It was not planned so I suppose you could call it accidental. In any event it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I had just seated myself at one of the conference dinner tables. As usual at these events there were ten chairs squashed around the table and only the chair next to mine was still vacant.
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After the usual introductions the nine of us settled back down and I glanced around to notice her standing at the entrance to the meeting room looking lost. One of the hotel banquet Captains approached her, turned, studied the room and immediately gestured for her to follow him. He had spotted the empty chair at my table.
I tried not to stare but it was not easy. She was Asian, Chinese probably, and wearing one of those satin dresses with a stand up collar. It showed every curve of a perfectly proportioned figure and ended just above the knee. The matching pumps I guessed had a 3” heel. She was gorgeous! Her jet-black hair was just below her ears and styled with the two front ends curved in towards her chin to frame her face.
The Captain pulled out the chair for her and she just stood beside it with her eyes cast down while we all introduced ourselves. She looked up quickly and said, “I’m Mei Ling”, then slid in the chair.
Beautiful as she was, she was painfully shy. Through the dinner I managed to get some basic information from her but it was hard work. She was a computer programmer in a different division of the corporation we worked for. This was the closing dinner of the Annual Meeting and we would have to suffer through a bunch of boring speeches before it was over.
Mei Ling ate like a bird and hardly spoke a word to the guy on the other side of her, much to his disgust, because he was not very subtle about where his interests lay with this lovely young lady.
As we moved towards the coat check at the end of the program Mei Ling quietly asked me if I knew whether the hotel would call her a taxi. I didn’t understand what was going on. I mean she was probably 23 or 24 years old and a professional yet she didn’t have a car or know that hotels had cab ranks outside? It didn’t make sense but I took advantage of the question to ask where she lived.
It really didn’t matter what her answer was because I was going to insist on driving her home. I was even more determined when I saw the expensive leather coat being handed to her in return for the ticket. When she told me where she lived I made my offer and she glanced quickly up at my face, whispered a “thank you” and started putting on the coat.
It was deep blue leather, dropping to slightly below her knees. Mei Ling closed the coat with the six buttons and a tie belt. While she was doing that I had retrieved my own black leather maxi-length coat and fastened the front before pulling the wide belt tightly around my waist and feeding one end through the double pin buckle.
I didn’t miss the fact that her eyes followed my movements and I pulled on a pair of kid gloves as we walked towards the entrance. Before going out to the parking lot I stopped and pulled a soft leather hat from my pocket. As I adjusted it over my hair I looked at the girl and decided to see if I had judged her correctly.
“I’m parked at the end of the lot, Mei Ling, and it’s cold and blustery out so I think you should pull up the hood of that coat. Don’t you have any gloves?”
Slowly her hands reached up on either side of her neck and got a hold of the hood to pull it up over her head. Then her hands went in the coat pockets and came out with matching blue kid gloves. If the rest of this girl’s wardrobe was like this she was certainly not short of money.
There was a tab on the hood that buttoned across her throat but she had not done it up. I lifted her chin with a gloved finger and fastened it for her. Her reaction was to drop her eyes again and give another whispered “Thank you.”
We made our way to my car and got in. I started the engine, got the heater going and then turned and just looked at her. She was reaching towards the hood when I spoke. “Do up your seat belt Mei Ling. I don’t move the car unless my passengers are safely strapped in. And, please leave the coat hood up; you look so lovely with that leather framing your face.”
She didn’t say a word but connected the seat belt and then sat with her hands in her lap – the hood stayed up!
I didn’t need much help finding her place but as I pulled in the driveway I hid my surprise. The house wasn’t huge but it certainly wasn’t small and it smacked of money. Mei Ling thanked me for the ride and asked if I would like to come in for tea or a drink. If she hadn’t asked I would have found an excuse to get inside anyway.
Over tea that she made I dragged some more facts from her. Her brother who was a few years older than her and a very successful businessman owned the house. He was currently back in China for six months or so setting up a new division. The two of them had immigrated when she was eighteen and, while he allowed her to go to a private school where she excelled in computers, he had played the typical Chinese male and squashed any social life for his sister.
I mentioned that I was almost jealous of the lovely clothes she was wearing particularly the coat that now was draped with mine over a chair in the hallway.
Mei Ling told me that even though she very rarely went out except to functions like tonight that had to do with work; she did have an extensive wardrobe.
“You looked so lovely in that blue coat tonight, do you have any other things in leather?” I asked the question gently as I sat beside her on the chesterfield sipping my tea.
“Yes.” She said meekly. “I have several things. I don’t know why but I love the feel of leather, it’s so smooth and cool yet warm at the same time.” Well I knew why; she had a leather fetish and so did I but mine extended to latex and bondage. The fact that I was also a lesbian only increased my determination to get to know Mei Ling very, very well.
It was getting late and I didn’t want to push things tonight so I suggested that, as tomorrow was Saturday, if she didn’t have any other plans maybe I could visit and we could get to know each other a bit more. As I said it I again lifted her chin with my finger so she was looking at me.
And that is how I arrived on her doorstep the next afternoon ready to take things a step further. Under my black leather coat I was wearing a fitted black leather dress and a pair of lace up knee high boots with 5” heels. Mei Ling seemed to shrink at the sight of my outfit as I peeled off the coat and hung it in the hallway; I left my kid leather gloves on as they were tucked up my arms under the sleeves of the dress.
Mei Ling was wearing a flowery blouse and a pair of white slacks with a pair of low-heeled sandals on her feet. She looked stunning – but!
“Oh I thought after our talk last night you would be showing me some more of your leather Mei Ling. That’s why I wore this.” As I was talking I stroked my gloved hands down over my waist and did a little twirl on the high heels.
She stammered a bit, “I’m sorry we can go and have a look after tea if you like.”
I liked and after the obligatory cups of tea we went upstairs to a huge bedroom that looked out over the back garden. They had obviously just punched a doorway through to the smaller room next door and turned it into a clothes closet.
I took the initiative and started wandering around the racks of clothes. On one wall were several chests of drawers and shoe racks. It was more like a retail store than a private wardrobe for one woman and at first I thought I would not find what I hoped.
Then I noticed that two of the racks, instead of plastic hanging bags, had cotton covers draped over them. As I approached them I recognized that lovely perfume of leather. I should have guessed that she knew you don’t store leather inside plastic.
“If I choose some things would you model them for me Mei Ling?” “If you want me too.” This girl never seemed to speak above a whisper.
I took my time as I roamed around the room but I could see her eyes following my leather clad figure everywhere I went. The selection was easy; I knew just how I wanted her to look for me. “Would you like me to wait downstairs while you change?” I said as I handed her my choices and got a brief nod in return.
I had hoped I would get to watch her change but she was like a deer in my headlights right now and I didn’t want to scare her off so I left and went back to the living room. I was sick of tea so I used the time to find the liquor cabinet and pour myself a stiff drink.
I stood up as she slowly walked down the stairs then approached her, reached for her hands and held them away from her sides. “You look beautiful Mei Ling.” She was wearing a pair of tight rose-colored leather slacks with a matching vest over a white silk long sleeved blouse. On her feet was a pair of black leather ankle boots with 4” heels.
I had looked for something even more exotic but not found it. I hoped to change that situation in the near future and pulled her over to sit beside me on the sofa as I continued my gentle attack.
She didn’t pull away as I draped my leather covered left arm around her shoulders and, yet again, used my kid gloved right hand to lift her chin so she was looking at me.
“Why are you so shy, Mei Ling? Does it have something to do with your brother keeping you under such tight control or is it because you are not sure how to handle your own feelings?”
I allowed my left hand to rest against the taunt leather over her breast and the leather on leather contact seemed to calm her somehow. She almost snuggled against my side and I knew I had her.
“I’m so lonely. Even when my brother is home it is like having a very strict father watching my every move. I insisted on going to work, not because we need the money, but I hoped it would help me meet other people. I’m very clever at my job but most of the people in my department are men and I catch them sometimes looking at me very strangely. I don’t dress provocatively but I feel their eyes on me all the time.”
It was the most words I’d her speak at one time and I knew it came from her heart but I’m not ashamed to admit I took advantage of it.
I pulled her even closer to me until the leather we were wearing almost squeaked. “Mei Ling, you need a friend. I know we only just met but I think I could be that friend if you’ll let me. We seem to get along and I’m by myself so can we try being friends; will you let me help you?”
For once she looked up herself and studied my eyes for a long second and then nodded and dropped her eyes again. We spent the rest of the day just talking and getting closer and ordered in some food. I didn’t try anything and acted like a big sister to Mei Ling.
Naturally, the conversation turned around to her wardrobe I made sure of that. I told her that I knew a leather outlet that had some things I thought she would really like and convinced her to visit it with me the following week.
During that visit she didn’t even look at prices, money was not an issue with her. She loved the store and picked out a few things but nothing too special. I, on the other hand, managed to talk her into buying a pair of leather lace up thigh boots with 6” heels. I also had my friend, who owned the place, slide a few other items on the sales slip that I knew would fit Mei Ling.
Back at her home I stepped things up a little. She did a little fashion show for me modeling her purchases and then it I asked her to try the boots. At this point she was wearing a leather mini skirt and the leather vest she had worn the week before. She pulled the boots on and we giggled together as we laced them and then I helped her stand up.
She took to the heels easily and I made a mental note to make the next set higher. “I like it when you help me and hold me.” She said as she walked around the room in those boots. “Well, come over here and I’ll show you another way I can hold you and make you feel very safe and secure when I’m with you.”
She looked puzzled but came over to me and I turned her so her back was to me then asked her to put her hands behind her back. She was wearing a pair of leather gloves that covered her wrists and I held them together as I secured them with a thin strap.
The leather single glove slipped up her arms and I pulled her to me and kissed the nape of her neck as I arranged the straps over her shoulders and back to the top edge of the sheath. Then I started lacing it until her elbows almost touched and she never said a word. There were no complaints, no hysterics, nothing. She just stood calmly facing away from me as I continued confining her arms.
Over the laces were four additional straps that I tightened around the sheath and then pulled the shoulder straps up a couple more notches and turned her to face me.
“Now then, how do you feel?” There were tears rolling down her cheeks that I caught with my handkerchief. “Why are you crying? Have I hurt you?”
“No, oh no, I suddenly feel so secure and so dependant and helpless and, and free! But that doesn’t make sense.”
“Yes it does my love, it makes all the sense in the world but I have something else that will make you understand the meaning of being helpless even more.” I kissed her softly on the lips and then used one hand to pull gently down on her lower jaw so that her mouth opened. The leather gag fitted perfectly and I buckled the strap behind her head.
We spent the evening on the chesterfield with me cuddling her and exploring her leather covered form with gentle touches of my kid gloved hands. Slowly Mei Ling relaxed and finally fell asleep in my arms with her arms still firmly locked behind her and the gag in her mouth.
For the next few weeks we spent our evenings and weekends together. She had set up an account at the fetish store and I frequently stopped to pick out something new for her to wear. I deliberately never touched her in the crotch area, that could wait; but I noticed that every time I approached her nipples became very noticeable.
A leather bra with nipple holes was my next purchase! Then I stepped up my sensual activity. She passively accepted the fairly light bondage I used, the arm sheath, the boots and the gag but that evening I was wearing neck to toe tight black leather and added a strap around her ankles.
I blocked her against the end of the chesterfield with my body then put my arm around her shoulders and gently started rolling one of her nipples between my kid-gloved fingers. Her moans started almost immediately but they were moans of pleasure and I really had to hold myself back. I restricted myself to her breasts but they were enough to get her seriously aroused for the first time in her life.
She had given me a key to her home and one evening I let myself in to find her sobbing soundlessly on the chesterfield. The tears were rolling down her cheeks and her chest was heaving as she tried to get her breath around the silent hysterics.
Without even taking time to get out of my coat I scooped a box of tissues off the side table and took Mei Ling in my arms as I settled beside her.
“What is it, what’s wrong?” She motioned to an envelope and several pages of a letter on the coffee table but since I don’t read Chinese hieroglyphics it was no help to get me understanding what was going on.
Gradually I got her settled down and she told me what was in the letter; it was from her father. Her brother had been arrested by the Chinese government and charged with smuggling his products out of the country without paying the duties. Her father said that it really meant he hadn’t bribed the right people and was now in deep trouble.
In with the letter was a power of attorney that would allow Mei Ling to move the bank accounts into her name and then she was ordered to sell the house, close the accounts and return to her family in China.
At hearing this I used some of the tissues to catch my own tears.
“Were you crying for your brother then?
“No, I was crying because I don’t want to go back there and I can’t bear to leave you.”
“Then you will not so we must figure out a way around the problem; but first we will get you feeling secure and comfortable.”
Half an hour later, I had bathed her face to remove the tear damaged makeup, laced her arms in the single sheath and strapped her legs, clad in a pair of tight leather pants, at the ankle and knee. We talked as I made us a simple dinner. Mei Ling was roped in one of the kitchen chairs and I fed her as several ideas came and went between us. Then it hit me and I told Mei Ling what we should do; she immediately agreed with the plan and we worked out the details.
It really was quite simple; I worked in the real estate division of our company and knew just what to do. Within days Mei Ling had the house on the market and had turned the bank accounts into bearer bonds in a very substantial amount. Those we put in my account and I used a small part of it to buy the other half of the semi-detached house I owned.
A contractor easily punched a double door inside between the two units and Mei Ling and I had a large home that could accommodate our wardrobe and be adapted to our lifestyle in a very convenient and comfortable way.
When Mei Ling’s house sold very quickly for nearly half a million dollars we laundered that money the same way. Mei Ling resigned from the company and disappeared.
There was no way her family would be able to trace her and we began our life together in earnest.
She loved being a sub’ and she loved leather and bondage and the week after we were settled in our new home I took her for a car trip.
She made the trip snug in a leather straight jacket, hobble skirt and laced, high-heeled boots that was all hidden under a long, heavy rubber rain cape. The car shoulder and waist safety belts held her firmly. After a three hour drive I pulled in the parking lot of a medical clinic, helped Mei Ling out of the car and led her inside.
In a very short period of time Mei Ling was undressed and strapped to an examining table as I stood beside her stroking her face and smiling down at her.
“Mei Ling” I said, “My friend Linda here is a Doctor and we have a very special surprise for you. In a minute you will go to sleep and when you wake you will be my bondage partner for life. Starting at your ears Linda will be adding a couple more holes to the ones you have and then she will move down to pierce your septum and each side of your nose.”
“Your tongue will have three hard plastic tubes punched through it so I can put in studs or maybe fit a gag with pins to clamp around it. Your lovely nipples will be ringed and also have a gold bar installed through each one. Your navel will be ringed and then Linda will put several stainless steel rings down either side of your vagina and one gold one through your clitoris.”
“Before that though since you are still a virgin we are going to let you experience losing that and getting a taste of the pleasures we will be enjoying from now on.”
As I was speaking tears started down her cheeks but I kissed them away and then placed my lips over hers and let my fingers caress her nipples as Linda expertly began to manipulate her clitoris and the opening of her vagina.
The dildo was well lubricated and in the hands of one who knew just how to use it to get the maximum reaction. Linda had used a finger to check and judged that Mei Ling’s hymen would not present a problem.
It didn’t and as Mei Ling was overtaken with her first orgasm, she smiled up at me and as I slid the anesthetic mask over her face she whispered, “Keep me feeling secure and love me.”
There is something so incredibly sensuous about the sound of leather on leather. I don’t mean the crisp thwacking of a leather strap on leather covered buttocks although that does have its points. No, it’s the soft sibilant hissing sound made, like now, when my hand in its tight kid leather glove slides around her neck and shoulder to rest on the taut red leather covering her left breast and cup it in a gentle embrace.
I felt a shiver run through Mei Ling’s form as I cuddled her to me and slowly activated the mechanism of the double width recliner chair until the back moved from vertical to a more comfortable angle.
The preparations had taken quite some time but now, the evening was young, the lights were low and I was ready to take my love on a roller coaster ride to remember.
It was several weeks since our return from the clinic and we had spent them well. We explored each other’s likes and dislikes, wants and needs and most importantly, limits.
Obviously I was the Domme that was without question but gradually I made it clear to the gentle and compliant Mei Ling that our relationship had to be a two way street. It could not be all take from me and give by her, there had to be satisfaction and, yes, comfort, on both sides.
As I pulled the helpless leather bound form closer to me I thought back to the first time I asked for her complete trust.
I took her out to a movie!
At the end of the evening while I could not remember the name of the film Mei Ling, the little minx, said she loved it but she would have liked some of the popcorn!
That, of course, would have been impossible given the gag in her mouth!
Oh yes! Gagged, out in public and at the movies.
She just expected a quiet evening at home being my helpless little plaything while we watched a movie on TV; I said nothing to make her think otherwise. I had started with a very soft leather straight jacket that covered her torso from neck to waist. Her nipples poked through ½” holes with their gold rings and studs glinting against the black leather. Folding her arms comfortably under her breasts I buckled the straps at the end of each sleeve in the small of her back.
The butt plug was not that long and very flexible while the dildo was bigger but designed to titillate not aggravate. Next came a soft absorbent pad and a pair of latex panties before I tightened the crotch strap of the straight jacket between her legs.
The boots were knee high with very sensible 3” block heels because, much as I loved her in sky-high stilettos, they would attract too much attention. I guided Mei Ling’s legs into a snug, knee length leather skirt, pulled it up, closed the zip and tightly fastened the waist belt.
Telling her to open her mouth and stick out her tongue I carefully adjusted the clam shaped rubber gag behind the tongue studs. It was spring loaded but with just enough tension to allow her to easily close her mouth and keep her teeth together.
She had a puzzled look in her eyes as I led her over to the vanity and sat her down so I could touch up her makeup. The dark cherry lipstick with a touch of gloss fitted so well with the deep colour of her Asian eyes and the shine in her raven black hair. Several studs in each ear with large, dark droplet earrings in the bottom piercings completed her look.
I detected fear in her eyes as I came back from the wardrobe with her SBR rain cape and my own long leather coat.
“I said we were going to watch a movie kitten, I didn’t say where.”
Now the fear became real and I took her in my arms to whisper in her ear.
“It’s raining so the cape will be a perfectly natural thing for you to be wearing and will cover the fact that you do not have the use of your arms. All you need to do is keep your lovely mouth closed and nobody, except us, will know about the gag. Now, do you want to go to the movies or not?”
I pushed back on her shoulders until I could look in her eyes. She studied my face for several long moments and, I believe, she realized what it would mean to me if she went along with my game. She nodded slowly and I kissed her gently on the forehead then picked up the cape to drape it over her shoulders.
It was just below knee length and had a hidden heavy duty zipper from a little above the hem to her right shoulder. I closed that and then buttoned the cape every six inches from her neck down.
The hood came up and was held in place with two matching buttons on a neck flap.
Buttoning and belting my own leather trench coat I pulled a soft leather floppy brimmed hat over my hair and tucked the wrists of the kid leather driving gloves into my sleeves. Grabbing my handbag and car keys I led Mei Ling through to the garage, settled her in the car and tightened her seat belt.
Once at the theatre and out of the rain I unobtrusively loosened the neck buttons and folded the hood back off her head. I found us seats with Mei Ling sandwiched against a wall, threw my coat over the chair next to her and then went back to the foyer for a box of hot buttered popcorn.
Teeth clenched over the gag and lips pursed she frowned at me as I settled in beside her.
I still can’t tell you what the film was about I was so lost in my own space thinking of other scenarios we could play out with Mei Ling in bondage and in public; it was wonderfully exciting.
Something did finally bring me out of my reflections. It was subtle movement that I caught out of the corner of my eye. With the sound from the movie I couldn’t hear anything but, without moving my head, I surreptitiously glanced sideways at my bound and gagged companion.
Her right shoulder would come forward a little bit then go back against the seat; then her left would do the same. I was puzzled and it took a while but then I realized she was very slowly moving her chest back and forth under the cape. Of course! She was rubbing her nipples against the slick cool lining of the rubber cape.
My little pet was placidly watching the movie and trying to get off.
I leaned over and put my lips against her ear.
“If you cum I will be very angry and you will sleep alone tonight on the floor beside my bed in a very uncomfortable hogtie.”
The movements stopped.
When the movie was over I let her follow me out to the lobby and then quickly pulled up her hood and fastening the neck flap. Holding the door I let her proceed me out into the rain and over to the car.
When she was seated and strapped in with the seat belt I climbed in the driver’s side and opened the glove compartment. Taking out two straps I peeled back her hood and buckled one of them over her lips and behind her head. Then, after pulling the hood back in place, fastened the second strap around her neck with a large D ring just under her chin. A piece of cord under her rubber covered knees, through the ring and, with my hand pushing down on the back of her neck the sleek rubber hooded head moved down towards her knees.
“Just wait ‘till I get you home.”
And when I had got her home I had a marvelous time keeping her so near the edge and frustrated that she finally screamed at me through the large ball gag. With that outburst I changed my tickling, teasing fingers for a vibrating wand that made her explode within moments.
It had been a great evening and this one might just match it.
Mei Ling had confided early in our relationship that being bound and helpless was an intense feeling because she loved and trusted me enough to find complete relaxation and freedom in submission.
At first I had a hard time understanding this sub mindset. While not a professional Domme I had been through several experiences with submissives, none of them particularly satisfying. There had been the pain slut whose only aim was to get me to be harsh enough to allow her to get off. Then the one who tried to top me from the bottom. The biggest pleasure I got there was sticking gags in her mouth to stop the flow of annoying suggestions.
Perhaps the worst was the high-powered female tycoon who, I finally figured, was just using our dates and bondage, almost like a business appointment. It was her excuse for giving up all responsibility or the need to make constant decisions for a few hours.
None of those situations fitted Mei Ling and me but gradually I had put the pieces together.
All her life she had been confined without any say in the matter, first under the thumb of her Chinese father and then her brother. The emotional bindings they had put on her were harsh, unfeeling and without any semblance of love; they were the restrictions of a culture that, for the most part, treated women like chattels.
When, after meeting me, those ties were loosened she reveled in her freedom. She discovered that our bondage games ALLOWED her to enjoy submitting not because she had to but because she wanted to. Our love of leather just added to the mutual pleasure.
When she was bound in leather and straps, done by me with love and not based on threats or fear, she could completely relax and let herself soar to amazing heights.
Tonight was special. It was the anniversary of the company dinner where we had met. Mei Ling put on the same high collared satin dress that had captivated me that night; she told me it was called a cheongsam. We had gone out to dinner with no bondage; just leather coats just to protect us from the weather and for warmth. It was a lovely meal and hardly a word was spoken until, as she finished a bowl of strawberries and cream, she had asked me to do her a favour.
“You are so good with your knowledge of bondage and I want you to make me completely helpless tonight. I mean gently but firmly. Then I want to feel you holding me and I will relive the wonders of this last year we have spent together.”
My mind went into overdrive thinking about all the gear we had accumulated and what I would use to grant her favour. I looked in her eyes to make sure she was not just doing this for me but for both of us. I liked what I read in those lovely dark eyes.
“It will be my pleasure kitten, why don’t we go home and see what happens?”
I had chosen the red leather. Chinese red; it just seemed fitting to the occasion and almost like a thumb to the nose for her family and their ill treatment of this lovely, sensitive girl.
And so here we were. Mei Ling was, at this stage, past the point of being helpless. The single boot that encased her legs almost to the crotch was laced tightly but I had fitted foam pads between her anklebones and the sides of her kneecaps before I made the long edges of the boot meet.
Her upper torso was already encased in a matching red leather throat to hip corset and before working her legs into the boot I had carefully plugged both of her lower orifices. The butt plug and vibrating dildo were fairly large but also very flexible. I wanted her to feel the fullness without being uncomfortable with it. A pair of tight red latex panties held everything in place and completed the flow of colour from her neck to toes.
Mei Ling’s kid-gloved hands were clenched into small fists and laced in matching tight mitts. I then folded her arms behind her back and fitted each fist in the hollow of the opposite elbow strapping them firmly in position. Her bent arms fitted inside the leather pouch that I pulled up to her armpits then ran straps from it over each shoulder, crossed them between her breasts and ran the ends to small buckles in the pouch at the point of each elbow.
That pulled her arms even more firmly against the back of her torso and removed the even slightest possible movement.
Now I just had to complete the picture by working on her lovely head.
It was a simple sponge but, when cut in half and rinsed in cold water, it made a very effective, but almost gentle, gag when packed in her mouth. A strip of rubber went over her teeth under her lips and was tucked back inside her cheeks. A couple of strips of surgical tape across her mouth and I turned my attention to her ears.
They were rubber earplugs, no fancy speakers or other gadgets just plain and simple, but very effective, sound blockers. After tucking her hair inside a tight rubber cap I picked up the matching red leather helmet with just eyeholes and openings under her nostrils and carefully laced it down the back of her head.
Over the lower laces of the helmet and the top of the body corset I strapped a neck brace. It kept her head with the chin slightly tilted upwards but also had a hard throat protector to make sure her breathing was not impeded. I made the gag strap just tight enough so she would constantly feel its presence.
After settling the helpless form on one side of the chair I left her to get changed.
Mei Ling’s eyes went wide and literally smiled at me when I returned to pose in front of her. The tight black leather dress and knee boots with 5” heels were the same thing I had worn the morning after we met. With my hair brushed until it gleamed and makeup a little more intense than usual, I knew I looked good.
Standing in front of Mei Ling I pulled on the skintight black kid leather gloves to complete my outfit then reached to the tray on the side table that held one glass and a chilled bottle of white wine. The other item on the tray was the blindfold that would complete her isolation.
Gently I smiled down and leaned forward to kiss the tip of her leather covered nose then, as she closed her eyes, I settled a wad of soft cotton over each eyelid and snapped the red leather blindfold in place.
Sliding on the chair beside her I slid my gloved hand, making that lovely sound, across her shoulders and around to cup the taut leather covering her left breast then activated the recliner mechanism until we were at a comfortable angle. I felt her shiver.
Pulling her against me I made myself relax and stay still.
I had used all my skill to make sure her request was fulfilled. She was blind, deaf, dumb and unable to move. But I had not put any strain on her muscles with the bondage I used to confine her so helplessly. I had deliberately not made use of any of her lovely piercings; those were for when we were in different moods.
Gradually I could feel the tension leave her body; even through the taut leather that was evident. Her breathing through the nostril holes in the leather helmet became slower and deeper.
I sipped a glass of the wine until, after about twenty minutes, I felt a series of small tremors flow through the leather encased form resting against me. That meant she was deeply into her sub-space and I turned the vibrator control to a minimal setting.
This would intensify her mental state without being intrusive or harsh. I would know when she peaked and very slowly increase the sensation level to help her.
Tonight was her night.
But it was also mine because it proved to me that the last twelve months had not been a dream. It was real, it was the emotional melding of two souls who satisfied each other’s needs and wants, it was heaven and it would be, I quietly prayed, forever just –
Mei Ling and Me!