- Author - Inferno of the Soul
- Rating -
   [ 3.99 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1154 of 2955
- Story Codes - f-self, consensual, self-bondage, toys
- Post Date - 1/25/2006
Sarah’s’ life had finally gone her way. She landed a great job at a major company and finally been able to move out of her parent’s home. She had just finished unpacking all of her belongings and was considering living out one of her fantasy. She had been into bondage for about three years but couldn’t really do anything too risky but now she could play and add the thrill of being seen in bondage. It was something that she had always wanted to try and now that she had the chance she was going to do what she had always wanted to do.
She stood up and stripped off her clothing. As soon as she entered her room she was as bare as the day she was born. She walked over to her closet and thought about her plan to make sure there wasn’t a weak point in it. She would tie herself up and use electrically controlled padlocks to hold her in bondage. The remote that would open the lock was outside in a small garden shed in her back yard. All she would have to do was wait until the sun fell and night gave her some cover, then make her way outside and push the button.
“I can’t believe that I am finally able to do this,” she thought to herself as she her nervousness began to increase. She pulled a suitcase out of her closet and placed it in the middle of her bed. As she opened up the suitcase the room filled with the smell of leather and rubber. Sifting through all of her things she found the items she would need; a pair of wrist cuffs, a pair of ankle cuffs, a black ball gag, black leather collar, a black leather chastity belt, a small butt plug, a vibrator, a pair of Japanese clover clamps, and two 6-inch chains.
Only a couple more things and she would be ready. “Now were did they go?” she said aloud, looking for a pair of 6 inch knee-high boots. “Ha, there they are,” she called out, snatching them from behind a pile of clothes. Tossing them over next to her bed she went to her dresser to get the last few items. It didn’t take long for her to pull out a corset, seven padlocks, and a tube of lube.
Turning a full-length mirror towards her she would “get dressed” so she could watch herself become helpless. She looked at herself in the mirror while running her hands down herself. She was 5’8” with a nice tan. She didn’t have large breasts, but they were a large B cup.
The first thing she did was wrap her leather corset around her waist. She gathered the laces and placed them into a small box that quickly began tightening them. She grabbed the bedpost as she felt the corset tighten from just below her breast to just above her hips. A small beep sounded just as the corset stopped getting tighter. Sarah reached behind her and removed the box leaving the laces neatly tied into a single bow.
“I really hate putting this damn thing on but it feels so good,” she thought as she sat on the bed. She slid a foot into one of the boots and placing her heel on the bed she was able to pull up the zipper of the inside of the boot. She strapped on an ankle cuff around her ankle and, locking it on, she repeated this process with her other leg. Finally she locked one of the 6 inch chains to the D rings on her ankle cuffs.
Standing up, unbalanced at first on her booted feet, she strapped the chastity belt around her waist. Lubing up her anal plug she pushed it home. After placing a little lube on her vibrator she slid it easily into herself. Pulling the crotch strap as tight as she could she buckled it on the back of the belt. Now was the time for her collar. Picking it up she locked the 6 inch chain to the small D ring on the back of the collar. She then buckled the collar around her neck and gave a small shiver as the cold chain touched the bare part of her back.
Picking up one of her wrist cuffs she locked it onto her right wrist and then repeated this with her left wrist. There were only three more things to do before she would be finished. She opened her mouth wide to accommodate the rubber ball of the gag. Pushing the ball behind her teeth she then pulled the straps around her head, pulling as tight as she could stand, causing the ball to be pulled a little deeper into her mouth, before managing to buckle the strap.
She then began to play with her nipples until they were ready. Picking up the clamps she ran one of the clamps through the D ring in front of the collar. She then attached the clamps to her nipples. The chain on the clamps was too short so her nipples were pulled slightly upwards putting a constant pull on her nipples. She bit hard on the gag as she attached the clamps to her nipples. She picked up a small remote for her vibrator off her bed and turned it on to a random setting. Then she tossed the remote onto the top shelf of her bookcase so she couldn’t reach it once her final step was taken.
Now it was time for the moment of truth. She was about to pass the point of no return. Picking up the last lock she placed her arms behind her back and ran the lock through the D rings on the cuffs and the bottom link of the chain and then closed it. As the click of the lock catching echoed in the silent room Sarah knew it would be a long time before she would be free from her bondage. Now her freedom was in the control of Mother Nature. She would have to wait for the sun to set before she could venture outside to retrieve the remote that would unlock the padlocks that stole her freedom from her. That was at least another hour and an half, so about two hours before total darkness.
Sarah fell back on to her bed as her vibrator turned on to its highest setting. She moaned into the gag and twisted her body so she could pull on her nipples. She let out a frustrated cry as the vibrator shut off. This is what she loved about bondage - it was able to drive her to the edge and not let her cum. She had had partners before, but they never were able to tease her very well. They would tie her up and play with her body and then fuck her, never making her go crazy with pleasure, only filling their needs before hers.
Frustrated and horny, Sarah pulled herself to her feet groaning in pain as standing caused her to pull on her nipples. As she walked she felt the plugs in her pussy and ass move in and out of her, the slow fucking was driving her nuts. As she walked into the living room the phone rang just as she passed it and her vibrator went off at the same time scaring her and causing her to moan at the same time.
“Damn all I needed was a couple more seconds,” she thought to herself as the vibrator turned off. That’s how her day went as she walked slowly around her house - stopping when her vibrator switched on and cursing into her gag. “Finally” she thought to herself looking out the back door and seeing only darkness. She turned her back to the door so she could open it.
Quickly stepping outside she closed the door behind her and began her journey to the small shed at the other end of the yard. She had to move as fast as she could because with the high fence she could not tell whether her neighbours were outside. When had made it about half way to the shed a football landed right in front of her feet. “Shit” she thought as she heard her neighbours’ voices.
“Just go get it. I don’t think she will mind if you just hop over the fence. Get it then hop back over,” one of them spoke as another answered. “Ok I’ll get the damn ball- keep your shirt on.”
“Damn it, I mind,” Sarah said as she saw one of their hands grab the top of the fence. Sarah quickly hid behind a statue. “I think I am going to keep this statue now,” she thought as she hid behind the statue she had planned to have removed from her yard. She was now thankful that she hadn’t yet got rid of it.
“Heads up,” she heard the man yell, followed shortly by the sounds of wood being hit. She waited a good while before looking around the statue to see if the coast was clear. She didn’t see anyone so she made her way towards the shed again. The remote was sitting right where she had placed it on the small window sill just inside the door. She pushed the unlock button and removed the lock and pulled her hands slowly in front of her and releasing her nipples from the clamps, biting hard into the gag from the pain as the blood rushed into her nipples. After rubbing some of the pain out of her nibbles she removed the chain from between her ankles. She then quickly made her way back into her house.
Almost running into her bedroom she made her way for the bookshelf with the vibrators remote control on it. Grabbing it she turned it on high and fell back on to her bed moaning loudly into the ball gag that she still wore. It didn’t take long for her to climax. She lost all control of her body as her moans filled the room. She turned off the vibrator as her last climax began to subside and she slowly slipped off to sleep with a smile on her gagged mouth.