Barrister Humley's voice droned on in a low, soothing baritone as he read slowly from the legal documents laid out on his desk. "I, Robert Wilkinson being of sound mind and..."
Antoinette 'Toni' Wilkinson threw her head back in tiered frustration. "Can we speed this up? We all know why were here."
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Humley peered over his spectacles. "Protocol must be complied with, Mrs Wilkinson. In accordance with your husband's last wish...."
She cut him off with a wave of her hand. "Whatever, just go on."
Humley cleared his throat and resumed.
Toni peered down at her shoes wondering if five inch pumps were appropriate for a widow in morning, then decided that the patent PVC cocktail dress she was wearing wasn't appropriate either. She glanced over her Rodrigo, her lover. His warm Latin eyes were gazing fondly back at her. She looked away. She tried to compose in her head the exact words she would use to dump him as soon as Humley the talking corps told her she inherited her dead husband's millions. She looked over at Mark, Robert's younger brother trying desperately not to start crying again. What a wimp she thought.
She canted her chair towards Judge Rhine, the elder. She slouched in her seat and started slowly crossing and uncrossing her legs wondering if she could get a reaction of some sort out of the old fart, but he appeared to be dozing off. She sniffed contemptuously and eyed the rest of the crowd gathered. She recognized Max, the neanderthal body guard, and Jason the chauffeur. There was another woman sitting there whom she did not know. Probably the woman from the insurance company or some bleeding heart charity. She glared at each one with disgust. Weren't they paid? Why should they get a part of her fortune?
Benton the butler began mumbling something like: "Oh bless you sir! You are most
Toni sat up and listened, wondering what part of HER estate did her dead husband just give away. "Look!" She shouted, rousing Judge Rhine from his little nap. "Can we just cut to the chase, I don't have all day." Rodrigo affectionately took her hand but she quickly snatched it back.
Humley looked up from his document. "Very well, Mrs Wilkinson." He sighed as he
scanned down the document from something interesting. "And the remainder of my estate, the car collection, the mansion, the yacht, the box seats at the garden, stocks and business interests, I leave to my younger brother Mark."
Toni slapped her knees and stood up. "Finally! Well, you can all get out of my house. You too, Rodrigo. You're all fired. I'm going on a spending spree..." Her voice trailed off as she slowly turned and looked at Humley. "What was that you said?"
Humley took off his glasses and started cleaning them with a handkerchief. "I said Mark
gets 'Everything', minus a few mentions to Maximilian and Jason." He donned his glasses and looked at her.
Toni seemed to sway on her towering heels. "Everything? Everything!" Anger started
creeping across her face. "EVERYTHING!"
Humley looked over his documents. "There is a mention about you, if you care to hear it."
Stunned, and dazed Toni sat down. Rodrigo went to take her hand and she slapped his
wrist. Humley went on. "And to my slut whore wife who couldn't wait for my illness to claim my
life before she started sleeping with every man, woman and dog she could find and humiliated me
while on my death bed I leave the following conditions. She is to receive an allowance that will
keep her in the lifestyle she is accustomed too. And since she could not remain faithful to me in
life, I will make sure that she shall remain faithful to me in death. She is to be fitted in a permanent
chastity device." Humley looked up. He motioned to the woman sitting to his side. "This is Ms.
Chastity from the Chastity-Permalock corporation, and she is here to see that the conditions of the
will are met."
Toni leaned forward in her chair pointing a sharp, threatening finger at Humley. "An
allowance! I get some sort of allowance! This is an outrage! I will sue!" She looked at Mark.
"Don't get accustomed to the money. You won't have it for long."
Mark looked up, his face damp with tears. "What did my brother do to deserve you? You
She sneered. "He didn't die fast enough. Look, these looks and this body won't last
forever and I need to make my millions while I can." She stood up and snatched the phone from
Humley's desk.
Ms. Chastity was busy setting up her brief case on the desk beside her. "I think your
allowance is the least of your worries, Mrs. Wilkinson."
She was busy dialing. "Oh, please. You can take what ever little knight of the round table
chauvinist contraption your hawking and shove it up your ass." She shouted in the phone. "Yes, a
collect call to Stein, Stein, Stein, Wiggins and Stein, lawyers New York."
The line went dead.
Bewildered, Toni followed the phone line to the receiver and found Max's enormous
finger on the hook. "We have to take care of the Master's last wishes first. You can sue when
we're done."
Toni's eyes were afire. "Get your paw off that!"
Ignoring her, Max clamped his hands on her arms, pinning them to her sides and picked
her up and sat her forcibly in her chair. He stood behind her and held her in the chair. She looked
up, her eyes wild. "This is intolerable!" She looked to Judge Rhine who was looking over the will,
peering through his pocket magnifying glass. "Judge!"
He grunted, frowning as he read. "Its all legal." He set the document down. "State law, a
man gets his last wish and to lock you up was his."
Toni swallowed nervously. She mustered her strength and shoot a look at Chastity who
was donning special gloves. "This will last five minutes." She looked at the butler. "Bentley, get
me a hacksaw so I can show this bitch what I think of her chastity belt!"
Chastity smile as she applied a clear goo to a large red ball. "OH, this will take a bit more
than a hacksaw. Your husband requested the Deluxe Iron Maiden Chastity and I assure you that its
made of anything but iron." She stepped over. "To start with, we're going to shut you up.
Toni squirmed but to no avail. She desperately looked over to Rodrigo grinning in the
corner. "Rodrigo! Help, call the police!"
He laughed softly. "You fired me, remember?"
Chastity forcibly grabbed her jaw and with surprising strength, forced her mouth open. She
stuffed with great difficulty, the red ball into her mouth. Toni could feel a split in the ball open like
a Pac Man and clamp down on her tongue. The ball wriggled and shimmed and settled in her
mouth. Toni could feel the muscles in her jaw strain from her mouth being over stuffed, but could
not spit the ball back out.
Chastity stepped back admiring her work. "Now doesn't she look so much better with her
mouth packed like that?" She reached into her case and took out a face shield. "We at the
Chastity-Permalock corporation use the latest technology to create indestructible and permanent
devices. You can probably feel a harsh, burning sensation on your tongue. The ball is injecting
Nanites into your blood stream. Those nanites are going to make a few changes." She fitted the
face shield in place covering Toni from nose to neck and from ear to ear in polished metal. When
metal touched ball, there was an audible click. "That glue you feel on the face shield is an epoxy
resin that will bond your skin to the plate and keep it in place for twenty four hours. After that, the
nanites in your system will have molecularly bonded the plate in place. Then within forty eight
hours, that gag and face plate will become an integrated part of you." Chastity smiled as she went
into her case again. "Forever."
Toni squeaked and then winced in pain. Chastity looked up from what she was doing.
"That irritation your feeling are a punishment system integrated into the ball. Your husband
requested silent mode. Once the nanites have staked their territory, so to speak, any sound you
attempt to make will result in instant, and intense agony." She pulled restraints out of her case and
quickly went to the task of securing her to the chair. "We at Chastity-Permalock use only the
highest grade systems made from a titanium-tungsten alloy. Light weight and a thousand times
harder than steel. It will take a carbide laser to cut its surface. Once the nanites integrate the device
to you, trying to cut it off will feel like putting a three thousand degree torch to your bare skin.
Most unpleasant."
She lifted up a shining steel plate in the shape of a figure eight. Two large and sinister
metal probes protruded from its back. It glistened with goo. "This is my favorite part. You might
feel a bit of a tightness as the implants are quite large." She grunted as she forced the probes into
her, one in her vagina, one in her ass. Toni could feel them moving, forming to her body. Then
she felt the burn.
Chastity read the pain on the woman's face. "Anchors are extending from the probes and
drilling through the vaginal and anal membranes. They will hold the chastity in place for the nanites
to bond it permanently. As I'm sure know, a chastity is to prevent any sexual stimulation, however,
once the nanites kick in, they will physically internally stimulate you and activate hormones to insure
that you are eternal horny and unable to do anything about it. Allow me to introduce you to a new
term, 'Sexual Frustration'. You will also begin to feel an increasing irritation if you come in contact
with anything such as fabric, to include latex or PVC. Your husband requested you to be naked."
She reached into her case pulling out a steel cone. "He also requested out Elaine Bryant line of
Breast Shields. At little conical in shape, very protruding and little rude, but be thankful he didn't
choose the Madonna style."
With little effort, Toni's dress was pulled down exposing her breasts. She watched
helplessly as the cones with slipped on. As her nipple touched the center of the cone, she could
feel a clamp viciously seize her, holding her fast.
Chastity stood back, smiling proudly. "And there you have it, gentlemen. Silent, Secure and
Sexually frustrated, forever. She will have to sit in that chair for 24 hours for the devices to set.
Once that happens, no force on earth will remove them."
Toni looked up, her eyes filling with hope. She had twenty four hours before her prison
was permanent. She looked up, her eyes pleading to Rodrigo.
The Latin gardener only smiled bemusidly. "Well, gentlemen, I will take my leave. I'll be
doing some work at the Roberson's estate. Mr. Roberson is on safari leaving Mrs. Roberson
alone." He waved at Toni. "Adios muchacha! It was fun while it lasted."
Humley looked up. "Excuse me Rodrigo, but there is a mention in the will for you. Would
you care to hear it?"
He looked back, remembering that Bentley the butler had scored big in the will, perhaps
there was a little something for him.
Humley adjusted his glasses. "And to Rodrigo, my most disloyal, adulterous gardener..."
With a flash Rodrigo was running for the door only to be tackled to the ground by Max.
Max pinned him down with his advanced bulk while Chastity quickly cuffed his wrists and ankles.
Humley continued with out missing a beat. "Will be chastised, and made available to serve
my now obedient wife as her hand maiden, and made available to service the rest of the staff." He
looked up confused. "Is that possible?"
Chastity was busy forcing a red goo covered ball into the gardener's mouth. "Oh, yes!" She
grunted in triumph as the ball slipped home. She held it in place for a few seconds for it to settle.
Its bottom quarter seized and enveloped his tongue while in its center, a small hole appeared. She
let him go. "There, the ball will hold now. Your employer selected the Slutty Maid ensemble for
Rodrigo. The ball will keep your mouth open while creating a most perfect sheath for oral pleasure.
She took up a face shield, this one with a dildo attached. She quickly fitted it in concealing the
lower half of his face. "As you see, there is a key hole here. The dildo is removed giving access to
the Synth-Skin sheath. It has vibo-mode for a most pleasurable experience and is indistinguishable
from human skin." Chastity held up the key. "And who gets the key?"
"Right here." Max held out his giant hand before Jason or Bentley could speak up.
Chastity gave him the key. "The nanites will eventually draw the metal into his face, so that
its flush with him. Then the latex face shield will be glued on." She held up the half face, showing
off the most sensual lips. With her fingers, she parted the lips, demonstrating how access would be
made. "From the outside, she would look perfectly normal."
"Yeah?" Max grunted. "But how do you get the rest of him to match the face?"
Chastity smiled. "The magic of nanites. In a matter of months, Rodrigo, the manly stud
muffin will be transformed into a most alluring female. Fat will be re-allocated, bone ground,
cartilage re-shaped and body hair eliminated. With his skin tone, he'll make one hot babe." She
then took a pair of scissors and started cutting off Rodrigo's clothes. Once stripped, she took a
gleaming tube and coated its inside with goo and slipped it over his penis. She then took out a groin
shield complete with steel anal probe and after coating that with goo, locked it in place over the
steel tube. After it was set, she looked up from her task. "His, ahem, her anus will soon be
transformed into a nice tight, vagina. The metal will be flush with her body and the latex vaginal
cover will be fitted over it."
Bentley raised his hand timidly. "Excuse me, but with all this plugging, how do they go to
the bathroom?"
Chastity smiled. "Nanites will infest the large intestine and make the digestive system more
efficient. If you look here on the mouth shield, you'll see a little hatch. Its flush and nearly
invisible. This feeding tube is inserted and then you can feed your new slaves over the counter
baby food. Human waste is eliminated." She reached into her case and took out a pair of steel
shoes. "This is Chastity-Permalock's newest innovation. If you could remove Rodrigo's shoes for
me Max? Thank you!" She then crammed the tight shoes onto the gardener's feet. "These will
bond onto his feet. The heels telescope to a towering seven inches. His feet are on the big side.
Mrs. Wilkinson's shoes will only extend to 6 inches. She's already at 5 from the look of it." She
stood up, pulling off her gloves. "And there we have it gentlemen." She handed each of them a
watch. "These are the remote control training devices. After the 48 hour period, you will be able
to deliver an unbearable shock to either one of them. Range one mile." She smiled at each of
them. "You have my card if there are any further questions or problems."
Mark stood up. "Uh, Mrs, Chastity? Do you have a brochure or something? My wife's
been a little, uh, you know, friendly with the neighbor."
Chastity smiled, putting her foot up on the armrest of the chair. Her skirt parted exposing
her Permalock of sparkling gold finish. "Lets talk."