Karen arrived home to the prospect of another bland, masterless evening so on the spur of the moment she decided to visit the local cinema. Karen decided, however, to make her visit a little more interesting, and nothing would be more exquisite for her than to indulge in a little rubber self-bondage underneath her everyday clothes.
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And so Karen began her evening of pleasure.
First, she took a small enema plug, lubed it, and inserted it in her pert bottom. She took her enema bag, filled it with a couple of quarts of warm water and then attached the hose to a nozzle on the plug and released a clamp. The water filled her quickly. She loved the warm fullness that a plain enema gave her, but loathed the cramps that often followed quickly.
Karen re-clamped the hose, detached the bag and stood in the shower for as long as she could cope with. After a short time the cramps became just a little too much and so, still standing in the shower, she eased the plug out with her thin, nimble fingers. A torrent of waste and water gushed from her anus and splashed up her legs as it hit the shower tray. She turned the shower on to a warm setting, and proceeded to wash the muck from her delicate legs, whilst pressing the solid lumps down the plughole with her toes.
“I hope that doesn’t block it” she said to herself.
She continued to wash her long raven-black hair, and waited patiently while more of the water from her intestines worked its way back out the way it went in.
When she was certain the last of the water had worked it’s way through she rinsed the last of the shampoo from her hair, stepped out of the shower, and proceeded to her bedroom. Going to a box she kept under her bed she removed a medium sized butt-plug, and a small vibrator. Generously covering the plug in lube, she eased it into her bottom, her anus greedily contracting around the narrowing at the base before being thwarted by the flared end. She turned the vibrator on and inserted it into her dripping, shaven pussy with a quiet moan. Letting the toys do their work, building her to an orgasm that she was saving for much later, she went to the kitchen, filled up a cup with water, dropped the keys to her padlocks in the cup and placed the cup in the freezer. Then she sat down at her computer to book tickets and read her email whilst combing through her wet hair. Karen fought hard to resist the temptation to rub her self to orgasm now, instead knowing that if she saved it for later it would be that much more exciting.
She read her emails quickly, more glazing over the myriad of junk than actually taking in any of the important messages.
Karen returned to her box in her bedroom and began selecting her implements of torture for the evening.
First of all her favourite. A classic black latex catsuit. She dusted off the talc that she had meticulously coated it in after she last wore it, unzipped the zipper that ran from the base of the spine, through the crotch, and up to the collar, and eased her feet and slender legs in. The catsuit engulfed her shapely hips and she rolled it up, past her slim waist, to her armpits. Then, with the kind of experience that only comes with donning such a garment many, many times before, she slips her slight arms down the sleeves. Next, she wound soft rope tightly around the base of her ample breasts, cruelly cinching them, and rapidly turning them an angry red. This made her pierced nipples stand perfectly to attention. Her breast had always been overly large for her petite frame, even since she was just a small girl, but thanks to good choices of bra’s over the years they had aged well. Something that had always made her popular with the boys, but none of them offered her the twisted kind of satisfaction she only gained from teasing and torturing herself in public while others saw nothing but normal everyday street clothes.
Next she took a thick, black, vibrating butt plug. This was one of the largest she owned and was easily 8 inches long and 2 inches thick at the narrowing. Again, she generously lubed the thick plug, eased out the smaller plug she was still wearing, and proceeded to fill herself with the thicker plug. This was a struggle, even though Karen was no stranger to having her backside filled like this. Taking her time, and gently pressing the base of the plug against the frame of her iron bedstead, she forced her abused anus to stretch to what felt like breaking point. Such was her concentration on this task that she allowed the still buzzing vibrator to just drop to the floor. Just as the stretching became almost too much the plug slipped in as her anus gobbled up the widest point and relaxed a little around the narrowing and Karen let out a moan of pleasure.
Finally, before closing the zipper, Karen took her 10 inch long, 3 inch thick vibrator, lubed it, and pushed it as far as she could into her. Even taking her time it protruded at least 2 inches.
“I’ll sort that out in a minute.” She thought to her self, and proceeded to reach between her legs for the zipper, pulling it through only as far as her belly-button.
Karen returned to the kitchen, the two intruders knocking against each other through the thin membrane with each delectable step. She went to the freezer in the kitchen and removed a plastic bag containing a beautiful pair of thick purple latex stockings that, when warmed up to body temperature, were a size too small and restricted her walking by contracting so tightly, but as the rubber had been cooled in the freezer, they where a near-perfect fit. Knowing that latex didn’t slide over latex very well, she poured a fair bit of lube inside each. The lube allowed her to easily slide her feet in as far as her knees, and from there she slowly rolled each one up to her mid-thigh. The coolness of the stockings quickly permeated the catsuit, bringing her whole flesh out in goose bumps, and sending a delicious shiver up her spine. Karen also removed from the fridge a small plastic box containing leather laces soaked in salt-water. She kept these for lacing a corset, such that as they dried out over the course of an evening, the laces would contract and gradually tighten her waist.
Karen walked back to her bedroom, and from her wardrobe, she pulled out a pair of calf-high patent leather ballet-toed boots. Perching on the edge of the bed reminded her of the large intruders within (not that they were easy to forget), and she slid her latex-clad toes within. She stood up and her toes compressed an seated into the points. The longest she’d ever worn these boots was a couple of hours at most, and even then, she had been sat down or kneeling for most of that. She drew the laces up through the eyelets as tightly as she could and then tied them into double bows. If they came undone while she was out she’d never be able to bend down to tie them again, and the idea of not letting others be aware of her unique underwear would prevent her from asking for help. She added a tiny spot of superglue just to be sure though. Around the ankle of each of the boots was a built-in ankle cuff that allowed the boots to be padlocked onto her feet. The keys to her padlocks were the ones she had frozen earlier, and she clicked the padlocks closed.
Next, she stood up, and undid the zipper enough to allow her to turn on the vibrators in her ass and pussy. With a click they leapt into life and Karen had to fight hard to hold in her orgasm. Both vibrators also included circuitry that caused them to run in 10 minute blocks, with 20 minute intervals, gradually increasing in intensity over 4 hours, and then running at full intensity continually until the batteries could no longer sustain them. The long-life batteries were fresh in that evening. With the vibrators simmering on their lowest setting Karen reached between her legs once more, pulled the zipper through, drawing it all the way up to the neck. Around her throat she padlocked a collar to prevent her from unzipping the catsuit. Then she continued to dress
Next, she removed from the box on her bed her purple latex, steel-boned, underbust corset, with no less than 8 purple garters. She laced it with the soaked laces from the fridge. Fully closed it would compress her waist to a crushing 16 inches, and while she’d come close on a couple of occasions, Karen had never quite manage to close it completely. Tonight, however, she’d have no choice. As the vibrators switched off she slipped into the corset and laced it as tightly as she could, down to 20 inches, then tightly clipped the stockings to the garters. Across the laces of the corset was a flap that allowed the corset to be padlocked in This took another ten minutes, but when the vibrators clicked on again, there was very little reaction.
The penultimate article for her evening out was a special harness that ran over her shoulders, and through her crotch, but had a gap, allowing for more of the soaked leather lacing to be used to lace the straps together. As the laces dried, so the harness would tighten, increasing the pressure on the intruders below. She grunted and groaned as she tightened the straps, forcing the butt plug in deeper, and forcing her stretched pussy to take in a little more of the vibrator, though not much. She could still feel about an inch and a half still to be accepted as they clicked off once more.
Her final piece was a length of chain with a pair on nipple clamps on the ends. The clamps were special in that, the harder you pull, the tighter the grip. Her nipples were standing incredibly erect through the thin rubber of the catsuit, and the combination of the restricted blood flow through Karens breasts and the constant rubbing against the latex had made them incredibly sensitive. She clipped the first clamp on to her left breast. The pain was momentarily intense, but swiftly turned to excitement. She pulled the chain up behind her neck, and pushed her right breast up to meet the second clamp. Again, the shock of the second clamp was powerful, and was enough to make her drop the breast. The sudden tightening of the chain would probably have been enough to send an orgasm through her had the vibrators been going.
As an afterthought, Karen wrapped some cuffs around her wrists and padlocked them closed.
So, with her bondage complete Karen donned a floor length skirt and a loose jumper. The collar was barely visible, and the boots would only show if the wind lifted her skirt too much. She looked like a meek librarian. If only other people knew the truth.
Unfettered, the walk to the cinema would have taken Karen a little over an hour, but dressed as she was Karen opted for the bus. Karen picked up her handbag and placed a few more toys inside.
“For the return journey” she smiled to herself.
Arriving at the bus-stop Karen was disappointed to see some vandals had broken the bench, potentially meaning a lengthy wait, her slim figure continually pressing her toes deeper into the boots. This was not too much worry. Her toes were not even cramping yet, and besides, she did not have long to wait. After just a couple of minutes a bus appeared and she flagged it down. As she boarded the bus she was disappointed to see it was packed. She was to gain no respite from her boots, her weight constantly pressing down. The bumpy road began to take their toll upon her compressed feet, however, as her body had warmed her stockings, so their constriction supported her, and the constant pressure that her harness was exerting upon her intruders took her mind off things. Just 5 minutes into the journey her intruders sparked into life, and though only on about half of their full strength, they were more than enough to bring a smile to her face. The vibrations buzzed through her loins, constantly reminding her of the intruders presence, and constantly reminding her that only a thin membrane separated the two as they gently bumped and ground against each other. They weren’t yet enough to make her cum on their own which, right now, was quite frustrating. She wanted to cum, but on a bus full of people she could not reach up her skirt and play with her clit. She had no choice but to simmer away and ride out the vibrations.
The cinema was relatively quiet when Karen arrived. She picked up her tickets, purchased a large bottle of water for later. The lacing in her corset and harness had begun to shrink quite noticeably. Her waist much have been down to about 19 inches, and the harness had pressed the vibrator in so that just over an inch now protruded between her thighs. The stockings had now warmed to body temperature, and the tightness made bending her knees to walk a real effort. She tottered into the auditorium and sat down in her seat. Her harness and corset prevented her from slumping down and getting too comfy, and perching upright simply added more pressure to the thick plug in her rear. She set some clockwork, time-release padlocks to release at the end of the film and locked her wrist-cuffs to the cup-holders in the arm-rests.
As the opening credits rolled the vibrators began their next cycle. Karen closed her eyes and lost herself in her own mind. The vibrations alone were frustrating as they kept her on the brink of orgasm. Unable to use her hands to take her over that brink Karen contemplated rocking in her seat to shift the plug and the vibrator, but she changed her mind out of fear of attracting unwanted attention from other movie-goers, or worse still, the cinema staff. The last thing she needed would be to be asked to leave. She bit her lip, and again rode out the vibrations. This was getting torturous... but then, that was the whole point.
After the vibrations stopped Karen became engrossed in the film. It was some new teen-horror flick. Nothing too classy. She had deliberately chosen a film that had poor reviews in order to avoid a packed cinema. She became so engrossed in the movie that when the vibrations started again she let out a yelp of shock, then quickly bit her lip once more to suppress the noise. The vibrations were strong, but Karen knew she was a screamer restrained as she was, there was no way she could get to her gag. With all her might she held off her orgasm, trying instead to concentrate on the film. After ten minutes the vibrations clicked off once more and Karen breathed a sigh of relief. She hoped and prayed to herself that the film would end soon so she could leave, head home and remove these infernal devices. She didn’t have long to wait before the credits rolled. Nervously she glanced at the locks, wondering if she’d judged the timing right. How embarrassing to be trapped in the cinema like this, and having to explain her predicament to the manager. The locks clicked open and Karen breathed another sigh of relief.
As she stood to leave she became aware of just how much the lacings had tightened. She reached behind her and felt the corset. It had little more than an inch before it closed completely. The harness now pressed the vibrator in so much that it only just extended beyond her labia, however, like the corset, the harness itself had also not quite finished it’s constriction. Her cervix and vagina were starting to ache from the constant stretching pressure and the intermittent stimulation. The harness was also taking its toll on her behind. Her bowels were starting to cramp a little from being filled by the thick plug for so long and her anus felt like it was trying to swallow the flared base. She tottered to the ladies as quickly as her constricted legs would allow and stepped into the first available stall. She was starting to wonder if it was all too much, and yet somehow, it wasn’t quite enough.
In her stall she hitched up her skirt and padlocked a wide strap to her latex-clad thighs, just above her knees. This strap had two effects. Firstly Karen would have to walk from her knees, and secondly, crushing her legs together added more pressure forcing the vibrators inside of her. Next, to complete her return-journey additions she added an 8 inch hobble-chain to the cuffs on her boots. Her feet were also starting to protest at the ongoing torture, but Karen knew she would be home within the hour. Finally, Karen drank the entire bottle of water. She re-adjusted her clothes to hide her underwear once more, and exited the stall. She filled her bottle up at the sink, and drank it all. Dropping the bottle in the bin, she left and headed back to the bus-stop.
Horror struck Karen as she approached the bus-stop. She got to within sight of the stop, just in time to she the last bus pull away from the stop. She didn’t know this, but the driver had seen her walking slowly (unaware of her restrictions) and presumed that, since she appeared to be in no hurry, she must not have wanted his bus.
She stood there for a moment, stunned with disbelief. What would she do now? She didn’t have enough money for a taxi, and there was no way she was hitch-hiking.
Karen resigned herself to her fate. It was a warm summers night, and at least it wasn’t going to rain. Her feet, pussy, ass and waist were all starting to ache quite badly now, but with the padlocks in place there was no escaping just yet. She began tottering down the deserted leafy footpath that would eventually lead her home, and to freedom.
She hadn’t gone more than a hundred yards before the vibrators sparked into their final burst. This was them at their most powerful. Karen had not the strength to resist this orgasm, so she collapsed in a small clump of hedges and bushes. Suppressing her release for as long as possible she quickly pulled a large gag from her bag, stuffed it in her mouth and buckled it with her shaky fingers. Not in a position to think too straight she grabbed one of the time-release padlocks and locked the gag in place. She had no idea how long it was set for. The final inch of the corset had finally closed so, barely able to breath, she gave herself over to mind-blowing orgasm after mind-blowing orgasm. She lay there, hidden from view, and silenced by her gag, writhing and moaning to herself. As she lay their, lost in her own world the harness tightened just enough to press that last inch of the vibrator into her spasming pussy. As her lips gobbled up the lip of the vibrator she cascaded back into her own world of mind-blowing orgasm. She felt like she was floating on air having transcended beyond all the little aches and pains her underwear was causing.
As over fifteen minutes ticked by Karen lay there quivering, her body in a state of shock. The blast of a distant train horn snapped her back to reality. The intruders were still buzzing at full blast, but in her exhausted state she was no longer enjoying this experience. With the vibrators now constantly on time had become an alien concept. She knew the walk would have taken an hour dressed normally, but she wasn’t dressed normally. She had forced herself to take tiny, teetering steps, barely balancing. With no other choice, Karen slowly got to her feet.
Each step was absolute agony. Her jaw was already aching from the gag. Her shoulders and crotch were feeling the strain from the harness, but with the corset preventing her from bending she had no respite from the pressure. Her breasts were throbbing from the constrictions, and all the walking was yanking the chain attached to her nipples. Her ass was protesting at the huge pressure from within, and her cervix and vagina felt raw from the continual assault by the giant vibrator. The constant stimulation in her ass and pussy were just painful now, but with fresh long-life batteries inside, this wasn’t ending soon. Karen was regretting using such large toys now. Worst of all, her toes were screaming from the compression and torture imposed by the boots. Each laboured step forced her toes deeper into the crushing boots. Each laboured step caused the two massive intruders to bump and grind against each other. Each laboured step caused her bound tits to jiggle and tug against the clamps and chain that was hanging around her neck.
As she persevered onward another problem crept up on her. All that water she drank earlier was catching up on her, and the harness was unyielding against the pressure in the bladder. Eventually she relented, unable to hold it in, but between the corset, the stockings and the harness the water had nowhere to go. As she released her bladder she felt the catsuit inflate, obscenely bulging at the front, at her ass cheeks, and in two fat rings around the tops of her stockings. As she walked she felt the warm liquid sloshing around the crotch of her catsuit.
For two-and-a-half hours Karen plodded onward. Avoiding passers-by and stopping occasionally to release more water in to her suit. Her feet were screaming. Her pussy and ass were both burning and buzzing at the same time. Her waist was suffocating her, and her shoulders and jaw felt like they would break any minute. The constant tugging, caused by the constant walking, had left her breasts raw and her nipples feeling like they would just rip right off.
She was regretting every minute of it.
Eventually, she reached her front door, burst in, and slammed the door shut behind her. She stumbled straight for the kitchen, ripping (almost literally) her outer clothes off as she went, and almost tore the freezer door off of its hinges. At the back of her mind she kind of hoped that the cup wouldn’t have frozen completely just yet, but alas, it had. She tried to smash the ice, but weary and foot-sore as she was, her strength just wasn’t enough. She slumped, forced bolt upright, with her back against a cupboard as much as her restraints would allow. Sitting down only tried to force the immense plug in her ass in further, and forced her urine round to the front and sides. But by now Karen didn’t care. She just sat, staring at the ice, wishing it would just instantly melt. Tears started to roll down her cheeks and she sobbed into her gag. The pain was overwhelming. She just wanted to curl up and sleep, but her tortured body would let her. What really stuck in her throat was that it was a torture of her own devices.
Tired and exhausted Karen drew herself up on to her agonising feet, and stumbled into the bathroom, where she proceeded to run a hot bath. The steam rose up and was the first relief she felt since she sat down at the cinema. She turned off the taps and, still fully fettered, climbed in.
The heat of the water permeated the rubber of her outfit, and while the warm caused the leather of the harness to give a little, it also caused the rubber corset, catsuit and stockings to tighten. Moving at all became more effort than she was willing to put in, but especially so in her legs where the added pressure from the double layer of thick, already tight latex meant she could no longer move her knees.
Then inspiration hit her. With what little strength she had left, Karen dragged herself out of the bath and hopped to the kitchen, grabbing hold of anything she could to keep her balance. The water within her suit was still sloshing around and the vibrators, though starting to run low, once more began to send shivers down her spine as they jostled and grated against each other. Her flash of inspiration had even started to make her aching pussy moist once more.
Karen grabbed the block of ice, and made her way back to the bath. She set the ice down on the floor and clambered back in to the bath. She then reached for the ice and dropped it in the water. Then she just laid back and let the hot water do it’s work on the frozen lump. Soaking in the tub and knowing freedom was within her grasp she relaxed enough for her aching pussy to relax and become moist once more. The lock on her gag clicked open, and without hesitation, she hurriedly and shakily unbuckled the whole thing, casting it out through the bathroom door. Finally able to relax her jaw was enough to get her excited once more, and she squeezed her fingers between the harness and her clit. There was enough buzz left in the two intruders to allow her one final orgasm before her freedom, and with no gag to silence her, her moans and screams echoed around the whole flat. Satisfied, Karen simply laid back and rode on the ecstasy.
With a clatter the keys sank free of the rapidly diminishing ice, and with a start Karen lurched orward, scooped them up and stood up in the bath.
She reached the first thing she did was to unclip the nipple chain. As she undid the first clamp feeling returned to the nipple. It felt like someone had pushed a red-hot knitting needle through it, and Karen cried out in pain. The breast itself slipped down to it’s natural position, and the nipple rubbing against the inside of the catsuit made the pain that much more apparent. She took a moment to get over this, then repeated the process on her other nipple. Knowing what was coming only made it worse. Next, she unbuckled the harness and her shoulders and crotch breathed a sigh of relief. It had never struck her to do these sooner, and doing it now, she felt a little foolish.
The first thing she unlocked was the flap on the corset that was crushing her middle. Then she unclipped the garters and, using nail scissors, sawed through the highly tensioned lacing, which then severed with a load “Snap”. The corset fell away into the bath. Karen took a deep breath, then another and another. The water that she had released from her bladder earlier was squeezed upward and Karen could now feel it oozing around her middle.
Next she unlocked her thigh-strap and hobble-chain. Able to spread her legs properly once more Karen stretched The water beneath her catsuit swirled and oozed back down around her crotch, and brought her attention back to her two huge intruders.
She sat back down in the bath and slowly unlocked her boots. The water had weakened the superglue on the laces enough for her to undo them. She unlocked the padlock, unlaced the boots and slowly eased her feet out one by one. Her feet had been compressed in those torturous boots for so long that flexing her feet and calves was painful, but the warmth of the bath-water soon soothed that ache.
Karen peeled of the first of her stockings. Finally, with somewhere to go, the urine in her catsuit shot down the leg, tickling the back of her knee as it went. Carefully, she peeled the other stocking off, and then stood up, allowing the urine to drain as much as possible.
Before proceeding, Karen fetched a sharp knife from the kitchen. She went and laid back down in the bath and unlocked her collar. She unzipped the catsuit to her navel and peeled her arms out of the sleeves, exposing her deep purple breasts. Using the knife, she carefully cut through the ropes that were cruelly constricting them, and as the blood flow returned it was joined by a dull pain that seemed to pulse through from nipples to the raw strips left by the rope.
Karen lay there for a moment, knowing that in just a few minute the two enormous intruders, 10 inches by 3 in her pussy, 8 inches by 2 in her ass, were about to be unleashed. Slowly, savouring the moment, she unzipped the catsuit part way. With one hand on her clit and the other on the base of the vibrator in her pussy she allowed it to slid smoothly out. Before it was all the way out, Karen pressed it back in, and then allowed it to slid out once more. The batteries were fading, but Karen had enough strength in her for just one last orgasm. Rhythmically thrusting her hips up and down and using her hands to simultaneously rub and fondle her clit, whilst sliding the enormous vibrator in and out, in and out, in and out, nudging it against membrane separating it from the thick plug in her ass. Karen let out a series of moans and cries as she came for the last time that night and as she came she let go of the vibrator, and allowed it to slide free completely. Warm bath water rushed in to fill the void in her stretched and gaping pussy.
Karen unzipped the catsuit all the way and peeled it down her slender legs. All that remained now was that thick black plug in her rear. She laid back in the bath and eased the plug out with her delicate fingers. Her abused anus seemed only to willing to expand this one last time in order to expel its guest. Her anus had been engulfing the girth for so long that it had forgotten how to close completely, and the warm bath water rushed in to fill the void it had left. Karen simply relaxed and laid back to enjoy the sensations of her freedom and her pussy and ass filled with the warm bath-water.