Karen was a pretty girl of 24 slender build with large breasts and a firm round ass. Her hair was shiny golden natural blonde. She lived in a tiny one-bedroom apartment. Working for a museum as a secretary she barely made enough to survive.
One day while cataloging some newly arrived artifacts from India she discovered a very interesting bottle. She began cleaning the bottle with a rag when smoke started spraying from the top. Concerned she set the bottle on the table and stepped back.
As she did a figure appeared out of the smoke. It was a woman, a beautiful brunette dressed in shiny satin robes. The woman had gold jewelry adorning her body, and hair. Her robes were like pants covering her bottom to the waist, then draped over her shoulders and hung down toward her side. The robe barely coved her breasts, which hung magnificently high and firm with a golden ring piercing each nipple.
The woman lifted her head with her hands folded under her chin as if praying and said. "I am the Jeannie form the bottle, your wish is my command Mistress" Karen was dumbfounded. She stared at the Jeannie in complete disbelief. "Who are you?" she asked. "I am the Jeannie from the bottle. Your wish is my command."
" I don't know what to wish for." Karen continued pathetically. The Jeannie stared at Karen devilishly, raising a finger to her lips caressing them she said, "Perhaps you should join me in my bottle. There I can make you comfortable mistress, and you can think of what would make you happy. Karen agreed reluctantly.
A cloud of smoke appeared and they were standing in a large room. Beautiful color curtains surrounded the entire room. A huge satin covered bed with dozens of pillows took up one side of the room and made a semi circle around the edge of the room. A steaming hot tub sat to the other side of the room. A golden table with bowls of fruit, flowers bottles of wine and mounds of food sat next to the tub. The sweet smell of incense filled the room. Karen was awe struck. She gazed around the room turning looking up and down. It was the most fantastic sight she had ever seen.
The Jeannie walked toward Karen placing her hands on Karen's shoulders gently pushed her down onto the bed. Karen kicked off her shoes and squirmed backward with her elbows and feet further on to the bed. Karen laid back and placed her head on a pillow. She shifted and nuzzled into the bed getting comfortable as the Jeannie settled in next to her. The Jeannie rolled over cuddling close to Karen. Placing her leg between Karen's she tenderly held Karen's cheek and kissed her on the mouth sliding her tongue in deep. Karen was frightened and excited, she slid her arms up under the pillow squeezing it around her head as the Jeannie probed her body and continued to kiss her.
Karen was overwhelmed, she lay still as Jeannie crawled on top of her and slowly laid her weight on Karen. The Jeannie continued to kiss Karen thrusting her tongue deeper and deeper into her mouth as she moved her hands up clenching her fingers with Karen's. The two remained tangled for a long time. The dominant Jeannie squirmed her sex on Karen's, riding her meek guest. Karen lost to the overpowering advances did not notice she was now completely naked.
The Jeannie pulled back kissing Karen's body as she slowly worked her way down to Karen's pussy. Jeannie folded Karen's legs and gently parted her knees as she stroked and caressed her sex. Karen was moaning in ecstasy. Jeannie swept her hand across Karen's sex, leaving bald hairless flesh in its wake. She held Karen's clit in her teeth as she sucked her to orgasm.
Karen brought her hands down running her fingers through Jeannie's hair, as she moved her hips to meet the stimulation in her crouch. Karen bent back her head digging her crown into the pillow, screaming in pleasure as wave after wave of orgasm rocked her body.
Jeannie shifted her body placing her naked pussy over Karen's face. Karen open her eyes when she felt the warm drippy cunt of the Jeannie press down on her nose. Jeannie's juices ran down her cheeks, as she began to suck at the swollen clit in her mouth. Karen could feel a metallic ring in Jeannie's clit, and others in her labia. She tweaked the clit ring with her tongue as Jeannie began to moan and grind her pussy on Karen's face. The two squirmed rubbing and caressing as they passionately delighted each other. After much time the Jeannie pulled away, Karen breathing hard and smiling contently rolled on to her belly cuddled into the bed and fell asleep.
Karen awoke from her sleep dazed. She rolled over yawning stretching with her eyes closed feeling alive. She looked around but her friend was gone. She lay on the bed rubbing her hands on her body still buzzing from the experience. She could still smell Jeannie's flower and taste her juices. As she ran her hand across her breast she felt a ring hanging from her nipple.
She sat up startled and noticed both nipples were pierced by golden rings like the Jeannie's rings. She squeezed her breast and rubbed her nipples smiling at how erotic they were. Her pussy wet as she tugged lightly at one ring. As she admired her breasts she noticed there were golden rings with large jewels on each of her fingers, and wide gold bands on each thumb. She also realized 2 inch wide, thick gold cuffs were on her wrists. Grabbing one of the cuffs she tried to rotate it, but it stayed firmly attached.
She held her hands out and twisting her wrists studying the cuffs. They were smooth with no openings or seams, as if they were apart of her. Changing her focus to her breast, she squeezed the flesh with one hand and pushed the ring in so that it rotated in the hole in her nipple, but there was no end, no seam. The ring was a complete circle there was no way to remove it. The thought of this made her pussy contract, she reach down to caress her buzzing clit through the sheet but was meet by something very hard.
She threw the sheet off of her legs and revealed a golden plate that wrapped around her waist and slid neatly down between her legs completely covering her pussy. She made a fist and banged her knuckles on the plate it made a hollow metallic sound. Karen quickly leaned forward, panicked she crawled to the end of the bed and jumped up. She stood up confused, frantically running her hands over the plate.
It completely covered her sex. The plate went under her crouch and ran up the crack of her ass and rejoined the waistband. There were rows of small vent holes on the front and a larger hole at her anus. Placing her hands on the waistband she tried to push it down, but it did not budge at all. The device was like the cuff - a part of her. She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned forward to look in the holes in the front plate. She could see a ring dangling from her clit, and several other rings in her labia. Karen crawled back on the bed tugging and pulling at the belt, desperately trying to get free.
She felt very scared and excited. She sat up on the bed and pulled her legs up close with her knees to her chest. She looked around realizing she was still in the bottle, there were no windows and no doors. She sat on the bed hugging her knees to her chest rocking slowly. She screamed for Jeannie but heard no sound. There was nothing to do. She shook her head in disbelief.
She was trapped in a tiny bottle in the museum. The thought made her sex flutter, but the belt prevented any contact. She could see her sex, see could even smell it, she just couldn't touch it, and no amount of rubbing or beating the belt could give her the stimulation she wanted. The tiny rings dangling from her pussy just taunted and teased her. She lay back on the bed frustrated. Her only option was to wait for the Jeannie to return.
Karen waited along time impatient and wanting free of her bonds she decided to investigate her prison. The table was still covered with food. Karen picked at some fruit even though she was not hungry. On the chair next to the table were Jeannie's robes. Noticing she was naked except for golden adornments and that her clothes were gone she decided to dress in Jeannie's robes. She slipped her legs into the baggy satin pants and pulled them up to her waist and tied the belt. Next she slipped her arms into the matching vest and wrapped the scarf up over her shoulder and down to her waist. The pants were gathered at her ankles; looking at her feet she noticed Jeannie's pointy golden shoes. She placed the shoes on her feet and continued to check out the room. Walking around was very stimulating, the robes felt sexy on her skin as she moved, and the draft she created stirred the scent of Jeannie on the clothes. She longed for her new friend and to be back in her office in the museum.
The room began to move and shake, a sudden pop sound a cloud of smoke and Karen was standing in the living room of her house, Jeannie dressed in regular clothes was facing her. Karen instinctively folded her hands under her chin and repeated the chant she had heard. " I'm the Jeannie from the bottle, your wish is my command Mistress." The words startled Karen.
Jeannie smiled at her saying "so you are my dear." "But I don't understand. You are the Jeannie!" she protested. "I was the Jeannie, that is your fate now." Jeannie chirped as she sat on Karen's white leather sofa.
"There are some things I will be needing. I wish for this to be a huge mansion in Beverly Hills. I wish for my bank account to have 100 million dollars in it.
" Karen folded her hands and repeated," Your wish is my command Mistress, it is done.
"Splendid" Jeannie interrupted. "I also wish for you to wear a golden collar 2 inches wide with a ring in the front. I also wish for you to wear a golden ring in your nose, and cuffs on each or your limbs with a ring on them. "
"Your wish is my command Mistress, it is done." Karen said solemnly. And it was done; Karen had a collar with a ring and cuffs on her ankles and wrists with a ring on each, and a golden ring hanging from her nose.
"Splendid Karen, Jeannie whispered, now come here let me look at you."
Karen bowed her head a walked to her Mistress.
"Please" she pleaded. "I don't want to be a Jeannie."
"That makes two of us" Jeannie replied. "Now you have some more work to do." Jeannie continued as she pulled back her skirt revealing her pussy.
Karen hesitated then kneeled down between her Mistresses legs buried her face in the pussy and began sucking. Jeannie moaned softly and squirmed her hips. She held Karen's blonde hair and forced her pussy harder into Karen's face. Jeannie released her grip on Karen's hair picking up the bottle she said.
"Return to your bottle, I will summons you when I want you. At that a cloud of smoke returned a Karen was back in the bottle.
She looked up turning around gazing at her new home. She collapsed back on the bed bewildered by what had happened. Jeannie's rings now hung from her pussy and nipples. She was wearing Jeannie's clothes, and juice from Jeannie's sex was on her face. She stared in disbelief at the ceiling. She tugged on the ring in her nose to verify its presence.
Crawling up on the bed she placed her head on the pillow and pulled the sheet over her. The smell of Jeannie's perfume on the pillow was a final reminder of her fate. She reached down and rugged the belt covering her sex. Her clit burned her sex begged to be touched. She rolled on to her side a cried herself to sleep.