Part 1
Have you ever faced a decision that might change your your life and involve a little danger and suspense? My name is Debbie and I'm a college student in Southern California. My measurements are 36-24-35 and my weight is 125lbs. Fortunately I can get plenty of dates but haven't found my dream man yet. For spending money I babysit on occasion and that's how this story got started.
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Mr. Lever called me to babysit his one year old daughter Sue on a Tuesday night. His wife died in a tragic car accident a few month's ago and I'm his emergency sitter when he has to entertain clients. Mr. Lever owns a major advertising agency and has been friends of my family for years. His mansion is less then a mile away from my parents house so time and transportation is no factor.
Arriving at the house at seven o'clock Mr. Lever told me the nanny has all ready fed and bathed Sue so she was ready for bed. After playing with the baby for a hour she was ready for a good night's sleep. There is a baby monitor next to her bed which is connected to every room in the house so I would know if she woke up and needed me. There was a workout room downstairs which I had permission to use that killed a couple of hours for me each night. Looking for a towel to dry my self off with I opened a door to the linen room. Most definitely the wrong room. Hanging from the walls was all different types of ropes and manacles. The walk in closet had all types of fetish clothing in latex, rubber and leather. A TV/VCR was in one corner with at least fifty tapes in a rack on the wall.
I've been tied up by my boyfriends and by other kids I sat for and always escaped from their tightest ropes which really disappointed my boyfriends.
Unfortunately a little session of self bondage was out of the question with Mr. Lever expected home any minute. I did pop in one of the tapes made by a Jay Edwards that showed naked women tied up with many ropes and positions. I wondered if I could get out of those tight ropes. None of my boyfriends ever tied me up that tight. I heard a car pulling into the driveway and turned off the TV.
I greeted my employer at the door and told him everything was all right and his daughter was sleeping thru the night. He asked me what I did all night and I told him I worked out and watched one of his bondage tapes.
"Did you enjoy it?" he asked me. Very much so and I want to borrow a few tapes to take home with me.
"Are you into bondage Debbie?" he asked me. Yes was my reply but I always escaped the ropes with no problem. Maybe next time I come over we could make a little bet?
"Sure Debbie I bet you three hundred dollars you can't escape my ropes. You think about and let me know." he said.
Part 2
Walking home from the Lever's house I decided that my last conversaton with him was beyond wierd. Looklng back it seemed to me that he expected me to find his bondage gear. He wasn't surprised or affended at all at my snooping. It seemed to me he wanted me to find out his secret and wanted to tie me up. Still three hundred dollars was a lot of money and I was craving a little sexual adventure. Mr. Lever was a real hunk and he was a friend of the family. After getting home and watching the three movies I was so turned on that I had to put myself in bondage with my hands cuffed together behind me and ropes tightly around my ankles I fell a sleep dreaming about being tied and gagged by Mr. Lever.
A few nights later my mom got a phone call asking if it was all right for me to babysit all night over to Mr. Levers house. I told her yes I would and decided to take a shower to cool off and look my best tonight. I was so hot I almost came taking a shower. My boss and master met me at the door. Go downstairs and change into this catsuit while I get your ropes ready. Don't worry about Sue my sister is watching her tonight. My catsuit had a zipper down the front and was made from sheer nylon. It left very little to the imagination but would protect me from rope burns. I walked downstairs and saw a video camera facing me. You look fantastic Debbie you should be a model. I guess by the looks of the camera my first modeling job is now. My host asked me if the camera was ok and I said sure just so the tape is between you and me. Of coarse my dear let us get started.
My hands and elbows was soon secured with quarter inch cotton sash rope. More rope went around by arms and breasts and was cinched down by some sort of harness arrangement around my armpits and neck. Another rope went around my stomach and beween my legs circling my upper wrists and back down between my legs. He did that four times and sunk the rope deep into my sex. That should keep you entertained for a while my captor said. Soon my legs and ankles were hogtied to my wrists and elbows. Looking at all the ropes I wondered if I could get free in a hour. Laughing at me Mr. Chuckles told me that I had one hour to get free and win the money. What happens if I can't get loose. Anything that I want to happen that is why your are not gagged. Oh shit what did I get my self into.
Part 3
As soon as Mr. Lever left I started to squirm in my ropes. My first decision was to try to get free of my hogtie rope. Bending my legs I was soon able to untie the rope leading from my ankles to my arms. Next on my things to do list was freeing my ankles which took only a few minutes. Now I had some mobility to find something to cut my hands free. My arms were already starting to go numb and moving my arms was out of the question. Tugging on my crotch rope was pleasant but wasn't going to help my escape. What I needed was something with a sharp edge to free my hands.
Looking around the room my eyes found the solution to my present problem. One handy dandy letter opener was on top of a oak desk across the room. Four hops later brought me to my gift from heaven. Damn, the opener was just out of my reach. Bending over I managed to clamp my teeth on it and move it within reach of my hands. I soon realized that I couldn't get enough leverage to cut the ropes. Opening up one of the drawers I managed to wedge the opener inside of the drawer. My luck and time was running out when finally the ropes on my hands was loose enough to get free from.
Thank God one of the ropes that was cut was my crotch rope because any more yanking on my part would have given me an orgasm. Using the same tactic my elbows was soon untangled from the ropes. The rest of my bonds was easily taken off my body and I was free.
Mr Lever couldn't believe his eyes when he saw me watching T.V. and laughing at him. He gave me my three hundred dollars and a big kiss. Are you going to give me a second chance he asked me. Are you going to give me another three hundred dollars was my reply. He just smiled and kissed me while he put handcuffs on me behind my back.