but what I don't have to accept, Larah, is that you should just lay there in relative comfort whilst we all go chasing our tails looking for Caroline!" Two long strides took him to within inches of the prone woman's body and both Gorrinda and Ella could do little more than watch in horrified fascination as The Captain's hand flashed forward and ripped the tiny dress from Lara's body in one smooth, if violent, movement.
Even now he was dropping to his knees beside her and whispering in her ear.
"It's very true that you have a gorgeous body Larah, I should know, you've offered it to me often enough!" Larah's body and indeed those of all of her kind were legendary.
Not tall but more than well proportioned, the average Estantaran woman had a bust that measured at least 50 inches. Larah's was over 60 but she was somehow proportional. Estantarans, far from being freaks, were numbered amongst the most voluptuous and sensual beings in the entire galaxy. They were also, strangely enough, natural healers and seemed to promote healing, almost as a kind of catalyst, in most species, even animals.
But healing seemed to be the last thing on Lord Zill's mind right then. He placed each of his hands on Larah's enormous and now bare breasts. With what appeared to be a great deal of skill he began to gently caress and stroke each plump, almost spherical mammoid.
Because of her sensual nature it was only seconds before Larah was wriggling under his openly sexual touch and moaning seductively into her gag. His mouth still close to her ear, Zill whispered in a voice that he hoped only she was capable of hearing.
"There's a special way, isn't there Larah, of massaging an Estantaran's breasts?" Larah couldn't speak and she couldn't move but the way that she closed her eyes and almost cooed into her gag told Zill was that he was right. He moved his hands a little so that his thumbs were in almost constant contact with her rapidly burgeoning nipples.
As Zill continued so Larahs's moans of pleasure increased in intensity and she began to slowly and rhythmically writhe against her restraints. The whole thing seemed to be having an effect on Zill too because he appeared to be almost mesmerized by his task, staring off once more into the middle distance but mindful that he was driving Larah further and further along the path to sheer bliss.
It was when he saw her toes begin to curl and uncurl, heard her breathing change pitch for maybe the fifth or sixth time and noticed that her eyes were permanently closed that Captain Zill leant forward and murmured in his captive's ear
"There are a lot of jokes made about it, Larah but I happen to know that your race is one of the few that regularly die from sheer pleasure!"
Suddenly the atmosphere in the control room changed completely. Suddenly both Ella and Gorrinda realized that this was no game that Zill was playing. Larah was too far-gone to respond; in fact she was already in the throes of an Ecstatic Coma, something only Estantarans were prone to and something that inevitably proved to be lethal.
The other crew members of the Auriga could only watch in open-mouthed horror as their Captain reached forward and activated the controls of the enormous dildo mounted under the Comms chair. A larger than life size replica of a penis that even now was about to invade Larah's plump, moist, vaginal lips causing her to moan and to groan with a frightening passion
A passion that was likely to prove fatal.
Part II
The Auriga and its crew are in a part of the Galaxy known as the Devil's Workshop, a place where a Solar System should once have been born and which is now an area of complete darkness where no light can shine through the dark gasses within. The place has a bad reputation and one of the crew, Caroline, a former resident of Earth, has already disappeared. Captain Zill, in the course of interrogating Larah, the ship's nurse, appears to be about to add to that reputation by killing her.
Larah's naked body sagged against the straps that held her to the chair. The rectal dildo was already invading her body, whilst the larger, vaginal probe was humming against her labia. The slight figure of Ella moved forward and touched the Captain on the shoulder.
"Please Zill, please stop it!" but if Zill heard the voice in his head he did not react, instead he continued his gentle massage of Larah's huge breasts and her head lolled back against its restraint, her eyes closed fully and there was no longer any sign that she was breathing.
Ella querulously raised her weapon, she came from a peaceful people and she had never fired it before. The flash was an intense, blinding, bluish white that surrounded the chair and seemed to shut it down completely, it was followed by a second of slightly lower intensity, one that seemed to surge around the Captain's body, forcing him to crumple and then collapse, apparently lifeless, to the floor.
Things had been fine before them, before they came, before HER and those women of hers. Food had always been in short supply and she had had to forage every day but she was used to that. Then, as if by magic, like a gift from a God, food started to appear. Food for her and the people who depended on her but one day all that changed. One day the food wasn't good anymore. It was bad food. It was tainted. Tainted with something that stopped her doing her daily duty and allowed HER, the other one, to take over, to gain control, not just of the people who needed her but of herself as well!
Ella put down her light weapon. She had been prepared to use it. She couldn't watch Larah die but Gorrinda had fired first. She looked at her anxiously and intoned in her head.
"Now they're both dead!" Gorrinda smiled and shook her head lightly,
"Estantarans like Larah and Draygons like the Captain have one major thing in common, Ella - their circulatory systems. The Draygons are born warriors and the Estantarans are built almost exclusively for pleasure. There are a number of myths that have grown up around both races, particularly the alleged fact that Estantarans can die from pleasure!"
She walked toward the prone figure of Zill and looked over to the bemused telepath,
"Help me make the Captain more comfortable, Ella and I'll tell you why Estantarans really have two hearts!"
She had woken up in a place that was unfamiliar to her. She understood the concept of metal, she had fashioned weapons from it, but she had never seen it in such abundance. The place was dimly lit but it shone of metal. It was everywhere she looked, apart perhaps, from the place where she lay which seemed too comfortable to made of just metal alone.
Comfortable but impossible to escape.
She tried to move and she couldn't. She could feel and to some extent see, straps around her but they surely could not prevent her from moving just a little. Suddenly she was surrounded by light. Brilliant white light that came from directly above her, she tried to blink but found that she could not even do that.
As she gradually became accustomed to the glare, so she began to see slightly more clearly and she realized with shock that she was not alone, that there were other people with her.
She tried to screw up her eyes to somehow see more and then she heard a voice. She heard a voice and then a figure became apparent standing no more than a few inches from her.
"Hello, my Precious One! I was worried. Worried that I might have overdosed you but here you are, back with us. Do you know me?" For a moment she looked at her inquisitor carefully, more than a little puzzled, then she realized who it was that was talking to her and her mind reeled and her synapses rebelled and she tried to fight her way off the table that she was strapped to and she tried to scream.
She tried but nothing happened. Not even her mouth would open. She just lay there utterly immobile, her eyes bright with fear, whilst the other one moved forward, moved forward until she was looking directly into her eyes.
She felt a hand on her head.
"There, there! You mustn't be afraid of me! I'm going to rescue you. I'm going to save you!" She could make out the woman much more clearly now: she was tall and good-looking and she was already pulling a kind of blue cover over her nose and her mouth. She seemed to be wearing a skimpy blue apron that tied around her neck and reached just below the junction of her legs and torso and very little else.
She could make out deeply tanned bare legs and almost bare arms. In the shadows she could see at least two other similarly attired women. All three of them were wearing what she perceived to be hand coverings. Gloves. Even now one was taking up position just by her head and sitting down whilst the other was picking up a long corrugated tube. A tube with a kind of mask on it that seemed to fit the lower half of her face.
The Other Woman. Her. The first one to speak, smiled down at her,
"It's alright Precious Little One! In order to keep you safe, to keep you for us, we need to send you on a journey and these are just preparations for that journey. Don't be afraid! We are going to make one or two temporary alterations to your condition but you will come to no harm, my name is Jerra by the way and you will be seeing a lot more of me in the future!"
The facemask descended and was held fast over her mouth and nose. She could feel them tightening straps around her head to keep it there and then the woman's face came even closer. She leaned in and began to stroke her forehead. It felt good somehow. Comforting. There was a strong, sweet smell and it was growing stronger all the time.
The woman was smiling down at her and whispering something, it could almost have been a lullaby of some kind. She tried to wriggle and squirm but the straps, combined with the drugs they had given her to temporarily paralyze her autonomic nervous system ensured that she stayed absolutely still and that her similarly paralyzed vocal chords made no sound whatsoever.
As her eyes started to close, as she breathed in more and more of the stuff that would very soon render her unconscious, she heard a voice whisper,
"Good night, Little One! But don't fear, you won't miss any of this, soon you will be awake and soon you will be able to feel and experience everything I do to you..." and then her eyes closed completely and she drifted off into a deep, dreamless, sleep.
They sat the Captain in the seat he normally occupied in the Command Center and Gorrinda then examined Larah. Ella, standing next to her, was a picture of pure apprehension.
Gorrinda finally looked up,
"She is sleeping peacefully, Ella. Her system acts as a failsafe device. If too much of the pleasure hormone that Estantarans refer to as "Clee" enters their system then one of their hearts simply shuts down to prevent too much of the substance being literally pumped into their brains. This DOES cause them to lose consciousness, hence the myth of the Ecstatic Coma but it happens purely to allow them time to recover...."
Ella was staring at Gorrinda in a way that made her slightly uncomfortable. She reached out and touched the tall first officer's arm and the voice in Gorrinda's head said,
"I'm so sorry to have doubted you Gorrinda. You must realize by now that I have so much..." Movement behind her interrupted her and she turned to see the Captain holding his head,
"Oh Merciful Theka! How much did you hit me with Gorrinda?" Gorrinda smiled and looked around the compact and almost pure white bridge in something akin to embarrassment.
"I gave you both barrels, Captain. How do you feel?" Zill looked up at her and there was a knowing look in his eye. He nodded slowly.
"It's gone! That feeling like there is something that you JUST have to do. That you won't be able to survive without?" Gorrinda was nodding her head. "It's definitely gone, Gorrinda!" Zill looked at her sagely." I take it you have an explanation?" She smiled wanly,
"I am currently formulating a theory, Captain but it is far from proven." Even as she spoke, Ella was stroking her bare left arm. Zill studied his First Officer closely.
"It's spreading, isn't it?" he said grimly. Gorrinda nodded
"Indeed it is, Captain!" As she spoke, Ella dropped to her knees and began to kiss the bare flesh above Gorrinda's left boot. In their heads they both heard the words quite clearly.
"Oh Gorrinda, I love you! I think I've always loved you from the first moment I saw you! When Zill had Larah naked and bound to that chair earlier? I wanted that to be me, Gorrinda! I wanted you to strip me and tie me to a chair and torture me with those "things"! I wanted to be your slave Gorrinda, your obedient and absolute slave!"
One moment she was asleep, the next she was in full, waking consciousness. She felt strange. Bare almost and then she realized that she was, and in more ways than one!
She was still on that table and there seemed to be even more straps around her now. Almost every inch of her body seemed to have a strap on it, holding her tightly to the table.
Her legs, her arms, her chest and stomach, her abdomen, her neck, her ankles and her forehead, even her feet and her hands, had straps around them. She tried to move her head but she couldn't and it felt strange. In fact her whole body felt strange and then she heard a voice, HER voice.
"Hello, Little One! Ready to see what we've done to you? What we are going to do to you? Of course you are!" suddenly the lights in the room grew much brighter and she could see herself, or rather a reflection of herself, in the ceiling above.
She tried to scream but she couldn't and the woman was already holding a hand tightly over her mouth to prevent any sound escaping and she was laughing at her.
Zill knew there were going to be problems the moment that Larah regained consciousness. Ella was still prone at Gorrinda's feet and she was kissing the toes that were visible through her open boot. Larah showed no sign of her recent lucky escape however and she immediately turned on the hapless Ella.
"What are you doing, bitch? If you're going to kiss anyone's feet, it should be mine! Get your...Mmpf!!!"
The Auriga often entered Solar Systems that were, to say the least, hostile and as a result there was a considerable wealth of items on board for restraining and subduing aggressive visitors. Consequently Zill already had a large ball with a strap drilled into it in his hand as Larah had woken. It only took him a few seconds to stuff it between her teeth and buckle it tightly behind her already restrained head.
Much to Gorrinda's surprise, Ella was crawling over toward the cowed Larah. Without further asking she began to gently kiss and suck on her bare toes. The Captain gave his First Officer a wry smile,
"Hmm, seems you have a slut on your hands, Gorrinda!" Gorrinda remained stoical,
"You realize Captain that we have little option but to restrain everyone affected until we can find a cure?" Zill nodded slowly, allowing her words to sink in,
"Care to elucidate Gorrinda, only you seem to have cured me!" now Gorrinda nodded and said quietly in her head.
"Ella! Ella can you hear me?" Ella stopped kissing the bound Larah's feet, much to her chagrin, and turned to face the woman she loved.
"Oh yes Mistress, I hear you, I hear you so clearly..." Gorrinda looked down at the floor for a moment and cleared her throat. In what she hoped were stern tones she ordered.
"Ella, I want you to stand up and I want you to come over to me. When you have done so, I want you to take off ALL of your clothes and then turn and stand with your back to me. Do you understand?" Ella was already standing up and Gorrinda heard her reply clearly in her head
"Yes, Mistress. Of course I hear you. I just wish that it had not taken so long for you to give me my first command!" To prevent himself from laughing, Zill looked out of the massive observation portal in front of him and studied the dark, featureless expanse outside. Meanwhile Gorrinda watched as Ella stood in front of her and almost proudly began to divest herself of her clothes.
"You see, Captain," Gorrinda was satisfied that Ella was fully engrossed in both stripping and her, her new Mistress, "I subjected you to a massive light blast, fully aware that you have the constitution of a warrior and a Draygon Warrior at that. I believed and still do, for that matter, that a massive blast of energy can clear this "contagion" from our systems but sadly neither I, nor the rest of the crew, would be able to survive a blast of the magnitude to which I subjected you!" Zill looked thoughtful.
"So you took a calculated risk!" Gorrinda nodded, seemingly doing her best not to look at the small but perfect breasts of Ella, her taut stomach and her perfectly sculpted buttocks.
"I am sorry Captain but I had little option!" Zill waved a dismissive hand.
"No, no! You were absolutely right!" Now his voice dropped to almost a whisper, "Just tell me one thing, Gorrinda... is it affecting you?"
Gorrinda appeared absorbed for the moment as the now stark naked Ella turned obediently to face the front, her hands at her sides, her breasts and neatly shaved pubic patch in full view. Finally she said.
"Thank you Ella and now I want you to place your hands behind your back and interlock your fingers!" Gorrinda picked up a length of rope that she had taken from a locker a little earlier and began to tie and cinch it snugly and expertly around and around Ella's wrists and hands as she worked, so she answered the Captain's query with a pained expression on her face.
"Indeed I AM affected Captain, probably just as deeply as Ella here, or indeed Larah but you know that we Chicani have almost total dominion over our emotions and, mindful of the fact that Caroline is still missing and that we have not heard from Omalley for several aarns, I am doing my utmost to fight it!" suddenly sympathetic, Zill looked up at her in awe.
"How long do you think you can carry on?" Gorrinda smiled and lowered her voice.
"The truthful reply is that I do not know, Captain and the answer to your other question, the unspoken one, is that, at the moment, my mind or rather the voices within it, are urging me to do one of two things!" She took a deep breath, the Captain was about to prompt her but it proved to be unnecessary. In an even lower tone she continued,
"The first is to bind Ella very, very, tightly, particularly her breasts and then take her downstairs to my quarters where, having tied her inescapably to the bed, I will first tease her into submission using a multitude of apparatus and sexual techniques that are taught us by those chosen to educate us from birth before undressing in front of her and allowing her to kiss my breasts and then suck on and lick and tease and caress my genital area until I am finally satiated..." Zill, although always highly respectful of his First Officer, now hung on her every word.
Despite himself he asked quietly,
"...and the second option, Gorrinda?" With what appeared to be almost a twinkle in her dark eyes, the tall, long legged, dark haired, First Officer responded,
"The second option, Captain, is that I tear off both your clothes and mine and drag you down to the lower decks, where I show you some of our techniques for maintaining a man's erection almost indefinitely and then make rough but extremely sensual, penetrative love to you for as long as I wish and I have to warn you, Captain, that at precisely this moment, that would be for a very, very, long time!" As she finished, so Zill was sure that she licked her lips almost unconsciously.
He did not have to look at her twice. He had worked with his tall, leather bikini clad, First Officer for long enough to know that she NEVER made jokes and that she was most certainly not joking now!
The woman named Jerra held her head in both hands for a few moments and then lightly stroked her forehead.
"It's alright, Little One, you will get used to it in time. You are going to be my pet. You will be looked after and no longer have to forage for yourself. These changes that we have made to you are necessary. Soon you will be going on a long journey and will need to be sustained. After that, these things will help accustom you to your new life, to train you, to help you to do the right thing. To show you what I want from you!"
She tried once more to look at herself in the thing they called a mirror above her in the ceiling. She had never really taken much notice of herself before but she knew she had been changed. For a start all her hair was gone. All of it. Every last and single strand. She was utterly bald from her head to her toes, she didn't even have eyebrows anymore, everything had gone.
As if to somehow remedy this they had painted her face. They had added blush to her cheeks and bright shiny red to her lips. Her eyes too had been painted, her lashes, the things that protected her eyes, had been darkened and somehow thickened and above those eyes, the lids and sockets had been painted a darkish blue. She looked dramatic.
Dramatic and strangely attractive
Attractive in a strange kind of way. Some of the other things they had done were not so attractive but to her intense shame she found some of them strangely exciting.
She saw Jerra smiling down at her in the mirror.
"See, Little One, the changes have not been so bad, have they?" She couldn't make noise, even if she had wanted to, the thing around her head and face prevented that. She stared back at herself
Around the lower part of her face was a band of metal that somehow fastened her mouth together. There was also something inside her mouth. Something metal that held down her tongue preventing speech, if such a thing were possible and also held her teeth together. She tried to flex her jaw but movement there was impossible too. The metal plate extended upwards. It surrounded her ears but left them free and formed another band around her forehead.
There was also a bridging piece that covered her nose, leaving just holes for the nostrils. Her eyes were clear but her mouth was held stringently shut and she could now see that the metal extended under her chin and down and around her neck, keeping her head upright and her neck taut.
She heard Jerra laughing.
"See, Little One? That is just the beginning. I control your speech; in fact you will probably never be able, or need, to speak again! I control what you look at because only I can now move your head and neck!" She paused for effect. "I even control what you eat! The way we have wired your jaw shut means that you will never eat that way again. Unless of course I decided to unwire it, which is very unlikely!" She smiled down at the helpless woman on the table. It was obvious that she was enjoying this. That she enjoyed having a helpless captive. She reached out a hand and gently began to stroke her shaven head.
"Of course, Little One, you will still be fed. I have no intention of starving you but I, and only I, will decide when and what you feed on, which is why, very soon, I will insert the tubes into your nose that will go down into your stomach and allow me to feed you properly!" the woman on the table couldn't speak or move but it was obvious from her eyes that she was horrified. Jerra touched her cheek and stroked it.
"Don't be afraid. Soon you will learn to enjoy being dependent on me for everything. Soon it will become a pleasure to be fed by me, one that you will look forward to every day!" She wanted to protest; she wanted the ability to just shake her head even though she could do neither. Jerra's hand was moving now. Moving downward, moving to her ample breasts. She touched one fleetingly and the woman cringed. Her captor smiled to herself.
"Mmm. I don't suppose you really understand much about body adornment. I don't even suppose you fully realize exactly what I've done to you..." Now Jerra bent forward and kissed the helpless woman on each breast and then once, gently, on the cheek. Her eyes flashing, she lowered her head a little and whispered in her ear,
"All the better then, that I am here to explain it all!" somehow a thrill seemed to be running up and down her spine as the woman spoke to her, a thrill that seemed to increase in its intensity as the she continued.
"Look at yourself in the mirror Little One! Go on take a good look! You should be able to see quite clearly. You should be able to see that where you were once simply skin and bone, you are now partially metal!"
She saw the look of horror cross the girl's face and it was all she could do to contain herself. She felt suddenly liquid to the very core and knew that she not very far from orgasm as she made the hapless girl aware of her predicament with sadistic glee.
"Can you see the metal, Little One? Can you see how it gleams around your face? Can you feel how it will control your shoulders, your wrists and your elbows? What do your fingers and toes feel like? Do they feel strange? Does it restrict your thighs and your calves just a little?" the girl looked up into the mirror and finally made sense of what she had been seeing.
She wanted to scream but her new "skin" made that impossible. She had heard of armor, of suits of metal that completely covered the body and the skin, but armor was not what she wore. She now looked the strangest of creatures, a monstrous parody of a life form, half woman and half machine!
She still had skin and bone but her joints, the places that governed her movements, where now covered by gleaming, shiny, metal. Metal which only served to emphasize even more, the parts of her that were not mechanical.
Her soft breasts seemed massive now and the split between her legs, her most intimate place, seemed much starker and much more obvious than previously, especially as it had been denuded of all hair but there were other changes too, ones that she could not even begin to comprehend.
Jerra was stroking her again.
"You are going to be my personal Pet. From now on, Little One, you exist to please me and I, in return, will have the ability to please you beyond your wildest dreams!"
She drew a sharp breath. The feeling began in her bare toes and traveled rapidly up her body. She felt it everywhere. A tingling, edgy but ultimately supremely pleasurable sensation, that even now seemed to centre itself around her breasts and between her legs in both her pleasure hole and the intimate, delicate and supremely tactile, secret hole behind it.
The woman was close to her again. She could see her leaning over her in the mirror, examining her prone and restrained body.
"I am going to allow you just a little movement My Pet. I want you just to move your head forward a little and look down at yourself!" at first there was resistance and then the metal that partially encased her seemed to yield. Now she was able to look directly at her breasts and even further.
Not only did they seem to have got much, much, bigger but now they had attachments, she thought they were referred to as jewellery although she, personally had never had any use for the stuff. They were a yellowish color and they now pierced the nipples of each breast. Large round balls with a small bar between that entered the nipple and held them in place. There were also what seemed to be tiny spokes centered over the soft, sensitive teat of each nipple, which in turn joined the balls together.
The tingling grew and grew. She could feel sweat leaking through the metal band around her forehead but now her attention was diverted. Diverted further down to the slit between her legs.
To her shock she could now see Jerra standing there in the mirror. She could also see that she wore very little. White, clog type shoes and a tiny blue apron that just reached her thighs and only just covered her more than generous breasts. Apart from that she was bare with just the exception of the small strip of blue material that covered the lower half of her face.
Slowly and deliberately Jerra reached out a hand until it was just inches from her most intimate place.
"There are lots names for this, my Little Pet but it is ultimately both the place where you expel waste, give birth and also experience great pleasure. You are going to taste a little of that pleasure right now and for the first time in your life you are going to know how it feels when another of your sex touches you!"
They had changed Larah's position. They had blindfolded her first and then, whilst Gorrinda had held a light weapon close to her head, the Captain had released her hands and arms and eased them gently behind her. The arm binder, basically a single sleeve glove, was shiny and pure white. It held her hands uselessly in a kind of single mitten and buckled, halter style, around her neck. There were several straps around the fore and upper arms that kept them together and prevented movement.
There was also a strap that went from elbows to waist to hold her arms close against her upper body. There was another at the end of the mitten that went through her crotch, lay against her clitoris and then split into two, to fasten tightly around her waist.
Certain that she could not now use her arms to attack them, the Captain slipped thick ankle cuffs on her, connected them with a small chain and then released her completely from the chair. He let her sit up and then removed her blindfold. Gorrinda had already holstered her light weapon on the belt that ran around the top of her bikini bottoms and said quietly.
"I want you to look into my eyes Larah! I want you to look into my eyes and see the peace and tranquility that exists there!" the nude and restrained girl, her huge breasts still quivering from the previous effort, did exactly as she was told. Zill looked at Gorrinda anxiously,
"Are you sure this is going to work?" As always she answered honestly and sincerely.
"There are no guarantees, Captain! It is many years since I attempted hypnosis and it may not be as successful as you might wish..." there was a very clear voice in both their heads now,
"It would be successful if you used me as your subject, Gorrinda! I would tell you everything. I would do everything you told me to do...and more!" Captain and First Officer looked at each other in consternation. Ella was continually interrupting them and there was very little they could do about it.
Ella came from a very advanced culture. One that over the years had acquired and nurtured the gift of telepathy but in so doing they had lost the ability to speak normally. Their vocal chords now were virtually non-existent and were little more than useless appendages. There was no point in gagging a Crygian because it would make no difference. The voice you heard would always be in your skull and not your ears.
Zill shook his head. Larah already appeared to have been unsettled by Ella's voice inside her and seemed to be losing her concentration. Still focused on her subject, Gorrinda said absently,
"Captain, if you look in the armaments locker you should find exactly what you need to render Ella quite harmless!" Zill knelt down and soon found what he guessed Gorrinda had wanted him to look for; a very formidable looking thick, black, hood. Meanwhile, not satisfied that she had Larah's full attention, Gorrinda had leant over the chair on which she sat and, with very little effort, had managed to prise loose the large, penile shaped, vaginal probe from its housing.
"Larah!" she intoned sonorously, "I want you to open your legs for me as wide as you possibly can. Once you have done that I will be able to take you deeper and deeper into peace and tranquility and fulfill the desires of your very soul!" The Captain shook out the occlusive hood, looked over at Ella for a few seconds but just had to watch what Gorrinda was going to do to Larah next.
The penis was self-lubricating. Semi organic, it secreted a lubricant gel that responded to the touch and was already becoming almost impossibly slippery as Gorrinda first stroked it and then, much to the Captain's surprise, slipped it into her mouth and began sucking on it avidly whilst staring directly at him in an unmistakable gesture of lust.
He knew that he should have been embarrassed but found himself becoming almost uncontrollably aroused instead and, as a result, it was he who made the first move.
No longer able to trust himself, he walked briskly over to Ella, said quietly,
"Hold your head up for me, Ella! I want to put you into enforced "Kranda" for a while!" and eased the hood over her head. The last thing he heard as he slipped the thick plugs into her ears, smoothed the adhesive blindfolds over her eyes and eased the huge plug into her mouth, was,
"Thank you, Captain. I shall be forever in your debt!" He laced up the helmet and its attached collar that would keep her head and neck rigid and felt her now smooth head. The helmet was lined with a special alloy that prevented Ella's thoughts from radiating out of the helmet and also stopped anything from leaking in.
The telepath was now in total and utter silence and seclusion, something they often practiced in order to improve and refresh their abilities. Zill studied Gorrinda's rope work in more than slight awe. The naked Ella was bound tightly, from shoulders to toes, in thick, sturdy brown rope, the kind of rope that Gorrinda's ancestors would have used to bind the animals they raised for food and also to restrain aggressors.
It had obviously been a labor of love for Gorrinda, even though she was unlikely to admit it. Ellas's arms were laced together behind her back with rope, as were her wrists and interlocked fingers. It was inescapable. Rope encircled her breasts and formed a criss cross pattern down her body and her legs, joining them together and making them a single unit. Her feet and toes had also been criss crossed and tied with rope as well.
Gorrinda's people were adept at tying. They knew how to tie a person to give the maximum of ether pain or pleasure and sometimes both. In Ella's case and because of Gorrinda's current condition, she had opted to tie her for pleasure, extreme and unremitting pleasure and so, consequently, every place where the rope crossed over itself was a nerve ending.
A nerve ending that would be gently caressed and stimulated by the coarse rope. The nude girl had been bound in a standing position but she could be lowered gently into a prone position without changing the way the ropes affected her. Once this had been done she would still be unable to move a muscle.
Of course the occlusive hood helped, as did the tight rope that Gorrinda had run, once again halter style, over her shoulders, down deep between her tight buttocks and up and through her soft vulva, stimulating her clitoris and tautening the rope that was already wrapped round and round her sensitive little breasts in a figure of eight pattern.
Ella was controlled but in the most pleasurable of ways, just as Larah was about to be. Between them Zill and Gorrinda lowered her gently to the floor and Gorrinda, still fighting the strange sexual disease that seemed to be infecting the whole ship, whispered,
"May your meditation be peaceful, Ella and may your orgasms satisfy you in a way that will remind you only of me!" then abruptly, as if she had only just realized what she had said , she picked up the large penis shaped object once more. Larah who was quite obviously still in her thrall needed no second telling. She immediately opened her legs again, allowing Gorrinda all the access she needed.
The Captain was glad that he was no longer affected by whatever was taking over the ship but he still had to bite his lip hard to try to fend off an erection as he watched his First Officer ease the artificial penis very slowly inside Larah's obviously willing secret passage. She moaned through her gag as the large invader was pushed securely home to be held in place by the crotch straps of the single sleeve glove,
Despite the gag she was still able to bare her teeth in apparent ecstasy as she felt the dildo begin to gently vibrate inside her. Gorrinda straightened up and looked into the naked girl's eyes.
"Take deep breaths for me now, Larah. That's good, that's very, very good! And now I want you to look at me. Look at me Larah and see the peace and the tranquility and the light from my eyes..." Zill assumed that it was a combination of suggestion and sexual lightheadedness that caused him to see a soft, warm, golden light emanating from Gorrinda and passing into Larah's body as if she were breathing it in but the effects were tangible.
Even as he watched, all the fight seemed to go out of Larah. She seemed suddenly calm and content. Completely captivated by her change he suddenly heard Gorrinda whispering,
"You may take Larah's gag out now Captain, I think you will find that she will be prepared to answer all your questions." He only had one, which he was asking almost as soon as he pulled the big round gag, dripping with saliva, from the nurse's mouth.
"Larah, this is very important. You must tell us what you have done with Caroline!"
Eyes dreamy, it seemed to take some seconds for Larah to comprehend the question. When she did, she looked at the Captain as if seeing him for the first time and asked,
"Caroline? You mean the Earthen bitch with the gorgeous little body? The one who won't let me play with her?" Gorrinda and the Captain exchanged knowing glances, finally they understood why Larah hated, or at least appeared to hate, the newcomer so much.
Laughing inside the Captain did his best to answer as sympathetically as he could.
"Yes, that's right Larah. And we need to know where she is. We need to know right now!" Larah smiled,
"Oh, that's simple! She's in Stasis! Chamber Number 2 but you'll have to be careful because Omalley's down there somewhere and it was Omalley's idea in the first place!"
Now all the pieces began to fit together. Zill was already reaching into the firearms locker and taking out a small but fierce looking light weapon with three barrels. He stood up and, taking hold of Larah's bound arms, urged her to her feet, which were still quite bare as the rest of her.
Noticing Gorrinda's raised eyebrow he asked,
"How long before the Hypnosis wears off?" Gorrinda looked at his captive and once more locked eyes with her. This time Zill was absolutely convinced that he saw a surge of golden light leave Gorrinda and surround the naked and bound nurse. After a few seconds Gorrinda turned back to him.
"You should have all the time you need now, Captain. I cannot keep her mesmerized indefinitely but you should be able to get to Stasis and back before she becomes her normal, argumentative, self." The Captain nodded
"Try and find Omalley on the screens for me and whilst you're about it, program a couple of Sparkys to look for changes in temperature in the area. I'm taking Larah because she should be able to lead me straight to Caroline!" he was about to leave with the naked girl padding along obediently next to him when he had a second thought. "Gorrinda? Program the phallic unit inside her just to keep her on the edge of orgasm. I want her docile but not rampant! Understand?"
Gorrinda smiled ironically at him
"I understand perfectly Captain! I will keep her in exactly the same condition that I am in myself at the moment!" for just a split second her eyes seemed to soften and the Captain felt as if she were looking into his very soul
"Take care Captain and please come back safely. I need you right now, much more than you could possibly realize!" Surprised by just how much those words had affected his seemingly huge erection, Zill smiled wanly at Gorrinda and headed, with Larah in tow, toward Stasis
Part III
He had pushed Larah in front of him because having to turn and look at her enormous, bare breasts wobbling provocatively as she padded naked behind him, her bare ankles shackled and her arms and wrists secured in a single sleeve, had proved a distraction.
Knowing that she too was distracted by a large, penis shaped and partially organic dildo did not help either. It was held in place by a leather crotch strap that went from the mitten of the all-encompassing glove that she wore and then split in two and buckled tightly round her waist.
Now he was forced to look at the plump inviting cheeks of her pleasantly rounded bottom he wasn't so sure that things were necessarily any better.
The lower three quarters of the Auriga had been designed to ferry equipment and cargo between Solar Systems and it was big, seemingly much bigger now because Zill could not walk at his normal pace, hampered as he was by the bound and shackled Larah but she seemed contented enough.
She did not seem distracted or even absorbed, just somehow satisfied as they had walked down the seemingly endless, echoing, pathways of the giant spaceship.
Occasionally they would pass Sparkies, the computer controlled bots that carried out running repairs to the ship and replaced a normal maintenance crew. Sparkies were small, often sparked as they went about their business, hence the name, and came in two types that translated into earth language as Spiders and Beetles, something Caroline, the crewmember from Earth, found repulsive.
Spiders and Beetles were exactly what their names suggested; small, shiny, mechanical representations of common, household, Earth insects and Caroline found this hard to cope with. She hated "creepy crawlies" and did her best to keep away from the harmless metal creatures.
There were no lifts on this part of the ship. Cargo would simply be bought through the enormous doors of the main hold that was something like 12 stories high. Once inside there were huge flat bed platforms that could raise freight into multiple storage bays.
The lifts were in the Crew's Quarters, well away from the Stasis Chambers to which they were headed now and which were not intended for either crew or for the most part, human use. There were some chambers for humanoids but the rest were designed for the safe transportation of animals because they could become fearful during long space journeys.
The walkways that led down to Engineering and Stasis were long zigzag metal paths built around the hold itself that ran downward to the Garden at the very bottom of the ship. Long ago it had been found absolutely necessary for ship's crews to exercise in space and this was one way of ensuring that exercise. The upward walk back to the main control area was not too tiring in the artificially low gravity of the ship but it provided some of the vital exercise they all needed.
He had lost sight of Larah for a moment; she had disappeared round one of the corners of the pathway. He had holstered his light weapon some time ago, convinced that she could do him no harm now, especially as she was under hypnosis and must have been distracted by the monster dildo that was buzzing away inside her undoubtedly moist inner passage.
But he nearly drew it again when she threw herself at him as he rounded the corner.
Soft lips thrust themselves against his and he could feel her huge breasts squashing into his chest. Larah slipped her tongue into the Captain's open mouth and they kissed for what seemed a very long time. Zill knew he was in no danger and under other circumstances he might have relented. Reluctantly he pushed her away saying,
" Not now, Larah! We have to go and find Caroline!" but he didn't sound convincing even to himself. If her hands had been free he was sure she would have stroked his cheek.
"Aw c'mon Zill, Caroline's safe enough. I saw to that. She's just getting, what's that word she uses? Oh yeah! Fucked!! That's what she's getting. She's getting fucked! Stuck up little bitch deserves it! She wanted it so let her have it! And I want it too. I want it now, Captain!" her eyes bulged with irony as she said it, " I want that big Draygon cock right up my..." Zill broke away. Truth to tell his erection, already provoked by the earlier goings on, was threatening to betray him. He drew his light weapon,
"That's enough Larah! Merciful Theka! I never thought I'd have to threaten someone who wanted to make love to me but that's enough! We HAVE to find Caroline!" Larah's eyes smoldered and she lipped her already glossy lips,
"Well, find her AFTER you FUCK me!" She tossed her head provocatively, "Find her after you've had that huge cock of yours deep inside me for ...SCRUCK! What the filk was that?" The big ship rocked back and forward and for a horrifying moment it seemed as if it were going to nosedive in space.
The spikkies, the tiny aural implants that automatically translated languages for the deeply diverse crew were also useful as built in communicators. As the ship rocked and heaved, so Zill made contact with his first Officer.
"Gorrinda, what's happening? Is everything all right up there?" The calm tones of his second in command reverberated in his ears.
"Particle Storm, Captain. We had no warning until it was on us and I think there is more to come...." There was a flash, visible even from where they were in the middle of the ship, followed by a deep rumble. Zill was shocked,
"What the...?" Gorrinda was as calm as ever.
"Fascinating!" There were two more flashes, followed by one long, low, rumble that caused the ship to vibrate from stem to stern. The excitement in Gorrinda's voice was obvious. "Utterly fascinating Captain! Thunder and lightning, a planetary phenomenon but out here in Deep Space..." the ship rocked again. Larah was thrown to the floor and the Captain staggered to maintain his balance as if drunk.
"Are we in any immediate danger, Gorrinda?" The reply was instantaneous
"Negative, Captain but with your permission I am going to put up the Force Field in case the shields are hit by lightning, it should also stabilize us somewhat..." two more bright flashes were followed this time by no less than four, seemingly distant, low pitched rumbles. The ship pitched up again and Zill was thrown to the floor,
"Do it Gorrinda! Do it! And in future, whilst we're in this place, I want you to go ahead and make decisions without referring to me, if I'm not around. We both know you can and you know I have every confidence in you!" The smile in Gorrinda's voice was unmistakable,
"Thank you, Captain," There was a brief pause, the ship leveled up and seemed to stabilize. "Force Field is now in place!" Zill got to his feet, the ship remained steady but the storm still raged outside.
The whole of space seemed to be alive and the thunder rumbled and crashed and the lightning flashed almost continuously but the Auriga stayed remarkably still compared to its earlier gyrations. Slightly reluctantly Zill reached out a hand to help Larah off the floor at the same time as communicating again with his First Officer,
"Yes, I can feel it, we're stable now, well done! Just one other thing, Gorrinda. I want you to turn the unit in Larah up to full power. I think I'd rather have her in permanent orgasm than trying to jump my bones all the way to Stasis!" he could imagine Gorrinda's raised eyebrow.
"Very well, Captain. As long as you think you can cope but I have to say that despite being tied and hooded, Ella has been trying very hard to make physical contact with me for some time now. It is as if the storm is in some way affecting her." There was lust in Larah's eyes as Zill dragged her to a standing position and he nodded absently,
"Mmm, you could be right. If things change let me know, Zill out!" he turned his attention to Larah,
"Will you know when there is too much Clee in your system? When you're in danger of passing out again?" The girl was quivering but there was what seemed to be a permanent grin on her face now,
"Of course I will! Instead of having lots of little orgasms like I'm starting to have now, I'll have one big one and collapse!" she tried to make a joke of it and then she tottered, slightly uncertainly, toward the Captain,
"You don't have to do this, you know. It would be much simpler if you untied me and let me slowly take all your clothes off and massage you and kiss your entire body and lay you down here and suck you. You must know how we suck cock by now, Captain; we 're legendary for it. We can make men orgasm time after time after time. We can make them have the same multiple orgasms that Estantarans experience and when we judge that they've had enough, that their bodies might not be able to take any more, we simply climb on top of them and fuck them over and over and ovaaaaaaarrrgggggh...!"
The Captain rejoiced silently in his head as the first orgasm struck the Ships' Nurse. He held her against him briefly, mindful of the fact that he had a huge erection and whispered,
"There, there," in her ear before taking hold of her left upper arm and guiding her forward toward Stasis once more.
She could not believe Jerra when she first said it. She had no idea that women did that to each other but then she watched horrified, unable to twitch even the tiniest muscle, as Jerra lightly touched her vaginal lips. She tried to shiver but she couldn't even do that. She tried to scream and she couldn't do that either. All she could do was lay there passively, her body restrained by all the straps that held her to the table and by her new metal skin.
She wanted the feeling to be horrible but it wasn't, it was really very nice, tingly and pleasurable. Another woman touching her, she would never have believed it. Now Jerra was changing her stance, she was leaning over her again and there was a broad smile on her face.
"So you like this, Little One! You like having another woman's fingers touch you. Good! Very, very good! Now let's see how you feel when those fingers are inside you!"
She didn't have a chance even to breath. Suddenly she seemed to be drowning. Drowning in pleasure. She had never known anything like it before. She could feel Jerra's living, moving, fingers inside her and the two women now locked eyes. She wasn't afraid anymore, even though she could feel the tingling in her spine that she normally associated with fear.
The other women were coming closer and already her eyes seemed to be losing focus and her head was swimming. She felt those soft fingers urging her forward, filling her with sensations that she had never thought possible, and then she heard Jerra's voice again.
"Very good, Little One, very, very good! I never expected you to be anywhere near so responsive but that is only a good thing. Don't fight what you are feeling, Little One just give in to it. Just let me give you exactly what you need and then I will explain what I have done to you afterwards!"
She gasped for breath as the fingers plunged in and out of her filling her with ecstasy and she heard Jerra's voice once more,
"I don't expect you to have a name for this but we call it a clitoris!" and something touched her. It had to be Jerra's fingers. Touched her at the top of her most secret place and she felt as if she were exploding. It was beautiful. She could see lights and colors exploding in her head and she could experience the most beautiful of feelings. She was breathless, but the feelings, the glorious, wonderful, beautiful feelings kept on coming, the other women seemed even closer now. She saw them slowly putting out their hands and then suddenly they were touching her breasts!
She couldn't believe that they would do that but it felt good, so good as they touched and lightly stroked each breast and she felt things that she had never ever felt before.
Through her increasingly misty consciousness she heard Jerra again
"That is so good! So good my Little Pet. Let go! Just let go now, and when you do it will feel like nothing you have ever felt before!" she was right of course and she did exactly what she was told because, despite herself, she wanted to trust Jerra now, despite what she had done to her. So she let go as best she could and for the first time in her life she experienced a huge and intense orgasm.
And then she passed out.
Stasis Chamber Number Two was on the second lowest level of the ship. The door had to be opened with a code, a code that was supplied by the now quiescent Larah. She was very quietly orgasming every minute or so but seemed to be controlling it as best she could.
It was a large echoing chamber, dark through lack of light but almost pure white.
The flashes from the storm could not be seen this far down but the thunder still rolled and echoed around the decks and the Captain was grateful that Gorrinda's use of the force field seemed to be keeping the ship steady.
He saw her immediately the door opened. Slim and utterly naked, her legs well shaped, her breasts perfect, lying in the chair at a 45-degree angle and fettered and shackled into an X shape. Her arms and legs were held roughly a metre apart by rigid metal poles. He knew it was Caroline even though her face was swathed in layer after layer of thick bandage.
He guessed she must be gagged, she seemed to be trying to speak but no discernible sound was coming out. She was trying to move too but her entire body, including her toes and fingers, were held fast by the restraints of the chair. He looked down and saw the large dildoes mounted on retractable, jointed, arms that were currently entering both her anus and her vagina with mechanical precision and regularity.
Each of them seemed to slide out almost as far as they could go and then slide back inside the helpless girl with just a faint hum. Both of them glistened with lubricant and the vaginal probe seemed to be dripping with something else. Something that Ella would probably have referred to, in her polite way, as "Girl Juice".
As he watched he also noticed that her mechanical violators seemed to be on a cycle. Each would ream her, hard and long, for a period of time and then change to shorter, quicker, strokes but never together. The vaginal dildo would do one thing, whilst the anal would do something else, just as it was doing now. He watched in awe as it stopped inside her and made a dull, buzzing noise suggestive of it throbbing away in her secret place, maddeningly pleasing her from behind whilst its bigger counterpart slid slowly and seductively in and out of her love channel.
All around the naked, shackled body of Caroline was equipment. The place hummed and burred with it. Some of it drove the dildoes that constantly entered her, that seemed to grow and swell in size and then diminish and then continue the growth cycle again. Some of it governed the electrical intensity of the dildoes that apart from vibrating were able to deliver a small but harmless shock that varied from a mild tingle to a hefty but extremely pleasurable jolt capable of bringing about an orgasm.
Zill stared at the naked body in awe. She was orgasming now, even as he watched. All around her restrained head were what had to be life support machines that watched over her constantly and did whatever they had to to sustain her life. He noticed the nasal tubes and saw that they went into a respirator that was feeding her pure oxygen. He also noticed the tubes on her upright and reddened nipples. Tubes that were sucking on those nipples and stimulating her even more.
Angrily he turned on Larah, who seemed to be sweating and trembling now,
"What the frell did you think you were doing?" he listened to the throbbing pulse of the dildoes, the beating of Caroline's heart amplified by the monitors, the regular, deep swell of her breathing and the wheeze and thump of the respirator and then he pointed an accusing finger at the helpless girl who was having problems of her own and said,
"You know something? I ought to do this to you and let you see how it feels!" and then he realized that he very nearly had.
When she woke up they were still in much the same places as before. The two women either side of her and close to her breasts, Jerra standing by the junction of her wide-open legs. Both the girls reached out and soothed her cheeks. She heard Jerra speaking again.
"I know you enjoyed that Little One and that is only the very first, as my two assistants would tell you if they could!" she paused for a moment as if in thought and then she turned to the two women and commanded, "Show her girls!" Obediently the two nurses stopped stroking her and slowly removed the blue masks that covered the lower halves of their faces.
She would have gasped if she could. Both girls' mouths were forced open by metal braces that seemed to fasten behind their heads. Jerra smiled
"Very few of the people who work for me are allowed to speak, Little One, I prefer it that way. As you can see my assistants, I prefer that, sometimes, to slaves, have had these gags welded in position. They hold their mouths open and depress their tongues, which means that they cannot speak and no longer want to. That's right isn't it my pets?" Both girls nodded and then replaced their masks.
Jerra smiled at them,
"Good girls!" then she turned back to the girl on the table, "And now, Little One, it is time to show you exactly what I have done to you." She took a deep breath. "Well, you already know that I control you. The metal additions to your body, the ones around your neck and your shoulders, your elbows and your wrists, at your knees and at your ankles and around you fingers and your toes mean that only I can make you move now. Without me you will be little more than a statue. Without me you will have no movement at all but don't worry, Little One," she tapped her forehead. "Because this will control you and this is all I need!" She walked past one of her silent "assistants" and stopped when she could touch the metallic forehead of the girl strapped to the table.
"This band around your head? This conducts brainwaves. It means that I and only I can control you through this band!" She leaned in so closely that the girl could smell her sweet smelling breath. "This is why I have had your head shaved. So that the electrodes in this band come into contact with your skull. They and the electrodes in the other metal parts of your body combined with your new metal "spine" that you can feel running down your back, negate the impulses from YOUR brain and replace them with the impulses from MINE, which means, in layman's terms, that I now control you by the power of thought!" she allowed this to sink in for a few moments.
"It means that I control YOU, Little One. Totally and utterly!" she was already walking back down the table, whilst her two assistants remained motionless. She stopped at the girl's breasts and touched them gently.
"I had you pierced whilst you where asleep! It may become sore later but we can deal with that. I have had what we call barbels put through your nipples to make them more sensitive and I have added gold contacts to them as well. They're basically electrodes and I can send pulses through them to heighten your feelings of pleasure, WHEN I decide to pleasure you!" Now she walked down to her crotch and turned to her and smiled,
"Naturally I've had you pierced down here as well. That's probably why that little clit of yours is so responsive!" the girl on the table tried to raise her head but this time she couldn't. "It's alright, Little One. If you look carefully in the mirror you should be able to see what I've done. You should be able to see the multiple piercings around your labia..." once again Jerra reached out a hand and ran her fingers around one of many rings that she could now see adorned the lips of her vagina, "...these will be very useful when I insert the rubber phallus that will pleasure you when I say so and that will also carry the catheter that will drain you on your journey. I will be able to link those rings together and in so doing stop you from being able to expel the artificial phallus!" she could already see the fear in her subject's eyes and it was making her magnificently wet. She stroked her sensitive thigh.
"There, there, Little One. You will learn to enjoy the phallus and the rectal stimulator that will follow!" Now the girl's eyes seemed to be bulging but she couldn't scream and she couldn't move. Jerra put her head to one side for a moment as if thinking and finally she said,
"I think you need a little more pleasure Little One, so think of this as a demonstration!" she clapped her hands and uttered just one word, "SLAVES!"
The two assistants seemed to spring into life. One picked up a large pot and dipped her rubber gloved hand into it whilst the other moved to a trolley and returned silently carrying a huge artificial but perfectly formed replica of an erect penis. She stopped and showed it to both Jerra and the girl. The other assistant meanwhile was gently entering the girl's vagina with well-greased fingers and smoothing lubricant liberally inside. As she closed her eyes with unconcealed pleasure so Jerra whispered,
"Open your eyes, Little One, that is an order!" The girl obeyed immediately and Jerra smiled, "Good girl! Now I want you to watch this. I want you to watch as my slave inserts this penis inside you. It will feel good, very good, especially when I switch it on and I want you to hold my hand so that you wont be afraid. I am going to allow you to hold my hand now..." the girl was confused, she didn't know what to do, her whole body was stiff and unmoving.
Suddenly she felt a kind of warmth in her headband and then she felt her left hand moving of its own accord and she also felt the warm, soft hand of Jerra embracing hers. Now she could move it! She could move her own hand and she gripped Jerra's tightly.
As she did so she felt something else and she drew a deep breath. The massive penis slid smoothly into her in one go. It filled her up but it didn't hurt. Quite the reverse, in fact. For the first time in her life she felt wonderfully, somehow properly, female.
Jerra, who herself was very close to orgasm said softly.
"You have waited a very long time for this, I know and I also know that this is the first time that you will feel properly controlled as you should be! Slaves, prepare!" the two girls once more busied themselves. They leant over the girl and began to link the rings in her vagina together. It felt strange but still pleasurable. Jerra had let go of her hand and was standing just by her open legs again. She touched her pierced lips and then she spoke very quietly, her voice filled with emotion from her impending orgasm.
"I'm not sure that you can see this but I have also pierced your little clitty. That is why it is so sensitive. I have pierced it with not one but two barbels like the ones through your nipples. I can send pulses through them just like I can through your nipples and the combination of the phallus and these piercings will give ME but not necessarily YOU endless hours of pleasure! From now on, Little One I will control your pleasure completely! I will decide if and when you climax. These things together COULD keep you on the verge of a climax forever without actually letting you come ever again!" Jerra licked her lips, in bewildered amazement, the helpless girl on the table watched as, with one hand, Jerra lifted her apron so high that she could see her shaven and completely unclad vagina.
Her eyes swimming with lust now, she stared down at her,
"Oh, Little One that would be so, so enjoyable and I just KNOW that you would want me to have that enjoyment at your expense!" She closed her legs knowing that she was about to flood and then she looked first at her assistants and then at the bound girl who was staring at her with a mixture of fear and unrestrained, raw lust. After what seemed like an age Jerra gave her final command
"Slaves! Move forward!" they did as they were told until they were standing just above the girl's outstretched fingers. Now Jerra advanced too until she was standing next to the girl's head and she could see every detail of her shaven vulva.
Jerra licked her lips. She loved to play. She loved to play even more when the odds were totally in her favor and she loved to play particularly with bound and helpless girls who were in awe of her, as this one was. She licked her lips.
"Now, Little One, I am going to let you experience true pleasure and then I am going to finish my work on you and prepare you for the little journey that you will have to make without me." The girl just stared up at her. She still could not move but she could smell.
She could smell the musky, awesome odor of a truly aroused woman.
Jerra could resist no longer. Still holding her apron high she slid a finger of her free hand up and down her shiny moist lips and then eased it gently inside her. She moved it in and out gently, much to the girl's dismay because she now found herself becoming unaccountably moist too. Jerra smiled and then she withdrew her fingers, slick with her own moisture, held them to the nose of her captive and whispered,
"Breath deep little one! Get used to my aroma because you will soon experience it every day for the rest of your life! Girls, switch on!"
Suddenly things began to buzz and hum and she felt sensations all over her body. Her nipples were throbbing and so was the delicate and sensitive bud between her legs that Jerra had called a clitty. The monster phallus, also between her legs, was vibrating and seemingly moving inside her, sending a warm satisfied glow all around her restrained body.
Suddenly and without warning she had movement in her fingers!
She could move her fingers and the two girls seemed to be lowering themselves on to them. She heard Jerra again. She was leaning in close, her soft generous lips only inches from her right ear.
"I have allowed you the freedom to move your fingers, Little One and now my slaves are sitting on those fingers and you will be responsible for giving them almost as much pleasure as I am about to give you! This will be the first time for a very, very long time that I have allowed my girls a climax and they will thank YOU for it. They will thank you and in turn, through the controls that they have, they will give YOU the most wonderful experience YOU have ever had." she kissed the girl on the cheek and then, as she watched in awe, Jerra slid her still moist fingers back inside herself and moaned in ecstasy. She breathed deeply,
"We will all take pleasure now, Little One. Myself from just watching and controlling all of you, aaaaaarggh!" and as Jerra began to climax she felt her hands moving, expertly almost, against the moist inner flesh of the two slaves and then she felt the first waves of climax start to break over her.
The girls were moving rhythmically against her fingers, their eyes closed and their heads thrown back in ecstasy and Jerra, well Jerra was still masturbating, watching her intently and waiting for the moment.
She knew she couldn't last but she wanted to. The phallus inside her seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, her nipples throbbed and pulsed and her clitoris was sending sensations through her that she had never even believed were possible.
Suddenly she felt even more wetness between her legs and the penis throbbed and almost writhed inside her. Dimly she heard Jerra's voice in the distance
"Yes, Little One the phallus is a replica in more ways than one, this one can actually ejaculate and it is coming inside you right now gaaaarrrgh!"
And as Jerra and both her slaves went into the ecstatic convulsions of climax, then so did she!
It seemed to take an age to get all the equipment off and out of Caroline but eventually he did it. Before taking off her bandages, however he unfastened all her restraints and lifted her bodily out of the chair. Then he ordered Larah into it, just as another thunderclap broke the otherwise tomblike silence of the chamber.
The chair was automatic and only had to be primed. Once Larah was settled he simply flicked a switch and watched with satisfaction, as the chair seemed to come to life around her and form the naked girl into an X shape. One from which she had no hope of escaping. It also meant that he could take the glistening buzzing and dripping invader out of her pleasure wracked body. He pulled the lifelike vibrating dildo slowly out of her and then he looked into her exhausted eyes and said,
"Be quiet now Larah or I will fix you up in this chair exactly the way you had Caroline and forget about you. Do you understand?" Meek and cowed now from orgasm after orgasm the barely conscious Estantaran nodded and Zill nodded too.
"Okay! Now I'm putting you on your best behavior and I want you to say nothing. As soon as I hear ANYTHING out of you, Larah I am going to gag you. Understand?" but Larah seemed too tired even to speak. She simply nodded obediently and then closed her eyes.
Now it was quiet in the small room. The slaves gathered themselves together, lowered their aprons and began to tidy the room. Jerra watched them, her medical apron now back in place and covering her exquisite body. Quietly she said,
"Well done my slaves! I MAY consider giving you a little more pleasure in the very near future but for now you must prepare her. Prepare her for her long space journey. Arrange the catheters and the feeding tubes and the restraints and when I return and if you have done well, I might allow you the pleasures of serving me in my bedroom!" and with that she turned on her heel and left.
"Well it's about time! What's that bloody noise?" Caroline was incandescent with anger having just been finally unwrapped and ungagged but for the first time she had noticed the storm that was still raging around them. Zill held up a hand,
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Try not to take any notice of the thunder, we're in a particle storm. I got here as soon as I could but things, well, things have gone wrong!" Caroline looked at him wide eyed.
"I'll say they've gone bloody wrong! Do you know how many bloody times I've climaxed while "things have been going wrong"?" before he could speak she carried on, "...and don't laugh at me Zill! You've probably never been continuously rogered up the arse before and neither have ..." she realized the ridiculousness of her last statement and began to laugh.
Grateful for a relief in the tension, Zill laughed too but then he thought of the others and of what Gorrinda had said to him before he left. Conscious of the fact that he had a naked girl in his lap he took her hand and said,
"Caroline, before we go any further there is something I have to ask you..."
Caroline looked questioningly into his grey eyes and said,
"Okay. What d'you want to know?" there was no hesitation.
"Do you want me to make love to you, to "Fuck" you? I need to know Caroline!" she looked at him in sheer disbelief.
"Well of all the...! Jesus Christ, Zill, you need to get over yourself!" but she could already feel herself turning red. Suddenly realizing that she was in his arms, she struggled to get up off his lap, pushing his arms away from her in the process and walked away from him as quickly as she could. Then, realizing that she was naked and had no idea of the layout of the ship at this level, she stopped abruptly. She thought for a few moments and then hung her head. Looking down at the floor she finally said quietly, "Well, if you must know I've ..." the voice in her ears stopped her from going any further.
"A logical question, if I might say Captain, but not very tactfully put. I think it is fair to say that she is not affected and I would also point out, since it is obvious that Caroline can understand you perfectly well without translation, that at least the implants have worked!" Caroline was already looking at the ceiling of the chamber and the smile was back on her face.
"Wotcha Spock! How are ya? Can you hear and understand me all right!" the reply was resigned
"I hear and understand you very well, Caroline and I am pleased that you are not harmed, I just wish..." but Caroline was anticipating her,
"...that I wouldn't call you Spock! Yeah, I know! But I don't mean anything by it Gorrinda, I really don't. It's just that, well, you're him! I mean you talk like... Oh never mind! Are YOU okay?" before they could even listen for a reply there was a series of strange noises that drew the attention of both of them to the door of the chamber.
Caroline shivered involuntarily and her mouth dropped open. Zill stared hard at what appeared to be several dozen tiny red lights all clustered together in the doorway. Before anyone could say or do anything several pairs of the lights seemed to scuttle forward and one pair jumped onto the bare, restrained, leg of Larah who roused from her torpor and screamed loudly in shock.
Caroline, now realizing exactly what it was, ran over to Zill and grabbed hold of him.
"I don't care what you say they are, Zill! Keep those fucking things away from me!" Zill had already drawn his light weapon but he knew this should not be happening.
In the doorway were dozens of Sparkies, all seemingly watching them intently. The one on Larah, a spider, raised its head a little and seemed to stare at him. They all had jaws of a sort that they used to hold cable, but this one seemed to have what could only be described as fangs in those jaws. He watched in horror as it suddenly dipped its head again, just as the loudest thunderclap yet reverberated around the ship
Both Caroline and Larah screamed together .
One with the pain of being bitten and the other with the realization that the mechanical spider had just drawn blood from its victim and had now jumped off Larah and was scuttling rapidly towards her.
Part IV
She knew this shouldn't be happening but it was and she was powerless to stop it. She cursed silently. She couldn't speak anymore; they had just taped over her mouth, all she could do was struggle. They were still around, she could hear them but she couldn't see them any more. Those last wraps of tape around her head, the ones that had gagged her, had now been extended to her eyes; she could no longer see anything at all.
She had tried to fight them off but Molly, the one with the cute little eyes, had already gotten behind her. She had felt something sticky on her wrist. They had backed her into a corner then and she had put her other hand behind her to steady herself, afraid that she would fall and hurt them but that was when she had felt it being coated with the same sticky stuff.
She didn't know what it was but she could feel her wrists being drawn together behind her back and she couldn't do a thing about it. She wasn't so much frightened as annoyed. She know them, she'd worked with them constantly for what seemed like forever. Sure they were mechanical and computer driven but they somehow had personalities. So much so that she had even given them names.
And now they were tying her up!
She could feel them scuttling all over her body and to her horror she could also feel something else. The Beetles! The Beetles made a different noise and had different tools. They could cut through cable. They could cut through floors and ceilings and to her horror she found that they were cutting through her clothes as well!
She could hear them chattering as they always did. They chattered away but normally it was just computer noise. It was the mainframe "talking" to them, giving them orders and it was them "talking" to each other letting them know where they where and what they were doing but this seemed different.
The spikkies, the tiny implants in her ears that translated all languages, seemed to be picking up things that they never had before. The chatter was starting to translate! She could make sense of the noise! She could understand now that they were using just one word, one word repeated over and over again.
She listened intently now. Her hands were being taped with the onboard tape that the Spiders carried and so were her ankles, whilst the Beetles, with surprising care, were slowly cutting away every last stitch of clothing from her body the way they would strip cable before joining it together. She shuddered; she hoped they knew when to stop. She hoped they were only going to remove her clothes and not HER protective skin like they did with cable!
They were chattering again but now they seemed to be saying more.
It wasn't just "Protect!" any more, now it was "Protect Her!"
The strange feeling of light metal footsteps running all over her body gave her Goosebumps. She tried to struggle again. She knew she could roll over but she didn't want to hurt them. She knew she was being an idiot but the Sparkies were like hundreds of little friends and they were delicate. She could crush them if she rolled over on to them.
She almost laughed to herself. She knew she needed to get out more but down here in Engineering there was an awful lot to do and she didn't see too many people. Sure they all seemed to go out of their way to come down and see her, especially Caroline and that made her feel even more guilty.
The Beetles were working on her boots now. Stripping them away from her feet and slicing off her socks. Her panties, she never wore a bra, had gone what seemed like an age ago and she knew she was naked. There were two spiders walking across her bottom and it felt strange. She gave up struggling. With whatever was affecting her at the moment she could not afford to roll over now.
If she felt a Sparkie running across or even near her pussy she would probably orgasm!
She knew she had been wrong to help Larah kidnap Caroline, especially as she counted Caroline as a friend but she hadn't been able to help herself. There were feelings within her, feelings that she knew she had always had but had always been able to control. Now those feelings seemed to be shouting at her, urging her, forcing her to do what she had sometimes fantasised about but would never dream of really doing.
She wanted Caroline, she wanted her bound and under her control. She wanted to be able to play with her naked body. To have power over her. To stroke and caress and to touch her just when she wanted.
She had helped strip her, feeling her soft warm body in her arms. Loving the feel of her struggling against her and how those struggles gradually diminished as they added more and more rope to restrain her and how they ceased completely when they gave her the hypo that knocked her unconscious, leaving her limp in her arms.
She really wanted her in a hogtie, ankles tied to wrists, flat on a table, her breasts squashed almost flat, her mouth stuffed with the moist aromatic panties that she wanted her to watch her retrieve from under her overalls. The overalls that hid her large, ripe, breasts, the breasts that very few people even realised existed and her damp and very needy pussy.
She had wanted to tease Caroline herself, not leave her in the chair with that mechanical, soulless machinery. She loved machinery. She worked with machines everyday and there was very little they couldn't do but SHE wanted to love and tease and maybe even torture Caroline a little, she didn't want a machine to do it
Her toes were twitching. Something was touching them, she couldn't help herself, her toes and her feet were ultra sensitive. She giggled involuntarily, as best she could through her gag and tried to move her feet away from whatever it was but it kept on coming.
It felt really weird, soft and silky but strange, so strange. There was more of it now, covering her toes and moving up to her Oh, so sensitive, soles. Now she really wanted to scream and she couldn't help herself as the soft but somehow sticky stuff touched the soles of her feet and she went into spasm.
She was laughing uncontrollably, twitching, trying to kick out. She really wanted to roll over now, regardless of what happened to her pussy but she couldn't. She realised that they must have anchored her, secured her with more tape to the metal beams in her little office deep in the bowels of the ship.
They were running all over her. The Spiders were everywhere and that soft sticky stuff was now being wrapped round and round her head. They were working fast, very fast; soon she could feel it, soft and clingy, being wrapped around her breasts. It felt so soft and silky. Every part of her that it covered felt soft and silky.
She cursed herself. She cursed Larah. She cursed whatever it was that had gotten her into this. If only Larah hadn't insisted on locking that door and going back to the bridge instead of leaving her in there with Caroline. If only she herself hadn't felt so damn needy!
She thought she was safe enough. She'd slipped into her office; she had needed it SO badly. Of course she worked all around the place and sometimes she found things, things she couldn't account for and things that were never ever claimed.
She pulled it out of her locker and studied it.
It was the hugest, finest, most lifelike looking replica of a man's penis she had ever seen. It was gigantic and she knew it would really stretch her but she needed that right then. There was a big pot of grease on her desk and she sat herself down next to it on the desktop, pausing only to open up her overalls for access, and spread her legs.
She dipped a hand into the pot and gave the penis a liberal coating and then, so desperate was she, she almost slammed the thing into her leaking vagina, just managing to find the time to push her panties to one side as she did it.
The effect was immediate; it was like a drug addict taking a fix. The huge cock filled her and she could literally feel a smile spreading on to her face, as the feelings of satisfaction seemed to fill her very soul.
And that was when it all went wrong!
That was when she noticed, for the first time, all the little red eyes watching her from the doorway. Watching her masturbating. Watching her desperately trying to get off!
She knew they were bots but she still felt terrible embarrassment. What the hell were they all doing here anyway? But before she could even consider that question they were scuttling towards her and, in what seemed to be an instant, she was bound and helpless.
She couldn't even struggle now, so tightly bound was she but she felt warm and soft and cocooned.
That was it! That was what they were doing to her! She didn't know how. She knew why because now they were all around her, repeating those words like they were some kind of mantra but they had added another now...
"Protect her! Protect Omalley! Protect her!" Omalley shivered, she had names for them but she had no idea that they were even conscious of hers. She was wrapped almost from head to toe in what HAD to be silk. Caroline had told her that real spiders on Earth secreted silk but hers didn't, or rather they hadn't but now she was wrapped in it from head to toe, all apart from one area, the soft sensitive V around her abdomen and her pussy
She felt movement down there. Movement that felt like hundreds of little legs running around that most sensitive of places. Before her body could even react to it she felt something else, something, she realised with horror that she had never expected to feel in these circumstances.
That huge penis, pliable and lifelike, greased and ever rampant, was being nudged against her labia and even now was being eased inside her. She gasped and began to tremble, not with fear but with pure, raw, excitement. She could imagine the Spiders holding it in their prehensile little forelegs and easing it into her wanting vagina with their precise, light guided, circuitry.
She shuddered as the monster finally filled her and the spiders began the final phase of her encasement. The silk was beginning to cover her abdomen now and the Beetles were easing her over onto her belly so that the Spiders could run the silk between her legs and over and round her soft, bare, buttocks.
She would have screamed if she could but of course she couldn't. She knew now that, very shortly, she would be totally encased in silk. Totally cocooned. They had left her nostrils free but otherwise she was no more than a chrysalis, covered from head to toe in soft warm silk.
Suddenly she realised just how warm and comfortable she felt, how peaceful and calm and totally and utterly helpless she was and that all she could do was give in to the feelings that were overwhelming her.
As soon as she did that she started to climax.
"Zill PLEASE!" he knew he had to do it but even he had come to look on the little mechanical creatures as friends somehow, probably because he saw them so often. There were two more on the naked and restrained Larah, and she just could not stop screaming. They were motionless, just seeming to stare at him with those tiny red eyes. The other one, the one with the fangs, was inches from Caroline's bare left foot.
She was holding his arm so tightly that he could feel her nails digging into his bicep, even through his clothes. He didn't want to do it but he had no choice, even though it seemed like shooting fish in a barrel.
He aimed his light weapon and fired. The Spider just touching Caroline's toes disintegrated and pieces of hot metal flew everywhere. Caroline screamed but wouldn't let go of him. Suddenly he felt hot, searing, pains on his hands and on his neck. He turned instinctively and fired two more blasts of pure white light at the Spiders on Larah. He felt the singeing pains again, this time on his legs and then yelped as his face was hit. Larah screamed as the hot metal legs of the destroyed spiders fell on her but was fortunate that the burning bodies missed her completely and fell harmlessly to the floor behind her.
He realised that he was being hit by low level light blasts from the Sparkies lined up in the doorway. They used light to weld metal, one single blast from one single Sparky wouldn't kill anyone but there were countless numbers of them outside.
As if anticipating him, the darkened room lit up and a single beam of high intensity light blasted a hole in the wall behind him. He suddenly understood that they were learning to synchronise their blasts.
He also realised that they were trying to kill him!
Caroline was calmer now, in fact she seemed to have conquered her fears for the moment at least, and had run, still naked, over to Larah. She was doing her best to soothe and calm the nearly hysterical nurse and she looked over at Zill.
"Where's the bloody switch for this? We need to get her out of this chair!" glad of help, Zill almost smiled as he sent blast after blast into the Sparkies in the doorway who were rapidly learning to evade his fire. He pointed his light weapon at the seat.
"Just under there. Just near her leg. Ouch!" a small concentrated beam of red light seared into his forehead. There seemed to be hundreds of Sparkies in the room now, it was somehow alive with both shadows and the movement of countless, tiny, metal limbs.
The thunder was echoing continuously round the ship. One long, low, rumble following another with little or no break in between. Caroline had managed to free Larah and one naked girl was now helping the other from the chair, a fact that had not gone unnoticed by Larah who was looking at the girl she had kidnapped and falsely imprisoned with undisguised amazement.
Zill, distracted for a moment by a group of Sparkies off to his left, stared at the girls in horror. They were moving towards him but to his right were a group of maybe forty Sparkies that were coming inexorably forward and threatening to cut them off from him. He tried to fire but found himself being peppered by dozens of tiny but painful blasts from behind. He whirled round and saw that there was another group of maybe thirty Sparkies moving slowly towards him.
The girls had noticed them too now. Larah was screaming again but Caroline was wrenching at the arm of the chair. To her surprise it broke away much more easily than she had expected. With a scream born of anger, rather than of fear, the naked girl scythed the arm into the Sparkies in front of her, breaking the legs off several and sending the others flying into the wall but more were coming.
Zill had to keep moving now. His clothes were smouldering from the constant blasts and he had had already had to beat out one small burning patch on his chest.
He heard Caroline shout out his name and saw her pointing frantically upward. He raised his eyes just in time to see a group of Sparkies scuttling across the ceiling towards him. His spine tingled as he realised that already they were dropping on to him. One of them knocked the weapon out of his hand as it fell.
Larah, was crying now, crying and begging for mercy.
Zill was a warrior born and bred but even he was beginning to realise that not only were they hopelessly outnumbered, they were also likely to be outgunned very soon as well. He attempted to retrieve his weapon, to at least try to help Caroline who was still doing her best to smash as many of the creatures as possible and keep them away from Larah but as he did so all the lights went out.
Hands on hips, Jerra surveyed the small room and licked her lips in appreciation. The slaves had finished, they had done their jobs and she was relatively pleased. For the time being she was alone with the girl and she was enjoying every moment. She was unconscious once more but Jerra intended to wake her up quite soon. She studied both her and the vessel that she would be transported in closely. It stood just behind her; Jerra had ensured that she would be able to see it as soon as she woke up.
She moved closer to her new slave. She had changed, she had had a little pleasure and she had changed into a business suit. Shiny black, glittering in the light, it was a two-piece suit comprising jacket and trousers that were cropped to her calves. The jacket was a conventional one with lapels but there was nothing beneath it apart from her generous breasts and seemingly endless cleavage. Similarly the tightness of her trousers left no room for underwear whatsoever. They emphasised her shapely ankles and the shiny black stilettos with a six-inch heel that she wore. She admired herself in the mirror above the girl's stretcher for few moments and then she turned her attention to the girl herself
She was fully wired to life support and ready for transportation. There were straps every few inches of her naked body that anchored her to the stretcher. She could not move even if she had been able to, the metal overplants on her face and at the strategic muscles of her body saw to that.
Jerra had to admit that she looked strange but wonderfully so.
She looked like a meld of human and machine. There were sculpted metal plates at her neck and shoulders, around the muscles of her arms and legs and also at her elbows and her knees. The soles of her feet were bare but ornate metal plates that extended down to her toes encased the insteps and each toe was also encased in a long, wide, jointed cylinder.
Her hands and fingers were covered in the same way and there was a plate around her middle with a thin strip between, but not covering, her generous and recently surgically augmented breasts. This connected her shoulder and neck plates together.
Her hips were also circumvented by a metal plate similar to a bikini but in fine steel. Her heavily pierced labia were bare and they had been eased back with surgically implanted pins to expose her doubly pierced clitoris, leaving the sensitive bud open to the air. Her breasts were also pierced and covered with tiny gold, wire "stars" that served as electrodes and could stimulate her nipples when required
Jerra smiled, she could no longer talk, the huge permanent gag in her mouth prevented that, as did the metal plate that covered it. She leaned forward and tapped the plate surrounding the now bald girl's forehead. That was the ultimate control, the conductor that now allowed her thoughts to override those of her newly found and very precious slave.
She studied the equipment that would keep the girl alive during her journey. The respirator already wheezed away in its glass case controlling her breathing. The tubes in her nose, the ones that would ultimately feed her, had been removed for the time being to accommodate the nasal mask that fed her small but regular doses of anaesthetic and kept her comatose.
Just behind all this was a small trolley on which lay, as she had ordered, a thick blindfold, a large and luxuriously padded hood and some earplugs that were wired not only to a small unit on the stretcher below her but also to a larger receiver as well.
Once fully prepared the slave would be blindfolded and her ears plugged. Once this was done the helmet would be secured over her head cutting her off from all outside stimuli. A special hypnotic series of random noises would be played though the earplugs to further divorce her from reality. More importantly the receiver also connected to a tiny transmitter that Jerra carried ensuring that, when she deemed it necessary, the slave would be able to hear her Mistress and listen powerless as she excited her with words.
Her eyes wandered downward to the many wires coming out of the slave's vagina and her rectum and she thought of the fun that her slaves would certainly have had greasing her and inserting them, especially as, against her orders, they had woken her up to do it. Something for which, even now, they were being punished.
She walked to the back of the room and opened the door to a small cubicle, her heels tapping rhythmically on the metal floor. Her eyes lit up when she saw the condition of what was inside. Normally she did not undertake physical tasks that was the whole point of servants. Slaves were for physical pleasure, servants worked but she pushed what she found inside easily into the room until there was one on either side of her new slave.
She looked at her assistants with contempt. Both naked now they had been attached to movable metal frames, basically metal crosses with castors. Their legs were spread bringing the maximum pressure to bear on the massive vaginal and rectal dildoes on which they were impaled. Just their wrists, waists and ankles were attached to the shiny metal frame but there was just one problem.
Penetrated though they were, the girls were held fast. They could not move enough to get release!
Their Mistress studied them with interest, knowing that they would be aroused by her presence. Their mouths were held permanently open by something very similar to a Whitehead Gag. The gag used in dentistry. The massive plugs that they had worn earlier had been removed allowing them to make sounds.
Jerra moved behind the one nearest her and begun to stroke and soothe her soft, prominent buttocks. The girl remained quiet; she knew that to make the slightest sound would earn her a punishment. Now, perhaps to her relief, Jerra was walking away from her and towards her colleague opposite whose breasts she began to stroke. She too remained utterly silent. Finally she walked away from both of them and looked at them with a certain amount of sadness.
"You do realise what I could do to you, don't you, my little foolhardy slaves?" both girls looked to the floor and nodded their silent heads. Jerra stroked her chin thoughtfully, "Mmm, I've been thinking of experimenting with mummification for some time and I think that both you, Ree and you, Falah, would make perfect subjects! It is so very sensuous to wrap someone, whilst they are conscious but utterly helpless, in the finest of linen bandages knowing that will never escape!" she let this sink in whilst the hapless girls did their best not to react and she relented, just a little.
"Of course I would let you out eventually but just think of the fun I could have! Once mummified from head to gorgeous toe I could have you dipped in that fast setting substance my chemists invented. You would be utterly immobile then, apart from your eyes of course and I could have you set up in my chamber. Placed on pedestals where you could watch me taking pleasure!" her voice dropped now to little more than a whisper, " And I could watch you watching me! Watching your eyes roam my chamber, knowing how you would be consumed with both jealousy and frustration." Both girls reddened considerably. Suddenly businesslike now, satisfied that she had embarrassed her slaves and given them sufficient food for thought, Jerra walked back to the girl on the stretcher She looked up into Ree's eyes.
"Did you administer a full enema?" The girl nodded, "And the hollow phalluses, did they fit after lubrication? Are they primed? Will they pleasure her when programmed to? Have they been programmed?" the girl nodded to each question and Jerra smiled.
The girl had replica penises in both her vagina and her rectum, they, along with the clitoral piercings and the nipple inserts would give her plenty to occupy her mind on the long space journey. They were also hollow which allowed for the use of a catheter in her vagina and provided tubes into her rectum for high colonic enemas.
She would be fed through her nasal tubes during the flight and the catheter would allow her urine to flow into a receptacle under her stretcher, whilst the high colonic tubes would pump and then extract enemas into and out of her back passage that were made from a special natural extract that could keep her in a state of euphoria for her entire journey.
Jerra smiled again, she walked over to Fallah and looked deep into her eyes.
"Have you prepared the casket?" The girl nodded. "And is she aware yet that she is to be transported to Rawdine in a funeral casket, naked, bound and totally under my control?" the girl shook her head as best she could and Jerra stroked her breasts the way someone might stroke a pet animal.
It was obvious to the two helpless girls that their Mistress was aroused. She walked towards the equipment that monitored the new slave and said quietly,
"In that case I cannot wait to wake her up and tell her. I should be able to feed off her fear for a very long time!"
He had expected Larah to scream but she didn't. The thunder still rumbled but the ship itself seemed deathly quiet. It was if extinguishing the lights had extinguished everything else as well. He could hear nothing. Not even the rustling of the Sparkies. Despite himself he could not raise his voice above a whisper,
"Caroline! Caroline are you all right" Her voice was little more than a whisper as well but she sounded relieved to hear him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Larah's with me, I've got my hand over her mouth but she's okay. What the fuck happened? What's happened to the little metal bastards? I can't even see those horrible red eyes any more!" He realised with a jolt that she was right. No movement, no sound, no light and just as he was beginning to try to unravel the puzzle in his head he heard a voice in his ears.
"I am sorry, Captain, that it took me so long but I have had to make emergency arrangements up here. The sensors are still reading your life signs so I trust you are all well!" the Captain nodded even though he knew she couldn't see him.
"Yes, we're all still here Gorrinda. Like to share what happened with us?" the reply was short and to the point.
"Quite simple, Captain! The mainframe powers the Sparkies and as it was the Sparkies that were, in turn, attacking you, I merely shut down the mainframe, hence the loss of lighting and the neutralisation of the Sparkies!" he heard a small female voice muttering, not too far away from him
"And she wonders why I call her Spock for Christ's Sake!" and couldn't help grinning to himself but then he realised the enormity of what she had done.
"But the mainframe runs the whole ship, Gorrinda. It navigates, it monitors the power, it controls the lighting..." Precise as ever, his first officer interrupted him
"Quite so, Captain which is why, for the time being, we are in charge of the ship up here on the bridge until I can make adjustments to the system, take control of the Sparkies away from the mainframe and ensure also that the computer does not try to wrest control of the ship from us!" he could see the logic of that but she had also used the word "we"...
"Gorrinda, does that mean that you've got Ella with you?" the reply was as quick as ever.
"Affirmative Captain! She begged to help and even though she does not trust herself right now, we have come to what seems, at the moment, to be a satisfactory arrangement. She is about to take us into a long ovoid orbit around Herra, the gas giant, so it may well become somewhat turbulent later."
It seemed to make sense. If the ships thrusters couldn't keep them stationary because the computer was offline, then going into stationary orbit around the only serviceable but dead planet in the system was logical. Before he could answer he heard Gorrinda again and this time she sounded worried.
"Captain, I think you ought to know that we have finally tracked down Omalley. She is in Engineering but you should attend her immediately. Her life signs suggest that she is inconsiderable distress. Gorrinda out!" Zill frowned. He fished in the pocket of his uniform shirt and found, much to his surprise, what he was looking for straight away. It was only a small flashlight but very, very, powerful. He switched it on and shone it in the direction that he had last seen Caroline and Larah.
The fact that they were naked and that Larah was in Caroline's arms unsettled him somewhat, to cover his embarrassment he said brusquely.
"Stay here, you two. I'm going to find Omally!" he wasn't prepared for Caroline's answer,
"Bugger that! We ain't staying here with all these dead "things", we're coming with you!" and as Zill left the room, his flashlight showing the way, so Caroline and Larah followed, arm in arm, padding softly behind him, picking their way carefully through the remains of the Spiders and the Beetles as the thunder continued to rumble threateningly outside.
Despite herself Gorrinda touched Ella lightly on the shoulder,
"Are you all right now?" Ella nodded and Gorrinda was happy to hear her voice in her head once more.
"Yes, thank you, Gorrinda and I am so sorry about this! The meditation period allowed me to clear my mind and provide a temporary solution. I'm so pleased you were able to carry out my instructions, I know what it must have done to you!" Gorrinda smiled even though she was right and what she had done had caused her great physical distress.
She, like Ella, was suffering from the "disease" that had affected the crew but although her mind control was great, when Ella had suggested that she needed to be strapped into the Command Chair quite naked and then wired to one of the small boxes used to interrogate prisoners she had had difficulty controlling herself and her seemingly rampant hormones but she had done as she was asked.
She had strapped the naked girl into the chair by her wrists and ankles and then she had carefully attached electrodes to her breasts and her clitoris and labia. Between them they had experimented to find a level of electrical stimulation that would satisfy the urges within her without tipping her over into what could prove to be a devastating climax.
Now, at last, Ella seemed quite happy. She had a flair for navigation and was quite happy piloting the huge craft even though Gorrinda found her nakedness and her general situation very disconcerting in her present condition but she had managed to create a diversion for herself by reconfiguring the ships computer.
She had grown used to the constant flashes of lightning outside although the thunder was sometimes so loud that it was impossible to ignore. She was rewiring one of the portals when she heard Ella's cry.
"Gorrinda, I've found it! I've finally found it. It's tiny but I'm sure it's what we're looking for!"
"It's not very technological this, is it?" it was Caroline. She was dealing with her fear by talking. They were now entering Engineering. The storm had not abated but they could hear the throb of the ship's magnetic pulse engines and the constant swish of the particle accelerator that ran all the way round the Engineering Bay. It provided the reaction needed to produce cold fusion for the ships fission engines, the ones that could propel them at faster than light speeds.
It was eerie in here, even Zill had to admit that. Caroline was in full flow.
"I mean you get abducted by a crew of Aliens from a Space Ship, kidnapped from your own planet, you'd think they'd have something a bit more scientific than a bloody torch on board!" Zill smiled, he knew what she was doing and he indulged her.
"And apart from the fact that we did NOT abduct you, do you have ships like this on Earth, Caroline?" he could see her frown even in the torchlight
"Well, no! Well, that's not true! We've got the Space Shuttle but that just goes up and down really, bit like a big bus.... Shit! What's that?"
In the dim light Zill's eyes followed her pointing finger and he stopped, an involuntary shudder running down his spine.
"Merciful Theka!" Caroline shook her head but couldn't stop herself. Almost as if mesmerised she walked slowly toward the thing on the floor. It was about the same size as them but it was pure white. So white that it shone in the torchlight. Big white and soft, it was also perfectly symmetrical, almost like a mummy, an Egyptian Mummy. She moved closer and then she screamed.
"Gaargh! Oh Zill! There's bloody hundreds of 'em here. They're all dead but, but it's as if they're......yeurgggh!" The Sparkies repulsed her but she was even more repulsed when she reached out a very tentative hand and touched the white mass.
"Oh God, Zill it's warm! It's like it's alive and, and it's made of silk! Got to be silk, it's so soft!"
Zill aimed the torch. It WAS strange. All around the undoubtedly silken thing on the floor of Omalley's office were Sparkies. Row after row of Sparkies. All lined up. Beetles at the back, Spiders at the front and they were behind it too. He could see metal limbs back there and broken bodies that appeared to have been crushed by something. There was a prolonged crash of thunder that made Caroline shiver and then she grabbed his arm
Even as he watched transfixed, the silken mass began to move and writhe. It was almost as if it were trying to get up. What had to be the head end of it seemed to be trying to raise itself up off of the floor. There was a low keening noise coming from it now as well . Caroline put a hand to her mouth.
"Ohmigod! Ohmigod, it's Omalley. It's her voice! I'd recognise those moans anywhere. All she ever does is bloody moan! Zill, what have they done to her?" Zill was already moving forward, he dropped to one knee next to Caroline after clearing away some of the inert Sparkies with his foot and produced a small, retractable, blade from his pocket. Despite herself Caroline couldn't help but comment.
"A pen knife? All this technology and you've got a penknife....? " But she was interrupted by the silken mass that must be Omally going into some kind of spasm. Now she was flailing all over the floor crushing dozens more Sparkies beneath her helpless body as she did it. Even Larah, who was slowly returning to something like her normal state, was fascinated. Zill and Caroline looked at each other. Finally Caroline broke the silence.
"Distress my arse! She's having a bloody orgasm!" Zill grinned and then the voice of Gorrinda crackled in his ears.
"Captain? We have just detected an extremely small craft in our vicinity that should come into range very shortly." Zill nodded,
"Good! Will you be able to ...?" Gorrinda was as precise as always
"I am preparing the coordinates for a tractor beam now. I will guide it to the Central Hold airlock and await you there. Gorrinda Out!"
Zill smiled grimly to himself. Now, at last, he would be able to find out if this had all been worth it. The whole reason for them being in this benighted place had finally arrived.
Part V
Her tummy itched; she tried to scratch it with her left hand and realized, to her annoyance, that it was strapped tightly to the chair. Both wrists, both ankles, held fast by thick, padded restraining straps. She tutted just as a jolt of electricity coursed through her nipples. She braced herself because she knew what was coming.
It was like thousands of tiny, stinging, insects were swarming all over her labia. Her first instinct was to reach out a hand and scratch but she couldn't because she was restrained in the chair. Naked and restrained. The swarming feeling around her most secret place was annoying, yet pleasurable at the same time, but now a slight sweat broke out on her forehead as her clitoris twitched involuntarily and began to pulse and throb
All the tension seemed to go out of her body and she relaxed in her seat as best she could against the restraints. She wiggled her bare toes and sighed but all the time this had been happening she had not once taken her eyes off the instrumentation in front of her. She needed to communicate with Zill. She didn't need complicated apparatus, instead she just said quietly in her head.
"The object is on board Captain. Outer doors are closed. Equalizing pressure...Now!"
There was a flash of lightning outside and then, almost synchronously, the electricity began to pulse through her clitoris again.
"It's bloody cold!" Caroline stood in the middle of the cavernous loading bay with her arms folded across her chest, Larah on one side of her, Omally on the other.
"Mmm, I feel naked down here!" it was Omalley. Caroline looked her up and down and said with only a little irony in her voice.
"You ARE Omalley! We all are! I think that monster bloody cock's affected your brain as well as your pussy!" there were windows down here, huge portals liberally dotted around each storey of the enormous, echoing, bay. The flashes of white, sheet lightning served to illuminate the place much better than the few emergency lights that had remained on since the computer had been shut down and the thunder still rumbled ominously in the background. The girls were huddled together for warmth although Larah, still embarrassed by what she had done, did her best to avoid either eye, or physical, contact with Caroline.
"I told all of you, you can go back to your quarters and get dressed; I'll be fine down here." Caroline looked over at her Captain.
"Yeah right! And walk around this place in virtually no light with this bloody storm going on? Ever heard of "Slasher Movies" Zill?" Zill was a little way away from them in the control area, monitoring the progress of the retrieved capsule. As he looked up he saw the stocky, naked, figure of Omalley walking toward him, her generous breasts jiggling provocatively, her brown hair pulled tightly away from her face and swinging in a ponytail behind her.
She stopped in front of him and said quietly,
"Hey Skip, I'm really sorry about this..." he cut her off with a wave of his hand.
"Omalley, it's okay, I already told you..." but Omalley wouldn't be placated
"In that case Skip, why won't you look at me? You always do but ever since you cut me out of that..." she shuddered involuntarily, "... that silk stuff, you can't even..." Zill sighed
"I can't look at you, Omalley because normally you're wearing a frilking overall and I just think of you as, well, you, as Omalley and you don't normally look like..." he was mightily relieved to hear the voice of Ella in his head.
"Repressurization complete! Inner doors closed! Life capsule is now in the Central Loading Bay, Captain. Scanners indicate one life source on board." Zill nodded,
"Thank you, Ella, anything else I need to know?" Ella's voice was full of concern.
"Yes, Captain. The Sensors also show that the subject is in a deeply unconscious state very similar to a coma and that revival may not be possible!"
It was a small ship and they could not decipher the markings on it but there was room for several people to enter. Larah, still quiet, still naked and dealing with her urges as best she could, insisted on entering alone. When she came out, after some time, she looked very pale. She went straight to Zill who was standing with the two other girls a little way away from the relatively tiny, rectangular, craft.
"I think you were right Zill, I'm having Ella run a full scan and species check now but what they have done to her is, well, it's barbaric!" Zill nodded
"Is she hooded?" An anguished look crossed the nurse's face.
"She is! She's very stringently restrained as well. I ferrascoped her entire body. The hood is lined with Mazimum, the alloy they use to neutralize telepaths and she has overplants of the same stuff all over her!" she shuddered, " They've even closed the lips to her vagina with Mazimum rings and implanted it into her breasts, nipples and clitoris and she has two Mazimum lined dildoes inside her!" He felt Caroline shiver next to him. Zill looked thoughtful.
"So they know, or think they know, what they have, then. How old would you say she is?" Larah looked around her and indicated her two colleagues
"She LOOKS about the same age as us but in their terms she would be very, very young. The sensors suggest that she is not yet mature but there are huge amounts of an unidentifiable hormone in her system also suggesting that changes are already taking place." Zill nodded again,
"Can you revive her?" Larah looked worried.
"I wouldn't advise it. I think she's maturing right now which would make her..." Zill already knew
" ....extremely dangerous! Do you think the Rawdines know as much about her as we do?" before Larah could reply a disembodied voice echoed round the huge vessel.
"THIS IS JERRA, EMPRESS OF THE RAWDINES. YOU HAVE HIJACKED A SHIP BELONGING TO THE RAWDINE EMPIRE THAT YOU WILL RETURN FORTHWITH! YOU WILL ALSO SUBMIT TO THE IMMEDIATE BOARDING AND SEIZURE OF YOUR VESSEL!" Caroline was scanning the portals looking for the source of the message. Suddenly she saw what she had been seeking for what seemed like a very long time.
"At last! All these months in space and I finally get to see a flying bloody saucer!" they all followed her pointing finger.
It was gold and it shimmered and it was a perfect saucer shape, huge under other circumstances, but small in comparison to the Auriga, it was hovering off their left side. It seemed to attract the lightning, which was almost constantly striking it but causing no apparent damage. Zill heard Ella in his head.
"Captain, I detected a teleport beam trying to access the Loading Bay. I tried to neutralize it but I only managed to narrow it down severely, I'm sorry but there are bound to be casualties!" Zill realized that what she had done was tantamount to declaring war on the Rawdines but it could ultimately make a great difference to their survival.
"That's okay Ella. Just make sure all our defenses are at maximum. I want the bridge at optimum alert and all shields in place up there. You let no one in whatsoever, understand?" before Ella could reply and with no warning three people simply appeared from nowhere in the loading bay.
Zill stared at the Empress of the Rawdines. As soon as she appeared she had held a knife to Caroline's throat. Similarly, her two guards, all that was left of a boarding party of twenty, had their light weapons trained on both Larah and Omalley.
She pushed Caroline forward. She was beautiful; finely structured cheekbones, lustrous skin, shiny and short jet black hair and a perfect body emphasized by what Caroline would have referred to as a PVC cat suit. Shiny, black with cropped trousers and six-inch high heels, a zipper so low it showed virtually all of her generous, plump cleavage and so tight that it was obvious she wore nothing beneath it. When she spoke her voice sounded just as voluptuous as her body.
"So, Lord Zill, Hero of the Draygons! Mmm, thought you were a warrior Zill, didn't know you went around killing innocent people in cold blood!" Zill stood his ground.
"Your people have never been innocent Jerra. No one could ever accuse them or you of..." the knife at Caroline's throat dug in deeper and a single drop of blood appeared on her pale skin. She yelped in pain. Jerra's reply was husky but menacing.
"A little silence would be nice Zill. I haven't popped over for an exchange of views, I don't listen to other people, as you well know!" Zill knew what she meant. Her two guards, in contrast to her, wore yellow. Yellow boots and yellow bikinis and that was all, apart from the metal gags that appeared to be welded in place and kept, it seemed, even the jaws of her bodyguards, held permanently open. Jerra saw him studying them and smiled sadistically.
"What's the matter Zill? Jealous? Must be hell traveling through space with a bunch of chattering bitches!" Omalley was about to say something but she felt the guard's weapon dig into her back. Caroline tried to struggle and Jerra moved the knife until it was under her left breast and moved it just a fraction, then she laughed and turned to Zill again,
"I could kill them here and now, while you watch. My guards would take care of the other two whilst I dissect this one piece by piece. Where is she from by the way?" Caroline's eyes bulged as she felt the tip of the knife pushing against her soft breast. Zill instincts triumphed over his concern, slowly he said,
"Carlin 3 but THEY call it Earth and you know it's off limits to everybody!" For the first time Jerra seemed to take a genuine interest in her captive.
"Really, Earth, mmm, a rare commodity. Very rare and very precious!" She held Caroline close and whispered in her ear. "Don't be afraid my precious. As an Earth girl you, a savage, would fetch a lovely price, especially once I have "domesticated" you!" She looked over to the nearest of her bodyguards. "Ree! Go to the capsule, check on the girl and then bring out the equipment we stored in there!" She licked her lips in anticipation and stared deep into the Captain's eyes. "Oh Zill! This is going to be so much fun! It will more than make up for the death, at your hands, of my boarding party!"
In the control area of the Loading Bay Zill was relatively safe but also cut off. He didn't dare fire on Jerra or her two guards for fear of what would happen to his crew, so his light weapon remained holstered. Her had not heard from Ella yet, all he could do was stand and watch the three naked girls being restrained in the most humiliating of fashions.
It had been a kind of ritual. The gleaming metal crosses, more like X frames really, had been wheeled out on their castors and lined up in front of Jerra. She had then selected the first girl to be crucified. She chose Caroline, the Earth girl, the one she had formed some kind of sadistic bond with.
She ordered both Larah and Omalley, much to their evident disgust, to stand close and hug each other, so their arms and hands were in full view, while one of her guards covered them both with her light rifle
This left her and the guard she had referred to as Ree free to take Caroline to the cross and force her to climb on to it using the small platform that had also been bought out. Then they slowly and methodically strapped her tightly to it. Each cross had a vertical piece sticking out from the middle of the top X shape allowing the head to be restrained to a small pad. Jerra watched in glee as her bodyguard, also with a certain amount of relish, strapped Caroline's forehead and neck, wrists and forearms, ankles and calves to the thick, burnished, metal.
Finally Jerra stood back a little to admire her handiwork, whilst the guard stroked the smooth, soft but undoubtedly goose bumped skin of the Earth girl. Still holding the rifle in her exquisitely manicured hands she asked,
"How do you feel?" unable to believe that she had been asked such a question Caroline answered quietly,
"Naked! How do YOU feel?" Jerra smiled.
"Very aroused my Little Precious. Very, very aroused. In fact so aroused that I want to possess you utterly and make you irretrievably mine!" she turned to Zill, "So Zill, are the legends about this place true? Is that why they are all naked? Have they been unable to contain their lust? And what about you, Lord Zill? You should be feeling something for me by now. I certainly am warming to you! I LIKE the strong, silent type!" she watched Zill intently for a while and when there was no response she said quietly, "No matter. Ree! Bring out the inserts!" and Ree obeyed.
The inserts were large imitation phalluses. Larah and Omally, still suffering from the effects of the strange place they were in, studied them stoically but Caroline protested, immediately, earning herself a gag. A large metal gag with its own metal tongue that held hers down and fixed her mouth wide open. It ratcheted behind her head and as Ree fixed it in place so Jerra applied lubricant to the helpless girl's vagina and rectum with surprising gentleness. As the now speechless girl closed her eyes and made little noises indicative of ecstasy, Jerra smiled and said quietly.
"Oh but you are SO delicious. I will definitely keep you, whatever happens, but I don't think I will allow you the opportunity to speak ever again!" and with that she slid the first of the invaders into Caroline's moist vagina.
The other two girls followed quite quickly. The inserts were fixed to another vertical metal strut that was in turn fixed to the apex of the lower X. These phalluses remained immobile but were firmly fixed in place. There was no chance of them sliding or falling out of any of the impaled girls.
They could also vibrate at various speeds.
When all three girls were hanging naked from the crosses, when all three girls had been gagged with the same devices, when all three girls had been stuffed full with the vaginal and rectal inserts, then and only then, did Jerra switch them on and watch the three of them writhe and wriggle as best they could against both their restraints and the large artificial organs inside of them but Jerra was not finished.
"Falah! You may now bring out the girl! Bring her out here and position her in front of my three new pets. Then you may begin to revive her!" Zill froze. He said quietly, "I hope you know what you're doing, Jerra!" And Jerra laughed.
"Afraid for your crew, Captain? Don't worry. You're going to lose them, one way or another, anyway! " And whilst the other guard, Ree, kept the gun trained on Zill so Falah did exactly as she was told.
Whilst his bound crew looked on helplessly Zill could only wish that he could reach his weapon before they were fatally injured but he knew it was unlikely. Falah showed a surprising degree of medical knowledge as she first rolled out the trolley that held the girl's sarcophagus and, having quickly and efficiently checked her vital signs, began to prepare for her revival. Jerra had a grin on her face once more.
"Surprised, Captain? I only "acquire" the best and then I educate them to MY ways. Both Ree and Falah were doctors on their home planet before I acquired them and trained them. I don't just train good slaves to please me, Zill, although that has a lot to do with it. I also train, or program them, if you like, to protect me. These girls would be able to fight you Zill and I wouldn't bet on the outcome. Not because they want to but because they HAVE to!" she tapped her forehead, " And that is what will happen to your crew," she paused for effect, "the ones that survive that is!"
Ree still held her gun on him; Falah was leaning over the naked and restrained girl removing some of her restraints including the hood and blindfolds. The equipment that controlled her hummed and buzzed, the respirator wheezed and the dildoes still throbbed away inside her. Suddenly Falah looked up and nodded to her Mistress and Jerra nodded in return, then she turned to Zill,
"I take it you understand what this girl represents?" Zill nodded
"Pretty much! She's the last of the Oyode. The only one in the Galaxy, as far as any one knows ..." Jerra smiled insincerely,
"Very good, Captain! I'm assuming that you had some kind of tip-off about this. Of course even I, Empress of the Rawdines, could not announce the fact that I was trafficking in the very last of what was, prior to now, thought to be a mythological people. So I put her in the life raft you picked up earlier and sent her this way, through the middle of the galaxy, where no one would ever expect ANYONE to be..." Zill smiled, he had seen something in his peripheral vision. Something that he had been expecting to see for sometime. He kept Jerra in conversation.
"Not exactly the best place to revive her though, is it, Jerra? Not with all this residual energy around! Especially not as she's maturing by the second. She's a biological time bomb just waiting to go off, you know that, don't you?"
The thunder rumbled again, louder and fiercer than ever. The flashes of lightning were now so vivid that the whole, cavernous, echoing bay seemed to go from color to black and white with each flash. Jerra moved forward and stroked the leg of Larah who was moaning and groaning through her gag, as were Omalley and Caroline. The didoes inside them had now been programmed to take them to the edge of orgasm and then slow down but once they did that, they would then begin the process once more, allowing them no time to recover.
Larah and Caroline had their eyes closed. Omalley seemed to be trying to fight it but there was very little she could do. Zill suddenly noticed her eyes widen in what he assumed was surprise and he guessed it had nothing to do with the dildoes. Jerra looked at Zill questioningly and for a moment he wondered if she could actually read his mind,
"Well, Zill, whatever happens, it won't affect me but it WILL affect those three little beauties in front of me! Oh and while we're discussing your crew, Captain. What happened to Gorrinda, the Chicani? I'm guessing that your little tame telepath, Ella, is it? Is upstairs in command. She will pay for killing my people, Zill! But what of Gorrinda? She and I go back a very long way!" A voice Zill had been hoping to hear for sometime rang in his ears.
"I am over here Jerra and I can only say that it is NOT a pleasure!" there was a flash and the light rifle flew from Jerra's hands, but her response was incredibly quick. Before Zill could even draw his weapon she had her knife pressed into Larah's abdomen.
"Throw your gun down, Chicani Bitch! You too Zill. Take it out of the holster and throw it on the floor! I'm tired of playing Cat and Mouse with you!" again there was a tiny speck of blood, but this time it was on Larah's silky, smooth, skin. Reluctantly Zill threw down his weapon, which was followed rapidly by the clatter of what could only be Gorrinda's, from behind a large pile of boxes.
Jerra licked her lips
"Come out here, bitch! I want you to see this." as Gorrinda walked out into the open, her head held high, so Falah turned and looked at her Mistress who in turn addressed her audience and licked her lips once more at the same time,
"It appears that my precious one is now fully awake. Apparently her hormonal level is off the scale. I think it is safe to say that very soon The Mating will begin!"
Gorrinda moved forward so that she was in direct eye contact with Jerra, she raised a curious eyebrow and said matter of factly.
"May I, at this juncture, ask you a question, Jerra?" Jerra stared at the tall, suede bikini clad and booted woman in front of her. Her long brown hair, braided and glossy, glistening in what little light there was. She smiled.
"Of course you can, Chicani bitch! I am SO going to enjoy torturing you later. You have the body of a pure Chicani, one I cannot wait to possess, so go ahead and ask!" Gorrindas' raised eyebrow seemed to move even higher,
"Thank you, Jerra, I have only one question and it is this; do you like insects?" Jerra stared at her mystified. She had not the slightest idea what Gorrinda was talking about and neither for that matter did Zill but he realized that something must be going on.
Omalley saw them first. She tried to signal Zill with her eyes but Ree and Falah had noticed something too. They began walking slowly forward. As they both came level with the walkways on opposite sides of the bay it happened.
They both screamed as best they could through their gags but it was already too late. Hundreds of metal spiders were dropping onto them from the paths above and as they dropped so they were firing blasts of pure red and extremely painful light at their adversaries.
Jerra screamed, not because she was afraid of Spiders but because hundreds more had been hiding behind the boxes in the Loading Baby and were now crawling all over her. The painful light blasts had already made her drop her weapon and more, dozens more, were already scuttling towards her.
Caroline tried to scream as she saw the Beetles crawling towards both her and the other girls. They had tank like tracks and were soon making their slow, deliberate way up the crosses and burning the fetters from the naked women with their precise red rays.
Zill looked back at the two bodyguards but they had already been rendered harmless. Partially wrapped in silk but not completely covered, their wrists and ankles were tied with enough tough, sticky, silken cord to prevent them from escaping.
He looked over to see that Jerra was already sharing the same fate, but Gorrinda was standing over her, light weapon in hand, ready to fire a disabling but not fatal blast if she struggled too much.
When she was satisfied that the Empress was tied sufficiently in silk to render her helpless, she dragged her to her feet, spiders dropping from her as she did so and said quietly in her head,
"You may call the Sparkies off now Ella and please prepare to return Jerra and her two colleagues to the Rawdine ship!"
Jerra looked at her in amazement.
"You're going to return me? You're not going to ..." Gorrinda knew the rest of the question as she often did,
"Sexually torture you? Make you my slave? Perhaps encase you in leather in the stasis chamber for a while, as is our custom?" she studied Jerra closely and it was obvious that despite what was happening to her she was aroused. Gorrinda smiled, "Sadly, Jerra that may be the way of my people but it is not mine, although, in my current state the idea does sound rather appealing!"
Zill was in amongst his three newly released crewmembers, helping to ease them down from and off of the dildoes that impaled them. Omalley was first and she was already on her knees patting a once again inert Sparkie.
"Well done, Molly, I knew you could do it!" Caroline's eyes bulged but they bulged even more when she turned to her left. She let out a cry.
"Zill! Zill! Behind you! She's awake! She's moving, look!" and then she screamed because, despite all of her restraints, the girl was indeed moving. She was sitting up. She seemed to be trying to raise herself out of the casket in which she had been entombed. Gorrinda had hold of the silk encased Jerra by the elbow. She had lost her stilettos in the brief fight with the Sparkies and was padding next to her barefoot.
Suddenly there was a flash of greenish blue light that had nothing to do with the lightning. It seemed to emanate from the bound naked girl in the coffin and it passed only between her and the Empress of the Rawdines. They heard a voice, a strange, unearthly, voice that sounded like no other voice they had ever heard before.
"So Jerra! You wanted to enslave me. You wanted to enslave me before I even had a chance to mate and you must know that we, The Oyode, mate for life..."
Suddenly Jerra seemed to lose all control.
"No! No, you can't! You mustn't! I don't want to ... .I don't AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!" Her scream was both agonizing and ear piercing. The light that had seemed to be constantly throbbing between the two women just exploded now. There was a tongue of searing green flame that seemed to come from nowhere followed by complete and utter silence.
A strange eerie silence that stopped as suddenly as it started and was replaced by the storm that still raged all around them. Larah ran towards the girl who had collapsed back inside her sarcophagus. There was no sign of Jerra. She had vanished completely.
"Zill!" Larah's voice was fraught with anxiety. "Zill, from what I've read about Oyodes the instruments should have returned to normal. They're only supposed to mate once and the relief should be immediate but she doesn't seem any better. She's comatose again and her hormone levels are STILL rising!" Zill's brow furrowed.
"But that shouldn't be happening..."Larah was frantic,
"It shouldn't be but it is! It looks like she's going to mate again, and again and..."Caroline grabbed Zill's arm
"It's this bloody place! It must be all this bloody gas that you and Gorrinda were going on about earlier and the... what was it? Oh yeah! The residual energy. It's like it picks up people's emotions and holds them here and magnifies them..." Gorrinda nodded sagely,
"An elegant hypothesis, if I might say so, Caroline and probably completely true but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it!" Caroline was shouting over the noise of the storm now.
"What d'you mean you can't do nothing about it? What about your phasers or your laser cannon? Or your photon bloody torpedoes? You must have them, just fire 'em at it, blow the gas to kingdom come and then get us the fuck out of here!" Both Gorrinda and Zill were looking at her strangely. Then they heard Larah's voice, it sounded even more desperate now,
"She's starting to reawaken. It's happening all over again and this time it could be one of us...!" she was interrupted by Gorrinda who was stroking her chin thoughtfully.
"Captain, although we don' t have any of the things mentioned by Caroline, we could, nonetheless, do as she suggests. If we were to subject the gas to a series of light blasts to excite the molecules in it..." Omalley was standing beside her now and she grabbed her arm,
"...and raise the gas to a temperature where it's no longer inert ..." she looked at Zill who was already working it out in his head.
"...and then subject it to a sustained blast of high intensity light which would cause a big enough explosion to blast away all the residual energy, forever! Annihilate it completely!" He smiled at his Chief Engineer, "It's worth more than a try! Omalley, go and get us some power!" but Omalley was already running away from them toward Engineering. He said quietly in his head,
"Ella can you hear me?" the reply was instantaneous.
"I can Captain, I'm already preparing the weapons!" Zill nodded,
"Soon as you can Ella, we don't have much time!" the storm seemed to be immediately overhead now. Despite the force field the huge ship was starting to rock, even now he could see the Rawdine saucer taking evasive action and moving further away from them to avoid a collision.
"ZILL!" it was Larah. He whirled round and to his horror saw that the girl in the casket was sitting up again. Once more they all heard that strange voice;
"They wanted me as a slave. They were going to take me away. Away with HER!" The lightning from the storm was once more eclipsed by the strange, eerie, greenish-blue light. Zill's voice was urgent.
"Omalley are you ready yet?" The reply rang in his ears.
"You bet skip! Ready when you are!" relieved, he said quietly.
"Divert all power to the light weapons! Ella, do you copy?" There was a slight pause
"Ready Captain. Every available weapon is aimed at the gas fields! " The shimmering light intensified and the voice echoed round the ship again.
"You will never ever enslave another person again! Let it be so!" Zill watched powerless as the huge Rawdine saucer that was still moving away from them was suddenly surrounded by a bright greenish-blue glow and then, with no warning whatsoever, exploded into millions of tiny pieces. The Auriga bucked and dived in the fallout, despite the force field.
In horror he saw that the girl who had just caused the Rawdine ship to explode was now turning her attention the two writhing, silk bound, slaves who were lying helplessly on the floor only a few feet away from her. Caroline saw it too. Zill shouted but despite his warning she was already running over to the girl in the casket. She put her hands on her shoulders and said quietly,
"Don't do it! Please don't do it. They were slaves, they didn't have any say in what they did. They were like you. They were captured, they couldn't..." the girl was turning, she was turning round to face Caroline with an entirely different expression on her face.
It was Larah who shouted now.
"No Caroline! NO! Get down! She's very delicate right now. Her hormones are all over the place. I think she loves you Caroline and any one she loves, she mates with!" Larah threw herself forward and both her and Caroline went crashing to the floor.
The storm still raged, the ship was still being buffeted but even now Zill could see the light weapons throwing intermittent bursts of pure, raw, white light into the gas clouds and the turbulence that was hitting the ship was growing by the second. He knew he had very little time. The girl was rising from her casket. There was a flash and all the lights went out.
A voice in his ears said,
"All power diverted Skip but make it quick, we need to get out of here!" the girl was climbing out of her coffin, throwing wires and pieces of metal aside as she did so. It was now or never.
It wasn't just a thought, Zill shouted to release the tension building up inside him, knowing that Ella would hear him anyway.
"ELLA, HIT THOSE CLOUDS WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT... NOW!" There was one enormous white flash, so intense that it blinded them all for a few seconds. Now Zill was talking to his Engineering Officer.
"Full power, Omally! Divert everything you can to the engines and get us out of here! Ella stand by..."
And that was the last thing he said before a chain reaction set in, a series of enormous blasts sent the huge ship into a nosedive and the girl collapsed back inside her casket..
Zill glanced out of the observation portal. Gorrinda was next to him, hunched over her instruments, making the final adjustments to the Sparkies that would put them back under control of the computer rather than her The view outside was normal again; stars and planets and everything that you should see in space including a beautiful woman and she was, he had to admit, very, very beautiful.
She didn't have a name. When Jerra had captured her she wasn't even able to speak. She had been living wild, fending for herself and the small tribe that had found her and raised her. The tribe that had subsequently been wiped out by Jerra and her Rawdine Warriors.
The myth surrounding the Oyode was that they killed their mates like the female Mantis. The truth was much stranger. Young Oyode were so psychically strong when they matured that rather than kill their mate, they actually absorbed them, completely and utterly.
Now she sat on the bridge of the Auriga as if she had always been there. She was dressed similarly to Caroline in jeans and T-shirt provided by Caroline but where Caroline wore trainers and because she had liked them so much, Carrie was wearing black stilettos, Jerra's black stilettos. She was still bald and there was no sign of her hair growing back yet but Caroline had shown her the best way to make up her face, to dramatize her eyes and mouth and draw attention away from her hairlessness.
Caroline had also decided to call her Carrie for reasons that made sense to her and neither she nor the rest of the crew had objected. Her hormones and the rest of her bodily functions all thankfully normal now she took Caroline's hand in hers.
"You know I'll never be able to thank you, Caroline! You made me realize that there was more, right then, than just hate and retribution." Caroline smiled.
"What's it like to have absorbed Jerra, Empress of the Rawdines. Do you feel like her?" She shook her head.
"I don't think so but sometimes I have urges that I know are not mine! I had an urge, a little while ago, to do things to you that I couldn't even tell you about right now but those urges seem to be getting weaker all the time. Although Jerra is in my head and I know she is there, she seems to be mellowing, somehow." She looked down at her shoes, " Think I've still got her dress sense, though"
Larah was standing next to her, happy to be back in her nurse's uniform. She was still running checks on her and she asked tentatively,
"Can it happen again, Carrie?" Carrie smiled
"What, mating you mean? I think that we do mate again but it is when we are much more mature, probably around 400 years old or so in your time Caroline." She patted Larah's hand, "I don't think you need to worry too much about that."
Ella was in the command chair. She was wearing a yellow jumpsuit and her boots were on the floor in front of her. Quietly and in Carrie's head she asked
"Have you thought about what you're going to do now? I mean it's unlikely that the Rawdines would be very pleased to see you. And Ree and Falah have gone back to their home planet. What about you?" for the first time Carrie looked nonplussed. Her cheeks reddened and she looked down at the floor. Zill reached out a hand and touched hers.
"You do know, in case no one has actually said so, that you can come with us. We might need you to keep Caroline and Larah apart." Both girls looked up menacingly for a second but then they smiled. Carrie held his hand tightly.
"Oh Zill, can I really?" Zill didn't even bother to reply he just squeezed her hand and said,
"Ella take us somewhere nice!" and Ella did exactly as she was told.