"O.K. Tammy, here are the rules: Its 9 p.m. Friday, you have to stay in the house continuously until midnight Saturday. That means you can't leave period. Not in the yard, not on the porch. Yes, in the house, and you have to sleep in the old ladies bed," Amy chimed in.
Sue, Amy and Tammy were friends even though Sue and Amy always stuck together. Tammy didn't really mind too much, as she'd always been kind of a loner. Sue was a rich brat from New England. Her bleach blonde hair and expensive cloths were a show. She was very pretty with nice sized breasts and a firm curvy ass.
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Amy was a quieter more reserved person. Her dark curly hair hung down past her shoulders. She had a pretty face and a nice body; a good catch for any guy. Her family was obviously less well off, though she rarely talked about them. She had a funny draw in her voice like a southern bell, but not the bossey personality. She was actually a fairly nice person if you could get close enough to find out.
"Keep the cell phone with you; we'll call you occasionally," Sue continued. "Flash the light out the bedroom window to verify your location. No one can stay with you. You may not call anyone. When you are in the bedroom, you either stay naked or wear something from the house. You have to lower your cloths out the window with the rope in your bag. We will pick them up, then return them Saturday night. Do we agree?" "Yes," Tammy replied. "Are there any questions?" "No," said Tammy. "Good."
"Now then just remember Tammy dear, there are no such thing as ghosts, but if you lose, you go to the party with geeky Harold. Yes, and you have to have sex with him." "Yes, and if I win I get the pink slip to that cute little Vette your daddy bought you," Tammy replied. "Agreed," Sue said smiling.
"All right here is your dream home do you have any last requests?" "Yes, make sure you wash my Vette, and get it polished for tomorrow I want it looking real pretty when you hand over the keys," Tammy exclaimed. "Actually we are going to go pick out your costume for the party. I think a nice latex micro-mini and halter, or a baby blue satiny Little Bo Peep outfit. In any event, I'm sure we'll be able to find something suitable embarrassing. Ok see you tomorrow night. Bye"
Tammy gathered her bag of allowed items; water, sandwiches, rope, flashlight, cell phone, paper bag and a book. Opening the rickety gate at the front yard she tentatively entered the property. "I can't believe I got myself into this! Maybe Harold wouldn't be so bad, but sex with a geek while dressed like little boo peep! I got to go thru with this. How do I always manage to get myself into these messes?"
Walking on, Tammy made her way up stairs to the porch. The bet made was she had to spend the weekend in the haunted old house alone, or go to the costume party and be humiliated. She slowly turned the knob and opened the door with a loud long squeak. "Hurry up chicken, Harold is waiting," she heard through the window. "Shut up you guys," she yelled. Tammy walked into the dark house and closed the door. Ring, Ring, Ring "what the F---. Oh it's the phone, Christ," Tammy muttered. "Hello?" "Hi Tammy dear, not too late to chicken out." "What do you want?" She demanded. "Just wanted to remind you to go straight to your room. I mean old Ester's room and drop your clothes out the window. You have 10 minutes." "I know, I'm on my way up now," She replied. "Haven't run in to old Jeb have you? I hear he had a monster cock." "Its cold in here what if there aren't any clothes," Tammy complained. "There are, they never cleaned the place out; no one would ever go back in after the murder. The local story on campus was that the old guy Jeb murdered his wife then killed himself." "Oh great," Tammy mumbled. "What?" Sue questioned. "I said good then I should be able to find something nice to wear."
Reaching the last step Tammy turned and walked into the upstairs hallway then into her new room. Looking quickly around she shown the light on the bed then the closet, the fireplace and then the wardrobe. She walked over to the bed, removed the dust cover and laid it on the floor. Then pressed her hand on the mattress. The soft feather canopy bed squeezed in and molded around her hand. Wow, that is really soft! She pulled the bedspread and sheets back, then fluffed the pillow. Turning around, she headed for the wardrobe and shined the light on the assortment of dresses and coats. Wow, what beautiful clothes! Well here goes nothing. Un-buttoning her blouse she slipped it off and laid it on a chair. Then undid her bra and slipped it off depositing it with the blouse. She closed her eyes then unsnapped her pants, slid them down to her ankles, and stepped out of them. Kicking off her pumps she pulled her socks off then slid her panties off. Now, completely naked she shyly covered herself with one arm, gathered her clothes in her hands, placed them in the paper bag, and headed for the window.
The window opened with a dry scrape. Tammy gazed down at her friends below. "Come on dear drop em," Sue yelled. Tammy released the bag and watched as it landed at Sue and Amy's feet. "See you in the morning; tell Jeb we said Hi." "Get out of here you guys." Tammy slammed the window and headed to the dresser.
Balancing the light on the edge of the dresser she opened the top drawer. Wow one-piece bra and girdle sets! "I haven't seen those in years." Checking all the drawers she decided the wardrobe offered her best hope. She opened the door and picked through the dresses. Midway through the rack she found a chiffon blouse nightshirt. Pulling it from the hanger, she quickly pulled it over her head and slipped her arms in the sleeves. The shirt had a distinct scent of perfume. She smelled the sleeve as she buttoned the cuff at the wrists. I wish I had some panties but all I can find look like Depends diapers. Reaching down, nuzzling her crotch through the nightgown she decided to just get in bed.
She climbed into the bed, squirmed down into the satin sheets, pulled the covers up to her neck and rested back on the pillow. Well here she was, sleep here tonight and spend the day tomorrow and she'd be the proud owner of a Red Corvette!
She let her hand wander down to her neatly trimmed pubic hair. She felt very kinky wearing someone else's cloths in someone else's bed. Petting her sex lightly, she bristled the hair on her wetting little mound and rubbed her hardening clit. Then she rolled on to her stomach and placed her arms under the pillow and snuggled, hugging it to her head. Squirming her crotch on the bed she rubbed her sex on the soft mattress.
Almost asleep, the phone startled her. "Hello? Sleeping yet?" Sue's voice questioned in an irritating tone. "Trying to, what do you want?" Tammy responded. "Just wanted to make sure your ok." "I'm fine you take good care of my Vette" Tammy jabbed. "Lets see the light." Tammy shone the light on the window from the bed. "Satisfied?" "That's fine, sleep tight. Oh by the way, did I mention that tonight is the 3 yr. anniversary of the murder." "Good-bye! I'm going to sleep," Tammy huffed. "O.K. nightie night," Sue mocked.
Tammy laid the phone down and rolled over again. The old house creaked, the wind outside made scratching sounds as the bushes moved against the siding. "There are no such things as ghosts. I can't believe Sue was dumb enough to bet her Vette against a date with a geek. I'll bet those guys have something planned. I know if I block the door shut with a chair, and balance a lamp on it at least I'll know when someone tried to get in. Damn, I should have locked the front door!"
Tammy wielding her flashlight headed down the stairs and locked the door. "I may as well check out the place while I'm up." The house was dusty, large cobwebs hung from the ceiling and the doorjambs. The floor creaked with each step. She noticed the floor was dusty, and the only footprints were hers. "At least no one else has been here recently," she thought. "I hope this place will stand until tomorrow night," she said to herself. The kitchen was old styled with a wood stove, and a long wooden table with two chairs. The living room had a couch and chairs and lamps but no TV or stereo. Tammy turned the switch on one of the lights to verify the electricity was off, and then headed back to the stairs.
Tammy returned to her room and pushed a chair tight to the doorknob and climbed back in bed. It was only 10:30 but after a quick drink of water she laid back and waited for sleep to come.
Tammy stirred to life the next morning in complete darkness. "What the hell?" she thought as she reach up and removed a black satin blindfold from her eyes. She sat up and looked around the room. Her head was spinning and she felt very groggy and tired. She placed a hand on her forehead and noticed an old time bonnet that matched her nightgown covered her hair. "I didn't put that on did I?" she thought. She pulled off the bonnet and her long blonde hair spilled down to her shoulders. "My hair," she gasped, "what happened to my hair?" Her beautiful brunette locks were now a bright yellow blonde. "Whats going on?" she thought. As she lay back on the pillow trying to remember the night, she thought it was just a dream what happened.
A dull nagging ach in her crotch finally shook Tammy from her confusion. She rubbed her aching pussy and discovered not only hardware she didn't previously have but she was wet and slimy feeling there. Her rectum also hurt and felt very slimy as she climbed out of the covers and stood up. "What the hell happened?" she thought. She pulled up the nightgown and revealed her smooth shaven pussy had metal loops that went through a plate that covered her opening. Someone had shaved her pussy and locked a cover over it. She touched the plate in disbelief. A shiver of excitement went through her as she tugged at the loops unable to remove them. The plate had dozens of tiny holes in it.
Warm liquid ran down her leg from the openings in the plate. I've been raped she thought. My God, her mind raced. She straightened up and dropped the gown as she noticed her huge breasts holding the satin nightshirt out. She placed a hand on her breast as her heart pounded. She squeezed the firm tit first through the shirt then pulling up the gown. The large fleshy boob was hers at least it was attached to her. They were now 3 sizes larger!
Holding her nightshirt up she looked in horror at her now huge breasts with silver hoops piercing each giant nipple and holding on a gothic looking spider wed cover over each aerola. She touched the skin on the boob with a shaking finger. She could feel the touch. The nipple also responded to her touch sending a shiver down her spine. She walked slowly back to the bed in a daze with the juice leaking from her rectum and vagina running down her leg.
As she sat on the edge of the bed a loud thundering voice stirred her awake. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, SLUT!" Tammy jumped up from the bed, her eyes wide with terror, quickly looking around. "GET OUT! I'LL CALL YOU WHEN I WANT YOU AGAIN!" Tammy sprang for the door her heart racing. An eerie dead smell filled the room. She frantically tugged at the doorknob unable to open the door. A strong arm grabbed her neck as she finally opened the door and scrambled down the stairs breaking the grip. She whipped open the front door and bolted into the yard. Without looking back still dressed only in the gown, she raced down the street. Past her smiling friends never noticing them. She ran home not pausing until she was standing on her own porch. Breathing hard, she opened the door and tucked inside, sprinted up the stairs and into her room.
"Well I guess you get to keep the Vette," Amy said. Sue laughed, "did you see the look on her face? Judging by the wet foot prints she left behind she either pissed herself or got thoroughly fucked last night, OR BOTH!" the two finished together. Hugging each other and laughing at their poor pathetic friend. Lets go get our money Amy. The two entered the yard of the haunted house. Headed around to the back and opened the basement door. "Hello Amy, Hello Sue." "Hi Harold." the two sang in unison. "Did you get your movie?" Sue continued. "Yes we did," Harold replied. "Good then I think you owe us some money." "Wow, Sue you don't feel too much remorse do you." "Oh it's just eating me up," Sue snickered. "Okay here you go $3000.00." "Thank you Harold; I'd say by the look on her face she believed it. You should be able to have her any night you wish." "Pentathol is a good drug," Harold replied. "It lowers the inhibitions and the senses and makes training very easy. Right about now she's probably wondering when old Jebs gonna call her again."
"What all did you do to her?" Amy asked sympathetically. "Well lets see; actually, the good doctor implanted saline filled breast implants, we shaved that sweet little slit of hers and pierced it about 8 times, and installed this amazing little lock system. "A lock?" Amy asked. "Yea," Harold gloated. "We used the piercing in her labia to secure this little lock inside her pussy, and this titanium plate over her labia and her clit. Here let me show you. This little cylindrical lock goes inside the pussy lengthwise. These U shaped lock shackles go through the labia on either side then into the lock to the first click. Then you slip this plate sideways between the shackles so that it covers the lips and the clit. Then you push the shackles in until they click again. Like that. The pussy is now penetration proof, and touch proof. What about when she has her period, you ask? This little tube runs inside the vagina and drains out at the bottom of the plate. The urine runs out this hole in the plate through a thin tube that goes into the urethra." Amy looked disgusted. "She has to wear that all the time?" "Yes!" Harold replied with a devilish grin. "You want to try it out; I think it is probably quite comfortable." "No!" Amy snapped. "Yea, but wouldn't you like to have a set of tits like hers?" "No they looked uncomfortably large," Amy replied. "I don't think so!" Sue added. "They looked about right for a bleach blonde sex toy. My personal favorites are these little spider web nipple covers," Harold added.
Harold held out his hand with two covers in it. Each girl took a cover and inspected it. "They have holes like lace," Amy said. "Yes, they're kind of gothic decorative nipple covers. This little mesh tube goes through the side of the cover through the nipple and out the other side. Then you flare the ends with these pliers so that it doesn't slip out. The mesh tube holds the cover on the nipple. It is only mesh on the outer layer; the inside is a solid tube. The mesh allows the tissue of her nipple to grow into it and the solid tube makes a nice clean hole to put a ring through." "If the skin grows into the mesh won't it hurt to remove it?" Amy asked. "Yes that's the idea, actually once they heal in about two weeks she won't be able to remove them." "Ever?" Sue questioned. "Well you can always cut them out," Harold replied. "The piercing in her clit and outer labia has the same mesh tube."
"Would you like to see the movie we made or maybe some of the thousand bondage and hardcore digital stills we took?" "No!" Amy replied, as she turned and walked toward the door. "You need to use the upstairs door Amy, I locked that one," Harold said. "I would," Sue said. "I'm leaving Sue. I'll see you later." "Come on Sue, step into my office." Amy trotted up the stairs to the first floor. "Your friend Amy seems to have changed her mind. I hope we can depend on her to keep our little secret." "Don't worry about Amy," Sue said. "She had trouble with the law in the past. She won't go to the police." "Good," Harold replied.
"Here is a great shot of Tammy's pussy." "Wow you can't even see the lock, is it in there?" "Yes it is, look here is one with her outer labia spread. See how the little shackles hold the plate against her pussy." "Yes, that little bump is her clit?" Sue questioned. "Yea, that ring goes through the plate in to her clit to help secure the plate." "What is that metal tag hanging from her pussy?" "That is her little ID tag, it says SLUT. That's insurance to keep from seeking help. Hopefully she'll too humiliated to show anyone," Harold gloated.
"Her breasts are very large," Sue said. "Yes," Harold replied. "They're implants?" Sue asked. "Yes." "Won't she see the stitches?" "What stitches?" Harold replied. "The ones that closed the skin. Didn't the doctor have to cut her to put the implants in?" "Yes, he did all the stitches are under the skin. He drew the skin tightly closed underneath then used cyannoackalate to seal the edges of the skin closed. It actually looks like a healed scar. Or at least one that is several weeks old." "Cyannoackalate?" "Yes, it worked great," Harold replied. "What is that?" "Superglue," he replied. "He super glued her boobs?"
"Look at this shot of her riding a cock in her ass and sucking one in her mouth." "She really looks like she enjoying it," Sue chidded. "What did you threaten her with?" "Nothing the designer drug we used made her horny as hell. She couldn't get fucked enough, and best of all she doesn't remember a thing. I doubt she'll even remember your bet." "Why did you make all the changes to her? I thought you were just going to get some pictures," questioned Sue. "A few pictures are a one-time payoff. Now we can use her anytime we want, and keep taking new pictures." "Will you have to drug her each time?" "No! Now we have control of her sex and blackmail materials. She'll do anything to keep this video from going to her parents, or the college video store," Harold explained. "Blackmail? She wasn't supposed to find out about the movie. She was supposed to think Jeb raped her," Sue complained. "I told you now we can use her anytime we want. She is a total babe I can screw her anytime I want now." "But?" Sue argued. "Look, tomorrow I'll drop her a preview video and a note of instructions for her new life." "What if she just takes off?" Sue asked. "That bracelet we locked on her wrist has a GPS transponder and a 7-year battery." "Can she cut it off?" "It's made from cobalt, the hardest metal known. You can cut it with a diamond edged cutting wheel, like just anyone has one. Or cut it with a torch, which would probably get kind of messy. My buddy in the CIA made it. Damn thing cost me $4000.00! She can run but she can't hide," Harold said with an evil twinkle in his eye.
"Look at this pic of her cute little nipples with the rings. Wouldn't you like a set of those?" "Harold, what if she finds out Amy and I sold her to you, Sue asked. "Ah, you worry too much; who cares?" Harold continued, "look at those tits are they great or what?" "Well actually I thought about piercing my nipples before but I wouldn't want them permanently embedded," Sue responded. "We could leave the mesh tubes out. Look' I have some really sweet little hoops.
We'd have to shave that little puss of yours too." "Ah, I don't think so." "But all the girls have their pussies shaved. Guys really like that in a girl." "I better be going now too," Sue surmised. "Whats the rush, Sue dear? I was going to make you a prostitution, I mean proposition." "What are you talking about?" "Well, I need another girl. If you agree to do some modeling, we can dispense with the nasty things to make you behave. You could be a partner, a willing participant, and a paid model." Harold urged. "Ah I don't know. I've never done anything like that before." "It's easy; I tie you up and take some pictures then we sell them to Internet pay sites. It's a very lucrative business, Harold urged. "But I don't want people to see me tied up. That's weird." "Come on, don't be shy let me show you. Here, lets put this gag in your mouth." "Harold your really scaring me, ah, I better go." Sue stood up and backed toward the door Harold followed holding out the harness. "Come on it will be fun, you'll see. I won't hurt you."
Sue turned to run for the stairs as a man started descending them carrying Amy over his shoulder. Sue froze in her steps at the sight. "What have you done to Amy," she gasped as Harold grabbed her from behind and quickly cuffed her wrists together. "You didn't actually think I would let you two leave knowing our secret? Let alone pay you for it. Why pay for what I can easily take and control?"
With that he popped a rubber ball between her clinched teeth slipped the harness across her face over her head and buckled it tight behind her neck. "There we go now lets lose these cloths. You won't need them for quite some time." Sue twisted and fought as Harold cut and tore her clothes away. Tears streamed down her eyes as she begged into the gag. Harold spun her around and pushed her down into a chair and tightened straps around her chest and ankles. "There we go," He gloated. "Here, Tom we'll start with that one. Sue isn't going anywhere."
Sue tugged and fought at her bonds tears wetting her face and bare chest, as her friend Amy's naked body was strapped spread eagle on the table just like in the pictures of Tammy. "We may as well start by dyeing her hair," Harold said. "I really like blondes," Tom continued.