The transformation was amazing.
Nora had always been beautiful. Distractingly beautiful. But there had always been something, like a cloud passing in front of the sun, that darkened her. It was her soul. A self serving, almost evil soul that bled away her beauty. I saw it from day one, but Oscar, rich, old and lonely Oscar never saw it, even after he married her. He never saw it until he walked in on her sucking off the cabana boy in the pool house.
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That was six months ago.
Now she was dedicated to him, attentive. Her eyes sparkled only for him and her beauty, her neck snapping beauty seemed to radiate even though almost half of her face was shielded by the smooth, featureless plate of the Chasti-gag.
Quite a change from six months ago.
She was amazingly passionate. Her sobs were timed by an atomic clock, her sighs plucked heart strings and her pitiful, yet hopeful, sapphire blue eyes sparkled as tears rimed her cheeks. I watched the show with stoic disinterest. She was playing the emotional game, soul manipulation, the pitiful young girl who made a tinsy winsy little mistake and if you could find in your heart to forgive her, start a clean slate, she would be such a good little girl, yours forever. Heart, soul and smoking hot body, all for you. It really was a good performance, one of the best I've ever seen and I've seen more than my fair share. But she had to be good. Billions were at stake.
Nora Winslet before saying 'I do' to become Mrs Nora Reinfield, signed a prenuptial agreement to the effect that if she ever cheated on her husband to be, their marriage would be annulled and she would not be entitled to a single cent of the Reinfield fortune. She would lose her $25,000.00 a month salary, custody of any children they might have had and any chance at inheriting aging Oscar Reinfield's fortune. She'd be out on her butt instantly. The prenupt was air tight and upheld by numerous case precedent. It was the perfect contract.
I wrote it after all.
She sat across us with her lawyer, batting her eyes at her husband, so grateful for this second chance. I had prepped him, as any good lawyer, not to make eye contact with his young bombshell wife, but he was melting anyway. I had to keep this moving. If he caved, the plan would crash like a lead balloon.
I pushed the forms forward. "If you'll just sign these."
"Of course." She reached for them slowly.
Her lawyer pounced on them like a puma. This was their rehearsed roles. Evelyn Samson was one of the best divorce lawyers in the country. I should know, she had been my protegee. Their best plan was to stall long enough for Oscar to melt and forgo the new pre-nupt and just take her back. Forgoing that, haggling.
Evelyn was all over it. "What is this about chastity devices?"
Nora's sweet innocent act slipped. "Chastity devices?"
"That's non-negotiable." I huffed. "Oscar has to be certain that Nora will remain faithful."
Evelyn shook her head. "Unacceptable. Your being barbaric and a chauvinist." She pushed the papers back at me. "When your ready to join the 21st century, give us a call."
I scooped them up. "Good day then."
Nora panicked when she saw Oscar slide his chair back. "Wait a minute." She squeaked.
Evelyn jumped in almost surprised it was her client melting. She glared at me. "Cut me some slack here, Richard. Your not being reasonable. Besides you couldn't get this past a judge. There's Nora's health to consider." She leaned forward. "Feminine health."
I opened the case before them. Nestled in dense foam, gleaming golden toys from the Chastity Permalock Corporation. "Welcome to the 21st century." I paused dramatically, letting the reflected light play off of Nora's young face. "Designed by women for women and takes into consideration all female sanitary needs. Lightweight, discrete and comfortable." I slid the brochure towards Nora. "Here are the specs."
Evelyn intercepted it and pushed it back. "This is absurd and out of the question."
"If we walk away from this table, we are not coming back." I glared at her, then softened. "Oscar does understand that Nora will require other distractions to entertain her and is willing to increase her allowance to $35,000.00 a month."
Evelyn face filled with anger. "This isn't about money." She growled leaning closer, but Nora touched her sleeve.
"Sidebar, counselor?" She said quickly, then resuming her teary innocent girl act. The retreated to the corner of the room. In my years of practice, I've learned to read faces and body language. Nora was thinking this: Oscar has to lock me up and open it again. He's ninety. I whine, kvetch and pout and he's not going to keep this up. I'll be out of the belt in less than a month and it'll be business as usual."
Evelyn turned quickly. "$50,000.00, 15% of the estate should the unspeakable occur and Oscar passes, and my office keeps a copy of the key in case of emergency."
"$40,000.00, 11%, and no key."
She scoffed. "We're talking about a woman's body."
"45,000.00, then or we walk. She's thirty, still young enough to find another Sugar Daddy. If she saved enough money to have laser surgery to remove those Crows Feet."
Nora's face flashed real fear as her hand went to hide her invisible wrinkles. Evelyn knew her client was fading fast. She leaned close to Oscar. "Nora is truly sorry for what she's done and more than anxious to amend for her past indiscretions. $50,000.00 and you'll have a very happy, very attentive wife for the rest of your, God willing, long life."
I leaned forward. "The chastities go on now as a good faith and the rest of the contracts will be ready by close of business today."
Evelyn leaned back. "Done." She looked over the open case at the sparkling toys inside. "Are there instructions?"
"They're self explanatory." I huffed, getting up. "Just stick them where they look like they go." I turned my chair around and sat down again. "I'll be right here if you have any questions."
I listened to them working it out. Nora exclaimed in awe the size of the chastity. It was a large penis shaped plug with an attached shield that covered her entire mons, clitoris included. There was only a tiny hole for her to pee through. Evelyn was about to question the anal plug, but Nora cut her off. She whispered, knowing that Oscar was a little hard of hearing, that Oscar had to unlock her to go to the bathroom. He'd get tired of that real fast. She grunted as she pushed it home.
"Okay, we're done." Evelyn announced and I turned around. She motioned to the case. "What's this, a spare?"
I shook my heard picking up the rest of the ensemble. "This is her new gag. Since Nora is so fond of orally entertaining the hired help, Oscar needs assurance she keeps her mouth and hands to herself."
Evelyn looked confused. "Hands?"
I opened the second layer of the case exposing the chasti-corset and the arm binder. "The corset will guarantee Nora maintains perfect curves and its guaranteed to be comfortable for long term wear. Oscar will provide Nora with 24hr assistants to tend to all of her needs." I laid the corset on the table and again turned my chair.
I listened to Nora wiggle her way into the corset and with a pant, she did agree that although very tight, it was very comfortable. I turned around as Nora smoothed out her dress, her new corseted curves where evident beneath. Evelyn held up the armbinder. "Behind her back, I assume."
I nodded and she shook her head. I watched as Evelyn helped Nora slide the glove up her armpits. She then picked up the gag. Nora smiled prettily at Oscar, then opened her mouth to receive the huge gag. Like a Deep Throat star, the long shaft went in with little trouble, the flanges maneuvered behind her lips and in front of her teeth, the golden plate flush to her face.
Evelyn looked at the whole thing for a moment. "Okay, now what? How's this thing lock?"
I stood up and crossed the room. "I'll show you." I gently placed one hand behind Nora's head for support, then pressed the center of the gag and held it. I counted to twenty silently until I could feel a distinct vibration beneath my finger alerting me that in ten seconds, the system will activate. I held it for eleven just to be certain.
Nora's face flashed with pain as she squeaked and I took my hands away. "There. System is locked."
Evelyn looked confused. "Huh?"
I smiled. "Microscopic anchors have penetrated the epidermis and are releasing nanites that will permanently affix the chastity devices in place."
Evelyn looked apprehensive. "And the key?"
"Hmmm? What key?"
She looked harsh. "The key that unlocks this... system."
I picked up the brochure and handed it to her. "Just like it says in the brochure; Lightweight, discrete and comfortable permanent chastity devices."
Evelyn snatched the brochure from my hands, reading it quickly. "You... you tricked me! I would have never agreed to this!"
I shrugged. "I disclosed everything. Your arrogance that you could beat your old master is what did you in. Didn't I teach you the First Rule of Law? Always read the fine print."
She sneered. "This'll never hold up."
"Not like anyone can do anything about it." I looked at Nora who started to do an uncomfortable dance. "Your going to have to take off that dress. The Chasti-corset is designed to make the wearing of clothes a thing of the past."
"And is she supposed to walk around naked?" Evelyn shrieked.
"The nanites can manipulate matter on a molecular level." I explained. "They will cause the corset to 'grow' into a stylish cocktail dress. Very fashionable."
Evelyn shook her finger at me. "I'll see you in court." She then pointed at Oscar. "If we can't get these... medieval torture devices off her, you will pay big bucks in reparations. Big Bucks!" She then looked at Nora who was squirming in her bonds. "Don't worry, we'll get you out of this." She then stormed out.
I thought it was too easy.
Six months later, Nora was a changed woman. Her chastity devices did everything they were supposed to do. Her corset had whittled her waist to a breathless twelve inches. It even incorporated the new stove pipe look. Her mid-section was a three inch tall cylinder that really showed off her modified body and she swung her hips to make sure everyone saw. Always the flirt. Her armbinder had melded into her corset, forming a smooth, armless appearance.
Evelyn was there, not at all acting like a woman who lost a case. There is a certain legal detachment to clients. You win some, you lose some. It happens. She had lost the appeal, but Evelyn was acting a little smug despite her best efforts to hide it.
I knew why.
"So, what new surprises do you have in store for us this time?" She said, crossing her arms.
I opened the case. Chasti-Permalock had crafted accessories for Nora, cloned from her own cells. One was a perfect copy of her lips, the other, her vaginal lips. Oscar touched the center of Nora's gag and the inner plug sensed his finger print pattern and opened up. The plug pushed itself out, exposing the hollow core of the gag. Oscar took the lips copy and with shaky hands, pushed the shaft in to the hollow core until the lips set in place. The realistic skin completely covered the golden face place, melding perfectly. It was impossible to tell that she was a gagged and silent woman. She only have a delicate, Mona Lisa smile. Behind her lips, was a perfect love sheath of pulsating, fluttering muscles, guaranteed to entertain. The beautiful, sensual lips, however, would only open for Oscar's specially coded body. She was ready to provide perfect oral sex for Oscar and Oscar alone. Oscar had also taken the Permalock Pill which induced nanties into his aged body. The nanties performed surgeries restoring much of Oscar's youth and extending his life another fifty years.
Evelyn was looking into the case. "And these are for below?" She pointed to the set of vaginal lips.
I shook my head. "Since the corset has grown into a hobble dress, to keep Nora from 'wandering', it is impossible for her to spread her legs. Access to her neither regions are impossible. So that gag can replace the lips gag giving Nora an intimate, vertical smile."
She sighed tiredly. "Well, that's all well and good. I hope you little boys are having fun at poor Nora's expense." She stood up. "And other than giving you the opportunity to rub it in, Richard. There is no need for me to be here."
"Actually, Evelyn, there is." I took a moment to speak with Oscar. He nodded, smiled and left with a sly wink at Evelyn. I came around the table and leaned back on the edge. "I wanted to talk to you about your legal retainer agreement."
Evelyn put her finger up. "Don't even go there."
"Oh, no. Its not like that." I said quickly. "I wanted to compliment you. Its quite the document. A very clever agreement." I picked it up and pretended to look it over. "Very well written."
She leaned forward. "And air tight." She smiled. "You taught me that much."
"And I am so proud of you." I flipped a few pages. "It entitles you to one third of the settlement."
She leaned back, her face filling with smugness. "Standard lawyer fees."
I nodded. "Yes, but your's goes one step further. You get one third of everything that Nora gets. One third her monthly allowance for the rest of her life. One third of any gifts or future settlements she may receive. One third of her inheritance. Nice chunk of change in a wiggle proof package."
She bowed slightly. "I follow my master's foot steps." Her snide look faded. "Your not thinking of challenging this? You'll lose."
"Not at all. It's a perfect contract. In fact, a little too perfect."
Worry flashed across her face. "What do you mean?"
"You get one third of everything in the settlement." I said carefully. "Everything in the settlement."
Horror crept across her eyes. "You don't mean..."
I nodded. "Mm hm."
"I'll fight it!" She gave a deadly hissed.
I smiled, welcoming. "Great, lets bring this in front of a judge. After he sees how you bilked Nora, you'll be lucky to keep your license." I flipped through the agreement. "In spite of that, it's an air tight agreement. You wrote it. How are you going to get out of it?"
Her breath stilled in her lungs as her jaw jacked several times. "Damn." She said quietly.
She looked at me, her eyes filling with desperation. "Richard, please... You can't do this."
"Actually, its your client pushing the issue."
Evelyn looked over at Nora who nodded, her eyes glaring. Evelyn looked back to me. "Richard, help me out here. You taught me."
I scoffed. "I didn't teach you to cheat your clients." I opened the case on the table. "Now, I've divided everything into three. I think you'll find it fair. The vaginal/anal chastity, the corset/armbinder, and the gag." I pushed the case towards her.
She peered in. "I need to be able to talk." She sighed resignedly. "And I'm not giving up sex."
I pushed the brochure at her. "Take a few minutes. These systems are permanent so choose wisely."
She snatched up the corset and held it up. "One question: What's this gonna look like when its done?"
I opened the brochure. "It will have the same, narrow stove pipe look as Nora and will cover the buttocks and form a knee length skirt." I tried to look professional. "Callipygious. I took the liberty to adjust the options so that unlike Nora, you'll be able to wear regular clothes over the corset and armbinder." I held out the brochure for her. "Its all outlined here."
She ignored it, stripping off her clothes. "Lets get this over with."
I turned my back, listening to her mumbling. "Pray you never need a favor from me, Richard. Professional courtesy? What's that? Ugh! This is too tight! It won't fit!"
"It will fit a size six. You're a size six, right?"
"You're an asshole." She grumbled. "Help me here."
I turned to a most becoming site. Evelyn's shapely curves even more shapely. Her hands protectively over her breasts. I held up the armbinder. "Turn around, put your hands behind your back."
She turned around. "Wait a second." She scratched her nose, then put her hands behind her back. "Okay, go ahead."
I pulled the armbinder up until it rested right below her armpit. I found the activator clasp and gave it a squeeze. Evelyn gasped as the corset grew even tighter.
"You'll get used to the diminished lung capacity." I told her. "You won't be able to do any strenuous exercise, but you won't need to. You can eat any thing you want and still have a most exotic figure."
"Great, I'm hitting a Mick Dee's for a cellulite burger." She said sardonically. "Help me with my jacket, please."
"Just looking at the bright side." I said, slipping the coat over her shoulders.
"At least I'll be able to have sex." She said, trying to cheer herself up.
"Well, not for much longer." I said quietly.
She turned at me hotly. "What?"
"Its outlined in the brochure." I told her. "To balance out the option of wearing clothes, the corset will form a panty shield feature which will make sex impossible. You won't be able to spread your legs anyway with the hobble skirt feature."
"You tricked me!" She roared.
I folded my arms. "And you still haven't learned to read the fine print. And besides, given the choice of sex or fashion, which would you choose?"
Her anger drained from her face. "Shit. You're right."
I stood up, closing the case. "I'll give you a lift somewhere."
She sighed. "Make it your place. I only have a couple days to get in as much sex as possible and I don't feel like having to explain all this to a stranger."
I stammered. "I'm not a young man anymore, Evelyn."
"And I have my own stash of Viagra." She motioned with her head at her purse. "Grab my purse, please. Lets get a move on."
I helped Nora to her feet and followed her to the door. "Why do you have Viagra?"
She looked back at me, a curious look on her face, then smiled. She turned and walked towards the parking lot.