Author's Note: It has been five long years since my last foray into releasing my work. I hope you enjoy this as there is a lot more I have been holding back. As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated to help me hone my skills. Enjoy!
Update (2012/06/18): Here are chapters 23 & 24. I hope these are well received as I have been trying to keep the story detailed without becoming boring. Please keep the feedback coming as it truly helps me to improve my stories. Love to hear the support as well. Hope you all are enjoying "Kari's Journey" as much as I am writing it.
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Update (2012/07/20): Here is chapter 26 for your reading pleasure. I am hard at work on chapter 27 which I think most of you will find...exciting. I would be happy to consider any input you might have for future chapters.
Update (2012/08/07): I ended up turning what I originally envisioned as one chapter into several. Here are the next two chapters but as you will see at the end of chapter 28 there will certainly be a continuation of this scene in chapter 29. You will be happy to know (I hope) I am hard at work on chapter 29 already. Please keep the feedback coming, who knows you might see your ideas incorporated in future chapters. *wink*
Update (2012/08/21): I hope you enjoy chapters 29 and 30. Thanks to all of you that are providing feedback, it is certainly feeding my creativity. Don't be afraid to e-mail me as some you have already, I appreciate the extra effort! Enjoy!!!
Update (2012/09/11): I am reaching a point in this story where it can go a lot of ways from here. I could keep Kari in the confines of the mansion and surrounding grounds for a while as her training continues. She could "adventure" out a bit. There are about a dozen things bouncing around in my head right now as far as future chapters. I would love to hear from readers what direction you want to see Kari's Journey go. Don't hesitate to e-mail me as well, I tend to check that more often than the comments.
Rest assured though that Kari has quite a "journey" remaining ahead of her.
Thanks again for all the comments, e-mails, and positive votes. I just realized this story is at number 36!
Update (2012/09/27): Rolling right along with chapters 33 and 34. I am a little disappointed I didn't hear from more people about which direction you want this story to take. I can't believe I am doing such a great job nobody has any input at all. Thanks to the couple of you that have proffered your opinion though. I tell myself maybe it is simply because some readers want to be surprised by what happens next and I am okay with that. A few people have asked me where I come up with some of the scenes in the story. Well a lot of them are simply imagination but some of it is based on actual experiences as well! Enjoy and thanks for voting but mostly thanks for reading Kari's Journey.
Update (2012/10/26): Here are chapters 35 and 36. I appreciate all the comment and I consider each and every one. Rest assured there is more coming and I hope you will continue to find Kari's Journey a worthwhile read. Thanks again, Crom.
Update (2012/11/16): Chapter 37 & 38 for your enjoyment. Chapter 39 will bring the start of the dinner party so many of you have been waiting for. I will be hard at work fine tuning the next chapters so stay tuned. Many thanks to all the loyal readers and the comments continue to be very much appreciated!
Chapter 1
Kari shifted in her chair as the man in the neat black suit stood and started speaking about the recent decrease in the profit margins for the company. The sky outside the window was a dark gray, much like her current mood. The man’s monotone voice droned on and Kari found her mind drifting.
Kari wondered what had happened last night at her house. Her boyfriend, Kenny came over and they had wonderful dinner. A not so wonderful fight followed the dinner. Kari recalled the fight was about not spending enough time together. Kenny wanted to see her more and spend more time together. Kari used the excuse she was to busy with work but that wasn’t the truth. The truth was she just wasn’t interested in spending more time with Kenny. He was very handsome and nice but he was also very cautious and boring.
Kari sighed as the black suited man finished his presentation and sat down. The men and women seated at the table turned to face Kari who sat at the head of the table in the largest chair. Kari knew that all attention was focused on her and she felt slightly uncomfortable. Strange she thought someone in the position of C.E.O. of a major company should be used to being the spotlight. Kari did not like the extra attention but she always got through it by being overly prepared.
Kari spoke to the group and recited the speech she had carefully rehearsed the night before. Kari was careful to address the new points brought up during the meeting. The people nodded and seemed to actually be paying attention. Kari thought that they were as bored as she was but they would never reveal that to her. Kari finished her speech and the people stood up to start making the changes she suggested. Before leaving everyone made sure to come over and shake her hand while congratulating her on the great ideas she had.
Kari breathed a sign of relief that the meeting was over and she could now stop pretending she was really interested in what the people were talking about. It wasn’t that she didn’t care about the people that worked for her. It was just that she had played the same games when she got started in business. The problem was that she was just so tired of all the pretending. It was ironic she mused, they all knew they were putting up fronts yet they all continued doing it every day. What a crazy world she thought as she walked from the conference room.
Kari stopped by her secretary’s desk and told her she was going to be out for the rest of the day. Kari hurried to the elevator, anxious to get outside into the fresh air.
In the underground parking garage the sound of Kari’s high heels striking the cool concrete echoed loudly as she walked to her car. In the back of her mind she thought about how the sound always made her feel like people were watching her. Could that have been a part of the inventor’s plan when he invented high heels? Kari had no doubt that the inventor must have been a man.
The vehicle that Kari unlocked was not what one would expect the female CEO of a major business firm to drive. Kari slid into the cool red leather seat of the Dodge Viper RS. The Viper was a special limited edition customized by Carroll Shelby himself. The engine roared to life as she turned the key in the ignition. A smile crossed her face as she eased out of her reserved parking space and drove through the parking garage. Kari loved the feeling of power and danger she felt when she drove the Viper. The car made her feel dangerous and she loved that feeling.
On her drive home Kari pushed the car through traffic, pushing it when the road opened up. She turned off the busy interstate to take a winding back road to her home. She loved the feel of sliding through the turns and flooring the car on the straight stretches. Fortunately other cars seldom used the back road because it was so twisty and never patrolled by the police.
Kari parked the Viper into her heated garage next to her more sedate BMW Sedan. On the other side of the garage was a lifted four-wheel drive F350 Ford pickup complete with numerous chrome accessories. She also had a Suzuki racing motorcycle parked under a custom fitted cover near the back of the garage. She walked through the door into the adjoining house.
Kari spent the rest of the night by exercising in her home gym, watching some television, and then relaxing in a hot bubble bath. Her worries seemed to slip away as the steam rose from the bathtub. She thought briefly of how she wanted something more out of life, something to make her feel alive. She was so frustrated though because she did not know what would give her the satisfaction she craved so badly.
Kari reflected on the sessions with therapists and the few group therapy sessions she had attended. They had provided no more clues than the stupid little “Magic 8-Ball” she used to shake when she was a little girl. She laughed softly at the thought, it would probably say, “try again later”, if she still had one.
The bath felt good and she found her mind drifting off. She needed to get away for a little while. She didn’t know where but she needed some time away. Kari kept hoping she would just stumble on what she desired so badly while traveling. She stepped from the large gray marble sunken bath and dried off. As she slipped into her silken nightgown she decided that she would plan her vacation in the morning.
As she walked from her bathroom to the bedroom she hesitated and looked at herself in the full-length mirrors that ran down one side of the wall. Kari stood 5’7” and weighed between 135 and 140. Her body was tight with lithe muscle running the full length. Her breasts were a natural 36C but they looked larger on her lean, muscled frame.
Kari’s skin was a deep tan with no tan lines. She always felt better with a tan so she tanned year around. Surprisingly her skin was not dried out like most frequent sun worshippers. That was probably because she was a fanatic about soft skin so she was always rubbed moisturizers on it. The bathroom light reflected off the glossy, honey blond hair that hung to her waist. The hair had a slight curl to it from a permanent but was otherwise all natural. The hair framed the fine features that made up her face. Her face was that of a model, unblemished and full of life. Kari’s lips were full and pouty, a trait that came from her mother. Kari’s eyes were currently a deep gray like her mood; often they shifted to a brilliant blue when she was truly happy.
Kari smiled at her reflection despite being tired. She liked the way she looked and was proud of herself for keeping in such good shape despite feeling like crap inside sometimes. She decided to stop stroking her ego and get to bed.
Kari was asleep in minutes once she laid her head on the satin pillow.
Chapter 2
Kari spent the next couple of days clearing things up at work and making sure nothing disastrous would happen while she was gone on vacation. With her preparations finished she went home to pack for her trip.
Kari was busy packing when Kenny called her. She expected him to say that he was on his way or he was running late. Instead he told her that he wouldn’t be going with her. He seemed to think that some time apart would do their relationship some good. Even though she was angry that he canceled coming on the trip at the last minute she was also relieved. She knew that either the trip would have been cautious and safe or she would have fought with him over what they were going to do. Kari finished packing and hurried out to her BMW.
On the drive to the airport she thought briefly of Kenny. A part of her knew that their relationship was coming to an end. Another part of her wished that she could be happy just being “normal”. After all Kenny was a really handsome, intelligent, nice guy. Kari secretly wondered if she would ever find happiness. If she weren’t so damn stubborn she would probably just take the easy way out and commit suicide. Kari had never been a quitter though and the most rewarding things in her life had never been easy.
The company’s private jet was waiting for her at the airport. In minutes she was comfortably seated in a leather chair and waiting as the jet taxied onto the runway for takeoff. The jet raced down the runway and Kari briefly felt weightless as the jet’s wheels left the ground. She enjoyed the weightless sensation although it was far too brief. She already felt better knowing that she was leaving work behind as well as all the other day-to-day trivial tasks.
Kari wondered what New Orleans was going to be like during Mardi Gras. She was no stranger to travel yet she had never been to New Orleans. She had seen plenty of pictures and television broadcasts of the celebration and it looked wild. No doubt that was probably part of the reason she was glad she was going without Kenny. If he had come with her the experience would have definitely been more sedate.
The jet landed gently but the motion was enough to wake Kari. She had drifted off during the flight. As the jet came to a stop she gathered her purse and small carryon bag from the overhead compartment. The jet’s door was opened and she stepped out and started down the stairs that had been pushed out to meet the private jet. The day was bright and sunny with the temperatures easily in the upper 80’s.
Kari crossed the hot tarmac to a waiting Mercedes that had been sent from the hotel to greet her. She could feel the humidity starting to dampen her shirt already. She enjoyed the feeling because it was so different than what she was used to in San Diego. The back of the Mercedes was comfortably air-conditioned but Kari rolled down the window, wanting to continue to feel the humidity.
The place she had picked to stay was a historic colonial plantation that had been converted into an expensive 4 star hotel. There were nicer places and money was really no object but she wanted something close to Bourbon Street. She knew from what she had read about Mardi Gras that Bourbon Street was the heart of the action. She not only wanted to be at Mardi Gras but she wanted to feel Mardi Gras.
Kari settled quickly into her beautifully restored bedroom. The room was connected to a large bathroom and another day room with a balcony. She stepped out on the second floor balcony and gazed down on Bourbon Street. She could see people hurrying back and forth on the busy street. She imagined that many of them were preparing for the celebration to come. Kari was glad she had arrived several days before the celebration. She wanted to explore the city and now she had some time to do it.
She grabbed her room key and purse and stepped out of the room. Once she was in the lobby asked for a map of the city. After receiving the map she stepped outside and started walking. A cab driver hailed her but she waved him on. She knew from experience that the most unique things in any city were found on foot. Kari smiled slightly as the humidity began to soak through her shirt.
Kari spent the next two days experiencing the old and romantic city of New Orleans. She explored the hidden parts of the city and relished the experience. The “off the beaten track” places were what she sought out. She was not disappointed and after two days of exploring she decided to sleep early for the main event. Mardi Gras would begin the next day.
Chapter 3
Kari decided to dress for the occasion after eating breakfast. She chose a tight, short black spandex miniskirt and matching halter top she bought just for the event. The outfit clung to her shapely figure. The top was a little tight across her firm medium sized breasts but she knew it would be when she bought it. The effect was nice she thought as she checked herself in the mirror before slipping on a black pair of 3” heels. She had teased her long blond hair into a cascading wave down her back. A few pieces of gold jewelry finished off her outfit.
Kari smiled as she stepped out of the room and thought of the adventure that awaited her. She was not disappointed as she ventured into the packed street filled with other revelers. The crowd was wild with energy and she felt intoxicated by it all. The streets were so busy she found herself just being forced to go in one direction as if she was caught in a human tidal wave.
As the day moved into evening the crowd grew wilder with so much activity going on that Kari could not take it all in. Overwhelmed she made her way slowly back to her hotel. Once at the hotel she had a drink in the bar and decided to call it a night. She quickly fell asleep with visions of the night’s events spinning in her head.
The next day Kari decided to view the parade from her balcony. She had a pitcher of margaritas brought up to her room and stood on the balcony drinking as the crowd below started to move around in eager anticipation.
Kari was feeling the alcohol by the time the floats started to pass her balcony. She watched as the people on the floats screamed at the crowd and eager women started showing their breasts to get the beads tossed by the handful. A taller float designed like a dragon started to pass by and the men on its back started yelling and waving at Kari. On pure impulse she removed her thin silk tank top and exposed her breasts. The men cheered wildly and beads started falling all around her in a cascade. The feeling was incredible and she was soon jumping up and down screaming back at the men.
Kari ended up just leaving her top off and cheering as each float passed. The beads continued to be tossed in her direction and soon the balcony was covered in a rainbow of beads. She slipped her high heels off and started pacing back and forth along the balcony amongst the beads. People in the crowd below her started throwing beads at her and whistling. She felt like a celebrity and she felt like she was floating above the crowd.
After what only seemed like minutes but was actually hours the parade ended. The crowd was still excited but people were starting to drift away and the beads were all given away. Kari walked into her room and collapsed. She was asleep before she even thought to take the rest of her clothes off.
The wild week continued with Kari roaming amongst the crowd. Consuming far too much alcohol as she was an occasional drinker normally. Each night she would return to her room, exhausted from the experience. She felt alive and she wished Mardi Gras would go on forever. She knew it wouldn’t and the thought of it ending saddened her.
The final night of Mardi Gras she found herself back at her hotel earlier than normal. She wasn’t tired enough to quit for the night yet so she wandered into the hotel’s nightclub. The waitress at the door met her and explained it would at least a half-hour before a table opened up. Kari sighed, not really wanting to wait but not wanting to walk any more either. Her feet hurt from the dozens of miles she had walked in heels the past week.
She stood near one wall contemplating what to do next when the waitress came back over to her. “Excuse me but the woman at the table over there told me that you could join her,” as she finished she pointed to a small table in the far corner of the club. Kari’s first instinct was to say no but she was tired of standing. The table also looked like one of the best ones in the busy nightclub. She found herself replying, “okay.”
Chapter 4
As Kari made her way through the club to the table the woman smiled at her and stood up. She shook Kari’s hand firmly and said, “Hope you don’t mind sharing a table with me.”
Kari smiled back and replied, “I am the one that should be thanking you.”
“I just didn’t want you to have to stand there with your sore feet until another table becomes available.”
Kari was shocked, how did this woman know she had sore feet? Kari thought of asking her but instead said, “thank you.”
“My name is Delilah,” the woman motioned for Kari to sit down as she spoke.
Kari sat down and stared at Delilah. She was at least six feet tall but a very trim 160 pounds maybe. She had jet-black hair that hung to the back of her waist. Her face was finely featured with very smooth skin. Delilah’s breasts were very large and made to look even more so by her skintight black top that squeezed them upwards. Kari had marveled at the very petite waistline Delilah had though she could not see it now that they were seated. It looked almost impossible for someone so tall to have such a small waist. Delilah had been wearing very tight black pants that squeezed her lower body like a tight glove. Kari wasn’t sure but she thought Delilah’s clothing might be made from latex. She had only seen the material a few times and it looked similar to what she remembered.
“What would you like to drink?”
The waitress asking the question startled Kari and she jerked her eyes from Delilah. “A blue lagoon please.” She felt embarrassed because she realized she must have been staring openly at Delilah.
The waitress left to get her order and her attention turned back to Delilah who was still smiling at her from across the table. Kari noticed her perfect, sparkling white teeth and comforting smile. She also looked into her eyes for the first time. Delilah’s eyes were an incredible green; at first she thought they were colored contacts. Something inside of her told her that the eyes were genuine, like sparkling emeralds. The eyes were powerful; in fact everything about Delilah seemed to exude power and control. Kari had been around a lot of very powerful, important business figures but this was a different kind of power. This power was a kind she had never seen before and she really had no way of describing it.
Once again the waitress interrupted her trance by sitting her drink on the table in front of her. Kari forced herself to look away and focus on the drink as she took a swallow. As she started to take another drink a very smooth, warm hand with very long blood red fingernails reached across and touched hers. She looked up and realized it was Delilah’s.
Delilah was still smiling as she spoke, “take your time, we have all night.”
Kari felt strange, having her hand touched in such a way. It was as if Delilah was her mother and she was her daughter. Delilah’s hand withdrew slowly after giving hers a slight squeeze.
A part of Kari wanted to get up and runaway and another part wanted to stay and learn more about Delilah. The curious part of her won out and she stayed put.
Delilah then engaged her in “small talk” about the city and Mardi Gras. As the conversation went on it seemed almost as if Delilah knew what she were going to say before she spoke. Delilah interjected very pointed observations about Mardi Gras and how it made a woman feel. Kari guessed Delilah’s age was no more than thirty-five but her wisdom seemed like that of someone that had lived forever.
Kari tried to learn more about Delilah but her questions were always diverted to other things. She did learn a few things about her. Delilah was very wealthy, she had her own training business (what kind of training was still a mystery), she lived in the United States, and she was the most mysterious person Kari had ever met.
The conversation went on for hours with Kari continually trying to learn more about Delilah. Kari was struck by the realization that she knew almost nothing about Delilah but she had told Delilah things about herself she had never revealed to anyone. Kari was shocked by the openness she had displayed. It was completely out of character for her and she tried to blame it on the alcohol. Kari’s inner voice told her it had nothing to do with the alcohol.
Kari knew the conversation was coming to an end when she saw the waitress starting to sweep the floor. Delilah’s hands came across the table to cover hers. Kari started to pull her hands slowly away but Delilah held them in her smooth but powerful grip. Kari found herself staring into Delilah’s flaming emerald eyes.
“I know you are not happy Karissa.”
Kari was shocked as if she had been slapped. How had she known her whole name, she had never told her. Kari barely breathed as Delilah continued to speak.
“I know what it is you seek, for once I was like you. I was also unfulfilled, going from adventure to adventure, trying to fill the hole I felt in my soul.”
Kari felt lightheaded, was this a dream??? Had she been injured during Mardi Gras and was she in a coma. How else could this mysterious woman know how she felt inside?
“I have the answers you seek but I will not lie to you. The road you must travel is filled with fear, pain, and other things you cannot even imagine.” For a moment Delilah’s eyes seemed to fill with sorrow, as if she were recalling some pain from the past. “Of course you live daily with some degree of pain already with no relief in sight.”
Kari sat dumbfounded, trying to absorb what Delilah was telling her.
“I can show you the way but you must be willing to make some great sacrifices. Most importantly you have to be able to trust me unquestionably with your very soul.” The fire in Delilah’s eyes burned brighter as she emphasized the trust.
Kari felt herself trembling and she murmured, barely audible, “h..h..h..o..w?”
Delilah smiled softly at her, “I can show you the way but you must be absolutely certain you are willing to trust me without reservations. I want you to think carefully on what I have told you, when…if it is time you will know.”
Delilah briefly withdrew one of her hands and it reappeared with something shiny, which she placed in Kari’s palm. “You must decide and only you can make that decision Karissa.” With that she withdrew her hands and stood up.
Kari stared down at the item placed in her hand. It was some sort of gold colored metal business card. It looked like it was made of real gold as it was very heavy for the size. Etched into the surface in elegant script was a phone number and the phrase “set me free”. Kari looked up to ask Delilah what it meant but she was gone. As if she never existed in the first place. Kari looked to make sure the card was still in her hand, it was the only thing left that showed the meeting had been real.
Kari stood up and walked in a daze to her room. She lay in bed until sleep finally overtook her tortured mind.
Chapter 5
Kari returned to her house the following day but her mind was filled with her conversation with Delilah. She tried to forget about it all by keeping busy. She decided to cut her vacation short and go back to work on Monday. It was a sleepless night and the next day she did not feel much better as she prepared for work.
Kari drove her Viper aggressively down the back roads on her way to work. While the drive was exhilarating still it didn’t seem the same with her mind flashing back to Delilah. Kari arrived at work and through herself into the work that had stacked up during her vacation. She worked long into the night, telling herself it was only because she wanted to get caught up.
The rest of the week was the same. Kari did a month’s worth of work in one week and still she could not help but think of her meeting with Delilah. Kari was spending yet another night at the office when her phone rang.
“Hello, Kari” the male voice on the other end questioned?
Instantly Kari knew it was Kenny. That same instant that she realized she had not even thought to call him once she was back. “Hello, Kenny” she replied.
“I won’t pretend to understand why you haven’t spoken to me since you returned.”
“I am really sorry but I have just been so busy.” It sounded stupid as soon as she said it.
“So busy you couldn’t call me even once?”
“I am sorry Kenny, it is just really tough for me right now.” She felt bad even though she really didn’t care about their relationship anymore.
“What is wrong?” Kenny seemed to be sincere in his desire to help.
“I can’t really explain it Kenny, I don’t even understand it myself.” Kari tried to think of what else to tell him without making him think she was crazy.
“Maybe you should try talking with someone Kari…if not me then maybe a professional.”
Kari was shocked but not angry. She probably did sound nuts, she even felt nuts since meeting Delilah. “I am just not sure.” Kari took a deep breath, “I do know it is not fair to you to drag you down with me. I think the only fair thing to do is to go our separate ways before I hurt you more than I already have.” There it was finally out.
“If that is the way you want it Kari, good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for,” Kenny replied. The hurt was obvious in his voice as the line went dead.
Kari felt bad as she put down the receiver, “I hope so to.”
Kari went home and took a hot bubble bath hoping it might make her feel like less of a wreck. She felt slightly better as she walked into her bedroom drying her hair with a large towel. As she sat on the edge of her bed she saw the gold card (she had the card checked and it was made of 14 karat gold) sitting on her nightstand. How it taunted her, so bright and attention grabbing. She sat her towel on the floor and picked up the card with a trembling hand. This was the first time she had touched it since sitting it there when she first arrived home.
Kari looked at the card and then at the phone sitting beside her bed. Kari sat for several minutes looking at the card and then at the phone. Finally she worked up the courage to pick up the phone. She stared at the glowing keypad as if it was written in another language. With trembling fingers she started pushing the digits that were challenging her on the front of the card. The phone started to ring and she held her breath.
Kari heard a click as the line connected. There was silence but someone had obviously picked up on the other end. Kari stammered, “h…h…h…e…l…l…o.” The line went dead. Kari stared at the receiver in her hand. What had happened???
Kari pushed the disconnect button and then listened. There was a dial tone again. Kari pushed redial and the line was picked up again. “Hello,” she stated. Again the line went dead. Kari’s brow furrowed, what is going on she thought.
Kari hung up and dialed the number over manually. The phone rang and she quickly said, “don’t hang up.” Once again the line went dead. She tried dozens of times and each time the line went dead regardless of what she did. Kari tried several different phones in her house with the same result. She had the operator check the line and she was told the line was fine.
Kari lay on her bed shocked. Had Delilah simply been playing with her in New Orleans? Had it been some cruel joke? Kari had finally felt that there might be hope for her and now it all seemed like an awful hoax. She wiped her cheek as tears started to spill out of her somber gray eyes. She sat sobbing quietly, wondering how it could all be bullshit. Delilah seemed more genuine than anything... anyone she had ever met. She continued to sob as the hopeless of her situation overwhelmed her. Hours later she drifted off to a tormented sleep.
Chapter 6
Kari woke up the next morning feeling like a broken doll. Her face was still red and puffy from all the crying and she could still taste the salt from her tears in her mouth. She shambled into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. For the first time in her life the water had no effect on how miserable she felt.
While in the shower she kept thinking about how Delilah was so real, so sincere. Had she done something to make Delilah change her mind? That was a stupid thought though because she hadn’t even seen Delilah since New Orleans. Was she just missing something? She went over the conversation she had with Delilah in her mind for the millionth time. Was there some simple instruction she had missed? Surely someone would not go to all the trouble to create a card made out of real gold if they did not mean for it to be used. All there was on the card was a telephone number and a phrase. A phrase…a phrase, she thought. Suddenly she felt like a brilliant light just exploded inside her head, not a phrase…a password!!!
Kari leapt out of the shower not bothering to turn it off. She raced out of the bathroom with the water still running from her body. She ripped the phone in her bedroom from its cordless base and punched in the phone number from the card. She had tried it so many times that she had the number memorized by heart. The phone rang and someone picked up, Kari’s shaky voice whispered into the receiver. “Set me free,” she held her breath willing someone to say anything to her. The silence dragged into eternity but the line did not go dead.
A soft, confident female voice spoke into the receiver on the other end, “quit your job and call back when that is done.” Click, the line went dead.
Kari sat stunned, this was not what she had expected at all. Quit her job? Her first thought was that the whole thing was a scam but somehow she knew it wasn’t. She thought for several minutes, trying to decide. She didn’t need the money her job brought in; she had managed her finances so well that she was wealthy for the rest of her life as long as she wasn’t completely foolish. Not only that but she easily get another job running a company, her reputation was well known in business circles. Why would Delilah want her to quit her job though? Who was the girl on the phone, it didn’t sound like Delilah.
Kari ate breakfast contemplating the phone call. Maybe that was what this was all about. Could this journey of discovery be a trip that would take months, maybe even years. Something like a holy pilgrimage? Kari had never been religious but maybe that is what she lacked. While she put her dishes in the dishwasher she made her decision.
Chapter 7
Kari spent the entire afternoon filling out her resignation paperwork and cleaning out her office. Everyone had questions about why she was leaving but she just told them she had to have a “change of direction”. Once everything was taken care of she raced back to her house to call the number again. To some degree she already felt more freedom without having to worry about work.
Kari dialed the number while sitting on her bed. Her hands were shaking as the phone rang. Once the line was picked up Kari quietly said, “set me free.” The same soft female voice on the other end said, “there is a package on your back patio.” The line went dead. Kari wondered how a package could already be on her back patio. What was in the package? She felt like a child on an Easter egg hunt again as she rushed to her patio.
Near the French doors was a small black heavy ornate wooden box. The lid was secured with a simple gold padlock. As Kari lifted the box up she spotted the key lying on the ground under the box. Kari took the box and key inside to the kitchen table where she unlocked it with trembling hands. Inside the box was a small red envelope and a piece of golden colored stationary.
The writing on the stationary was very elegant and feminine. The note read; ‘You will not be returning to the life you now lead for some time, if ever, so make sure that all of your affairs are in order. Bring absolutely nothing with you except whatever clothes you decide to wear and the pass. Bring no other items at all! When you are ready a car will take you to your next destination.’
Kari read the message over several times. It was only four sentences but what it said could mean so much. What did it mean by her possibly never returning to this life? That part could be construed as rather ominous. She wasn’t to bring anything with her at all, what about money she wondered, or identification for the flight.
Kari opened the envelope containing the “pass”. The pass was another one of the gold cards. This one had the same phone number as the last “pass” but the phrase on this card was “and so it begins.” She turned the card over but nothing else was written on it. She could only wonder what it was a “pass” to.
She paced across the living room trying to decide if she should continue with this crazy journey. It was to crazy, like something you would read in a science fiction novel. She wondered if it was dangerous, should she trust her life to someone that was obviously very powerful? Kari felt dizzy from the dozens of questions in her mind that were all screaming for attention at once.
Kari sat on her couch and stared out through the floor to ceiling windows that faced the sculpted landscape that made up her huge backyard. She closed her eyes and recalled her meeting with Delilah. The hypnotic emerald eyes flashed in her mind and the feel of her hands holding hers came rushing back. Kari didn’t know how to explain it but somehow she sensed that Delilah’s goal was not to harm her. She relived the part of the conversation where Delilah talked about her the pain of not being able to find satisfaction in life. She just knew that Delilah had experienced the great pain also.
Kari opened her eyes and breathed a sigh. She was determined to continue on the “journey”, whatever it might be. She went over to a phone and started making calls. The next couple of hours were used to settle her affairs and make sure her assets would be taken care of in her absence. It was late afternoon by the time she finished and she decided to eat something before proceeding.
Kari sat at the kitchen table and slowly ate a BLT sandwich and a glass of milk. She finished the meal and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Slowly she turned and walked to her bedroom to change.
Once in the bedroom she started looking through the clothes in her walk-in closet. What should she wear? There was no indication of where she would be going. After pulling several things out and laying them on the bed she selected a stylish dark blue pants suit. She slipped into the clothes and chose some matching blue flat dress shoes to go with it.
Kari then went to her bathroom where she applied some makeup, just a light amount to give her face some more color. She pulled her hair around her right shoulder and slowly braided it into one long wide braid. She placed a simple gold hair clip at the base of the braid to keep it from coming undone.
She stood up and checked herself in her full-length mirror. She looked professional yet friendly and warm. She hoped this would be appropriate for whatever was ahead of her. She retrieved the gold card from her nightstand and then went into the living room where she picked up the new gold card and the single piece of stationary. She looked around, trying to decide if she had forgotten anything. She decided everything would be fine until her return…if she returned.
The next thing to do was go to the car. Suddenly Kari thought what car? She walked to the front door and opened it. Outside at the end of her driveway was a large black limousine. How did Delilah know all these things? With a chill Kari wondered if she had been being watched all this time.
Seeing nobody standing by the limousine she cautiously walked toward it. As she neared the back door it sprung open with a pneumatic hiss. The rear of the car was empty and Kari took a deep breath and stepped inside. Inside the back seat area everything was very simple and sterile looking. A privacy divider window was all the way up between her and the driver. As she settled into her cool black leather seat the door closed and the vehicle slowly started to move.
Kari noted that unlike most limousines this one only had two rows of black leather seats facing each other and no other amenities at all. There was a very soft, luxurious black velvety carpet covering the floor. There was no sunroof, no phone, no television, nothing. She turned to look out the side window but was startled to discover that the window was made of the same impenetrable black as the privacy glass between her and the mystery driver. The glass was strange because sunlight still entered the rear seating area but she could see absolutely nothing outside.
Kari looked at her gold watch and realized that they had been traveling for almost an hour. As she started to settle into a more comfortable seating position the limousine suddenly slowed to a halt. She sat back up as the door opened automatically again. The weather outside was still very sunny but the sun was getting closer to the horizon.
Kari saw and heard nobody coming up to the door so she stepped from the limousine. She found herself standing on a small airport’s runway. A shiny black business jet with no markings was parked less than thirty feet from the limousine. As Kari stared at the ominous looking jet the side door opened and a set of steps came out. Kari looked around as she stood outside the car and realized she had no idea where this airport was. She had flown a lot and she thought she knew every airport of any size within several hundred miles.
After several minutes Kari decide to approach the steps. She walked over to the stairs but could see no one at the top of the stairs. Slowly she climbed the stairs, unsure of what else to do. At the top of the stairs she found a luxurious but somewhat barren interior. It reminded her of the limousine she had just ridden in. A sound behind her startled her as the stairs folded back below the door and the door swung closed and seemed to lock. Kari felt a chill pass over her, as a sharp "thunk" noise seemed to signal that the door was now locked.
Kari turned back toward the cabin and was shocked by a woman standing in front of her. The woman wore an all red robe made of some sort of plastic type material, possibly latex. The woman’s face was entirely obscured by a red silk veil except for her chocolate brown eyes, which seemed so exotic with her light brown skin. The woman said nothing and stood perfectly still.
Kari decided to break the ice, “hello.” The woman’s only reaction was to hold out a hand covered in a red latex glove.
Kari noted the hand was not in a position for a handshake but looked like she was waiting for her to place something in it. The only thing Kari had was her clothing, jewelry, the stationary, and the…cards. She smiled as she handed the woman her first gold card.
The woman’s eyes briefly glanced at it and then it disappeared under her robe. The woman’s hand emerged again in the same position. This time Kari placed the stationary letter in her hand. This disappeared to and the hand once again waited for something. Kari’s held her breath as she placed the last gold card in the woman’s hand. The woman glanced at it and it disappeared into her robe. She then stepped aside and motioned toward one of the black leather covered seats.
Kari stepped past the woman and sat down. The woman came over to her and pointed to Kari’s watch.
“It is almost 6 o’clock,” Kari told the woman as she smiled at her. The woman said nothing but turned her hand palm up again as if waiting for something to be placed in it. Kari thought she understood as she removed her watch and handed it to the woman whom made it disappear into her robe.
The woman’s gloved hand reappeared and she pointed to the rings on Kari’s fingers. The woman held her hand out, palm up. Kari realized what the woman wanted and started removing her gold rings. The process repeated for all of her rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklet, and two sets of earrings. After the last item of jewelry was removed the woman stepped away and disappeared through a door toward the rear of the plane.
Kari sat feeling strange without any jewelry at all on her body. It really felt strange to be without her watch, she was always watching the clock in her line of work. The jet’s engines roared to life and she felt the plane start to move forward slowly. Kari buckled her seat belt and glanced toward the windows.
Kari realized that the jet’s windows were just like the limousine’s. They were a heavy dark glass that let sunlight in but was impervious to the eye. Kari sat back in her seat as the jet’s engines roared to life and the jet suddenly lifted off the ground.
She started wondering about the recent events as the jet-gained altitude. Why was her jewelry removed? Why wouldn’t the woman say anything to her? Where were they going? Why was the woman dressed like she was? So many questions, so few answers.
As the jet leveled off the door to the rear of the jet opened and the “woman in red” reappeared. She carried a small glass of some kind of liquid, which she sat on a small table that was near Kari’s chair. Kari looked at the luminescent green liquid and saw a single cherry floating in it along with a small diameter bright yellow straw.
Kari looked at the woman and smiled, “thank you.” The woman simply nodded and disappeared through the rear door.
Kari shrugged; these people certainly weren’t much for manners she decided. She turned her attention to the drink. It was in a twelve-ounce clear glass tumbler and smelled slightly of lime when she smelled it. Kari picked it up and noted there was a fine frost around the rim of the glass from the crushed ice floating on top. She cautiously took a small sip using the straw. WOW she thought, it was excellent!
She slowly nursed the drink as the jet continued on whatever course the pilot had planned. The drink had a wonderful crisp lime taste that was tempered by a hint of sugar. The drink didn’t seem to contain any alcohol but Kari felt a lot more relaxed since she began drinking. She felt so sleepy by the time she reached the bottom of the glass. She decided to close her eyes for just a minute as she sat the glass back on the table and relaxed in the chair.
Kari’s mind was filled with crazy images of people’s faces dancing around her. The images were always blurry and never quite in focus. She felt weightless at times during the dream and felt like she was drifting around the world. A face that resembled a woman’s came into view numerous times. Only this woman’s face was part golden metal and Kari tried to push it away in her dream. The face kept returning throughout the dream. There were also large hulking men that looked like blurry black apes. The dream finally ended and Kari moved into a deeper sleep.
Chapter 8
Kari felt the veil of sleep starting to lift from her. As she started to wake she realized she was face down on some kind of fur rug. Her clothes also felt soft and fluffy against her body. She also noticed that the whine of the jet’s engines was gone. Kari opened her eyes with a start.
She saw that she was in some kind of room like a study or office. There was dark polished wood everywhere and an ancient life-size statue of a Greek God stood in one corner. Kari realized the white rug she was lying on was made of what looked like polar bear fur. Her clothing was gone and replaced by a thick white cotton robe. Kari pushed herself up slowly to a sitting position. There were ancient candelabras filled with burning candles in several corners of the room providing a warm glow to everything in the room.
“Easy Karissa, you will be slightly groggy for a few more minutes.”
Kari knew the voice belonged to Delilah without question without even seeing the speaker. She turned to see Delilah standing in front of a giant dark hardwood desk with her arms crossed. Delilah was dressed in a skintight black latex dress that ended at her knees. She wore shiny latex boots that ended at her knees and were laced all the way up the front. A shiny black leather belt wrapped around her waspish waist and gold metal rings glistened from various points on the belt. Delilah was smiling down at her and her jet-black hair was wrapped tightly into a single tight braid. Kari was in awe of the power Delilah exuded.
“I see you have decided to begin your journey Karissa. Now the question is, ‘do you want to continue the journey’? Only you can decide to continue but before you decide you must know some things.” Delilah stepped away from the desk and approached Kari.
Delilah reached out and touched Kari’s chin with her long fingernails, now painted jet black. “Kneel for me Karissa.”
Kari found herself moving slowly to a kneeling position on the soft rug.
“Straighten your back Karissa, you’re slouching.” As she spoke she used her fingernails under Kari’s chin to force her to kneel straight.
Kari straightened and looked up into Delilah’s eyes. They burned with the same intense green fire she remembered so vividly from her memory. Delilah’s fingernails withdrew but she found herself remaining in the kneeling position she had been placed in.
“I have some papers you must sign if you are to continue on your journey. This contract does not give me your fortune or any of your material possessions. I have no need for those. The contract simply states you are agreeable to the terms I have presented to you during our previous conversation.”
Kari turned her head slightly, “what terms?”
Delilah stepped forward and grasped Kari’s chin between her long fingernails and lifted her chin holding it steady. Delilah smiled coolly as she stared into Kari’s eyes.
Kari trembled involuntarily as the power deep within Delilah’s eyes took hold of her. How powerful this woman was!
“The terms are very simple my dear Karissa. You either trust me 100% and let me lead you to the inner peace you have searched for your entire life or you leave right now, never to have this opportunity again. That is the only decision you need to concern yourself with right now.”
Kari’s felt panicky, how could she make such an important decision without knowing what the journey involved. What did Delilah expect from her? Kari spoke softly, “what will happen to me if I sign the contract? Could you at least give me a tiny hint, please?”
Delilah held Kari’s chin as she stroked her hair softly with her other hand, “I can only tell you that there is no other way to find the inner peace you seek…except maybe in death.” Delilah’s face softened and her smile looked very comforting, “my poor tortured Karissa, let me set you free.”
Kari thought of how miserable these past years had been. She had tried so hard to find some kind of happiness and at times she was so happy. The only problem was that the happiness never seemed to last, it was always fleeting. She closed her eyes and tears slipped from beneath her eyelids, spilling onto her cheeks. Was Delilah serious about her offer to help her find that everlasting peace?
Kari opened her eyes and looked into Delilah’s eyes. They were so sharp and focused. At this moment they seemed to be filled with nothing but compassion. Kari took a ragged breath and muttered, “okay.”
Delilah’s smile immediately widened and she wiped the tears from Kari’s cheeks. “I am glad you have made the decision to let me guide you to that inner peace you so desire.” She then turned and walked back to her desk where she picked up the papers.
Kari watched as Delilah turned and walked back over to her. Delilah bent over and set the papers on the wooden floor in front of Kari. On the top of the papers was a fancy gold pen with a long white feather protruding from one end. The papers were typed in a neat gothic style cursive on paper that resembled yellowed parchment. There appeared to be about a dozen pages to the “contract”.
Kari stared at the top page and the blank line clearly intended for her signature. For a moment she thought about picking the papers up and reading them but her inner voice asked her if it really mattered what they said. She knew that the answer was no. She was going to sign them no matter what at this point, she knew that she had to do this. A slim chance of inner peace was better than no chance at all.
Kari picked up the pen with her trembling right hand and started to sign the pages. Even though she was signing the papers willingly she couldn’t help shivering. In less than two minutes all the pages were signed with Kari’s delicate signature. She sat the pen back onto the papers and knelt back, looking up at Delilah.
Delilah smiled down at her, eyes filled with green fire. “Hand me the contract Karissa,” her long jet-black fingernails glistened in the candlelight as she held her hand out.
Kari picked up the contract with trembling hands. She bit her lip in concentration, trying to steady her hands as she passed the contract to Delilah’s waiting hand. She hoped Delilah did not see her hands shaking. She wanted to be brave when she faced what would come next.
Delilah walked over to the desk and placed the signed contract on the desktop. Kari was surprised that she did not even glance at the contract to make sure that it was signed properly. Delilah was just so confident, like she knew everything before it even happened. Kari tried to put her best smile on her face as Delilah turned and faced her.
Delilah stood perfectly still as she studied Kari. The only thing that moved was he emerald eyes. “Stand up Karissa and remove your robe.”
Kari knelt in shock. Remove her robe?
Delilah’s smile faded slightly and her eyes narrowed. “Did you hear me Karissa or do I need to repeat myself?”
Kari stood up and reluctantly removed her robe. She would have argued but something inside told her that would not be wise right now. She stood covering her breasts with her left hand while holding the robe in her right hand.
“Toss the robe on the floor to your right and place your arms at your sides Karissa.” Delilah’s voice was smooth and encouraging. It reminded Kari of a mother encouraging her child to trust her.
Kari tossed the robe on the floor and hesitantly put her arms down at her sides. She had never been naked like this in front of another woman. She felt like she was an animal on display at an auction. She wanted to turn or cover herself up with her hands but she also did not want to anger Delilah.
Delilah stepped away from the desk and very slowly walked around Kari. Kari tried to keep looking straight forward but Delilah was going so slowly. The only thing that told her that Delilah was still moving was the occasional click of her high heel striking the hard wood floor. Kari turned her head slightly to the left trying to get a glimpse of Delilah. Immediately Delilah’s hands reached forward and grasped Kari’s head from behind on both sides. “Head straight forward, eyes straight ahead Karissa.” As she spoke she positioned Kari’s head straight forward and pushed her chin up so that her head was level.
Delilah’s hands left Kari’s head and she continued her examination. It seemed like an eternity before Delilah made her way back to the front of Kari. Delilah stopped and looked directly into Kari’s eyes. Kari stopped breathing briefly as she was taken by the desire she saw in Delilah’s eyes.
Delilah’s eyes stayed locked on hers as she spoke, “you are an incredibly beautiful woman Karissa.”
“Thank you,” Kari softly replied.
“I will enjoy training you, perhaps more than any other.” As she finished her tongue slipped from her mouth to briefly wet her upper lip.
Training? What did she mean by “training”? Kari’s mind raced back to the time when they first met during Mardi Gras. She had mentioned being a “trainer” but never what kind of training she did. “What kind of training are you talking about” Kari asked softly?
Delilah’s smile widened, “training you of course my dear Karissa.” She finished with a short, amused laugh.
Kari stood frozen, trying to comprehend what “training” meant. “How are you going to train me” was all she could think of to ask?
“You will experience it all in good time,” Delilah responded, “for now you only need to know a few important things.”
Delilah’s expression turned more serious as she continued, “first you must never speak unless you are given permission to speak. The next rule is you must address everyone you meet as ‘Mistress’ or ‘Master’ dependent upon his or her sex. When you are allowed to speak, short and simple is best unless commanded to elaborate.”
Delilah stepped closer and smiled at her, “never hide your body, be proud of yourself for you are beautiful. Most important of all is never disobey my commands.” Delilah’s face became serious and her eyes bore into Kari’s as she finished the last sentence.
Kari was stunned by it all and she stammered, “what if I have a question?”
Delilah’s response was so swift that Kari did not even realize what had happened until the pain started. Delilah had moved like lightening as her open right hand struck Kari’s left cheek. Kari’s head twisted to the right and snapped back. Her cheek throbbed and she stood in absolute shock.
“One thing you must remember is that if you break any of the rules you will be punished! That was a very minor punishment because you are a novice,” Delilah’s face did not appear angry but did appear very serious. “You did not ask permission to speak and you were not granted permission to speak. I will tell you this once again, you must ask permission to speak and you also must address me as ‘Mistress’.”
Kari’s eyes were watery and her speech was shaky as she spoke, “can I talk Mistress?”
Delilah watched in interest as she replied, “the proper way to ask is, ‘may I speak Mistress’. Try again Karissa.”
Kari swallowed and asked again, “may I speak Mistress?”
“Yes, you may.”
“I did not know it was going to be like this, this is not what I wanted.” Kari couldn’t help but tremble and cry slightly as she spoke.
Delilah smiled softly; “of course you did not know it was going to be like this for you have never experienced anything like this. As for what you want, you honestly cannot say that this is not what you want because you have not even begun training yet. Before I allow you to speak again I will tell you that every time you speak to someone you will end with their appropriate title.”
Kari wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, as she spoke, “what if I do not want to continue with this ‘training’ Mistress
“That is not an option at this point my dear Karissa, you will be trained regardless of your desire.” Delilah’s voice had turned very serious.
Kari was stunned; this was not what she had expected at all. How could she be trained against her will? This was modern day America, not some medieval world. Kari turned and started running toward the door behind her. She had no idea where it went but at least it would be out of this room and away from Delilah.
Chapter 8
Kari was about to take her fourth step when she felt incredible pain shoot through the back of her head. Kari’s head was yanked back so hard that she thought her neck had broken as her feet continued to go forward but her head stayed behind. Kari’s feet went up in the air and she came down hard on the hard wood floor.
Kari lay stunned for a minute, the breath knocked from her body. Delilah stood over her; right hand still twisted in Kari’s thick braid. Before Kari could even get her breath back Delilah was pulling her up by her braid. Delilah’s voice was angry now, “stand up Karissa and don’t even think about running again.”
Kari stood up and started to cry as air finally filled her lungs again. Her head was on fire where her braid connected to her scalp. She had never known that hair pulling could hurt so badly.
“Put your hands behind your back now Karissa!” Delilah’s voice was firm, unyielding.
Kari started to swing blindly at Delilah but someone grabbed her arms in mid-swing, holding them out at her sides. Delilah stood in front of her with one hand pulling upwards on her braid forcing her to stand, her other hand was on her chin forcing her to look at her. Someone had her right arm and someone else had her left arm. The people that had her arms were strong and soon she felt her arms forced behind her despite her best efforts to fight them.
“Stop fighting Karissa and it will go easier,” Delilah spoke firmly to Kari but with no hint of the struggle. “Resistance is useless because this will happen Karissa, that I promise.”
Kari tried to pull her arms apart but the people holding them were too strong. Especially when she was distracted by the pain in her scalp from Delilah pulling her braid.
Kari felt something wide being pulled around her right wrist and then it tightened on her wrist. Kari tried to shake the people loose but they were simply too strong. Something wide slipped around Kari's left wrist and tightened. She felt her wrists being moved briefly then the hands on her arms shifted to her shoulders.
Kari tried to seize the opportunity to attack her captors. She was shocked to find her wrists hooked together behind her back somehow. Despite her best efforts her wrists were firmly held together!
Kari shifted her plan of attack to her feet. She kicked at the person behind her only to have someone catch her right foot and hold it behind her. She tried to hop up and kick with her other foot but someone deflected it. The brief effort had made the top of her head feel like it was coming off because Delilah held her head up by the braid. She cried out in pain and tears clouded her eyes.
The person that had her right foot had put something wide around her ankle. The person let go of her right foot and Kari put the leg under her to help support her weight. Having her two legs under her also relieved some of the pressure on her braid.
Kari looked down to see a three inch wide black leather strap around her right ankle. The inside of the strap was padded with black fur and the outside had a smaller two inch buckling strap going all the way around it. The strap was buckled tightly around her ankle and she could see a shiny chrome padlock holding the chrome buckle closed. The only thing she had ever seen like it were straps she had seen to hold mental patients in hospital beds.
Kari could not help but stare in shock as an identical strap was placed around her left ankle. She was so shocked that she did not even realize Delilah had gave her enough slack in her braid that she could lower her head to watch. Delilah’s hand had also left Kari’s chin. Kari watched as a pair of female hands with very long red nails expertly buckled the strap tightly to her ankle. The hands returned briefly to place a chrome padlock through the chrome buckle. A faint “click” noise signaled the closing of the padlock.
Kari was sobbing softly as the hands returned with a short length of chrome chain. One end of the chain was attached with a chrome padlock to a “D” shaped ring sewn to the strap around her right ankle. Another chrome padlock was used to secure the other end of the chain to the ring on her left ankle strap. She noted the chrome chain was about eighteen inches long and a half inch wide. Kari looked up as the hands disappeared, tears still falling from her eyes.
Delilah stood before her, hand still firmly grasping her braid near its base. “Do not fight it Karissa, just take a deep breath and go with it.” Delilah’s voice was calm, almost soothing.
Kari looked down again as she felt something being wrapped around her waist. It was a black leather belt about four inches wide. This belt had no fur padding like the other straps. Kari felt it being tightened behind her back and then the same red nailed hands twisted it around her waist until two smaller buckling straps were up front.
Delilah released her hold on Kari’s braid and reached down to the buckling straps on Kari’s belt. With two expert tugs the straps were tight and the belt was firmly seated on Kari’s waist. The red nailed hand produced two chrome padlocks, which Delilah passed through the chrome buckles and locked.
Kari felt her chin and braid grabbed held by Delilah again. She felt her chin lifted until she was looking into Delilah’s fiery emerald eyes. She could see excitement filling Delilah’s eyes now. Kari trembled visibly and tried to stop sobbing.
“Try to relax Karissa,” Delilah spoke softly. As she spoke she gently caressed Kari’s right cheek with her thumb.
Kari’s wrists were freed quickly and brought to her sides. It happened while Delilah was talking to her and caressing her cheek. The action was so fast that Kari only realized the change after her wrists were already at her sides. She tried to lift her wrists only to find they were immobile at her sides.
Delilah’s hands slipped away and Keri looked down at her wrists. The wrist straps were each padlocked to chrome “D” shaped rings sewn to the side of the wide black leather belt. The rings were each centered over the outside of her hips. There was just enough slack between the rings and the padlocks to allow her arms to hang naturally at her sides. Keri pulled at the rings but the only thing she accomplished was making slight “clinking” noises as the padlocks rubbed against the rings.
Delilah’s hand returned to Kari’s chin and she gently forced it up. Kari avoided looking into Delilah’s eyes this time. She wanted to do something but she didn’t know what she could do. Delilah’s voice came to her, “when I remove my hand I want you to keep your chin up Karissa.”
Kari wanted to resist but she knew it would only result in a futile battle. What had it gotten her so far? A sore head and lots of bruises probably.
Kari watched as Delilah’s hands appeared in front of her holding yet another leather strap. This one was made of white leather though. It was about two inches wide and also lacked fur padding. This strap had a small chrome boxy looking buckle on one end. The other end had a single hole punched in the strap itself. She wondered what this one could be for, what was left she thought numbly?
Delilah’s hands reached forward and Keri felt the strap go around her neck. It felt so strange and for a moment she thought she was going to be strangled with the strap. She instinctively reached up to pull the strap away from her throat but her wrists were held firmly at her waist. The strap was pulled around her throat tight but stopped just short of causing her to choke. She watched as Delilah took a very small key from her belt and then her hand and the key disappeared beneath her chin. She heard a faint “click” and felt a slight tensioning of the strap as the key was turned in the odd looking buckle.
Keri felt her face flush red. She felt like some kind of animal, being collared like this! She felt tears welling in her eyes again.
Delilah held a white silk handkerchief and dabbed Kari’s eyes gently. As she did so she gently stroked her hair. She then held the kerchief against Kari’s nose, “blow sweetie.” Kari blew her nose several times until nothing more came out.
Kari wondered how someone that had been so mean to her could also be so gentle to her. Even though these terrible things had just happened to her she still wanted to believe Delilah really wanted to help her.
“The posture collar,” Delilah ordered.
Delilah’s voice brought her back from her thoughts. Kari almost asked what Delilah had just said but she realized Delilah had not been talking to her. She heard high heels on the wood floor behind her as one of the girls (she assumed they were both girls) moved around.
Delilah gently grabbed Kari’s chin and turned her head until it was facing forward. “Look at me Karissa,” Delilah ordered softly.
Kari looked into Delilah’s fiery eyes and then averted them to her full lips.
“Look into my eyes.”
Kari forced herself to look up into those powerful eyes again.
“We are almost done dear, only a bit more. Try to relax, you already know that fighting it isn’t going to get you anywhere,” Delilah added.
Something black passed briefly into Kari’s field of vision below her chin and then whatever it was contacted her chin and neck. At the same time something was closing around the back of her neck. As the device closed around her neck Delilah’s hand slipped away from her chin and something on the front of the device took the place of Delilah’s hand. What felt like several buckles behind her neck tightened the device around her neck. Kari heard several “clicks” and she knew whatever the device was had been locked on her neck.
Kari could smell leather and she could only guess the device was made of black leather like most of the rest of her straps. The front part of this strap felt like it was specifically cut out so that her chin rested in it. The parts on the side of her head and behind her neck seemed to rise higher than the front. The thing she knew for sure was that her neck wasn’t able to bend at all and her chin was held horizontal with the floor!
Kari had never imagined anything like this in all of her life. She felt like she was living a nightmare. She prayed she would wake up soon.
Delilah stood in front of her smiling, “you are so beautiful my sweet Karissa. You will be my greatest prize!”
Kari felt tears forming in her eyes again and running down her cheeks. “Why are you doing this to me? Please I’m begging you, just let me go,” as she finished she started to sob uncontrollably.
Delilah stepped forward and held her in her arms. Kari felt the slick latex of Delilah’s dress press against her cheek. The smell of the latex was different than the leather. Delilah held her for a moment and cooed to her, “it will all be okay Karissa. I know you are scared, everyone is when they start their journey.”
Delilah stepped back and motioned something Kari couldn’t see because of the device around her neck. “It will all be okay in time,” she said as she produced the kerchief and wiped Kari’s eyes again and blew her nose. “You must learn not to speak without asking permission though, that is a very important lesson. I have something that will help you to remember the rule,” as she finished she nodded her head.
Kari felt Delilah grab her hands in hers as something black passed in front of her face. Delilah’s hands caressed hers as she spoke quietly, “I want you to open your mouth for me Karissa. I know you are scared but trust me, don’t make me force this on you dear.” Delilah’s eyes almost looked sad as she spoke.
Kari wanted to say no but she knew she had little choice anymore. She reluctantly opened her mouth.
“Just a bit wider,” Delilah coaxed. “Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt, I promise.”
Kari opened her mouth wide but the device around her chin made it difficult. Suddenly something was pushing between her lips and then it slipped into her mouth. Kari’s first instinct was to spit it out but she couldn’t because something was behind it on the outside of her mouth. She bit down on the object and tasted rubber. The object was only a half inch thick where her teeth came together but she could not bite through it. The part inside her mouth, past her teeth was larger. It felt like it was several inches in diameter when she tried to run her tongue around it.
Kari felt something flat on the outside of her mouth covering her mouth and what was left of her chin. Then she felt it press firmly against her mouth as it was tightened behind her head. She heard a “click” and she knew with dread it was locked on her now. She could smell leather under her nose so she imagined it was some kind of strap again. The thing in her mouth was somehow attached to the strap though. While it was tight around her mouth and firmly held the object inside her mouth it didn’t hurt her.
Delilah squeezed her hands slightly and smiled at her. “That was excellent sweetie, see you are all right. This gag will just help you to remember the speech rules. We are almost done now and then you can get some well deserved rest.”
Kari felt dizzy and sick. What else could they possibly do to her?
The answer came swiftly as someone handed Delilah a black leather strap with a chrome buckle on it. The strap was shaped different than the others and also made different. The front of the strap looked like the letter “B” on its side, only there were no holes in the “B”. The “B” portion also looked like it was made of very soft leather that had been stuffed with something. The stuffed part was half an inch thicker than the rest of the strap, which was about a quarter of an inch thick.
Delilah wiped Kari’s eyes with the silk kerchief then placed the “B” directly over her eyes. Kari was forced into total darkness as the “B” part of the strap pressed against her eyes firmly. She could feel the strap being drawn tight behind her head and the heard the now familiar “click”. Kari realized the darkness was absolute as she tried to open her eyes and look around. It was useless.
Kari heard a “click” sound come from below her chin. She felt a hand gently stroking her hair. Then Delilah’s voice came to her in the darkness, “it is okay Karissa, we are done for now. This is the beginning of your journey, it will get easier in time I promise.” Then Delilah’s hand left her hair.
She heard Delilah’s voice again, this time obviously directed to someone else. “Take the slave to her room and settle her in for the night. Tomorrow I will expect her to be prepared for training.”
She heard a new female voice come from behind her in the darkness, “yes Mistress.” Kari then felt something pull on the front of the device wrapped around her neck. She was forced to step forward. She took a step and would have fell on her face if she had not been grabbed by her shoulders. She had forgot about the chain between her ankles and tried to take a big step.
The other female voice came to her from her left shoulder, “take small steps slave or you will fall.” As she finished Kari felt another tug at her neck.
Kari took a small step and put her foot down. She repeated the process with her other foot. As she took her steps she could hear the chain between her ankles rattle. The pressure persisted on her neck and she took another step. Her feet were now on the hard wood floor. To her surprise the floor was not cold like she had expected. Her thoughts quickly turned back to walking as she nearly stumbled.
It was hard to walk with her hands held immobile at her sides. She was afraid she would fall and she knew there would be no way to catch herself before she hit the hard floor. The pressure on the front of her neck continued and she was forced to concentrate on walking so that she wouldn’t stumble.
Chapter 10
Kari had worked up a light sweat by the time the pressure on the front of her neck finally stopped. It was hard to concentrate on walking with her ankles chained together when she had to go by feel alone. It didn’t help that she was forced to breathe through her nose by the gag in her mouth. Though she still partially stumbled at times her gait had become a lot better since she first started.
Kari stood breathing hard through her nose while she heard what sounded like keys jingling. She felt something cold touch her chest and heard a faint “clinking” sound come from the thing touching her chest. It was separate from the key noise and she realized it sounded like the noise her ankle chain made only closer. Kari now believed she knew what was pulling her along by her the front of her neck. There must be a chain connected to the front of her neck device similar to the one between her ankle straps. She was on a leash like a dog!
Kari heard the keys being placed in something metal and then a heavy “clicking” sound like a lock being opened. The chain on her chest moved slightly and she heard a faint noise like a door opening somewhere in front of her. Suddenly the slack in her leash disappeared and she was pulled forward again. She could not see it but she knew she was being pulled through the door.
She was pulled forward eleven steps but she had been turned partially to the right as she walked. An arm touched her upper right arm as the leash went slack. “I want you to slowly sit down slave,” the woman leading her ordered.
Kari started to sit but she never imagined it could be so hard. Without being able to use her arms for balance she felt like she was going to fall backwards. The device around her neck also forced her head to remain level with her torso, which in turn forced her back to stay straight. Kari ended up bending forward at the waist and slowly bending her knees. Just when she thought she was going to fall backwards her thighs touched something cool and soft. As her weight settled she realized she was sitting on some kind couch or bed.
She reached down with her fingers and felt the object she was sitting on. The surface was cool and smooth like silk sheets. Underneath the covering it felt like a mattress or heavy foam pad. The covering was stretched so tight that she was unable to bunch the material up in her fingers.
“Lift your legs slave,” the woman ordered. As the woman spoke she put her hand on Kari’s shoulder and helped to steady her.
Kari heard the chain between her ankle straps rattle as she lifted her ankles off the floor.
“I am going to spin you to your left, keep your legs up while I move you.” The woman then placed her other hand on Kari’s hip and swiftly spun her to her left.
Kari felt her legs and feet touching the smooth cool surface. She allowed her legs to settle on the soft surface as the woman’s hands released her body.
“Now lay back slave,” the woman placed her hand between Kari’s shoulder blades.
Kari had no choice but to trust the woman. She slowly allowed her upper body to tilt back. It was a strange feeling because her head was forced to stay perpendicular to her back because of the neck device. In less than a minute she was lying flat on the cool, smooth material. The cold links of her chain leash draped between her bare breasts and trailed off below her right breast.
Kari felt the chain leash move as it was lifted off of her chest. She heard the sound of metal touching metal and a “click” noise from her left side near her head.
“Try to get some rest slave for you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow,” the woman ran her hand over Kari’s hair. She pulled Kari’s braid off to the side of her head. “You will need all the rest you can get.”
Kari could hear the sound of the woman’s high heels tapping on the floor as she moved away from her. Then the faint sound of the door swinging shut. Kari could tell by the sound that the door that was closing was the same one that they had came through. She heard the sound of the keys again and a “clunk” sound as the door was locked. She couldn’t hear anything else after the sound of the door locking.
Kari lay on the bed trying to focus her thoughts. She realized the place she was at now must be kept pretty warm because she wasn’t cold, despite not having sheets. Kari felt no wind at all on her body and heard no sounds at all.
She felt her legs with her fingers, trying to reach her belt. When she curled her fingers she could touch the edge of the belt. She relaxed and let her hands go slack. There was no getting out of the belt she told herself. After all everything was tight and locked in place.
She shifted her legs and touched her left foot against her right ankle strap. She felt the smooth leather and the cold metal of the ankle chain and the padlock. She pressed against the top of the strap on her right ankle with her left foot. The strap moved less than a quarter of an inch down her ankle. She switched feet and tried to force the strap on her left ankle off. Once again it moved less than a quarter of an inch before stopping. It looked like her ankle straps would also be staying on as well she thought bitterly.
Kari opened her mouth and pushed against the rubber thing inside her mouth using her tongue. Despite her best efforts the rubber thing only flexed slightly and immediately moved back into place when she relaxed her tongue. She tried to chew the thing in two but after more than fifty bites she only managed to make her teeth sore. The gag would also be her companion for now she decided.
Kari tried to turn her head but the device on her neck was the least flexible thing of all. She pushed her chin down until veins bulged on her neck and still her head was held perfectly perpendicular to her torso.
Kari stopped straining against her bonds. They were calling her a “slave” now. The only thing she could think of was the slaves from hundreds of years ago. She had also heard of something called “white slavery”. She thought that was something you only found in books though. What did Delilah expect from her? What the hell was this training they kept talking about?
Kari suddenly started to sob into her gag. She couldn’t remember a time in her life where she had ever felt so helpless. There was absolutely nothing she could do to change her situation right now. The gag prevented her from even trying to plead with Delilah to release her! She couldn’t even cry out loud, all she could manage were barely audible sobs. She was not even given a sheet to cover her naked body. Instead she was forced to lie exposed to whoever might walk in. Kari’s sobs grew stronger as her body shook from the helplessness of it all.
Kari’s sobbing continued for almost an hour before sorrow gave was to exhaustion. Her body lay still and the only thing that indicated she was still alive was the occasional rise and fall of her chest.
Chapter 11
The sound of the keys in the lock woke Kari from her troubled slumber. She awoke with a start and tried to reach her face when her eyes wouldn’t open. Kari quickly realized her current predicament was not a terrible nightmare but in fact reality. The previous day or nights events came rushing back to her.
A “click” sound came from the side of her “bed” and she felt the cold links of her chain leash touch her left shoulder. She felt slightly cramped and wanted to stretch really bad.
“Wake up sleepy head,” the woman’s voice that brought her here reached Kari’s ears, “we have lots to do before your training can begin.” The woman put her hand on Kari’s shoulder and said, “sit up slave.”
Kari struggled to a sitting position and the woman quickly turned her so that her legs fell off the “bed”.
“Now stand up slave,” the woman once again steadied Kari by holding onto her shoulder.
Kari forced herself up into a standing position. As soon as she was standing she felt a tug on her leash and she was forced to start walking. It took her several minutes to remember how to walk with her ankles chained together. Once she almost fell down and was saved by the woman’s quick reflexes.
This time they traveled a shorter distance but it still got Kari breathing hard through her nose. The woman yanked her to a halt with the leash.
“I want you to listen very carefully slave because what I am going to tell you is very important. I am going to have to prepare you for training and this will be no easy task so I hope you will cooperate. I am going to remove most of your bonds but these things will go right back on if you resist.” The woman paused to let her words sink in. “If you resist I have our Mistress’ permission to discipline you as I see fit, I trust you will remember that!”
Kari stood perfectly still, barely breathing. She was eager to have her bonds removed, that was certain. She wondered what the woman meant by “discipline”.
“I am a privileged slave here and you will address me by the title ‘Mistress Alexis’ or simply ‘Mistress’. The same rules that apply with Mistress Delilah apply with me slave, I hope you remember them. Do you think you can behave if I remove your bonds slave? Lift your right foot if the answer is yes slave.”
Kari thought for a second and slowly raised her right foot.
“Good then let us get started!” Mistress Alexis chimed happily.
Kari felt her ankle straps removed first. The next thing removed was her leash that she heard fall to the floor. The gag was removed next and Kari took her first deep breath of fresh air in hours. The device around her neck followed the gag and Kari moved her neck from side to side.
“Stop moving slave unless you want the rest to stay on!” Mistress Alexis’ voice was firm.
Kari stopped moving and felt the woman remove her blindfold. She blinked in the brilliant whiteness of the room. One entire wall of the large room was composed entirely of frosted glass cubes. The sunlight streamed through the wall and Kari was forced to continue squinting while her eyes got used to the bright light.
The woman bent over briefly to unlock Kari’s ankle cuffs and remove them. As she stood up she spoke firmly. “When I release your wrists from the belt I want you to hold them out in front of you slave. Do you understand slave?”
Kari quickly answered, “yes.”
Mistress Alexis’s reaction was quick and decisive. She grabbed Kari’s braid and twisted her head to the side. “That is not how you were taught to answer slave!”
Kari cried out in pain and her mind raced for the right reply. “Yes…yes Mistress!”
Mistress Alexis released Kari’s braid and stepped around in front of her. She grabbed Kari’s chin in her hands and forced her to look into her hazel eyes, “you had better think every time before you open your mouth slave.”
Kari softly replied, “yes Mistress.” Her eyes were now adjusted to the light in the room and she was stunned by Mistress Alexis’ appearance.
Mistress Alexis stood 5’6” in her bare feet but her hot pink spike heeled boots boosted her height to 5’10”. Her hair was shaved into a tall fluorescent fuchsia colored Mohawk that hung to her waist. Her fingernails were several inches long and also a bright fuchsia color. Mistress Alexis’s clothing consisted of a skintight hot pink latex miniskirt and matching hot pink bustier. Around her waist was a chrome link belt that had several items hanging from it. One of the items was a shiny chrome pair of handcuffs; another item was a thin brown leather strap, which ran through a bright pink ball, the last item was what looked like a brown whip of some sort. It reminded Kari of the ones she had seen on movies where they had the kinky sex scenes.
“Put your hands out in front of you now slave,” Mistress Alexis ordered.
Kari replied quickly, “yes Mistress.” She did as instructed and was surprised to find that her wrists were really free of the belt around her waist. She could see that the straps were still padlocked around her wrists as she held them out.
Mistress Alexis removed a key from her waist belt and unlocked the padlocks holding the cuffs on her wrists. She then unbuckled the cuffs and hung them on one of the stone walls of the room. Kari saw that a good portion of one wall of this room was devoted to leather and chain devices like she had never imagined. Kari was smart enough to know that none of the devices were for fun though.
Kari’s freedom was short lived as a pair of stainless steel handcuffs replaced the wrist cuffs. A foot of delicate chrome chain connected the cuffs. While the cuffs were tight they were not painfully so. The cuffs had been double locked so that they wouldn’t tighten on her wrists any further.
“This way slave,” Mistress Alexis ordered as she moved toward a corner of the room where a half wall made of white marble protruded about ten feet from the wall. Kari followed, glad that her ankles were no longer restrained. She followed Mistress Alexis around the short wall to an area where the floor was slightly lower and six shower heads protruded from the wall. Below each shower head were shelves built into the walls containing soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and scrubbing tools.
Mistress Alexis came around behind Kari and quickly freed her hair from the braid. She then walked over to a small electronic control panel near the half wall and pushed several buttons. A heavy spray started to come out of one of the shower heads.
“What are you waiting for slave, wash yourself.” Mistress Alexis commanded.
Kari gladly moved into the warm spray. The water felt wonderful as it cascaded over her naked body.
“You have ten minutes to wash your body like you never have before slave. There had best not be a single area left untouched when I return!” With that Mistress Alexis turned and strode from sight.
Kari started using the soaps and brushed to wash her body. It was difficult to get certain areas because of the handcuffs but not impossible. Luckily she had always been very flexible. Kari glanced around the room and thought of escape. She realized she had no idea where she was but she had a sense that this estate was huge. The fact her hands were cuffed in front of her and she was nude also did not boost her confidence. Kari decided now was not the best time for an escape attempt she had to wait.
Once Kari realized there would be escape right now she scrubbed every part of her body twice, hoping to avoid Mistress Alexis’ wrath. Kari was relaxing in the steady spray of hot water when Mistress Alexis returned.
Mistress Alexis pushed several buttons and the water stopped instantly. “Get over here slave.”
Kari hurried over to Mistress Alexis as she replied, “yes mistress.”
Mistress Alexis grabbed Kari’s upper right arm and guided her out into the main room. She led her over to a thing that looked like a clear Plexiglas phone booth. She pushed Kari into the booth and closed the door.
As soon as the door was closed warm air started blasting Kari from every direction. She could see that warm air was somehow being channeled through the walls of the booth. Kari could see that the inner wall of the booth had small air holes placed in various locations. The booth’s walls were actually two layers of Plexiglas with six inches of space between them. She imagined the warm air was coming from dryers above and below the booth where it merged with the floor and ceiling.
The warm air blew Kari’s hair around her as if she were in a windstorm. She felt the water droplets being blown from her body. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It felt like a hundred warm hands were tickling her body. In less then two minutes Kari was bone dry, even her long thick hair. The air stopped as the door opened.
Mistress Alexis said nothing, as she walked across the room. Kari assumed she was to follow her so she did. Mistress Alexis stopped in front of a stainless steel table. “Climb up here slave and lie on your back.”
Kari reluctantly climbed onto the table. She was surprised that the surface of the table was warm. She had touched enough stainless steel to know it had to be heated somehow to make it this warm. She lay on her back with her hands clasped at her waist.
Mistress Alexis used a key to remove her handcuffs. She then moved Kari’s right arm to the edge of the table where she attached it to the table with a wide white leather cuff. The left arm was attached to the left side of the table using the same method. A wide white leather strap went across Kari’s chest above her breasts.
A stainless steel stirrup was folded out from the end of the table and Kari’s right foot was placed in it and a white leather cuff went around her ankle to hold it in the stirrup. Another stirrup was folded out for the left foot and her left ankle was also secured. The stirrups were then adjusted so that Kari’s knees were forced to bend and her thighs were forced to remain spread open.
Kari felt herself start to tremble slightly. She did not know what was happening but she knew it couldn’t be good.
Kari watched as Mistress Alexis removed the strap with the big pink ball attached from her waist. Mistress Alexis moved around to Kari’s head.
“Open your mouth slave.” Mistress Alexis commanded.
Kari thought of resisting but she knew it would be futile in her current condition. Kari’s jaw trembled slightly as she opened her mouth. Mistress Alexis used her thumb to push the fuchsia pink ball into Kari’s mouth. The hard rubber ball filled the opening of Kari’s mouth. Mistress Alexis tightened the strap behind Kari’s head, which forced the ball even further into her mouth. The rubber ball was big enough that it forced Kari’s mouth open farther than it was used to. The center of the ball was pierced with a small chrome rod, which had chrome swivels on each side of the ball. The ends of the strap were attached to these swivels. Kari felt the cool metal swivels pressing into the corners of her mouth. She tried once in vain to push the ball using her tongue and mouth action but it hardly even budged.
Kari’s attention was drawn from the ball gag by Mistress Alexis rubbing something warm on her pubic area. She looked down to see Mistress Alexis spreading a clear gel over her pubic area. After a few minutes of massaging the gel in thoroughly Mistress Alexis held up a small device, which looked like a plastic gun with a small black metal disc on the end. The disc seemed to pivot on two prods protruding from the tip of the gun. Kari saw that an electrical cord ran from the bottom of the handle end of the gun. Mistress Alexis started moving the disc closer to Kari’s pubic area.
Kari wasn’t prepared for the sensation, which struck her as the disc on the end of the gun touched the gel on her pubic area. A strong electrical surge passed from the disc to Kari’s pubic area. Kari writhed in the straps and screamed into the ball gag. The pain did not end there as the disc slowly moved across the gel covering her pubic area. Tears flowed from Kari’s eyes and she bit the ball of her gag so hard she thought her teeth would shatter. The torture seemed to last forever as the shocks moved across her pubic area.
Then just as soon as it had begun it stopped. Kari lay sobbing into the ball gag with tears flowing down her cheeks. Wet sucking noises were coming from her runny nose. The pain in her pubic area was completely gone now, replaced by a slightly numb sensation.
Kari watched as Mistress Alexis used a damp soft white towel to wipe the gel from her pubic area. Kari was surprised, as Mistress Alexis seemed to be very gentle as she wiped the gel off. Mistress Alexis pulled the towel away and Kari could see that mixed in the gel on the towel was her curly blond pubic hairs. Mistress Alexis held up a small mirror between Kari’s legs and Kari was shocked to see that there was not a trace of any pubic hair anywhere. Her pubic area was completely bald!
The process was repeated on Kari’s legs where she had the smallest stubble from not shaving for several days. The pain of the shock to her legs was barely noticeable and soon her legs were silky smooth. Mistress Alexis finished by removing the tiny stubble beneath Kari’s arms.
Kari watched in as Mistress Alexis slipped a pair of white latex hospital gloves on. She then opened a sealed clear package and removed a small white plastic nozzle. Mistress Alexis then smeared what looked like K-Y jelly over the nozzle. The nozzle disappeared underneath Kari and she felt something cool pressing against her anus. Kari couldn’t believe what was happening!
Kari squeezed her ass cheeks together as hard as she could. Mistress Alexis didn’t hesitate at all as she removed the small whip from her belt and gave Kari a single stroke across her stomach. The blow was so quick that Kari didn’t register the pain until the whip was already back on Mistress Alexis’ belt. Kari’s screamed in pain, her stomach felt like someone had torn it in two!
Mistress Alexis used the distraction of the single blow to slip the plastic nozzle deep into Kari’s anus. She quickly hooked a small hose to the end of the nozzle still protruding from Kari’s ass.
Kari writhed in agony and humiliation. She tried to push the nozzle out of her anus but Mistress Alexis held it firmly in place. Suddenly Kari felt a torrent of warm liquid entering her bowels through the nozzle. Kari had never experienced an enema before and she lay paralyzed. The feeling was so foreign that she just lay perfectly still, afraid to move at all. The water continued to flow into her bowels and she was amazed as she watched her stomach slightly distend. Then without warning the most powerful urge to defecate in her life struck her.
Mistress Alexis quickly removed the nozzle and placed a clear hose resembling a vacuum hose against Kari’s anus. A press of a button suctioned the hose to Kari’s bulging anus.
Kari was terrified and she didn’t know what to do. She had to go worse than she ever had to yet she was afraid that it might get on Mistress Alexis. In horror she felt the water starting to slip past her tightly clenched anus. To her surprise there was no spray of water out her ass, instead only a steady sucking sound from under her ass. Kari relaxed slightly as the last of the water left her.
Mistress Alexis removed the suction hose and replaced it quickly with the nozzle again before Kari had a chance to realize what was happening. The process was repeated over again.
Kari didn’t know how long this would continue. She had already been given four of those damned enemas! As Mistress Alexis removed the suction hose for the fourth time Kari was surprised as Mistress Alexis started rubbing her ass with warm, moist wipes. The enema equipment was put away to Kari’s delight.
Kari watched warily as another nozzle was removed from a sealed plastic bag. This nozzle was attached to a hose that disappeared beneath the table somewhere. Kari watched with dread as the hose was forced into her vagina. There was a second of tension before she felt a warm rush of water spraying deep into her most intimate area. The water was forced in until it started to leak out and Mistress Alexis skillfully used the vacuum tube to catch the steady stream running out. Kari’s vagina was filled and emptied several times before the equipment was finally removed from her sight.
Mistress Alexis moved around to the head of the table and placed a white leather blindfold over Kari’s eyes. Kari began trembling again. What could be so bad that she needed a blindfold? After all, she wasn’t given one for all the enemas and that was absolutely awful.
Kari listened carefully as she heard what sounded like plastic wrap being taken off of something metal. Then she heard the sound of metal items clicking on a metal surface. She also heard someone remove a pair of latex gloves and put another pair on. What was going on?
Kari felt the strap holding the ball gag in her mouth loosen and the ball gag was removed. Something small, round, and plastic was placed against her lips.
Mistress Alexis’s voice broke the silence, “take a drink of water slave.”
Kari drank the cool liquid eagerly through the plastic straw Mistress Alexis held between her lips. The water was good and she was grateful for the gesture of kindness. She was allowed to drink water for several more minutes before it was pulled away.
“Open your mouth wide slave,” Mistress Alexis ordered casually.
Kari did as she was commanded expecting the ball gag to be replaced. Instead some kind of molded plastic mouthpiece was placed in her mouth. The plastic covered her upper and lower teeth. Her mouth was held open but there was a hole in the mouthpiece allowing her tongue to stick out. Kari pushed her tongue through the hole in the mouthpiece and felt smooth plastic covering her teeth. Kari withdrew her tongue and felt the inside of the mouthpiece, also smooth plastic.
Mistress Alexis’s voice interrupted her exploration. “I want you to stick your tongue out as far as possible slave and keep it there.”
Kari wondered what Mistress Alexis was up to and hesitated.
“Do I need to repeat myself slave, there is no option in this decision!” Mistress Alexis seemed to be getting angry. A quick flick of the small whip across Kari’s thigh followed the command.
The pain was instant and Kari jerked in pain as her thigh felt like it had been cut open. Kari realized any further refusal would only be rewarded with more punishment so she quickly stuck her tongue out. As soon as it was extended past her lips she felt something cold and metallic clamp down on it. This startled Kari and she immediately tried to withdraw her tongue. The clamp holding her tongue refused to let her tongue retreat into her mouth.
“Relax slave, trying to move your tongue will only result in injury.” Mistress Alexis sounded as if she were concentrating now.
Kari found herself trembling now as the clamp pulled her tongue out and upward. A sudden intense burning came from the skin webbing beneath her tongue. Something was burning the thin vertical piece of skin between the bottom of her tongue and the bottom of her mouth. The smell of burning flesh reached Kari’s nose and she started crying.
“Easy slave almost done.” Mistress Alexis cooed.
Kari felt the burning stop to be replaced by an irritating occasional sharp pain. The pain was like a really painful canker sore beneath her tongue. The clamp on her tongue kept her tongue outside her mouth but held it level now. Kari trembled in her bonds, not understanding what was happening to her.
Without warning, a sharp pain shot through the middle of Kari’s tongue from top to bottom. Kari tried to withdraw her tongue but the clamp prevented it. The sharp pain disappeared and was now a dull throbbing pain. She felt something being pushed through her tongue!
The clamp was removed and Kari quickly withdrew her tongue before further damage was inflicted on it. She was shocked to discover something metal on the top and bottom of her tongue. The area was sore as she touched the cold round ball on top of her tongue against the roof of her mouth. As her initial shock wore off she realized her tongue must have been pierced. She had seen other girls with pierced tongues and she realized she was now one of them.
Kari felt something cold, clamp her navel. After a few seconds she felt a sharp stabbing pain. The pain subsided and was followed by several more sharp pains as she felt something pushing through her skin. The clamp was released but there was still something cold and foreign penetrating her navel. Kari was smart enough to know that her navel must also be pierced now. Why were they doing this to her?
Kari’s questions went unanswered as she heard metallic sounds like some metal instruments were being placed on a metal tray. Then came the rubbery, snapping sound of latex gloves being pulled off. Kari hoped that the gloves coming off signaled an end to her torture. Kari waited in the darkness for whatever would come next.
Chapter 12
Kari felt her limbs being freed from the bonds on the stainless steel table. Then she heard Mistress Alexis’ voice, “sit up slave.” Kari pushed herself into a sitting position on the table with her legs dangling over the edge. Kari felt fingers at the back of her head and her blindfold was swiftly unbuckled and removed. Kari flinched in the bright light of the room. She was still crying softly from the horror of the tongue piercing she had endured.
“Stand slave and follow me.” Kari followed Mistress Alexis over to the wall where all the devices hung from hooks. Mistress Alexis turned briefly to look at Kari then turned back to the wall as she surveyed the items. Mistress Alexis selected several white leather items off the wall quickly and then turned back to Kari.
“Wrists out slave.” Kari presented her wrists and Mistress Alexis quickly secured them in three-inch wide, white, padded leather cuffs. She then handed Kari another pair of three-inch wide, white, padded leather cuffs. “Put those on your ankles slave.”
Kari knelt and slipped one of the cuffs around her right ankle. Kari then pulled the two roller buckles on the cuff tight. Kari paused for a minute, reflecting on how strange this was. She was placing herself in restraints! Kari quickly turned her attention to placing the other cuff around her left ankle. Kari buckled the two buckles on the ankle cuff then stood up.
Mistress Alexis handed Kari 8 small chrome padlocks. “I think you know what to do with these slave.”
Kari felt herself tremble as the locks were placed in her right palm. Now she was expected to lock the restraints on herself! Kari looked at the small padlocks, so small yet so secure. Once they were on she knew there would be no way she could remove them.
Kari’s thoughts were disrupted as Mistress Alexis snapped, “I am waiting slave!”
Kari started looking for a way to place the padlocks on the cuff buckled on her left wrist. After a few seconds of searching she found a special spot on the roller buckle designed for a padlock shackle. Kari slipped the first padlock shackle through the hole and squeezed the shackle closed with a distinctive “click”. Kari saw the impatience on Mistress Alexis’ face so she hurried to place the other padlocks in the remaining holes on her cuffs.
Mistress Alexis then reached forward with a chrome chain leash and hooked one end to the front of the collar still encircling Kari’s neck. “Kneel slave.”
Kari knelt before Mistress Alexis. “You were a bit slow putting on your cuffs and securing them but…you did so without further urging. You deserve a reward.”
Kari smiled slightly despite the throbbing in her tongue from her fresh piercing. A reward she thought?
Mistress Alexis smiled at Kari’s reaction. “You may kiss my boots slave, that is your reward.” Mistress Alexis’ smile turned to an evil grin as she finished her sentence and saw the shock register on Kari’s face. “Begin slave!”
Kari knelt stunned, unsure of what to do. Kari spoke, “Mistress may I speak?” Kari was horrified as her words came out in a lisping slur.
Mistress Alexis smiled even more as she replied, “speak slave.”
Kari’s tongue hurt when she spoke the first time and now she hesitated.
“Speak slave!” Mistress Alexis demanded impatiently.
Kari tried to talk slowly and enunciate her words. “Mistress I do now know how to do what you ask Mistress.” Kari moaned in misery as her words still came out in a lisping slur and her tongue throbbed in pain from moving it so much.
“Put your lips to the tip of one of my boots and start kissing. Move your way up the boot as you kiss then switch to the other boot.” Mistress Alexis watched Kari impatiently.
Kari placed her hands on the floor as she bent down and placed her lips on Mistress Alexis’ right boot. Kari started quickly pressing her lips to the boot and then quickly moved them upward to the top.
“NO, NO, NO,” Mistress Alexis yelled! “Start over and kiss them like you would a lover!”
Kari started over again but burst into sobs as she tried to do as she had been ordered. Part of the reason for her tears was the pain in her tongue but mostly because of the humiliation she felt. Kari knew she had to comply though so she kept pushing her full lips against the shiny latex. Kari moved to the left boot and started over. Kari stopped sobbing as she finished the left boot and knelt back again.
“That was better but you will definitely need training in foot worship.” Mistress Alexis tugged on Kari’s leash, “stand slave.”
Kari stood quickly, not wanting to anger Mistress Alexis further.
Mistress Alexis turned and pulled Kari’s leash. They quickly crossed the room and went out a large set of heavy wooden doors. They turned right and Kari saw that they were in a huge hall with walls composed of carved stone blocks. The walls were covered with beautiful tapestries depicting unbelievable scenes of sexual slavery. Before Kari could study the hall further they turned right and faced a large heavy wooden door. Mistress Alexis produced a gold skeleton key and unlocked the door then pushed it open. Kari was tugged through the door by her leash.
Chapter 13
Inside the room were several small tables and the walls were covered with cupboards. Along one wall was a small white marble sink flanked by two stainless steel baskets. Kari was startled as she noticed a woman sitting at one of the tables. The presence of the woman wasn’t so startling as was the woman’s appearance. Kari stood staring at the woman, frozen in shock.
Mistress Alexis directed Kari to the opposite side of the table as the woman and ordered her to sit. Kari sat on the cool hardwood chair next to the table as Mistress Alexis ordered. Kari continued to stare at the woman, now only a few feet away from her, until Mistress Alexis’ voice broke her trance.
“Use the clips on the chair legs to attach your ankle cuffs to the chair slave.” Kari looked down and saw that there was a single chrome “O” shaped ring attached to each chair leg with a chrome eyebolt. Kari felt the “O” ring and discovered there was a section of the “O” that opened when pushed. Kari put the “D” ring on her right ankle into the “O” and let the spring-loaded section of the “O” close through the “D” ring. Kari repeated the process with her left ankle.
“Hands on the table now slave, palms down.” Mistress Alexis ordered.
Kari placed her hands on the smooth wooden table. Mistress Alexis nodded to the woman across from Kari. The woman moved swiftly and used a pair of built in eyebolts and “O” rings to secure the “D” rings on Kari’s wrist cuffs to the table.
Mistress Alexis took the chain leash and placed it between Kari’s arms. She dropped the end of the leash and the cold chrome chain hung between Kari’s bare breasts. Mistress Alexis then turned to the woman, “I will return in several hours slave.” The woman bowed her head in apparent acknowledgment and obedience.
Kari watched as Mistress Alexis disappeared behind her and then she heard the heavy wooden door shut. Kari also thought she heard the lock in the door turn. Kari turned her attention quickly back to the woman across from her.
The woman across from her didn’t seem to be paying her any attention as she remained seated but opened a cupboard to her right. The woman started placing items from the cabinet on the table in an orderly manner. Kari paid little attention to the items being placed on the table and continued staring at the woman.
The woman appeared to be in her mid-twenties and had a deep tan like Kari. The woman’s straight hair was dyed a light blue and hung well past her shoulders in a single braid. Kari noticed briefly that the woman’s eyes were nearly the same shade of light blue as her hair.
The woman had a dark brown leather collar locked around her neck. The only other apparent device was a brown leather and chrome gag. The gag had a small strap that went around the woman’s head. In the front the strap connected to small chrome swivels connected to a chrome rod that passed through a small, light blue rubber ball. Kari could see that the gag strap buckled behind the woman’s head as she turned to get things from the cabinet. The small blue rubber ball was pulled firmly between the woman’s lips. There was another small leather strap that came down from the main gag strap. This strap passed under the woman’s jaw where it was buckled tightly. Kari could not see any padlocks holding the gag on, just the buckles.
The woman was naked except for a small piece of light blue silk hanging from a belt fashioned from a chrome chain. The silk looked like a loincloth the way it hung from the belt. Kari couldn’t help but notice the silk material was nearly transparent and barely covered any of the woman’s intimate parts.
The thing that drew Kari’s attention to the woman was her silver jewelry. Kari had never seen someone up close with so many piercings. The woman had at least 20 earrings in each ear alone! There were also 2 rings through each eyebrow, 1 through her right nostril, a ball stud through the skin above her lip on the left side, a ball stud through her chin below her lip, and even a ring through each of her nipples!
Kari couldn’t imagine having her face pierced like that. The pain of her tongue piercing alone was more than enough for her. The woman must have endured incredible pain to have all the piercings she had. Kari wondered if any of the woman’s piercings were voluntary.
Thinking about the piercings made Kari focus on the slight throbbing in her navel. She looked down and could see a small silver curved barbell protruding from the bottom of her belly button. The silver end was round and was nearly flush against her firm stomach. After bending her head down a little more she could see the other end of the curved barbell ended in another round silver ball lodged in the hole of her naval. The area that was pierced was slightly reddened and swollen looking.
The woman turned her attention to Kari’s hands and started rubbing a green paste into them. The paste felt good and appeared to be a great moisturizer. Kari noted the woman seemed to be very skilled with her hands. The woman massaged Kari’s hands for several minutes then used a soft white towel to wipe the paste off.
Kari continued watching the woman as she started buffing Kari’s fingernails and attending to her cuticles. The woman worked quickly and with great skill. After her fingernails were buffed and the cuticles were all pushed back the woman turned to the other items she had laid out on the table. Kari watched as the woman started selecting long acrylic fingernails from a clear plastic box and setting them on the table. Kari breathed a sigh of relief; she could handle a manicure.
The woman finished laying out the items and then stood up to walk over to a refrigerator on the far wall. A few seconds later the woman reappeared with a small cup, which she set on the table. The woman reached into the cup and held out her hand with some shaved ice in the palm. The woman held her hand near Kari’s mouth and Kari opened her mouth. The woman placed the shaved ice on Kari’s swollen tongue and Kari quickly drew her tongue into her mouth. The ice felt so good to Kari’s freshly punctured tongue that she moaned softly in relief.
The woman sat down the cup and went back to her work. Kari watched as the woman expertly applied the acrylic nails over the top of her existing fingernails. Once the fingernails were all applied the woman started shaping the square ends with a fingernail file.
The ice in Kari’s mouth had melted by now but her tongue was still partially numb from the cold. Kari had an idea and decided to try communicating with the woman.
“Thank you for the ice, that was very kind of you.” Kari’s words still came out a bit slurred, especially anything that made an “s” sound. Kari was pleased that her speech sounded a tiny bit better though.
The woman looked up and seemed to smile with her eyes as she nodded.
Kari was encouraged by the woman’s reaction and decided to continue. “My name is Kari and I just arrived here yesterday.” Kari tried her best smile as she spoke.
The woman kept working this time but nodded again.
Kari had another burst of inspiration. “I wish you could talk to me, there are so many questions I have to ask you. Why don’t you take that gag off of you so we can talk?”
The woman shook her head “no”.
The woman stopped filing Kari’s fingernails and reached into the cup with the ice. She gave another handful of ice to Kari, which she gladly took into her mouth.
After several minutes the ice had melted and Kari decided to try communicating again. “I have a great idea! You could release my hands from the table for a minute and I can take that gag off of you. Then you can attach my hands back to the table and nobody will even know.”
The woman seemed to ignore her this time as she finished filing the tips of Kari’s fingernails into graceful curves.
Kari looked at the woman as she looked up. Despite the numerous piercings the woman was still very beautiful she decided. “Please, I have to talk with you! Release my hands and I will take your gag off!”
The woman stood up and walked over to one of the many cabinets on the walls. She returned carrying something in her hands that was folded up but was white colored. The woman swiftly walked behind Kari and Kari tried to turn her head to watch what the woman was doing.
The woman used both her hands to pull Kari’s long hair into a large mass. The woman then pulled all the hair up and placed a large plastic clip on it to keep it in an oversized bun. When Kari tried to turn to look at the woman she grabbed Kari’s chin and forced her to look forward.
As Kari wondered what was happening she saw a small white ball pass in front of her eyes and then she felt pressure against her lips. Kari was forced to open her mouth and soon the white ball was pulled tightly between her soft lips. Kari felt a strap attached to the ball gag pulled tight behind her head. Then another strap from the one going around her head was buckled under her chin tightly. Kari’s hair was then released from the plastic clip to hang down her back again, over the top of the gag strap. To Kari’s dismay she was effectively gagged once again.
The woman walked around the table again and sat back down. She started brushing clear acrylic paste over each of Kari’s fingernails.
Kari sat in shock. How could this woman that had seemed so nice be so cruel? Why did she gag her? Kari realized that she really had little idea of the rules others had to follow here. Kari sniffed through her nose as she felt tears well in her eyes. She felt so powerless, a feeling she was not used to and one she didn’t care for either. Kari decided she had to find a way to get out of this place regardless of the risk.
Chapter 13
Kari watched as the woman across from her stood up and walked around behind her with a hairbrush. Kari felt the woman brushing her hair in long graceful strokes. After several minutes of brushing the woman started braiding Kari’s hair into a single thick braid. Kari looked down at her fingernails.
They were lengthened about an inch past the ends of her fingers. They were manicured to perfection. The woman had carefully applied white nail polish to each fingernail and then went over the polish with a clear topcoat. The shiny white polish contrasted with Kari’s bronzed hands. The manicure job was flawless and the best Kari had ever received or even seen.
After the woman finished Kari’s fingernails she released Kari’s wrist cuffs from the table and attached them to the wooden arms if Kari’s chair. The woman then slid Kari’s chair far enough back so that she could turn it to one side. Kari’s ankle cuffs were released from the chair and attached to the top of a short wooden footstool. The woman then proceeded to give Kari’s toenails a pedicure. While her toenails were not lengthened they were gone over with acrylic paste to smooth them and provide strength. Shiny white polish now covered each of her toenails. The woman quickly released Kari’s ankle cuffs from the stool and attached them to the chair legs again.
Kari’s thoughts were brought back the present as the woman finished Kari’s braid. The braid was tight against her scalp but not painfully so. The woman used three silver metal bands, which she closed around the braid near the end. The silver bands varied in size starting with a half-inch wide band and slowly increasing in size. The bands were spaced an inch apart with the first band placed one inch above the end of Kari’s braid. The woman added several more of the silver bands along the remaining length of Kari’s braid.
Kari watched as the woman stood up and walked around the table again. The woman came back with several small silver studs in her hand. Kari noted that the studs were flat on each end of the barbell. The woman quickly slid the four studs into the holes Kari already had in her ear lobes. Kari watched as a slight frown crossed the woman’s face after screwing the ball onto the last stud. The woman turned and walked over to one of the many cabinets on the wall.
She returned with a small stainless metal tray that was sealed in plastic. The tray was sat on the table and the woman walked over to a small white marble sink where she washed her hands thoroughly. She reached under the table and pulled out a pair of thin white latex surgical gloves, which she slid over her delicate hands. Kari watched as the woman tore the plastic off of the stainless steel tray.
On the tray were several stainless steel clamps, rubber bands, a small jar of clear jelly, and what looked like several sharpened hollow needles. The woman pulled out a small stainless steel box and opened it on the table. Inside were hundreds of silver rings, barbells, studs, and other silver jewelry of all sizes and shapes.
The woman selected two long silver barbells from the box and walked over to Kari. Kari tried to turn her head to see what the woman was doing but was stopped by the woman’s hand grabbing a ring attached to the chinstrap on Kari’s gag. Kari felt the woman’s fingers touching her right ear near the top and then the left ear near the top. Kari felt herself starting to shake as fear started in the pit of her stomach.
Kari watched as the woman walked back to the table and picked up a small black ink pen. She then walked around Kari again. This time Kari didn’t try to turn her head, as she knew it would do her no good. She felt the soft tip of the pen touch her right ear in several places and then her left ear in several places. The woman walked back over to the table and picked up several clamps.
Kari felt sick as the woman walked over to her right side and placed one clamp on the rear portion of her upper right ear. The second clamp was placed on another part of her upper right ear. The clamps were tight but didn’t really hurt. Kari knew that she was about to be pierced again though and the thought made her feel like passing out.
Kari’s mind raced as she watched the woman take two of the small hollow needles and dip them in a blob of the clear jelly she had laid out on the stainless steel tray. Kari kept hoping that she was in a dream and that she would wake up. Kari shifted her weight in the chair and tried to say something through the ball gag. All that came out was a very muffled sound that was totally unrecognizable as human speech.
The woman picked up one of the hollow needles and walked over beside Kari. Kari felt the woman grab the clamp on the rear upper portion of her right ear. Suddenly a sharp pain struck her ear like a hot poker. Kari writhed in her chair as tears came to her eyes and started spilling down her cheeks.
Kari could still feel the sharp needle penetrating the fresh hole in her ear as the woman shifted her hand to hold the second clamp on the very top of her right ear. Kari was sobbing into the gag now. Kari jumped as the lightening like pain struck the top of her ear. She could now feel the hollow metal tube sticking through both the holes in her ear.
The woman walked quickly over to the table and retrieved one of the long silver barbells then returned to Kari’s side. Kari could feel the metal needle as it slid through the holes only to be replaced by the long silver barbell. The two clamps were released and removed. She could feel the woman’s fingers twisting the little round ball onto the end of the barbell above the top of her right ear. Kari’s ear throbbed dully in pain as she continued sobbing into her gag.
Kari felt her stomach rolling as she watched the woman return to the table and sit the clamps down. The woman picked up two new clamps and walked over to Kari’s left side. This time her left ear was marked like the right ear and the two clamps were placed on her ear.
When the woman walked back to the table to get the sharp hollow needle Kari screamed into her gag for the woman to please stop. The woman glanced at her and then raised one of her fingers to her own ball gag in a “hush” gesture. Kari felt sick as the woman walked around to her left side.
Kari suddenly pulled against her cuffs with all her strength. The chair shifted slightly under her but her wrists barely moved. Kari quickly realized there was little she could do to stop the inevitable mutilation of her left ear. Before Kari fully realized the futility of her actions the woman roughly grabbed the ring at the bottom of Kari’s chinstrap. The woman placed her face in front of Kari’s and firmly shook her head “no”. Kari could tell by the look in the woman’s light blue eyes that she was serious. Kari lowered her watery eyes in defeat.
The woman returned to Kari’s left side and grabbed the clamp on the rear portion of her upper left ear. The piercing process was repeated quickly as Kari sobbed in pain and defeat. Kari felt drool running down her chin around the ball gag as the barbell was slid through the two new holes in her upper left ear.
The woman walked back to the table and placed all the tools on the stainless steel tray and then carried it over to a cupboard where she put it all inside. The woman then went to the small white marble sink and removed her gloves, which she tossed in a small stainless steel trashcan to the right of the sink. The woman washed her hands again and returned to the table with a wet washcloth.
Kari felt the woman use the warm, wet washcloth to wipe the tears from her cheeks and the drool from her chin. The woman then very carefully wiped around each of Kari’s ears, avoiding the actual sites of the fresh piercings. The woman placed the washcloth in another stainless steel basket near the sink and walked back to Kari.
Kari watched as the woman quickly released her ankle cuffs from the chair and her wrist cuffs from the chair arms. The woman reached between Kari’s naked breasts to grab the chain leash dangling there. A slight tug indicated to Kari that she was to stand.
Kari stood slowly, slightly weak in the knees from the trauma of her piercings. The woman seemed to understand this and gave her a moment to collect herself before tugging the leash and walking her toward a small but heavy black wooden door set in the wall at the far end of the small room. As Kari was lead toward the door she realized it was not the larger wooden door she had used to enter the room. Kari felt herself tremble as she wondered what horrors would be behind this new door.
Chapter 14
The door opened to reveal a large blue marble-floored room that was easily twenty feet wide and thirty feet long. Along several walls of the room were large dark wooden armoires. Along one side of the room were hundreds of pieces of clothing made from all types of leather, latex, silk, and other materials Kari could not identify. In the center of the room were several pieces of dark wooden furniture in weird configurations. Kari could also see an area composed of half a dozen mirrors in a semi-circle. They were obviously designed for viewing oneself from head to toe.
The woman leading Kari walked her into the center of the room near the furniture. The woman pulled Kari’s leash toward a small wooden device that hung from the ceiling by several chains. Below the hanging device was another small wooden device mounted to the floor. Each wooden device had several holes in it, with the bottom one having two holes and the top having three holes. The center hole in the top piece was larger than the other two holes.
The woman released Kari’s leash from the front of her collar. Kari watched as the woman went to one of the many armoires and opened the doors. Inside were hundreds of leather devices. The woman selected one and walked back over to Kari as she opened the leather device.
Kari recognized the device as one of the thick collars like she had worn once before. The woman slid the wide, padded, white leather collar around Kari’s neck. Kari felt the woman carefully adjust the collar so that Kari’s chin was in the cut out portion of the collar. Kari then felt the collar buckled tightly around her neck, forcing her head to remain perfectly straight and upright.
The woman grabbed one of the “D” shaped rings on the collar and pulled Kari closer to the hanging wooden device. The woman paused and knelt to do something with the wooden device on the floor. Kari could not look down to see what the woman was doing because of the wide collar around her neck.
Kari felt her right ankle pulled forward and then her left ankle. There was a slight pressure around each ankles’ cuff followed by several clicking noises. The woman stood up and turned her attention to the hanging wooden device. Kari tried to move her ankles only to realize they were held completely immobile about a foot apart in the wooden device on the floor.
Kari watched as the woman opened the wooden device hanging in front of her about neck level. The wooden device had a hinge on one side that allowed one half of it to swing open. The woman pulled the device toward Kari and she felt the center hole being pushed against the front of her collar. Kari felt her right wrist cuff lifted to the hole in the device to the right of her neck. Her left wrist cuff was pulled up and into the hole in the device on her left side. Kari then felt the device swing closed against the back of her collar and wrist cuffs. There were several clicking sounds as the “D” rings on her wrist cuffs and collar were attached small rings on the wooden device.
The woman disappeared from sight as Kari pulled slightly at her new bonds. Kari instantly knew she was not going anywhere. She was startled as she heard a faint electrical sound and felt the wooden device around her neck rising upward. Kari’s upper body was pulled slightly forward and then up until she felt stretched between the two wooden devices. While it was not really painful it was not comfortable either.
Kari could see the woman walk to the clothing hanging from the wall across from her. Kari watched intently as the woman selected what looked like a white leather corset. The woman walked past Kari and then Kari felt the item being pushed against her stomach and chest.
Kari could feel what felt like laces being drawn tight in the small of her back. As the laces tightened the corset pushed against the front of her stomach. The laces continued being drawn tight up her back and as they were, the front of the corset was pulled tight against her stomach and chest. The tightening stopped briefly as the woman walked around in front of Kari.
Kari felt the woman grabbing her breasts and placing them into what felt like cups near the top of the corset. Kari blushed in shame and humiliation.
The woman returned behind Kari and continued tightening the laces. Kari could feel the heavy boning in the front and sides of the corset forcing her into an hourglass shape.
The woman came around in front of Kari and took several obvious deep breaths and let them out through her nose. After the third breath she exhaled and held it. The woman then pointed to Kari. Kari understood and did the same as the woman disappeared behind her again.
After Kari exhaled and held her breath she felt the laces jerked incredibly tight behind her. Kari grunted into her gag as the woman forced the lacing even tighter. Kari then felt and heard what must be buckles being drawn tight over the top of the lacing. Kari discovered she could still breathe but her breathing was definitely restricted. Kari’s lower ribs, stomach, and waist felt like it was being squeezed in a vice.
The woman walked around in front of Kari and seemed to be checking the fit of the corset. Kari was shocked as the woman reached out and grabbed her right nipple between her fingers and gave it a firm tug. Kari winced in pain and tried to pull back but it was impossible as she was stretched tight between the two wooden devices. The woman reached up and gave Kari’s left nipple a good tug also. Kari felt her breasts being pushed firmly upward and together by the leather half cups molded into the corset.
The woman looked satisfied and walked over to one of the other armoires and opened the doors. She selected something from inside and walked back over to Kari. Kari could see the woman holding what looked like two small chrome tweezers linked together with about a foot of delicate chrome chain. The “tweezers” curved tips were covered with a thin layer of black rubber. Kari could also see what looked like a tiny chrome screw going through the side of each “tweezer”. Kari watched as the woman twisted the screws on the “tweezers”, as the screws were twisted the tips opened wider. Kari didn’t understand what the “tweezers” were for and she wished she could ask the woman.
The woman’s hands holding the “tweezers” disappeared below Kari’s line of vision in front of her. Kari jerked as she felt the woman’s fingers grasping her right nipple. Kari grimaced as her right nipple was pulled outward and then she felt something cold being placed around the nipple’s base behind the woman’s fingers. The woman’s fingers released the nipple but the thin cold object remained firmly on her nipple. Kari felt he left nipple pulled outward and the process was repeated.
Kari watched as the woman stepped back and looked down at Kari’s breasts. Kari could see that the woman no longer held the “tweezers” and she knew that they must be attached to her nipples now. Kari saw the woman reach forward and then felt her touching the “tweezer” on her right nipple. The woman looked into Kari’s eyes as Kari felt the “tweezer” tightening on her nipple. Kari bit the ball in her mouth as she felt sharp pain radiating from her right nipple. The woman continued watching Kari and Kari felt the pressure ease until it was just a slightly painful sensation. The woman moved to the left nipple and adjusted the “tweezer” so that it felt like the right one. Kari was grateful that the “tweezers” were not left as tight as they had been when the woman was adjusting them. Kari had never experienced such pain in her nipples before.
The woman walked behind Kari and then Kari heard another armoire being opened. After a few minutes Kari heard the woman walk up behind her and set something on the ground. The wooden device holding Kari’s ankle cuffs was removed. Kari heard several heavy clicking sounds and then what sounded like the wooden device on the floor being moved to the side. Kari wished she could see what the woman was doing.
Kari could feel the woman unlock and remove her ankle cuffs. Kari tried to keep her breathing calm and not anticipate that something awful was going to happen. Kari felt her right foot pulled forward, forcing her to balance on her left foot. Something was being slipped over her left foot and up her calf. The item felt smooth and cool against her skin. Kari could feel her foot being pushed into what felt like a boot and she realized the item must indeed be a tall boot.
Kari felt her toes being forced downward by the shape of the boot. After several seconds of steady pressure her foot slipped into place in the bottom of the boot. The woman sat Kari’s foot down on the floor again. Kari could feel the boot being drawn tight around her foot and calf as she heard laces being drawn through the eyelets. The laces were pulled tight until the boot felt like a corset for her foot and calf. Kari could tell by the angle her toes were forced to take that the boot had an extremely high heel. She had no idea exactly how high because her weight was still resting on her left foot.
The woman grabbed Kari’s left ankle and started pulling it forward. Kari was forced to draw her right foot back and stand on her booted right foot. At first Kari started to loose her balance on the high-heeled boot but the woman quickly steadied Kari with her hand placed on Kari’s hip. Kari was able to center her weight on her booted right foot. The heel felt like it was a very narrow heel and it was high enough the Kari pushed against the wooden device around her head and there was now slack in the chains holding it.
The woman squeezed Kari’s left foot into another boot and started lacing it up tightly. The woman finished and pushed Kari’s booted left foot back onto the floor. Kari drew the foot under her and shifted her balance so her weight was distributed on both booted feet. Kari could tell she was easily 4 or 5 inches taller in the boots. The heels were so tall and narrow that she had to really concentrate to maintain her balance.
Kari could hear buckles being closed below her and she could feel something being drawn tight around each of her ankles. Kari tried to ignore what was happening below her and concentrate on her balance instead. The combination of the high collar forcing her chin up, the corset forcing her back to be ramrod straight, and the boots making her toes point sharply downward was nearly impossible to get used to. Kari could also feel a slight downward tug on the “tweezers” squeezing her nipples, no doubt from the weight of the chain connecting them.
Kari’s concentration was interrupted by the woman releasing Kari from the wooden device securing her neck and wrists. When the device was first removed Kari started to loose her balance from the sudden loss of the weight of the ten pound device. Kari quickly recovered and stood breathing rapidly through her nose. The woman attached the chrome leash to the “D” ring on the front of Kari’s collar.
After the leash was attached the woman started leading Kari around the room very slowly. Kari stumbled along for the first few minutes but the woman always reached out with a hand to keep Kari from falling to the floor. After about five minutes Kari was able to walk in the high-heeled boots without falling. Occasionally she would still start to stumble but she had learned how to correct her balance before she fell completely. The woman seemed satisfied with Kari’s progress and led her over to the area of the room with the mirrors.
Kari noticed the floor in front of the mirrors was even some kind of mirror like surface as she stepped onto it carefully. As Kari was lead into the center of the semi-circle of mirrors in the room the woman released her leash and stepped away from the mirrors. As the woman stepped back she pushed one of the sections of mirrors inward until it touched the mirror on the other side of the semi-circle. Kari was shocked as she realized the mirrors now formed an unbroken circle around her. Kari was now afforded an unobstructed view of herself from all sides including below her.
The image she saw was so shocking that her breath caught in her throat as she took it all in. Kari’s hair was all pulled into a single thick, tight braid that hung down the small of her back. The end of the braid was held with three of the silver metal bands. There were two more of the silver bands, one around the braid in the middle of her back, and one around the braid behind her neck.
The ball gag forced between her lips made her already pouty lips seem to swell even further. The stainless steel swivels attaching the small white ball to the white leather straps glinted in the halogen light shining down from overhead.
Kari looked at her still throbbing ears and could see that a silver barbell about two inches long passed through the upper rear portion of her ears cartilage and then through the upper portion of cartilage near the front of her ears. She could see that the fresh holes in her ears were red and slightly swollen. The lights glinted off the stainless steel barbells and the small round balls threaded onto each end. The two existing lower holes in each of her ears held simple short stainless steel barbells that also glinted in the bright halogen light.
Kari could see the thick, padded white leather collar around her neck in the mirror. There were six chrome “D” rings spaced evenly around the collar and Kari could see three small straps buckled through chrome buckles behind her neck. The collar was cut perfectly to support her chin yet the sides and back of the collar were cut high enough to prevent her from turning her head at all. Kari could feel the smaller, thinner collar pressed tightly into her throat under the wider outer collar. The chrome leash hung from the “D” ring on the front of her collar and the end dangled to her knees. Although the collar prevented Kari from looking down the mirrors were positioned so that she could easily see herself from her head to her feet by moving her eyes.
Kari’s eyes moved down her body to see the white leather corset forcing her body into a nearly perfect hourglass shape. The rear of the corset ended just above her ass and extended just below her armpits. There were heavy white laces passing through chrome eyelets all the way up the center of the rear of the corset. The laces were all drawn tight and there were 6 chrome buckles with one-inch wide white leather straps passing through them over the top of the lacing.
In front of the corset, the bottom ended just below Kari’s stomach and the top stopped just below Kari’s naked breasts. The bottom of the corset had a small “V” shaped notch in it that exposed Kari’s naval. Kari could see the curved stainless steel barbell sticking through her freshly pierced belly button. The round ends of the barbell glinted in the lights. Kari could see that the new holes in her belly button were red and swollen but she didn’t feel any pain from that piercing anymore.
Kari shifted her eyes to the top of the corset again. The molded half cups of the corset forced her breasts up and together. There was still several inches separating her breasts but they were sticking straight out which made them look substantially larger. Kari could see the ends of the “tweezers” squeezing her nipples near their base. The pressure of the “tweezers” had forced her nipples to swell to twice their normal size. Kari could feel them throbbing slightly from the relentless pressure. The “tweezers” were orientated vertically so that the chain hanging from the ends hung straight down. The chain had been threaded through a small chrome “D” shaped ring sewn to the front of the corset between her breasts. The chain formed two small half loops going from the “tweezers” to the “D” shaped ring between them. Kari realized the downward pull of the chain would have been considerably greater if it wasn’t for the small “D” shaped ring and she was grateful it was there.
Kari could see her completely bare intimate part in the mirror. It looked so strange and foreign with no hair covering it. Kari felt herself blushing and she quickly shifted her eyes to look at the boots encasing her feet.
Kari’s boots were made of shiny white leather and ended just below her knees. The bottoms of the boots were shaped to force her toes sharply downward. The heel on the boots was a 5-inch stiletto heel. The boots laced all the way up the front with heavy white laces threaded through reinforced chrome eyelets. There were white ankle cuffs locked around her ankles on the outside of the boots.
Seeing the ankle cuffs reminded Kari of her wrist cuffs. Kari looked in the mirror to see that her padded white wrist cuffs were still firmly buckled around her wrists. Kari saw the bright halogen light reflect off the clear polish covering her long white fingernails. With a shock Kari realized her hands were free and no longer attached to anything!
Kari nervously glanced to the section of the mirror that the woman had swung closed. It was still tightly closed. Kari strained to hear something, anything at all. There was nothing but an eerie silence.
Kari stood contemplating what to do with her new freedom. Kari looked at the hated ball gag wedged between her lips in the mirror. Kari quickly moved her hands to the strap buckled behind her head. She moved her braid aside so she could see the strap and buckle in the mirror. Awkwardly Kari fumbled with the buckle with her long fingernails. It seemed like an eternity but she was finally able to grasp the strap and with several tugs free it from the buckle. Kari immediately felt the pressure released from the ball gag in her mouth.
Kari pulled the ball from her mouth along with a several long strings of saliva. Kari tried to bend to sit the ball gag on the floor but it was impossible wearing the tight corset. Kari was forced to flex her knees and stoop as low as she could. She quietly sat the ball gag on the floor as she wiped the saliva from her mouth and chin with the back of her hand. Kari worked her jaw back and forth a few times and smiled in relief.
Kari slowly stuck her tongue out and saw that it was pierced in the center by a long stainless steel barbell with a round stud at each end. Kari didn’t know why but she seemed to be able to stick more of her tongue outside her mouth than she ever could before. Kari’s tongue itself was still swollen considerably and continued to throb slightly. Kari wished she could remove the barbell but she knew that it would be noticed eventually. Kari wasn’t even sure how to remove it, especially with her newly acquired long fingernails. As she drew her tongue back into her mouth the top of the barbell clicked against her top teeth and she winced at the sound and feel of it.
Kari reached up with her right hand and touched her right nipple tentatively. She pulled her fingers away quickly. Her touch had been like an electric shock to her swollen nipple. Kari could not believe how sensitive the “tweezers” had made her nipple. They felt more sensitive than any other time in her life.
Kari examined the little screws built into the sides of the “tweezers” and for a moment she considered turning them. She decided against it because she had no idea which way tightened the “tweezers” and she definitely didn’t want them any tighter. Kari found it ironic, in a different situation she might actually like to have a pair of these “tweezers” try on her own.
Kari jumped and nearly fell down as she thought she heard a sound coming from outside the mirrors. She put her hands down to her sides and watched the area of the mirrors that had hinged open before. Kari gasped as she suddenly realized she had forgotten all about the ball gag still sitting on the floor. She flexed her knees as far as she could so that she could reach it on the floor. Kari felt her hand close on one of the straps and quickly stood up while trying to balance in her stiletto heeled boots.
Kari winced as she opened her mouth wide and pushed the ball back between her lips. She pushed the chin strap under her chin quickly and grabbed the buckle end of the gag strap in one hand and the other end of the gag strap in her other hand. She used the mirrors to see her hands as she frantically scrambled to feed the strap through the buckle.
After an eternity she finally got the strap to pass through the buckle. She pulled on the strap, pulling the ball further into her mouth. She heard another noise outside, closer this time. Kari pulled the strap tighter in her panic, not sure of where it had been before. She quickly forced the extra portion of the end of the strap back through the buckle and out the other side. Kari then put her hands down at her sides and tried to control her panicked breathing through her nose.
The mirrors slid open and Kari tried her best to look as if nothing had happened. The woman stepped into the mirrors and picked up Kari’s leash. As Kari watched the woman she realized that her ball gag was certainly tighter than it had been before. The chrome swivels attaching the ball gag to the leather strap circling her head bit into the corners of her mouth.
The woman walked around Kari once looking at her body as if looking for something out of place. As the woman passed in front of Kari she hesitated and looked into Kari’s eyes. Kari lowered her gaze, not wanting to meet the woman’s light blue eyes. She feared the woman might see in her eyes that she had done something forbidden.
As Kari lowered her eyes she was startled to notice the woman’s ball gag was now gone. Kari could now see the woman’s full lips, which were slightly parted in a smile. Kari could now clearly see the silver ball stud protruding slightly from the woman’s chin. She found herself shuddering at the thought of how the chin piercing must have felt when it was done. It was so visible Kari thought; there would be no hiding such a piercing.
The woman tugged Kari’s leash and led her out of the mirrors. Kari found her thoughts turned back to concentrating on her balance as she walked behind the woman in her stiletto heeled boots.
Chapter 15
Kari found herself back in the room where her fingernails had been done. The woman led her to another small table in the room and pulled her down onto a heavy, high backed wooden chair.
The woman walked around behind Kari and she felt her ball gag being removed. In seconds the ball gag was loose and the woman pulled it from her mouth. Kari breathed deeply in relief, working her mouth slowly to work out the tightness in her jaw.
The woman walked away for a minute and brought back a bowl that had been sitting on a shelf. The woman sat the bowl in front of Kari. Kari could see that there was a small spoon in the bowl as the woman sat it down. The woman then retrieved a heavy pewter stein from the shelf and brought it back to set it in front of Kari. The woman stepped back and said simply, “eat”.
Kari was startled to hear the woman speak. Kari reached down to the stein and slowly brought it up to her lips. The wide collar prevented her from bending her head down to look at the table’s surface so she had to go by feel. Kari could smell a faint sweet smell coming from the stein. As she placed it against her lips she could feel that the liquid was neither cold nor hot. She took a small drink. The liquid tasted like some kind of fruit mix combined with milk. Kari swallowed and she felt the barbell in her tongue move as she swallowed. There was slight pain as she swallowed but it was bearable.
Kari sat the stein down and felt around for the spoon in the bowl. She grasped the spoon clumsily with her long fingernails. Kari found herself having to learn how to hold things all over again with her newly lengthened fingernails. She shifted her grasp and slowly brought the spoon to her lips.
The smell of vegetable soup reached her nose. Kari carefully opened her mouth and placed the spoon inside. Pain shot through her tongue as she touched the barbell with the metal spoon. Kari jerked the spoon out of her mouth, spilling some of the soup down her chin. Kari’s tongue writhed in her mouth for a few seconds until the pain went away. The soup that she did swallow was indeed some kind of pureed vegetable soup and tasted excellent.
Kari dipped the spoon back into the bowl and tried to feed herself again. This time she was careful to keep the spoon away from her tongue piercing. Kari gently deposited the soup in her mouth without touching her tongue. The soup was lukewarm but it was delightful in Kari’s empty stomach.
Kari’s meal continued slowly, alternating between the soup and the fruit drink. After about ten minutes they were both gone. Kari felt so humiliated, sitting with food on her chin. She had been so clumsy with her new long fingernails. The woman came over and cleared away the dishes silently.
When the woman returned she grabbed Kari’s leash and led her over to the white marble sink. The woman spoke, “kneel”. Kari struggled to a kneeling position before the sink. Kari appreciated how the woman was talking to her. The woman was using a normal tone, like a request rather than a demand.
The woman used a warm washcloth to wash the remnants of Kari’s meal from her lips and chin. She then placed some toothpaste on a new toothbrush and handed it to Kari. Kari took the toothbrush and slowly opened her mouth and started to brush her teeth. It was much trickier now with her freshly pierced tongue. Kari spent several minutes brushing before the woman turned on the sink’s water and filled a glass with water. Kari spit the toothpaste into the sink and realized even spitting was now difficult. First of all the action of spitting hurt her wounded tongue and second of all she could not lower her chin because of the collar. Some of the toothpaste ran down her chin in several tiny rivulets and she felt herself blushing.
The woman handed Kari the glass of water. She took the glass and slowly rinsed and spit again. The woman traded the glass of water for a small cup of transparent blue fluid. Kari placed some of the liquid in her mouth and realized it was mouthwash. The alcohol burned the fresh hole in her tongue and she quickly spit it out. The woman motioned for Kari to finish the contents of the glass. Kari reluctantly swished the rest of the mouthwash around her mouth and spit it out. The woman quickly used the warm washcloth to clean the residue from Kari’s chin once again.
The woman then pulled Kari to her feet using her leash. Kari struggled to a standing position. Once she was standing the woman stuck her tongue all the way out at Kari. Kari found herself surprised, not by the fact the woman stuck her tongue out at her but by what was in her tongue. Kari could see five silver barbells piercing the woman’s long tongue. They were in a neat row from the tip to the mid-point of the woman’s tongue. Kari noted the woman’s tongue also seemed to extend from her mouth a long way.
The woman repeated her action and Kari realized the woman must want her to mimic her action. Kari opened her mouth and extended her sore tongue hesitantly. The woman looked at the top and bottom of the piercing and nodded her head in satisfaction. Kari withdrew her tongue, clicking the bottom of her barbell off her bottom teeth.
The woman led Kari by her leash over to a marble toilet concealed in the corner of the room by a half wall made of marble. The woman forced Kari to sit on the toilet and then released her leash. “Use the toilet slave,” the woman said simply.
Kari stared at the woman, expecting her to walk away. Instead the woman just stood there watching Kari. Kari felt like a dog being watched by its master who was impatiently waiting for the dog to go to the bathroom. Kari’s could feel her face burning in shame and humiliation. She wanted to ask the woman if she could have privacy but she was afraid of the consequences of talking.
The woman looked at Kari knowingly and stated, “I will not be leaving so get used to relieving yourself in front of others slave.”
Kari felt like she was doing something very naughty as she felt her bladder start to empty. After she finished urinating she tried to turn her tightly bound body to look for toilet paper. The woman ended her feeble search by pulling her to her feet by her leash. As Kari stood she could feel the woman wiping her now hairless sex with a warm washcloth. The woman finished and led Kari to the center of the room.
The woman released Kari’s leash and started walking around her. As she moved around Kari she would reach out to adjust the items placed on her body. She finished her inspection and walked over to a cabinet on the wall. She returned with a clear eyedropper filled with a clear fluid. The woman placed several drops of the fluid on each of the freshly pierced holes in Kari’s ears. Then several drops on Kari’s newly pierced navel. The liquid burned for a second then just felt really cool. The woman put the eyedropper away as Kari watched her.
The sound of the door opening to Kari’s left startled her. She would have turned to look but it was impossible in her corset and collar without moving her entire body.
Kari heard the click of high heels on the floor and Mistress Alexis appeared in front of her. Mistress Alexis eyed Kari like a fresh piece of meat thrown into the lioness’ den. Mistress Alexis broke into a wide grin and turned to the other woman who was now kneeling with her head bowed to the floor.
Mistress Alexis commanded, “Stand up Leia.” The woman stood quickly but kept her head bowed. Mistress Alexis reached forward and took Leia’s chin in her hand and lifted it until she was looking up at her. Kari was shocked then as Mistress Alexis kissed Leia full on the lips! Leia did not resist at all and seemed to eagerly accept the kiss.
Mistress Alexis pulled away and told Leia, “you did an excellent job slave.”
Leia replied softly, “thank you Mistress.”
Kari could not believe that the two women had kissed so boldly. They had even kisses on the lips! Kari felt very strange witnessing something like that so close up and in person. Her face burned in embarrassment and she wished she could turn away.
Mistress Alexis turned her attention to her. “You are shaping up nicely slave, you will no doubt please Mistress Delilah.”
Mistress Alexis then removed a white, padded blindfold from her belt and slipped it over Kari’s eyes. Kari felt the blindfold buckled tight behind her head and as it drew tighter her vision faded to black. Kari’s leash was then picked up and she felt herself drawn toward the door Mistress Alexis had used to enter the room. Kari found herself trying to walk quickly in the stiletto-heeled boots to keep pace with Mistress Alexis. Kari found herself wondering what this living nightmare would bring next as the sound of her stiletto heels clicking sharply on the stone floor echoed loudly off the stone walls of her new prison.
Chapter 16
Kari had no idea how far they had walked down the hallways of the place she was in but it seemed like days. She had stumbled so many times in the stiletto-heeled boots that she lost count. The structure she was in had to be enormous though because of the distance they traveled, that much she was sure of even though she was blindfolded.
Kari was pulled to a stop by her leash and she heard a lock being opened. The sound of a large door being opened followed and with a tug on her leash she was led through the opening. Kari could tell by the different sound her stiletto heels made on the floor that she was inside a large room.
Kari was jerked to a halt by her leash and she was forced to her knees on the cool polished stone floor. Kari caught herself with her hands before she struck the floor completely with her knees. “Put your hands to the sides of your collar slave,” Mistress Alexis ordered. Kari balanced on her knees and the tips of her boots as she placed her hands on her collar.
Kari felt her boots pushed together until they were side by side, no doubt by Mistress Alexis’ own boot she thought. Kari then felt leather touching her naked inner thighs.
Mistress Alexis’ voice cracked, “spread your thighs slave.”
Kari spread her knees slightly apart, shifting her weight to compensate. Kari’s leash was released to dangle between her breasts. Kari realized the leash had been placed behind the chain connecting her nipple “tweezers” as there was no pressure on the nipple chain.
“Keep spreading your thighs until I tell you to stop slave!” Mistress Alexis commanded in a more demanding tone.
Kari slowly kept spreading her legs hoping Mistress Alexis would tell her to stop but the command didn’t come until Kari’s knees were at a 45-degree angle. Kari was forced to rest her naked butt on the backs of her leather boots’ stiletto heels so she could maintain her balance. Kari felt her face burning in shame as she felt the cool air of the room touch her exposed naked sex.
Kari felt her hands grasped as her fingers were spread open on her collar. Her palms were now touching the sides of her collar and her fingers were extended and slightly spread apart. Kari then felt her elbows forced apart until they were also at a 45-degree angle with her forearms parallel to the floor.
“Don’t think about moving from this position slave,” Mistress Alexis’ warned.
Kari heard Mistress Alexis’ high heels on the stone floor as she walked away from her. There was the sound of a door opening and closing across the room and then dead silence. Kari seemed to be all alone once again.
Kari felt very subconscious of her body in her present position. She could feel the slight throb in her fresh piercings still, a constant reminder of the steel violating her innocent flesh. She could feel the firm leather collar forcing her head to remain level while preventing her from turning her head. Kari could also feel the corset that restricted her breathing and shaped her body into a new, unnatural form. The “tweezers” clipped to her tender, swollen nipples. Kari could feel the blood pulsing in her nipples as she slowly breathed through her mouth. She felt her feet, ankles, and calves tightly molded inside her boots. She felt as if she were standing on her tiptoes inside the rigid leather. The stiletto heels pressed into her naked buttocks, as she remained kneeling with her thighs open.
Kari could not believe how much the blindfold brought her other senses alive. She could taste the slightly metallic taste of the barbell piercing her tongue inside her mouth. The slight throbbing in the tops of her ears where the long barbells were now affixed. The soft fur pressing against her eyes, ankles, wrists, and neck where the padded leather surrounded them. The cool touch of her chain leash as it ran from her collar between her breasts. The smell of the leather wrapped around her body was also strong, like some exotic perfume. Occasionally she could hear a slight “tinkling” sound as the chain attached to the “tweezers” on her nipples shifted with her breathing.
Kari tried to force herself to relax by slowing her breathing. As she sat quietly she thought about the changes forced upon her. She recalled the time when she was alone in the circle of mirrors. She imagined herself being back in the circle of mirrors again. She recalled how it had felt touching her swollen nipples. The way they looked so helpless in the “tweezers” and how they throbbed even more when she touched them. The way her body had been pulled into an hourglass shape by the corset and the way it forced her poor swollen breasts up and together.
Kari’s visions were interrupted by the sound of the door across the room opening again. She realized her breathing was no longer slow and calm. Instead her breathing was now shallow and rushed. She felt the cool air in the room against her sex and she realized with a shock that her sex was moist! How could she be wet at a time like this, in a place like this, when she was like this? Kari could hear not one but two pairs of high heels clicking on the stone floor as they approached her.
Kari prayed that whoever was approaching would not notice the moisture between her legs. She felt so ashamed and humiliated. Kari wanted to force her knees together to hide her shame but she feared that would only draw attention to the fact her sex was wet.
The people that entered the room stopped near the front of Kari. One set of high heels seemed to circle her once and then stopped in front of her again. The other set of high heels walked past her and out the door Kari had entered the room through. The door closed behind that person and Kari heard the lock on the door as it was engaged.
Chapter 17
After the door locked Kari felt a hand grab the front of her collar and very gently pull her collar upward. Kari struggled for a moment before being able to get to her feet from her kneeling position. Kari pressed her thighs tightly together in hopes of concealing her wetness as she stood. The slight pressure on her collar disappeared and she felt her chain leash dangling between her breasts again.
Kari felt several warm fingers touch her right cheek and the fingers caressed her cheek nearly touching her lips before pulling away. The touch was very gentle and soft. Kari felt the hand lightly caress her right butt cheek. She wanted to pull away but she forced herself to hold her position. The woman, Kari knew it had to be a woman by the touch, moved around Kari slowly.
Kari nearly screamed when the woman’s hands touched the sides of her breasts from behind her. Kari whimpered, “please….” Kari felt a warm finger gently pressed against her lips as the woman softly whispered, “shhh…” into Kari’s right ear. The woman’s hands continued their gentle massage of the outside of Kari’s breasts. Kari wanted to pull away and run from the touch. Kari was so shocked and scared she didn’t seem to be able to move.
Kari had no idea how long the massaging continued because she lost all track of time. Kari jerked her hands down away from her collar when the woman barely brushed her swollen nipples. The woman stopped and slowly withdrew her hands. Kari paused with her hands halfway between her collar and her breasts. Kari felt her right hand slowly pulled back to the side of her collar. Kari’s left hand was then gently pulled back into place on the opposite side of her collar. As Kari’s hands reached her collar she heard a faint “click” sound on both sides.
The woman left her side for a few seconds and returned to gently touch Kari’s right boot near her knee. The slight pressure indicated she was to part her knees. Kari felt herself shivering as she parted her knees until the pressure ceased. Her knees were now about a foot apart. There were several very faint “clicking” sounds between her legs near the floor.
The woman’s hands then went back to massaging the outside of Kari’s breasts gently. Kari’s breathing was coming in long deep gasps. The woman’s fingers moved back to Kari’s nipples and Kari jerked her hands down to stop her. To Kari’s shock her hands went nowhere, they had been hooked to the “D” rings on the sides of her collar! Kari’s body jerked as the woman touched the tips of her nipples ever so gently. Electricity shot through her body and she started trembling. Kari tried to close her legs but they were held apart at the ankles by something very rigid.
The woman whispered softly in Kari’s left ear, “easy slave, try to give into the feelings, don’t resist.”
Kari whimpered as the woman slowly continued caressing Kari’s nipples. The woman’s touch was so gentle and she seemed to take great care not to disturb the “tweezers” themselves. Kari heard herself moan slightly as the caressing continued.
The feelings were so intense and she had no way of stopping what was happening to her! Kari had never felt such strong sexual feelings in her life. She felt like it was someone else standing in the room with this woman. Kari thought about dropping to the floor, as that was the only way she could move in her restraints. The woman’s closeness and power told her even that desperate move would only delay what the woman had planned for her.
Kari cried out as the “tweezers” were removed from her nipples. Her nipples both throbbed and burned with incredible pain. The woman’s soft, warm fingers replaced the “tweezers” and in seconds the pain turned to pure pleasure. Kari moaned out loud again and twitched as the breast massage continued.
Suddenly one of the woman’s hands found Kari’s sex and the massaging started on the outside of her wet sex. The woman’s fingers easily glided over Kari’s swollen, hairless sex as Kari’s juices acted as a light lubricant. Kari moaned so loud that she thought the ceiling and walls would collapse around her. Kari’s body started jerking uncontrollably like a person having a seizure and a half moan/scream escaped her lips. Kari felt her knees giving way and the woman’s incredible hands pulled her tight against her to keep her from going to the floor. Kari was vaguely aware of a cool, slick fabric pressed against her back along with soft, warm flesh.
Kari was in a daze as the woman held her still jerking body. The orgasm that passed through her body was by far the most intense one she had ever experienced in her life! She felt drained, like she had just finished a marathon. After several minutes of just resting against the woman she regained some of her strength. Kari felt soft lips pressed to hers briefly and then she was pushed away to stand on her own.
Kari felt the woman unbuckling her blindfold and she blinked her eyes at the light as it was removed. Standing in front of her was a smiling Mistress Delilah.
Chapter 18
Mistress Delilah looked incredible in a long red latex dress. The dress had a wide black latex belt around the waist adorned with gold studs. Mistress Delilah’s feet were encased in bright red stiletto heeled boots that were laced up the front and disappeared under her dress. Mistress Delilah’s long black fingernails were tipped in glistening blood red polish. Mistress Delilah’s hair was swept back in a large wave of glistening jet black curls that cascaded down her back to the backs of her thighs. The last foot of hair was colored a crimson red.
Kari was shocked and at a loss as to what to do or expect next. She was still trembling from the incredible orgasm. She was also embarrassed beyond belief as she could still feel her own juices cooling on the insides of her thighs.
Mistress Delilah reached up and released Kari’s cuffs from the sides of her collar. “You look beautiful my innocent little slave,” Mistress Delilah purred. “How do you feel slave, you may speak as long as you remember to use my proper title.”
Kari had no idea what to say. How could she possibly express all the things going on inside her? Kari settled on something simple, “thank you Mistress,” she whispered.
Mistress Delilah smiled wide, “you are quite welcome slave.” She then added, “it was my pleasure, slave. Today is the first day of your training, training which will led you to far greater pleasure than what you just experienced slave,” as she finished her smile widened. Delilah sighed slightly, “of course there will also be pain as well. You will learn that there can rarely be only pleasure in life without some form of pain at times. In fact pain is what really allows you to understand pleasure and enjoy it to its fullest.”
Kari shivered at the last part. “Is there any chance that I might leave this place Mistress? What if I have decided this really isn’t for me Mistress?”
Mistress Delilah looked right into Kari’s eyes with her own eyes sparkling like emerald gems; “you will only leave when I decide slave and not a second before.” Mistress Delilah’s tone softened, “it will come easier in time as you adjust to the rigors of being my slave. After what just happened I think you can see that being my slave is not all bad.”
Kari suddenly felt her eyes cloud with tears, unable to control her emotions any more. Kari closed her eyes as the tears flowed down her cheeks, “I am so scared right now Mistress.” Kari sobbed, “I don’t know if I can take all of this, it is so hard for me Mistress. Please have mercy and let me go Mistress. I am not meant to be a slave Mistress.”
Kari was surprised as Mistress Delilah wrapped her arms around her in a gentle hug. “It is always very hard at first slave,” Mistress Delilah softly whispered into her left ear. Mistress Delilah continued hugging her as she continued, “you will take it all my sweet little slave because you will have no choice. As to whether you are meant to be a slave will only show after you have been properly trained as a slave. You have only scratched the surface so far my sweet innocent girl.”
Kari trembled in Mistress Delilah’s hug as her words started to sink in. Mistress Delilah slowly pulled away. “Do not be afraid to show me your emotions slave, that is how you will learn to adjust to your new life.”
Mistress Delilah then reached down to free Kari’s ankles. As she stood up she held a shiny chrome bar about two feet in length. Kari could see a chrome “O” ring attached to each end. “Let’s start your lesson with this. This is a spreader bar and it is used to position a slave,” Mistress Delilah explained.
Mistress Delilah pointed to Kari’s collar and stated, “You are wearing a slave collar under the outer collar. The slave collar has your name and your owner’s name on it and will remain on you at all times unless I decide otherwise slave. The outer collar is a posture collar, it is used to keep a slave’s head straight and level as you have now experienced slave.”
Mistress Delilah pointed to Kari’s corset; “this is a beginner’s training corset. As time goes by the corset will gradually be tightened and you will find your shape change quite dramatically.” Mistress Delilah seemed to smile wider as she envisioned Kari’s changing form.
“The clamps on your nipples were a variation of the many kinds of nipple clamps I have available. I am confident you will learn to love them and desire them as your training progresses,” Mistress Delilah smiled as she finished
Mistress Delilah grabbed Kari’s leash, “this of course is a leash and is most simply used to guide you.” Mistress Delilah then started walking Kari around the room slowly. She stopped near the center of the room.
“Kneel slave,” Mistress Delilah commanded.
Kari knelt awkwardly and awaited Mistress Delilah’s next command.
Mistress Delilah shook her head; “you are so clumsy slave. You will learn to be graceful in time, I will make sure of that.”
Mistress Delilah frowned slightly, “you must learn that you never close your thighs when kneeling. Spread your thighs so that they are at least at a 45 degree angle,” Mistress Delilah used her boots to position Kari. “You have no problem sitting up straight now in the corset but you must remember to do so at all times when kneeling.”
The posture lessons stretched on for almost an hour. Mistress Delilah went over kneeling, standing, walking, bowing, running, sitting, and a variety of other positions. Kari’s mind felt dizzy with all the specific requirements of the positions.
Kari realized the things that would ordinarily be taken for granted in her daily life were all going to be scrutinized here. It seemed that there were numerous ways to do every activity but only a few ways to do the activity correctly according to Mistress Delilah’s teachings.
Mistress Delilah finished lecturing and led Kari into an adjoining room filled with thousands of leather devices covering the walls of the room. She walked Kari among the items for what seemed like several hours. She would remove an item from the wall and explain the item’s various uses. They would then move on to the next item. Kari noted that there were many variations of the same item in a lot of cases. Kari also noted that Mistress Kari skipped over some items with no explanation given for the omission. Just when Kari thought her sanity was starting to slip from the shock factor of all the bondage and torture devices, Mistress Delilah led her from the “equipment room” back to the other room.
Kari could only wonder what the next lesson would bring.
Chapter 19
Mistress Delilah looked at Kari warmly and asked if she had any questions about her lessons so far.
Kari replied, “No Mistress, it just seems that there is so much to learn Mistress.”
“There is a lot to learn slave and you are expected to make errors,” Mistress Delilah paused and then added, “and you will be punished for those errors.”
Mistress Delilah then looked at Kari, “speaking of errors slave, is there something you need to confess to your Mistress?”
Kari’s mind raced, what was she referring to? What “error” had she made today? Kari had an idea, “forgive me for trying to push your hands away while you were touching me Mistress.”
Mistress Delilah responded, “Good slave and is there anything else?”
Kari started thinking about everything that had happened so far but nothing seemed to stand out.
Mistress Delilah looked sternly at Kari, “well, your Mistress is waiting slave.”
Kari stammered, “I don’t think there is anything else Mistress.”
Mistress Delilah turned her head slightly, “are you absolutely sure slave?”
Kari replied in a shaky voice, “yes Mistress.” Kari felt little confidence in her reply even though she could not recall any transgressions.
Mistress Delilah nodded, “very well then slave.” Mistress Delilah stepped behind her and commanded, “ Assume the ‘Y’ slave.”
Kari knew the “Y” was one of the standing positions. Kari placed her wrists out to the sides and above her head and her legs together like a giant “Y”. Kari felt her wrist cuffs being hooked to several chains that had been hanging from the stone ceiling. Kari’s ankle cuffs were then hooked together with an “O” ring. Kari was scared, had she done something wrong that she didn’t know about.
Mistress Delilah appeared to the right of Kari and she used a remote control as Kari’s wrist chains were pulled upward. Kari could hear a faint electric winch sound from the ceiling, as her wrist chains pulled her wrist cuffs higher. Mistress Delilah then revealed a twenty-stranded whip. Kari started trembling; she had learned that the twenty stranded whip was used for punishment. While that particular whip would not cause permanent skin damage it could cause a great deal of pain. Kari’s body was trembling and Kari unconsciously bit her lip to keep from whimpering.
Mistress Delilah asked, “So you have done nothing else wrong then slave.”
Kari could think of nothing, wait she had an idea. “Mistress I am sorry for trying to talk to Leia Mistress!” Kari held her breath, hoping that was what Mistress Delilah wanted to hear.
Instead Mistress Delilah asked, “and?”
Kari felt like crying, she had no idea what to say next.
Mistress Delilah paused for a moment, “is there anything else at all slave?”
Kari dejectedly replied, “no Mistress.”
Mistress Delilah pushed a button on the remote in her hand and a section of the stone wall slid to the side to reveal a large screen television. The screen blinked to life and Kari’s heart sank as her body started shaking uncontrollably. In full color on the screen were Kari and Leia inside the circle of mirrors! There had been a camera watching her the whole time! Kari watched in horror as Leia left her and closed the circle of mirrors.
Kari closed her eyes, knowing what would come next. Kari’s face snapped to the right as Mistress Delilah delivered a stinging slap to her left cheek. Kari’s eyes jerked wide open and tears started running down her cheeks. Mistress Delilah stood beside her glaring at her, “I do not like liars slave! You just stood there and told me that there was nothing else you did wrong today slave!”
Kari sobbed, “I am so sorry Mistress, I forgot Mistress. Please Mistress, have mercy on me!”
Mistress Delilah’s voice cut through the air, “no slave, you didn’t forget. You just thought I didn’t know about it but you were very wrong slave,” Mistress Delilah paced around behind Kari as she spoke.
Kari felt her braid picked up and placed over her left shoulder to hang in front of her. “Let this be a lesson that I know all that you do wherever you are slave and I will not tolerate deception and lies!” To punctuate the point she delivered the first blow with the stranded whip to Kari’s shoulders.
Kari screamed at the sudden pain of the blow. “Please Mistress, forgive me Mistress,” Kari screamed. A second blow landed on Kari’s ass and she cried out in pain.
Mistress Delilah continued with a third stroke to Kari’s shoulders. “I know you are sorry slave because I will make sure of it.” Another blow landed to Kari’s buttocks.
Kari screamed again and again at the incredible pain she was experiencing from the whip. Kari fell into a pattern of screaming as the blow landed and sobbing as Mistress Delilah determined where to land the next blow. The whipping seemed to go on for hours to Kari but actually lasted less than five minutes. Kari’s buttocks and shoulders felt like they were literally on fire. They throbbed in pain and the cool air burned her skin like a hot iron.
“You have now had your first taste of my whip slave,” Mistress Delilah announced as she walked around in front of Kari. She grabbed Kari’s braid and forcefully pulled straight up on it, “will you ever lie to your Mistress again slave?”
Kari sobbed, “NO MISTRESS! Please forgive me Mistress!”
Mistress Delilah released Kari’s braid and used the remote to release the tension on Kari’s wrist cuffs. Kari sagged against the chains, sobbing at the throbbing pain coursing through her body. Kari’s body was still registering the effects of the whipping as Mistress Delilah moved around her.
Mistress Delilah released Kari’s ankle cuffs and attached them to the spreader bar again. She then walked over and returned with some kind of small white leather harness. She used a silken cloth to wipe the tears, sweat, and drool from Kari’s face.
To Kari’s surprise Mistress Delilah gave her a soft kiss on her lips after wiping her face. Despite Kari’s intense anger at Mistress Delilah she accepted the kiss because she did not want to provoke her wrath again.
Mistress Delilah then held up the harness, “this is a beginner head trainer slave. You will wear this tonight and any other night when it pleases me.”
Mistress Delilah held up a piece of the harness with a thick white tongue shaped piece of leather attached. “Open your mouth slave,” Mistress Delilah commanded as she started moving the large “tongue” toward Kari’s mouth.
Kari hated being gagged but she opened her mouth as she had little choice. The large piece of leather was pushed into her mouth past her teeth until her lips pressed against the strap it was attached to. Kari had to force herself not to involuntarily gag, as the leather part in her mouth was very large and extended slightly into the opening of her throat. Kari felt the gag’s two-inch wide strap drawn tight behind her head forcing the gag slightly deeper. Kari was surprised to find that the “tongue” suddenly tapered near the gag strap so she could at least close her mouth most of the way around the base of the “tongue”.
There were two one-inch straps attached to the top of the strap pressing against her lips. Each one of these straps ran alongside her nose to join between her eyes at the bridge of her nose. The straps looked like an upside down “Y”. Once the straps joined together they passed over her head to attach behind her head to the strap drawing the gag deeply into her mouth. Kari felt her braid drawn through a large chrome “O” ring behind her head. The straps were all being attached to the large “O” ring with buckles.
A one-inch strap ran vertically in front of her left ear from the main gag strap. The strap passed over her head though a slot in the “Y” strap on top of her head to the right side of her head where it connected back to the main gag strap in front of her right ear.
Finally another strap several inches wide ran under her chin from the main gag strap. This was drawn tight forcing Kari’s mouth tightly closed. Inside Kari’s mouth her pierced tongue was forced against the bottom of her mouth by the piece of leather and held immobile. Kari winced, as her pierced tongue was held immobile.
The harness straps were all tightened until they were just short of being painful. After the straps were tightened Kari was surprised as Mistress Delilah removed her posture collar.
Mistress Delilah stepped away and returned carrying another larger white leather harness. “I released your posture collar so that you could how this works slave,” she explained. “This is a chastity belt and you will become very familiar with these slave.” As Mistress Delilah held it up Kari could see what looked like a fake penis hanging from one of the straps. Another strap portion of the same strap had a phallus shaped object but this one had a sharp taper near the base and was smaller.
Kari stared in horror at the chastity belt. Kari knew that a chastity belt was for keeping a woman chaste. If that were the purpose of the belt then what the hell were the penis and other phallus object for she wondered?
Mistress Delilah produced a small chrome can and proceeded to squirt a clear looking fluid on the two phalluses. Mistress Delilah smiled at Kari, “this one will be placed in your hot little pussy and the other one will be lodged deep within your tight, virgin ass slave.”
Kari would have begged if she weren’t gagged completely. Instead she tried to twist in her chains. She could only move a few inches and her thighs were held open by the hated spreader bar attached to her ankle cuffs.
Mistress Delilah buckled the three-inch wide belt around Kari, careful that it rode below her fresh naval piercing. Mistress Delilah placed the tip of the fake penis against Kari’s vagina. Kari felt a slight pressure, which gradually increased, and to her horror the penis slipped inside her. Mistress Delilah then moved around to the side and placed the tip of the odd shaped phallus against Kari’s butthole. Kari felt the gradual pressure at her butthole and she tried to keep it tight. Mistress Delilah reached up and grasped Kari’s still tender nipple and Kari lost her concentration at the brief jolt of pain this caused. She recovered only to feel the phallus sliding deep into her spasming rectum. Kari screamed into her gag as tears sprang to her eyes. The pain in her butthole was intense and she sobbed silently into her gag as her body shook. Suddenly the pain eased the tapered part of the phallus reached her sphincter and settled firmly against her butthole.
Mistress Delilah buckled the strap the phalluses were attached to, to the front of Kari’s waist strap. The strap was then attached to the rear of the waist strap. Mistress Delilah spread Kari’s butt cheeks so that the strap passed between them. The waist strap was drawn tight and then the phallus strap was draw tight, sinking the phalluses even deeper into Kari. Mistress Delilah spent several minutes adjusting the belt until she seemed satisfied with the fit.
Kari hung slack in her chains as Mistress Delilah returned to the front of her. Mistress Delilah picked up one of the nipple clamps and attached it to Kari’s right nipple again. Kari moaned into her gag with the slight pain it brought. Mistress Delilah attached the left nipple clamp to Kari’s left nipple next. Kari watched as Mistress Delilah tightened the clamps until Kari started flinching from the pain. Mistress Delilah backed the tension off until there was still a hint of pain but it was mixed with a suprisingly pleasant throbbing.
Mistress Delilah then placed the posture collar back on Kari’s neck. Once again Kari’s head was held firmly in position. The posture bar was removed from Kari’s ankle cuffs. Mistress Delilah held up a piece shiny chrome bar that had swivels at the end. “This is a hobble trainer slave, it will help you train to your gait when you walk.” Mistress Delilah attached the hobble trainer between Kari’s ankle cuffs.
Mistress Delilah then showed Kari another chrome bar several feet long with one end bent into a very short 90 degree piece. She held the bar up and explained, “This will is a neck to wrist posture bar and will again help your posture.” Kari could feel the short end of the bar attached to the rear of her posture collar. Mistress Delilah then released Kari’s right hand and attached it to the bottom end of the posture bar in the small of Kari’s back. The process was repeated with Kari’s left hand. Once Kari’s wrist cuffs were firmly attached to the bottom of the posture bar Mistress Delilah slid the bar together drawing Kari’s hands up into the middle of her back. Kari was now held perfectly rigid with almost no vertical or horizontal movement now possible from her waist up.
Mistress Delilah then picked up Kari’s leash and pulled her forward a few steps. Kari stumbled forward like a drunk. Mistress Delilah took it very slow allowing Kari to adjust her balance to the new limitations placed on her by the strict restraints.
The hobble trainer restricted Kari to small, controlled strides. As she tried to adjust to the short strides she was also forced to maintain her balance in the impossibly high stiletto boots.
As Kari took her first few steps she felt the phalluses inside her body shift ever so slightly. Kari immediately hated the way the chastity belt felt, especially the phallus in her rectum. The crotch strap on the belt was very tight so the movement she experienced was very limited and she was glad of that. Despite the limited movement Kari could still feel the lubricated phalluses moving slightly with each new step.
Kari’s mind was in absolute turmoil. She couldn’t help but think about the tight leather wrapped around her body. At the same time she had to concentrate on her limited breathing ability because of the gag filling her mouth, she could feel her nostrils flare as she tried to control her breathing. The pain of the whipping still burned as she was forced to walk. There was also the throbbing pain coursing through her freshly pierced holes but this was nearly forgotten in her extreme state of concentration.
After a half-hour of practice Kari was able to walk without falling although she still occasionally stumbled when her concentration lapsed. Kari’s body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Walking in the hobble trainer was incredibly difficult. Adding to the misery was the phalluses inside the chastity belt slowly shifting as she moved. Mistress Delilah had a very pleased look on her face as she led Kari back to the center of the room.
Mistress Delilah brought a water bottle with a long flexible straw sticking out of it over to Kari. She pushed the straw up to the gag strap in Kari’s mouth and to Kari’s shock she felt a slow trickle of cool water start to run down her throat. She realized the gag must have a small hollow tube in the center for the water to pass through. The water tasted wonderful and she nearly cried with relief. After watching Kari consume all of the water Mistress Delilah pulled the straw away.
“You have had a very tough day slave, it is time for you to retire to bed.” Mistress Delilah stepped forward and kissed Kari’s cheek. She then produced a padded blindfold, which she threaded through two slots on the strap passing over the top of Kari’s head. The slots were just above Kari’s ears on either side of her head. The padded blindfold was drawn tight after the straps were attached to the large chrome ring behind Kari’s head. Kari could only stand silently, as her sight was once again given over to total darkness.
Chapter 20
Kari was led from the room by her leash and back down the maze of halls. She heard a door unlock and was pulled inside. The door closed behind her and the pull of the leash directed her across the room.
Kari was shocked to her Mistress Alexis’ voice next to her. “Hold very still slave.”
Kari could feel the crotch strap of her chastity belt being loosened. The phallus was slowly pulled out of her sex and then she felt a slight tug as the one in her butt was pulled on. Kari bite the gag inside her mouth as the phallus in her butt was pulled out with a single steady tug. The pain was brief but brought tears to her eyes.
Kari felt two hands on her upper arms, “sit down slave, slowly.”
Kari slowly bent her knees as the hands on her upper arms kept her from falling over. She was surprised as her butt touched a cold surface and her full weight came to rest on it.
“You’d best go like you’ve never gone before slave,” Mistress Alexis’ voice encouraged. “It will be morning before you get another chance slave.”
Kari needed no further encouragement as she emptied her bladder as much as she could. Her bowels still felt empty from all the enemas. Kari felt a cold spray of water on her sex and then a wash cloth rub the moisture from her slick intimate part.
“Up slave,” Mistress Alexis demanded.
Kari was able to stand with the aide of Mistress Alexis pulling her forward and up by her leash. Once standing she felt the phallus pushing against her anus again. Even though she knew what was going to happen next was going to be inevitable she still found herself squeezing her anus in an effort to stop the assault.
Kari felt a quick, sharp, stinging slap to her right butt cheek where she had already been whipped. The painful distraction was enough to break her concentration and by the time she recovered the phallus had once again slid all the way inside her anus. The phallus attached to the front of the crotch strap was forced into her already sore sex. The crotch strap was tightened forcing the phalluses deep inside her and she tried to shift her hips slightly in an effort to make them a little more comfortable.
A tug on her leash forced her to walk again. Kari forced herself to concentrate on her stride as Kari pulled her by her leash. Kari could hear the sharp click of her stiletto heels on the cold stone as she was led down the echoing hallways. Kari’s breath came in short bursts through her nose as she tried to control her breathing so she didn’t hyperventilate.
Kari was tugged to a stop and she heard a door lock open. A tug indicated she was to move forward. The echoes of her stiletto heels told her she was now in a room.
“Hold still slave,” Mistress Alexis ordered.
Kari felt her neck to wrist posture trainer removed. Her wrist cuffs were moved to “D” rings on the sides of her chastity belt and secured by the “D” rings on her cuffs. Kari’s wrists were now locked to her sides.
“Walk backward slave until you feel the edge of your bed against the back of your legs.” Mistress Alexis commanded.
Kari slowly moved backwards until her calves touched something cool and smooth. Kari felt her legs picked up and they were swung to her left forcing her whole body to turn.
“Lay down slave.” Mistress Alexis said softly.
Kari felt like she was falling in the tight corset and she felt her back bounce off the bed. Mistress Alexis removed the leash from her collar. The hobble trainer was removed from her ankle cuffs and then her ankle cuffs were removed. The stiletto boots were removed neck and Kari wiggled her feet, enjoying their release from the confining boots.
Kari felt Mistress Alexis tighten three straps across her body. The straps were made of three-inch wide leather and crossed at her ankles, waist, and shoulders. The straps were tightened until Kari knew all hope of moving was gone. Kari screamed into her gag as her nipples were freed from the nipple clamps. Her nipples throbbed and burned like they were on fire and she wished she could rub the pain away. Kari’s next sensation was a thin silk sheet being drawn over her body to her chin. The silk felt like a gentle breeze over her body as it was tucked in tightly.
“Good night slave, get a good rest for you will need it.” Mistress Alexis chimed as she walked out of the room and locked the door behind her.
Kari lay in the darkness of her blindfold. Kari felt as if she was living some nightmare and she would wake up at any moment. The tight bindings and metal piercing her body told her that this experience was all to real though. Kari fell asleep sobbing softly into her gag and blindfold. The only sign of Kari’s sadness was the slight trembling of her arms and legs beneath the silk sheet.
Chapter 21 (added: 2012/06/11)
Kari awoke to the sound of the door to her room being unlocked. She felt the straps crossing her body released and she was gently helped into a sitting position. Kari hadn't realized how badly she needed to go to the bathroom until she was sitting up. Her bladder felt like it was going to burst inside her. Kari felt a chain leash clipped to the front of her collar as she sat in the darkness created by her blindfold.
Kari was abruptly tugged to her feet by her leash and she flinched involuntarily as her bare feet touched the unyielding, cold stone floor. She could tell by the sound of the person's high heels clicking on the stone floor and the resulting echoes off the stone walls that she was going from confined areas to a wide open area. Kari surmised that she must have been led down what she thought was several hallways and then into another room.
Kari felt her head trainer's straps being loosened and removed. Kari squinted as the blindfold was removed and the bright light of the room felt like burning embers to her eyes. Tears spilled from her eyes and she blinked rapidly to clear them. The gag was pulled from her mouth and Kari swallowed quickly to keep a large stream of saliva from being tugged out of her mouth with the gag. Kari licked the remaining saliva from her lips and a sharp pain instantly reminded her of the metal barbell piercing her still swollen tongue.
Kari felt her leash removed from her collar. Kari's posture collar was removed next and then her wrist cuffs were released from the sides of her chastity belt. As her wrists were released she rubbed her still cuffed wrists as she stretched her arms. Kari was still trying to clear her eyes of the last remaining tears so that she could focus when she heard a soft but firm female voice behind her.
"Walk forward and grab the metal bar over your head."
Kari started carefully walking forward as her eyes finally adjusted to the light and she could see a black metal bar about six or seven feet off the ground ahead of her. Kari could also see she was in a white stone room, very similar to the room where she had been cleaned before. Kari could reach the bar without stretching too much and she wrapped her fingers around it hesitantly.
Kari felt her chastity belt crotch strap loosened and then removed slowly. Kari gasped in discomfort as the phallus was slid from her sex. She dropped one hand quickly to her sex, instinctively trying to protect herself. She was rewarded instantly with a forceful slap to her bare ass and a harsh, "hand back on the bar slave!" Kari reluctantly raised her hand to put her hand back on the bar and received a second slap to her other cheek as she heard, "now slave!" Kari quickly replaced her hand on the bar and then whimpered in pain as the other plug was pulled with some effort from her throbbing anus. Once the last plug was removed the woman quickly removed the remaining chastity belt from Kari's waist.
The woman started loosening Kari's corset next and Kari was amazed at how much easier it was to breathe as it was completely removed. Kari rejoiced in her new freedom and took several deep breaths. Kari's hair was freed from the metal rings that held it in a single braid.
The only thing still on her body was the small but tight collar locked on her neck. Of course the collar and the metal barbells that pierced her flesh and still reminded her with their ever present tenderness.
"Release the bar and turn slave."
Kari turned to see a very small woman, less than five feet tall. The woman was very thin with very small breasts that were sharply pushed together by a shiny yellow leather harness surrounding them. The harness extended down her body and between her legs. It reminded Kari of a spider web because of the way it wrapped around the woman's body so tightly. The woman's face was very fine featured and although Kari told herself the woman had to be at least twenty one she looked like she was a teenager. Kari could see a shiny gold barbell with a diamond at one end protruding from the woman's navel. There were also numerous diamond studs in the woman's ears. Kari shuddered as she saw the woman had a small shiny gold barbell piercing the bridge of her nose, right between her eyes. Kari had never seen such a piercing before. The woman seemed very cheerful despite her savage appearance and her dark blue eyes seemed to be appraising Kari as well.
Kari noted that the woman's long hair was pulled back and was bleached the color of honey wheat but much glossier. The woman wore shiny yellow leather ankle boots with stiletto heels about 5 inches high. Kari was still studying the woman as the woman reached forward with a long finger tipped with a long, bright, glossy yellow fingernail. The woman motioned with the long fingernail for Kari to follow her.
Kari followed the woman to where a single toilet was fixed to the floor and the woman motioned for Kari to use the toilet. Kari was grateful for the chance to relieve herself but embarrassed as she realized the woman was watching her through the entire process. When she was finished the woman motioned for her to follow her again.
This time Kari was led to a very large shower surrounded by clear glass block walls. The shower was so big that there were five shower heads and could easily accommodate a half dozen people or more. Kari's observations were interrupted by the woman talking.
"Take a through shower and scrub yourself better than you ever have slave. Don't you dare miss a spot slave," the woman warned.
Kari turned on the water and started washing herself as soon as the water turned warm. The woman stood away from the spray and stared at Kari as she moved under the water. Kari felt herself blush slightly as she tried to forget about the woman watching her. Kari spent what felt like a half-hour carefully cleaning every part of her body. She was surprised that the areas where her hair had been removed showed no signs of growing back at all. Could they have used some kind of chemical on her hair to prevent it from growing back she wondered?
Kari turned off the water and she was led to a clear "phone booth" resembling the one she had been in before. The door was closed by the woman and Kari was immediately surrounded by a whirlwind of warm air coming from all directions. The air continued for several minutes and stopped as the door was opened. Kari stepped from the "phone booth" and was amazed once again that she was completely dry, even her hair.
"My name is Mistress Kayla and I will be preparing you for our Mistress today."
Kari nodded as Mistress Kayla grabbed her wrist gently and led her back into the middle of the room where a very short, wooden table was.
"Kneel slave," Mistress Kayla indicated a spot right next to the table with one of her bright yellow fingernails.
Kari knelt and tried to assume the kneeling position she had so recently been taught. Mistress Kayla seemed to sense Kari was trying to assume the proper position and Mistress Kayla bent over, placing her hands on Kari's shoulders to make slight corrections to her posture. After correcting Kari's posture she placed several bowls and a glass in front of Kari. "Drink and eat slave, then you must be prepared for today's training."
Kari was famished and she quickly reached into the bowl containing a bagel and thin slices of cheese and meat. Kari assembled the ingredients into a makeshift sandwich and started eating. Kari drank from the glass that contained some sort of pink colored milk that tasted slightly of strawberries. The second bowl contained prepared fruits and vegetables. She pulled out a piece of a fresh banana and started chewing. The food was delicious and within minutes the entire bowl of fruit and vegetables was consumed. Kari placed the items back on the table after finishing the last of the food and drink.
Mistress Kayla ordered Kari to a sink where she had to brush and floss her teeth. This was followed by mouthwash. It felt good to clean her teeth but the mouthwash burned her tongue piercing something fierce. Mistress Kayla rubbed some kind of ointment on her fresh piercings except for her tongue. The ointment burned slightly before feeling cool and soothing.
"Over here slave," Mistress Kayla commanded, pointing to the corner of the room.
Kari followed her to a corner of the room where the wall was covered in different colored leather devices. Mistress Kayla held up her hand indicating where Kari should stop. Kari stood straight as Mistress Kayla walked to the wall and selected a white leather corset with chrome buckles.
Mistress Kayla walked behind Kari and wrapped the corset around her waist from behind. Kari felt Mistress Kayla pulling the laces tight behind Kari's back and the corset started sucking Kari's stomach and ribs inward. Kari felt the corset become very tight and Mistress Kayla ordered her to walk forward and place her hands above her head against the wall.
"Inhale and exhale three times and after you exhale the third time do not inhale until I give you permission slave."
Kari did as instructed and as she exhaled the third time she felt a small amount of space in places between her skin and the leather corset. The gaps disappeared in mere seconds as Mistress Kayla quickly pulled the corset's laces tight behind Kari's back. There were several more forceful jerks which tightened the laces even further and Kari felt as if someone was crushing her ribs in a vice.
"Breathe slave," Mistress Kayla commanded as she started threading the straps of the corset through the buckles behind Kari's back.
Kari gratefully started to inhale to take a breath and was rewarded by only about a third of the air she was used to. The hated corset once again controlled her breathing like an iron hand. Kari looked down to see several straps still dangling from the front of the corset. One strap was "V" shaped and hung below the bottom of the corset, which ended above her navel. There were two more straps hanging from the top of the corset which cupped the lower half of her breasts and forced them to stick straight out and slightly inward. The straps resembled large "Y's" with several chrome buckles on each strap.
Kari felt the buckles behind her back tugged tight. Kari could tell by the tugs and buckling sounds that there were six straps behind her back. Mistress Kayla walked around in front of Kari and lifted one of the straps on top of the corset up. She guided Kari's left breast through the hole formed by the top half of the corset cup and the two arms of the "Y" which was now upside down. Kari flinched as Mistress Kayla grabbed her breast and pushed it between the straps. The long part of the "Y" passed over her shoulder and was threaded through a waiting buckle on the top of the corset in the back. Kari felt a downward tug as the strap was tightened and buckled. The effect was that her left breast now protruded obscenely between the straps. The procedure was repeated with her right breast.
Mistress Kayla walked over to a cabinet on a wall and removed two white colored latex phalluses. Kari felt sick to her stomach as Mistress Kayla walked back to her holding the objects. Kari watched as Mistress Kayla attached the two phalluses to the strap dangling from the bottom of the corset.
Kari was surprised by Mistress Kayla's gentle voice, "I know it is hard to endure the dildo and the plug now slave but it will become easier in time. Just try to relax as I insert them, it will make it much easier for you."
Kari felt the dildo touching her bare vagina. She could feel a cool, slippery sensation and then gentle pressure. Kari decided fighting was useless, at least right now, so she tried moving her thighs apart and squatting slightly. She was surprised to find the dildo slipped inside her with much less effort although it was by no means easy going.
"Excellent slave," Mistress Kayla praised! "It will be much easier for the next one if you lean against the wall with your forearms and head against it."
Kari reluctantly assumed the position as she felt the cool, slippery sensation against her anus. There was slight pressure which became twinges of pain. Kari felt slight movement and then a lot more pressure and slightly more pain. Tears welled in the corner of her eyes as the pressure increased and she clawed the wall with her long fingernails. Just as Kari started to cry out, the pressure eased and the pain suddenly subsided to a slight throbbing sensation.
Mistress Kayla cooed, "Very good slave! Mistress Delilah will be pleased with your progress."
Kari felt the strap pass between her butt checks and then it was threaded though a buckle on the bottom of the corset in the small of her back. Kari felt the strap tightened and then heard a padlock close through the buckle.
"Step back slave, I need to adjust you."
Kari stepped back, feeling the hated dildo and plug inside her as she moved. The movement wasn't as bad as it had been when she was wearing the boots yesterday. There was only slight pain this time and she was glad of that. She still hated the feeling of fullness the cruel chastity belt created.
Mistress Kayla stepped in front of her and adjusted small buckles on the part of the "Y's" that circled the top of her breasts. Kari winced as the buckles were tightened so that her breasts were held so tightly that she was sure they would not move even if she did a cart wheel. Kari's breasts were now squeezed tightly between the straps and the cups built into the top of the corset. Her breasts stuck straight out and were starting to flush red from the constriction. To Kari's embarrassment she could see that her nipples were swollen and sticking straight out.
Kari could see that the strap hooked to the bottom of her corset was designed so that it created a small oval directly below the bottom of the corset. Through the oval she could see her naval barbell clearly as well as a portion of her flat stomach. Who was the pervert who designed these things, Kari wondered sarcastically.
Mistress Kayla walked to the wall and returned holding a white leather posture collar. Kari knew what was coming next and she lifted her chin in resignation not to fight this time. As the posture collar was brought up she noticed this one appeared to be heavily reinforced and there were two shiny brackets below where her ears would go.
"Mistress Delilah was right. You are going to be one of her best slaves!" Mistress Kayla exclaimed, obviously impressed.
Kari felt the posture collar wrap around her neck and then it tightened as it was buckled behind her neck with three buckles. Kari felt her head locked into place as the buckles were drawn tight. Kari wondered about the brackets below her ears now and started to wonder if she had been wise in accepting this new collar so easily. The collar felt incredibly stiff and unyielding, more so than any other collar she had yet worn.
Mistress Kayla disappeared from view and Kari could tell by the sound of her stiletto heels that she was crossing to the opposite side of the room. Kari could hear a cabinet open and Mistress Kayla's voice, "what is your shoe size slave?"
"Size 7 Mistress," Kari replied without hesitation. It was strange but Kari felt a lot of mixed emotions after answering the simple shoe size question. She wondered if she was somehow giving into these people that held her captive. No she told herself, I am simply trying to make the best of this until I have an opportunity to escape.
Mistress Kayla returned holding a pair of white leather knee high boots. "Back up slave," Mistress Kayla ordered.
Kari backed up carefully and Mistress Kayla stopped Kari with a hand on Kari's ass. Mistress Kayla then helped Kari sit down on a low wooden bench. Kari watched as Mistress Kayla slid her right foot into the first boot. When Kari's foot neared the bottom of the boot Mistress Kayla was forced to move the boot rapidly in a rocking motion to force her foot the remainder of the way into the sloped bottom. Once Mistress Kayla was satisfied Kari's foot had assumed the proper position she quickly laced the boot up to just below Kari's knee. The laces were pulled tight and six thin straps were drawn tightly through chrome buckles over the top of the laces along the length of the boot. Mistress Kayla placed Kari's other foot in the second boot and made sure it was equally secure.
"Stand carefully slave and get your balance." Mistress Kayla ordered as she helped Kari up from the bench.
Kari was glad for Mistress Kayla's hand on her shoulders as she nearly fell at first. How quickly she had forgotten what it was like to wear 6" stiletto heels. Kari felt her whole posture shift again because of her corset, collar, and boots. Kari could not get past the sense she was falling forward.
Mistress Kayla removed her hand telling Kari, "Try to walk around slowly so you can get a sense of balance while I fetch a few more things slave."
Kari slowly walked around the room, trying to be careful not to bump into anything. It was very hard though, as she could not look down due to the strict posture collar. Her stride was nearly nonexistent compared to how it would normally be.
Mistress Kayla returned with a hobble trainer and several other items Kari only got a brief glimpse of before they disappeared from her view. Kari stopped walking and stood with her hands at her sides as she had been taught.
"I see that while you are still clumsy in your boots you show some promise. Just try to relax for a minute while I finish a few things slave."
Kari tried to remain still as she felt the leather ankle cuffs, attached to the ends of the hobble trainer bar, wrapped around her ankles and buckled tight. Kari felt her hair being brushed out next and then she felt it being formed into a single tight braid. Mistress Kayla moved with amazing speed and in less than 5 minutes Kari's long hair was entirely braided.
Kari then watched as Mistress Kayla walked around in front of her and lifted a short chrome bar up. The bar must have been about a foot in length and less than an inch in diameter. It looked like a white leather cuff was attached to one end of the bar. Kari watched as the bar disappeared from sight to the left side of her head. She felt a slight tugging at the left side of her posture collar and then a clicking sound. As Mistress Kayla pulled away Kari could sense that there was now more weight on the left side of her posture collar. Mistress Kayla returned with another chrome bar, this one went to the right side of her posture collar. When Mistress Kayla pulled away this time the weight on her posture collar seemed to be equal again.
"Bring your wrists up near your shoulders for me slave."
Kari reluctantly lifted her wrists up and felt her left wrist pulled up and to the left of her neck. She felt a fur lined cuff wrap around her wrist and then tighten as the two buckles on the cuff were drawn tight. Mistress Kayla grabbed her right wrist and it was placed in a matching wrist cuff on the right side of Kari's neck. Mistress Kayla turned and walked behind Kari. Kari knew by the position of her wrists that the chrome bars had somehow been attached to the mysterious slots on the sides of her posture collar. Her wrists were now firmly held in the wrists cuffs attached to the opposite ends of the bars. The position her arms were in felt weird to Kari and she felt very exposed and vulnerable.
Mistress Kayla returned with yet more items. The first item Kari recognized as a white leather head trainer. Kari stood helplessly as the straps were pulled across her face and buckled around her head. Kari felt her braid pulled through a large chrome ring behind her head. There was no gag or blindfold built into this trainer but she suspected both could be attached easily. Kari could feel straps going down both sides of her nose, along the edges of her mouth, and to a strap under her chin. There were also vertical straps in front of her ears and below her chin as well as across the top of her head from the upside down "V" formed by the straps going next to her nose.
"I am pleased with your behavior this morning slave so I shall give you an option." Mistress Kayla held up several items in her hands. "You will be gagged when delivered to Mistress Delilah for training but I will allow you to pick the type of gag."
Kari felt little thrill at the prospect of being gagged again. She eyed the various gags displayed on the silver serving tray in Mistress Kayla's hands. She was surprised that she could actually identify several of the gags. One was a white ball gag, another was a white leather "tongue" type-liquid feeder gag (like she wore last night), there was a wide strip of white leather, the next gag was oddly shaped like a small, limp white rubber balloon attached to a piece of thin white leather. Kari could also see a gag composed entirely of chrome chains, swivels, and small bars. The next choice was a simple white ring about an inch or so in diameter with a thin white leather strap coming from two sides. There was a horrifying gag shaped like a short, fat penis as well. The last choice was a short, round white leather piece with straps coming off either end.
Kari hated all gags but she hoped to at least pick the least difficult one to endure. She knew she hated the ball gag and she certainly didn't care for the feeder gag either. Kari also felt she had more than enough metal in her mouth already without picking the metal gag. The thought of having her mouth filled with the short, fat dildo turned her stomach. That left the wide strip of white leather; the small, limp white rubber ball attached to a piece of thin white leather; the simple white ring about an inch or so in diameter with a thin white leather strap coming from two of the sides; and the short, round white leather piece with straps coming off either end.
Kari thought the wide piece of leather would possibly restrict her breathing if it went under her nose. That would be a bad thing as her breathing was already restricted more than she ever desired. The round white leather piece must go in her mouth like a stick she imagined. The result would likely be a lot of drooling, no good either. The limp balloon gag just seemed gross for some reason and she thought it might make her gag, literally. That only left the ring shaped gag. Kari thought that it must lie flat on her tongue; she would have to be careful not to get her tongue barbell caught in it she reasoned.
"Well slave, what is your choice?"
Kari replied confidently, "the ring shaped gag, please Mistress."
Mistress Kayla set the other gags aside and held up the gag Kari selected. "Very good slave, the ring gag is one of my favorites!" Mistress Kayla brought the ring toward Kari's mouth.
Kari opened her mouth wondering how the gag would restrict her from making noise. Perhaps it would keep her from being able to move her tongue somehow.
Mistress Kayla spoke, "you'll have to open wider than that slave for a ring gag."
Kari hadn't thought the gag was very big in diameter and did not understand why it could not slip between her lips and over her tongue easily. Kari knew better than to bring up this point so she opened her mouth as wide as she could comfortably.
"That is better slave, hold it like that for a minute," Mistress Kayla coached.
Kari felt the rigid ring pass behind her teeth and then she felt pressure on the backside of her upper teeth as the ring was forced slowly behind her teeth until it was seated behind both her upper and lower teeth. Kari was shocked to find that the ring was vertical and not horizontal as she had imagined it would be! The straps were pulled to opposite sides of her mouth and buckled firmly to her head trainer, ensuring that Kari would not be able to flip the ring or dislodge it. Kari could not even begin to close her mouth although she could move her tongue around. Even though the ring was hard she could tell by feel it was coated with some kind of flexible plastic, probably to protect her teeth. Kari's stomach sank as she realized that she had obviously made a very poor choice in her gag selection.
Mistress Kayla reached down out of Kari's line of sight and brought her hand back up with two small chrome objects. Mistress Kayla held one between her long bright yellow nails. "This is another kind of nipple clamp called a 'press'". Kari could see that the clamp was rectangular shaped with a small bar going across the middle. There was a small chrome screw going through the top that was attached to the bar in the middle. The whole thing was no more than two inches by two inches.
The "press" clamp disappeared and Kari felt cold metal touch her right nipple. Kari felt Mistress Kayla's long fingernails pull her nipple through the cold metal clamp. Kari wanted to jerk away but she knew it would only delay the inevitable so she closed her eyes. The clamp was tightened until it was very tight but not painfully so. The left nipple shared the same fate as the right. Kari opened her eyes as Mistress Kayla pulled back and examined the clamps.
Mistress Kayla attached a white leather leash to the front of Kari's posture collar and Kari was led to a full-length mirror.
Kari stared at her transformed reflection. The corset shaped her torso into an ivory hourglass and the posture collar and stiletto knee boots only served to enhance the image. Kari could see the stiletto heels of her boots and she still wondered how she would be able to walk in them. Kari's breasts were swollen and thrust straight out like an exotic dancer or porn star with overdone implants. This impression was even worse now because her already trim figure was compressed by the corset. The press clamps on her nipples were turned so that the tension screws were pointed straight down. Her nipples were swollen and an angry red color between the metal bars of the press clamps.
Kari shifted her focus to her wrists. What she already knew was true based on her reflection. Her wrists were firmly held in cuffs at the ends of the chrome bars, which were attached to the sides of her posture collar. Kari looked at the ring gag forcing her mouth open. The only part of the ring visible was the portion not hidden by her teeth. The ring had not looked very big but it certainly filled her mouth well and forced it to remain obscenely open. Worse yet was the fact she could easily see the gleaming silver barbell in her tongue and she knew there would be no hiding it.
Mistress Kayla disappeared and returned with a padded white leather blindfold. This blindfold had two padded circular discs with straps leading from it. Kari watched as the padded discs were lined up with her eyes.
"Enough admiring yourself slave, close your eyes. You are becoming such a vain slave." Mistress Kayla teased.
Kari closed her eyes and she felt the padded discs press against her eyelids. The blindfold was firmly buckled to her head trainer and any hope of seeing what would happen next was gone.
"You look very presentable this morning, I am sure Mistress Delilah will be very pleased. Your behavior up to this point has also been excellent for a new slave."
Kari felt the slack in her leash taken up. God, what now she wondered.
"Let's go see Mistress Delilah slave and you can get on with your training."
Kari found herself struggling to keep her balance as they left the room. Walking while blindfolded was a challenge...walking while bound and hobbled in stiletto heeled boots was nearly impossible. Kari tried to forget about what was happening to her and just focus on walking and her breathing. The sound of the metal of her bonds clinking, her restricted open mouthed breathing, and the clicking of her heels was a constant distraction and source of humiliation as she moved. Kari tried to focus on the constant, gentle pressure of the leash and soon it was guiding her to whatever might come next.
Chapter 22 (added: 2012/06/11)
Kari felt herself pulled to a gentle stop by her leash. She used the opportunity to try to catch her breath. Kari could not believe how much her balance was thrown off by having her wrists cuffed to the bars attached to the sides of her posture collar. She had stumbled on several turns and had a very rough time on the walk down the halls. She would give anything to be out of this place she thought to herself. How had she allowed herself to get into this situation? Kari's thoughts were interrupted as she felt her leash released to dangle between her protruding breasts.
Several moments later Kari heard several female voices from a distance. She thought the voices were Mistress Kayla and Mistress Delilah but she couldn't be sure. The voices were far enough away that she couldn't make out what they were saying. Kari tensed as she heard two sets of stiletto heeled shoes approach her. She tried to slow her breathing and assume what she hoped was a good posture. Kari hoped at all costs to avoid angering Mistress Delilah as she had the day before. The terrible whipping was still very vivid in her mind and the soreness was just as fresh.
Mistress Delilah's voice came from behind her, "yes, I see what you mean by her posture!"
Mistress Delilah sounded both pleased and excited, that is good Kari thought to herself.
She heard Mistress Delilah continue talking as she walked around the front of Kari, "Kayla, she is just so lovely."
Mistress Delilah stopped in front of Kari. "I cannot believe how beautiful she is becoming in such a short period of time. Her face is so exquisite and her breasts are simply perfect! She will be unique once she is fully trained and modified. I can't remember the last time I was so excited about a new slave."
Kari swore she could feel Mistress Delilah's gaze burning into her although Kari couldn't see a thing beyond her blindfold. Kari shifted slightly, uncomfortable that she could feel her nipples throbbing in the tight press clamps. The worst part about the throbbing was that she could not deny it felt good in some twisted way. Kari felt something cold and wet drop onto her chest between her breasts and she realized to her horror that she was drooling because of the gag. Her chin was now cold and damp with her own saliva. The ring gag made it impossible to swallow normally so she did her best to take several awkward, rapid half swallows. She felt her face warm as the humiliation of her situation set it.
Kari unexpectedly felt what she realized was a soft, warm hand gently wiping the drool from her chin. Another hand gently caressed the back of Kari's head above the posture collar.
"It's okay slave, ring gags are difficult to get used to at first. In time you will learn to control your saliva flow better. I will not be punishing you at this stage in your training for the drool so relax my beautiful slave. I want you to know your Mistress is very pleased with you this morning!"
Kari felt her leash picked up and she was slowly led forward a short distance. A hand on her shoulder guided her down until she was sitting on what felt like a wooden bench of some kind. She was grateful for the helping hand because she doubted she could have sat down in her present predicament. Kari's leash was released to dangle once again between her breasts.
Kari could hear what sounded like some kind of drawers being slid open and closed slowly. Then Kari became very unsettled as she heard metallic sounds as it sounded like some things were placed in front of her. Kari did not know what was happening but her body started trembling slightly. Kari rotated her wrists in their cuffs but they were unyielding as she knew they would be.
Mistress Delilah's voice broke the silence, "Kayla do you think it is too early for these yet?" As Mistress Delilah spoke Kari felt long slick fingernails touch her lower lip on the right and left side.
Next came Mistress Kayla's voice in reply, "Mistress she has shown no signs of rejection and seems to be an exceptionally quick healer. I see no reason why we couldn't precede Mistress."
Mistress Delilah seemed pleased as she replied, "stand by then in case I need your assistance with her." A momentary pause and then Mistress Delilah added, "Actually go ahead and place the positioner harness on her Kayla. I want these to be as perfect as she is."
Kari felt terrified although she didn't know exactly of what yet. What were they talking about? Why did Mistress Kayla need to "stand by?" What had they meant by the comment about her being a "quick healer?" Kari heard one of the women walk around behind her, their heels clicking in the stones. What did they mean by "positioner harness?" Kari's body started to shake as if she was cold and she wanted desperately to stand up.
Kari felt vibrations as something was being attached near her ankles to the bench she was sitting on. She then felt someone, she assumed Mistress Kayla, pull the bar of her ankle hobble tight against the front of the bench. After a few clicking sounds Kari realized her ankle hobble bar was firmly secured to the front of the bench somehow.
The next thing she heard was something being attached to the bench right behind her back. There was a rubbing sound like wood on wood and this was followed by several clicking sounds. Kari felt a hand press against the front of her corset until she was pushed back against something very solid that rose from the bench vertically. Kari could not see what rose vertically from the bench but she imagined a heavy wooden board of some type. There were numerous clicking sounds as one of her Mistresses worked from the bottom to the top. Kari could feel her Mistress pushing her back firmly against the board with their hand against the front of her corset. Kari felt a long nailed hand push firmly against the front of her posture collar and then she heard a final click.
Kari tried to shift forward but it was instantly obvious to her that she was secured somehow to the board or whatever it was behind her back. She was secured not only behind her butt but also all the way up her back, including her posture collar. Kari definitely did not like this now and her heart was pounding in her chest.
Kari heard what sounded like plastic tearing. After several minutes she felt something very small and soft touch her lower lip on the left then the right side. Kari's tongue barbell clanked against the ring gag as she reflexively tried to touch her lip. The long tongue barbell would only allow the tip of her tongue to protrude past the ring gag. Kari could not feel what had touched her lip as it was now apparently gone.
The small, soft object then touched inside her nose on both sides of her septum. The object smelled strongly of ink. Kari wondered why they would be drawing on her. Somewhere in her mind she thought she knew the answer but the answer proved to be elusive right now.
Kari was startled as something was pushed through her ring gag and into her mouth. She has little time to explore the object before she heard a pumping sound and the object quickly inflated, filling her mouth and pressing her tongue to the bottom. Kari then felt something cold touch her lower lip on the right side and then she felt firm pressure pinching lip. It was like a firm pinch, just short of being painful. What the hell was going on! Kari then felt the right side of her lip pulled forward, slightly away from the gum by whatever it was pinching it.
Mistress Delilah voice softly came to her from in front, "I want you to take three slow, deep breaths slave. I will count with you 1...2...3."
Kari tried to follow the instructions but she was so scared. She tried to ignore the thing stretching her lip out but couldn't. She concentrated hard on Mistress Delilah's soft voice counting rhythmically 1...2...3 and then again 1...2...3.
The counting was repeated several times and Kari felt herself relax just a little bit
1 ...2...3, 1...2. Kari focused on breathing through her nose. Suddenly with no warning a sharp, searing pain shot through the portion of her lip held away from her gums. The pain happened so quickly that a throbbing pain like a bee sting replaced it before she could begin to react. Kari felt something pushed through her lip but her lip was throbbing so much it was impossible to tell exactly what was happening. Kari tried to move her tongue but the inflated object in her mouth prevented all but the slightest movement.
Kari felt the same cold touch and firm pressure again, this time to the lower left side of her lip. The lip was pulled away from the gum once again. Kari didn't know what to do, she was moving her fingers around like a drowning swimmer but they were useless to stop what was happening. She strained to move her head but the posture collar held her neck and head rigid as if she were made of stone. Kari tried to arch her back but she was attached so firmly to the board behind her back there was nothing to show for her efforts except of a quickening of her breathing.
Mistress Delilah's voice broke into her confused thoughts. "You are doing excellent so far slave, don't fight it. Just breathe with me again and it will be over very soon. Come on slave, 1...2...3, breathe in and exhale slowly."
Kari didn't want to breathe. She just wanted to get the hell away from this place! She could still feel the throbbing in the right side of her lower lip and her whole body was covered in goose bumps now.
"Listen to me slave, breathe." Mistress Delilah cooed softly in Kari's ear.
Kari tried to push her tongue around the object in her mouth but it only hurt the barbell in her tongue. Kari tried to talk but only murmurs came out and so she tried to scream. Kari's screaming resulted in slightly louder sounds but certainly nothing intelligible.
"Slave, listen to me!" Mistress Delilah's voice became more stern but still retained a soft tone. "Breathe and it will be so much easier for you. Come on now, 1...2...3."
Kari realized fighting was getting her nowhere so she tried hard to focus on her breathing again. 1...2...3...1...2...3...1...2...3...
"Good, just like that." Mistress Delilah's voice coached softly.
Kari started to inhale on the 1 count when a sharp pain shot through the left side of her lip. Kari tried to stand up again but she was still firmly held to the bench she sat on by whatever Mistress Kayla had strapped her to. Instead she was forced to remain seated as both sides of her lower lip now throbbed painfully. What were these monsters doing to her? Kari felt a second object pushed through her lip and then the pressure on her lip was released.
Kari was breathing rapidly when a cold object that smelled of metal, clamped the middle of portion of skin between her nostrils (Kari's knew this part of her body was called the septum from her college biology classes). The pressure was uncomfortable but not entirely painful. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!!! Kari's mind raced but she was having a hard time forming complete thoughts because she was scared to the point of absolute panic.
"Hold very still slave, I want this to be as perfect as you are." Mistress Delilah stated.
Kari felt the metal thing pinching her septum grow taunt. Kari's mind was spinning, what did this mean, what was happening. Somewhere in her mind she knew the answer but the answer was so awful her mind would not register what it was. Kari did not know it but she was partially in shock.
An incredibly intense pain struck her septum like a bullet. The pain was so great that her tongue pushed so hard against the inflated object in her mouth that she actually managed a very muffled scream inside her mouth. Tears started coursing from her eyes beneath the blindfold and sobs wracked her entire body. Kari struggled once again to get up but the bindings holding her defeated her efforts. Kari clenched her fists and her long fingernails dug into her palms. Kari's knees were the only part of her that could move and she was rapidly swinging them apart and together creating a fleshy slapping sound.
Kari was forced to sit on the bench as she felt something cold and smooth press against either side of the bottom of her outer nostrils. The pain on the right side of her lower lip briefly flared up to be replaced by a dull throbbing pain. The pressure was gone from whatever it was that had held her lip away from her gums. The pain in the left side of her lower lip also flared up to turn into a slightly burning throb. Kari could taste blood inside her mouth and she could also smell it.
The pain in Kari's septum spiked into a burning, throbbing pain as it felt like something was being slid through her septum. The pain subsided into a constant throbbing pain as the sensation of movement ceased. Kari felt herself hugged firmly from behind by a pair of warm arms. Kari continued sobbing with the shock and pain of it all. Kari could smell a scent like fragrant tropical flowers as she was hugged tightly.
Mistress Delilah whispered softly into her ear, "It is okay my sweet little slave, it is all over now. The throbbing will ease greatly in a short while. I know you are confused and hurt right now but I am going to remove your gag. I know it will make you feel better but you must remember you are slave and you must follow the speech rules." Mistress Delilah kissed Kari on the cheek softly with her warm, full lips as she removed her arms from Kari.
Kari continued sobbing as she felt the object inside her mouth deflate. The rubbery object was removed and as it passed her lips several strings of saliva ran past her lips and down her chin. Next the ring gag loosened and very, very carefully turned sideways before being removed from her mouth. The person removing the gag was very careful to avoid touching Kari's lower lip as the gag was removed.
Kari felt a cool wash cloth wiping carefully under her nose where her nose had ran while she was crying. The washcloth moved across her cheeks below her blindfold to wipe the remnants of the tears that had been streaming down her cheeks. The cloth carefully continued down to Kari's chin where it continued to wipe the saliva away. Kari slowly brought her sobs under control as she took several deep, shaky breaths.
Kari slowly allowed her jaw to relax and her mouth to close. As soon as her mouth was almost closed she felt something cold and foreign touching the right and left sides of her upper lip. Kari instantly reacted by opening her mouth again. What was going on? Was Mistress Delilah trying to do something to her upper lip also? Kari realized nobody was touching her upper lip and the objects were apparently the source of the pain in her lower lip. Kari slowly closed her mouth until she felt the cold, hard objects touching her upper lip again. She knew now that the things touching her upper lip were definitely attached to her lower lip.
Kari decided to try to touch the objects with her tongue. Kari slowly stuck her tongue out until she felt the tip touch the object in the left side of her lip. She withdrew her tongue quickly, as she had tasted metal. A terrible feeling passed through her body as the reality of what had happened to her lip started to set in.
"I want you to listen very carefully slave," Mistress Delilah explained. "We are going to remove your blindfold. You must understand that you are never to attempt to alter or remove anything that has been placed on or in your body without specific instructions. If you do attempt to disobey this rule not only will you be punished but steps will also be taken to insure you cannot tamper with these things again. Do you understand slave?"
Kari tried to reply, "Yes Mistress" but it came out sounding like she had a slight lisp. Kari did not want her upper lip to touch her lower lip so she spoke with a partially open mouth. She had not even grown used to the long barbell through her tongue yet and now she was had to deal with this new horror, she thought.
Kari felt her blindfold loosened and slowly removed. She started blinking, her eyelids sticky and moist from crying. Kari squinted as her eyes adjusted to the bright light. She closed her eyes as they were wiped gently with a cool wash cloth. Kari opened her eyes to see Mistress Delilah seated before her, next to a small stainless steel table.
Mistress Delilah spoke, as she held up a large ornate silver hand mirror, "You are beautiful slave." Mistress Delilah adjusted the mirror to reveal Kari's face in the mirror's reflection.
Tears sprang to Kari's eyes as she saw herself and her body started shaking. There was no denying the reality of what had happened to her now as her reflection revealed the truth. Kari stared at the bright silver rings protruding from each side of her lower lip. The rings were each offset towards the corners of her mouth. This meant that about two thirds of the way between the middle of her lower lip and the corners of her mouth a vertical ring appeared. The rings were small, barely big enough in diameter to encircle her lip without touching except for where they passed through her flesh. Kari could see the lip rings pierced her flesh just below the colored area where her lower lip started. (She recalled from her biology courses that the area was technically called the vermillion border.)
Kari's crying turned to sobbing as she looked up from her lower lip to see a shiny silver ring now piercing her septum. The ring was small enough that it didn't come close to filling her nostrils but was certainly big enough that it could be seen from nearly any angle. This ring appeared to be a solid circle as Kari could not detect where the ring might open.
Kari stared at her reflection in shame and closed her eyes as tears ran freely down her cheeks. Kari closed her mouth completely as a loud sob shook her body. As soon as she did she felt the cold metal of the rings press against the flesh of her upper lip and she absolutely hated it. The humiliation of having her body "modified" made her feel sick to her stomach and she prayed that this was all some awful nightmare. Kari knew it was real though, the constant feeling of the fresh metal piercing her flesh constantly reminded her it was all far too real.
Kari continued sobbing as she was released from the "positioner harness." She could not quit staring at herself in the mirror before her as she was released. She hated her reflection now and she hated Mistress Delilah more for doing this to her!
Chapter 23 (added: 2012/06/18)
Kari was released from the bench as her blindfold was replaced, forcing her into a world of darkness once again. She was then pulled to a standing position by her leash and led from the room, which she was convinced, must be one of the nine levels of hell. Kari's heels striking the stone tiles blended with the heels of the person holding her leash as she struggled to keep her balance with the hobble bar restricting her gait. She was led slowly down several hallways until she felt fresh air blowing lightly against her body. She was brought to a halt by her leash and ordered to kneel by Mistress Delilah.
Kari found it almost impossible to kneel with the ankle hobble bar and her wrists still held in the neck bar. As she struggled to kneel she felt Mistress Delilah's hands grab her under her arms and guide her down to a kneeling position. Kari was surprised as her knees touched the stone surface, as it was warm to the touch. She realized it must be from the sun which she now felt warming the front of her body.
Kari blinked at the bright sunlight as her blindfold was removed again. She squinted out across a wide stone patio into a beautiful garden filled with trees, flowers, and fountains. For just a short time Kari forgot about her predicament, as the beauty of the scene before her was just so incredible.
Mistress Delilah's voice suddenly brought Kari back to the reality of her situation. "Spread your knees slave, I want you on display."
Kari struggled briefly in the ankle hobble bar as she tried to spread her knees. She found that by carefully lifting one knee and shifting her weight she was able to balance on her other knee. Kari winced slightly from the pain of her raised knee striking the solid stone tile as she momentarily lost her balance and brought the knee down harder than she meant to. She felt the cool breeze touch her inner thighs and she suddenly felt so vulnerable. The act of spreading her knees also reminded of the plugs inside her intimate parts. The shifting of her hips made the plugs move inside her and it gave her yet another reason to hate the chastity belt forced upon her.
Mistress Kayla moved to Kari's right and released Kari's right wrist from the posture collar bar. Kari was unsure of what to do with her right hand so she slowly placed it on the top of her right thigh. Mistress Kayla released her left hand and Kari slowly placed it on the top of her left thigh. The bars were removed from the sides of Kari's posture collar and Kari was surprised by the fact the bars seemed to weigh almost nothing as they were removed.
Kari could feel the slight breeze against her swollen nipples and they still throbbed from the "vice clamps" squeezing them. Kari did not understand it but her nipples did not really seem to hurt that much anymore. She reasoned it was probably because they had gone numb from the unrelenting pressure of the clamps. The posture collar prevented her from being able to lower her chin to look down but the tight straps of her harness forced her breasts out enough that she could just see her nipples. Kari's nipples were swollen a great deal and were a combination of fiery red and light purple. The sight made Kari feel sick to her stomach and she wondered if her nipples were being permanently damaged.
Kari could see Mistress Delilah seated at a large stone table in her peripheral vision. Mistress Kayla disappeared from Kari's field of view and Kari could hear Mistress Kayla's stiletto heels retreating behind her. There was the sound of a heavy wooden door being softly closed somewhere behind Kari and then a strange silence.
Kari turned her attention back to Mistress Delilah. Despite everything that had happened Kari could not keep from being drawn in by Mistress Delilah's incredible beauty. She was wearing a brilliantly polished dark blue one-piece latex dress that ended just below her knees. On her feet were laced a pair of glossy, black, leather knee high boots with 5 inch stiletto heels. There was a tight, black, leather corset over the outside of the dress (or the corset was a part of the dress, Kari couldn't tell for sure) that narrowed Mistress Delilah's waist down to an impossibly petite size.
Kari knew better than to obviously try to turn her body to see more of Mistress Delilah so she strained to see more by turning her waist ever so slightly toward Mistress Delilah. Now Kari could see that Mistress Delilah's hair was pulled behind her head in a thick braid. Mistress Delilah's makeup was comprised of black and dark blue shades. She could see a small gold ball beneath Mistress Delilah's lower lip and she realized it was some kind of piercing. There was also a small gold barbell at the outside corner of each of Mistress Delilah's eyebrows. At least half a dozen small gold rings graced each of her ears.
Kari was still filled with anger and resentment regarding her current dilemma but she could not stop staring at Mistress Delilah. She was just so beautiful and Kari realized that somewhere inside her mess of emotions she wanted to be near Mistress Delilah. It was such a strange feeling and so new that Kari could not even begin to understand it. Maybe she was going insane, had she undergone some kind of brainwashing? After all, how could she desire to be around some one that did such awful things to her?
Kari could only sit quietly as Mistress Delilah picked a small piece of an apple wedge from a silver bowl on the table. Kari watched as Mistress Delilah pinched the apple wedge between her long dark blue fingernails and then slid the piece past her incredibly full lips. This process was repeated for several minutes as Mistress Delilah continued to select different fruits and slide them into her mouth.
Kari heard the wooden door open behind her followed by the sound of stiletto heels approaching. Mistress Kayla appeared next to Kari carrying two large clear glasses with black straws. She placed them on the table before Mistress Delilah and walked behind Kari again. This time Kari did not hear the wooden door close as the sound of Mistress Kayla's heels clicking on the stones faded in the distance.
Mistress Delilah took a long drink from one of the drinks using the straw then she turned to face Kari as she picked up the other drink. "I am going to place this drink on the tile in front of you and I want you to drink every last drop of it slave. Now after I place it before you, I want you to remain kneeling and you are not to use your hands in any way."
Kari thought about the instructions as Mistress Delilah placed the drink in front of her on the tile. The glass was sweating and appeared to be partially frosted. Kari imagined it would probably be cold to the touch and she guessed the glass itself had likely been chilled in a freezer. Kari slowly bent at the waist, using her hands against her thighs to help support her. Normally this would have been an easy task for Kari given her flexibility but the corset and posture collar made this simple task a challenge. Kari took her time as the last thing she wanted was to face plant into the stone tiles. After what seemed like a half hour but was really a few minutes she was close enough to the glass to actually drink using the straw.
Mistress Delilah smiled at Kari's efforts (unseen by Kari) and spoke, "Drink at your leisure slave while I finish my lunch. Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. You never know how long it might be before you get to enjoy the outdoors again slave."
Kari used her new position to stare into the glass. Inside the glass the liquid was a slightly off yellow color and appeared to be the consistency of a slightly runny milk shake. Kari moved her nose as close as possible and inhaled deeply. Immediately she felt a small twinge of pain from her fresh septum piercing and she stopped inhaling. Kari had inhaled long enough though to get a bit of the drink's scent. It smelled of fruits and something else, possibly milk she thought.
Kari felt her stomach rumble and her rising hunger pushed aside some of the other emotions boiling inside her. Kari carefully put the straw between her lips and started to suck in the liquid through the straw. Almost as soon as she started sucking she stopped and pulled away from the straw. The sucking action required her to close her lips tightly together and pushed her newly acquired lip rings against her upper lip. The pain was tolerable but most of all it just felt so humiliating to Kari. She wanted to drink to satisfy her hunger but she hated the way sucking on the straw made her feel. In some inexplicable way it made her feel dirty like she was doing something nasty.
Mistress Delilah chuckled, "I see you are having a bit of a quandary my sweet little slave. You hate the way drinking from a straw makes you feel with your new decorations...yet you want the nourishment. Am I not correct slave?"
Kari could not believe Mistress Delilah's unnerving intuition about her feelings. If Mistress Delilah knew how awful it made Kari feel then why did Mistress Delilah do these terrible things to her? Kari felt like crying as she replied, "Yes Mistress."
Mistress Delilah smiled, apparently delighted with her own intuition. "Well let me help you with your quandary then. I will make it very simple for you. I am not asking you if you want to drink it, I am telling you that you will drink it all slave. There is no choice in the matter...at all slave."
Kari closed her eyes and slowly put the straw between her lips again. She slowly took another drink using the straw. The humiliation still burned though Kari but there was also a disturbing new feeling as well. The new feeling was slight but caught Kari off guard completely...the new feeling was a strange sense of relief. Somehow on another level of consciousness Kari felt relieved about having no choice. The shock of this new realization and what it meant consumed Kari's thoughts as she drank well over half of the drink.
The drink reminded Kari of a cross between a fruit smoothie and a vitamin enriched health shake. The taste was not bad at all and she might even have enjoyed the drink if the situation was different. The one thing she did enjoy was the fact that her hunger pains were rapidly fading as the nourishment reached her stomach. There was also no denying that the cold drink felt good on her tender tongue and lips where her latest "decorations" were.
Kari realized she was finished with the drink as she heard air sucking into the end of the straw. Kari took extra care to suck up the last remaining drops of the liquid despite the humiliation she felt by having to maneuver the straw around using only her mouth. When she was finished she released the straw from her lips and slowly began the process of raising her upper body into a vertical position again.
After a few minutes Mistress Delilah looked over and glanced into Kari's now empty glass. "Very good slave, I see you left nothing behind. I am glad to see you are willing to feed yourself so I don't have to." Mistress Delilah picked the glass up and sat it back on the table.
Mistress Delilah turned back to the table and spent several more minutes finishing her own meal. As Kari waited silently she realized some of the drink was slowly drying on her lower lip. She could not resist the urge to use her tongue to wipe away the drink drying on her lower lip. Kari hated the feel of the rings moving against her tongue and she noticed Mistress Delilah was watching her movements and facial expressions with amusement.
Mistress Delilah was still smiling as she stood from the table and stretched slowly like a great cat. She looked down at Kari and smiled brightly. "I think it is a great day for a little walk, don't you slave?"
Kari really didn't want to walk any more in these heels or the hobble bar but she heard herself respond, "Yes Mistress." Kari wanted to scream at Mistress Delilah and tell her what she really thought but she thought that would likely not be very wise. Kari was also puzzled that a small part of her felt just a little better inside when Mistress Delilah smiled at her. Why would pleasing Mistress Delilah ever matter to her she puzzled...
Chapter 24 (added: 2012/06/18)
Mistress Kayla appeared suddenly from behind Kari holding something made of shiny white latex. Kari realized she must have been too fixated on Mistress Delilah as she made the walk announcement, to notice Mistress Kayla coming up behind her. Kari watched intently as Mistress Delilah nodded her approval to Mistress Kayla.
Mistress Delilah spoke, "Stand slave so that Kayla can prepare you for our walk."
Kari struggled to her feet fighting the ankle hobble bar. She nearly fell at one point and used one of her free hands to catch herself. Mistress Kayla reached out and immediately grabbed Kari's ponytail and used it to both steady and lift Kari to her feet. Kari winced at the pain of the hair pulling but managed to hold her tongue and not cry out.
Mistress Kayla walked around behind Kari. "Bring your arms behind your back slave and put your palms together."
Kari followed the instructions and placed her palms together behind her back. She felt some kind of leather strap going around her wrists. The strap apparently had a roller buckle as it was soon cinched tight, holding her wrists firmly together. Kari could feel something hanging from the bottom of the strap that had some measure of weight to it and she wondered what it could be.
Kari felt another strap with a roller buckle tighten around her forearms. She grimaced as it was tightened, nearly pulling her forearms together. A strap was quickly wrapped around her elbows and Kari felt her elbows being drawn together. She sullenly realized this device was not going to be comfortable as her elbows were drawn together until only a few inches of space remained between them.
Kari tried to slow her breathing and remain calm as yet another strap was placed around her biceps. Kari winced as the strap was tightened, pulling her biceps towards each other until they were only inches apart. Once again she was very grateful for her natural flexibility but this bondage was testing her limits severely. Kari found little comfort in knowing that most people would probably be in terrible pain right now if placed in this type of bondage. Kari was suffering a great deal of discomfort but only the slightest of pain in her joints so far.
Mistress Kayla stepped around in front of Kari. Mistress Kayla had a look of concentration on her face as she pulled several straps under each of Kari's armpits. There was a single strap for each side, Kari soon realized. Once the straps were pulled beneath each armpit they were draped back over Kari's shoulders to dangle down Kari's back. Mistress Kayla disappeared behind Kari again with a few hurried clicks of heels on the tiles.
The strap on Kari's left shoulder was tightened first. It was obviously attached to the bondage device being strapped around Kari's arms as tightening the shoulder strap only served to put additional pressure on Kari's arms. The right side strap was tightened which only served to further restrict Kari's arms.
Kari felt a strap several inches wide going around her hand where her finger joints were. The strap was tightened so that the only part of her hand that was free was her thumbs. There was something pulled over her hands that felt like a slippery bag of some kind. Kari thought the device must be made from some kind of very supple leather as she could feel the material as it brushed against the backs of her hands. The device was pulled not only over her hands but also all the way up her arms until it was covering her biceps as well. Kari felt the material being drawn closed around her arms with what felt and sounded like laces of some sort. The material was drawn so tight that it actually made her bondage even tighter than the straps alone had, since the pressure was over the length of her entire arms.
Kari felt a belt several inches wide pulled tight around her waist, just above the top of her chastity belt waist strap. The belt buckled in the small of Kari's back and she felt a final tug secure it tightly around her waist.
Mistress Kayla moved around in front of Kari and pulled a final strap between Kari's legs from behind Kari. The end of the strap was fed into a vertical roller buckle attached to the front of Kari's new waist belt. It instantly became apparent that the end of the strap going between Kari's legs was attached to the bondage device on Kari's arms because as the strap was drawn tight, Kari's hands were forced tight against her butt. The strap was tightened and Kari whimpered softly as she tried to move her arms to relieve some of the pressure on her joints. Her efforts did nothing to relieve the constant strict bondage and her arms stayed in the same unforgiving position the cruel bondage device held her in.
Mistress Kayla squatted down and removed the hobble trainer bar from between Kari's ankle cuffs. The ankle cuffs were then removed and Kari felt her boots being unlaced. After several minutes Kari's boots were removed and she was standing barefoot on the warm stone tiles. Kari's newfound freedom was short lived though as three inch wide, padded, white, leather ankle cuffs were buckled tightly around each ankle. Kari found the hobble bar was being traded for a length of light silver chain that was connected to a sturdy D ring on each ankle cuff.
Mistress Kayla then stepped back handing something to Mistress Delilah. Mistress Delilah smiled, apparently satisfied with Mistress Kayla's work. "She looks so lovely in the armbinder doesn't she, Kayla?"
Mistress Kayla smiled and nodded in agreement as she replied, "Yes Mistress, she is a very beautiful slave."
Mistress Delilah waved her hand and Mistress Kayla who disappeared from sight. The echo of her stiletto heels on the stone patio disappeared in the distance and Kari knew she was alone with her Mistress.
Kari could now see the object handed to Mistress Delilah consisted of several delicate silver chains with small clips at the ends. Kari had no idea what Mistress Delilah intended to do with the device but she did not think it would be something she was going to like.
Mistress Delilah smiled beautifully as she stepped in front of Kari, her teeth a gleaming shade of white. She continued smiling as she lifted one of the clips on the delicate chains up to Kari's left nipple press. Mistress Delilah hooked a small oval spring clamp to the nipple press by using the screw protruding from the bottom of the clamp as an anchor point. Kari immediately felt a slight tug from the weight of the delicate silver chain hanging on the nipple press. The weight of the silver chain was mere ounces but it was easily felt through Kari's hypersensitive nipple. The hypersensitivity being the result of her nipples lengthily confinement in the nipple presses.
Mistress Delilah moved to Kari's right nipple and connected another silver chain to that nipple press in the same manner. Kari's posture collar prevented her from being able to lower her chin to look down but the way her breasts were forced out allowed her to see what was happening by lowering her eyes briefly. The minimal weight of the silver chains did not even look like it was causing Kari's nipples to hang any lower but the tingling caused by the additional weight of the chains could certainly be felt. If Kari had not been able to see her nipples she would have sworn they were being pulled several inches lower.
Kari looked up again as she realized that she was feeling strange sensations in her nipples like she had never felt before. There was a mixture of mild pain, tingling like electricity, and what she could only describe as a warm throbbing. The thought of how her poor tortured nipples must look in front of Mistress Delilah was so humiliating on one hand but there was also no denying that feeling in her nipples was also causing her to feel some excitement. It was like so many of the things she had been feeling lately. It was good feelings so closely intertwined with bad feelings that it felt impossible to separate the two.
Mistress Delilah seemed to be studying Kari's face, as Kari was staring off into the distance, lost in thought. Mistress Delilah was pleased to see Kari was obviously thinking about her current predicament and assessing her feelings. Mistress Delilah knew Kari's ability to adapt to the many changes forced upon her would become more and more important as her training intensified. Mistress Delilah smiled, thinking of how she truly relished the early stages of every slave's transformation, but she already knew Kari was going to be something exceptional.
Kari's thoughts were drawn back to a delicate silver chain in Mistress Delilah's hand as she held the chain up in front of Kari's eyes. Kari could see the delicate silver chain glistening in the sun as Mistress Delilah rolled it around between her incredibly long dark blue nails. It was then that Kari saw that this was actually a silver chain with a very small delicate oval clip at the end. What was this chain for, Kari wondered? Kari followed the chain down with her eyes to see that it disappeared from her posture collar restricted view. She thought it must connect somehow to the middle of the chain already attached to her nipple presses.
Mistress Delilah continued smiling as she saw the puzzled look cross Kari's face. "I can see your curiosity is aroused by the third clip that has yet to be hooked. Can you hazard a guess at where I intend to put it?"
Kari thought carefully before speaking, "It could attach to the front of my posture collar, Mistress."
Mistress Delilah smiled and nodded slowly. "It certainly could be attached there and has been attached there in certain situations. Guess again, slave?"
Kari thought a little longer before answering, "It must be for my corset or chastity belt."
Mistress Delilah seemed amused by this guessing game as she answered, "It could be but I am thinking about something above your neck slave."
Kari thought about Mistress Delilah's response...above the neck. There was really nothing to attach it to above her neck, as she was not wearing any devices on her head. Kari wondered if they intended to place something else on her head to serve as an anchor for the chain. "Mistress may I ask a question?"
Mistress Delilah continued smiling and nodded. "Go ahead slave, share your thoughts with your Mistress. I enjoy seeing your imagination at work."
"Is there something else you have to put on me before you attach the chain Mistress?" Kari held her breath hoping she was correct.
Mistress Delilah smiled and replied, "No slave, the object I intend to attach the chain to is already present."
Kari started to think about Mistress Delilah's words and suddenly a thought struck her like a blow from a hammer. There was only one thing above her neck that a person could hook a clip like the one at the end of the silver chain to. That would be one of the silver rings now piercing her flesh! The realization was so horrible that Kari felt herself start to tremble as if she had just been doused with ice cold water.
Mistress Delilah nodded, as she knew exactly what Kari had come to realize. "That is correct slave, now hold very still." Kari was shaking so badly now that Mistress Delilah was forced to use one of her hands to grasp Kari's braid of hair to steady her. Kari's eyes watered as she felt the clip on the end of the silver chain snap closed on her septum ring. The delicate weight of the chain was immediately noticeable and it pulled slightly down on Kari's septum ring. A fresh wave of pain shot through Kari's septum and tears started falling from her eyes.
"Please Mistress, I cannot take it. It hurts sooo bad, please!" Kari's plea ended with her body being wracked by shaking sobs. As Kari sobbed she moved her feet side to side on the stone tiles in a strange sort of dance.
Mistress Delilah reacted by stroking Kari's hair gently and wrapping her warm arms around her in a gentle hug. "Shhhh slave, shhh. It only seems like the most terrible thing right now. I assure you there is far worse that can and will likely happen during your training. The weight of the chain is not so great as to injure your pretty little nose, I swear to you slave."
Kari felt little comfort in Mistress Delilah's words as sobs continued to shake her body, making it difficult to breathe. Kari felt like the ring was being ripped from her septum when in reality the weight of the chain did not even cause it to tear the freshly pierced skin. "Please Mistress, please. I cannot do this, I beg you! I promise I will do anything you want if you will only remove this horrible chain Mistress!"
Mistress Delilah continued hugging Kari as she spoke into her ear. "You are a slave my sweet little Karissa and you will endure because you have no choice. The fact that you are a slave means you will do anything I want whether you want to or not." Mistress Delilah gave her a final hug and stepped back from her. She grasped Kari's chin between her long fingernails and spoke softly, "You are so beautiful my sweet little slave. I have heard enough of your begging for now though so you will be silent until instructed otherwise."
Kari wished her hands were free so that she could remove the hated ring from her nose. The second thing she would do would be to punch Mistress Delilah as hard as she could for doing this to her. How could Mistress Delilah treat someone she supposedly cared for so horribly?
Mistress Delilah took the end of the chains where they all joined together in her left hand. It was then that Kari saw that this new device actually leashed her. Kari was now leashed in a way that was beyond humiliating. The strict bondage she had to endure and the humiliation combined to make her feel so incredibly vulnerable. Kari hated this new device and she hated Mistress Delilah even more for forcing her to endure it. Mistress Delilah started walking and Kari had no choice but to follow. Kari was grateful she was now barefoot and no longer in the ridiculously tall heels. She also appreciated how much easier it was to walk in the hobble chain instead of the hobble bar. Kari knew that she would never be able to withstand the pain that would come if her leash were to ever grow tight. Kari prayed that she would not trip or stumble in the hobble chain.
Mistress Delilah led a sobbing Kari slowly from the patio onto the perfectly manicured grass of the gardens. Their first 'walk' together had finally begun.
Chapter 25 (added: 2012/07/12)
Mistress Delilah chose a well-worn path into the lush garden surrounding the enormous estate. The path wound its way through the beautifully maintained landscaping. The variety of trees, flowers, shrubs, and just pure creativity was so astounding Kari nearly forgot about her predicament.
Kari tried to focus on anything except the way the delicate silver chains made her nipples tingle and her septum throb. She was able to focus for short periods on the incredible sights as she followed Mistress Delilah but an occasional shifting of the chains always brought her back to the grim reality of her situation.
Kari enjoyed the feeling of her bare feet on the velvety grass and the large smooth stones that made up the walking path. It felt strange in a way to walk again with no shoes on, almost as if she were a young girl exploring nature. The corset, posture collar, and newly acquired arm binder still kept her in a rigid posture and made her realize she had very little control in her present situation. The chain hobble attached to her ankle cuffs was so much easier to walk in than the ankle hobble bar and it was one of the few bright spots in her current state of bondage.
The beautiful flowers that seemed to grace every portion of the path were incredible to behold. A single patch of the meticulously tended flowers would have been a treat but the amount Kari saw was simply overwhelming. She wasn't exactly a master gardener herself but she knew enough to realize that many of the flowers she saw were not common flowers at all. The flowers weren't just limited to the ground either. Many of the trees that they passed had their own flower-laden branches. The colors were breathtaking and Kari felt as if she had drifted off into some sort of strange fairytale.
Mistress Delilah was going at a very leisurely pace and Kari was grateful. She could probably keep up with any pace Mistress Delilah might choose (short of run) but the quicker that they went the higher the chance of her leash becoming taut. A faster pace also increased the chance the chains would sway gently and Kari desperately wanted to avoid that at all costs.
Kari could hear water gently running somewhere ahead on the path they were presently on. They rounded a corner to find a small, ornate fountain in the middle of the path. The fountain was approximately ten feet in diameter and had an incredibly detailed statue of a life-sized nude woman in the middle. The water was gently bubbling from the statue's mouth and running down her very ample breasts.
Mistress Delilah stopped walking as she reached the fountain and she gracefully turned to Kari. "What do you think of my fountain slave?"
After thinking carefully about her reply Kari spoke, "It is incredibly detailed Mistress."
"Do you like it," Mistress Delilah asked?
Kari responded, "It is so unusual and I think it is incredibly beautiful Mistress."
Mistress Delilah smiled, "Are you thirsty slave?"
Kari tried to nod, with no success, as she replied, "Yes Mistress."
"Excellent as I am a bit parched myself. Step into the fountain and get yourself a drink slave." Mistress Delilah waved her free hand toward the fountain.
Kari almost wished she hadn't stated she was thirsty. Entering the pool and getting a drink seemed to be a daunting task, bound as she was. Kari knew enough now that refusal was likely not a wise option.
Stepping carefully up to a circle of low stones that bordered the edge of the fountain's pool Kari lifted her left foot slowly. Once she had solid footing she mover her right foot to join the other one on the border stones. Normally this would have been no problem but with her rigid posture and inability to look down it was a major undertaking. The hobble chains on her ankles did not help either.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself (as deep as her corset would allow) Kari lifted her left foot from the border stones and over the stone lip of the fountain itself until she touched the water. The water was cold but felt refreshing in the hot sun. Slowly Kari lowered her left foot until it reached the limit the hobble chain would allow. To Kari's dismay the only thing touching the bottom of the pool was her toes. She carefully drew her left foot back to the edge of the pool and paused as she tried to think of what to do next.
There were only a few choices she realized. Option number one was to try to balance on the toes of her left foot while she brought her right foot into the pool. Option number two was to jump into the pool with both feet at the same time. Finally option number three was to refuse to get into the pool at all.
Kari knew without a doubt that the last option was really not an option. Mistress Delilah would simply make any punishment worse than the original task she refused. Jumping would normally have been the best option but Kari could not imagine the feel of her leash's chains jerking downward as she landed in the pool. This only left her with the first option.
She slowly slipped her left foot back into the water until her toes touched again. Kari hoped the recent "training" of balancing in stiletto heeled boots would help her maintain her balance as she slowly eased the majority of her weight onto her left toes. Kari then carefully but quickly moved her right foot into the pool to join the left.
Kari's right foot had just penetrated the surface of the water when the toes of her left foot slipped and she was forced to slam her right foot down to keep from falling. The effect was immediate; the three chains of the leash all acted like miniature elevators. They dropped several inches then came to an abrupt halt. As they came to a halt Kari's nipples and septum ring were given a good strong tug.
Kari screamed once and immediately tears poured out of her eyes. The pain to her nipples had been intense but nothing like the pain in her freshly pierced septum. The throbbing had elevated to a burning fire. Kari wanted to bring her hands to her nose so badly that she forgot about the armbinder briefly. The instant she tried to mover her arms she was instantly reminded there would be no using her arms until the incredibly restrictive device was removed.
Mistress Delilah stood close to the edge of the fountain now. "Take deep breaths and the pain will subside faster slave. Come now, concentrate on your breathing."
Kari choked back another scream and tried to breathe deeply. It took several failed attempts before she was successful. She was surprised how several minutes of tearful deep breathing did in fact make most of the pain go away. The pain was not entirely gone but her septum was back to the familiar throbbing pain with a bit more of an edge perhaps.
"That's better slave, very good! Now go ahead and get your drink, you've certainly earned it." Mistress Delilah face filled with approval, apparently pleased with Kari's efforts to recover.
Although Kari knew she did not really feel like drinking water now she knew she was committed. Kari rolled her eyes down to the surface of the water and her next problem materialized. How would she ever bend down and drink with the corset, posture collar, and arm binder on. Kari released a shaky breath and tried to stoop, hoping to find some way to flex enough to reach the water's surface. It became obvious within seconds that she was not going to be able to reach the water's surface, short of falling face first into the water.
"Mistress may I speak please," Kari asked?
Mistress Delilah smiled, "Let me hazard a guess slave. You cannot figure out a way to reach the water in the fountain."
Kari answered quietly, "Yes Mistress."
"That is because you are thinking too narrow-minded about the problem. You have decided that the water is at your feet and that is where you must go. Instead think about the source of the water and seek that out slave." Mistress Delilah sounded just like a college philosophy professor Kari once took a series of courses from.
In seconds Kari realized what Mistress Delilah was talking about. The source of the water was the female statue's mouth. Obviously Mistress Delilah expected Kari to take water from the mouth of the statue itself. Kari slowly shuffled toward the statue in the middle of the fountain, careful not to loose her footing again. Just as Kari was almost touching the statue the water flow stopped suddenly. Kari paused, puzzled as she waited for the water to resume its flow but to her frustration the water did not start to flow again.
Mistress Delilah's voice came from beside her where she stood still holding the end of the delicate silver leash. "Right now you are asking yourself 'why did the water stop flowing'. I will tell you why slave." Mistress Delilah sounded amused as she continued, "There is an ingenious little pressure plate on the floor of the fountain surrounding the statue that turns the water off when stepped on. There are only two ways to reactivate the water flow now. The first is simple, just step away from the statue and the flow will resume. The second method is a bit more involved as you must depress the tongue inside the statue's mouth."
Kari stood shocked by what she had just heard. It was as if everything here was designed as some sort of clever challenge or punishment. She knew she had to get the water yet stepping back from the statue and bending down to get her water from the pool itself was not an option. The only way to get the water she needed seemed to be by pressing the tongue inside the statue's mouth. Kari's rigid bondage only left her with one thing that could push the statue's tongue and that was her own tongue!
Kari shifted her eyes to the extreme right to see Mistress Delilah grinning widely. She slowly nodded at Kari as if she knew exactly what Kari had just realized.
Kari knew she would have to actually press her upper body against the statue in order to reach the statue's mouth. Kari timidly moved forward, amazed at how lifelike the statue appeared. The proportions were perfect and no detail had been spared in creating the masterpiece. In a corner of her mind she half expected the statue to suddenly come to life and start moving on its own. Kari slowly moved closer and winced as her overly sensitive nipples brushed the cold marble breasts of the statue. Kari was further humiliated by being forced to stick her barbell impaled tongue deep into the statue's mouth before being able to depress the tongue. Kari tried tentatively touched the statue's tongue and nothing happened. Kari gave a halting sigh as she forced herself to put her freshly pierced lips against the statue's own in a twisted sort of kiss. She extended her tongue into the statue's mouth as she closed her eyes in humiliation. The piercing in her tongue stung slightly as she felt the end of the barbell press into the underside of her tongue as she pressed downward on the statue's own tongue.
The reward for her efforts was a bubbling rush of cold water. The water came so quickly Kari had to pull back to avoid choking. She quickly coughed and recovered though. She reluctantly put her mouth back on the statue's mouth so that she could finish her task as quickly as possible.
Kari had never really been into same sex intimacy and she felt dirty, even though the object was merely a statue of a woman. The only woman she ever kissed had been Mistress Delilah and that was not really by choice, she mentally told herself. Kari withdrew her tongue as she finished her obscene task and then turned to move back toward Mistress Delilah.
Mistress Delilah stopped her dead in her tracks though by asking, "Where do you think you are going slave? Have you forgotten your Mistress is thirsty as well?"
Kari stood confused for a moment before the reality of what Mistress Delilah was saying registered. Mistress Delilah expected her to bring water to her! Kari wondered how Mistress Delilah thought she would be able to perform the task. Kari turned her entire body to look at the statue, in search of an answer. It became apparent that the only object capable of carrying water from the statue's mouth to her Mistress was Kari's own mouth. Could this be what Mistress Delilah intended? Kari needed little time to consider her own question before she realized it was exactly what Mistress Delilah intended the entire time. Just when Kari thought the worst part was over the situation became even worse it seemed.
Mistress Delilah's voice cut into Kari's thought process, "I am certainly thirsty slave." As Mistress Delilah finished her statement she gave the slightest tug on Kari's leash.
Immediately Kari felt the slack disappear from her silver chains and a mild shock passed through her again. This shock was a fraction of the shock created by the stumble in the pool but it still made her eyes water. Kari tried to process the feeling that the slight tug on her nipple clamps was actually pleasurable in some small, twisted way. The tug on her septum ring certainly was easier to process as it did not feel good whatsoever.
Kari turned and quickly made her way back to the statue, hoping to avoid further punishment. Although Kari had certainly figured out how to get water she did not actually have the added task of transporting it last time. This time she discovered she had to press her lips firmly against the statue's lips in order to fill her mouth. The feel of the cold stone against her lip rings made Kari want to pull away. She endured however and soon she had a mouth full of cold water for her Mistress. She shuffled back to the edge of the pool where Mistress Delilah waited impatiently.
Mistress Delilah lowered herself enough so that Kari could reach her mouth. Kari closed her eyes as she brought her lips to Mistress Delilah's full lips. Once her mouth was sealed against Mistress Delilah's they both opened their mouths to let the water pass between them. Kari felt her lip rings pressed into the soft lips of Mistress Delilah's. The feeling made the act even more intimate and obscene to her. Once the water was completely gone Kari quickly pulled away.
Mistress Delilah grinned wickedly, "That was good slave but I am still parched."
That statement was enough for Kari to know what she must do and she reluctantly repeated the water gathering process. She returned to the edge of the pool where her Mistress was waiting impatiently for her return.
Kari offered her mouth to Mistress Delilah once again and the now familiar feelings of shame, humiliation, and embarrassment flowed though her. The feelings were so strong that she hardly noticed the stinging sensation around her fresh lip piercing sites.
"I am nearly sated slave, perhaps one more time if you make this one a particularly good trip." Mistress Delilah's voice sounded cheery as she was obviously enjoying this.
Taking a deep breath, Kari returned for what would hopefully be her last trip. This time she strained to fill her mouth to capacity before pulling away. The trip back to her Mistress seemed shorter this time as she tried to convince herself this humiliating ritual was about to end.
There lips met again and this time Mistress Delilah drank deeply of Kari's precious cargo. Mistress Delilah also skillfully slipped one hand behind Kari's head, gently wrapping her fingers around Kari's thick braid of hair.
Kari felt the change in the pressure of this water bearing "kiss" as the water transferred between them. The pressure was certainly greater than the other kisses but it did not really hurt her, merely surprised her. It was only after she realized Mistress Delilah's hand was wrapped around her braid behind her head that she knew this "kiss" was most definitely different than the others before. She tried to pull away once the water was all gone but it became clear that Mistress Delilah was not finished with her yet.
Kari felt Mistress Delilah's tongue slide into her mouth and it seemed to fill it. Kari was shocked not only by the presence of Mistress Delilah's tongue in her mouth but by the three barbells protruding from its surface. Mistress Delilah ran her tongue skillfully around inside Kari's mouth as if daring Kari to play with it. Soon Mistress Delilah was using her tongue's incredible acrobatic skills to tease Kari's tongue to life.
Kari was both shocked and horrified at the same time. Mistress Delilah was by far the most adept kisser she had ever encountered. This was balanced by the fact she was another woman and was expecting...no demanding Kari to reciprocate! The thought of biting Mistress Delilah's tongue briefly flashed through Kari's mind but she immediately knew it would be something she would most definitely regret later. Instead she allowed Mistress Delilah to have her way with her mouth and tongue. The term that came to Kari's mind to describe this new experience was "oral rape" as she felt completely helpless with no way to stop it.
After what seemed like hours but was realistically more like minutes, Mistress Delilah withdrew her tongue from Kari's mouth. As she pulled back she slowly licked her lips and Kari saw the gold barbells piercing her Mistress' tongue for the first time. There were three gleaming barbells down the center of Mistress Delilah's tongue.
"Let's get you out of that pool slave, shall we." Mistress Delilah slowly led Kari by the leash around to the other side of the fountain's pool.
Kari was surprised when they got to the other side of the statue to see that the floor of the fountain started to slope upwards gradually to the stones making up the pool's sides. In seconds she was out of the fountain and back on the dry stones surrounding the fountain with almost no effort at all. She could have easily accessed the fountain's pool from this side but Mistress Delilah intentionally took her to the much riskier steep drop into the pool. Kari could not believe she had been so easily manipulated for Mistress Delilah's pleasure like that.
Kari felt the slack in her leash being taken up and she realized they would be continuing their "walk." As Kari moved to keep the leash slackened she reflected on her most recent experience.
Chapter 26 (added: 2012/07/20)
The rest of their walk was rather uneventful, especially in light of what had occurred at the fountain. Kari did rather enjoy the quiet calm and natural beauty along the paths. The entire garden looked like something out of a fairytale as absolutely nothing seemed to be out of place and the landscape was breathtakingly beautiful. The sheer wonder of it all allowed Kari to focus on something other than her current predicament. She wanted to avoid thinking about this unbelievable turn her life had taken because it was all just too confusing right now.
Mistress Delilah led Kari back to the rear patio area of the mansion. This was the first time Kari actually got a chance to look at the outside of the mansion from a distance. Kari could not help but be amazed by the sheer size of the mansion. It was simply the largest, private residence she had ever seen in real life. The mansion was enormous and sprawling like a castle or villa she thought. Kari knew from her current vantage point she was only seeing the rear portion of the mansion and she knew the unseen portions were no doubt just as impressive.
Kari's view of the mansion's exterior shrank as she was led back up onto the patio where she previously had lunch with Mistress Delilah. Mistress Delilah stopped and turned to Kari as she brought her to a stop.
Mistress Delilah reached over to the patio table and picked up a glass filled with water and ice. She slowly took a small drink from the glass, seeming to enjoy the refreshment it provided. Mistress Delilah turned to stare at Kari as she took another small drink. She then asked, "Are you thirsty after our little journey slave?"
Kari realized the dryness in her throat and realized the ice water did sound very tempting. Kari quietly replied, "Yes Mistress."
Mistress Delilah smiled and took a large drink from the glass before sitting the glass back down on the patio table. Mistress Delilah then stepped forward and grabbed the back of Kari's head by her thick braid.
Kari could do nothing but watch as Mistress Delilah's lips pressed against her own. Kari knew what was expected and she reluctantly opened her mouth. Kari felt a rush of cold water transfer from Mistress Delilah's mouth to her own as soon as her lips were parted. Kari then felt her Mistresses' tongue touch her own and an ice cube slipped from Mistress Delilah's tongue to her own. Kari nearly choked and it took everything she had not to cough or try to pull away. Kari recovered and was forced to submit to a brief raping by Mistress Delilah's tongue.
Finally Mistress Delilah withdrew and released Kari's braid. Mistress Delilah grinned as she pulled slowly away from Kari. She was still smiling as she picked up the end of Kari's leash and started leading her toward a set of heavy wooden outer doors leading from the patio into the mansion.
There was a female slave Kari had never seen before kneeling just outside the mansion's large wooden patio doors. The slave was dressed in a skintight, orange, latex micro-dress and matching orange corset with silver buckles. Kari could see that the slave appeared to be of Native American descent and the dress went perfectly with the slave's naturally bronzed skin.
The slave's hair was loose and fell in a raven black cascade down her shoulders, stopping just below her butt. The slave's hair had no curl at all and was incredibly glossy, even in the shaded area next to the mansion. Kari was not surprised to find the slave's face was incredibly beautiful and nearly flawless. If it wasn't for the assorted metal pieces piercing the slave's face it would have been flawless, Kari thought to herself.
The poor slave's face had two silver rings through her left eyebrow, one through her right nostril, and another one through the middle of her lower lip. There was also a single silver stud in her chin. The silver contrasted sharply with the slave's naturally dark skin and made the piercings all the more obvious, even from a distance. Kari felt empathy for the slave, knowing how the slave must feel now that Kari was pierced as well.
Mistress Delilah asked the kneeling slave, "Do you have the items prepared as I requested slave?" Mistress Delilah stopped in front of the kneeling slave as she spoke.
"Yes Mistress, everything is ready as you requested." The slave replied confidently.
"Excellent, prepare her then slave." Mistress Delilah commanded. "Once she is prepared bring her to me."
Mistress Delilah turned to Kari and smiled reaching out and lightly stroking her cheek with her long nails. "Mistress Raven will prepare you for your next experience slave, I will see you soon." She bent forward and kissed Kari softly on the lips before turning away with a knowing smile.
Kari watched as Mistress Delilah walked through the double wooden doors. Kari was surprised by the fact the doors opened without Mistress Delilah even touching them. She wondered if they were automatic doors or if someone unseen had opened them. Kari's sensed Mistress Raven approaching and focused her attention on her.
Mistress Raven approached Kari and carefully removed the chain leash from Kari's septum ring and then removed the chains from Kari's nipple presses. Kari couldn't help but sigh in relief as she was overjoyed to have the chains and their weight removed from her body. The mere shift in weight reminded Kari of how sensitive her nipples were now after having been in the presses for so long.
Mistress Raven moved down to Kari's waist and released the strap holding the arm binder to Kari's waist belt. As the tension was released Kari's hands were no longer pulled tightly into her butt. Kari whimpered slightly as the incredible tension that had been on her arms was partially released. Kari prayed the armbinder would be removed from her arms so that she could move them around freely.
Kari felt Mistress Raven's hands at her ankles and soon both of her ankle cuffs were quickly removed. Mistress Raven continued her tasks as she unbuckled and removed the outer waist belt that Kari's arm binder had been secured to. Kari was surprised to feel Mistress Raven also start to loosen the crotch strap at the bottom of her corset that was holding the hated plugs inside her.
The dildo plug was pulled gently from Kari's sex and slid out with slight resistance. Kari could not look down because of the posture collar but she knew that her sex must be wet for she felt the moisture drip from the dildo onto the bare skin of her thigh.
Kari found herself closing her eyes and gritting her teeth as Mistress Raven started to remove the plug from her rear. Kari could not see the small silver oil can that Mistress Raven was holding but she did feel the cool lubricant as it was pumped onto her rear where the plug penetrated her. This was followed by some pain as the widest portion of the plug was slowly pulled past her sphincter. The pain eased rapidly as the tapered plug was removed and Kari felt a dull throbbing sensation.
The feeling of the fresh air against her moist, naked sex made Kari's skin break out in goose bumps. She could not believe that she was "wet" considering what was happening. Kari told herself it had to be some kind of an involuntary response as she certainly didn't feel aroused in the least.
Mistress Raven reached up and quickly removed Kari's posture collar. As the collar was removed from Kari's neck she realized just how restrictive the collar had been. It had been tight enough and tall enough that her neck actually felt as if it had been stretched. Kari could still feel the other collar around her neck and it served as a constant reminder of her current plight.
Kari hoped that her armbinder would be removed next, as the joints in her shoulders and elbows were now hurting from the constant tension. She realized her wish was not coming quite yet as Mistress Raven turned away from Kari to the items she had laid out on a small table next to the patio's double doors. The items must have been there the entire time but Kari had been too distracted to notice them until now.
The first item Mistress Raven brought over to Kari was pair of white, knee high, stiletto-heeled boots. Kari was able to look down without the posture collar and watch as Mistress Raven slid one of the boots over Kari's left foot and up her calf. The boot was tight and became even more constricting as Mistress Raven drew the laces, which ran all the way down the front of the boot, tight. Kari was forced to balance awkwardly in the first boot as the second boot slid over Kari's right foot and calf. Kari was surprised she could even balance in the 5½" stiletto heels as well as she did. These were the tallest heels she had ever worn. Kari watched as the leather was drawn so tight by the laces that the boots seemed like a part of her body now.
As Mistress Raven stepped back to retrieve something else, Kari stared down at her nipples. They were swollen terribly, more than Kari had ever seen them swell. They had turned a deep purple color where she could see them gripped in the cruel nipple presses. The mere sight of how abused they looked made Kari want to weep. She wished so badly that she could be free of the nipple presses but she knew from recent experience that freeing them would bring the greatest pain of all. They were numb from the torture right now and Kari dared not think about how they would feel once the nipple presses were removed.
Mistress Raven knelt at Kari's feet and began attaching white leather ankle cuffs over the top of Kari's boots. Once the ankle cuffs were both securely buckled into place and padlocked on, Mistress Raven placed a single stainless steel hobble bar in between them. The bar was attached to the ankle cuffs by rotating pivot points on the ends of the bar. These pivot points had a special groove machined into the end, which slipped into a small bracket built into the ankle cuffs. The bar was adjustable and Mistress Raven increased the length until Kari was forced to stand with her ankles uncomfortably apart. Once the length was where Mistress Raven desired a single stainless steel pin prevented the bar from adjusting any more.
Kari was struggling with her balance as Mistress Raven returned with a new device. She stood beside Kari holding what looked like a small, white, odd shaped penis that had a two-foot length of rubber hose and a rubber bulb dangling from it. Kari believed it must be some sort of a gag and she grimaced at the thought.
Mistress Raven moved behind Kari with the device and suddenly Kari felt a hand on her arm binder slowly pushing her forward. It was impossible to walk with her legs spread so wide so instead of walking she was forced to slowly bend forward. Kari fought to maintain her balance as she was bent as far forward as her corset would allow. Kari was sure she would have fallen on her face if the hand on her armbinder did not help to support her. Kari watched in horror as she looked down her torso toward her legs to see Mistress Raven's hand moving the odd penis towards Kari's sex. Kari closed her eyes, unable to watch herself being violated by yet another object.
Kari gasped and nearly fell forward as something cold and wet touched her anus instead of her vagina. There was slight pressure and she felt something slowly sliding into her rear. There was a very brief moment of pain followed by some discomfort. Kari cried out as the object became seated firmly inside her ass. There was a slight twist of the object inside her and then she felt herself being pulled back up into a standing position.
Once she was standing upright again Mistress Raven walked around to the right side of Kari and spoke. "You will feel some pressure now slave as I inflate your new plug."
Kari's eyes went wide in fear and her mouth hung open in disbelief. Had she heard Mistress Raven correctly? The thing inside her rear was going to be inflated! She had little time for the realization to set in before she felt the plug expanding inside her ass.
Mistress Raven had the white bulb attached to the rubber hose in her hand. Kari did not need to be able to see where the hose went to know that it went to the penis shaped object inside her rear. Mistress Raven squeezed the bulb and Kari felt a small movement inside her ass.
Kari whimpered, as the object inside her became slightly larger with each squeeze. It was an incredibly strange sensation and it seemed each squeeze of the bulb only multiplied the sensations. Tears started to form in Kari's eyes as Mistress Raven slowly squeezed the bulb. The object inside her was now causing some discomfort and it was verging on pain Kari thought.
Finally Kari could take no more, "Please Mistress, I cannot take it anymore! It is starting to hurt Mistress!" Kari voice was cracking now and her whole body was starting to tremble.
Mistress Raven looked at Kari with a look of sympathy but kept slowly squeezing the bulb. "You only need two more squeezes slave and it will be done."
Kari thought to herself, two more squeezes? She had already had at least six already! It felt as if her tender rear was going to tear from the pressure. "Please Mistress, please! I think I am going to tear!"
"You are not tearing slave now silence while I finish! If you speak again it will be another five squeezes added to the two left." Mistress Raven kept squeezing while talking.
Kari's body shook with sobs as Mistress Raven squeezed in the second and final squeeze. Kari could feel something moving at her asshole then Mistress Raven walked away carrying only the long rubber hose and squeeze bulb. Kari knew the rest of the awful device remained firmly inside of her like some perverse giant balloon.
Mistress Raven returned with a simple silver chain leash, which she attached to the front of Kari's "normal" collar. The leash dangled between Kari's breasts as Mistress Raven knelt and adjusted the length of the bar between Kari's ankles. Once she was satisfied with the length she stood up and grabbed the leash.
There was a slight tug and Kari reluctantly followed her toward the door of the mansion. The ankle spreader bar now acted as an ankle hobble bar. The awful thing in Kari's ass hurt with each measured step and she continued sobbing as they walked into the mansion through the outer doors.
Kari knew that Mistress Delilah was waiting for her inside. The question Kari wanted to know, as she fought back more tears, was what else was planned? It seemed each time she thought she had suffered the worst thing imaginable something new was forced on her. Would it ever end? A part of her knew that this was likely just the beginning.
Chapter 27 (added: 2012/08/07)
Kari was led into a large room that she guessed must have been about thirty by thirty foot square. The floor area near the walls was covered in a thick carpet that appeared to be some kind of ultra soft white animal fur. The extravagant wealth Kari had witnessed so far probably meant that the carpet was indeed, real animal fur. There was a circular area in the middle of the thirty by thirty-foot room that had no covering and was a perfectly polished black marble. She guessed the circle was about twenty-foot in diameter and there were several heavy wooden pieces of what she could only describe as "furniture" in the circle.
Kari was led into the polished marble circle and Mistress Raven attached the end of Kari's leash to a heavy metal eyebolt on one of the pieces of "furniture". Mistress Raven then left the room through a different dark wooden door than what they had entered through. Kari was left alone and she was actually able to look around now that she no longer wore a posture collar.
The four pieces of "furniture" was like no furniture Kari had ever seen before. Kari's leash was attached to what looked like a heavy wooden "I" sitting on a wide heavy wooden base. The base was several feet square and was at least a foot thick she estimated. The post that rose from the base was about six inches square, four feet tall from the floor, and ended in a six inch square wooden piece that was about two to three feet long. The flat, top part of the "I" piece was covered with an inch thick layer of padded black leather. There were numerous chrome eyebolts protruding from the heavy wood in various places.
Kari looked to the right to view another of the pieces of "furniture". This piece looked very similar to a carpenter's saw horse. Kari remembered her dad having several saw horses in his wood shop when she was a little girl but they were "a bit" different than this one.
This one had a thick leather pad on the top crosspiece between the two sets of legs. The pad was about eight inches wide and two inches thick. The majority of the saw horse was made of the same dark, heavy, six inch square timbers that the "I" was made of. There were also numerous chrome eyebolts sticking out of the wooden pieces. Kari knew enough about woodworking from watching her dad to know that the wood making up these pieces was some type of hardwood.
A look to her left brought a large heavy wooden "X" piece of "furniture" into view. The two dark, heavy, wooden pieces of wood that composed the "X" were about eight inches square and each one was probably seven feet long. Kari could see a thick black metal post behind the "X" which apparently acted as a support post to keep the "X" from toppling over. The wooden timbers forming the "X" were covered in a layer of thin padded black leather on the side opposite the support post. The "X" was at about a 70 degree angle from the floor Kari guessed. As Kari was studying the "X" she realized that no part of the wooden "X" actually touched the floor. The "X" was being supported entirely by the large metal support post that must have been anchored to the stone floor somehow.
Finally Kari turned her attention to the last piece of "furniture" in the room. This piece was directly in front of her on the other side of the stone circle. It was also the strangest piece of all as she had never seen anything like it before.
There were two eight-inch diameter black metal poles extending from the marble floor to support the wooden parts of the device. The wooden portion of the device appeared to be two separate pieces. The lower portion was two, dark colored, six inch square pieces of wood about a foot long. The pieces were parallel to one another but separated by about eight inches. There was some kind of black metal framework on the top of the shorter metal pole protruding from the floor that attached the wooden pieces to the pole. The tops of the wooden pieces opposite of the support pole were covered by an inch of padded black leather.
The upper wooden portion of the device consisted of a dark, four inch thick piece about a foot and a half long and ten inches wide. There was a second dark, wood piece attached to the top of this piece. This second piece was only about an inch thick and eight inches in diameter. The entire wooden upper piece reminded Kari of the torso shaped shooting targets you would see at a shooting range.
The taller black metal pole protruding from the floor connected to the larger wooden piece and supported the weight of it all. The pieces of the wooden device opposite of the tall metal support pole were covered with an inch thick layer of padded black leather. Kari noticed that both upper and lower pieces on this device were at about a 70 degree angle to the floor, just like the "X".
Kari shifted her legs slightly and her stiletto heels clicked loudly in the silence of the large stone walled room. Kari tried to shift her tightly bound arms but all she could manage was to lift them slightly away from her ass. They ached and she wished she could get rid of the hated arm binder.
As Kari slowly gazed around the room a sudden chill passed through her causing her body to shiver. Her breath briefly caught in her lungs as she came to what should have been an obvious realization. She knew that now that she was in this room she was surely destined to be put onto one of these pieces of furniture!
Chapter 28 (added: 2012/08/07)
Kari felt like an eternity had passed before someone reappeared through the same door Mistress Raven had exited through. This time Mistress Delilah herself appeared, moving with an almost feline grace. It seemed as if Mistress Delilah floated as she moved, the only thing that seemed to ruin the illusion was the clicking sound of her stiletto heels as she crossed the black, polished marble floor.
Mistress Delilah was smiling warmly down at Kari as she approached her. "My sweet little slave, you are so lovely. I simply cannot get enough of you!"
As Mistress Delilah spoke she stepped forward and lightly lifted Kari's chin so that her face was mere inches from her own. "Look into your Mistress' eyes slave," she ordered softly.
Kari looked up into Mistress Delilah's incredible emerald eyes, so full of sexual power. This time they were filled with more than just power. Kari decided there was nothing in Mistress Delilah's eyes that hinted at cruelty. Instead they were filled with an incredible understanding. For just a brief moment Kari really felt that Mistress Delilah was inside her head and she completely knew and understood all the emotions Kari was feeling.
Kari blinked her eyes in shock and felt her face blush. Mistress Delilah had been kissing her on the mouth and she was so drawn into Mistress Delilah's eyes that she had not even realized it was happening. Kari's lips tingled and she could no longer look at her Mistress so she closed her eyes.
Mistress Delilah smiled, "I bet your poor little arms are sore slave. Why don't we get that armbinder off of you and let you stretch a bit before we both get our reward for a hard day's work."
Kari murmured, "Yes Mistress." She wanted the arm binder off so bad and she silently thanked god it was finally going to happen. She wondered what the "reward" Mistress Delilah spoke of could possibly be.
Mistress Delilah moved around behind Kari and quickly began unlacing the arm binder. The pressure eased ever so slightly as the laces were loosened. Small jolts of pain began shooting up and down Kari's arms and shoulders as her circulation came rushing back. Kari tried to ignore the pain and she focused on her breathing as she kept her eyes closed.
The straps were loosened just below Kari's shoulders first and Mistress Delilah worked her way down to Kari's hands. Once the straps were loosened some she stepped back around in front of Kari and gently removed the straps going around Kari's shoulders and under her arms. She then went behind Kari where she slowly removed all the remaining straps until Kari's arm were completely free. Mistress Delilah slowly guided Kari's hands from behind her back to her sides. As she did so Kari whimpered quietly and started sobbing softly.
Kari could not believe how bad her joints and the muscles in her arms hurt. She realized they had obviously been partially numb in the armbinder which blocked a lot of the sensation she was now feeling. Her arms felt as if they were on fire and being electrocuted all at the same time. She was trying not to cry but she could not keep from sobbing softly.
Mistress Delilah placed her hands gently on Kari's shoulders and started gently massaging them. Mistress Delilah's touch was so light that it barely felt like she was touching Kari. The touch seemed to be magical though as the pain was quickly subsiding and was less than half of what it had been. The way Mistress Delilah deliberately moved her hands it was like she could see exactly what needed to be done to ease the pain. After several minutes of massaging Kari's shoulders and arms the pain was only a faint echo of what it had been and Kari had stopped crying.
Mistress Delilah stopped massaging and stepped around in front of Kari she asked "Feeling better my little slave?"
Kari nodded, "Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress."
Mistress Delilah smiled, pleased. "I am going to remove your hobble bar now. Once I have it removed I want you to walk around on the marble and stretch a bit slave."
Kari felt like smiling, she was so relieved. "Yes Mistress!"
Once the ankle hobble bar was removed and Mistress Delilah had stood up, Kari slowly started walking around the marble circle. She slowly moved her arms in circles and flexed them as she walked. There was certainly some soreness still but nothing like it had been the first minute or two. Kari tried to flex her entire body as much as she could in the tight corset. The plug inflated inside her ass still hurt as she walked but it was at least partially numb now.
The door Mistress Delilah had entered through opened and Mistress Leia entered carrying a polished silver serving tray. There was a glass of clear liquid on the tray and she carried it straight to Mistress Delilah.
Kari saw that Mistress Leia was naked from her breasts down. There were yellow, leather, granny style boots on her feet with 5-inch stiletto heels. Her breasts were firmly strapped into a yellow latex half bra that left her nipples and their polished silver nipple rings exposed. Around her neck was a two-inch wide yellow leather collar with circular chrome rings about an inch in diameter all the way around it.
Mistress Delilah took the glass that was offered to her and took a long drink. She turned toward Kari. "Come here slave."
Kari walked over to Mistress Delilah and stood with her eyes lowered as she had been taught. She wanted to maintain her freedom for as long as possible and she reasoned "obedience" would earn her that freedom.
She watched as the glass came to her lips and she heard Mistress Delilah command, "Drink."
Kari gratefully drank some of the water. It was chilled and was excellent. She drank from the glass until it was finally pulled away. As it was removed Kari's lip rings lightly tapped the glass making a "tinking" sound. Kari flinched at the sound and knew she was blushing with humiliation.
The glass was placed back on Mistress Leia's silver tray. Mistress Leia turned and quickly disappeared from Kari's field of view.
Mistress Delilah's relaxed voice announced, "And now onto our reward slave. Let us get started my sweet little slave. I have been looking forward to this all day!"
Kari watched as Mistress Delilah grabbed Kari's left hand in her right hand and walked her slowly across the room. They came to a stop beside the two piece "furniture" device. Mistress Leia appeared on Kari's right side and she gently placed her left hand over Kari's right hand.
In a move that seemed to have been either rehearsed or performed many times before Mistress Delilah and Mistress Leia turned Kari simultaneously so that she was now facing away from the device. They slowly backed Kari up until the backs of her legs touched the padded leather of the lower portion of the device.
Kari did not know what was going on and she could not keep from looking toward Mistress Delilah. She knew that she was going to be put onto this unknown device and she was really scared.
Mistress Delilah noticed Kari's obvious look of fear and spoke, "This is a reward for both of us slave. I know you are frightened but try to relax. It will not hurt unless you fight us slave, I promise."
Kari shakily sighed, feeling a little better. Her mind was screaming that she could never trust Mistress Delilah but another part of her did trust her. Kari felt herself slowly pulled back until her mid and upper back touched the padded leather upper piece of the device. Kari's head came to a rest on the circular padded leather piece on the top of the torso shaped piece. She was reclined slightly because of the angle of the device yet she felt her entire ass was not touching anything. It was a very strange sensation and not a very comfortable one.
She tensed as Mistress Delilah and Mistress Leia started using black leather straps to bind her thighs to the lower padded pieces of the device. Kari looked down to see three two inch wide straps firmly secure each of her thighs to their respective padded board.
Kari watched apprehensively as Mistress Leia returned with several more long, black, two-inch wide leather straps. These straps were passed over Kari's abdomen just above her navel and the second strap was placed just above her breasts and below her armpits. Kari was surprised that the straps were not placed over her arms but instead went under her arms leaving them free.
Mistress Leia handed Mistress Delilah what looked like a black leather sack with a roller buckle strap at one end. Kari watched them as they each took one of the "sacks" and slipped one over each of Kari's hands. They were large enough so that each of Kari's hands fit entirely inside the "sack" but small enough that her fingers were very restricted (almost like a glove with no fingers). The roller buckle strap on each sack was used to secure the sack tightly closed around her wrist.
Mistress Delilah lifted up a very short length of chrome chain that was attached to the upper wooden torso shaped part of the device. A chrome "D" ring sewn into the end of the sack on her left hand was secured to the chain using a chrome clip. Mistress Leia secured Kari's helpless "gloved" right hand to the wooden torso on the opposite side with another chrome chain.
Kari watched as Mistress Delilah and Mistress Leia backed away from her. Kari's field of view was limited now and both women disappeared behind her. Kari could hear what sounded like buckles being fastened or unfastened. There were also some other strange sounds Kari could not identify. She tried to tell herself she was going to be okay but a part of her really doubted that.
The air in the room was not really cold but the way her ass was unsupported and exposed made her very aware of the air temperature. Kari tried to move her fingers inside her "gloves" and she could only move them an inch or so before her long fingernails touched the leather. Kari's calves and ankles were still unrestrained and she could move them some. She shrugged her shoulders, trying to keep them loose so the joints wouldn't start hurting again.
Kari could hear the sound of stiletto heels on the polished marble floor and she knew that two people were approaching her. Mistress Leia walked down by Kari's feet and stood silently looking at Kari's lower body. Mistress Delilah appeared next to Kari's upper body on her right side.
Mistress Leia looked like she had when Kari last saw her. Mistress Delilah was now naked except for a tight black corset that pushed up but did not cover her large breasts. The black leather corset had four gold roller buckles down the front that stood out in sharp contrast to the polished black leather corset. Kari's eyes widened slightly as she saw that Mistress Delilah had her nipples pierced with large gold rings. Forcing her eyes downward she saw that Mistress Delilah still wore her knee high, black leather, stiletto heeled boots.
Kari suddenly felt the device she was strapped to moving! The movement was very subtle but so unexpected that Kari gave out a small cry. The device slowly tilted back so that soon Kari was lying flat, as if on a table. The lower portion of the device continued rising until Kari's thighs were almost five foot off the floor and she was now angled so that her upper body was several feet lower. It was almost as if she had swapped ends and her head was where her thighs had been and vice versa.
The lower portion of the device slowly started spreading apart to form a "V". The open portion of the "V" was now Kari's knees and the narrower portion was Kari's sex. Kari's legs were now spread wide open and she felt her face burning in humiliation.
Mistress Leia stepped forward and Kari's dangling lower legs were buckled into ankle cuffs attached to the lower portion of the device. Kari's thighs were not only spread wide open but her ankles were now angled back toward the metal support post and bound there by the ankle cuffs.
Mistress Delilah moved to stand before Kari's exposed sex. "I am betting that your tight little pussy has never been licked by another woman slave. Am I correct?"
Kari could not believe what was happening! Her mouth just hung open and her face was hot with embarrassment.
Mistress Delilah smiled, "I am waiting for my answer slave."
Kari felt tears coming to her eyes as she quietly muttered. "No Mistress."
As Kari finished answering Mistress Delilah stepped in between Kari's thighs, "I will be your first then, how did I get so lucky. Lay back and enjoy this slave because I know I certainly will!"
Kari wanted to scream as Mistress Delilah's lips touched her bare sex. She cried out as she felt soft kisses planted on her most intimate of all places. The whimpers continued as Mistress Delilah slowly caressed the outer portion of her pussy with her pierced tongue. Kari tried to shift her body so that she could pull away from Mistress Delilah's unwanted attention but she was bound far too tight. Kari sobbed softly and closed her eyes as her face burned with shame.
Chapter 29 (added: 2012/08/21)
Kari did not know how long Mistress Delilah orally raped her but it seemed like an eternity. Kari was beyond crying now and strangely she found herself beginning to experience new emotions. The body Kari had taken such great care of over the years was now betraying her. The shame, helplessness, and anger were certainly still present but there was also a spark of genuine arousal now that she could not deny. A part of her mind screamed, "How can I be aroused by this?" There was no simple answer but Kari knew somehow a part of her was enjoying the careful attention Mistress Delilah was lavishing on her most intimate part.
To be fair, Mistress Delilah possessed far superior oral pleasuring skills than any man Kari had ever been with or even dreamed of being with. Kari lifted her head and looked toward her sex and she could see Mistress Delilah watching her with a look of burning arousal in her own fiery emerald eyes. The sight of Mistress Delilah's tongue slowly acting like a metal studded penis penetrating her soft pink folds was simply too much for Kari to watch. She closed her eyes tight and rested her head against the padded headrest. A soft moan escaped her lips before she could stifle it and the sound served to remind her of her own body's betrayal.
Kari felt the pressure building slowly, inside her like a fire spreading outward from her sex. That unique pressure that always meant one thing...she was going to orgasm soon. Kari could not bear the thought of orgasming this way and she spoke with a trembling voice, "Mistress...please...please stop I beg you!"
There was no response and nothing seemed to change at all except the pressure inside her was greater now. Not willing to give in easily Kari spoke louder, "Mistress...please stop...I can't do this!"
Mistress Delilah did not stop but in fact quickened the rhythm of her attentions. Mistress Delilah also chose this point to start using her fingers on Kari's slippery wet sex for the very first time. She expertly guided her fingers around the outside of Kari's sex, using them to both massage and gently pull the tender, swollen lips apart.
Kari's body was trembling now and the sexual excitement she felt was greater than she could ever remember in her life. She knew this was her last chance to get Mistress Delilah to stop as she was nearing the edge. "Mistress, please stop! I am begging you to stop!" Tears rolled down her cheeks as she pleaded earnestly.
There was apparently no stopping her Mistress though and Kari would have been thrashing around if she were not so tightly bound. The pressure became so intense and overwhelming that Kari was both sobbing and moaning at the same time. Then as Kari thought she was going to literally explode from the pressure Mistress Delilah did two things simultaneously. Kari felt her spread her outer lips wide and Mistress Delilah used one of her long fingernails to put a slight amount of pressure on Kari's love button. At the same time Mistress Delilah pushed her tongue all the way inside Kari until her lips met Kari's own. If Kari did not know better she would have sworn Mistress Delilah's tongue was as big as any large penis she had ever felt.
The pressure inside Kari's body suddenly seemed to burst like a dam and her body jerked like she was being shocked. Her teeth slammed together and her breath came in jerky gasps as the orgasm continued climbing to its peak. The orgasm shattered all her self-control as she screamed until she had no more air in her lungs to scream with. The orgasm continued and she became intensely aware her tender asshole was now clenching the huge inflated phallus inside her bottom. The orgasm subsided in waves, some nearly as strong as the first. When the last ripple passed through Kari and Mistress Delilah withdrew from her quivering sex, Kari was softly sobbing. Inside her mind Kari honestly could not decide if they were tears of joy or sorrow.
Mistress Delilah stepped up beside Kari's upper body again. She reached out and slowly stroked Kari's head. "That was most excellent slave, you really are a great prize for me. I see that your poor nipples are in dire need of attention now. Let me help you with that slave."
The device tilted again and soon it was like a flat table, four feet off the floor. Kari's legs were still held obscenely open by the lower portion of the table though. Mistress Leia joined Mistress Delilah, only on the opposite side of the table. They moved together and each one slowly released the press clamps from Kari's nipples.
Kari screamed as the clamps were removed. Even though her Mistresses had been gentle and slow removing the presses the blood rushing back into her nipples felt like liquid fire. Kari was now sobbing loudly as her nipples pulsed and seemed to burn as if they had been dipped in boiling water.
Mistress Delilah and Mistress Leia each focused on the breast before them. They gently massaged around the nipple then applied gentle pressure to the swollen nipple itself. They worked with great care and were obviously experienced in this type of aftercare. In minutes they had reduced the pain to a slow throbbing and they were now starting to stir Kari's sexual appetite with their skilled hands.
Kari stopped sobbing, as the pain faded to a mere fraction of what it had been. The massaging she was experiencing now felt so wonderful. Kari closed her eyes and enjoyed the soothing relief their touches brought. The initial pain had been so great that she was now willing to push aside the embarrassment of having her breasts caressed by two women.
As the feelings of pain faded they continued to morph into something new. Kari's brow furrowed as she realized her arousal was building again. She had always enjoyed having her breasts and nipples touched when she was with men. Kari tried to reason that her body was reacting simply because her body did not know that it was women doing the caressing. Kari was still confused though because her mind certainly knew it was two women having their way with her body. She wished that she could press her legs tightly together, to hide the wetness she was starting to feel wet her intimate lips.
Mistress Delilah slowly placed her lips on Kari's right breast and Mistress Leia followed her lead and started kissing Kari's left breast. They started near the base and slowly worked in small figure eights. They were careful to avoid the actual nipples though as they gently kissed Kari's breasts.
Kari was surprised by how good the kisses were feeling. She had men kiss her breasts before but she never experienced both breasts being kissed at the same time. The men she had experience with before all seemed hurried while these kisses were slow and so gentle. Kari's arousal was rising even faster now and she found herself struggling to keep herself from moaning out loud.
Eventually she could contain the moans no longer and she moaned softly while squeezing her eyes shut. The humiliation she felt burned her face but the flames of arousal were overwhelming even those feelings. Kari was beginning to feel like she was no longer inside her own body as she heard louder moans escape her lips as her Mistresses started including her nipples in their kissing patterns.
The massaging and kissing continued for what seemed like hours. Then Kari jerked against her bonds as the women placed their open mouths over her nipples and started gently sucking them. This gentle sucking continued for a short time before their tongues started softly caressing her throbbing nipples. The sexual pressure inside Kari expanded so fast she was in the midst of an orgasm before she fully realized it. There was no holding it back as it struck like a sonic boom and she screamed into the air as her body quaked uncontrollably. Kari faintly heard the creaking of the leather straps binding her body as she tried to buck against the device in the throes of her orgasm.
Mistress Delilah and Mistress Leia continued their actions until the full orgasm had passed completely. As the last faint tremors ended they then pulled away and Mistress Leia went to stand by Kari's knees. Mistress Delilah came to stand next to Kari's head.
A warm smile crossed Mistress Delilah's face as she spoke, "You have quite the capacity for orgasming slave. I am impressed and very pleased. I always delight in watching those first ones escape from a slave's body and coaxing more orgasms from such a new slave is a rare treat."
As Mistress Delilah continued to talk she reached below Kari's head and the round padded headboard lowered until Kari's neck moved back to about a 45 angle. "I have seen how well you can take an orgasm and I am most pleased. The time has come now to see how well you can give an orgasm slave." The upper portion of the device lowered so that Kari's head was only about three feet off the floor but her sex was about four feet off the floor.
Kari watched in horror as Mistress Delilah stepped around to the top of the device and moved her shaved sex toward Kari's face. Kari was horrified as she realized what Mistress Delilah intended and she screamed, "No Mistress, please!"
Mistress Delilah stopped briefly and looked down at Kari with a stern, disapproving look. "You have two choices at this point and only two choices slave so choose wisely. You will either do as I desire willingly or you will have it forced upon you slave. Make your decision now slave as my patience is nearly exhausted." Mistress Delilah's voice did not seem to be that of a person really upset, instead she sounded very matter-of-fact about the issue.
Kari was now crying as she spoke, "Please Mistress, please...I simply cannot do it! I will do anything else, just not that Mistress...please, please!" She was crying so hard now that she was having a difficult time breathing.
Mistress Delilah moved away but only for a very short time. When she returned she held up a web of black leather straps. She started to slip the straps over Kari's head as she spoke, "I really hoped that this would not be necessary but more often than not it is with new slaves. Next time you might remember this and act on your own without this."
Kari tried to shake her head from side to side to keep the device from being placed on her head. Mistress Leia stepped around to the table and grabbed Kari's long braid of hair, pulling it tight. This action limited Kari's ability to struggle and it wasn't long before the tension on her hair braid became too much and she was forced to stop moving her head.
The first strap went across Kari's forehead, the next straps went from the forehead strap between Kari's eyes to form an upside down "V". The "V" strap crossed her cheeks and ended at a strap which covered Kari's chin. The entire device was now being tightened behind Kari's head to the padded circular headboard somehow.
Mistress Delilah pulled out some kind of a chrome device that was about six inches long. The device was brought towards Kari's mouth. Kari instantly closed her mouth tight.
Mistress Delilah did not look entirely pleased as she spoke, "Open your mouth right now slave or I will force it open by pulling down on your lip rings!"
The thought of someone pulling her lip rings was too horrible for Kari to fathom so she opened her mouth reluctantly. She felt the metal device touch her upper and lower teeth in the very back on both sides. The metal device was cold and tasted vaguely of alcohol as if it had recently been sterilized.
Kari watched as Mistress Delilah squeezed some kind of metal handle attached to the metal device. The handle was sticking out the right side of Kari's mouth and she could see it in her peripheral vision. As Mistress Delilah squeezed the handle the device started putting pressure against Kari's back teeth forcing her mouth open. The metal device started making an awful clicking noise with each squeeze. There was nothing Kari could do but make pitiful screaming sounds, as her mouth was forced wide open by the cruel device.
Mistress Delilah lifted something that looked like a white rubber oval ring up and examined it. It disappeared out of sight and another one appeared in her hand, this one slightly larger. Mistress Delilah brought the ring toward Kari's mouth and pushed it inside with her fingers.
Kari could feel the rubber oval as it covered her teeth in the front on the top and bottom. Mistress Delilah adjusted the ring a few times before Kari saw her doing something with the handle on the metal device. The pressure on her back teeth from the metal device in her mouth started to ease until it was gone. Instead the pressure had now shifted to Kari's front teeth, which now clamped firmly down on the rubber oval ring.
Mistress Delilah carefully removed the metal device from Kari's mouth using her fingers to force Kari's cheeks a bit wider to allow the metal arms of the device to come out. Once the metal device was removed the rubber oval kept Kari's mouth obscenely wide open. Kari could feel some kind of groove in the outer portion of the rubber ring that her front teeth were now firmly seated in. Her mouth had been forced open so wide that she could not open it enough now to dislodge the oval ring she realized with horror.
Kari was still sobbing as she felt the chinstrap pulled extremely tight against her chin. The forehead strap was also pulled tighter before Mistress Delilah had finished. Mistress Leia disappeared from sight and Kari assumed she had gone back down by Kari's knees. Mistress Delilah resumed her position at Kari's head. Kari was forced to look right at her Mistress's shaved sex.
Mistress Delilah looked down at Kari and Kari thought there was a hint of sorrow in Mistress Delilah's eyes which seemed so out of place to Kari. "Just remember slave, it did not have to happen like this." As she finished talking she stepped forward and covered Kari's mouth with her hairless mound.
Kari jerked in shock as she had absolutely no idea what to do. Mistress Delilah's bare, swollen sex was up against her open mouth. No matter how hard she tried she could not turn her head or close her mouth. She felt sick and terrified. She could not bare the sight of what was happening so she squeezed her eyes closed.
Mistress Delilah's voice came to Kari in her self-imposed darkness. "You can either start to pleasure me slave or I will start to pleasure myself on your face. If I were you I would not want someone grinding against my freshly pierced lips though."
Kari could not believe this was happening to her. There was no denying that fact that Mistress Delilah was going to receive oral sex from her with or without her cooperation. As she was trying to cope with this she felt Mistress Delilah press her swollen mound lightly against Kari's lips. Instant pain shot through Kari's lip piercings and Kari could manage only a muffled scream.
Kari sobbed as she forced herself to use the only thing that still moved, her tongue, to try to keep Mistress Delilah from pressing against her face. The feeling of her tongue touching the warm, swollen lips of her Mistress's sex was almost too much for her to cope with. Kari quickly realized the rubber oval in her mouth was so large that her tongue could extend past the hole, even with the silver barbell piercing it.
As Kari's tongue touched Mistress Delilah's soft swollen intimate lips she started to gag. The ring in her mouth and the inability to move her head made gagging a strange sensation for Kari. The only thing that really showed she was gagging was her throat spasming. Kari knew that the tight corset hid her spasming stomach and her tongue merely flipped in and out as she gagged. The gagging subsided and to Kari's relief did not return immediately.
Kari was trying very hard to pretend that she was not really using her tongue on another woman's most intimate part when she felt wetness on her lips. Kari opened her eyes in shock and saw that her Mistress was now clearly wet with excitement as she briefly pulled away. Kari tasted the slightly salty fluid that had another strange, unidentifiable taste to it. Once again she started gagging. This time her gagging lasted longer but finally subsided as it had before.
Once Mistress Delilah sensed Kari was finished gagging she pressed her sex back against Kari's face gently. Kari reluctantly started using her tongue again to "serve" her Mistress.
Mistress Delilah reached down and started to massage Kari's breasts. She took great care in how she touched her new slave and she used her extensive skills on Kari's breasts. Slowly she worked Kari's nipples into her massage pattern.
Kari felt the smooth, warm hands on her breasts as Mistress Delilah massaged them. Kari was trying so hard to concentrate on what her tongue was doing but the breast massage was making it hard to concentrate. Mistress Delilah had the most skilled hands she had ever felt, even greater than she had ever imagined in fantasy. Kari knew her body was enjoying the massage and she felt her nipples swelling from the attention.
When Kari opened her eyes she saw Mistress Delilah's firm butt cheeks above her. The angle her head was at made it seem as if Mistress Delilah was upside down but Kari knew she was the one with the distorted view. Kari closed her eyes again as a soft moan escaped from her open mouth. Mistress Delilah had gently squeezed her nipples between her fingers and the feeling was incredibly erotic.
Mistress Delilah smiled as she heard the moan escape from her helpless slave. She looked at Mistress Leia standing perfectly still between Kari's knees and nodded to her.
Mistress Leia smiled and stepped forward to press her face into Kari's exposed sex. Mistress Leia was not surprised to find Kari's sex wet with excitement as she started to use her tongue expertly.
Kari jerked against her immovable bonds and cried out as she felt Mistress Leia's tongue touch her helpless sex. It became obvious in seconds that there was no escaping Mistress Leia's probing tongue. Kari tried to focus on what her own tongue was doing as she involuntarily jerked against her bonds periodically.
In minutes Kari could no longer ignore what was happening to her body. The sensations were simply to strong and there was no escaping them. Kari felt an orgasm building inside her and she knew that there would be no stopping it. She became very aware of the swollen plug deep inside her ass. The feeling was so intense now that she quit moving her tongue against her Mistress's sex and simply trembled, feeling her own orgasm build.
A half scream, choke tore through her open mouth as the orgasm hit. She jerked against her bonds as if she were having a seizure. Tears poured from her eyes and spilled down the sides of her face as she half screamed and moaned. Mistress Delilah was now pinching her nipples and Mistress Leia was now sucking on her clit as her tongue explored the deeper reaches of Kari's sex. Incredibly a second orgasm hit almost on top of the first one and Kari's mind spun out of control with the sensation.
Kari regained her senses and realized she was furiously licking Mistress Delilah's sex with her own tongue. The massaging of her breasts and the licking of her own sex had not ceased. Although Kari felt burning shame and humiliation over what was happening she could not bring herself to stop attending to her Mistress's wet sex. It wasn't just the very real threat of having her Mistress press herself forcefully against her mouth either. It was as if her mind were telling her the incredible sexual rush she had just felt might come again if she could only keep her Mistress pleased long enough. A part of Kari's mind that she refused to focus on actually felt thrilled with what was happening to her body as well as her own carnal actions.
Kari's diligence was rewarded as she felt another powerful orgasm radiating through her body. The orgasm exploded in an unexplainable rush of heat as she cried out.
Mistress Delilah pressed herself against Kari's mouth and pinched Kari's nipples so hard that her slave gave out a muffled scream beneath the crush of her sex. Mistress Delilah moaned loudly as she orgasmed deeply. Once the orgasm subsided she pulled away from Kari's face, a look of great satisfaction and relief covering her face.
Mistress Leia seemed to take her signal from Mistress Delilah and removed herself from Kari's sex at the same moment Mistress Delilah stepped back. Mistress Leia smiled as she saw the satisfied look on her own Mistress's face.
Kari still had her eyes closed and her breathing was coming in pants as the sexual energy was replaced with emotional and physical exhaustion. She felt so good sexually but the things that brought her to this point were too confusing for her to understand. She was feeling so many things and exhaustion was taking its toll, as she could not seem to focus on any of them.
The device she was bound to slowly leveled out so that she was lying horizontal once again. She felt her head board adjusted so it was in line with the rest of her body. Kari kept her eyes closed, praying that she would just be left alone now.
Chapter 30 (added: 2012/08/21)
Mistress Delilah came over to Kari and slightly loosened the straps holding her head firmly to the padded headboard. She then carefully inserted the metal device back into Kari's mouth, past the rubber oval ring. A few squeezes of the device's handle and Kari's mouth was forced just wide enough to remove the oval ring. The device was then loosened until Mistress Delilah could use her fingers to slide it out of Kari's mouth.
Kari slowly opened and closed her mouth, trying to work some of the stiffness out of her jaw. The oval ring had held her mouth so wide open that she didn't know if it would ever stay closed again.
The harness of straps was completely removed from Kari's head. Kari's ankle cuffs were released from the bottom portion of the device and then the ankle cuffs were removed from Kari's ankles.
Kari felt something touch the cruel phallus inflated inside her butt. Then to her relief pressure from the device eased as the air was released slowly. Once the air was released she felt a gentle but steady pull and a brief sharp pain as the device was removed. Kari sighed in relief and she wondered if her butt hole was gaping open after the cruel device was removed. It was a disturbing thought she quickly pushed aside.
The remaining straps holding Kari to the device were then removed carefully, one by one starting at the top of her chest. The gloves were removed from Kari's hands and the fresh air felt cool on her warm hands. Once all the restraints were removed the device was tilted until Kari was upright at about an 80 angle.
Kari found herself too weak to stand and Mistress Delilah seemed to already be prepared for that. Mistress Leia reached out and grasped Kari's left arm and Mistress Delilah grasped Kari's right arm. They helped her to a standing position but her legs would not completely support her weight. They each shifted until they supported Kari on their shoulders. Once they had a firm grip on her they moved her across the room to a padded gurney. They eased her onto it and carefully picked her arms and legs up until she was lying on in a prone position on her back. They started pushing the gurney out of the room through one of doors and down a long hallway.
Kari could recall very little of the journey down the large, dark, twisting stone corridors. She felt as if she were only a faint presence in someone else's body. Kari closed her eyes, exhaustion so great she thought she might have dozed off until she realized that they had stopped moving.
They had stopped at a large red silk curtain that went from the floor to ceiling. The curtain parted to reveal silver bars set into the stone wall and heavy silver barred door set in the bars. The door was opened and Kari was wheeled inside the small stone room. Kari felt herself being carefully moved from the gurney to a raised bed in the middle of the room. Kari felt her body being covered in a red latex sheet, but she was too tired to care what fate might await her next.
Chapter 31 (added: 2012/09/11)
There were half nude women all around Kari in the shadows and they were all trying to touch her body. She was trying to run but something made it very difficult to move her legs and she moved as if she were trapped in quicksand. Occasionally one of the outstretched hands would touch her body and every place the hands touched burned like fire. Every time Kari turned to see who had touched her she could only see the gleaming emerald eyes of Mistress Delilah staring at her from the shadows. The eyes seemed to be abnormally large for a human and they never seemed to blink as Kari struggled to avoid the outstretched hands.
Kari woke up with a start, her eyes wide open. She inhaled abruptly as if coming up for air after being submersed in water. Kari blinked in shock and disbelief as she could see herself floating on the ceiling above herself, covered in a red latex sheet with only her head visible. She calmed slightly as she realized it was actually her reflection in a huge ceiling mirror. As the last remnants of her nightmare faded her breathing returned to normal. Her body felt wooden and she thought she must have been sleeping for a long time. She was thirsty and she yawned as she slowly blinked her eyes. Kari thought she would rub the sleep from her eyes but her hands would not move to her surprise.
Kari realized her nightmare of being trapped in a crazy woman's mansion was not a nightmare at all but instead was her new reality. Kari looked down and saw that her body was covered completely from the neck down with a red latex sheet. Kari felt something wrapped around her wrists and forearms where they were held against the outside of her thighs. There was also something wrapped around her waist and thighs. She realized the thin collar still firmly encircled her neck as a constant reminder of her fate.
She turned her head to see that three of the walls of her room were composed of a light gray stone. The stone looked like it was hand chiseled and the word "dungeon" immediately came to mind. Kari lifted her head slightly and looked past her feet to see the fourth wall was made entirely of polished silver bars with a large silver barred door set in the middle. The bars were at least an inch thick and looked very solid as they were anchored in the stone. Beyond the bars she could see a red silk curtain that went from floor to ceiling. There was no visible source of light in the room but there was enough light filtering through the red silk curtain for Kari to be able to see some detail in the room.
Kari could see a polished stainless steel toilet extending out of the wall in one corner of the room. There was also a small stainless steel sink next to the toilet. Above the sink was a large mirror vanity mirror. Looking around the room Kari also saw a large floor to ceiling mirror attached to the wall on her right side. Directly above Kari the giant ceiling mirror was mounted to the stone ceiling and was at least as big as the bed she was lying in.
Although the ceiling was at least nine feet high Kari could plainly see the new facial jewelry in her floating "twin." The silver septum ring and the two silver lower lip rings stood out in stark contrast to her tanned face. Kari turned her head to one side slowly then back the other way. The long barbells that pierced each of her ears twice near the tops stood out nearly as much. She hated the way the jewelry reminded her constantly of how she had no say over what happened to her own body in this place. Kari turned her attention from the mirror, unable to face herself.
Kari decided she really needed to stretch and walk around so she tried to shift her body to the side to slide out from under the latex sheet. The latex sheet felt very strange on her bare skin as she shifted her body and struggled to move out from under it. The sheet had conformed to her body somewhat from her body heat and it was as if the sheet was reluctant to release her now. In an effort to remove the sheet she found herself using her feet and legs to work the latex sheet off of her body. It took several tries but Kari was finally able to slide the latex sheet off enough so that she was able to reach the edge of the bed.
She found herself lying on the edge of the bed and she realized sitting up, bound a she was, would now be her next challenge. She swung her legs carefully off the edge of the raised bed and allowed them to bend at her knees until she felt her feet touch the cool stone floor. Next she took exhaled slowly as she did a very awkward sit-up. Once Kari was sitting up she could see why her hands were not going any where. There was some sort of leather harness binding her lower arms and wrists to her thighs. The white leather harness consisted of a two inch wide waist belt, separate two inch wide straps wrapped around each thigh, a two inch wide strap was connected horizontally to the waist belt on each side, and a two inch wide strap was connected horizontally on the outside of each thigh strap. There was also a two inch strap connecting the waist strap to the thigh straps on the outside of either leg.
The thigh straps were as high as one could put them on Kari's thighs and the straps attached to the outside of these straps secured Kari's wrists firmly. The straps attached to her waist belt secured Kari's forearms to the belt. Kari tried to move her hands but the straps were far too tight and it was obviously useless to struggle.
Kari sighed in frustration and slowly stood up from the bed. She slowly walked around, stretching her body as much as she could in the odd harness. It felt so good to move relatively freely and as she walked around the raised bed her mood quickly improved. She wondered how long she had been sleeping, as she had lost all sense of time. As she walked around the urge to go to the bathroom struck her. Kari's face turned into a frown as she realized the harness was going to make what normally would be a simple task something else entirely.
She walked over to the stainless steel toilet which protruded from the wall. Kari was happy to see that the toilet was constructed with an extra wide edge on top so it was not necessary to have a separate toilet seat. Kari carefully backed up to the toilet and slowly started to squat down. Kari was relieved that her harness was built in such a way that her arms were able to flex at the elbows so sitting was actually possible. The stainless steel was cold on her skin but not so cold that she couldn't stand it.
Once Kari had finished peeing she instinctively looked around for toilet paper. She didn't see any at all but she realized toilet paper wouldn't do her any good with her hands in the harness anyway. This sucks, she thought to herself. Kari started to stand up when a stream of warm water from inside the toilet struck her directly on her sex. Kari jumped up in shock as the water flow stopped immediately and the toilet flushed.
Kari examined the toilet suspiciously and noticed that there was what looked like motion sensors inside the toilet bowl itself. Two barely perceptible small red lights blinked slowly inside the toilet bowl. Kari turned and carefully sat on the toilet again then slowly started to stand up. The warm water sprayed her sex again but this time she stayed for a short time, hoping it might clean her after peeing. After a few seconds she stood up and the toilet flushed again. Kari stepped away with her bottom still dripping slightly. The dripping feeling was annoying but better than it being pee, she thought to herself.
Kari walked over to the wall of polished silver bars. The wall reminded her of a jail cell but the craftsmanship was far better than any jail she had ever imagined. The bars of the wall glistened, perfectly polished silver. Looking closer at the bars Kari realized that there were strange symbols etched into each bar going from the bottom all the way to the top. The symbols seemed to be different on each bar and almost looked like some type of lettering. Kari wondered why someone would take the time to put all the symbols on the bars.
She turned her attention to the door which was of equally fine craftsmanship. There was a small (approximately two foot wide by six inches tall) horizontal opening in the door just about waist level. Kari imagined it might be used to pass things like a food tray into the room without opening the door. On one side of the door there was a small silver square with a single skeleton key hole in it. Kari pushed against the door with one of her feet but it did not move at all. Kari tried harder to move the door but the fit was so precise that it did not even rattle.
Kari could hear nothing beyond the scarlet curtain on the other side of the bars. She wondered if she was the only person being held like this against their will or if there were others. Kari smiled at the idea of a slave rebellion led by her.
Chapter 32 (added: 2012/09/11)
After stretching and pacing for quite some time Kari had decided to lie back down on the bed where she slowly drifted off to sleep again. The echoing sound of stiletto heels on stone floor woke her from her slumber.
Kari opened her eyes to see Mistress Kayla standing next to the side of the bed smiling down at her.
Several things immediately became clear to Kari. First, the curtain must have been opened because the room was a lot brighter now. Second, Mistress Kayla's lower lip now sported three silver rings. One was in the center and there was one on either side near the corners of her mouth. Kari looked a little closer and saw that Mistress Kayla also had a small silver septum ring as well.
"Good afternoon slave, you were a sleepy girl." Mistress Kayla seemed very cheerful despite the fact her mouth was half metal now. "Do you have any idea how long you slept slave?"
Kari shook her head slowly as she replied, "Not really Mistress."
Mistress Kayla continued smiling as she reached down and attached a leather leash with a silver snap on the end to the D ring on Kari's collar. "You have slept an entire day, nearly two if you count this latest nap today."
Kari was shocked! She had never slept so long at once in all her life. She wondered if she had been drugged with something. She started to ask Mistress Kayla but thought silence might be wiser at this point.
Mistress Kayla reached out and helped Kari slide to the edge of the bed. As soon as Kari was standing, Mistress Kayla started unbuckling the roller buckle strap on Kari's right forearm. Mistress Kayla quickly continued working to remove the entire harness from Kari. She sat the harness on the end of the bed and turned to Kari. "I must prepare you for tonight slave; Mistress Delilah has planned a great feast for some of her dear friends. Mistress wants you to be a center piece at the dinner so we have a lot to do as it is already mid morning." A slight tug on her leash and Kari was following Mistress Kayla from the room.
Once they stepped past the open silver barred door Kari found herself being pulled through an almost invisible slit in the center of the scarlet curtains. As Kari passed through the curtains she found herself in an enormous hallway. Mistress Kayla turned right and Kari followed obediently. She saw that this hallway was about fifteen foot across and easily several hundred feet long. Down both sides of the hallway were dozens of similarly curtained sections. Although many of the curtains were colored scarlet like hers there were other colors as well. The colors were grouped together and Kari had the impression there was some meaning to the colors although what she could not say. Kari wondered if each set of curtains hid another slave's prison and she knew that was probably the case.
She did not have a great deal of time to think on the issue as they soon left the hallway through a large wooden door at one end. This led to another, smaller stone hallway that had wooden doors on both sides. It was one of these doors that Mistress Kayla quickly opened and then she proceeded to lead Kari inside.
Once through the doorway Kari saw that she was in a gray stone room about forty feet square. There was a variety of heavy wooden devices around the room and hundreds of bondage devices hanging on the walls. Kari could also see an open archway in the far corner of the room.
Mistress Kayla reached out and removed Kari's leash from her collar. "This way slave," as she spoke, she motioned for Kari to follow her toward the open archway.
They walked through the archway into a beautifully polished white marble bathroom. There was a giant tub sunken into the floor and a series of showers along one of the walls. Kari could also see several toilets and a raised white marble dais in the room.
Mistress Kayla pointed toward the showers. "I want you to shower and cleanse yourself of any trace of dirt or sweat. Don't even think about coming out until you are cleaner than when you were born."
Kari replied, "Yes Mistress," as she stepped up to the shower and adjusted the temperature of the water. The water felt wonderful and she soon found herself luxuriating in the hot water as it cascaded down her naked body.
There was an assortment of wonderful smelling herbal shampoos, conditioners, and body washes on a low marble shelf in the shower area. Kari selected one that reminded her of an exotic jungle flower. She realized her hair had been freed of the braid at some point during her slumber and she went to work washing it thoroughly.
While she was in the shower Mistress Kayla interrupted briefly and gave her a bright blue colored bottle. Mistress Kayla instructed Kari to put the liquid on her hair and rub it in thoroughly before washing it out. She was to repeat this process three times, using the entire bottle on her hair. Kari took the bottle and started to apply it as instructed.
Kari spent over an hour washing her body and hair until she felt as if her skin were starting to become raw. Finally she decided she had enough so she turned off the water and stepped away from the shower area.
Mistress Kayla appeared and directed her to a small stall made of white marble with a clear glass door. Kari stepped inside and Mistress Kayla closed the door. As the door closed a series of holes opened around Kari and warm air began to rush over her body from all directions. Kari moved herself around slowly and soon every trace of moisture was gone from her body. Mistress Kayla opened the door and the air stopped as the holes closed automatically.
"Come along slave, we have a lot to do before the party starts." Mistress Kayla led Kari back into the larger main room where the rest of Kari's transformation would continue.
Chapter 33 (added: 2012/09/27)
Mistress Kayla pulled out a strange looking hand held hair dryer and turned it on as she started to brush Kari's hair enthusiastically. The dryer made an unusual sound, kind of a muted high pitched whining. Kari could see a row of intense blue and yellow lights along the front of the hair dryer. As Mistress Kayla moved it over Kari's hair she felt no air movement at all. Mistress Kayla was very careful to pass the machine at least once over every last strand of Kari's hair. Kari closed her eyes as Mistress Kayla passed the machine over the top of Kari's head and around her ears. Kari only opened her eyes once she heard the machine turn off.
Once the machine was set aside Mistress Kayla braided Kari's hair into dozens of small braids for almost an hour before Mistress Kayla seemed satisfied with her work. The braids were pulled together behind Kari's head and held together with a silver metallic band covered in strange symbols. The mass of braids hung down to the small of Kari's back. The braids were enclosed every few inches with delicate polished silver beads that were about a quarter inch wide and covered in strange symbols.
Once Mistress Kayla was finished with Kari's hair she moved on to Kari's makeup. Mistress Kayla expertly applied Kari's makeup and within an hour she was finished. Kari wished she could see her makeup but alas there were no mirrors for once, how ironic she thought. She thought of asking Mistress Kayla permission to see her makeup but before she had a chance to ask she was motioned over to another table.
Mistress Kayla waited for Kari to sit on the wooden stool before sitting across the table from her. Kari watched as Mistress Kayla removed items from drawers. It was soon apparent to Kari that another manicure would be her next fate. Kari relaxed slightly while being careful to maintain good posture.
Mistress Kayla worked carefully but quickly, first stripping off Kari's old fingernails down to the natural ones. Then Mistress Kayla created new fingernails using new gel tips. Once Mistress Kayla had finished applying the gel and curing it she moved on to shaping them into graceful curves. Kari was puzzled when Mistress Kayla pulled out a small device that looked like a miniature electric drill. The end of the device had a very tiny drill bit in it.
Mistress Kayla pulled out a flat rubber square with a left and right hand impression clearly visible. Mistress Kayla spoke, "Put your hands in the mold and hold them very still slave."
Kari obeyed and after placing her hands in the mold she watched intently as Mistress Kayla used the miniature drill to create a tiny hole through the middle of her left pinkie nail near the tip. After Mistress Kayla finished the first nail she seemed satisfied and she carefully drilled identical holes in all of Kari's remaining fingernails. The finishing touch was several coats of polish covered with a clear top coat.
Mistress Kayla ordered Kari to keep her hands on the table while she moved a special wooden stool next to Kari's feet. She ordered Kari to place her feet on the stool and she quickly set to work on Kari's toenails. In less than a half hour Kari's toenails were finished and the polish mirrored that of her fingernails.
Kari looked down and saw that her fingernails were now at least two inches long. She could not believe the length of her new fingernails. How would she ever be able to use her hands now? She was even more perplexed by the holes in each of her fingernails. Despite Kari's frustration she admired Mistress Kayla's skill in applying the beautiful dark electric blue polish on her fingernails and toenails. They were absolutely flawless and shimmered brilliantly in the light.
Mistress Kayla stood up and moved around the table to grab Kari's leash. She gave it a slight tug and Kari quickly rose to her feet. Mistress Kayla wasted no time leading Kari across the room to a large wooden armoire carved with elaborate scenes of medieval bondage. Mistress Kayla removed Kari's leash and hung it on the wall beside the armoire. Kari watched in nervous apprehension as Mistress Kayla opened the armoire and Kari found herself swallowing as the contents of the armoire were revealed.
Chapter 34 (added: 2012/09/27)
Kari could clearly see that the armoire was filled with all manner of fetish clothing. She watched with a morbid curiosity as Mistress Kayla selected a blue latex piece and pulled it from the armoire. Once it was out of the armoire Kari could see the item was some sort of latex catsuit.
Mistress Kayla turned to Kari with a smile. "This will be perfect! Now use this liquid and rub your body down lightly with it slave." As she finished she handed Kari a glass bottle filled with a clear fluid.
Kari poured some of the liquid in her hand and it felt a lot like baby oil but a lot slipperier. The oil was odorless she realized as she started rubbing her feet and ankles with it. The oil went on easily and soon she was covered in the liquid from her neck to her feet.
Mistress Kayla was apparently not satisfied with Kari's efforts though as she stepped over to Kari and took the bottle from her. Mistress Kayla stood in front of Kari and started massaging the oil onto Kari's breasts.
Kari felt herself blushing but she knew better than to protest. Kari closed her eyes as Mistress Kayla continued rubbing the oil around Kari's breasts. Kari felt Mistress Kayla's fingers gently massaging her now hardened nipples and she could barely stifle a soft moan. Kari despised how her body seemed to be betraying her. If the situation was different and she wasn't a slave she would probably be encouraging Mistress Kayla to continue but her mind wouldn't let her willingly accept her current role. Apparently her body did not realize the difference as she felt her nipples throb under Mistress Kayla's skilled hands.
Kari opened her eyes as she felt Mistress Kayla's hands withdraw from her breasts. She watched as Mistress Kayla massaged some more oil onto her palms. Kari hated the fact a part of her really hoped the erotic massage would continue. Mistress Kayla rubbed the oil around her palms in a circular motion and seemed to be enjoying herself as she smiled at Kari.
Mistress Kayla's smile widened as she moved her hands toward Kari's waist. Kari felt the warm, oil slickened hands on her sex before she realized fully what was happening. Instinctually she quickly slapped Mistress Kayla's hands away from her most intimate place. Kari heard herself exclaim, "Stop!" Kari stared at Mistress Kayla in shock as she realized the gravity of what she had just done.
Mistress Kayla's reaction was immediate, "How dare you slave!" Mistress Kayla's face was crimson with rage as she yanked Kari's braided hair and forced her to bend at her waist until her torso was parallel to the floor. "Do not even think of resisting you little slut," Mistress Kayla warned menacingly as she led Kari across the room.
Kari was still feeling the shock of her reaction and now she was stunned further by Mistress Kayla's reaction. As she stumbled across the floor she couldn't resist reaching up to try to ease Mistress Kayla's painful grip on her hair. As Kari tried to pry Mistress Kayla's hand from her hair she felt her hand struck hard by something that stung like a bee sting. Kari cried out and jerked her hands back and she could see a small red welt across the back of her left hand.
Kari found herself pleading for mercy, "Please Mistress Kayla I didn't mean to slap your hands away. I promise I will never do it again!"
Mistress Kayla replied angrily, "You might do it in the future slave but I can assure you that you will always remember this time." She released Kari's hair as she gave her a final push across the room.
Kari stood upright as soon as her hair was released. She found herself on the other side of the room standing amidst the heavy wooden bondage furniture. Mistress Kayla stood several feet in front of her with a long black riding crop that looked like what a jockey would use on a horse during a race. Kari unconsciously rubbed the back of her hand as her eyes fixated on the riding crop in Mistress Kayla's hand.
Mistress Kayla glared at Kari as she ordered, "Turn around and face the wooden post now slave!"
Kari turned quickly and saw a "T" shaped post attached to a heavy, square-shaped, wooden base. The top of the "T" had a large circular hole in the center and a smaller circular hole on either side of the large hole. The holes were lined with what looked like black rubber. Kari instantly had a vision of the Salem witch trials where the "witches" were placed in the stocks as punishment.
Kari turned back toward Mistress Kayla trying to think of something to say that might save herself from the stocks. Before Kari had time to even form the words she received two blindingly quick swats from Mistress Kayla's riding crop. The blows landed across the tops of both of Kari's breasts and she screamed in pain as small angry red welts instantly rose on her skin. The pain was incredibly intense as the pain was concentrated in an area the size of a half dollar.
Mistress Kayla growled, "Turn around right now slave and place your wrists and neck in the form or you will receive much, much worse."
Kari was trying to protect the front of her body with her hands as she cried softly. Her mind was frantic as she tried to decide her next action. Kari felt anger as well as fear mixing together in a confusing emotional storm. Briefly Kari considered attacking Mistress Kayla but she realized she simply did not have enough information to escape this hell yet. As Mistress Kayla raised her riding crop to deliver another blow, Kari yielded and quickly turned to face the wooden stocks. She couldn't bare the thought of being struck with the horrible crop again.
The stocks were several feet in front of Kari and she found her body visibly shaking as she forced herself to step up onto the heavy wooden base of the stocks. Kari started to doubt her resolve when she heard Mistress Kayla step up behind her and she felt Mistress Kayla's hand grab her mass of braided hair tightly. Mistress Kayla's actions were so quick that Kari found her neck forced into the largest half circle of the stocks before she even realized it. Kari instinctively put her hands up and grasped the top edge of the stocks awkwardly with her long nailed fingers.
"Wrists in the holes slave," Mistress Kayla commanded as she pressed Kari's neck against the unyielding rubber lined wood to add emphasis to her order. As she issued the order she gave Kari a stinging swat on her rear with the riding crop to remind her of what she could expect if she resisted.
Kari reluctantly released her grip and moved her wrists along the top of the stocks until she felt them slip into the smaller half circles on opposite sides of her neck. Seconds after her wrists slipped into place Kari felt the other half of the wooden stocks come to rest against the back of her neck and wrists. There was a clicking sound and in a moment of panic Kari tried to pull her head and wrists from the stocks. There was some slack which allowed her to rotate her neck and wrists but just not quite enough to free herself. Kari felt her braids lifted over the top of the stocks behind her head and then again as the braids were released on the other side of the stocks to hang free.
Kari was startled by a funny sound from behind her that sounded like an electric air pump running and simultaneously the rubber lining of the stock's wrist holes started to expand. The feeling was like a rubber blood pressure cuff expanding on her wrists and soon her wrists were squeezed so tight she could no longer turn them let alone remove them from the stocks. Kari turned her head slightly to the sides to see her hands both frozen palm down with her long blue nails glistening in the overhead lights.
Once the rubber around her wrists stopped expanding there was a brief pause before the rubber around her neck started expanding. Kari felt the rubber expand around her neck and as it expanded it felt like it was unfolding as well. Kari felt a hand grab the back of her head and turn her head so her chin was facing straight down. The rubber was indeed unfolding as it filled with air and to Kari's dismay it was widening beyond the width of the wooden stock. Kari felt the rubber pressing along her neck until it stopped just prior to going over the front of her chin. The rubber had stopped advancing but was still expanding until Kari found herself in a very rigid, fully inflated rubber posture collar. The collar was so rigid now that she could do nothing but stare straight down at the wooden platform beneath her.
Less than a minute went by after the air pump stopped before Kari felt hands grab her left ankle and lift it up behind her. She could feel something being wrapped tightly around her left ankle. Although Kari could not see what was happening she quickly realized by the sound of buckles being drawn tight that her ankle was being placed into a cuff. Once the cuff was tight she felt her ankle released and as it came back down onto the platform Mistress Kayla lifted her right ankle and she felt another cuff buckled onto that ankle as well. Once her right ankle was released and returned to the platform her ankles were pushed apart. Kari heard metallic clicking and felt someone quickly attaching something to her cuffed ankles. Kari tried to shift her feet and realized that some kind of hobble bar now connected her ankle cuffs and she was forced to keep her ankles several feet apart.
Kari waited nervously, her heart pounding and her breathing shallow, as what seemed like an eternity passed. Kari could hear Mistress Kayla's heels echoing on the stone floor as she moved around somewhere behind her. Kari jerked as she felt a hand touch her rear and then something wet and cold touch her anus. Suddenly Kari felt something pressing against her anus and she cried out as something was slowly being forced inside her. The object unrelentingly progressed into Kari's rear and Kari felt her legs quivering uncontrollably. The object seemed to taper and get larger then suddenly tapered again and Kari felt it seat itself against her stretched butthole. Kari felt her stomach sink as she realized this was another butt plug of some sort as she had experienced this exact feeling before. She hated the feeling but was very grateful this one seemed to be a lot smaller than the last plug she had to endure.
Mistress Kayla's voice came from behind her, "This will help anchor you to the platform for what will occur next slave."
Kari had no idea what Mistress Kayla meant by "anchor" and she found her mind trying to comprehend what was happening to her. Kari's thoughts were interrupted when the butt plug started to expand inside her. Kari cried out and clenched her hands into fists as the plug continued to expand inside her. Kari heard the unmistakable sound of a squeeze bulb as it expanded and contracted, forcing more air into her butt plug whilst sucking air into the bulb. The plug had expanded and was now passing the uncomfortable stage and was entering the unbearable stage.
Kari cried out, "Mistress Kayla, please have mercy! It hurts really bad right now!"
The expansion of the plug stopped and Kari found herself crying and shaking in her new bondage. Kari tried to shift her rear in an effort to somehow make the plug more comfortable but was absolutely horrified to learn the plug was somehow attached to something making any movement painful as well as impossible. Kari cried out, "Please Mistress I can't do this, please take this plug out of me! I promise I will hold still without it!" Kari started to sob and the only sound in the room was Kari's halting sobbing now.
Kari could not see it but the plug inside her rear was connected to a long chrome pole that had been attached to the wooden platform base. The air hose and squeeze bulb going to the plug now dangled down between Kari's ass cheeks and Kari's firm, round cheeks had closed to hide the plug. The only thing hinting at what was happening to Kari was the polished chrome pole and a short portion of the air hose and the squeeze bulb dangling between Kari's upper thighs. Unseen by Kari, Mistress Kayla knelt down and adjusted the pole height using an adjustment knob on the pole itself.
Kari squealed as she felt the pole, and thus the plug, moving upward. Kari was forced to arch her back slightly and push her ass up and out. Kari screamed as she tried to pull away from the plug and she realized any resistance on her part would result in more pain in her already tortured rear. Kari yelled, "Just stop! Please don't do this Mistress! I can't take this!"
Kari was crying so loudly she did not hear Mistress Kayla's heels as she rounded her left side. Kari only noticed her when Mistress Kayla's polished black stiletto leather boots came into view beneath her on the platform. Kari was still sobbing as she saw a thin chrome pole appear before her face and she continued sobbing as she watched Mistress Kayla squat and attach the pole to a slot in the wooden base.
Kari's teary eyes grew wide as she saw a small black rubber penis with a hose and squeeze bulb dangling from it appear in front of her face. Kari tried to blink the tears away to see what was happening and she was able to see Mistress Kayla attach the penis to the top of the pole. Oh god no! Kari pleaded, "Mistress I will be quiet, please don't do this I beg you!" Kari pressed her lips firmly together and closed her eyes in an effort to stop crying completely. She tried to pull her head back but the inflated rubber posture collar would not let her pull her head back nor would it allow her to turn her mouth to the side.
She was completely caught off guard when she felt her nose pinched shut on her tender pierced septum. Kari's eyes and mouth flew open and she cried out in pain.
As soon as Kari's mouth was open Mistress Kayla quickly raised the penis on the end of the pole until it went all the way into Kari's mouth causing Kari to make gagging sounds several times. Mistress Kayla lowered the pole until it was just below the point where it made Kari gag.
Kari felt the flaccid rubber penis in her mouth as it was finally pulled back far enough that she was no longer gagging. Kari could taste the rubber and she tried to push it out of her mouth with her freshly pierced tongue. Kari ignored the pain in her tongue, she didn't want the disgusting thing in her mouth! She could partially push the flaccid penis and she had hoped that if she worked at it she could eventually get it out of her mouth. Kari's eyes opened in horror when she heard the first squeeze of the bulb attached to the penis and felt it expand slightly inside her mouth. Kari could only try to bite the penis and push against it but that was merely delaying the inevitable she realized as it slowly grew larger with each squeeze of the bulb. As it expanded it forced Kari's tongue to the bottom of her mouth and any chance it could be dislodged was lost as it even began forcing her teeth apart. Mistress Kayla kept inflating the penis in Kari's mouth until Kari started to panic as it started to actually touch the back of her throat. Mistress Kayla seemed satisfied and stopped squeezing the bulb.
Mistress Kayla's voice came to Kari from above her head, "Now we can finally get started on your punishment slave." The sound of Mistress Kayla's heels echoed on the stone as she moved around behind Kari.
Kari could only whimper as she looked down at the squeeze bulb dangling from the air hose attached to her penis gag. Kari flinched as she felt her braids being pushed away from her back, to hang in the gaps between her neck and forearms behind her. Kari squeezed her eyes closed and tears slowly ran down her cheeks. A thousand thoughts ran through her head, none of them pleasant. She realized she was truly powerless to resist at this point so her only hope was that it would be over quickly.
Chapter 35 (added: 2012/10/26)
Kari did not have long to wait before she felt the wrath of Mistress Kayla as she felt a burning mass of fire across her left ass cheek accompanied by a loud slapping sound. Kari would have cried out had it not been for the large inflatable penis filling her mouth to capacity. Instead her body jerked against the restraints and she whimpered as the second blow struck the other side of her ass.
Whatever it was that was hitting her felt a lot different than the riding crop. The device covered a lot more area and felt like it was composed of a dozen or more straps. As the third blow fell on her shoulders she realized the pain was certainly not as bad as the riding crop but was still painful nonetheless. The fourth blow fell on the small of her back and she instantly realized the feel of the whip was nearly identical to the twenty stranded whip Mistress Delilah had whipped her with previously. Kari felt little joy realizing the whip she was being beat with was designed specifically not to permanently injure or scar her.
She felt a particularly stinging blow to the backs of her thighs which caused her legs to involuntarily start to collapse. As soon as she started to sag she was instantly reminded of the plug in her ass. The pain of the inflated plug trying to pull out of her rear instantly made her stand again. Kari unconsciously bit down on the inflated penis in her mouth as she continued to whimper.
The whipping continued as Mistress Kayla expertly changed the location of the blows as well as the intensity. This made it so Kari simply could not prepare herself in any way for what was going to happen next. The whip found its mark all over Kari from her calves clear up to her shoulders and everything in between. Just when Kari thought she had experienced it all, the whip landed a blow that wrapped around her side with the ends hitting her left breast. Kari gave a very muffled cry and could only cry silently as the whip carried out its dance of pain on her body. The whip made its way to her right breast as well and once again she bit into her penis gag.
Kari was breathing heavily through her nose and still sobbing when the whipping suddenly stopped. Kari felt the touch of the whip replaced by a warm hand which now caressed her tender, red skin. The hand and its long nails traced the many welts crisscrossing Kari's body. It felt like Mistress Kayla was admiring her handiwork as she no longer seemed to be interested in causing further pain.
Kari opened her teary eyes in surprise when she felt a hand gently cupping her left breast. The fingers of the hand slowly caressed her nipple until Kari was horrified to feel her nipple actually hardening. Why was her body betraying her like this? The hand wandered to her other breast and the caressing continued until that nipple was erect as well. The hand then started a teasing dance between the two breasts, apparently in order to see if it could keep both of Kari's nipples hard at the same time. Kari felt heat rising in her belly and she was utterly disgusted with herself. What was wrong with her?
Kari inhaled sharply through her nose as she felt a hand cover her sex and start slowly rubbing it. The hand expertly rubbed her slick hairless sex until Kari could feel the wetness giving away her excitement. She closed her eyes with the humiliation and embarrassment of it all. Kari felt little excitement in her conscious mind but she was smart enough to know something was going on subconsciously she simply could not control.
Mistress Kayla smiled behind Kari as she continued to rub Kari's wet pussy. Mistress Kayla could see Kari's body was responding even though she was certain Kari didn't want it to. It always happened like this with new slaves she mused. Mistress Kayla kept massaging Kari's pussy and slowly slipped a finger inside. She increased the speed of her rubbing and then started to alternate it between fast and slow. It only took a few minutes before she started to feel Kari's pussy starting to squeeze her finger intermittently.
Kari was trembling and trying to control her breathing as she felt her body nearing orgasm. She could feel her legs getting weak and the last thing she wanted was to collapse while filled with the butt plug. Kari could tell this additional bit of forced concentration was somehow making the orgasm build into something more powerful. Kari hated the fact she was being forced to orgasm like this, especially since the sacred world of sexual pleasure was being tainted by the bondage and torture she was forced to endure.
As the orgasm started to ripple through her body she forced her legs to keep from collapsing. Kari's whole body was trembling with the force of the orgasm and as it was cresting she felt a second finger forced inside her spasming sex. This caused Kari's whole body to jerk and unconsciously she started frantically sucking the inflated penis in her mouth as her halting breaths whistled through her nose.
Kari was just recovering when Mistress Kayla started using Kari's sex again while enthusiastically tugging her still erect nipples. She felt herself getting ready to orgasm again and she tried valiantly to steady herself. As the orgasm started to roll through her body she felt her swollen clitoris being rubbed vigorously while the other two fingers continued their assault inside her. If that wasn't enough Kari could feel her ass spasming around the plug and the feeling of fullness was incredibly erotic. Kari was sucking furiously on the penis in her mouth at this point, oblivious of what her mouth was doing. Kari's eyes partially rolled back into her head as the orgasm reached its peak and her entire consciousness was swept aside.
Kari was brought back to reality a short time later as the plug in her rear was deflated and removed. The cuffs on her ankles followed and soon she was able to move her legs around a bit and flex them.
Mistress Kayla's voice came to her, "Well slave, are we finished with your nonsense now? Do you intend to obey without question or resistance now?"
Kari tried to answer with the penis in her mouth but the gag was so effective all she could manage was a whimper of agreement. She had no choice but to wait as Mistress Kayla came around in front of her and deflated the penis and carefully removed it from her mouth. Kari's face reddened as a long stream of drool came out of her mouth as the penis was removed. She sucked the remainder of the saliva in and swallowed it. Kari then worked the stiffness out of her jaw before replying quietly, "Yes, Mistress."
"Very well then, let's get you out of there so we can finish getting you ready." Mistress Kayla stepped forward and started to deflate the rubber portions of the stock.
Kari felt the stock opened and she slowly stood upright, ignoring the pain she still felt from the whipping. It just felt so good to stretch and she slowly flexed her body to work the kinks out. As she flexed her body she could feel the tightness in her skin from the whipping.
Mistress Kayla snapped her fingers, "Come on slave we need to get you wiped down and ready. Hurry now."
Kari hurriedly stepped off the platform, hoping to avoid further punishment. She told herself that whatever the preparation for this party involved it could never be worse than the possible punishment for resisting. Kari just hoped she was not deluding herself.
Chapter 36 (added: 2012/10/26)
It only took a few minutes for Mistress Kayla to use a scented towel to wipe Kari's body clean. Mistress Kayla also had Kari use the toilet to relieve herself before she quickly reapplied Kari's makeup. Once the makeup was complete Mistress Kayla started lubing Kari's body again. This time Kari stood silently and didn't raise a single finger to impede Mistress Kayla's through rubbing.
Once Mistress Kayla was finished applying the lubricant she stepped away for a minute before returning with an electric blue catsuit with black trim. Kari loved the color but she wasn't so sure about wearing something like a catsuit made of latex.
Mistress Kayla pointed to a dark colored heavy wooden chair, "Sit down slave." She gave Kari just enough time to sit on the chair before ordering, "Now carefully slip your feet into the legs as if you are putting on a very expensive pair of pantyhose." As Mistress Kayla finished she handed Kari the latex catsuit.
Kari carefully rolled the left leg of the catsuit down until she could slide her foot into it. The latex stretched to perfectly form to her foot like some kind of erotic second skin. Once her foot was settled she slowly and carefully started rolling the tight latex up her ankle and then her calf.
Mistress Kayla watched her with a look of amusement. "Pull it up tighter so you don't have so many wrinkles slave."
Kari pulled the latex carefully until all but the tiniest wrinkles were gone. She paused at her left knee and switched over to her right foot. Kari repeated the slow process on her right leg until she had the catsuit on up to her upper thighs. She now understood the purpose of the lube because she doubted she could have squeezed herself into the incredibly tight latex without it.
"Stand now slave." Mistress Kayla ordered as she stepped closer to Kari.
Kari slowly stood up, feeling the true tightness of the latex covering her legs for the first time. The feeling was strangely erotic and made her very aware of what sensual material latex must be for people. No wonder people were always dressing up in latex and then having crazy sex she thought to herself. The latex really did feel like a second skin and she could easily feel it when something touched her on the outside of the latex.
Mistress Kayla spoke, "Okay, now pull it the rest of the way up until it is over your hips slave."
Kari reached down and slowly pulled on the latex but was making slow progress over her hips and rear. Kari recalled an old boyfriend telling her she had a rear made for slapping because it was round and firm. Now her rear and shapely hips were giving her issues with the latex. Kari finally resorted to a combination or rolling the latex enough to get a grip and pulling as hard as she dared for fear of tearing the thin material. The lube finally did its job though as the suit suddenly slid past her hips and rear with a faintly audible popping sound.
Mistress Kayla had moved behind her and was now holding the upper portion of the latex catsuit up behind her. "Okay now slide your arms into the sleeves slave."
Kari twisted her torso and grabbed the left sleeve first. She started to just try to push her hand and forearm into it but that didn't work. Kari realized she had to roll the sleeve just like she had the legs. With a little effort and patience Kari had her left arm in all the way to her shoulder as she realized for the first time the zipper was along the back of the catsuit. She also noticed that the ends of the sleeves were actually gloves with just the tips of the fingers cut off to expose her long fingernails. She could see some latex trim around her wrist area that was a brilliant electric green color, the trim reminded her of something but she couldn't place it. Kari twisted her torso the other way and repeated the process with her right arm. Once it was on to her shoulders she stood upright, feeling the latex tighten even further.
Kari looked down to see the latex contour perfectly to her stomach and chest. Kari stared at her chest and could not believe what she was seeing, there were small round holes where her nipples were naturally designed to rest. Kari could see that her nipples did not line up with the holes right now but she had no doubt if adjusted they would protrude obscenely through the holes. Kari was still absorbing this information as she felt Mistress Kayla's hand forcing its way around her torso between the latex and her skin.
She watched as Mistress Kayla used her hand under the latex to briefly rub her nipple and her other hand on top of the latex to manipulate Kari's left breast until the nipple indeed popped out the nipple hole. Kari was trying hard to ignore the fact her nipples were rock hard from her new found appreciation for the feel of latex. Kari felt Mistress Kayla withdraw her hand and move it around to her other side where she worked Kari's right breast until the nipple also popped out the nipple hole. Once the nipple was centered in the hole Mistress Kayla tugged her hand free. Mistress Kayla returned with a brush which she carefully used to brush the visible portion of Kari's protruding nipples. Kari couldn't believe it as the brush moved across her nipples they changed to an electric blue color which matched the catsuit perfectly.
Kari was staring down at her electric blue nipples protruding through the holes when she felt the zipper being closed behind her, starting at her rear and continuing upwards. Mistress Kayla was going slow as there was quite a bit of tension on the zipper because of the tightness of the latex. Kari watched as the latex almost magically seemed to tighten across her hips, stomach and chest. The zipper suddenly stopped between her shoulder blades and she wondered what happened as Mistress Kayla walked away. Kari looked down and could see there was additional electric green latex trim around her breasts.
Kari watched Mistress Kayla as she picked up something from a table and returned carrying something made of electric blue and green latex. She sat the item on the heavy wooden chair and stepped behind Kari. Kari was shocked as she heard a clicking sound and felt her collar removed. Mistress Kayla sat the collar on the chair and picked up the blue latex item. Kari rubbed her bare neck for the first time in days and it felt strange without the collar.
Mistress Kayla commented, "Don't worry slave, I will make sure we don't lose your collar." She laughed at her own joke before stating, "I want you to kneel on the rug and then hold very still."
Kari saw a small black circular fur rug near the chair and she hurried over to kneel. The punishment she had just suffered was still fresh in her mind and she did not have any desire to experience it again. Kari knelt and remained as still as possible.
Mistress Kayla returned with a small white object which appeared to be a container for contact lenses. Kari watched as Mistress Kayla put on a pair of disposable black latex gloves and then removed one of the contact lenses. Kari could see the lens was colored but could not tell exactly what color it was. Mistress Kayla used the fingers of one hand to hold open Kari's eyelids as she carefully placed the lens over Kari's right pupil. Kari immediately noticed her vision was slightly obscured in the center but she could still see fine around the majority of the edges. A second lens was placed over her left pupil with the same vision obscuring result. Mistress Kayla put several drops in each of Kari's eyes making them feel very moist.
Mistress Kayla had produced a very small pair of flesh colored ear plugs. Kari flinched as Mistress Kayla inserted them into her ears. Kari expected to have her hearing deadened by the plugs but they actually seemed to be more like earphones as she could hear just fine.
Next Kari felt her mass of braids being pulled slowly through something behind her and she caught a glimpse of electric blue and green latex out of the corner of her eye. She could feel the latex touching the base of the braid next to her head and then she watched as Mistress Kayla's fingers appeared above her eyes stretching the latex. The latex was pulled over her head while being stretched and Kari noticed Mistress Kayla was being particularly careful not to drag it over her face, perhaps because she was tired of touching up Kari's makeup.
The latex had a large opening in the front which allowed Kari's mouth and chin to remain exposed. As Mistress Kayla adjusted the hood Kari felt the hood fit tight under her chin but not over it, the latex continued up the sides of her head covering her ears, and then the top ended in a slightly curved line below her nose. Kari could not see herself but she knew the hood basically covered her face in an incredibly transparent layer of clear latex excluding her mouth. A pair of clear lenses was built into the hood and they pressed incredibly tight over Kari's eyes.
The rear of the hood was tight against the back of her head and the bottom of the hood extended all the way down to the base of her neck. The feeling was so strange to Kari and all the tight latex was starting to make her feel like an object instead of a person. Kari heard and felt the zipper of the catsuit being pulled up and as the zipper reached the top she could feel that the base of the hood was now sealed under the top of the closed catsuit. Kari involuntarily shivered as she realized she was sealed into this strange new form, leaving her real form behind.
Mistress Kayla walked away briefly before returning with a very shiny, plastic looking electric blue and green collar. She held the collar up, "This is rubber slave, and the great thing about rubber is it is not only attractive but it is also waterproof." As she finished she reached forward and buckled the two inch wide rubber collar tightly around Kari's neck, concealing the zipper at the top of the catsuit. "Stand slave, let's finish getting you ready."
Kari stood obediently, silently wondering what else could be done. Mistress Kayla motioned her over to the side wall where she motioned to a horizontal bar suspended from the ceiling by cables. The bar had several odd looking leather cuffs attached to it. "Put your hands in the cuffs slave and be quick, we are running out of time because of your earlier disobedience."
Kari reluctantly put her wrists in the cuffs and watched as Mistress Kayla tightened them. There was a whirring sound as Mistress Kayla pressed a button on the wall and Kari was pulled upwards by her cuffed wrists until only the balls of her feet were touching the stone floor. Kari grunted and tried to concentrate on not losing her balance.
Mistress Kayla wrapped a strange looking corset around Kari's midsection and started quickly lacing it behind her back. The corset's colors matched the colors of her catsuit but Kari thought the material was more like the rubber collar as it was very shiny. As the corset was being laced tight Kari realized her posture while hanging from the bar allowed the corset to be laced much easier and tighter. At one point Mistress Kayla came around in front of Kari and adjusted Kari's breasts so they rested perfectly above the top of the corset. Kari felt Mistress Kayla's knee in her back several times as the laces were drawn tight and tied. Kari then heard and felt buckles being buckled on the back of the corset, over the top of the laces. Once the corset was on satisfactorily Mistress Kayla pushed the button and lowered the bar until Kari was firmly back on her feet. Kari instantly noticed the incredible constriction of the corset and how it limited her breathing.
After stepping away for a moment Mistress Kayla returned with a cloth and a bottle of clear liquid. Kari watched as Mistress Kayla placed a generous amount of the liquid on the cloth and then started vigorously rubbing the cloth all over Kari, starting at her feet. Kari felt like she was being polished and the feeling was not entirely unpleasant through the thin latex of the catsuit. Mistress Kayla was using the cloth around Kari's breasts and the feeling was almost sensual as the polishing went around her nipples.
"I remember the first time I was shined slave. It is a wonderful feeling and one I am sure you will look forward to in the future." Mistress Kayla commented as she smiled while shifting her polishing efforts to Kari's hooded head. Once she seemed satisfied with the shining she quickly released Kari from the cuffs and motioned for her to follow.
They walked across the room where Mistress Kayla attached black rubber leash to the front of Kari's rubber collar. Once the leash was connected she gave it a tug and pulled Kari out the wooden door into a hallway. They then went into the next wooden door which was a small, sterile looking room. The only furniture in the room was a number of narrow wooden chests of drawers nearly five feet tall that were against the stone wall. The drawers took up two entire walls and in the middle of the room was a small wooden table with a chair on opposing sides. Mistress Kayla motioned for Kari to sit in one of the chairs and Kari did so apprehensively.
Mistress Kayla opened one of the drawers and withdrew a small pair of pliers which she sat on the table in front of Kari. Next she opened another drawer and set a small clear round container filled with tiny silver rings on the table. Mistress Kayla took the chair opposite Kari, "Lay your hands flat on the table slave, palm down and keep them there."
Kari did as instructed and watched curiously as Mistress Kayla picked up one of the small silver rings and the pliers. Kari could see that the ring had a small opening along its circumference that she had not noticed at first because of their tiny size. Mistress Kayla carefully slid the small ring through the hole pierced in Kari's left pinkie nail and used the pliers to close the ring. There was no pain and Mistress Kayla moved to the next fingernail on Kari's left hand. Once Mistress Kayla was done Kari's fingernails all had one of the small silver rings which were less than a half an inch in diameter.
Mistress Kayla took out a small container of electric green cream and used a brush to spread the creme over the portion of Kari's fingertips which were not covered by the latex. She did an excellent job and soon none if Kari's tanned skin was visible on her hands. Kari held her hands up and moved her fingernails back and forth, watching the rings shift slightly with her movements. The effect was strange to Kari especially when coupled with the electric green and blue latex on her fingers. Kari felt that she was watching someone else's hands instead of her own. She reminded herself the hands were hers and her in her mind it all seemed very erotic on a deep emotional level she didn't fully understand.
Mistress Kayla had put the pliers and rings away while Kari was checking her new fingernail jewelry. Mistress Kayla sat down again and sat two silver pieces of jewelry on the table. The jewelry looked just like highly detailed small crabs, complete with tiny pincers. Mistress Kayla wasted no time in reaching forward to Kari's protruding left nipple and tugging it further out of the latex hole surrounding it. Kari flinched but dared not resist as she watched Mistress Kayla holding her nipple with one hand while picking up one of the silver crabs with the other hand. Kari winced as Mistress Kayla placed Kari's nipple between the crab's two pincers and used a small tool to squeeze the edges of the pincers tight against the sides of the nipple until Kari yelped. Mistress Kayla picked up the other crab and went to work on Kari's right nipple next. When she was done Kari's nipples were firmly pinched between the crabs' claws. She could see that the crabs' claws were pointing upwards toward Kari's head.
The next thing Mistress Kayla did truly shocked Kari. Mistress Kayla reached forward and carefully removed Kari's lip rings. Kari flinched as they were removed but there was surprisingly little pain involved. Kari felt like jumping for joy as Mistress Kayla then reached forward and removed Kari's septum ring as well. Kari could not believe how the jewelry came out with so little trouble and almost no pain.
Apparently Mistress Kayla noticed the surprised and puzzled look on Kari's face as the jewelry was removed. "I doubt you realize this but when you were pierced there were small clear plastic stents placed in the new holes as well as the jewelry. The stents are surgical grade and will dissolve over time, similar to dissolving stitches used in surgery. These stents allow jewelry to be changed easier during the healing stage plus they have the added bonus of making the holes heal much faster because of less irritation to the piercing site. The other wonderful property is the stents are fused with a medicinal agent which prohibits scaring, this makes for a substantially stronger piercing capable of taking a lot more punishment."
Kari sighed, her euphoria short lived as she realized her piercings were anything but gone. At least she felt better with nothing actually visible in the holes though, she told herself.
"Come slave we have to get to the dining hall before the guests." Mistress Kayla announced as she stood and motioned for Kari to follow. Mistress Kayla paused long enough to grab the handle on Kari's leash before tugging her into the hallway.
Chapter 37 (added: 2012/11/16)
Kari found herself being led into an enormous dining hall furnished like a medieval castle. There were ornate high backed chairs surrounding an ancient looking heavy wooden table. Along the sides of the room were giant tapestries depicting all kinds of sexual debauchery including some very erotic slave scenes. Kari was shocked by the explicitness in the images on the tapestries and she realized there were even male slaves and Masters depicted in the many images.
Mistress Kayla led her by her leash over to one end of the giant table where a small cart was waiting. Kari could see the cart had a number of items on the cart including a giant piece of electric blue latex material. Kari was led to the cart where Mistress Kayla pulled her to a stop by her leash. Mistress Kayla released the leash to dangle between Kari's breasts.
As Kari watched Mistress Kayla picked up a clear u-shaped plastic looking item from the cart. Kari could see Mistress Kayla carefully squeeze some clear gel from a tube onto the inside of the u-shaped piece all the way around the inside. Once she was finished she turned to Kari as she was holding the piece up in front of her.
"I need you to open your mouth as wide as possible while I insert this mouthpiece slave. Do not bite down until I tell you to do so and when you do bite down, do so slowly so I can ensure a perfect fit. Also keep your tongue back so it does not touch the mouthpiece at any time, this is very important. Do you understand slave?" Mistress Kayla finished.
Kari was puzzled why she would need a mouthpiece but replied, "Yes Mistress." As soon as she finished she opened her mouth wide until she could feel the strain in her jaw. She felt Mistress Kayla slowly insert the clear mouthpiece firmly against her upper teeth. Kari felt the cool gel spread over the front of her teeth as the mouthpiece was pressed tight.
"Okay, now very slowly close your mouth while keeping your lips drawn back like you are smiling really big slave." Mistress Kayla instructed.
It was kind of awkward but Kari smiled as big as she could manage while slowly closing her teeth together. Kari felt Mistress Kayla using her fingers to guide the mouthpiece into place over her lower teeth. The cool gel covered the front of her lower teeth as she bit down on the odd mouthpiece. As she bit down she discovered the mouthpiece was actually flexible rubber or something similar.
"Bite down hard now slave and then we only have to wait for a minute or so. Bite down now, really hard." Mistress Kayla commanded.
Kari complied and as she bit down she had to remind herself not to touch the mouthpiece with her tongue. She was surprised the mouthpiece fit her so well, it was as if it had been designed specifically for her mouth. It reminded Kari of the rubber trays the dentist had used before to whiten her teeth but this was all one piece instead of two. She could see Mistress Kayla patiently waiting as if she were mentally counting off the time.
"Okay slave I think we have waited long enough. Open your mouth now." Mistress Kayla ordered.
Kari tried to open her mouth but nothing budged except for her jaw muscles. Kari's eyes widened in shock and she tried to open her mouth again with no better results than the first time. Kari could feel the tension on the front of her teeth every time she made the attempt but her teeth felt like they were cemented together. As she closed her lips over the mouthpiece she could tell it was incredibly thin and likely would not even be noticed by all but the most observant people. Kari looked at Mistress Kayla in shock.
Mistress Kayla smiled and patted the side of her face affectionately. "I see the adhesive works wonderfully slave. Don't bother trying to open your mouth anymore slave as the adhesive can only be loosened using a special method and you will only tire your jaw. You can move your tongue about as much as you want now as the adhesive has cured. I will also tell you that you can exhale through the mouthpiece fine but a special valve will not allow anything into your mouth and that includes air slave."
Kari tried to exhale through her mouthpiece and Mistress Kayla had been telling the truth as the air passed through the strange mouthpiece. Kari experimentally tried to inhale and quickly discovered the valve in the mouthpiece truly only allowed air out and not in. The mouthpieces edges were apparently flexible and long enough that they even sealed the areas around her gums to prevent air from passing the mouthpiece. The whole realization that the mouthpiece was permanently affixed until removed was causing Kari to mentally struggle to keep from panicking.
Mistress Kayla grabbed a small sterile looking plastic bag from the cart and then grasped Kari's leash. She didn't say anything as she drew Kari over to a stainless steel gurney with a pad made of black leather on the top. The gurney was slightly angled so one end was lower than the other. Kari had not noticed the gurney when she first walked into the room and she wondered if it had always been there. Kari concentrated on breathing through her nose as she watched Mistress Kayla indicate Kari should climb onto the gurney by patting the black cushion with her hand.
Kari hesitated but knew she had little choice. Reluctantly she slowly sat on the gurney and then lifted her legs onto it. Kari raised her knees up as much as she could in the incredibly restrictive corset and sat there looking at Mistress Kayla.
Mistress Kayla smiled, "The apprehension almost exudes from your pores slave. I need you to lie flat though slave and quickly because time grows short."
Kari slid down onto her back as she wondered what Mistress Kayla had planned next. Once she was lying all the way down she didn't have long to wait before a strap was drawn tight over her waist, trapping her lower arms as well. In less than a minute's time a total of a half dozen straps crossed her body horizontally starting at her ankles and ending across her shoulders. The straps were so tight she could barely move and certainly couldn't escape. The final strap was the most frightening to Kari as it was a padded strap which went right across her forehead. Once the forehead strap was tight Kari could not move her head at all.
Mistress Kayla appeared in Kari's peripheral vision on her right side. Kari could see her remove a long thin clear tube from the sterile plastic bag. This was followed by a small tube of some kind of clear gel which Mistress Kayla rubbed around one end of the clear tube with a latex gloved finger. Kari could see the latex gloves Mistress Kayla was wearing were black disposable latex gloves like a health care worker would wear.
Mistress Kayla finished rubbing the end of the clear tube with the gel and she turned to look down at Kari. "Okay slave, I know this is frightening but your cooperation will make this far better for you. This tube is going to go into your nostril and down into the back of your throat so you can breathe. What I need you to do is try to relax and swallow when I tell you to, okay slave."
Kari was horrified, what the hell did she need a tube in her nose to breathe for? Kari's mind raced, trying to come up with some way to get out of this but she realized she couldn't even protest given her mouthpiece. Kari tried to blink rapidly in what she hoped might be recognized as distress.
If Mistress Kayla noticed Kari's rapid eye blinking she simply choose to ignore it as she held the tube up to Kari's right nostril. Kari felt the tube slowly being pushed into her nostril and she cried out but the mouthpiece prevented more than a muffled scream from escaping. The pain was not that great but it was incredibly uncomfortable as the tube made its way deeper. Kari was moving her fingers around in a feeble attempt to struggle and the sound of the silver rings in her fingernails colliding could be faintly heard in the room. Kari felt the plastic tube working its way to the back of her mouth when she heard Mistress Kayla telling her repeatedly to swallow. Kari awkwardly swallowed and felt the tube move just slightly into the back of her throat where it mercifully came to a halt a short time later. Kari's eyes were watering and she could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Very good slave! That went very well. One more and we will be done." Mistress Kayla confidently announced.
Kari could not believe there was going to be a second tube. It was only seconds before the next tube started to go into her left nostril. This time Kari fruitlessly tried to move her head but the forehead strap held firm. The only sound was the odd sounding whistling of Kari's breath through the mouthpiece's one way valve. Kari swallowed when told and felt the latest tube come to rest next to the first one near the back of her throat.
"Almost done slave, you did very well." As Mistress Kayla spoke she slid a small clear doughnut shaped piece of plastic up the outside of the right tube until it touched the outside of Kari's right nostril.
The object felt wet with lube or something and Mistress Kayla worked it up the tube until it completely blocked Kari's right nostril, holding the tube firmly in the center of her nostril. A second doughnut shaped piece was slipped up the left tube and seated firmly in Kari's left nostril. Kari could hear and feel her air being drawn in through the clear tubes and into the back of her throat. The sensation was unlike anything Kari had ever experienced and she was struggling to understand why Mistress Kayla was doing this to her.
As Kari watched helpless, Mistress Kayla raised the two free ends of the plastic tubes up in front of her face and then squeezed the ends closed. Kari tried to inhale but no air came through the tubes! Kari started to panic as she could easily exhale air though her mouthpiece but she couldn't draw any air in. Much to her relief Mistress Kayla released the ends of the tubes and air rushed into Kari's throat as she inhaled sharply.
"I see the seal is perfectly tight slave. That is exactly what we wanted. Now let's get you up and finish getting you ready." As she spoke she dropped the clear tubes to rest against Kari's corset and moved to remove the straps holding Kari to the gurney.
Once Kari was released Mistress Kayla helped her stand. The hideous breathing tubes hung from her nose like some kind of disgusting deformed appendages.
"Now hold very still while I take care of your tubes." Mistress Kayla ordered.
Kari felt the right tube pulled to the side of her face and then it seemed to be threaded into the hood behind her head somehow. The left tube went to the opposite side but also felt like it was threaded into the outside of her hood behind her head. Kari hated the breathing tubes but felt slightly better now that they were no longer hanging loosely from her nose.
Mistress Kayla led Kari back over to the cart next to the table. This time she attached Kari's leash to the cart. Kari watched as she picked up two black egg shaped objects which she quickly smeared with lubricant. Kari could see the "eggs" were covered with small rubber nodules and connected to each other by a black wire. Mistress Kayla came over to Kari and told her to stand straight. Kari had no more stood straight than she felt the bottom of the latex suit unzipped from in front of her sex. The suit had become warm with her body heat and the sudden rush of cool air on her bare sex was shocking.
Kari was just grasping how the latex catsuit obviously had a double zipper allowing it to be opened from both ends when she felt the two eggs unceremoniously forced against the outside of her sex. She felt her thighs slapped on the insides and as she reacted to the sting by spreading her legs the eggs were forced deep inside her. It happened so fast and with such force that she had no time to react until it was over.
Mistress Kayla had already reached back to the cart and picked up a black rubbery looking butt plug which she started coating with lubricant. She turned back to Kari with the glistening plug in her hand and announced, "Bend over slave."
Kari stared at the plug and then at Mistress Kayla who was starting to look impatient with her. Kari hated herself for giving in and her face burned in shame as she hesitantly bent over to receive the plug. She didn't have to wait long as she felt the slippery plug push against her tender rear. The now familiar sensation of her tight sphincter being forced open by the slippery tapered plug began and a brief sensation of pain as the widest part of the plug slipped inside her rear with a sudden popping sensation and then the base settled against her sphincter. Kari could feel something that felt like a very short, tiny wire extending out of the base of the plug. The wire was tucked between her cheeks by Mistress Kayla's fingers before she firmly closed the zipper of the catsuit over Kari's most intimate parts.
Mistress Kayla released Kari's leash and picked up the electric blue and green latex material. "Stand and then walk over to the table where I want you to sit on the table for this slave." Mistress Kayla ordered.
Kari walked awkwardly over to the table, incredibly aware of the items inside her intimate parts. Kari sat on the edge of the heavy wooden feasting table as Mistress Kayla opened the odd looking latex material up using a heavy zipper. Kari could feel the plug in her bottom press into her as she shifted her weight while seated. Mistress Kayla knelt and started sliding the latex material over Kari's feet. As soon as she had the material tight material over Kari's latex clad feet she released the material to hang from Kari's feet.
Mistress Kayla reached behind her to the cart and selected an odd looking pair of three inch wide rubber straps with thin silver roller buckles on each strap. As she quickly wrapped each strap around Kari's ankles and buckled them tight Kari realized there was a small chrome flexible joint joining the rubber straps together. Mistress Kayla reached to the cart again and selected another set of rubber straps designed the same as the first with the odd joint but the straps were longer in length than the first ones. These straps were buckled tight around Kari's calves. So the process went until Kari's legs were firmly buckled in the odd rubber straps at her ankles, calves, knees, and mid thighs.
Mistress Kayla grasped the latex material and began working it over Kari's bound legs. It took several minutes to work it up to Kari's knees and she pushed Kari back onto her back to finish. Kari tried to turn her thoughts from the plug and eggs inside her but it was difficult as the constant tugging of the latex on her legs was shifting the items inside her. Kari felt the latex finally settle just below her corset and then the pressure seemed to increase as the heavy zipper was pulled up the back of the material, sealing Kari's legs inside the incredibly tight grip of the latex.
"Okay slave we are finally good. Let me help you stand up." Mistress Kayla extended her arm and helped Kari into a standing position.
Once Kari was standing upright she was shocked by the sight that met her eyes. Where her legs had once been was now what could only be described as a fish's tail. The tail was made of latex but was incredibly detailed with shimmery electric blue scales and two large fins where her feet should have been. Kari could not believe it, she had become a mermaid!
The sound of something heavy moving and then the sudden sensation the table moving beneath Kari forced her to turn her attention to the table. Almost as if by magic the table had split down the center from one end to the other to reveal a full length Plexiglas compartment about six feet wide and seven feet deep. The bottom of the compartment was clear and it appeared as if it was suspended over an open chasm below the level of the surrounding floor.
Mistress Kayla used a remote to lower a padded leather strap from the ceiling on a steel cable. Kari was still staring at her tail in shock as Mistress Kayla slipped the padded sling under Kari's arms so that the cable was in front of Kari's face. Mistress Kayla then removed Kari's leash from her collar.
"Hold on to the sling slave." Mistress Kayla announced as the slack in the cable was removed and the sling started to rise, lifting Kari up.
Kari held onto the sling for dear life as she was lifted completely up into the air and swung out and over the Plexiglas compartment. The sling lowered and to Kari's shock she realized the container was filled with water as her mermaid tail broke the surface of the crystalline water sending ripples across the surface in all directions. Kari was trying to comprehend what was happening to her when the sling stopped lowering her. At this point the water was up to her corset.
Mistress Kayla appeared beside her with two clear tubes that disappeared somewhere into the water below her. She worked quickly to somehow attach the tubes behind Kari's neck to the hood covering her head. As soon as the tubes were attached Kari felt a steady flow of low pressure air flowing into her throat. Kari knew she was somehow hooked to an oxygen supply and it was a very unsettling realization. Why did she need all of this? She was mulling the question over when the sling suddenly released her and she fell into the water with a large splash.
Kari struggled to dog paddle to the surface but it was difficult with her legs bound in the mermaid tail as they were. Kari was only slightly relieved she could breathe through her air hoses as she struggled to swim to the top. Kari reached up to break the surface only to find that a clear Plexiglas lid now covered the top of the container. Kari tried to swim along the lid, looking for an opening but there was none! Worse was the fact the water level had risen and there was no longer an air gap at all. Kari was trapped in the equivalent of a giant aquarium!
Chapter 38 (added: 2012/11/16)
Kari was frantically making her way to the other end of the aquarium in an effort to find some way to escape. The fact she could breathe thanks to the air hoses was little comfort. As Kari exhaled in a panic, a trail of fine bubbles was released through the one way valve on her mouthpiece.
Kari was startled by Mistress Kayla's crystal clear voice in her ears, "I assure you there is no release until we decide to release you from your watery cage slave. I would suggest you take a pause and gather yourself. You can breathe just fine and will be able to do so the entire time you are in the water. Instead of wasting your energy floundering about you should practice using your tail so you don't appear so clumsy to the guests that will be arriving soon."
Kari slowed but continued making her way to the opposite end of the aquarium where she discovered it was just as secure. Kari tried to push against the top of the Plexiglas by bumping it with her elbows but it did not give at all. Kari tried frantically to get out for another minute or so before realizing she was truly resigned to being a "mermaid."
Once Kari stopped struggling she floated just above the bottom of the aquarium. She discovered that her "tail" must have trapped some air which gave her some buoyancy in the water, preventing her from sinking all the way to the bottom of the aquarium. Kari slowly looked around and discovered her aquarium was at least six feet wide, seven feet deep, and at least sixty feet long.
Kari turned around slowly and the tiny bubbles she exhaled tickled the edges of her lips as they rose past her face to the top of the aquarium. Kari realized she could still see despite being underwater and she understood the reason for the tight fitting clear goggles now. Kari inhaled deeply and filled her lungs as deeply as her rubber corset would allow. She was delighted to find that with her lungs full she floated even higher in the water, nearly touching the roof of the aquarium. As Kari exhaled all of her air in a cloud of tiny air bubbles she slowly sunk back down until she was once again hovering just above the bottom of the aquarium.
After experimenting with her air intake and exhalations for several minutes she discovered she could certainly control what level she was floating in the aquarium. Kari moved her tail by kicking her legs in a type of dolphin kick and to her amazement she moved down the length of the aquarium a few feet. The movements were clumsy at first but as she practiced she became much better and was actually able to move around the aquarium with some effort. The purpose of the odd joints binding her legs together became obvious as it allowed her a little extra flexibility when using her tail. Kari started combining her arms with the tail movements and she was amazed to find how agile she actually was underwater. If the situation were different she would probably have really enjoyed her turn as a mermaid she mused.
Suddenly as Kari was swimming she noticed the aquarium was dropping beneath the top of the table. Kari watched as the table slid shut over the top of the aquarium, shutting out the overhead light and leaving Kari in an eerie darkness. She was confused by the sudden concealment of the aquarium, wasn't she supposed to be on display or something for the guests? If that were the case why was she now hidden? Kari reminded herself she certainly had no desire to be put on display like some freak. Kari took comfort in the fact she was still able to breathe freely. The absolute blackness surrounding her was unsettling though.
Just as Kari was starting to adjust to the infinite darkness surrounding her she was blinded as a series of hidden lights in the floor of the aquarium illuminated the interior of the aquarium all along its length. The lights were a mixture of gold, blues, greens, and purples. The lights were spaced about four feet apart and in between the holes for the lights the floor of the aquarium was now a giant mirror.
Kari stared in shock and amazement at herself in the mirror. Kari could see herself for the first time and even though she knew it was her in the mirror the reflection was like someone, actually something else. Kari's legs were sealed in the electric blue and green shimmery scaled latex mermaid tail which actually looked very lifelike, especially the way her thoroughly bound legs forced her to move inside it. The rubber corset was also a mixture of the electric blue and green colors as well as having some black accents to highlight her breasts and stomach. There was some electric green trim under her breasts the formed half cups and gave the illusion Kari's breast were supported by seaweed. Kari could clearly see her swollen electric blue nipples protruding through the latex catsuit as they were each firmly in the grasp of the polished silver claws of the crab on each nipple.
Kari shifter her gaze to her hands and she could see the silver fingernail rings glittering in the aquarium lights, forming their own miniature light show as she moved her fingers. Kari's long electric blue nails only accentuated her otherworldly look. Her eyes froze as she saw her face for the first time in the mirror. Kari's face had been made up in a series of sparkly electric blue and electric green makeup. Her lips were an incredible shade of electric blue outlined with a very thin electric green line. Kari's eyes were completely foreign to her as the pupils were electric blue and the surrounding irises were electric green. Kari could barely see the all but invisible tubes coming out of her nostrils and going into small tubes built into the sides of the electric blue and green hood.
The latex hood itself was amazing as the top of the hood was designed with dozens of ridges that were incredibly detailed to resemble electric blue and green braids sweeping from her forehead back to the mass of hair that was her own braided hair. The oxygen tubes that her nose tubes plugged into were cleverly designed as two rows of braids amongst all the other braids. Kari's eyes snapped back to her own braided hair which was identical to the false braids on the hood...her hair was now a mix of electric blue and electric green braids! She immediately had a flashback to the odd colored shampoo and the strange hair dryer type device. Somehow it had served to color her hair completely. The last thing she noticed was startling as well and that was the ears of the hood which covered her own were pointed at the top. It reminded her of the elves' ears on some of the fantasy movies she had seen before. Kari stared at herself and it wasn't her but instead some exotic yet beautiful mermaid staring back at her.
Kari's quiet reflection was interrupted as the lights in the bottom of the aquarium suddenly went dark. Kari held her breath as the table above the aquarium slowly opened and the aquarium started rising up through the opening. Kari moved along the length of the aquarium as the edges of the surrounding table were sliding by the sides of the aquarium. Kari paused in her swimming to watch as the aquarium rose all the way up until the bottom was even with the top of the table. The sight that surrounded Kari was surreal and she just floated in the aquarium as she tried to process everything around her on the outside of the aquarium. Suddenly the lights in the bottom of the aquarium all came on again, illuminating Kari in the multicolored glow.