- Author - bootboydco
- Rating -
    [ 4.26 actual ]
- Site Rank - 957 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, consensual, bondage, humiliation
- Post Date - 11/13/2005
It all started as results of an on-line ad that I placed on a B&D web site. In the ad there was a series of questions to fill out. One of the questions was about a B&D fantasy. I answered that it would be my ultimate fantasy to be forced into trying on a pair of high heel thigh high boots in a store. Then being forced to pay for them and wear them out of the store. All under the direction of my mistress.
Some time had gone by since I had placed the ad and I had not gotten much response. One day I got an e-mail from two Dominant women who said they were looking for a boy toy for heavy bondage, S&M and humiliation. They had read my profile and wanted to know if I was for real. They really wanted to know if I was truly willing to let them dress me in high heel boots in a store and humiliate me in public. Like a fool I said, yes.
Over the next two weeks we chatted on line about the scene. I dealt with only one of them, her name was Jill. She was the dominant in their relationship. Her girlfriend/sub was Anna. They both liked to dress up and go out in public and to parties. Jill said they would have no problem going out in public with me dressed in my outfit.
After a phone conversation we set a date and time. I could not believe I was going to go through with this. We had decided to meet on a Tuesday night at 7:00 pm. That would give us enough time for me to try on more than one pair of boots if necessary. There was a shoe store in the mall that carried all kinds of high heel shoes and boots. They stocked up to size 13 in most of their shoes and boots. I wore a size 12.
As the day approached I became more apprehensive about what I told Jill I was willing to do. She had told me that almost every guy the encountered on the internet was a phony. Jill called me on Tuesday afternoon to confirm our evening plans and to make sure I was not going to back out. She also told me to be there at 6:00pm instead. I got off the phone and began to get ready.
I showered and laid out my clothes for the evening. I would be wearing a white pair of long sleeve, footed ballet tights that zipped up the back to my neck. Then I laced myself into a leather corset and put on a pair of tight leather forearm length gloves. Over this I put my street cloths and my leather jacket. I called a cab and got to the mall at 5:45pm.
As I walked through the mall I had to go past the shoe store to meet Jill and Anna. Just my luck, there was a sale going on. There were at least five or six women trying on shoes and boots and two more female employees. I hoped there would be fewer women in there when I am in there trying on my boots. I also noticed that the store was in the middle of the mall, a long walk in any direction to get back outside.
As I approached our meeting place I began to really have second thoughts about what I was going to do. I still had a few minutes before they would show up. I thought to myself I should get out of here before they get here. I must be nuts, what if someone I know is here in the mall. I don’t even know if I would be able to walk that far in high heels. And who knows what they plan on doing to me when we leave here. Their first e-mail said they were into heavy bondage. We had never discussed that. I was so deep in thought that I never noticed the two leather clad women walk up to me.
I recognized Jill’s voice when she asked me my name. She wore black leather pants, high heel boots, a silky black blouse, black leather gloves and a black leather jacket. Anna was standing behind her wearing almost the same outfit except she wore a black leather mini skirt and knee high black leather boots. They were both attracting the attention of everyone in the mall. I also noticed a leather slave collar around Anna’s neck, locked on with a small padlock and a rather large hand bag on her shoulder.
We sat down at a table in the middle of the mall. Jill said the rules are simple. I was to address them as mistress at all times. I was to answer only yes or no and was not able to say anything else. I said yes mistress. Jill said I was not permitted to refuse any order or request. To do so would immediately end our relationship. I said yes mistress.
Jill produced a slave collar and padlock from Anna’s bag. Jill said that the keys to all the locks were left at their home. If I wanted to back out now was the time. Jill ordered me to put the collar on. I did so with out thinking and locked the padlock. Jill ordered me to my feet and we began to walk towards the shoe store .I got some strange looks as people noticed the collar. There was no hiding it, I was so embarrassed and it felt great.
When we got to the store there were still five women there and three female employees. Jill walked in and told the sales girl that I was her new slave and that I needed a new pair of heels for my training. The sales girl laughed and said OK. Jill said that she wanted me to try on several different pairs and to model them for her. The sales girl said that most guys just buy there size and leave, she never had one actually try on shoes in the store. Jill then told the sales girl that I was looking for thigh high boots. She said cool, but it will be hard to get them on over those pants.
Jill told the sales girl that I had a pair of ballet tights on under my clothes. The sales girl said, let’s see. I was ordered to remove my street clothes. All the women in the store were watching me. I removed my jacket, shirt, pants and shoes and placed them in a store bag. I was standing there in my tights, corset, gloves and collar. My hands and knees were shaking. I looked at my reflection in one of the many full length mirrors. The white tights were almost see through and my erection was clearly visible through the tights.
The women in the store all stopped what they were doing to watch me. One said nice outfit, I wish I had a slave. Another said nice package. It seemed they were all staring at my crotch. One of the sales girls took me by the hand and led me over to a chair and told me to sit down. Jill looked at the selection of boots on the wall and chose a pair of five inch heel, black patent leather thigh high boots.
While we waited for the sales girl to return with Jill’s selection, I watched Anna picked up the bag with my street clothes in and walked out of the store. Jill said that I would be wearing my new boots home today. We might as well start training right now, she said. Up until now I still could have backed out, put my clothes back on and walked out. Now they had my clothes, wallet and keys. Though not restrained in any way I was at their mercy.
The sales girl returned with a large box. When she opened it revealed a shiny pair of boots. She handed me the left boot and I tried to put it on. I was unable to bend forward due to restriction of the corset. She said you poor thing let me help you on with these. I slipped my feet into the boots and she slid the zippers up my legs. The boots came half way up my thighs. They felt great.
Jill ordered me to walk the length of the store, and model for the ladies. Two of the women in the store produced camera phones and began to take pictures. Jill said that she liked the boots but the patent leather did not match my corset and gloves. Nor would they match the rest of the bondage gear I would soon be wearing. Hearing that made me excited and scared at the same time. Jill looked at the selection of boots and chose a pair of black leather thigh high boots, with five inch heels and lace up front.
One of the women in the store asked Jill about the other bondage gear she had referred to earlier. Jill produced a pair of long black leather gloves from Anna’s hand bag. Jill said they were bondage mittens and would render the wearer completely helpless. Two more women came into the store, and none had left. It was clear they were enjoying the show.
Jill had me stand with my face towards the wall and make fists with both hands. She slipped my left hand and arm into the mitten and zipped it up. It came half way up my upper arm. Then she tightly buckled the cuff at the wrist. She did the same with my right arm. Once again Jill had me model for the crowd. She said I was now truly helpless. I could not hold keys, work on ropes or even remove my own boots. She was right; I could not move my hands at all.
The sales girl returned with a second pair of boots. She removed the patent leather pair and replaced them with the black leather lace up ones. She tightly laced each boot up my leg. When she was done she said, wow that looks hot. Once again I was ordered to model for the crowd. Some of the women wanted their pictures taken leading me around by my collar. Another one wanted me to get down and kiss her shoes. Time seemed to fly by, but the clock on the wall said it was only 6:30pm. We had only been here for 20 minutes; they could toy with me for two and a half more hours.

Jill said that my hands were only getting in the way. She had me put my hands behind my back and used the cuffs on the mittens to lock them there. Jill chose a third pair of boots for me to try on. She chose a pair of five inch heel, black leather thigh high boots that zipped up rather than laced. She said the zipper boots better matched my mittens. One of the sales girls removed the lace up boots, while the other got the next pair I was to try on.
The sales girl helped me on with the boots and zipped them up my legs. Jill said that she liked them and that we would like to purchase them. Anna gave my credit card to one of the sales girls, while Jill produced a pair of high heel ankle cuffs from the hand bag. The cuffs went around each ankle and had a strap that went under the heel to the other side. This made removing the boots impossible without removing the cuff first. Anna put a cuff on each ankle and then had me put my feet close together. She used two padlocks to secure a short chain between the ankle cuffs.
Anna had me stand up and try to walk. The chain was only three or four inches long and made balancing hard with my feet so close together. Walking was even harder, I was forced to take baby steps. And the chain seemed to make a lot of noise. Jill produced a leather dog leash and attached it to the ring on the front of my collar. She offered the leash to the women who were watching. They took turns walking me around the store and taking pictures of each other leading me on the leash.
After paying for the boots, Jill thanked the sales girls and the women in the store for their patients while we found the perfect pair of boots. One of the women asked me if she could post the pictures on her web site. Jill answered for me; she said that would be fine as long as she sent her a set too. Jill looked at me and said, time to go. We have some more shopping to do before the mall closes. I looked at the clock on the wall; it was only about 7:00 pm. Is she really going to make me walk around the mall like this for the next two hours?
Jill took the leash and headed for the the mall. Up until now I had been walking on carpet. The first step I took onto the tiled floor of the mall seemed so loud. The clicking of my heels and the jingling of the chain between my ankles seemed to over shadow all the other sounds of the mall. People were beginning to stare, I was utterly humiliated. I hung my head in shame and looked at the ground, as much as the posture collar would permit. As great as it felt I hoped this would be a short walk to their car. Jill had other plans.
About ten feet outside of the shoe store, Jill stopped and turned around. She handed Anna the leash and took her hand bag away. Jill produced one leather wrist cuff and secured the hand loop of the leash to Anna’s left wrist with a small padlock. Jill told us she would meet us at the car. As Jill began to walk away she said she might do some shopping at the other end of the mall and if the car was not there to walk back through the mall to the other end. I was horrified; there were three other ends of this mall. Anna tugged on the leash and said lets go bootboy, if I know Mistress Jillian it’s only going to get worse from here.