The civilization had died over 3000 years ago. They were a very exotic and erotic people. The artifacts that were discovered were incredible, and Lori couldn't help but be a little curious. No one was allowed to handle any of the artifacts until they could be inspected, but she just had to examine something which had been on her mind all day.
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She entered the cargo area and immediately found what she was looking for, since she had placed it there earlier. It was late, and nobody saw her take the box back to her quarters.
The box was a mystery to the others, but not to Lori. They spent hours trying to open the box, and used very device available to do so, but had no luck. It was made of a strong material that wasn't in the least bit amazed, even after all the attempts to break it open. Lori slid a complex looking key out of her pocket and inserted it into a hidden slot on the box.
She found the key 2 weeks ago, and kept it as a souvenir -- not even knowing it was a key. As she was inspecting the box earlier today, she accidentally discovered a hidden opening. A small plate slid to expose a keyhole when the proper pressure was applied to other areas of the box. The chances were incredibly slim that she found the keyhole, but it had happened. She knew now that she had found a key 2 weeks ago, and that it belonged to this box, because its shape matched that of the keyhole. The key was about 5" long, and slid smoothly into the slot. It clicked, and Lori turned the key. The box clicked again, but still wouldn't open. She turned the key further, and after the 3rd click the key wouldn't turn any further. She then tried to lift the top of the box, and it opened. It was heavy, and she had to use both hands to lift it off. She couldn't believe what she found. Clothing! Why someone went through so much trouble to lock up clothing was beyond her. It was made of a silvery black, very shiny material. The clothing was appropriate for the people; it was very erotic.
There was a long corset which went from the hips all the way up over the breasts, with a wide corset choker attached to it from the back, a pair of shoulder length gloves with heavy boning, and a pair of thigh length boots with heels around 5 inches high. She had never seen anything quite like this, and spent an hour inspecting every inch of the clothing. It looked as if it were made from the inside, because what very few seams there were existed only on the inside. It was smooth and slick on the inside as well as the outside, and very heavy. She slid her hand down into one of the boots, and it was smooth and slick as far as she could reach -- to the tip of the very short pointed toe. The outfit looked as if it had never been worn, since the bottoms of the boots were not even scratched.
Finally, she couldn't control herself and had to try the clothing on. She stripped completely and picked up the corset. It was shaped like an hourglass, so small in the middle that she knew she would never be able to get into it. To make it more difficult, it needed to be closed from behind.
She placed it on herself where it should be, and the attached choker around her neck, but couldn't come close to getting the opening around her waist to close shut. The corset was at least 6 inches too small for her to close, even when she used all her strength trying to pull it shut. She sat down and slid one of the boots onto her foot. To her surprise, her bare foot slid easily into the boot. It was a little snug, and the toes were extremely tight and pointed. She slid the other boot on and stood up. The heels were quite high for her size, 6 feet, but she was able to stand. They were snug, heavily boned inside, and felt very well built. She then slid the gloves on, and they went up to her shoulders.
The clothing was pretty restrictive, and she couldn't imagine what it would be like if the corset were closed. It must have been made for someone with her similar size, except for the waist. The corset was very small. She could walk, to her surprise, but the high heels made it difficult. The material squeaked slightly like leather, and the stiletto heels clicked when she walked, but they weren't slick on the floor like other high heels. She stood and looked at herself in the mirror, shocked. Never had she worn anything like this. It made her look incredibly erotic, and the heels were higher than any she had ever worn. They made her legs look incredible, and her feet look small. She tried to stand higher on her toes, but the heels lifted only a fraction. These were as high as she could possibly ever wear.
As she stood and looked in the mirror, she noticed that there was something remaining in the corner of the box. It was a small disk about the size and shape of a dime. She picked it up and held it in her gloved hand, and noticed a barely visible button on one side. She squeezed the disk, and upon doing so it clicked and the corset contracted around her waist and locked shut. The choker did the same around her neck. The boots tightened around her ankles, and also above and below her knees. The toes of the boots tightened as well. The gloves tightened around her wrists, as well as above and below her elbows, and became snug around her hands. She almost fell down with the shock.
After she regained her balance, she walked back to the mirror and noticed how small her waist was. The corset was so tight that she could hardly breathe, and walking was a whole new experience. The tops of the boots and gloves were now very snug against her skin. The corset felt like a second skin, as did the boots and gloves near the top. She reached around her tiny waist and tried pulling the corset open, but it was locked shut, and very tight. Lori frantically pushed the button again and the clothing released to its original position. The corset made a loud pop, similar to a balloon exploding, and nearly flew off with all the tension suddenly being released. She sighed with relief and held the silver disk closer to looked it over carefully, noticing it was very flat and very slick. She noticed how slippery the disk felt in her gloved hand, and was almost difficult to hold. It was obviously a locking mechanism for the clothes. Lori wondered why it was necessary to lock the clothing on to the wearer, but remembered that the people were very erotic. A push of the button and the clothes locked tight again. She walked back to the mirror and couldn't help but be aroused by her own appearance. It was a very provocative outfit, and the designers definitely had that in mind.
In the very top of the corset in the middle was a barely visible pocket, and must be intended for the disk. She slid it into the pocket, and it fit perfectly. The outfit thrilled her, and Lori knew she had to have it. She walked over to the table and removed the disk. The box would have to be returned, but she would keep the outfit. She placed the disk on the table and walked back to the box. When she was about 10 feet away from the disk, the clothing unlocked. The corset loudly snapped open and made Lori jump. A safety measure, she thought. If the disk were lost, the wearer would be able to remove the outfit. Logical, since it was probably made of that indestructible material -- similar to the box, and if the wearer were to lose the disk, it would be impossible to remove the clothing. Even the people who made these items couldn't damage the material, Lori thought. How interesting. Lori sat down and removed the corset. Then the gloves, which were fairly snug. She then pulled the boots off with difficulty. The clothing was intoxicating, and she didn't want to remove it, but she had to return the box to the cargo area. She picked up the lid and placed it back on the box, and turned the key in the opposite direction. The box clicked 3 times, and the key slid back out. Nobody would know the contents were missing.
The halls were still empty and she no difficulty carrying the box back to the cargo area. She returned the box to its original position and quickly returned to her quarters. It was getting late, and she needed to be getting some sleep.
The night seemed to last forever, and Lori didn't sleep well. When the morning finally arrived, she packed her belongings. The mission was complete, and she was finally heading home. She left her quarters and was met by Roger, one of the other archaeologists. "You look nice today! Heading home?", he asked. "Yes. It was exciting, and I'm glad I was chosen to go, but I'm glad to be back. How's it going with the stuff we recovered?" "Well, we've been trying to analyze the material that everything we have found is made of, but haven't had any luck. It's completely indestructible. Even a plasma torch wouldn't do anything. If getting it the same temperature as the sun doesn't work, nothing will. I just wish I knew how they made it. All the stuff seems to be made of the same material, too. There's even a tarp of some kind that has the same characteristics, but it's flexible. I wonder how they did it? There is absolutely nothing that can damage it." "That's interesting. I wouldn't mind having a few things made out of that material!", Lori replied. She had a few things now, she thought.
"Me, too. Everything would last forever, which explains why it's the only thing remaining of the people." "Well, good luck with everything! I need to be going. I'll be keeping an eye on the media for the results of the find.", Lori said as she walked to the exit, full of excitement.
"Ok. Thanks for everything! Take care.", he replied as he continued on his way.
Lori returned to her apartment 4 hours later and unpacked. She was tired from the drive, and from not getting much sleep last night, so she relaxed on the bed and fell asleep for a few hours.
There were a few things she needed to get done that day, and she felt much better after the nap. Shopping needed to be done, so she got up and made a list. The outfit was on her mind, and a crazy idea entered her head. She opened the bottom drawer of her dresser where she had put the outfit earlier and removed it from the drawer. It was calling to her, and she couldn't refuse. She removed her clothes and was about ready to put on the outfit when an idea occurred to her. A pair of nylons would sure be nice to wear under the boots to help them slide off easier, so she got a black pair out of another drawer and pulled them on her legs. The boots slid on easily and felt much less uncomfortable in the toes. Lori placed the corset around her waist and neck. The gloves she could do without, Lori thought. She slid the disk out of the corset and pushed the button, but nothing happened. She pushed it again, but the clothing didn't lock shut.
"What's the matter?", she said, and looked at the gloves still lying on the bed. She slid her hands into the gloves, and pulled them up to her shoulders, and pushed the button. The clothes locked on. The locking mechanism obviously wouldn't work unless the entire outfit was worn. She became more intrigued, and aroused. A pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt left only the bottom of her boots, her gloved hands and the top of her choker showing. Her jeans were way too big, since the corset took at least 6 inches from her waist, so she found her tightest pair and a belt. They were still a little baggy, but the belt made them look acceptable.
"This is going to be fun!", she said as she put the disk into her corset and walked out the door.
The malls and stores were crowded, but she still had fun in her new outfit. The tightness of her corset caused her to walk with a sway, and the 5 inch heels compounded her difficulty walking, but she felt wonderful. She wanted to shop all day, but her feet were killing her. The corset was very tight and hurt her waist and back as well, so she decided to go home.
Upon entering her apartment, she set her bags down and went into her bedroom. The disk was safe in her corset, and slid out when she reached for it. She pressed the button and the corset exploded open loudly, causing her to fall back onto her bed. Her entire mid-section hurt for a few minutes, then passed. She had been wearing the outfit for over 5 hours. The gloves were snug but slid off after struggling with them for a few minutes. The boots slid off easily, and she sighed with relief when her feet were finally free of the tight pointed toes and stiletto heels. She sat and rubbed her feet for about 10 minutes, wondering how anyone could possibly stand wearing the boots for any period of time. They forced her toes into a short point, and she wanted to slide her feet out of them earlier, but it was impossible without unlocking the entire outfit. Although she had walked miles on pavement, the bottoms of the boots weren't even scratched. The clothing was obviously made of the same indestructible material. When she stood up, she had to get used to not being in the stilettos and the corset -- and the forced sway. After about an hour, she felt normal again.
Every time she left her apartment, Lori wore the outfit. She devised many cover-up outfits to disguise the outfit, and she found herself getting out and doing things a lot more often now. Even going out and taking long walks for hours at a time. Lori tried to wear the boots alone many times, but she found that her feet would hurt immediately if the boots weren't locked. The balls of her feet would hurt a lot, so she bought some gel cushion inserts designed to relieve high heel pain which helped considerably. They fit in the toe box of the boots, but not very well since the toes of these boots were so short and pointed. When she used the gel inserts, they would squeeze tightly against the balls of her feet when the clothing was locked. Walking felt soft. Her toes still hurt all the time though, since nothing could change the short and pointed toes of the boots. The gloves could be worn alone with no problems. Amazingly, the gloves and boots were warm and kept out all water, but Lori never got too hot while wearing the outfit. She wanted to wear the outfit always, but after long periods of time her feet and waist would begin to hurt -- intensely if she ignored it -- so she was forced to remove the outfit upon returning home. Many times she tested the strength of the outfit. She tried removing the gloves and the boots without unlocking them, but never had any luck no matter how hard she tried. The same was true for the corset. No matter how hard she pulled at the corset to open, it wouldn't open. Lori was convinced that there was nothing anywhere which could unlock the outfit from her body except for the disk.
Lori returned home one evening after being out most of the day, and the outfit wasn't bothering her too much, so she left it on after taking off her cover-up clothes. Never had she gone so long in the outfit; 10 hours had passed since she put it on. She later got ready for bed, and was still wearing the outfit, so she crawled into bed, still wearing it. It had never crossed her mind to wear it to bed, and the idea excited her for some reason. She turned out the lights and immediately fell asleep.
Lori woke up around 3am with severe pain in her chest. She knew she would have to remove the corset, so she turned on the light and got out of bed. When she stood up, the pain lessened. She rubbed her waist with her gloved hands for a few minutes as the material squeaked like leather.
The pain faded and her chest felt much better. As she began walking around the apartment, her back cracked a few times, then she felt fine. Upon returning to her room, she felt very little pain, so she turned off the light and crawled back into bed and fell asleep.
The next morning she woke and got out of bed. The outfit was still on her body, and she had forgotten that she was even wearing it until she rolled out of bed and her stiletto heels met the floor. It thrilled her that she went so long without removing the outfit, and she became extremely aroused. She felt the corset with her hand and rubbed her chest. It excited her immensely. She placed her hand below the corset and began rubbing herself, and fell back onto the bed. The excitement was incredible. She breathed heavily and rubbed herself between her legs, harder and harder. Her gloved hand slid smoothly on her nylons, and an orgasm exploded -- lasting 20 minutes as she continued to rub herself. She lied on her bed for an hour, recovering, and thinking about what just happened. Nothing like this ever turned her on so much, and she was in heaven.
The day passed, and the outfit was still locked onto her body. She was tempted to wear it to bed again, but thought she had better remove it since she had been wearing it for over a day and a half. The disk was still in the corset, and she slid it out and pressed the button. The corset loudly snapped open, and everything unlocked from her body. This time, the pain in her chest was unbearable, and she wrapped her arms around her chest and waist trying to relieve the pain, but it wouldn't stop. She squeezed the disk again and the clothing locked shut. The pain slowly faded away. Lori sat on her bed, breathing heavily, rubbing her waist, and wondering what she was going to do. She knew that she couldn't leave it on. After rubbing her waist and chest for about 20 minutes, she tried again, and pushed the button. The corset snapped open and her chest exploded with pain. She screamed and tried to relieve the pain, but it got worse. The disk fell out of her hand and onto the floor. She tried to bend down, but the pain was unbearable. She lifted her foot and used the high heel on her boot to push the button. She stood on the disk and it clicked. The corset locked shut, and the pain slowly faded away once again. Lori picked up the disk and put it into her corset pocket. Her chest was still a little sore, so she rubbed it for a while before crawling into bed. She lied there, thinking about the outfit on her body, and what she was going to do, and finally fell asleep.
The morning arrived, and Lori crawled out of bed. Nothing woke her up last night, and the corset was still locked tightly around her waist. She placed her gloved hands on her waist, and realized that she could almost close her thumb and middle finger completely around her waist. It had gotten tighter over night. The distance between her fingers around the corset was at least an inch smaller. This began to frighten her, and she knew she had to get the corset off. Her feet hurt, so she rubbed them through the boots, and the pain faded. She had to try again, and had an idea. She walked into the living room and removed the disk from her corset, placing it on the table. Then she quickly ran towards her bedroom as fast as her stilettos would take her, and the corset snapped open loudly as she fell onto her bed.
She lied there squeezing her chest, rolling around on her bed screaming, as the pain exploded through her. The disk was in the other room, and it was impossible to get to it in her state of pain. All she could do was stay on her bed and fight the pain. After about 10 minutes, it slowly started to fade, but she was still in a lot of pain. She continued rubbing her chest, and after about an hour she could sit up. Even thought she still hurt, she was relieved to finally be free and pulled the corset from her body. Lori pulled the gloves and managed to work them off her arms. Then she slid the boots off her feet, and they immediately began to hurt, but it was nothing compared to the pain earlier, and it faded in a few minutes. She rubbed her feet for a while then stood up. Her calves were stiff from being in the stiletto boots for so long, so she had to walk on her toes until she could stretch her calves better. Her back cracked every few steps for about an hour, and she sighed with relief with each crack. She returned to her room, sat down and peeled off her nylons. They were damp from being sealed between her legs and the boots. She fell back on her bed and fell asleep, relaxed.
The outfit and the people who designed it were on Lori's mind. She decided to make a call to Roger at the lab to see if he had any news. In her purse she found the number of the lab, and made the call.
"Hello Roger! It's Lori. How's everything?", she asked.
"Hello there! Everything's going well. We're slowly figuring out a few things, but most of it is still a mystery. We've been working nonstop trying to analyze that material, but have pretty much given up on it. A friend of mine in the nuclear testing area tried a few things with it as well. He placed one of the smaller artifacts in a reaction chamber and exposed it to both a fission and a fusion reaction. The artifact wasn't damaged at all. It's incredible. Also, the material has some other strange characteristics. The tarp he found was unintentionally left covering a fallen leaf from a plant in one of the labs. When we discovered the leaf under the tarp, we found that the leaf didn't age. The other fallen leaves were all old and dried up, but this leaf looked as if it had just fallen. With further testing, it was discovered that the material prevents aging and growth of new cells. This stuff is incredible. And remember that box that we couldn't open? Well, one of the guys found some sort of keyhole in a well hidden compartment. We can't find any key, but a small section of the lid to the box slid off when he tried to pick the lock. It exposed some strange pictures and writing. The pictures are of a beautiful woman holding a coin. Quite strange, really."
Lori swallowed hard.
"What does the woman look like? What is she wearing?", she tried to ask calmly.
"I'm not sure what she's wearing really. Her waist is very small though, and she's wearing really high heels. We're trying to figure out the writing and have had pretty good luck with it. We think it's about the coin, and being in total control. It mentions that something is completely impossible without the coin, and the word `impossible' is heavily stressed. It seems pretty meaningless really. It probably means that you can't have women if you don't have money.", he chuckled.
Lori took a deep breath. She knew what it all meant.
"Wow. That is bizarre. I'd like to know what else you find out. Maybe I'll call back in a few weeks."
"That would be great. We should have more answers by then. It was great hearing from you. I'll talk to you in a few weeks then. Bye!", he replied.
"Goodbye.", she said as she hung up the phone.
Lori sat and thought about the conversation she just had. Being locked into the outfit, and at the mercy of another person to remove it. At least they designed the outfit such that it couldn't be accidentally locked on for life. And the material prevented anything from aging. That explained why there was no odor when she wore the outfit for long periods of time, and her nylons never wore out. Her fingernails weren't growing much lately, either. It must be the gloves which are responsible, since they were being worn so much. Her waist was beginning to take the shape of the corset. Since the corset was getting smaller, it must be automatically maintaining a constant tightness around her waist since her waist was getting smaller. She thought of how terrible it would be to be unable to remove the outfit. The words 'impossible' stuck in her mind. It meant that the people created the outfit such that is was completely impossible to remove without the disk. Lori shuddered at the thought.
Lori didn't want to think about the outfit; it scared her. All she could imagine was how powerful it was. They were a strange people, and probably destroyed themselves.
She went 2 weeks without wearing it, but was getting anxious. She almost felt naked without it, and even felt uncomfortable without the heels. Her feet had already began taking the shape of the boots -- the short pointed toe and the high arch. She had to see the outfit and feel it again. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. Feelings of arousal were stirring within her, and the pleasure it had brought her. She couldn't resist any longer.
It was in the bottom drawer of her dresser, as gorgeous as the day she first had seen it. She removed the outfit from the drawer and set it on her bed. There still wasn't any sign of wear. The locking mechanism was such a mystery, and she looked at the opening on the corset trying to see how it locked shut, but had no clue. She rubbed her hand across the corset, along the outside, then the inside, and held it against her chest. Her breathing became heavy, and she unbuttoned her shirt and jeans. She removed her shirt and slid her jeans off, and held the corset against her bare chest. It felt intoxicating, and she sighed loudly. In the top drawer were a pair of new black nylons, and she quickly grabbed them and pulled them up her legs. She slid the boots on and up to her thighs, and rubbed her hands down the shaft of the boots, stopping at the stiletto heels. She stood up and took a few steps in the boots.
At first, she used to have difficulty walking in the high heels, but after hours and hours, day after day, and with the help from the inserts she got used to it. The corset was next, as she picked it up and put it around her chest. She was getting so excited that she had forgotten about the fear and pain it had caused. The gloves slid up her arms up to her shoulders, and her breathing and heart rate were racing. She slid her hand down the front of her corset, and slowly rubbed herself between her legs. Her breathing increased as she began losing control of herself. She worked the disk out of her corset and pressed it, and the outfit instantly locked tightly onto her body. She screamed with excitement when the outfit locked shut and rubbed herself faster. She dropped the disk and fell onto her bed, climaxing, rubbing herself faster. The contractions lasted about a half hour as she continued rubbing herself, then slowly stopped.
Lori lied there relaxing, fully content. She would wear the outfit again, but would remove it at the end of each day. The same mistake wouldn't be made again. The disk was on the floor somewhere, so she began searching for it. It was near the dresser, and she picked it up and put it into her corset.
Lori spent the entire day in the outfit, and had a wonderful time. The forced sway of her walk, the sound the outfit made as she walked, the sound of her high heels -- just the feel of the outfit excited her. Her waist was so small -- smaller than ever before -- and she looked gorgeous. She felt the tight corset with her hands, coming to realize how strong it really was, and how it felt to have an indestructible device locked so tightly around her waist. It was getting tighter. The outfit would never wear out.
Her feet hurt that evening, as did her chest, so she would definitely take the outfit off. She slid the disk from her corset and squeezed it. The corset exploded open, and the gloves and boots loosened. The shock of the corset exploding open was something she would never get used to. She rubbed her chest a little, noticing the shape of the corset that it was taking, as she sat to remove her boots.
Just as she was about to pull them off the phone rang. She stood up and ran to the phone, dropping the disk on the way, but the phone stopped after 1 ring. She turned around and bent down to pick up the disk in the middle of the floor. As she walked back to her room, she stumbled slightly and the disk slid between her gloved fingers. She grabbed for the disk as it fell, and knocked it into her right boot. Her hand went after the disk, but she could feel the disk slide down between her nyloned leg and the boot. It slid smoothly past her calf, down her ankle, and hit the surface of the boot where the heel of her foot rested. Then it slid down under her arch and stopped under the ball of her foot, between her foot and the gel insert. She carefully lifted her foot and the disk slid further into the pointed toe of the boot. The tip of her toe was barely touching the disk, and it was stuck in front of the gel insert. Standing only on 1 foot, she lost her balance and used her right foot to regain stability. Her toe pressed harder against the disk, and it clicked. The toe tightened and pulled the disk away from her toe and into the front of the boot, and the clothing locked onto her body.
"No!", she screamed as she fell to the ground and pulled on the right boot to remove it, but it was locked tight onto her foot. She pulled harder, with all her strength, but it didn't budge. Her heart was racing as she continued pulling, screaming with fear. Many times in the past she tried removing the boots without the disk, but gave up because she knew it couldn't be done. The boots could never be removed without the disk, and Lori knew that. She stood up and tried shifting her weight to activate the disk, but couldn't even feel the disk anymore. Next she began kicking her heel downward to knock the disk loose, but she still couldn't feel the disk. It was tightly locked into the pointed toe of the boot where it would stay. She tried pulling the gloves off, but they were locked on tight as well. She reached around her back with both hands and tried to pull the corset open, but she could hardly get her gloved fingers between the corset and her skin. After working her fingers under the corset, she pulled as hard as she could. It didn't move at all. She tried to peel the gloves from her arms again, but they were locked around her elbows and couldn't be slid off. She sat down and shook. She was terrified. There was nothing that could remove the outfit from her body except for the disk, and it was locked tightly in the boot where it could never be activated. The distance between the disk and the outfit would never exceed a few feet -- not nearly the 10 foot required for the safety to unlock the outfit. She tried again to move her toes and feel the disk, but it was no use. It was too tight to feel anything, and the disk was gone.
Lori sat for over an hour, trying to accept what had just happened. Fear ran through her body, and she was in a state of total shock. She ran her gloved hands across her tight corset, then down her boots. Her body shook because she knew she was locked into the outfit for life.
Lori didn't get much sleep that evening. Most of the night she was awake, trying to accept what had just happened. It was still hard to believe, and to accept -- she could never remove the outfit. She moved her toes and felt the slick surface of the gel insert, but no disk. Finally, she fell asleep.
The next few nights went the same way, and she was getting sore. Her back, chest and feet all hurt. The corset never felt loose; it was constantly tightening as her waist became smaller. It sounded and felt
like pavement when she knocked on the corset with her knuckles, and was just as hard since it was so tight.
A few months passed, and Lori was beginning to adjust to the outfit. Her waist was now only 22" around. Living in 5" heels was easier, but her feet still hurt a lot, though the gel inserts made it less painful. There was still no visible wear on the boots, and the bottoms were still unscratched.
When she took showers, the water ran off the material of the clothing leaving it completely dry at all times. She cut her nylons off where they met the top of the boots. The boots were slowly getting smaller as well. The whole outfit was designed to maintain a constant tightness, and when the wearer adjusted, the outfit adjusted as well. The toes were getting shorter and more pointed, and the whole front of the foot was being forced back towards the heel so the heels felt as if they were getting higher. The only things that weren't getting smaller were the gloves, but they were still quite snug.
Many months passed, and Lori opened an erotic clothing store. It was necessary to explain why she dressed the way she did. She would add a few items to give the impression that her outfit changed.
Over 3 years had passed since Lori was locked into the outfit, and there was still not a single indication of wear. It was part of her life now, and she accepted it. The corset finally stopped contracting when her waist reached 20", but it was still always tight.
It had been a long day, and Lori didn't get much sleep the past few nights due to working late and getting up early. She was getting ready for bed and entering her bedroom when her heel caught the carpet, causing her to fall hard onto the floor. Her foot hit hard against the dresser. She stood up and stumbled to her bed, and rubbed her foot. It felt sore, but she was able to walk. After she crawled into bed, she moved her toes and felt something strange in her boot. It was something loose in the toe. It was the disk! The fall against the dresser must have knocked it loose. Since the toes of the boots were getting smaller over the years, the disk must have become loosened and the jolt was enough to set it free. Lori lifted her legs out of bed and sat on the edge of her bed. She tapped her heel on the floor as she raised the front of the boot, and the disk slid below her toes. She slowly forced her toes against the disk and it clicked. The corset popped open loudly, and the clothing unlocked from her body. Lori fell back on her bed as excruciating pain filled her chest and feet. After 5 minutes, she passed out.
Lori woke up, 4 hours later, with intense pain in her chest and feet, but not like earlier. She lied there, rubbing her chest and felt the opening in the back of the corset. It wasn't a dream! It was unlocked! She sat up and removed the corset slowly, as the pain shot through her body. Her waist was so small it scared her, but she was free of the corset. She slid the boots off and her feet throbbed. They were a lot smaller, and her toes were pointed towards the middle of her foot. The gloves took about 10 minutes to remove, and her hands looked unchanged. Her fingernails hadn't grown. The disk fell out of the right boot onto the floor.
After an hour of trying to relieve her pain, she stood up and found herself unable to flatten her foot. The stilettos changed her ankles and calves such that she couldn't walk. She found a box of 5" heels from
The store and slid them on her feet. Size 6 didn't fit; they were too big, so she found the smallest size -- size 5 -- and found them to fit perfectly.
Lori picked up the disk and held it for a few minutes. Never did she think she would be holding the disk again, as she slid it back into the corset and placed the outfit back into the bottom drawer. She knew it would come back to haunt her again.
It had been 5 months since she was free of the outfit, but was still unable to walk without 5" heels. She was quite used to the heels, so they didn't bother her anymore. At least she could take them off now, and that was enough.
Her waist was 22", and would stay at that measurement. She thought about the outfit a lot, and was getting very anxious about it. One day, she gave in to temptation.
Lori opened the bottom drawer and removed the outfit. She had no control of herself. She undressed down to a pair of nylons, and held the outfit to her body. For over 3 years she was locked into the outfit, and still it excited her. She brought the outfit with her to her bed and sat down. The boots were first to go on. They slid up her legs smoothly over the nylons, and were still snug in the toe. The gel inserts were still in the boots. Then the gloves. They were always more difficult to wear, but she managed to work them up to her shoulders where they belonged. She held the heavy corset in her arms for a while then stood up, placing it around her waist and neck. There was still around 4" of space between the openings at her waist. She slid the disk out of her corset and held it in her gloved hand, teasing with the button, not sure if she would press it or not, applying a little more pressure each time. The disk clicked and the outfit locked tightly on her body. She could feel the boots tighten all over, the gloves becoming snug, and the corset squeezing her waist tighter and tighter. Her waist was smaller than ever, and she could feel it. She took a few steps, bringing back memories of when she wore the outfit -- how it forced her to walk a certain way with a certain sway. It felt wonderful, and she knew she wouldn't be able to ignore the outfit. She held the disk for a few minutes, then began to slide it into the pocket in her corset. As soon as she inserted the tip of the disk in the pocket, something seemed to grab hold of the disk and quickly pulled it into the pocket, making a sharp snapping sound. Lori quickly forced her finger into the pocket, but the disk wasn't there. It was drawn into the corset somewhere. She screamed, and pushed on the corset with her gloved hands trying to find the disk, but it wasn't anywhere.
"NO! NO!", she screamed as she tried pulling at the corset. It was locked. This time, the disk was locked somewhere intentionally. The outfit was designed to lock on permanently to the wearer when the time was right, and that time was now.