- Author - Margaret B
- Rating -
   [ 3.92 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1878 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, consensual, bondage, chastity, humiliation, toys
- Post Date - 12/4/2005
With each wrist and ankle strapped to the pillars on both sides and the high heavy collar on my neck I could not move enough to see my own feet or hands. Dressed in a black nylon fishnet body stocking, leather bra and panties to match I made a fetching sight. It was an unusual demonstration assignment in this up scale bondage store.
When the training gag went in my mouth and the blindfold covered my eyes, I began to think that anyone, customer, employee could walk up feel, molest, even rape me and there was nothing I could do. After a few minutes, I began to imagine how they would violate me and even hoped they might at least caress my breasts and legs, just a little. They announced that the store was open. Gawd, strangers would be walking up to me to get a close look! I began to panic from humiliation.
I stood there for over an hour blind, mute, and helpless as dozens of people walked by with a few making impolite and lewd remarks, but no one touched me not even once, damn it! Then the store manager came up to me and removed my blindfold and gag.
“If you will give your consent, we would like to demonstrate our top of the line vibrator on you. It is model number 8127, the pearl diver. It has a powerful dolphin shaped clitoris stimulator and a slight bend to enhance the female’s pleasure. It won’t physically harm you and I will be the only person touching you. Of course, most of the customers, male and female, along with our staff will be watching the demonstration. What do you think? Do I have your consent?”
This was my last chance at a good job. If I blew this assignment I could start practicing the line, ‘Can I take your order?’ Fast food counter work was the only career move from here. I really didn’t know what she was going to do with that thing. That sounds stupid. I knew what women did with those things. I had two of my own although not as nice as this one. I could not believe another woman would use such a device on me in front of a mixed crowd or any crowd for that matter. I made my decision.
I probably should have asked a few more questions. Where was she going to put it? Would I be disrobed? How long would the demo last? Who and how many would watch? If I asked questions, I might chicken out. Best to just do it with a smile. Slam, bam thank you mam. Get it over and done with.
“Great! Just relax and I’ll be back in a little while.”
Now, I could look around the store. The sales people, both men and women, were clad in costumes. Most of the men were naked except for a chastity device on their cocks. All the women were bare breasted including Samantha the manager and most wore stockings with leather panties and very high platform heels. The men took on the role of slaves and women took on the role of master, I guess I mean mistress. They would approach customers, some of which were also in costume, talk about their garments, demonstrate different items, answer questions, and make a sale.
Samantha had been drawn to a couple interested in nipple clamps. She pulled out a demo and clamped them on her bare nipples. I could hear her sales pitch.
“There is a slight pain when first applied that fades away after a minute or so to a mild discomfort and stimulation. If touched the pain returns. I find I am concerned about being bumped or having them moved which gives an ongoing emotional stimulation. If you leave them in place for an hour or more, removing them quickly brings a great deal of pain for a short time. There is the stimulation of fear when the slave is helpless and the master or mistress playfully manipulates them. We have a number of styles. This is model 4102, the thin nose. Would either of you care to try them on?”
The girl spun around turning her back to Samantha and giggled. She blushed totally embarrassed. The man suggested they buy an inexpensive set and try them in private. Samantha handed him a box and thanked him. She continued to wear them after they left.
A few feet away one of the male sales people was explaining how the chastity device he was wearing worked. The model 1894 locks on with a handcuff type device and with the mistress holding the only key her investment is protected even from himself. This style allows urination and the head of the penis can be tormented. Erections are always uncomfortable and once or twice a day pure agony.
The two ladies both dressed in leather and heels with very short black leather skirts listened intently. One asked how long it could be safely worn. The other asked if they were available metal free to go through airport security. In the end they decided to bring their slave husbands in for a fitting.
Across the room was a large TV screen playing DVDs of various bondage and punishment activities. I was amused by a short video of a farce. It was called “You Bet Your Balls”. It was a make believe quiz show where two mistresses brought in their naked male slaves. The slaves were led in by a leash attached to a collar just as I had been. A hostess, very sexy hostess, cupped one of the men's testicles in her hand and asked, “who’s are these?” The slave answered, “they belong to my mistress.” “So she can do what she wants with them. Tie them up, beat them, cut them off and feed they to her dog or even you. Right?” “Yes, mam.”
The show continued with various sexual tasks until the final task where the slave who had been ahead for most of the game lost in the last round by two points. He had a horrified looked on his face. A gag was put in his mouth, his head cover, and he was dragged away kicking by two strong men. The show ended with a look at an operating room and a doctor dressed for surgery. It only lasted five minutes and while I am sure the actor did not get castrated, we are led to believe that is what happened to the slave.
A young lady came up to me and gave me a drink of water then adjusted my makeup. There was an announcement over the store loud speaker about a sexually stimulating demonstration directing everyone toward my position. At that moment the lady unbuckled and removed my panties carrying them away. A crowd began to gather.
“This is our top of the line vibrator. It will do things to a woman that men only wished they could do.”
Samantha started to apply a thin coat of lube to the device, but decided it was not needed. She was slow and gentle. First adjusting the opening of my garment and then caressing the outer lips of my pussy with a light touch to my clit. She looked me in the eyes, smiled, and then came very close pressing her bare boobs against my leather bra and whispered in my ear.
“You don’t need to cum. But please try to act like it is giving you pleasure. Let out a couple of deep moans and make a shriek as it goes in. A little acting, even a faked orgasm, will go a long way to sell them.”
Slowly and gently she worked the device into my pussy. In and out with a turn, she increased my natural wetness. I moaned from the pleasure. I could not look down to see what mischief she was getting into down there. There must have been fifty eyes watching as she began to give me sexual release. Even before the vibrator was fully inside me and long before it was turned on, I became overwhelmed by Samantha molestations.
Nothing about my response was faked or in any way an act. When the clit stimulator struck my G spot and she turned it on, I went over the edge. I don’t remember what she said or did after that. I had three of the wildest climaxes one right after the other. I screamed, begging her to stop, and hoping she would ignore my cries over and over at the top of my lungs. I went into a euphoria that no man, woman, not even my own hand could have brought. Her demo lasted, maybe, three minutes and I was rung out. Totally spent. There was nothing left. Gawd, it was great!
Within ten minutes all the boxes of vibrators stacked on two tables just behind me were sold out. Samantha gave me a sexy French kiss before she walked away leaving the turned off sexy probe deep inside me. Juices drooled out of my pussy and soaked the fishnets inside my thighs. I even made a small puddle on the floor. Male customers smiled as they walked slowly by and the young man wearing the 1894 appeared to be in great difficulty.
Half an hour later Samantha came over beaming telling me how great I was and said they sold out every unit. She gave me several romantic passionate sexy and sensual kisses. Then she slowly removed the device from my body taking advantage of me with a push here and twist there. Rubbing her finger up the shaft she sucked my juice, then turned and walked to the locker room. I am certain she licked my fluid from the dildo before washing her saliva off.
Some time later I was freed from my helpless humiating exposed state. I showered, then laid down for a while. After a brief rest, I probed my very happy pussy. Then I dressed in my own clothes and went to meet Samantha.
“Here is the regular $300 plus $100 bonus. We rounded up your commission, which comes to $200 more. Next weekend I want you to do a flogging demo. I will be the only one hitting you and I promise it won’t be hard. Just redness and a small welt or two. You will be sore for a few days, but nothing requiring medical attention.
No blood! I will double your regular rate and you should make even more commission. Please think about it! You were so good today. Next week you will be laid out on a bench. I think you will be naked except for a leather garter belt and black dark seamed stockings. Maybe shoes like the ones I am wearing. I’ll do your back and ass with a couple of our better floggers and a few strokes of a crop.”
As she counted out all that money, I realized I had come to the wrong place. The agency always pays me a week later; I never get cash from the client. Later I realized my error. I was on fifth street , not fifth avenue . This was more money in six hours then I had ever made in a week! She asked me my shoe size. I was about to say eight and then changed it to eight and a half. I may as well be comfortable while I’m getting whipped.
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