- Author - Gamma
- Rating -
    [ 4.14 actual ]
- Site Rank - 293 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, reluctant, bondage, electricity, torture, toys
- Post Date - 9/2/2005
She stood, balanced, though just barely. By force of will, the naked girl tried to remain absolutely motionless. But to do that was almost impossible. It was the point of her bondage, of course.
She stood erect, her legs spread wide by a metal bar strapped between her ankles forcing them apart. Her arms were pulled behind her back, strapped together at her elbows and wrists, forcing her breast forward.
Her long blonde hair cascaded down her bound arms all the way to her slim waist. She was gagged, her mouth stuffed with a penis gag and covered by a thick leather strap. Otherwise, she was completely nude.
That was the standard stuff, in and of itself arousing as it silenced and commanded her naked body, offering her charms in wanton invitation. But there was more tonight -- much more!

On each of her erect nipples was a small spring-clamp. These connected to a thin leather strap, which then connected together in a heavier strap. This went up to the ceiling rafter and over a pulley there. At the other end of this strap from her nipples, dangling just a few feet in front of the girl, was a metal weight. It rested no more than an inch above a box with a metal plate on its top. In fact, if the girl weren't leaning back and away, her taut breasts pulling at the strap, the weight would rest on the box. The girl arched herself backward, trembling, struggling to keep the weight away from the box. She had good reason to.
From the box ran a wire connected to a pole. The pole jutted up from the floor, gleaming metal. Its end, a dildo, was planted deep in the girl's cunt. It was thick and stretched the lips of her pussy wide. It was shiny with her juices. If she slumped forward, relaxing her pose, the weight would drop down onto the box, completing an electrical circuit. When the circuit was completed, the box would send a mild shock to the dildo -- just a few volts but enough to make the girl squirm from its fiery bite. If the weight stayed on the box, the current would continue for twenty seconds, stop for twenty seconds, then start again, and so on, until the connection was broken.
So she had a choice, this girl in bondage. She could yank at the strap, causing the clamps to bite at her nipples, or relax and send the shock ripping into her cunt. When that happened, she found that her writhings on the end of her perch set her pussy aflame!
She would buck and squirm, and the weight would bob up and down and nick the plate, and then the shock would hit her like a whip lash.
But she couldn't take much of the shock, so, in spite of her arousal, she would arch her naked body, pulling the weight away from the box. Back and forth she would sway, slumping from exhaustion, moaning into her gag when she heard the clank of the metal plates making contact, then steeling herself for the shock to her cunt. Her body glistened with sweat. Her hair flailed about her as she shook her head and bit down on the rubber penis in her mouth and willed herself into a balanced posture.
The man stood in the doorway watching her. She blushed in shame when he entered, then lost her concentration and slumped forward. Then she arched beautifully and wailed in desperation as the current pulsed into her pussy. She was a hot bitch, naked and bound and whipped into a frenzy by his clever torment. And the fact that she herself determined what happened, in a helpless, tormented way, only added to her stimulation.
He was contemplating a new addition to her bondage torment. He rummaged through a dresser and came up with two small boxes, also dangling wires. He connected these wires to two small jacks in the bigger box, then bend down between his captive's splayed legs.
"Up on your toes," he commanded. The girl moaned but obeyed, arching up on her toes till her heels cleared the floor. The man slipped one of the smaller boxes under each heel. Each box had a small button on its top, no more than a half inch from the girl's foot. If she dropped down from her toes, her heel would push the button.
"Better stay as you are, my sweet," the man teased. "If either heel touches those buttons, it'll up the voltage to your cunt another notch. Keep your feet down and it'll keep upping the current."
The girl groaned deeply in frustration and agony as she heard this. It was hard to stay on her toes with her legs spread so wide and with her torso arched. But she would try. She didn't want the shocks to get any worse.
"It's ten o'clock," the man said. "What do you say I leave you here until -- oh, I don't know -- how about midnight?"
The girl looked at him in horror, shook her head no, and moaned into her gag. She wasn't watching the weight as she did this, and it dropped and touched the box. The shock hit her, and she snapped to attention and arched backwards in response. Too far backwards. She got her weight back and dropped off her tiptoes, and her heels -- both of them -- hit the buttons. She squirmed anew as the current surged a little higher until, after twenty long seconds, it stopped. She was panting, her breath ragged and nostrils flaring. Even though the current had stopped, she kept squirming on the dildo, aroused, so hot she didn't care for anything except the orgasm about to burst through her loins.
Her writhings took her forward again, and the weight touched down. This shock pushed her over the brink. She would not be denied. Head back, wailing into the gag, fingers scratching at her ass, her hips twitching, she came with an all-consuming violence. Wave after wave rippled through her body, which bucked and writhed in erotic abandon.
The man admired the naked beauty spasming before him. Her head was thrown back, and she shook it back and forth as she came. Her blonde mane floated behind her. Her eyes were closed, and a deep, low moan came from her gagged mouth. Her breasts heaved and jiggled, the weight scraped along the box, and her torso writhed delightfully. Her loins pumped furiously at the dildo-pole, her juices dripping down its shiny thick length. She was a spectacle of unchecked eroticism. She was beautiful. She was his.
When her climax subsided, she slumped again and fell heavily onto her heels, only to arch upwards again when yet another shock hit. She looked up through hooded eyes, her mind and body saturated with the intensity of her pain and pleasure.
Her master smiled at her, flicked off the lights, and closed the door, leaving her to her aroused frenzy of torment.
"Until one," he thought to himself. "I'll leave her there until one o'clock." By then, he knew she'd be ready for his next little game.