Zeek looked down at his erect penis and smiled; it was throbbing with expectation at its full length of a sixteenth of an inch. He was proud of his penis size even though it was merely an ornament for him. No one had ever been born whom he could marry and then take to bed, and Zeek was a religious zealot who believed that a person should not pleasure himself with the sinful activity of masturbation. If an activity was not motivated by yearnings to honor and glorify god, it was a sin. His mirth bubbled out of him with a shrill laugh that was beyond any human's range of hearing. At over two thousand years of age he could still get a hard on. Not bad, he thought, for an inch tall messenger from god.
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He scrutinized the naked woman, who was spread-eagled, from his perch on the iron footboard of the bed. He had watched her intimate ritual from the vantage point of an inoperable ceiling fan's blade before base jumping with his hand-made gossamer para-sail.
Her ritual fascinated him because of its creativity and attention to detail. The girl, like him, was a perfectionist. She had secured her own legs with nylons that should have been thrown out because of their runs. Two of these were used for each leg. To make sure that she gained the maximum amount of tension, the girl had stretched out her leg muscles before tying the knots that secured each leg to opposite corner posts on the queen-sized bed. The legs were spread to a degree that looked quite uncomfortable and Zeek knew they would be stretched further when the girl lay back. Next, she used a light coating of caulk as both a lubricant, to ease the insertion of an inflatable anal plug, and as a non-permanent method for sealing the sphincter of her ass tight as a drum. The girl checked to make sure that the release valve of the air pump, similar to those used for measuring blood pressure, was securely closed before she began rapidly depressing the bulb with concussive fist clenchings, causing the anal plug to grow inside her. Her face was red and eyelids clenched when she felt satisfied that the plug was big enough. On the base of the plug was a male connector which gave away the entrance of a hollow tube that ran through the middle of the plug and came out at the tip. She applied a light coating of caulk to this tip before slipping the female connector over it until it could go no further. The female connector was adjoined to a rubber hose that was fed into a metal tank filled with a mixture of hot soapy water and baby oil. The tank was customized with an electronically driven stopper which would steadily deliver a gallon of the mixture into her bowels when the timer went off in two hours. The total delivery time would be a half an hour.
The girl concentrated meditatively as she connected five screw-driven clips to each labia. The mechanics of each clip was such that a spring would hold the clip securely in place as a specialty electric alum wrench driver torqued each screw to the pre-set torque amount. The girl had tested the clips the previous week and had already set the wrench to tighten the screws to a degree which was right on the threshold of causing permanent damage. As the clips dangled she drew a metal band around her waist and strained until the two ends connected and the click of the lock engaging was heard. Riveted to the metal band were four quarter inch thick ribbons of steel that were welded to additional bands which she locked onto each upper thigh. At the ends of the clips were half-inch rings which she fed onto metal bars with five groves. Each band clicked as it came to rest inside the groves. The metal bars slipped into additional locks on each of the thigh cuffs. The master key to all of these locks was in a timed safe that wouldn't open for forty-eight hours. When the apparatus was assembled, a sheen of sweat covered the girl. Her labia lips were spread taunt and immobile. Next, came a female catheter which would deposit its fluid cargo in another tank suspended above the bed. Knowing that the catheter would eventually dislodge itself, the girl was obliged to coat the bottom two inches of it with a temporary glue she had obtained from a dentist who used it for securing wandering caps and fillings until time allowed for the proper oral procedure to take place. The girl knew the glue would take five days to dislodge itself so she had purchased adult diapers to deal with the incontinency that would inevitably follow her completion of the ritual. She did not look forward to the potential rashes or the bulk of wearing diapers, but was willing to endure the discomfort for the opportunity to complete her project. The adhesive burned at first, but that quickly subsided. Zeek once again marveled at her ingenuity as she removed the alum bit from the electronic wrench and slipped it into a small crevice in the belt where it clicked into place. He almost wasn't able to make out the sound of that final click due to the pitter-patter of the urine dripping steadily into the suspended tank.
The girl's chest rose and fell as she took a deep breath before lying back onto the bed. An agonized moan escaped from her as the labia lips were stretched even further open and the anal plug settled deeper inside her body cavity. The caulk would take forty-five minutes to set securely, but Zeek was confident the girl would follow through with her obsessive mission instead of trying to free herself. Even if she were to free herself, she would still be trapped in diapers for at least five days and her pussy would be open to the world for another two, Zeek reasoned. The girl did not disappoint him as she pulled two straps across her torso and tightened them until they visibly dug into her flesh. One strap was located directly bellow her belly button while the other locked into place beneath her cream-colored C-cup breasts. An eight pound weight was suspended from an eye-bolt in the ceiling with an intricate weave of wire bread-ties. A thin parachute cord also passed through the eye-bolt and streamed down to the bed where the girl was lying. The end of the cord was tied to a two foot length of chain with two more screw operated clips, one on each end. The girl took these and tightened them down on her engorged nipples with a second electric torque wrench, with a larger bit, that had been pre-set to a higher level of tension than the labial wrench. When each was secure she repeated the process of removing the bit, only this time she used electrical tape to secure it to the cord, a foot before where it was knotted to the chain. Firmly grasping the cord, just below the alum bit, the girl jerked six times in rapid succession. With each jerk the bread tie's hold on the weight weakened until they finally gave and allowed the weight to descend beyond its previous height. Slowly feeding out the cord and then the chain, the eight pounds were held aloft by her clamped nipples alone. The bit for the clamps was out of reach at this point, and a carefully placed miniature funnel secured to the cord and functioning as a liner-lock effectively prevented her from drawing the key back to her by pulling on the chain.
Zeek chuckled in admiration. Fear passed over the girl's grimacing face, then a devout acceptance. "Past the point of no return, darlin'." As if she had heard him, the girl recommenced the ritual. Slowly, she pulled a black leather hood over her head and began the arduous task of tightening the corset-like strings on the back of it. When she couldn't get them any tighter, she blindly tied a complex knot and zipped shut a loose flap of thick leather, effectively eliminating all traces of any strings. The end of the zipper had a small ring that lined up with its identical mate at the base of the hood. Groping blindly, the girl found the small lock used to unite the rings and snapped it into place. Two pressure bulbs were attached to the hood. As she pumped them, bulges appeared over her eyes and ears, effectively cutting her off from the outside world's intrusions of sight and sound. With cool and methodical calculation the girl reached for a bulky penis shaped gag that was two inches long. Next to the gag was a tube of quick drying rubber cement. She squeezed a generous portion from the tube and smeared it along the base of the gag and the harness which would hold it in place. She held it away from her and allowed the cement to begin to dry as per the directions she had previously read on the tube. After counting to three hundred she pushed it into place.
The gag did not entirely fill her mouth, but the cement was a quality product and it adhered to her lips as she buckled and locked it into place with the same type of lock that was used for the zipper. She again waited as the cement finished setting up, measuring its progress by the degree to which her lips felt immobilized. When she was satisfied that it was finished she again groped the bed around her until she found two hoses that bulged on each of their ends. She inserted the narrow ends of each of these one and three-quarter inch long hoses into each of her nostrils, then pulled a locking strap over her nose. Connected to the strap was a clamp that would ordinarily be used to pinch off the air supply to the nose. She had modified it so that, once it was clamped on, a narrow wire would cross under her nasal passages, thereby securing the hoses against evacuation. Beneath the inflated blindfold her eyes burned with tears of pain as the clamp crushed her nose into the unyielding hoses. With another tiny lock she secured the strap. One last strap extended from each of her temples to under her jaw. The portion of the strap that actually rested under the jaw was made of a mesh that cupped her chin and extended back to where her throat began. She cinched this tight and locked it into place.
Zeek doubled over in laughter as he continued to watch. "Lock jaw! Lord have mercy, she's got lock jaw!"
His shrieking was not noticed by the girl who fumbled at the front of the gag for another tubular male connector. When she found it, she coated its shaft with the quick drying rubber cement and straddled the shaft to the hilt with a female connector that was attached to the canister suspended above her head. While the cement was setting up, the girl reached for a chain that extended from the center of the headboard and locked it to a D ring on the top of the leather hood. Two more chains that were connected to the headboard, each two-feet off center, were pulled to D rings just below her ears, and locked into place. Then she buckled three-inch-wide black leather cuffs that were three eighths of an inch thick to each of her wrists. The leather cuffs were specially fitted with connectors on the backside of each wrist that eliminated the need for typical locks. The connectors were held in place with steel bands that ran throughout the cuffs, just beneath the leather exterior. To secure the bands together, the girl had to insert a titanium rod into the hinges which lined up when the cuffs were buckled on. The girl carefully completed this task with each cuff. Once the pins were in place, the only way they could be taken out was with a special magnetic tool which was safely locked away in the timer safe. With her nimble fingers the girl inspected the double backside connectors which looked like miniatures of the famous Space Needle of Seattle. With her left arm she stretched towards the top corner of the bed and found the locking fixture which had thus far stood sentinel over her endeavors.
She turned her wrist so that her palm was facing the bottom of the bed and slid the micro towers into their waiting holes. As the towers touched the back of the mechanism, it vibrated with the movement of steel closing around the top half of each of the connector's shaft and mushroomed heads. The girl was apparently not satisfied with her level of involvement, and desiring more sensations she extended her right hand until it found a hard plastic container. In this container was the result of over a week's worth of casual attention. The girl had obtained a case of deep heating medicated ointment and systematically boiled it down until it all fit into a jar the size of a tea cup. Its potency was only usurped by a few permanently damaging acids which still could not duplicate this creation's long-lasting non-permanent effects. It was ten times more `heating' than its factory origins and it lasted at least fifteen hours. When the girl tried it on her left wrist to test its capabilities, she was rewarded with a fiery ache that lasted for fifteen hours and a half. This was fifteen and a half hours after she had used her shaving razor to try to get it off her skin. Now she threw caution to the wind and scooped out a generous portion and smeared it over her breasts and her armpits. She was thankful that she was flexible because she was able to even get her right armpit before its tension-relieving abilities started to soak in. Zeek watched as she frantically shoved her right wrist's connectors into its waiting mechanism. The steel closed over the towers and a wench kicked on.
The girl's planning was so thorough it truly humbled Zeek. She had known that she couldn't be stretched taunt in a spread eagle after everything she had used on herself, so she had somehow figured out a way to have a wench, connected to the wrist locks, that would engage as soon as both wrists were secured. He noticed that she actually had two wenches, not one, and each was wired in such a manner as it wouldn't run until a distance was successfully navigated. Instead it would run only when a certain pressure was exerted with the pulling. He stared fixedly as the gauge rose to a hundred pounds and then stopped.
"Wow, what a perfectionist!" Zeek gazed at her setup with admiration and awe. He was pleasantly surprised as the action continued with a valve being electronically released from the hose going to her penis gag. He heard the air bubbles from the tube burp at the top of the canister of liquid and her throat bobbed up and down and she swallowed her first mouthful of her special mixture. In addition to the urine running straight from the catheter, she had poured two gallons of freshly made baby formula, a gallon of grapefruit juice, and a gallon of prune juice. Then, to slow down its flow rate, she had thickened up the mixture with a half a pound of unleavened bread. Since she was picking her ingredients for their vile taste and demeaning qualities, the unleavened bread had confused him. Zeek thought it was a strange choice, but now that he was able to see everything at this stage of its completion he understood that it created a perfect consistency that regular bread couldn't have duplicated. Zeek laughed out loud because the situation was so beautiful and the fact that she'd used unleavened bread for achieving her desired consistency made him swell with expectant ecstasy.
Although she had no range of movement, Zeek could sense the panic and anguish from his vantage point at the footboard. He hopped onto the bed and began walking towards her vagina. "This is what you wanted, you worked hard as heck to get here, I hope it's all you thought it'd be." Zeek tried to imagine all the different things she must be feeling. He imagined that she was able to block off most of the sensations when she was still engaged in her preparations, but now that she was immobilized all she could do was feel. "I would lose my mind in the face of all this sensation" he thought to himself. "All of her muscles are stretched taunt, her anus overfilled, catheters are always at least a little uncomfortable, pussy lips clamped and pried apart, nipples clamped and stretched, mouth sealed and getting filled with that nasty mix, I wonder if she can taste her own fluids yet, her nose looks mighty uncomfortable, that heat stuff is probably going full bore, and on top of all that she's eliminated almost all of her other senses. She can't see or hear and those nose hoses bypass her sense of smell. All she's got is her taste and her touch, but both of those are getting attacked and she can't do a thing to stop it. She's a genius though, a very twisted genius." Zeek shook his head to get the distractions out of his mind.
"Important work to do here, can't let my concentration slip or the big guy'll be awful disappointed in me." Zeek came close to the girl's pussy and once again admired the perfection of the setup. Carefully unslinging his tools, Zeek looked them over to make sure that nothing had been forgotten or damaged during his descent. When he was sure that he was ready, he hooked up the nine volt battery and hoisted his custom made tattoo gun. It looked akin to a futuristic bazooka with a gleaming ink-fed needle at its front tip instead of a missile cone. He moved closer to the taunt labia and began his work.
The girl knew something was up. Even as the anticipated sensations overwhelmed her, she was able to perceive an unexpected stinging coming from her pussy. For the first time she felt the tremendous urge to scream, but the seeping mixture kept her too busy to be able to afford that luxury. It was a blinding itching pain, like nothing she had ever felt before. She tried to struggle against her bonds, but she had been too clever with her design and found that, even if she was moving, she couldn't perceive it on even the most minute scale. Instead of going away, the painful rapture grew steadily got worse. The inflatable blindfold hindered her ability to cry and all she could do was feel the pain coupled with everything else. She was suddenly terrified of passing out and drowning on her foolish mixture. She knew she was at a threshold that was beyond normal comprehension when she suddenly felt something warm growing inside of her.
Zeek chuckled as the enema cycle began. "Fill `er up, wouldja? I'm kinda busy under the hood!"
An hour later Zeek wiped the sweat from his forehead as he stepped back to admire his work. The girl's labia lips were entirely covered with the newest chapter of the bible, written in tiny Aramaic words. She had bled more than he thought she would, but that was alright, just a little messy. He looked up and noticed her belly had swollen around the straps and metal belt. "Got a gallon of soapy suds in ya and I do believe you've had too much to drink. She must be delirious by now," Zeek thought, "just one more thing darlin' then I'm all through down here." Holding his equipment with his right arm, Zeek carefully climbed the metal clips to the top of the girl's vagina. He stepped onto the catheter and felt it vibrate under him with the fairly constant flow of urine coming from the girl. When he stepped away, an hour later, the bloody face of Jesus Christ was looking back at him from her clitoris. Zeek sympathized for the girl as he traveled throughout the bedroom moving timers ahead an additional twenty-four hours. The tattoo would be vulnerable until the healing process was given a certain amount of time, and his work was too vital to allow for any mishap. When he had finished resetting timers, he returned to his masterpiece and respectfully nodded to the girl one last time.
Zeek carried his gear to the edge of the bed and carefully climbed down. When he reached the bottom, he knelt in prayer. "Oh heavenly Lord and Master, Thy prophesy is now complete. The final book of the bible has been placed with Thy loving face watching over its keeping. If it be Thy will, I would lovingly stand before Thee this very day to bear witness to Thy greatness and divine glory. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
A queasiness seized Zeek as the floor fell away from him and he disappeared completely from the room.
The girl had been taken to a world of surreal pleasure during Zeek's work on the portrait. The pain from the needle's vibrating stabs into the vulnerable clitoris were so extreme that they crossed into a world of pleasure. Her vaginal juices spumed a well fed stream around her captured anus. Every thirty seconds her mind exploded with the fireworks of an orgasm, each display steadily become more and more rapturous. When the sensations finally came to an end, waves of pleasure continued to flood over her for another thirty minutes in a technicolor collage of glory, at which point the other feelings of her body began to regain a foothold. Her stomach cramped continually with attempts to expel the gallon of liquid that had been forced into her by the enema machine, and she felt further enticed due to the medicinal qualities of prune juice. Her pussy throbbed as if it was glowing with a pulsing hum of agony.
Her nipples must have roots, she reasoned, because the weight pulling them skyward was steadily working its way deeper and deeper into her breasts. Her armpits and breasts burned with the heating ointment that she couldn't stand having on her left wrist when she had originally tried it. She knew that there would be no permanent damage from the stuff, but in her mind the skin had melted away steadily every since its application. The gag feeder had finished serving the formula and juice mixture, and the girl had been swallowing mouthful after mouthful of her own urine for what felt like an eternity. Since she was essentially cut off from all outward stimulus, other than her self-imposed torments and the repercussions of Zeek's labors, she could no longer gauge the passing of time. The enema had been administered at the half-way mark of two hours and the gag feeder's change to straight urine should have been near the end, but the wenches refused to unwind despite the passion she put into her prayers for them to do so. Each minute became ten in her mind, and still she wasn't given back her arms. Her only motion was the steady swallowing of urine. She didn't realize the heating ointment had worn off at its predicted fifteen hours because she was hallucinating about the torment of the gag.
The fluid poured in through her mouth and her body tried to filter it, but couldn't, so it was brought back around through her mouth. With each passing through her body more and more moisture was absorbed, making the urine seem thicker and more vile. She felt that the urine should have stopped its cycle, but the original mixture had contained so much fluid that she was never able to completely empty the container. She reasoned that she could be dead, and this was hell, a hell of her own invention, when the wenches finally kicked on and released the tension on her wrist cuffs. Then the locking mechanism disengaged and her arms were free. This immobility had caused a reduced flow of blood into her extremities, and the girl was initially unable to move her arms as they awoke with a sensation of a thousand pins being driven into each nerve ending. Gradually this subsided and the girl became aware that the heating ointment had worn off, so something of her perfect plan had gone awry. Either the ointment was not as potent as she had thought, or she had messed up the timing device on the wrist restraints. She felt around for the keys to her salvation, but they had not fallen yet, so it must have been a bad batch of ointment.
The girl had known that if all the locks could be disengaged as soon as her wrists were free, then the session would end quickly and not be fulfilling. So, she had suspended additional keys out of her reach, which were controlled by electro-magnets on timing devices. The first keys to fall would be for the locks securing the hood to the headboard. They would fall exactly two hours after her wrists were released. After those keys fell she would have to re-engage her wrist restraints to locking mechanisms that were placed directly above her head. These restraints operated in the same manner as the previous ones, and were attached to additional wenches that were set for one hundred and thirty pounds of pressure. When they reached their apex, a series of devices would be engaged. A fan directed at the eight pound nipple weight would be activated. The moving air would cause the weight to sway, thereby turning the steady pressure exerted on the nipples into a variable jerking medley of acute discomfort. Another, more powerful fan would also be activated. This fan was directed at her vagina. To the protective grill surrounding the spinning blade were twenty ribbons which would extend on the moving air to the pussy, where they would whip and tickle at her vulnerable privates. Vibrators affixed to the bar securing her labial clamps would be the next to engage, specifically designed to send intense vibrations into the flesh that was crushed beneath the merciless steel vices. The enema machine would activate on a cleaning cycle which would draw the liquid out of her bowels and then re- administer it with an additional half gallon of water laced thickly with the girl's customized deep heating ointment. This douching process would operate on a rotating cycle that would complete itself every ten minutes. Finally, a two gallon bag of grape juice concentrate with finely ground up marijuana leaves would pour into the gag feeder. This gallon of mixture was held in a plastic bag above the canister the urine spilled into, to release it another electro-magnet would drop a half pound weight onto the button of a switch blade which possessed razor sharp edges on both sides of the blade. When the button was depressed the powerful internal spring would send the blade on its arching path to its frontal resting place. Obstructing this path was the plastic bag which would be cleanly sliced open by the double-edged blade, and the contents would rapidly pour directly into the waiting container. She would be held securely in this assault on her senses for three hours, at which time her wrists would be released and the rest of the keys would fall from another electro-magnet. But first, two hours had to be endured while she waited for the keys to the headboard chains. If she engaged the secondary wrist restraints while her head was still immobile, her arms would be flexed at unnatural angles and the dreaded `permanent damage' would become a reality. Both arms would most likely be either broken or somehow rendered useless, and without her arms she could not reach for the keys to the locks, and consequently she would unintentionally die.
During the next two hours the girl alternated her activities between running her hands over her tortured breasts and reaching for the place where the keys would fall. Time was not a thing that could be measured anymore. She had been cut off from the outside world for so long that she seemed to only be able to swim in the abyss of eternity. Several times panic seized her when she tried to remember if she had even set up the secondary timing device. If she hadn't then a slow death of starvation would be her fate. At long last she reached for the keys and found them resting silently on the bedspread. She fumbled with them as her shaking hands lined them up with the three locks securing her hood to the headboard. When they were removed she gently massaged her stiff neck and began a debate in her head. She knew that she was trapped until she engaged the second wrist locks, but she also knew the torments engaged in a chain reaction would take her into realms of sensation which she could hardly fathom. She was exhausted and worried that she would fall asleep if she remained inactive for too long, so with a sudden passionate movement she jammed two towers into their respective locks and allowed fate to take its course.
The one hundred thirty pound setting of the wenches strained her arms and once again rendered her completely immobile. The girl knew the chain reaction had begun when a bolt of pain carved its path through her nipples, followed by another, then another. The weight swayed in the artificial breeze, causing her breasts to ripple with the variations of weight, pulling them skyward. Then the vaginal fan began its revolutions. The moving air snapped the ends of the ribbons against her tattooed labial lips as if following the beat of an impossibly manic musical piece. The whipping ribbons felt like an electrical fire on her recently wounded privates. Next, the vibrators began their blitzkrieg on the labial clamps. The onslaught of sensations carried the girl to the brink of an orgasm, but without direct clitoral stimulation she was unable to cross the threshold in the blessed realm of physical euphoria. The enema machine was the next domino to fall as it began drawing the long held mixture of soapy water and baby oil out of her body with a rapidness akin to the delivery of a baby whose shoulders had cleared the delivering mother's birth canal. The girl felt violated, as if a part of her had suddenly been stripped away, leaving her a hollow shell. This relief of emptiness was short lived, for the cleaning cycle began to flood the modified mixture into her body. As her bowels filled, she tried to hold off the intrusion, but her colon unflexed, despite her strongest efforts, and the machine was able to deliver the entirety of its mixture. It was a half gallon more than before, and the strain it put on her bowels was tremendous. Almost immediately the diluted heating ointment took hold and a burning filled her insides with unparalleled wrath. At this point her mind perceived a change in the fluid she was mechanically swallowing. The grape juice and marijuana-diluted urine was a welcome relief to the straight bodily fluid she had been swallowing for what felt like an eternity.
The new sensations attacked her mind unrelentingly with sensations which could not be felt in a natural, unmanipulated world. Endorphins within her mind had taken the edge off the old pain, and, as they tried to cope with the added torments, they were retarded by the creeping effect of the ingested marijuana. Her mind floated on a glowing cloud of agony and visionary analogies began their quest to convince her that she was in another world.
She was Joan of Arc, burning alive before a crowd of strangely amused spectators. She was Sybil, tied to the reverberating piano with kitchen towels, trying frantically to contain the oversized enema her mom had administered. She was O, smelling the vinegar soaked into the whip as welts rose on her previously unmarked flesh. She was Cleopatra, hearing the Romans at her door as she watched twin rivulets of blood flow across her breast. She was Antigone, falling into the embrace of a noose. She was the screaming bride of Frankenstein. She was an Auschwitz showerhead chanting, "Breathe deep," over and over like a disfigured record of fate.
At some point in all this, the wenches securing her wrists came on and fed the pressure back to the girl's arms. The wrist locking mechanisms were disengaged, but the visions had such a hold on the girl that she did not even notice. As the repeating chant inside her head faded, the girl was able to concentrate enough to move her hands to where the keys to salvation lay. Her mind swam as she swallowed a large mouthful from the gag, which had reverted to its original urine diet two hours previously. Akin to a zombie, she slowly unlocked the straps which rested just under her radiating breasts and directly below her belly button. Finally able to move her upper torso, the girl was able to painfully raise herself to a sitting position. The shift in the pull from the weight, from being perpendicular to arching towards her face, brought a tidal wave of shimmering sensations. She reached lethargically for the chain with her right hand and pulled the bit for the clamps into accessible range. With her left hand, she carefully removed the electrical tape and grasped the alum bit she had previously placed there. To be able to remove the clamps, the girl was forced to slowly let the chain out, until the weight was once again supported by her nipples. She did this with grim determination and set about reinstalling the bit into the electric torque wrench. The bit did not want to go back into its hole on the wrench, so it took the girl a number of minutes to accomplish this otherwise simple task.
When this was finally accomplished she grasped the first clip with her right hand and loosened the bolt with the wrench held in her left hand. Once again she found it difficult to get the end of the bit to slip into place, and with each miss a bolt of pain fired in her brain. Finally she succeeded and retracted the bolt. The spring-loaded clip threatened to dislodge and send the entire eight pounds onto the other nipple, but luck was on her side as it stayed in place while she repeated the bolt extraction with the other clip. Then she took a clip into each hand and unclasped them at the same time. Blood rushed into her nipples and paralyzed the girl with the vigor of the sensation. For her, the weight didn't make a sound as it was sent crashing to the floor when the clips slipped from her hands. She tenderly touched each nipple with her fingertips. They were coldly numb, causing `permanent damage' to race through her disassociated mind. As they continued to throb, the girl leaned forward and turned off the vibrator and fan which had steadily tortured her pussy to a near fatal state. She stiffly reached for a carefully placed pairing knife and cut the nylons securing her legs before flopping onto her back with exhaustion.
She couldn't move for the half-hour that it took for feeling to reclaim its hold on her previously immobile legs. During that time she docilely took in the sensations of the flaming anal douche swelling and subsiding inside her, as well as her mechanically swallowed mouthfuls of pungent urine. When she was finally assured that her legs would support her, she stood on the bed and disengaged the gag feed. Her mouth twitched from a sudden lack of stimulus. Using the pairing knife she cut off the feeding tube as close to its base as she could. Then she moved to the enema machine and located the switch to retract the mixture swimming inside her. The machine accomplished this feat with rapid efficiency. The girl closed off the hose with a clamp applied near its connection to the anal plug, and then she cut the feeder hose. She set the knife aside after she applied a similar clamp to the catheter hose and severed it three inches from its entrance into her urethra. She felt the excess fluid from the severed hoses pour down her legs as she swung to get off the bed. The key to the small locks on the hood was set on the vanity in her bathroom. She stumbled to it, knocking over a chair in the process, and groped the surface until her hands found the key. She then unlocked and unbuckled the straps securing her jaw, the gag, and the nose clamp. Then she unlocked the rear zipper and systematically undid the knot of corset-like strings. After tugging with desperation at the gag, the rubber cement finally disengaged and the two inch penis slipped from her lips. Immediately gut wrenching nausea seized her and she fell to her knees and vomited into the porcelain toilet for twenty minutes. When this queasiness finally subsided, she remembered the air bulbs to the blindfold and earplugs and released the pressurized air. Before she could remove the hood she had to remove the nose clip and the bulbous plugs lodged in her nostrils. The clip came off fine, but the hoses required a fair degree of manipulating before they finally came loose, and the girl was able to smell for the first time since their introduction. The hood fairly slipped from her head as she pulled it off and squinted into the twilight cascading around the black velvet curtains in the bathroom. Unable to continue any further, and reasoning that deflating or removing the anal plug would be a messy venture, the girl returned to her bedroom. Sleep closed over her and she was whisked into dreamless sleep.
The next morning she removed the last of the apparatus with the aid of the keys that the obviously malfunctioning timed safe allowed her to have.
Heavy pounding on Sylvester's door startled him out of his meditations. "Come in!" he shouted as he ran a wrinkled hand over the sheen of hardened gel that encompassed his head like a crash helmet.
A young priest cautiously opened the door and moved quickly to a position in front of the imposing desk. "Sir, she's here."
"Good. The Pope will be notified as soon as you bring her into position in the rear gallery." Sylvester leaned back in his leather executive chair, "Was there anything else?"
"Yes sir," the priest replied as he pulled a manila envelope from his robes and handed it to Sylvester. "This is the report that you requested from Father Mene."
Sylvester took the envelope and dismissed the priest with a wave. As the door clicked shut he pulled out the document and began reading.
Dear Sylvester,
The girl should be in your possession by the time you get this. I encourage you the read this report to its completion before you approach her. It is an account of how we discovered her and what has become of her since that discovery.
Dr. Childe dutifully reported the manifestation of the apocryphal text to his local priest when he was examining the girl. She was quite distraught by the time the priest arrived at the office and verified the miracle, before he took her into his possession.
With the help of the doctor they were able to implement the necessary attachments to her so that she would be suitable for viewing. As per your request she was blindfolded so that her untrained eyes would not turn the manifestation into a media circus through her discovering the value of her genitalia. Unfortunately, that was not accepted by the imprudent girl. That was when they called me for advice on how to deal with the situation. This is the chronological list of her accessories and how I came to feel it necessary to implement them.
1) The girl had the audacity to attempt to touch her privates so we were forced to secure her hands away from her body.
2) The girl then began closing her legs, so we were forced to secure them at an open angle.
3) Her protests became loud at this point and we were forced to gag her, but this only hampered her ability to breathe, so we inserted a rubber hose through the gag and began running a liquid through it. There were complications with selecting a liquid that would flow at the correct rate, and, after some experimentation, holy water was discarded in favor of spam jelly as the best overall in effectively occupying her.
4) Using a system of pulleys, we then were able to elevate her legs to their maximum apex.
5) Since the lips of her vagina hampered a contemplative viewing when left alone, we were forced to pierce each lip eight times and connect each piercing to more pulleys which, when strained, were able to unfurl this scripture to a greater degree.
6) The urethra and anus were sealed with stainless steal fixtures, created by the doctor for this specific purpose, and connected to a douching device that will keep them clear of blockage or potential infection, while at the same time ensuring the cleanliness of the holy site.
7) To prevent all this apparatus from appearing obscene, we cast her entire body into a quick drying cement. Not to worry, we plumbed in hoses for her nasal oxygen and oral spam jelly. A local artist then was able to fashion a generous portion of the cement into an appealing dove.
The text and image are easily viewable without the complications of their human carrier, as per my specifications. Dr. Childe has been elected to accompany the object to insure its health. If you have any further questions he will be more than happy to address them for you.
Father Mene
The girl felt the Pope running his fingers across her immobile labia, then her mind erupted in orgasm as he gently placed a loving kiss on the face of Jesus. As the ripples of sensation flowed through her, she felt a sense of pride that god had taken such an active participation in the course of her life.