Finally! It was 5 o’clock and I packed up my desk for the weekend. All I could think about for the past two weeks was tonight. It was Friday October 30th, and I was going to a costume party with a couple of my girlfriends from college. I headed straight for my apartment in anticipation of the night ahead.
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I share an apartment with Kara, my best friend from college, and I have since we both graduated three years ago. I expected she would be home by the time I got there because she was getting her costume ready for tonight too. The best part about this was neither of us knew what the other was going to dress up as – it was like a secret competition!
I pulled in the driveway of our duplex, ran up the stairs to the apartment and burst through the front door in excitement. Inside Kara was sitting in the living room patiently waiting and she greeted me with that signature grin of hers which was mischief personified! I love that grin.
“Tracey! Finally, you’re home,” Kara squealed. “Tonight’s the night. Are you ready?”
“You know it!” I exclaimed. “This will be fun. So, who wants to go first? I’ll need a minute to get my costume together.”
“OK, why don’t you go get your costume ready and I’ll put my costume on in the other room,” giggled Kara. “Then come back in the living room and we can show each other together.”
“I’m good with that,” I said and excitedly scampered off to my bedroom.
We always try to outdo each other every year and my costume, simply put – was awesome! This year I was going to “dress up” as a female escape artist! I was extremely excited and found everything I needed over the last 3 weeks all the while keeping my little stash of gems hidden from Kara.
I’ve desperately wanted to be tied up by Kara for so long and what better way to mask my bondage fantasy than under the guise of a Halloween costume! I took off my suit jacket and tossed it on the bed. Opening the closet door I pulled out a black duffle bag which contained my costume items for tonight. I would dress up as a Vegas style female escape artist – but “escape” was not actually part of the ‘act’ tonight. I choose a black leather strait jacket as the center piece of my costume and accessorized around it. It was stunning and the smell leather was intoxicating.
The rest of my costume had to be sexy – because Kara and I love the attention we get at parties – so I changed out of my work skirt and into a pair of fishnet stockings and a black body suit. I wore my hair in a braid today – I didn’t want my long blonde hair to get in my face while I was “trying” to escape! I also needed to add a bit of height to my costume – being a petite 5’3” – so I donned my black leather knee high boots with the 3½” heels. They looked fantastic with the fish net stockings.
Now only partially dressed, I grabbed my duffle bag and went out to the living room to see Kara’s costume. When I entered the room I did a double take. Standing in the middle of the room was a five and a half foot tall furry penguin! Kara was dressed in the cutest penguin costume ever. It was the kind of costume you’d see at a theme park with soft plush black and white fur and deep black shiny eyes. It had big plush yellow feet and a yellow beak that completed the character costume. It looked like it was brand new!
“WOW!” was simply all I could say. “Kara, that is so cute! You are so cute. What a great costume!”
“Do you like it Tracey?” Kara said in a faint muffled voice from deep inside the penguin suit. “I thought this would be something really funny and a bit of a departure from our norm.”
“It’s incredible Kara. And so cute,” was all I kept saying.
Then the ‘penguin’ bent over completely at the waist and the beak gently touched the floor and out from the back of the furry suit emerged Kara. She arched her back and stood up straight pulling her shiny black hair back and wiping her forehead. The costume appeared to be one piece with the head attached and an opening in the back that allowed Kara to get into from behind.
“Ta-da!” said Kara in a much clearer speaking voice raising her arms high in the air. “Phew, that’s a bit toasty in there!”
Kara still stood in the feet of the suit with the bottom half of the costume still around her waist. She picked up the top half of the costume by grabbing the opening in the back from the sides. I walked over to her to take a closer look at her costume and Kara asked me how she did.
“Well,” Kara said, “I think I should get noticed in this tonight. The only problem is the vision through the eyes isn’t great and… hey, what the heck are you wearing Tracey? Are you a sexy cat burglar all in black?”
I was still in a bit of a daze while I rubbed the soft thick fur on Kara’s costume when she asked me about my costume. I stopped and then turned back to my duffle bag for my presentation.
“I too have something more than a little different for my costume this year Kara,” I proclaimed. “Something that will also get a lot of attention at the party.”
Kara sat down on the ottoman with half of her furry costume still hanging in front of her as I grabbed her attention with my enthusiasm.
“Good. I’m glad you’re sitting down,” I joked, “because this year I will be Tracey the Magnificent… female escape artist!”
With that proclamation, I eagerly pulled out the heavy leather straight jacket that I purchased just 3 weeks ago on the web. It was stunning. I had always fantasized about being tied up in a strait jacket and now I would get to do it IN PUBLIC!
“TRACEY!” exclaimed Kara, who stood up in amazement with her jaw hanging wide open, “that’s an awesome idea. A female escape artist! Whoa, we ARE going to get noticed tonight… but I suspect for very different reasons.”
“I don’t think we could have come up with more opposite costume ideas if we tried,” I said, riding Kara’s enthusiasm. “This will be so much fun tonight.” I was so thankful she liked my idea.
“You got that right Tracey” said Kara. “So you’ll be wearing that leather strait jacket tonight? I guess drinking will be a slight challenge for both of us! At least we won’t have hangovers to contend with tomorrow!”
We both laughed at that and then I proceeded to show Kara what else I had in the duffle bag to complete my costume. To go along with the straight jacket I also purchased a few varying lengths of chain and three padlocks. I figured the chains would add an industrial look to the costume and help sell the escape artist angle rather than looking too much like a bondage or fetish costume.
“You may have outdone yourself this time Tracey but I love it!” Kara said and continued in a playful tone, “I imagine you’ll need some help getting into this getup for tonight?”
“If you’d be so kind Kara” as I began to get excited at the realization of my friend tying me up in inescapable bondage for a night on the town!
I couldn’t wait to get started and luckily for me Kara was just as eager. She stepped out of her penguin feet and came over to examine my ‘costume’ and accessories.
“This is really heavy leather” as Kara picked up the strait jacket. “You don’t actually expect to escape from this tonight do you?”
“Not a chance silly” I said. “In fact, I suspect we’ll end the night exactly how we started it – standing right here in the living room with you undoing me from all this stuff.”
“But you’re supposed to be Tracey the Magnificent! Queen of escapes” laughed Kara. “Shouldn’t you be able to escape from this on your own?”
“We’ll see how I do once I’m in all this stuff” I said as my excitement continued to build. “This will be my first time strapped in the strait jacket so go easy… now help me get this on.”
Still holding the strait jacket, Kara moved in front of me and held it up for my arms to slide in. I was actually feeling tingles all over as my fantasy was finally being realized. Of course I had tried the jacket on many times in my room over the past 3 weeks but I was never able to feel the helplessness of actually being tied up in it – until now. The weight of the jacket was now upon me and Kara moved around back to do up the five straps.
“So Tracey, how tight do you want this to be?” questioned Kara. “Realistic escape artist tight or sissy party girl loose?”
“Should I take that as a challenge?” I quipped back to Kara.
And with that casual little remark I felt a sharp tug on the center strap of the jacket across my back. I let out a giant exhale as the air was forced from my lungs.
“How’s that for a start?” said Kara with an evil grin. “Should I go another notch?”
“No, that’s good,” as I exaggerated a playful deep inhale of air against the weight of her tugging.
I actually loved it. Kara was tying me up in a strait jacket and having almost as much fun as I was having. How perfect. She continued to tie the remaining buckles in the same snug fashion. There were five straps in behind with one high strap at my neck. Kara didn’t do that strap up too tight and for that I was thankful.
“Well aren’t you a sexy beast,” growled Kara as she moved in front of me to take a look at her handy work. “The black boots and the leather jacket look so hot together! Hey, it looks like I missed a strap.”
Kara was referring to the straps on the front of the strait jacket used to hold my fore arms tight together and keep the wearer from pulling their arms over their head. I specifically looked for a jacket with this extra strap on it because I knew it would hold me much tighter. Kara then moved slowly in front of me and gently grabbed the two straps and looped one through the other in a manner that made my knees tremble.
There I was tied in my new black leather strait jacket in my fish nets and black boots and Kara was playing sexual mind games with me! I couldn’t believe it. I was so turned on! Then she backed away from me again and put her hand on her chin as if to study me like a painting.
“This needs something else to really sell it” Kara thought out loud. “Oh! That’s what the chains are for, right?”
“Mmm, hmm” was all I could come up with as I was numb with joy. Before I could even begin to describe to Kara how to go about wrapping me in the chains she had the first two in hand with a padlock and began laying them over my shoulder.
“This should work nicely,” Kara said as if she were designing a dress. “I think it needs to carry around the back and then have the locks in the front. That will have a much better effect, don’t you think Tracey?”
“I’m not in the best position to comment now am I?” I laughed. I was actually just glad to say anything to ease my growing sexual tension.
It took Kara a little over 5 minutes to wrap me up in the lengths of chain until she was satisfied. She then strategically placed the three padlocks through the chains on the front of my ‘costume’ for all to see. She even wrapped one length of chain down my legs to just above the knee so it looked even more convincing. Now I looked more like an escape artist and less like an asylum patient.
“You want to see the full effect in the mirror?” Kara asked feeling very proud of her contribution to my costume.
“It looks like there will be two of us waddling around at the party tonight,” I joked as I slowly made my way over to the full length hall mirror. It turned out I was walking a lot like a penguin in my 3½” heels, with the top half of my legs securely wrapped in chains.
“Hey, that is pretty funny,” laughed Kara as she watched me make my way across room. She followed a step behind to make sure I didn’t fall over but I did pretty good talking little steps.
When I moved in front of the mirror I gasped at my reflection. I was a sight in my black boots, fish nets, leather strait jacket and steel chains. The best part was I looked totally convincing. I looked like a sexy Las Vegas female escape artist. This was fantastic. And in the reflection just behind me was Kara with that wicked grin on her face checking me out. I did a little theatrical struggle for her to help sell the part for tonight.
“What do think?” I asked her. I could tell she was obviously mesmerized by my costume.
“I’m just thinking exactly how long are you going to last in that outfit before you want to be untied!” Kara said. “I mean, is it comfortable?”
“Ya, actually it’s not too bad” I said testing my bonds. “It’s pretty heavy with these chains on. It will also be pretty hot at the party all wrapped up in leather.”
“Well not nearly as hot as my penguin suit, I can tell you that for sure,” Kara added turning back to her costume on the floor. “I only had it on for a few minutes and I felt the heat.”
“It’s not fair,” I pouted playfully, “you can take off your costume easily enough but given how long this stuff took to get on I’ll likely have to stay tied up all night. Plus, what if no one wants to untie me?”
“Would it make you feel better if I stayed dressed in my penguin suit all night?” Kara jokingly responded in sympathy to my little act.
“Actually it would.” I said in a perked up voice. “I think that’s a great idea but I’ll need to have some assurance you’ll keep your end of the bargain. Look at me. What’s my recourse? You hold all the keys. I mean literally you have the keys!” I said as I motioned my head toward the padlock keys on the table.
“What exactly do you have in mind,” Kara asked suspiciously. There were now new stakes in our heightened competitive Halloween spirit and it brought out that wicked grin I loved so much.
“Well, there is one sure way to keep you in that costume tonight and it would also help you with the heat problem,” I cleverly started, “and that would be to wear nothing while you’re in the costume. No shorts, no t-shirt, nothing. Go buck naked!”
“Are you kidding?” Kara quickly responded. “Naked in that fur suit?”
“No, I’m not. It’s perfect. I’m ‘bound’ in my costume and you’d be ‘bound’ in yours. Just in a slightly different way. Hey, now our very different costumes are actually more similar than we originally thought! We would both be ‘bound’ in our costumes. But the best part is only you and I will understand the true connection.” I was a genius.
“I don’t know about this,” Kara thought out loud. She walked back to the Penguin costume that was still slumped over on the floor from when she stepped out of it earlier to help me with my outfit. “It certainly will keep me from taking off the costume with everyone around us but I can’t wear this thing for hours – it’s heavy and really hot. Look at it.”
I waddled over to Kara and she opened the back of the suit to expose the inside which I didn’t see earlier. I was surprised at how small the suit was for the wearer when you take into account all the foam padding. The rounded penguin shape of the costume came from a molded ‘pod’ on the inside and there were no hands or arms in the suit only small slits inside for her hands which were the fins of the penguin. Looking at the costume when it was on Kara was really cute but I didn’t consider what it was like from her perspective on the inside!
“One other problem I just thought of,” Kara said pointing to the back zipper. “Who’s going to zip me up if you’re tied up like that? If I’m going to be naked in this I won’t have my bare ass sticking out the back for everyone to see!”
“That shouldn’t be a problem Kara,” as I quickly thought of a way around this little dilemma. “Here, grab a coat hanger out of the closet and hook it on the end of the zipper and I can hold the end of the hanger with my fingers through the sleeve of the jacket. I’ll slide the hanger up with you inside and you’ll be dressed! Easy.”
And with that suggestion Kara shrugged and said, “OK, let’s try this out Tracey before I change my mind. So the point is neither of us can get our costumes off without help from the other person. The only condition is if one of us wants to leave the party we both have to go together. Deal? I don’t want to be ‘stuck’ in this sweat suit all night.”
“Deal.” I said as I watched Kara strip down to her bare nakedness. She had an incredibly tight 5’5” body with shiny black hair that went halfway down her back. This was a rare treat to see her completely naked right in front of me although she’s never been know as the shy type.
Kara then grabbed a wire coat hanger from the hall closet and stepped in to the feet of the costume while I watched her every naked move. She turned around and hooked the curved part of the hanger through the end of the zipper as I suggested and it hung down in place while she continued. She then proceeded to pull up the rest of the costume which looked heavier now and she wiggled her way into the back opening by bending over and trying to straighten herself up inside the suit.
Once she was standing up I could tell it was a snug fit for her because the suit wasn’t much taller than she was – meaning her head was all the way at the top of the costume. That was what made her so cute. It was a short chubby little penguin which was basically all padding around her tiny frame. Then Kara spoke in a muffled voice from inside the suit.
“OK Tracey, see if this idea of yours actually works.” Kara said and turned her back to me exposing the opening of the suit and not surprisingly, her bare ass, as previously expected!
“I can see your bum-bum,” I teased. And what a bum it was! Then Kara gave it a little shake. I only wish I had a free hand to slap that ass.
I managed to grab the coat hanger after a couple of tries and luckily the hook stayed attached to the zipper eye. I pulled the hanger and the zipper went about half way up the suit but couldn’t get it any higher because of my limited arm movement and my height.
“It’s working Kara but I need you to kneel down so I can get the last bit of the zipper closed,” I said in a slightly louder than normal voice. I didn’t know how well Kara could here me inside the suit since her voice was so muffled when she talked.
“You don’t have to yell,” Kara scoffed. “I’m right here.”
And with that she knelt down and I was able to close the last half of the zipper which went right to the base of the neck on the suit. I had to jiggle the hanger a few times to get it free from the zipper eye and only then did I realized we would need someone else to unzip Kara from the suit! The hanger was now useless and the zipper too small for me to pinch through the leather. Oh no, how I would get out of my costume!!
Just then Kara stood up and pretended to high five – or high fin – me knowing full well my tied arms wouldn’t allow it.
“We did it,” Kara said in her muffled penguin suit voice. “This should be fun tonight. Phew it’s getting hot in here already. It’s going to be a sweaty night I can tell. I may lose a few pounds the old fashioned way.”
“I wish I could hug you Kara, that costume is so cute. Hey, why don’t we get going now”? I said hurriedly, hoping she wouldn’t ask to be unzipped for some fresh air before we left – knowing full well I wasn’t going to be able to help in my current situation.
“Why not Tracey?” Kara said. “I’m getting hot just standing here. We can walk the two blocks to the party and get people’s reactions on the way. It’ll be fun. Could you get the door Tracey? My little fins don’t work too well on door knobs!”
Then it hit me. The deadbolt lock on our front door. It was at my eye level. I had locked it when I came home. I couldn’t reach anything above my waist being tied up this way and Kara hand virtually no use of her hands in the fins of the costume, which were also just above her waist. This was a definite problem and I hoped Kara wouldn’t panic in her costume.
“Umm, Kara.” I said in slightly worried voice. “How do you feel about staying in this year for Halloween?”
And with that, my cute little furry penguin friend turned to me and looked through her shiney black plastic eyes. I shrugged my tightly tied arms and gestured to the locked front door.
“Tracey... can you unzip me?” Kara asked as she instantly became aware of our very real problem. “Oh, dear.”