Chapter 1 – Arrogance Rewarded
She was an arrogant, supercilious, stuck up, snarky bitch and it was time to take her down a peg or two; it would be my pleasure to do it.
Only in her mid twenties, and a dream to look at, she had an attitude that not even a mother could love. She stared down her nose at people like they were something she had found on the sole of one of the high-heeled strappy sandals she favoured. Her answer to everything was the platinum no limit credit card in her Gucci handbag and while I loved running it through my cash register I had had enough of her insulting behavior.
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She was 5’ 8” in height with a 38” – 25” – 35” figure. Her eyes were jet black and there must have been a taste of South Asian blood somewhere because they held just the hint of the almond shape. She used dark makeup around her eyes to make them even more noticeable and a dark cherry colored lipstick, impeccably applied, covered her generous lips. I knew the measurements by heart because I had been fitting her for nearly two years - two years of sucking up to her credit card!
You see, I own and operate a downtown retail store specializing in ladies fashions, leather fashions in fact, and she was a frequent customer. What she didn’t know was that attached to this store was my other one, smaller, very discrete and very, very, exclusive. Off the back lane was a private parking spot outside my garage, close to the entrance and known only to my “in group” of customers. At any given time I could fill just about any request for the full range of fetish requirements or BDSM equipment among other things.
Ms. Richards, as she demanded to be called having blown a fuse the one time I called her by her first name, Crystal, had called me fifteen minutes after closing time Saturday indicating that she was on her way and expected me to remain to serve her.
I told her my staff had left and we were closed to which she retorted, “This is Ms Richards and I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
Enough was enough!
“I’ll be waiting for you Ms. Richards but please park your car in my private spot so that no-one else can see I am serving you and think I am still open.” I gave her directions and she hung up.
I was waiting at the door when she parked the Mercedes convertible and, as she strode towards me, I automatically checked her outfit. The colour of the crisp, long sleeved lime green shirt was the same as the wide brimmed sun visor and the high-heeled sandals. Over the shirt was a three-button charcoal leather waistcoat that matched the tailored leather slacks. The outfit came with a hip length, belted jacket that was probably in the car and retailed at just over $2600 for the three pieces. I knew that because I sold it to her a few weeks back.
As I led her down the short hallway that bypassed my other store I stuck a hand in my pocket and punched a button on my cell that started the phone ringing in the main store.
“That’s strange Ms Richards I wonder who is calling at this hour. Could it be for you?”
“I am not in the habit of telling people my business because it is none of theirs so no one knows I’m here.” Her voice would have frozen hot coffee but to me it meant just one thing.
Once we were in the main area I answered the phone and then said to her, “Sorry it was a wrong number now what can I do for you?”
She pointed to the outside of her left leg and I saw two long scratches in the leather below her knee. “My friend’s dog has ruined this outfit and I want you to replace the slacks.”
I offered to try to repair them but she wouldn’t hear of it; nothing would do but a new pair. I explained about matching hides and dye lots and that there might be a shade or so difference in the new slacks. True to form she looked down her nose at me and said, “Then get me a completely new suit – the idiot who owns the dog will be paying anyway!”
“Certainly, Ms. Richards I’ll see what I can find. In the meantime please strip off those damaged slacks. The doors are locked and there is nobody here but you and I so there is no need to use a dressing room.”
When I returned I had a new outfit over my arm and a couple of toys from the other store in my pocket. She had taken off not just the slacks and waistcoat but her shirt and I wondered why until I saw that she was leafing through a rack of new ultra suede shirts that had just arrived.
“I’ll try some of these before I leave,” she informed me as she reached for the new slacks.
Once she had them on I made a production of examining the fit and suggested they needed a slight alteration that I could do for her in a few minutes. I asked her to reach behind her and hold the waistband of the slacks with her fingertips so I could chalk mark the change. She did and doing so put her wrists within inches of each other. The ½” wide, spring loaded metal cuff snapped shut clamping her wrists together and without a second of hesitation I grabbed a handful of her hair, along with the strap of the sun visor, yanking back and down. Her mouth opened and I took great delight in jamming the large ball gag between her teeth.
She still hadn’t reacted to my attack and I kicked the back of her knees bringing her sprawling to the floor where I sat on her waist as I tightened the strap of the gag behind her head. I thumbed the catch on the wrist clamp to the locked position then swung around and smothered her now flailing legs with my body. Another spring loaded clamp and her ankles were secure; so was she!
“Well now Ms. Richards, or might I call you Crystal, what do you think of them apples?” I laughed as I sat beside her on the floor and, pulling off the visor, grabbed another handful of hair using it to turn her face towards me.
Well, if looks could kill I was dead on the spot but they couldn’t and I had things to do. Another visit to my back area produced a short length of chain that I used to join the wrist and ankle cuffs until the bitch was nicely hogtied. I taped over the ball gag to stop some of the drooling but left off the blindfold so she could watch me getting ready for the next step. And that was to get rid of her car - the only evidence she had been here.
The lime green shirt, charcoal leather slacks and waistcoat fitted me quite well but the sandals were a bit tight. Not to worry, I pulled on the sun visor because it would be eye catching and although our hair was about the same colour the cut was different and I wanted to draw any attention away from that. I packed a couple of things in a carry bag, pulled on a pair of my own kid leather driving gloves and retrieved her purse from the counter.
Pushing a rack of clothes over next to her I used a pair of handcuffs to lock her hogtie chain to the frame then strapped on the blindfold and headed to the back door. Sure enough the jacket was in the back seat and I pulled it on and tied the belt; the top was down on the Mercedes and there was a slight chill in the late evening air. I drove to the airport and pulled in to the long term parking area, put the top up, left the ticket on the dash and locked the car before heading inside the terminal.
Heading for the nearest washroom I used a cubicle to change from Crystal’s things to an outfit of my own then wandered over to the taxi stand and took one to a local hotel. A couple of drinks and something to eat in the cocktail lounge killed an hour then back out for another taxi to my store. Her struggles had caused the rack to move a few feet but otherwise she was exactly as I left her and when I removed the blindfold she had obviously been crying.
“What’s the matter Crystal are you crying because your tied up or because your not in control or maybe because the gag doesn’t let you insult me anymore? Back in a minute, don’t go away!”
I was becoming my own best customer tonight I thought as I returned with a leather single arm binder and, releasing the hogtie but leaving the wrist clamp on, worked it up her arms before started the process of lacing it until her shoulders strained back and finally her elbows met. During the process I removed her bra and released those nice, firm 38’s. I adjusted the four straps around the sheath that reinforced the lacing and then tugged at the straps across her shoulders until they were taunt.
Replacing the ankle clamp with a short hobble chain I rolled her over on her back and straddled her stomach. The look on her face when she saw what I held in my hands was priceless and more than made up for the business I would lose because she was no longer a customer. The nipple clamps had serrated jaws, blunt yes, but little Ms Crystal would certainly know they were in place because they were “come-a-long” clamps. I coaxed each nipple up to receive one then joined them with a thin chain, snapping a leash to the middle of the chain I stood up.
A little tug and a softly spoken “Come on Crystal it’s time to get you bedded down for the night.” She found her way to find her feet following the tug of the leash as I led her towards my living quarters.
I’ll explain the set up I have here. Imagine a large old semi-detached three story house. I own both halves and after several thousand dollars the fronts were renovated to form my fashion outlet and the top two floors became my home. At the back, on the ground floor, was my other “outlet”. In the basement was a storeroom, at least part of it was; the rest of it was a large, fully equipped and self-contained dungeon that was yet another of my endeavors.
A small elevator ran between all levels but certain control buttons were hidden so that my secrets could not be revealed accidentally.
She shuffled bare-footed behind me to ease the tension on her nipples as I led her to the elevator and up to my private rooms.
One of the things Crystal didn’t know yet was that she was in the hands of the town’s leading leather Dominatrix. Most of my clients paid a very large fee to have their desires satisfied but, occasionally, I was also requested to train someone not so willing. Ms. Rich Bitch was obviously not willing and this one I was going to enjoy doing for free!
Chapter 2 – Crystal’s First Night
The steady tug on the come-a-long clamps had Crystal struggling to keep up with me trying to avoid the pain in her nipples.
“Enjoy this little walk, Crystal,” I said as I pushed the button for the elevator, “I intend to make you extremely uncomfortable for your first night with me and one of the things I can promise is that this will be the last time for maybe weeks that you get to walk in your bare feet.”
When we got up to my living quarters I pulled her straight through to the bathroom, cut off her silk panties and forced her on the toilet. The hobble chain snapped in an unobtrusive ring at the base and I warned her that this was her last chance to relieve herself until morning. With that admonition I returned to the elevator and paid a visit to my dungeon for the supplies needed. I could have taken her down and worked on her there but had decided that for this session I preferred the comfort of my own living room; she would end up down here eventually anyway.
I hummed contentedly to myself as I selected items from the very extensive range available in my private storeroom and contemplated how I was going to enjoy spending the next few hours bringing Ms. Rich Bitch down a peg or two – or three!
I found the final items I needed in a drawer and added them to the pile. They were butcher’s gloves. Made of very fine chain links they had been designed to protect the hands from cuts but still were flexible enough to allow the fingers to work as if they were uncovered. Carrying my supplies I headed back up and dumped them on the couch before checking to see that Crystal had “degraded” herself enough to perform the necessary bodily function – she had and I unhooked the hobble chain, pulled her over to the bidet and then dried her off.
She was glaring daggers at me as I pulled on the chain and she had to follow me to the living room and on to one of my heavy, straight-backed chairs. I forced her arm binder up and over the back then tied the mitt ring to the bar between the back chair legs.
“You’ve had that gag in for a few hours now, would you like a drink of water Ms. Stuck Up?”
The glare remained but the head slowly nodded and I, none to gently, stripped off the tape over the ball gag and then unbuckled the strap and pulled the ball out from between her teeth.
“You @#$%&&^%$@ I’ll have your ass in jail for this, now let me go.”
I slapped her, once right and then once left and the shocked look on her face almost made me laugh.
“I repeat, do you want a drink of water or not?”
Without waiting for an answer I went to the kitchen and got a glass of cold water then grabbed a handful of her hair to tilt her head back and slowly poured it down her throat. While she was still swallowing the last of it I slammed the ball gag back between her teeth. I tied one of her ankles to a chair leg then took off the hobble chain pulled her other leg straight out over a footstool and ran a strap around it just above the knee. This made her lower leg available.
“This, you insulting little bitch, is called a ballet boot. It’s a size or two small for you but eventually you’ll get used to it.”
I used a pair of nail clippers to shorten her pampered toenails. It wasn’t hard to understand why she liked open toed sandals because the latest pedicure had included several layers of bright red polish and then silver hearts on each toe. I dumped some talcum powder in the shoe of the boot then worked it over her foot and hadn’t even started to lace it before she was groaning. When it was settled I pulled on the butcher gloves and then reached for a roll of baling wire.
I fixed a clamp just above where the metal lacing grommets started and fed the wire through the first set. While the clamp held the edges close together I pulled the wire tightly through the eyelets lacing the leather boot on her leg. The gloves protected my hands from being bruised or cut with the wire. That section done I moved the clamp up another half dozen eyelets and continued the lacing.
When I got to her knee I changed the footstool strap to around her ankle and after nearly half an hour the boot was laced to her thigh. I used pliers to twist the ends of the wire, bent them over the last two eyelets and used a tiny padlock to lock the boot’s thigh strap over them. After a brief rest with an ice cold cocktail I did the other leg.
The reason for the wire was strictly psychological. Ordinary laces can be undone or cut but she had just watched me use the wire, pliers and padlocks to encase her legs and would know that even if her hands were somehow free she could not get them off without help. That would prey on her mind.
I untied the arm binder from the chair and stood in front of Crystal with the come-a-long chain in my hand.
“Those boots are on now for at least a week so let’s see if you can walk in them.” I pulled on the chain and she wobbled up to balance on the tiny toe points and thin heels.
For the first time she didn’t do so badly but the moans and groans told me just how much discomfort the unforgiving arches I had forced her feet in were causing. She tottered halfway across the room before collapsing face down on the chesterfield. That was fine with me because I needed her lying down so I could get the boned leather corset on. A simple piece of cord from the finger ring to a back leg of the couch pulled her arms up and out of the way so I could fit the brutal thing around her waist and get to work again with the clamp, wire and gloves.
By the time it was finished I estimated she was down to about a 21” waist but she was panting as if it was 15”. I undid the cord and then moved to my armchair and sat back to watch what happened. She rolled over and then tried to stand. After two or three tries she made it to her feet and stood panting and glaring at me. Then believe it or not, she actually took several tiny steps and tried to kick me.
The result was comical; she missed me by a mile and then was left with one leg in the air and her whole body balanced on the tip of the other boot. Her arms, encased in the leather arm binder, were no help and slowly she started to lose it, her body twisted as she fell and landed just where I wanted her anyway – with her butt on the floor between my legs. I crossed my legs over her torso to hold her still and reached for the helmet and tape!
As I pulled Crystal’s head back in my lap and slapped more tape over the ball gag the look in her eyes was now one of fear and I knew she was wondering what could possibly happen next. I fitted the leather discipline helmet over her head and started lacing it down the back and she had her answer. This time I used regular laces; there was no need for any more wire. Two small holes under the nostrils and eyeholes were the only openings in the gleaming black kid leather of the helmet. A very tight leather gag strap made the bulge of the ball gag almost disappear. Now she was ready to really get humiliated.
Pulling her to her feet again I led her through to my bedroom and over to near the huge four-poster I slept in. She could not resist as I simply kicked the toe of one of the boots and she tumbled to the carpet landing first on her side then twisting on her back to look up at me. While she was still partially stunned by the fall I strapped a spreader bar between her ankles and opened it until she was nearly doing the splits. A strap from the middle of the bar to the ring on the crown of her helmet and she was completely vulnerable.
She could see me opening a tall jar on the bedside table and I watched her eyes as she saw what else was in my hands. The butt plug was 6” of thick rubber and I dipped it in the jar then changed it to the other hand and dunked the 8” dildo in its place. Flipping her on her side I settled the knob of the plug at the entrance it was made for and, with a few pushes and twists, gradually buried it. The dildo was just as easy to get in place and then an adult diaper and a snap on plastic cover. Hey, my clients had all sorts of kinks so I kept supplies on hand and it was going to be a long night for Snarky Lady; besides my carpet had been expensive.
The strap came off the helmet and I used it to make a nice tight crotch strap between the arm binder finger ring and the front of the corset. I shortened the spreader bar so that when I stood her up facing the foot of my bed her full weight was on the toes of the boots. A couple of straps from the D rings on each side of the corset held her against the waist high rail between the posts of the bed. Snug, but not tight, I wanted her to have some movement.
Standing upright against the foot of the bed there was only one other touch needed to get her ready for a very uncomfortable night. I looped a thin cord with a slipknot around the base of her left breast, ran it around the bedpost across her back and around the other post ending with another slipknot around her right breast. Tonight was going to be an agony of tits and toes for the bitch!
What Crystal didn’t yet know was the toys inside her were covered in a slow acting itching compound. Buried in her moist warmth they would soon start to make themselves known and she would have to remain still or tighten the nooses around her tits while balancing on the ballet boot toes.
I had a shower and then slid between the satin sheets of my bed. I studied at the leather encased form at the foot of my bed until I was sure she was looking at me then slipped in a pair of soft earplugs so that she would know her whimpering and any other noises that made it passed the gag would not bother me.
I woke up sometime later and in the dim light of the room I could see her shoulders making a regular movement. She was trying to pull on the crotch strap to move the plugs and relieve the itching inside her. I smiled to myself knowing that I had not left enough play in the bonds for it to be an effective idea.
Rolling over I went back to sleep.
I had a strong feeling that when I woke up in another 5 or 6 hours her superiority complex would be severely undermined. When I got up and came back to her in my full black leather Domme outfit, wearing a 8” strap on to relieve the itching, Ms. Crystal would be shattered!
Chapter 3 – Good Morning - Bitch!
It was obvious from the look on her face that Crystal didn’t appreciate me allowing her to hang around at my place! But then again, I hadn’t asked whether she wanted to or not.
Each hand was in a tight rubber glove, then folded into a fist and wrapped with several turns of tape, before being laced inside a rubber mitt that extended halfway up the forearm. The wrist sections were boned; they had to be because she was hanging by them from two pulley hooks in the ceiling of my dungeon. The hooks were over 4’ apart making her arms the top half of the spread eagle; her legs formed the bottom half. Rubber straps around each ankle sported heavy D rings that were connected with short chains to floor rings an equal distance apart as the ceiling hooks.
Except for that, the wired on thigh high ballet boots and corset plus a rather large ball gag, she was naked. I had wrapped plastic around the leather boots and taped it in place so they were protected while she had her morning ablutions.
Waking up earlier I had lazily studied Miss Stuck Up; she had not had a good night. Even the leather helmet could not disguise the track of tears that had flowed down, across the gag strap and on to the stretched skin of her engorged breasts. The tit cords had tightened over night with her struggles and were now biting deeply, almost buried, in the bases of a pair of shiny, tight skinned globes.
Reaching up to remove my earplugs I listened for a few moments trying to place whether the sound coming from her throat was a whine or a whimper. As I threw back the satin sheets I decided it was a combination of both. Crystal’s head, laced in its tight leather, could only turn so far trying to watch me as I left the room then it turned back and the chin slumped down in defeat.
After a relaxing shower and a hot cup of coffee I took one of my black leather cat suits and a pair of stiletto heeled knee high boots from the closet getting ready to say good morning to the rich bitch!
Reveling in the feel of the body hugging leather I finished lacing the boots then pulled on a pair of elbow length kid gloves. Going back to the bedroom my guest remained motionless, held in position by the waist straps and tit cords, but as I reached around and carefully flicked one of her nipples the reaction was immediate.
The head came up and her throat produced a series of squeals. The squeals became grunts of pain as I gripped the end of the cord protruding from the slipknot on her right breast and pulled. I could give lessons to boy scouts I thought as the knot unraveled and the cord fell away from her tortured tit. She got no time to recover as the left one got the same treatment. Then I released the crotch strap.
The plastic cover and diaper came off; the plugs had obviously done their job because it was just damp from the sweat of her overnight exertions. Pulling out the plugs I wrapped them in the diaper and dropped the package on the floor.
Kneeling behind her I extended the spreader bar attached to her ankles and got another series of groans as she moved her feet in the ballet boots. I adjusted the rail between the bed posts a few inches lower before moving to the bedside table where she could see me strapping on 8” of hard, ribbed, black rubber.
The noise definitely became a muffled wail as I stood behind Crystal, pulled up on the arm binder to force her forwards over the bar and settled the head of the strap-on at the puckered rosebud presented to me.
“Now let’s see if we can scratch that nasty old itch for you shall we bitch?”
Leaning forward until the first inch or so was buried I settled my feet and then rammed my hips forward.
It never ceases to amaze me how a body that is almost completely restrained still manages to buck around when you suddenly bury an 8” piece of rubber up their ass. Crystal was no exception but I kept a firm grip on the arm binder strap with one hand, grabbed a handful of breast with the other, and worked my hips in a rhythm that had the 2” diameter beast reaming her out and scratching her itchy back tunnel.
After a few minutes I pulled out leaving her draped over the rail while I went and washed off the toy. Hey, I was going to relieve the itch in her front channel next and one thing I didn’t need was for her to get an infection where there was going to be a lot of action.
Unbuckling the straps holding her to the rail I pulled the limp form upright and around to the side of the bed letting her fall back with her ass near the edge and her wide spread feet resting on the floor. Stepping over the bar to stand between her legs I leaned forwards enough to start the dildo just inside her then grabbed two handfuls of ass cheek and pushed – hard.
Crystal’s leather covered head and then her shoulders came up off the bed and a groan worked its way around the gag strap before she fell back again to just shake her head from side to side as tears streamed from her eyes.
“Have you got the message yet, Ms Richards? (lunge) I’m going to bring you down off that high horse of yours (lunge) and teach you some manners and I won’t even charge the lessons to that platinum card you love so much.” (lunge)
My fun over for a while I stepped back and removed the strap-on, thinking for a moment I grinned to myself, and dropped it in the tall jar of itching compound for possible use later in the day.
After what she had been through I didn’t expect her to be able to walk so I positioned a wheeled chair beside the bed. After shortening the spreader bar again I pulled her upright, turned her to stand in front of the chair and, as she started to collapse, pulled up on the loose crotch strap that was still hooked to the end of the arm sheath to guide her arms over the back of the chair.
Pushing the chair through my apartment to the elevator I took Crystal down for her first visit to my dungeon.
Moving the chair under the pulley system I strapped a head harness over the discipline helmet and used the ring at the crown of her head to pull her upright with help from a ceiling hook. While she tried to balance on the impossible toes of the ballet boots I unlaced the arm binder to remove it, and the wrist clamps, then just pulled her almost useless arms together with a single elbow strap.
That gave me access to her hands and they were soon in the rubber bondage mitts. A pulley hooked to each wrist and, using the electric hand control to haul them up, I used my other hand to unbuckle the elbow strap. When her arms were spread, and just about taking her weight, I attached her ankles to the floor rings. Up another couple of inches and she cleared the floor stretched tautly in the full spread-eagle.
Unlacing the discipline helmet I peeled it off her head and apologized because “Aw gee, we seem to have mussed up your hairdo but never mind, I’ll fix it for you later.” Her eyes were glazed as they tried to focus on me. Obviously the long night and my wakeup call had taken its toll on Ms Richards. I hooked a fingernail under the tape holding the ball gag in her mouth and none to gently peeled it away.
Her mouth was locked around the ball but I managed to get a couple of fingers around it and pull it out. Her jaws were moving a bit and then her tongue came out to lick her lips as I grabbed a handful of hair and pushed the neck of a bottle of sports drink between them. After a moment she greedily started sucking on the bottle until it was dry.
Her eyes cleared a bit and whatever she started to mumble at me changed to a groan as I forced the arcs of a ring gag behind her front teeth and buckled the strap at the back of her head.
Using a cloth soaked in warm water I wiped down her exposed skin taking special care to remove the mess left by the makeup she had so carefully applied yesterday before coming to show how superior she was and insult me!
Before starting the next step I pushed a large penis plug in the socket of the ring gag; it muffled the squeals as I inserted the catheter up her urethra then packed her vagina with a large sponge soaked in an unscented ointment that would neutralize any remaining itching.
Lifting the enema unit from its shelf on the wall I pulled it over to Crystal making sure there were no kinks in the hoses. It was a very simple assembly and I worked the 4” hollow butt plug inside, fed straps through the flanges on either side of the base to hold it tightly against her skin, then ran them across a rubber pad over her vagina to buckle at the front of the corset.
The tube from the catheter clicked in a socket on the drain tube and I opened the valves on the enema unit before setting the timer to fifteen minute cycles. Showing a little bit of pity I set the temperature at warm instead of cold before hitting the start button. Now the unit would gradually inject about a liter or so in Crystal’s bowels and then shut off. After fifteen minutes the drain valve would open and a very light suction pump clean her out. That hose connected directly to a sewer standpipe.
By the time she had gone through two or three cycles I would have finished breakfast and then come down to get her settled, spread-eagled on the bed against the wall with the penis plug still fitted in the ring gag, a nice leather blindfold and a blanket tucked around her.
I wanted Ms Rich Bitch to get some rest and recover from the last fifteen hours because, if she had thought that last night was a bad dream, what I had in mind for her this evening would be her worst nightmare!
Chapter 4 - The Worst Nightmare!
While Crystal was resting as best she could I made a few phone calls. It was now Sunday afternoon and I needed to prepare for the evening. As a leather domme, and well paid teacher of the trade, I had several pupils under instruction. Three of them were on a high intensity, very expensive, four week course and were ready for their final exam before leaving Canada and being set loose on the local scene in their home countries.
Contacting them in turn at their hotels I warned each one that tonight would be a surprise test of their understanding of what I had taught them over the last few weeks and, if they passed, I would give them my blessing. Each was given specific instructions and told to arrive, as usual, at fifteen minute intervals starting at 6pm.
Mistress Christina's taxi arrived first and she paid the driver before getting out and greeting me with a double cheek air kiss. A long dark maroon leather coat, cinched tightly at the waist, and black boots that I guessed had a 4” heel, looked perfectly normal. She was from somewhere in the mid-west States; I suspected the Chicago area but hadn't asked for her to confirm that. Hey, as long as the dollars ended up in my bank account I could care less.
Once she was inside I helped her out of the coat to reveal a form fitting cat suit in the same colour of leather and she pulled a matching mask and hood from her bag.
While I, of course, knew their real names they knew each other only by the names they had chosen to work under; it was a simple but necessary rule. Consequently, as each arrived they were allowed time to hide their identity before meeting in my office.
At the designated intervals Christina was followed by the arrival of Mistress Casey, also by taxi, with her skin-tight black latex body suit hidden under a very fashionable, and publicly acceptable, long trench coat. She was easy to place as English as soon as she opened her mouth. A few minutes after she arrived Mistress Monica pulled up to my private parking spot in a rental car.
The reason this one chose to drive herself was obvious. She was resplendent in a tightly belted semi translucent white PVC raincoat. It did little to conceal the wasp-waisted black leather corset that was to become her trademark along with the thigh-high black leather boots and shoulder length leather gloves. When she was “working” her German accent, along with the riding crop, that seemed to live in her right hand, made a particularly good impression on the subs.
Once they were all settled I explained what was going to take place.
“You three have all shown me that there is little more I can teach you as individuals and I am proud to have been your teacher. However, tonight your final exam will be to prove to me that you can also act as a team; a skill that can be needed in some of the larger scenes.”
“Down in the dungeon is the very unwilling subject of tonight's exercise. Family members who could no longer tolerate her arrogance and complete lack of respect for others put her into my care. With their help she disappeared into my charge last night. Once she has learnt her lesson the hard way, and had the time to reflect on the hurt her behavior has caused which could take several weeks, I will return her to those who still love her.”
This, of course, was complete bullshit! I knew Crystal's disappearance would be reported in the newspapers in the next day or so, because of her socialite status, and wanted to give my students an acceptable explanation to set their minds at rest when they recognized her picture as the subject of their final exam.
“The rules are simple. You will have time to study the subject who is currently spread-eagled on a bed and discuss how you intend to proceed to reach the end results. For the following two hours you can do whatever you wish with the subject, without causing any permanent damage, to make her extremely uncomfortable and humiliated. By the end of the two hours she is to be restrained in whatever position you agree upon but it must be one in which she can spend the night.”
“That means you must take in to account what I have taught you about possible circulation problems with long term bondage. One other thing, the boots and corset are wired on and are not to be removed, other than that she is all yours. Any questions? Good let's go and meet your victim and then I will leave you alone until the exam time is up.”
A few minutes later I was comfortably settled in my lounge watching the scene unfold. Needless to say the dungeon was completely covered by small video cameras with directional microphones and I was able to not only see, but also hear, everything that went on.
One and a half hours later I had to admit, in all modesty, that I was a very good teacher.
After taking a quick look at Crystal the trio had wandered around my dungeon looking at all the available apparatus and then met in the middle of the room to discuss how they would proceed. I was glad to hear none of them trying to be over bearing with the others, it was an example of good teamwork.
Crystal had no chance what so ever as the three of them untied her from the bed and dragged her to the center of the dungeon. Forcing her face down on a worktable, two of them bent her arms up and around until they were in the classic reverse prayer position and held them while the third, Mistress Monica, carefully placed and tightened several straps to lock the arms in place.
Then for the next little while they ran Crystal ragged. Making her first walk and then trot around the dungeon in those wicked ballet boots. Christina and Casey took turns pulling on a three point come-along leash they had clamped to the septum of her nose and her already tender nipples. Monica urged her on with a steady use of the riding crop.
All the time they were doing this they refined their plans and gradually found all the supplies that they needed. As the exhausted Crystal slumped to the floor, sobbing around the huge ball gag that had been forced between her teeth, they went to work.
Already on the floor it was simple to flip the girl on her stomach and then bend her legs at the knee so that they could be strapped calves to thigh. Casey then slipped the heels out of the flanges on the ballet boots and replaced them with metal plates holding heavy metal rings.
A wide bondage belt went around their victim's waist and then I smiled to myself as I saw that they had found my stock of butt plugs and chosen a very special unit. They discussed whether or not to use lubricant and decided, given the features of the butt plug, that it was necessary. Since the latex gloves on Casey were attached to the body suit, and Monica was wearing her shoulder length leather gloves; that left Christina as the only one with bare hands to do the honours.
I thought I detected a slight grin on her face as she pulled on a pair of disposable surgical gloves and started coating the butt plug with KY! Then, as the others pulled Crystal's knees apart, and Christina scooped out a large dollop of the lubricant with two fingers, I remembered the long, manicured fingernails and knew why she was smiling. I didn't envy Crystal.
It took a little while, and some effort, before the plug was buried inside Crystal's back passage and the microphones picked up some serious moaning from the recipient. Then, while Christina peeled off the gloves, Monica and Casey easily lifted the bitch up and held her in place against a floor to ceiling metal pole. Christina hooked short chains from a horizontal bar partway up the pole to either side of the belt.
Sliding a two foot long pair of pipes attached to a ring up the pole she locked the ring in place and then spread the pipes locking them in turn. Monica and Casey pulled Crystal's doubled up legs wide apart and strapped them to the pipes. A couple more chains hooked through the rings on the boot heel flanges and up to the waist level bar.
Adjusting another horizontal bar so that it sat just above her shoulders they ran short chains to each end from the armpit straps of the reverse prayer. When they all let go Crystal's body sagged a little but when Monica pushed a short, padded extension into the small of her back forcing it to arc out, and locked that in place on the pole, any slack was a thing of the past.
I watched as the ball gag was pulled out then could not quite see what Monica was packing in Crystal's mouth, but as she moved out of the way, so that Casey could apply several strips of tape, the girl's bulging cheeks and wide apart lips made it clear there was plenty of something in there.
After they laced on a leather discipline helmet with just eye and nostril holes, and tightened the gag strap until some of the bulge disappeared, I saw Christina holding one of my newest inventions.
In principle it was very simple but once in place it held a head absolutely still.
It was a metal unit shaped like the capital letter E. The center bar was actually two hollow rubber coated nostril tubes while the back of the E went across the leather covered cheekbones. The two end bars bracketed the head just under the ears and slid into clamps on the pole behind her.
Once the American dominatrix fitted the unit in place and tightened the clamps there was no way Crystal could move her head; you might say she was in a nose hold!
My pupils were obviously aware of the cameras and had worked out a blind spot that the three of them now moved to. I could hear some quiet murmuring and the occasional giggle punctuated with some indecipherable sounds but then could only sit back and laugh as they suddenly appeared in front of the helpless girl.
Each was now wearing a wicked looking strap on dildo and the only thing Crystal could move – her eyes – took on a desperate look.
Casey walked up to the pole dangling two thins chains in her latex covered hands. She hooked each one to the ends of the nose bar by Crystal's ears then reached down and pushed up on each of the girl's breasts to fix the nipple clamps in place.
Reaching down with her right hand she guided the head of the strap on into position and then began moving her hips to gradually bury it. With Crystal unable to move, Casey had to do all the work and she seemed to be taking great delight in the job. From the corner of my eye I noticed that Monica had moved to the side of the pole and was fiddling with the controls of the butt plug.
That particular plug had a pebbled surface and a compressed air feed that would make the pebbles expand and retract. Add to that the vibrating option and, to say the least, it was a very disconcerting item to have shoved up your backside.
Casey backed away after five or six minutes and was breathing very hard. Christina moved in to take her place and suddenly I knew why they seemed to be enjoying themselves so much. They were wearing double dildos – sneaky bunch.
I had to give them every credit though; who said a Domme can't enjoy themselves while working? I couldn't be completely sure but I certainly got the impression that they had the technique down to a fine art where they each pulled out satisfied while poor Crystal was left hanging – in more ways than one!
After Monica backed away from her turn Casey jammed in a large vibrating dildo and strapped it in place. They removed the nasal head brace, replaced the nipple clamps with alligator clips, unhooked Crystal from the pole, lowered her to the floor and strapped her knees together.
While two of them adjusted a harness of leather straps, the other sat on the back of Crystal's shoulders and forced her down until her thighs were crushed against her chest. When they finished tightening the harness they hooked a webbing strap from the ceiling pulley to rings at the point of each shoulder and pulled the helpless girl up until her head was five feet off the ground.
Two more webbing straps attached to the rings in the boot heel flanges and down to floor rings. When they had everything as tight as a guitar string Crystal hung there like a fly in a spider web.
Monica connected the feed from the dildo to the control box of the butt plug and fiddled with it for a moment.
Then they all stepped back to admire their handiwork, turned to one of the cameras, linked arms and bowed.
I was still applauding as I entered the dungeon.
“OK ladies, that's very high pass mark for all of you, now let's go back to my office.”
Checking to be doubly sure that Crystal was getting enough air, I didn't bother wiping the tears from her eyes before I followed my graduates upstairs.
Once in the office I told them again that they had worked very well together and, since there was nothing more I could teach them, the course was complete and they could go home. I asked them to keep in touch, as I would love to visit them if the chance occurred.
The first to leave was Monica. After saying her goodbyes to the others and pulling on her coat she followed me down the corridor snapping the fasteners and tying the belt. As we passed the washroom she stopped and called to me to give her a moment. She stripped off her mask and I watched as she reached up and pulled out several pins holding her hair in the severe bun on top of her head. Her hair cascaded down to below her shoulders and she finger combed it to frame her face, softening every feature.
Before getting in her car she turned to me and said: “Auf Wiedersehen – danke.”
I had called two taxis and Christina was the next to leave. As she buttoned that maroon leather coat she said: “If you are ever in the Chicago area give me a call. There is a fantastic restaurant on top of the John Hancock building where we must have lunch.”
That left Casey and as she pulled at the belt of her coat she looked at me and said: “I have decided that Mistress Casey will follow the rules you have taught but, I've got some wicked ideas of my own for when I enter the scene so keep an eye open and watch my smoke.
I had turned up the audio on the microphones in the dungeon and as I snuggled down under the satin sheets I heard this barely audible buzzing. Tough luck Crystal, they left the butt plug and dildo going and I'm not getting out of bed to come down and turn them off. Enjoy, you are going to be one tired girl in the morning.
Chapter 5 – Mind Games
It was ten days after my students had passed their final exam using little Miss Rich Bitch as the blackboard and since then I had been having a great deal of enjoyment playing with Crystals’ mind.
There had been a little bit of fuss in the newspapers about her disappearance but it didn’t come to much. When they found her car at the airport the police seemed to lose interest.
After the shocks of the first three days I had settled her down into a routine and started to play games with her brain. I used colour and leather, rubber and steel, discomfort and relief, fear and gentleness; but always there was bondage. Sometimes very stringent and sometimes just restricting enough to make any hope of getting free a lost cause.
I was using a personal version of Jekyll and Hyde or the good cop bad cop routine. It didn’t take long to see signs that the stuck up bitch, who had expected everyone to kowtow to her every whim because of a platinum credit card, was sinking into my trap and would soon resemble more of a Pavlov dog than a high society Goddess!
Colour and the leather were the easiest part since I had a very extensive wardrobe of my own plus the stock in the store on the ground floor to call on.
Since I had “acquired’ Crystal she had never seen me unless I was in full Mistress or Domme mode. Dressed in body hugging black leather, stilettos heeled boots and let’s not forget the strap-on; she had come to equate my black leather with discomfort and, yes, a certain amount of pain.
So when I appeared at the door of the dungeon dressed in a beautiful yellow leather skirt and matching fitted jacket worn over a copper coloured satin blouse her eyes, through the slits of the heavy leather helmet covering her head, showed confusion. My hair was down, falling in soft waves around my face and I wore a pair of large dangling copper earrings. Damn, I looked good, even if I do say so myself!
I moved over to her suspended form with the 4” heels of my leather ankle boots clicking on the floor and stood in front of her as I let one of my hands, in matching tight copper kid leather, reach out to caress the head held rigidly by the heavy leather neck corset.
Her eyes showed fear as my hand approached and, if not for the neck brace, she would have flinched away from it.
I lowered my hand to cup the weight dangling from her left nipple, lifted it, and slowly released the clamp holding it in place. The groan that came through the huge ball gag under the helmet’s gag strap was muffled but managed to get louder when I did the same for her other breast.
Gently, I massaged both nipples and then bent to tongue and suckle them as the blood returned. The groans seemed to soften and I looked up to see a trace more confusion in her eyes.
I smiled at her and let a look of sympathy cross my face. Inwardly I was thinking – yes you bitch we’re going to play a game that you can’t win because I’m writing the rules!
I used the control box to lift Crystal enough to clear the curved crotch bar she was resting on. With her legs still wired in the ballet boots and those, in turn, strapped to each thigh most of her weight had been on the large butt plug and dildo. They were still held in place by the very tight crotch strap running from the point of her elbows, at the bottom of the reverse prayer position locking her arms, through to the front of the wired on corset.
As she hung there in front of me I undid the straps holding her ankles against her thighs and let them slowly drop until her legs were almost straight. Needless to say they were like a couple of wet noodles. Even with the wired on heavy leather boots she could not take any weight on them.
I used the ceiling pulley holding her up, with the chains connected to each shoulder D ring on the corset, to guide the helpless form over to a padded leather sofa allowing her to settle in an almost normal sitting position on the cushions.
Crystal watched, and the fear had returned to her eyes, as I moved over to a table, picked up a pair of pliers and walked back to settle down beside her.
Slowly I reached down and lifted her right leg on to my lap then used the pliers to cut the wire lacing the boot from foot to thigh. I switched to the flat teeth of the tool to pull the cut wire through the metal grommets and peeled the leather from her leg.
With my kid gloved hands I massaged the foot that remained pointing straight out from her ankle and worked my way up her leg spending extra time on the ridges that the lacing had left.
Crystal’s stiffly held upper body and helmeted head fell back against the back of the sofa and, this time, the sound that came through her gag had a different tone to it. It was more like the mewling of a kitten getting its ears scratched or the whimper of a pup with a sore paw.
Her eyes had closed so I tapped a kid-gloved finger against her cheek and, when they opened, motioned for her to lift the other leg up to my lap; I had to help her!
When that leg was done I fixed a pair of padded shackles around her ankles, clipped them together with a short piece of chain, and pushed her legs off my lap.
Deliberately I glanced at my watch, shook my head, looked at her very sorrowfully then patted her leather-encased cheek, stood up and left the dungeon.
Two hours later I burst back into the room in full Domme mode - head to foot black leather. I had added a few extra belts and buckles and Crystal managed to cringe into the cushions at the sight of me.
I moved quickly reaching down with one hand to gather the ankle chain then, as I pulled sharply upward, my other hand gathered in the hook from a second ceiling pulley and pulled downward until the two met.
Grabbing the control I used it to drag the helpless girl off the couch and up until she dangled, upside down, her head level with my knees. Activating the pulley still hooked to the double hooks through the D rings at her shoulders I allowed it to lift until her body curved up in an open V shape.
A little bit higher and I looked into a pair of very frightened eyes – and smiled. It was not a pleasant smile. I removed the gag strap to get at the plug in the ball gag and unscrewed that to allow access to the feeding tube.
From the bag I had dropped on the floor as I came in I took a squeeze bottle of water and fitted it in the tube; a couple of slow pumps and she could handle the liquid. The next container had a tasteless mixture of nutrients that I had blended specifically without anything that would make it palatable but it would keep her nourished.
That done I fitted a blindfold and pulled the strap tight then released the tension on the pulley holding up her legs. I needed to get at them one at a time to fit and lace the new knee length ballet boots. I mean a promise is a promise and I had told her on Saturday night to enjoy the feel of bare feet for the last time. Hadn’t I?
There were no heels on the boots, just heavy metal rings, and they allowed me to pull each leg backwards and up so I could attach it to a chain from the side of her waist.
A short time later, the blindfold off now so she could watch, I had unbuckled the crotch strap and hooked her up again to the enema machine. I set it on a very slow cycle in sync with the vibrator and waved goodnight to the hanging figure.
The following morning I dressed in a thin white latex suit. The pants had built in boots with 4” heels and the top was one piece with gloves and a tight helmet framing my face. As an added extra I had found a nurses cap and painted a bright red cross on it (with nail polish in case your wondering). My biggest problem was keeping the smile off my face when I saw the look on Crystal’s.
Over the next three hours I had gently removed all of her bondage from the corset to the reverse prayer and the boots. She spent one of those hours spread-eagled by plastic ties, floor to ceiling, in the large shower area off the dungeon. I had replaced her plug gag with a “comfortable” hard rubber ring forced behind her teeth and she just stared me while I shampooed her hair two or three times and dried it.
In my completely waterproof outfit I used a soft sponge to soap EVERY spot on her body then a heavy towel to massage away her aches and pains. There was no resistance as I fitted her into a leather straight jacket, crossed her arms behind her back and buckled the straps under her breasts.
The boots went back on and I inserted a butt plug and dildo coated in the soothing gel before cinching the crotch strap. With her seated on the couch beside me I slowly fed her a delicious blended fruit salad through the ring gag. She moaned at the sight of the penis plug that I screwed in before lacing on a leather helmet to match the jacket.
When she was neatly stretched out on the bed with her ankles tied to the footboard, a strap across her chest to hold her down, I leaned over to again caress her leather covered face then kissed her lightly and waved goodbye.
This had been going on for several days and I had switched to just about every colour, except black, of leather or latex in my wardrobe to add to her confusion then, this morning, I entered the dungeon dressed exactly as she had been on that, for her, fateful Saturday evening. The charcoal leather three-piece suit with the lime green starched shirt was hers, scratches on the pant leg and all. My hair was styled just as hers had been and I even wore the matching sun visor and kid driving gloves. On my feet, instead of her opened toed sandals, I had a pair of green high-heeled ankle boots.
Showing every concern and literally dripping sympathy, but without releasing too many of the restraints, I got Crystal moved over to the couch again and settled down beside her. Her eyes, through the leather slits, started to get a bit glazed as I used my knowledge of the female body to start winding her up. Breasts, nipples and finally a small vibrator positioned strategically over the crotch strap holding in her dildo and butt plug.
A little pressure here and there and then more pressure and she was on her way to the one thing that had been denied for nearly two weeks – sexual relief!
And this time I let her go all the way, not just once or twice but three times over the next hour. Making sure she was securely held in place, with the air whistling through the nose holes above her gag as she panted trying to regain her breath, I cupped her helmeted head in my kid gloved hands and planting a big kiss on the leather gag strap over her lips and then left.
Checking the video cameras to make sure she was awake I slammed back into the dungeon in the afternoon and stood still allowing her eyes to take in the full black leather Domme suit then they dropped to see the huge strap on.
An hour later – Crystal cracked!