"Alright doll face let me get this straight; your not a hooker. You got lost in the red light district on your way to a costume party, which is why your dressed like a hooker. You stopped for directions and someone snatched your purse; so you propositioned an undercover detective for a ride."
"It sounds a lot worse when you say it officer. You might as well lets say, I've heard them all," Laura Schwartz said.
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"According to the female office who searched you; you had 13 condoms of various flavors on your person, a gram of a controlled substance, and no underwear under your rather short leather skirt. And how about your shaved sex.orgins? Most girls aren't smooth as a baby's bottom there!"
"You know well that is part of my costume."
"I know your hooker costume right?"
"Yes officer. Do I have to wear these handcuffs? They hurt my wrists."
"Well, we handle all criminals the same. Ms. Schwartz this is the weakest story I have ever heard. Why don't you just come clean, so to speak, things will go a lot easier on you. This is your first offense, the courts will appreciate your honesty if you just confess and write it up."
"But, I'm telling the truth, I won't confess to something I didn't do. I think I want a lawyer."
"Your bozo, I mean your attorney is here. I'll show the distinguished gentle in. Look Ms. Schtartz, its up to you, but I gotta warn you the 'ladies' in the female correction facility are going to have a field day with you. A sweet little thing like, you doesn't stand much of a chance. You better get in front of this thing now. Anyway here is your lawyer."
"Hi Laura, I am John your court appointed representative."
"Hi John, you'll have to forgive me for not shaking your hand. I can see that would be difficult. How come I can't call my own attorney? The court does not allow that any more for prostitution cases. You must use an appointed representative, it helps to streamline things. I must say though it sounds rather bad for you. Propositioning a police officer for the purpose of prostitution, possession of a controlled substance, indecent exposure, resisting arrest, and failure to carry ID. This is 2015, the court go very hard on this sort of behavior, especially if you deny the charges."
"But I'm innocent, I'm not a prostitute, I really was going to a party."
"The police checked on that, the friend you mentioned is not having a party."
"Oh really, well I kind of lied about that. I was actually going to a boy's house as a gag. He's I mean I really like him and I thought it would be cool to surprise him. So you dressed up like a prostitute? Well, I thought he would find it sexy. A black leather micro_miniskirt, red satin spaghetti string halter top and matching garter belt, black fist net stockings with the top exposed, thigh hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots and no underwear. He would have to be dead not to find that sexy."
"So I guess we can add lying to an office investigating a felony to the charges. This is not getting better."
"Please you have to help me, I don't want to go to jail. I have a job, I'm only 23 I have never even had a traffic ticket."
"Laura I got to be honest with you, this really looks bad. We are not going to traffic court, your automobile history won't be much help. The trial is tomorrow is there any else you lied about."
"No, sir, nothing."
"What about the marijuana?"
"That is not mine, I borrowed the skirt from my friend. It must have been in the pocket. I'll take a drug test to prove I don't use.
"Oh, that would be great then they will charge you with distribution, which is worse than possession."
"Oh, no. What am I going to do?"
"Look let me do the worrying, tomorrow morning is the trial. You get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow at 8:00 AM."
"You mean I have to spend the night in jail."
"Yes, I'm afraid so they will consider it toward your sentence, if your found guilty.
"Oh, great. What if I'm found innocent?"
"Sorry, but I don't think that going to be a problem. Look I'm going to be honest with you. I think you should plead guilty, and through yourself on the mercy of the court."
"But, But,..." Laura began to cry uncontrollably.
"Wait hear me out. If you plead innocent, and we go to trial. You will most likely be found guilty. You will get the maximum punishment. One year for prostitution, one year for possession and five years probation mandatory. If you plead guilty, the judge will surely drop the jail time and go with the probation."
"But I'll be guilty of prostitution."
"Yes, you will. You will most likely be ordered to wear a chastity belt for at least one year, but at least you won't have to go to jail."
"A chastity belt you can't be serious. That is so medieval."
"Yes, but quite effective. They get very few repeat offenders after a couple years of forced chastity. You would probably be surprised what women come up with to support themselves when they can't sell sex any more."
"But I wasn't selling sex. I really am innocent."
"Look I believe you. You are very beautiful women. It will be a shame to see you in a belt, but I think jail is even worse. Besides you will still be in a belt for both the jail time and probation. If your found guilty, you will be looking at a minimum of 6 years belted. If you plead guilty, I'm sure you will get 1 year then be paroled."
"I can't believe this is happening. I've been here 4 hours. I've been inspected, searched, sprayed, I've had every opening on by body poked and probed. A woman with rubber gloves dug her finger around in my vagina for 5 minutes. I look like a race car driver in this nylon one_piece suit!"
"You don't look like any race car driver I've ever seen. I wish I were asking you out on a date. Trust me jail is much worse, that nylon jump suit is nothing to prison cloths, and those handcuffs are standard. They leave them on continuously."
"Yes, I know, it is so embarrassing to have my hands and my ankles chained."
"I'm sure it is and its going to more embarrassing to have you sex locked behind steel. I hate to say it, but you look very nice in tight nylon. It accentuates every curve of your body.
"Thanks. I guess."
"Are you dating anyone seriously?"
"There is a guy I was going to see."
"Can I call you after this is over?
"If you had dressed like that for me, this wouldn't have happened. I would gladly pick you up."
"I'm either going to be in jail and belted or free and belted. Free is a relative term. Why would you want to date?"
"I like girls that are hard to get."
"Very funny!"
"Well, I gotta go. Think about your plea and remember I don't think we can win. Bye, Laura."
"Bye, John I can't go to jail. These cells are so small. Two years -- I'll go crazy."
Laura lay on the cot staring at the ceiling listening to the racket in the prison, and fiddling with the handcuffs. It was so stuffy in here. She tried to unzip the front of the suit but the zipper went all the way to the neck and locked under the collar. She had to unzip the crotch just to pee.
"Laura, you look terrible," John said
"I cried all night. I can't believe this is happening."
"Did you decide how to plead?"
"Yes, I guess I'll plead guilty."
"Good you made the right decision. It will be over before you know it. We are the next case. I need to go and I will see you inside. Just relax everything will be fine I promise."
"In the case of the State of New York versus, Laura Schwartz how does the defendant plead?"
"She pleads guilty your honor."
"Is that correct young lady?"
"Yeesss, your honor.
"Very well, this court finds you guilty of prostitution, for the sake of simplicity I will drop the other charges. You are here by sentenced to be confined in a chastity belt for not more than six years and not less than three years. Next case. Bailiff remove the prisoner for processing."
"But, but I thought it would be one year."
"So did I. Look, at least, he dropped everything else."
Laura was lead by her arm down a long hallway. The bailiff walked faster than the shackles allowed her. He basically dragged her by the arm. Once at the processing room a large muscular and uniformed women with her hair in a bun greeted them.
"Got another huh," she said. "Well we're backed up, but I'll get you started."
Laura looked around at three naked women seated on a bench with their arms behind their back and red ball gags in their mouths. A fourth was standing in the middle of the room being fitted with a shiny steel belt.
The guard released the cuff from one wrist and removed the shackles and ordered Laura to strip. Once naked her arms were pulled behind her and cuffed together and a ball was shoved into her mouth. She winced as the ball was pushed between her tender lips. It was strapped tightly behind her head and under her chin. Laura looked around trembling. I must look like them, she thought.
"Don't go anywhere, we may as well measure you," the woman barked. "Glad to see you shaved that thing clean you saved us the trouble. Come over here and put your ankles in the slots."
Laura complied timidly as the woman kicked thick metal shackles closed around her ankles. Her legs were held awkwardly wide apart, the woman steadied her for a moment then began taking measurements. She called numbers out to another woman pecking on a computer keyboard. They measured her neck, waist, up the back down the front, from her clit to the waist clit to anus, anus to waist.
The process took easily 20 minutes with rechecks and corrections. Laura was completely humiliated the women did their work, as if she were a mannequin. The were pushing and probing her sex forcing the measuring tape in every imaginable place. The other woman looked up from the keyboard to announce that the computer had accepted the numbers. Both guards smiled at work well done.
Without delay the muscular woman put the tape down and grabbed a chair and pushed it behind Laura. Sit down Sweet Cheeks your gonna love this. She grabbed a pump spray bottle. This stuff will make sure that hair doesn't grow back, at least not for 50 years or so. 50 years Laura thought, this was the first time she had ever shaved her pussy, she wasn't even sure she liked it. It felt strange being bald there. I guess it doesn't matter now, she thought. The spray was cold and made her sex tingle as it dried. The woman pulled a thick belt around Laura's chest just below her breasts and tightened it.
"You ain't gonna like this next part much, Sweet Cheeks. Just take deep breaths.
Yeah, right, she thought, with a ball in my mouth.
Well I see your nipples are already pierced that will save a couple. We'll start with the hard part. She knelt between Laura stretched out legs and placed several barbell rings on the table next to her. Laura gasped at the sight of the rings. She froze when the woman squeezed her clit and tugged it out from the protective hood. Despite Laura meowing protest sounds a clean horizontal hole was poked thru her clit. A barbell shaped rod was placed in it.
"That was the worst. Just four more."
With wide_open eyes Laura watched as a plier looking device was clipped on her pussy lips four times, twice on each side. Leaving behind 4 neat holes with gold grommets in them.
That wasn't so bad, Laura thought. It actually didn't hurt.
"That didn't hurt did it, Sweet Cheeks.
"UmUm!" Laura struggled to say through her gag.
"Good. Your collar is ready," the guard said. With a tug and a snap a wide mirror finish stainless steel collar was clipped tightly around her neck. "Okay, its time to get those nipples harnessed."
She pushed a steel disk over Laura's nipple. It was 1_inch diameter with a dimple in the middle. A metal rod went thru a hole in the side of the dimple thru her nipple and out the hole in the other side. A screw cap covered the tip of the nipple keeping the rod from falling out. With a firm tug the woman verified the disk would not come off then repeated the process on the other nipple.
"All done Sweet Cheeks. Now you can join your friends."
Laura was moved to the bench next to the other girls. The four sat in a row waiting their turn for the belt fitting. Now Laura looked like the other girls. She could see the hardware attached to their nipples and pussy. They all had the same sick scared look. The ridiculous red ball jammed between their pursed red lips. Silver colored saucers covering their nipples. Laura leaned her back against the wall. She closed her eyes and nodded off.
"Lets go Sweet Cheeks."
"Um!" Laura said looking up with a start.
"Lets go babe, your next."
Laura suddenly realized she was next, the other girls were gone. She must have slept for an hour or more. Laura stood up slowly and walked toward the large muscular woman. The woman was holding her shiny belt. The light glinted off its mirror surface. The woman steadied Laura by the arm as she lowered the belt for her to step in. Facing Laura, the woman worked the belt up over her hips rocking it back and forth to get the tight belt to her waist.
The cold metal touched her warm skin and pussy, sending a shiver up Laura's spine. She could feel a thin rod intrude into her sex, as the belt was moved into place. The woman held its position, and worked Laura's pussy lips thru the front slit. Then squeezing the belt incredibly tight around her waist, she closed the ends and pushed the cylindrical lock home with a firm click. Laura shuddered as the sound reverberated in her ears. Her sex was lock tight behind a steel slot a quarter inch wide. The feeling of the belt made her sex contract and wet she thought she was going to have an orgasm on the spot.
"Sit down", the guard ordered shaking Laura back to reality. We're not done yet."
Laura balanced on the edge of the chair as four tiny screws were inserted thru the grommets in her labia and tightened to the front plate with a screwdriver. The barbell thru her clit was pushed into a plastic grove and snapped into place.
"We will now let see if it works," the woman gloated.
As she pressed a button on a TV remote. A buzzing sensation in Laura's pussy assured the guard that it definitely worked. Laura jumped up protesting into her gag.
"Good," the woman said. "That's what you'll feel if you break the rules. Do not try to remove the belt, collar or nipple covers. If you do the sentence will be doubled. You can pretty much do anything you want with the exception of entering the city, or having sex. Do you have any questions?"
Laura looked puzzled and shrugged not that she could ask with her mouth plugged.
"Good, then get dressed and go home. We'll call you within couple of days for your monthly appointment," the guard said starting to turn away. "Oh, wait. One more thing."
The woman knelt down and pressed a second metal plate over the front of the belt and snapped it in place. "The first one makes sure you can't put anything inside yourself. The second makes sure you can't touch yourself.
'Swell,' Laura thought to herself.
The woman undid the cuffs and removed the gag. "What a shame you are so young and cute. Well, three years isn't that long she said, brushing Laura's brown curly hair out of her eyes.
"Three years is an eternity. I've only screwed around a couple of times. I'm going to go crazy now," Laura moaned.
"Go crazy, just don't tamper with that belt. You will find that 6 years is even longer."
Laura quickly pulled her skirt on, then slipped the halter_top over her head. She tucked her breast into the top. She lifted the skirt enough to snap the garter belt over the waistband of the chastity belt. She then slid the fishnets up. She steped into the hip boots and pulled the zippers up.
"Nice outfit," the guard laughed.
"I was going to surprise my boyfriend."
"I'll bet he'll be surprised when you show him your new appliance."
"Yeah, if I show him," she pouted.
Laura walked home to meet her roommate Ann.
"Wow, you look like something else", she said shocked.
"Thanks, I guess," Laura replied.
"How was your date?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Okay Laura, we can talk later.
"I'm really tired I'm just going to take a nap," Laura said as she moped into her room.
She closed the door. Maybe a shower will help, she thought. I can wash all the hand prints off. Laura removed her ensemble and walked into the bathroom. She looked down at the belt, and rubbed her hands over the metallic surface. The belt was warm from her body heat. Its hard feel did not give at all under her pushing. The belt was way too tight to slid over her hips. She picked at the lock with her finger, it was tight and secure. She noticed an inscription on the front of the waistband.
The words sent a shock wave through her body. My sex is the property of the state, she thought. Studying the collar in the mirror she rotated it until she saw writing.
Laura stared at the words it was so humiliating. She would have to wear it for at least 3 years. There was no way she would be able to keep it a secret.
Laura climbed into the tub and let the water run over her body. She hung her head down and let the water run through her hair. After she showered she dried off quickly when Ann knocked at the door.
"I have some tea for you. Can I come in?"
"Yes, just a minute. Laura quickly jumped into bed and slid under the covers. "Okay" she called to Ann.
"Here honey. this should settle you down."
Laura had the covers up to her chin so Ann would not notice the collar. Anne sat on the edge of the bed and gentle caressed Laura's face. "So how was your date?" Ann asked.
Laura rolled onto her side facing away from Ann as she answered. "I never made it."
"How come?"
"I got lost when I got off the interstate."
"Where did you spend the night?"
"At the police station."
"Oh, really."
"My purse got snatched and I didn't have any money or keys for my car."
"So you never saw Tom?"
Laura just shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes.
Ann rubbed her friends back and gently massaged her shoulders. Laura rolled onto her belly, contently resting as Ann rubbed the tension away. Ann swung her leg across Laura, sitting on her rear, she gentle straddled her. Ann leaned forward still massaging Laura's back. She ran her nose over Laura's ear, and gently kissed her cheek. Laura lost in relaxation didn't move as Ann tenderly eased the covers down bearing Laura's shoulders and back.
Still rubbing she massaged her shoulders and ribs pressing firmly as Laura purred with acceptance. Ann leaned forward again smelled Laura's shoulder length black permed hair as she snuggled her face down and kissing her neck. Reaching under she ran her hands down Laura's sides and caressed her breasts.
Laura giggled and squirmed protesting, "That tickles."
Ann straightened up and pulled her t_shirt off over her head. Then leaning forward again, lay next to Laura, facing her and hugging her close. Gently lifting Laura's chin she kissed her lips first tenderly questioning. When Laura did not resist, Ann slowly kissed again more passionately. Slowly sliding her tongue in, she explored her friend's mouth. Laura rested her arm on Ann's hip and returned the kiss as Ann slid under the covers. The two necked and kissed as Ann's hands probing Laura's firm body and made a curious discovery.
Ann sat up and pulled the covers back. "What the hell?" She questioned.
Laura drew her leg up in the fetal position and buried her head in the pillow in shame.
"What is that Laura?"
" It's a chastity belt," she mumbled into the pillow.
"I can see that, where did you get it? Ann felt the metal waistband, and ran her fingers down the bar as it buried between Laura butt cheeks. My God this is really tight! She proclaimed as she pushed Laura's hip and rolled her on to her back. Sitting on Laura's legs, Ann rubbed the front shield letting her fingers feel the holes in the front cover. Laura fought back tears her eyes closed hands cupping her breasts to hid the covers. "What happened Laura?" Ann finally asked.
Laura unable to look at her friend turned to the side as she pouted a response. "I got arrested last night."
"For what?" Ann asked as she rolled Laura's face toward her by the chin. Ann, noticing the collar, read the inscription aloud. " PROSTITUTION!"
" I had to plead guilty, the police didn't believe me. The way I was dressed and all, with no ID. My court appointed representative say it would go easier on me."
"How long do you have to wear it?"
Laura choked as she uttered, "Three years."
"Three years," Ann repeated.
"I don't know what I'm going to do."
"I know what you're not going to do!" Ann chuckled.
Laura punched her in the arm, "Its not funny!"
"Ouch," Ann wined, rubbing her arm. "I'm sorry it's just so kinky. God I love it"
"Love it? I hate it! I can't take it off remember!"
"They put a collar on you too? What are the disks on your nipples?"
"I don't know, I guess I'm not allowed any sexual stimulation."
"They didn't cover your rear did they?
"No, don't give them any ideas."
"Well then, they didn't cut you off completely."
Ann was overwhelmed, she lay back next to Laura rubbing her hands over the belt and the nipple covers. "This is so sexy." Ann climbed between Laura's legs peering into the holes. " I can see your lips and your clit. There are screws through your lips."
"Yeah, they pierced it.
Ann slowly began rubbing her own clit as she investigated the belt. My God they pierced your clit too. There is a barbell through it."
"Yeah, I know."
Ann's pussy was wet just looking at her pathetic friend. Stroking her pussy, she easily came lying on top of Laura. Kissing her deeply she said, "I'm sorry, but I love this thing. It is really kinky. What is it like?"
"Its like having steel locked over your pussy. It's like not being able to touch yourself or do what you just did."
"I'm sorry," Ann apologized. "I just..."
"I know..." Laura interrupted. "It is kinky, but very frustrating. I can't have an orgasm for three years."
"Oh, yes, you can," Ann begged to differ.
Ann jumped up and ran to her room and returned with a large white dildo vibrator. Straddling Laura with her dripping crotch in Laura's face, she parted Laura legs and pushed the vibrator against the rear of the belt. Ann was puzzled, it won't fit. The hole was too small. Placing her finger into the hole in Laura's rear she felt her sphincter. Its there all right, she mused.
"We're going to need a smaller one of these." Laura looking up at her friends dripping sex and said.
"I don't think I ever seen you like this."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never seen you completely naked let alone inches from my face."
"Oh, sorry," Ann apologized again.
"Its okay," Laura said as she reached a finger up and touched Ann's swollen clit. "I've never seen one from this close before."
She stroked her finger lightly on the slippery lips then pushed the skin back that partial covered the clit. Ann twitched and moved as Laura's gentle touch caused her to get excited again.
"It smells very strong almost like cheese or something."
Laura reached her tongue tenuously closer and closer to the dripping sex in front of her. When it finally made contact, she pulled it back in her mouth suddenly. There wasn't any taste, really just a strong smell. Now aware of her own throbbing pussy and Ann's finger probing her rectum. She reached her tongue forward again this time licking the clit, then up the lips.
Ann held still as Laura licked and probed her sex. Suddenly very aroused Ann shuttered as each gentle touch of Laura's tongue sent impulses up her spine. Ann's breathing became deeper, puffing through her nose. She twisted her finger in Laura's rectum as she felt herself slowly approaching the edge. Laura now aware of Ann's gentle moans with each touch teased the pert little clit tickling it then sucking it, until Ann exploded in a strong climax.
Liquid ran from Ann flooded Laura, running down her mouth and chin. Depositing under the steel collar. Laura pulled back, disgusted and trying to get out of the line of flow. She was trapped against her pillow. Ann panting, rested her sex on Laura's face unaware of the completely mortified look on her friends face.
"I hope that was good for you." Laura finally quipped.
"Ahh, I'm sorry, that was great," Ann said as she climbed off of Laura and the two sat up looking at one another.
Laura was still grossed out by the flood of smelly juice running down her breast and clinging to her face. "I get the top next time," she mused.
"Okay, dear," Ann chuckled as she rolled over and rested on the bed.
Laura climbed off the bed and returned to the bathroom. " I'm going to take another shower," she said
Ann trotted to the bathroom excitedly. "I'll help you."
Laura lathered her hair again and rinsed as Ann's hands rubbed and probed the belt. Laura turned around facing Ann, and said "what are you doing."
"I love this thing. Its so cool."
"Its not cool, its frustrating. I can't even touch myself. Ann leaned forward and kissed Laura again.
"I can't believe you're in the shower with me. I can't believe you sucked on my pussy, Ann said.
"Yeah, neither can I. I've never done anything like this before. I hope it won't be the last time either."
Ann smiled as she kissed Laura again. "We have to get this thing off of you."
"It doesn't come off. Not for three years."