This day, like many others, she sits at her desk contemplating the one man who has given her life more meaning and direction than any other man she has ever known, her Master. How swiftly she let herself be captured by him and his words, how easily he took control, and seeming to know every thought and need she has ever had in her life, he voiced what she could not. She thinks back to a time when she was not the woman she is today, when she was scared of herself and her desires yet longed to be someone else, someone who was capable of capturing the attention of everyone she came in contact with, yet belonged to only one.
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Absentmindedly, she slides her hand over her silky thigh, feeling the stocking slip smoothly under her skin; she remembers Master’s hand there not so long ago. Half-dreaming now she can almost smell him sitting close to her, feel his presence, heaven help her how her pussy aches for his torment and caresses. She remembers his flogger licking her there, his beard tickling there, and most of all the ropes that she feels belong there now. She cannot forget the ropes, for she is wearing them even now as she sits at her desk, instinctively, as she strokes her thigh, she grinds into the ropes.
A soft moan escapes her lips, instantly she snaps back to reality and glances around to see if anyone has noticed, luckily no one has and she can relax a little. How these women leer at her when they believe she isn’t looking, whispered hatred flies silently through the air in dagger stares as they watch her every day. They don’t understand the changes in her but are certain she is up to no good. “How can she walk in those heels?”, “Who does she think she is these days anyway?” are things they say but she doesn’t care what they think, the only one who matters is her Master. She is a lady always, and always his slut, his cunt, his whore.
She crosses her legs and tries to go back to work but the ropes pinch at her already throbbing clit bringing her back to her thoughts of her Master. How hard she works to mold herself into what she wants to be, what she knows will please Master. She thinks of her exposed nipples under the blouse she has chosen to wear today, the one with the nubby texture, rubbing on her now sensitive nipples. Why should they be so sensitive now when they never have been before? They are sensitive because of the clamps she wore so long yesterday, clamps she wishes she had on her now. She never dreamed she would be dressed as she is and prepared to do anything Master might command of her. She admits to herself she had thought she would never find the One for her but fate has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.
It was a fluke she was there that day to meet him, and she had almost left without talking to anyone when it seems he reached out for her and took her by the hand, “I see you like to write.” was all he said yet her interest was quickly directed only at him. He talked swiftly but surely, he knew what she needed and she, like a sponge, absorbed every word he said to her. He heart screamed at her “At Last!” yet she was afraid to believe it could really be true, she told herself to give it time and see but just as promised he was there Tuesday morning. Little by little he instructed her how to dress, no detail left to chance. He expected her to wear heels, after all she had said “yes” she wanted to learn to wear them again and even though she had not worn heels in many years she began the search for the proper heels.
What a nightmare that was, looking for stiletto heeled pumps at least 4” high in the middle of summer when only sandals were available! She roamed the stores with Master on the phone to help her decide. Finally, she found the black leather d’Orsay pumps with the 4” heels Master said would be acceptable. How proud she was of her purchase and changed into them even before she went back to work. Oh the looks she got when she walked in with them on, but Master assured her they were just jealous. She was a little hurt by their stares and giggles but still she was proud of her new shoes because they made her feel special.
She decides to give herself a little break by taking a walk; she needs the practice walking in the new higher heels Master purchased for her. Soon enough she will be wearing and walking well in the 6” heels Master also sent. She doubted she would be able to but every day she spends more and more time in the heels and her confidence is building. She grabs her purse, dons her sunglasses and sets off for the outside world where she can think more clearly. “I’ll be back later,” she says as she strides to the door, and without a backward glance she steps out into the sunshine.
The late afternoon sun feels warm on her skin, how she loves autumn, the rich smell of the decaying leaves and cool breeze caressing her skin. Twice around the block she tells herself and takes off up the hill. She giggles to herself at the fear she once had of walking here in these heels for now she is much more confident even though she has only had the shoes a short time. The work crews building the new dorm follow her progress as she makes her way around the corner; she secretly loves knowing they are watching her but is careful not to let it show. She passes the apartment complex where the students are moving in with their rental trucks in various states of disarray, “So many trucks, so many new students and we saw all their applications.” she thinks. At the next corner she glances back at the apartments and notices, yes, they too are watching her.
She smiles softly to herself and continues on, concentrating now on the ropes encasing her clit and biting into her lips. How she wishes she had he vibe in place. She thinks back to her walk in the mall while Master listened to her every step knowing she was tied and the vibe was in place waiting for her release. It came upon her suddenly, a flash of fire in her belly, she had to stop…the waves washed over her, yet to all around her she was just staring in a shop window, but Master knew. ‘Yes” he whispered “let it wash over you, feel it, don’t let it go yet” he instructed and she followed his every word not wanting the waves to end. Yes, she wants that feeling again as she walks these hills.
She rounds the next corner and approaches the construction again. Her ropes are wet now; she can feel the wetness spreading to her stocking tops as well. The fire in her cunt is beginning to build as she makes her way up the hill. She grinds into the ropes with each step urging the fire to burn brighter. Catcalls greet her as she nears the building site but still she concentrates on the fire within her. Yes, it is close now. Soon she will feel the waves begin to overcome her and she tries hard to keep it building as she begins the descent down the next hill toward the moving students.
She barely notices the men moving things as she begins to pass them. She is too wrapped up in her own pleasure to notice what they are doing. As she passes the first, truck a man steps forward in her path momentarily startling her. ‘Beautiful weather, having a nice walk?’ he asks as he approaches her. It is then she realizes he doesn’t look friendly and panic begins to creep in extinguishing the fire that was growing in her.
Suddenly he is too close to her and she tries to back away but she stumbles a little in her heels, he grabs her wrist and jerks her forward. She draws in a ragged breath preparing to scream when his leather gloved hand clamps over her mouth as the wrist he holds is twisted painfully behind her. Her back to him, she tries to drive her heel into his foot as Master has instructed her to do if she were ever attacked, but she misses, the blow sending a painful shock up her leg. “Feisty aren’t we, well you won’t be so feisty after I am through with you.” He growls and drags her to the back of a yellow moving van.
She moves her eyes anxiously to see if anyone is coming to her aid, but they have not noticed her this time, the van being parked well away from the others and not backed in, she knows she will find no help. “Help Me!” her frantic mind screams but no one can hear it. The moving van cargo door is open and she sees nothing but the thick grey pads used to cushion furniture in transit. He releases her wrist momentarily and grabs at something on the van side. She realizes a little too late it is silver duct tape that has now been applied swiftly and firmly to her quivering red lips. Again the hand seizes her wrist. She hears a light jingling sound and feels a stiff leather cuff encircle her wrist painfully. Now the other wrist is being twisted behind her, she fights all she can but he is much bigger and stronger and twists it easily around. Again the jingling sound reaches her ears and she feels another leather cuff applied to this wrist. Her wrists are pulled together and she hears a snapping sound as a link is connected to them both. Her hands are no longer her own.
He shoves her forward onto the pads causing one of her heels to come off. He picks it up and roughly throws it inside; then slams the door down, she is in total darkness. She hears the cab door open and close, the engine roar to life, and then she is moving. She tries to right herself but the motion of the van rocking keeps her from succeeding. She tries to free her wrists but again is unsuccessful. “What am I going to do now?” she wonders but her mind is blank. This would all be so enjoyable if only her Master were the one wrapping her wrists in leather. When she thinks of him doing it to her she feels the fire ignite in her again but pushes it away. She turns herself over onto her belly hoping to get into a position to be ready for whatever happens. She must try to fight. Her only thoughts are of her Master rescuing her, but knows he will not know what has happened to her.
The man drives for a long time not caring about his helpless passenger in the cargo hold of the moving van. In the back, she thinks of a way to prepare herself to fight. She is tired from struggling but the adrenalin keeps her going. The road seems to have leveled out some and the van is cruising along at an even speed now. She wriggles her way over to the side of the van. She positions herself with her back to the wall and begins pushing herself up the wall feeling for the supports with her hands to help steady herself. Once she has managed to right herself, she begins inching along the wall to the front of the van. She kicks off the other shoe to give her greater stability and prepares herself to run out of the van when the door finally opens. Breathing hard now, she rests herself as the van steadily moves to its destination, the rocking motion of the van begins to lull her into half-sleep but her mind is still working.
She feels the van begin to slow, the road growing rougher under the tires. A sudden turn to the left almost topples her but somehow she manages to keep herself upright. The coolness of the autumn breeze cannot reach her here. She feels the sweat begin to trickle down her, running between her breasts and dripping from her hair, stinging her eyes. The van slows to a crawl, makes a small turn to the right and comes to a stop. The cab door opens and closes again giving her a surge of adrenalin. He will be opening the cargo door soon. She tenses her body preparing to run at the man who has captured her. She waits all muscles ready to carry her away but the door doesn’t open. Still she waits but the door remains closed. “Where has he gone?” she wonders.
She has completely lost track of time trying to guess how long she has been riding and now sitting in this van. She has watched the light around the cargo door grow dim and then fade completely. It must be dusk by now which means she would have been in this van at least 3 hours. Her muscles ache, exhaustion threatening to take her away completely as she sinks to the floor of the van. Thankfully, now that the sun is set the van is cooling somewhat. “Why did I walk today?” she thinks, “Why did he take me, what does he have planned for me?” Her overworked mind struggles to comprehend but can find no rhyme or reason.
When she wakes it is to the sound of the cargo door being thrown. A bright light floods the cargo hold temporarily blinding her. Two large figures are silhouetted in the light. As her eyes adjust she recognizes the man who abducted her but the other man before her is hooded and dressed all in black leather. Neither man speaks as they watch her there, a small image of her former self now shivering as much from fear as from the cold rush of air now filling the van. The man who abducted her approaches her, she tries to plead with him with her eyes but he just laughs at her. He reaches down to grab her cuffed wrists and with a sudden burst of energy she kicks her feet out at him causing him to fall backwards onto the mat. She struggles up and runs for the cargo door but he trips her and she falls face first into the leather clad figure waiting for her.
“I told you she was feisty!” laughs her abductor from the interior of the cargo hold. A leather-clad hand winds itself in her disheveled hair and roughly pulls her upright. His strong arm encircles her waist and lowers her gently to the ground. He speaks not a word to her as he guides her to a small door in a large metal building. Once at the door they are joined by her abductor. He opens the door and the leather man pushes her forward into the building. The building is pitch-black yet he seems to know where he is going. He stops her with a short jerk to her aching arms and lights fill the warehouse. But it isn’t an ordinary warehouse, what she sees before her she has dreamed of, but only because she longed to be in a place such as this with her Master.
The space is filled with tables, a St Andrews cross, stocks, and cages, all equipped with shackles and rings for various uses. She sees winches and hooks on cables and some items whose purpose she can only guess. Along one wall she sees many floggers, crops, shackles, cuffs, straps, and canes all neatly hung and displayed. She cannot take all this in at once, she feels faint but the hand holding her pushes her roughly forward again. “Here are her shoes, stupid cunt let them come off. Can’t have that happening.” She hears her abductor say. She is moved to a table where she is made to bend over forward onto her belly. First one foot is lifted and her shoe is forced on, then the other. She is once again standing in her heels.
She feels her skirt being lifted exposing her ropes and naked ass. She struggles against her captor, not wanting to give in to them, and is met with two sharp smacks to her left cheek. The leather hand grabs the ropes and pulls hard on them. “I see they aren’t tight enough, we’ll fix that soon enough” says her abductor. He is at her feet still but she cannot see what he is doing. He is doing something under her shoes and realizes he will soon bind her shoes to her. First he works on the right shoe, then the left. Tightly the ropes are wound around her feet and ankles. Again she struggles and again the hand connects to her bare flesh, this time there are 4 smacks to the left cheek. She will think better of struggling for a while.
She feels a leather restraint being applied over the ropes on her left ankle and then her right. She hears a jingling sound as a lock is applied to the cuff on her right ankle, snapped shut and something heavy is dangling from it. Her legs are pulled roughly apart and the process is repeated with her left leg. She realizes she has a spreader bar at least 3 feet long between her ankles preventing her from closing her legs. A wave of fear mixed with desire washes over her. It is wrong for her to feel pleasure being handled by these men she does not know, yet her body now has a will of its own. The man in leather moves from behind her. She does not know where he has gone but he is now replaced by her abductor. She strains her head around trying once again to plead with him with her eyes and again he just laughs.
She feels his hands moving over her nakedness and flinches at his touch but no stinging slaps answer her disobedience. He continues to probe her, moving to her parted thighs. His hand slips down the inside of first one stocking, then the other. He must surely feel the wetness there and she shivers at the thought of him knowing of her desires. His hand moves up her ass again and now he is feeling the taught muscles in her back through her shirt. He pauses a moment giving her time to wonder what he is up to and then she knows. Panic steals her breath as she realizes he has a knife and she silently prays he will not cut her. She feels the cold metal blade slip under her shirt. His hand works quickly and she hears the material succumb to the ministrations of his blade. From neck to ass he slits the material and it falls away from her shivering body, what is left, only held in place because of her bound hands.
He moves now to the skirt. Easily, he cuts the waistband of the skirt, he tears the rest of it roughly from her body and the material falls freely down her legs. Her thighs quiver as she again feels his hands on her. His hands slip now down the outside of her thighs and she feels his body brush her bare ass as he squats behind her. She holds her breath waiting for whatever may happen next, trying not to let the fire inside her grow. She feels his breath on her thighs and cunt lips, the cunt which no longer belongs to her but to her Master. Her mind races trying to think what Master will say when he finds out what has happened to her and especially if he finds out she in some way has enjoyed it. She tries to push that thought out of her mind; she cannot allow herself to enjoy this in any way. This is not of her free will, yet she isn’t sure anymore what her will is.
Again she feels the coldness of the blade, this time slipping under her ropes on her waist. With a few quick movements the ropes relinquish their hold on her and she feels completely exposed. He pulls away the remnants of the ropes and probes her wet cunt with his fingers. Stretching her lips apart she lets out a protesting whimper knowing she has no choice but to let him probe where he will. She presses her face to the table trying to hide from the world; there is no one to help her now.
Her abductor rises and she hears the sound of a zipper being slowly lowered. She jerks her head up and scoots her body away from the man behind her, trying with all her might to wriggle away but there is no where to go. He doesn’t speak to her but grabs her by the hair and pulls her head up sharply. In a flash he enters her. She closes her eyes tight trying to hold back the tears but they flow despite her efforts. Roughly he pounds his meat into her, ripping and tearing at the soft flesh. His hand under her belly pulling her onto his cock, fucking her hard without any sign of emotion he rides her like the whore she is. He jerks her head up again, this time her eyes fly open and she sees the man in leather watching them from a chair.
Something about him she knows. When she fell into him while trying to escape the truck she thought there had been something but had lost whatever it was. He sat there just watching, motionless. Her abductor continued raping her yet all she could think of was the man in the chair. Why was he watching and not participating? What would he do to her when this man was done? Looking at him she thought of her Master again. How she wished he was here to help her. What she wouldn’t give to be safely under his control again. The fire which she had thought had died flared again inside her at those thoughts. Memories of Master’s hand inside her bringing her to orgasm like she has not known before, threatening to allow her to cum with this rough man. “Yes, pretend it is Master with me,” she thinks.
Again he jerks her head backward, ripping some of the hair from her head. She lets herself go, feeling everything, the ripping hair and flesh, the fullness in her belly, the fire all ready to consume her. “Master!” her mind screams “Please Master may I cum?” but there is no permission to be given. The fire explodes inside her, wave upon wave of searing heat tearing her apart. She feels the man behind her withdraw and cum all over her. Then nothing, as the darkness steals her away from her torment.
She wakes on her back under dim lights. The tape has been removed. Still, she is spread eagle, only her stockings and shoes remain. She tests her bonds. This time her hands are above her head tied tightly to the wide flat table. She tries to steal a glance around for her captors but can barely move her head. A tight posture collar has been placed around her neck and it too appears to have been secured to the table on either side. She wonders what would happen if she screamed for help, but is certain it would only bring her captors to her sooner than she would like. She tries again to remove her hands from their bondage, twisting and turning her wrists every way possible, but to no avail. All she can do is await their return, hoping they will tire of her soon and free her.
She knows her Master will certainly be worried by now, but also knows there is nothing he can do to help her. Her only chance at surviving this ordeal is to cooperate and try to use the things Master has taught her to please them so they may finish with her more quickly. She relaxes a little, her eyes half-closed; her mind drifts away to her lessons. Lessons taught with firmness but also with an understanding of her needs. Things she didn’t even know she needed have been shown to her and she hungers for more, the hardest lessons becoming her greatest pleasures. Yes, hard lessons. How pain can turn just as easily to pleasure, it is all in how it is perceived. How the bite of the clamps on her tender pussy lips makes her certain she can bear no more, how Master gives pain upon pain to those lips and then miraculously the pain slips into pleasure with just a simple change of position. God, how she loves Him, she would do anything to be in his bindings right now.
These thoughts are still swimming in her mind as her abductor creeps silently to her side. Unnoticed he looks at her, studies the legs in their casings, the way the stockings make the muscles in her quivering legs so defined, her scent drifts to his nose, and he breathes deeply of her. She hears him next to her. She stiffens on the table. Again the fear washes over her but she is resigned to her fate, resolving again to do what is required so she may be freed. He moves in closer to her, reaching out now he twists her nipple sharply. A small yelp escapes her lips. “Please” she whispers,”please let me go, I won’t tell anyone, just please let me go.” He looks at her pleading eyes and simply shakes his head “no”. She reminds herself again not to fight it, but knows she cannot totally give herself to them, no matter what the cost. She belongs to her Master.
Her abductor reaches below the table and gathers the ropes in his hands. He holds their tight coils up for her to see. Yes, she knows what they are for; question is where will he put them? In answer to her question, he slaps her right tit hard bringing another small yelp from her lips. He moves to her head and releases the links holding her bound wrists and collar in place. He pulls her to a sitting position and then pushes her forward more. He slaps again at her tits, first one side then the other bringing tears again to her eyes, but she will not allow herself to give in to the tears. She tries with all her might to hold them back and succeeds. He begins his work, slowly and steadily, winding the ropes around her right tit. Each time the ropes cross he pulls tighter, she knows how this is done, she has done it many times herself and actually takes some comfort in their being bound.
He moves quickly to her left tit and again repeats the process. Once he is done, he steps back and looks at his work. Her breasts are already turning a nice shade of red. Oh! How hard they are. He takes her cuffed wrists, pushes her down and again attaches them to the link. Quickly he snaps the tethers to her collar. Again he reaches under the table. She hears the unmistakable jingle of clamp chains and knows what is next. Her hard breasts jut away from her body, how she loves them tied, she quickly pushes the thought away, “Only for Master,” she reminds herself. Bending over her he studies her eyes. How calm she has gotten, her face hard, she is trying to fight the desire. “Good” he thinks.
He dangles the clover clamps in her line of sight; she just stares ahead. She bites the inside of her cheek, “Clover clamps, oh god!” her mind races back to the only time she has ever experienced these bits of hell on a chain. How Master had applied them and she had had to take them off and re-apply them herself after her tits were bound. She knew how they worked, how even the slightest tug on the chain served only to make their bite harder. He begins teasing her right nipple, pinching and pulling at it. She tries to take her mind elsewhere to prevent the arousal but is powerless to stop her nipple from responding. Pain sears through her right tit as the clamp is applied. He tugs at the chain urging it tighter. With one hand he supports her right tit and treads the chain through the ring at the front of her posture collar with the other. Releasing the right tit, he now pinches and twists her left nipple. Still she tries to fight the sensations, the tears slip silently down her cheeks but she will not give him the pleasure of hearing her cries. Again, searing pain assaults her as the clamp is applied now to her left tit, the weight of her tits pulling against each other, sealing the clamps to her ravaged nipples.
Lightly he runs his hands over her body, she tries to ignore the goose bumps his touch produces, the nipples trying to harden more under the bite of the clamps, but she is no longer in control. Slowly he trails his way down her body again probing the wetness between her legs. His fingers slipping to the base of her plug, he begins to move it. Slowly he pushes it around in her tender ass, she feels it come to life inside her, circular motions making her need and wetness grow with each motion. A stinging slap lands on her aching clit quickly followed by more, she yelps in surprise but feels only pleasure at the rough treatment of her pussy, it is as if he knows what she likes. She tries to squirm away from her tormentor but cannot move enough to escape it.
He walks to the head of the table and leans in close to her, looks deeply into her eyes and says “I will have what I want before this night is through and no one will be able to help You.” She had expected no one to help her and was only hoping to survive and possibly be set free when they tired of her. He moves in closer to her, smelling of her sweat and fear. She closes her eyes and tries to hide knowing she cannot. She feels his tongue on her cheek and begins to cry again, soft, small sobs of disgust. He reaches under the table and pulls out a ball gag, “I have heard enough of your crying for now, I want you silent.” He hisses. He forces the gag into her mouth and begins to work on the buckles behind her head. She tries to move and keep him from getting it buckled but ends up with a hard slap to the cheek instead.
When the gag is in place he again moves over her body with his hands. She closes her eyes and wills herself to believe this is her Master. Intense pain tears into her breast as his teeth sink into the hard flesh. Repeatedly he bites her breasts, she thinks he surely will tear her flesh away but still he bites. She feels one hand stray over her belly, pinching and poking as it makes its way to her pussy. He follows his hand with his bite relishing the quivering flesh under his teeth. When he reaches her pussy he again smells of her wetness. She feels first one finger probing her cunt, then another slips inside her, he tries to move away and resist but is finding it more and more difficult. She again reminds herself to believe it is her Master doing these things.
The fullness in her cunt is increased again as he slips in a third finger. She feels herself being stretched wide, the burning pain beginning as the fourth finger is inserted. The fingers inside her turn into a squirming mass of pleasure as she feels herself accepting it more and more. Then the real pain begins, she feels the thumb move into her and the pressure increases as the hand begins to move inside her. She feels her cunt will surely split wide, she cannot take much more of this pain, she screams hard into her gag, moving as much as her bounds will allow to get away from the cruel fist in her. He begins to pump his fist back and forth into her pussy and again she screams, she screams with all her might and as she screams the orgasm sweeps her away. She writhes in the pain and pleasure coursing through her body and still she screams. Still she screams, as the blackness steals her away again.
Groggily she opens her eyes. Her body aches just breathing now. She is lying over a tall table her hands stretched out in front of her and tied to the legs, her feet still attached to the spreader but now also attached to the table legs. The gag and posture collar still in place she cannot see much around her. The lights are still dim here but she thinks she hears someone breathing just to the left of her. She tries to see who is there but the collar makes it impossible. Coolness grazes her left buttock as a hand slide over its prey, slow, deliberate motions, measuring the skin. Fire explodes in her ass cheeks. “Crop” is the only word her mind can hear. Over and over the crop hits its mark never increasing in intensity, never decreasing, only even measured strokes over and over. She tries to count them as they land but loses count after 15. Tears streaming down her face, she screams and tries to beg but the gag muffles her attempts. If this were her Master she could use her safe sound, but this is not her Master, he will take what he wants regardless of her pain. The crop stops, the hand glides over her welted and broken buttocks. The hand leaves her to her tears. She can only guess it was the man in leather this time.
She is tied there half-dazed for an unknown time, no sounds reach her ears, no escape to the darkness comes, and it is only she standing there in her misery with her wounded spirit and skin. She slips into a broken sleep, dreams of her Master taking her hand and leading her away swirl around in her confused mind. She no longer dreams of escape, that time has long since passed, she only dreams of relief from her pain and torment. Footsteps behind her pull her up from the foggy dream and remind her there is no relief. She is truly a prisoner. Had she ever imagined it this way? She remembers fantasies of being stolen or lured away to some private prison where she would be used but had she really ever imagined this? So much pain, so many feelings tearing her apart as the crop had torn her flesh. So much…
She hears the zipper again, no words this time, just the zipper and knows she is to be used again by her abductor. She can smell him; the scent of him so familiar now, where was her Master’s scent in her mind. In some strange way she felt they were her Masters now and there would be no escape but she wanted only her true Master, would she ever see him again? Hand tearing at her raw buttocks, pulling her cheeks apart now, the feel of his swollen cock at her slit repulsed her. The cunt in her body didn’t belong to them; it belonged only to her Master. She again struggled against her bonds, trying with all her might to be free. A wicked laugh reached her ears just before the stinging slap reached her torn flesh. “You are mine now slut, no Master here to save You.” his words like poison in her ears.
In a blinding flash the cock was in her tearing at her cunt like razors. It seemed to grow inside her with each hard, furious stroke. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back as far as it would go and still pulled harder. She heard the hair beginning to rip out, felt the scalp letting go of its tender strands. Her head snaps down again as he releases his grip on her, forcing her chin into the edge of the collar, making her bite into the gag. He fucked her hard, so hard she thought surely she would never be able to fuck again and with each stroke the plug is buried even more deeply inside her. He raked his nails down her back, certainly drawing blood this time but no trickle of blood could be felt. The only thing she felt was the cock driving her hard and the plug along for the ride. On and on the cock pounded her, she feels both hands tugging at the collar, it falls free, for what purpose she cannot guess. Still the cock drives on. Surely he will be done with her soon.
Hands in her hair again pulling her head up, fingers encasing her neck now, their grip tightening, panic takes her. The air slowly thinning in her throat, she is suffocating. She shakes her head hard trying to free herself from the grip but only succeeds in making it tighter. She sees stars begin to float before her eyes and still the cock drives on. The grip loosens some and she gasps for breath. Cool air fills her lungs and she struggles again. The cock pounds into her raw pussy as the hands close around her throat. Feverish strokes now, she hears him beginning to groan, can she last until his load is delivered? More quickly this time the stars appear before her eyes, darkness creeping around the edges, soon she will blackout. She hears foot steps. With a few final thrusts, the cock spasms inside her, but she is unaware.
Opening her eyes she can’t believe she is here. She thought for sure he would steal her breath as he stole her last shred of dignity. Tears begin to flow down her face. All hope of seeing Master again is gone. She is lost. She cries as she has never cried before. She cries to be with her Master and cries for her lost self. She had dreamed of being abducted and raped but never imagined this. How foolish she was to have thought she would be released.
She hears footsteps again. The man in leather stands before her. He quickly begins to release her from her bonds. First the gag is removed, finally she can breathe freely again. Next her ankles freed from the cuffs, then the hands. Finally the man helps her stand straight. He looks deeply into her eyes, she returns the gaze. His hand grazes her face. He reaches up and begins to remove his mask; finally she will see who is before her. Relief washes over her in waves as the face of her Master appears before her. She rushes to his arms, longing for the comfort they provide. She begins to weep freely now. “Master, I was so scared, the other man…” she begins, but his mouth covers hers in soft kisses, “You are safe he is gone now” he whispers between kisses. “You are safe my little one.” He says again as he picks her up. She is safe, happy in the knowledge that her Master was with her. “Was it all you imagined little one? He asks. “Yes Master, and so much more I could never have dreamed of.” She replies. She lays her head on his strong shoulder. With a final kiss he carries her away from her prison